1object PublishModuleDialog: TPublishModuleDialog
2  Left = 391
3  Height = 320
4  Top = 56
5  Width = 642
6  BorderIcons = [biSystemMenu]
7  Caption = 'Publish Module'
8  ClientHeight = 320
9  ClientWidth = 642
10  OnClose = FormClose
11  OnCreate = FormCreate
12  Position = poScreenCenter
13  LCLVersion = ''
14  object DestDirGroupBox: TGroupBox
15    Left = 6
16    Height = 66
17    Top = 6
18    Width = 630
19    Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight]
20    BorderSpacing.Around = 6
21    Caption = 'Destination directory'
22    ChildSizing.LeftRightSpacing = 6
23    ChildSizing.TopBottomSpacing = 6
24    ClientHeight = 36
25    ClientWidth = 626
26    TabOrder = 0
27    object DestDirComboBox: TComboBox
28      AnchorSideRight.Control = BrowseDestDirBitBtn
29      Left = 6
30      Height = 32
31      Top = 6
32      Width = 564
33      Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight]
34      ItemHeight = 24
35      TabOrder = 0
36      Text = 'DestDirComboBox'
37    end
38    object BrowseDestDirBitBtn: TBitBtn
39      AnchorSideRight.Control = DestDirGroupBox
40      AnchorSideRight.Side = asrBottom
41      AnchorSideBottom.Control = DestDirComboBox
42      AnchorSideBottom.Side = asrBottom
43      Left = 570
44      Height = 32
45      Top = 6
46      Width = 50
47      Anchors = [akTop, akRight, akBottom]
48      BorderSpacing.Right = 6
49      Caption = '...'
50      OnClick = BrowseDestDirBitBtnCLICK
51      TabOrder = 1
52    end
53  end
54  object OptionsGroupbox: TGroupBox
55    AnchorSideTop.Control = FilterCombobox
56    AnchorSideTop.Side = asrBottom
57    Left = 6
58    Height = 83
59    Top = 168
60    Width = 628
61    Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight]
62    AutoSize = True
63    BorderSpacing.Around = 6
64    Caption = 'Options'
65    ChildSizing.TopBottomSpacing = 6
66    ClientHeight = 53
67    ClientWidth = 624
68    TabOrder = 4
69    object CompressCheckbox: TCheckBox
70      AnchorSideRight.Side = asrBottom
71      Left = 6
72      Height = 22
73      Hint = 'Compress the whole directory into a ZIP file.'
74      Top = 6
75      Width = 90
76      BorderSpacing.Around = 6
77      Caption = 'Compress'
78      ParentShowHint = False
79      ShowHint = True
80      TabOrder = 0
81    end
82    object OpenInFileManCheckbox: TCheckBox
83      AnchorSideRight.Side = asrBottom
84      Left = 108
85      Height = 22
86      Hint = 'Open destination directory in file manager'
87      Top = 6
88      Width = 158
89      BorderSpacing.Around = 6
90      Caption = 'Open in file manager'
91      ParentShowHint = False
92      ShowHint = True
93      TabOrder = 1
94    end
95  end
96  object ButtonPanel1: TButtonPanel
97    Left = 6
98    Height = 29
99    Top = 285
100    Width = 630
101    OKButton.Name = 'OKButton'
102    OKButton.DefaultCaption = True
103    HelpButton.Name = 'HelpButton'
104    HelpButton.DefaultCaption = True
105    CloseButton.Name = 'CloseButton'
106    CloseButton.DefaultCaption = True
107    CancelButton.Name = 'CancelButton'
108    CancelButton.DefaultCaption = True
109    TabOrder = 5
110    ShowBevel = False
111  end
112  object UseFiltersCheckbox: TCheckBox
113    AnchorSideTop.Control = NoteLabel
114    AnchorSideTop.Side = asrBottom
115    Left = 11
116    Height = 22
117    Top = 102
118    Width = 167
119    BorderSpacing.Around = 6
120    Caption = 'Use filter for extra files'
121    OnClick = UseFiltersCheckboxClick
122    TabOrder = 1
123  end
124  object NoteLabel: TLabel
125    AnchorSideTop.Control = DestDirGroupBox
126    AnchorSideTop.Side = asrBottom
127    Left = 11
128    Height = 18
129    Top = 78
130    Width = 383
131    BorderSpacing.Around = 6
132    Caption = 'Files belonging to project / package will be included automatically.'
133    Font.Color = clMaroon
134    Font.Style = [fsItalic]
135    ParentColor = False
136    ParentFont = False
137  end
138  object FilterCombobox: TComboBox
139    AnchorSideLeft.Control = UseFiltersCheckbox
140    AnchorSideTop.Control = UseFiltersCheckbox
141    AnchorSideTop.Side = asrBottom
142    AnchorSideRight.Control = FilterSimpleSyntaxCheckbox
143    Left = 24
144    Height = 32
145    Top = 130
146    Width = 466
147    Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight]
148    BorderSpacing.Left = 13
149    ItemHeight = 24
150    TabOrder = 2
151    Text = 'FilterCombobox'
152  end
153  object FilterSimpleSyntaxCheckbox: TCheckBox
154    AnchorSideLeft.Side = asrBottom
155    AnchorSideTop.Control = FilterCombobox
156    AnchorSideTop.Side = asrCenter
157    Left = 496
158    Height = 22
159    Top = 135
160    Width = 114
161    Anchors = [akTop, akRight]
162    BorderSpacing.Around = 6
163    Caption = 'Simple Syntax'
164    ParentShowHint = False
165    ShowHint = True
166    TabOrder = 3
167  end