1 {
2  ***************************************************************************
3  *                                                                         *
4  *   This source is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify   *
5  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
6  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
7  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
8  *                                                                         *
9  *   This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but      *
10  *   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            *
12  *   General Public License for more details.                              *
13  *                                                                         *
14  *   A copy of the GNU General Public License is available on the World    *
15  *   Wide Web at <http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html>. You can also      *
16  *   obtain it by writing to the Free Software Foundation,                 *
17  *   Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA.   *
18  *                                                                         *
19  ***************************************************************************
21   Author: Tomas Gregorovic
23   Abstract:
24     Browser for widget set restricted properties.
25 }
26 unit RestrictionBrowser;
28 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
30 interface
32 uses
33   Classes, Contnrs,
34   // LCL
35   LCLPlatformDef, Forms, StdCtrls, ComCtrls, ExtCtrls, Buttons,
36   // LazUtils
37   LazUTF8, LazLoggerBase,
38   // LazControls
39   TreeFilterEdit,
40   // IdeIntf
41   IDEImagesIntf,
42   // IDE
43   CompatibilityRestrictions, IDEOptionDefs, LazarusIDEStrConsts;
45 type
46   { TRestrictionBrowserView }
48   TRestrictionBrowserView = class(TForm)
49     FilterEdit: TTreeFilterEdit;
50     IssueFilterGroupBox: TGroupBox;
51     IssueMemo: TMemo;
52     IssueTreeView: TTreeView;
53     NameLabel: TLabel;
54     Panel1: TPanel;
55     Splitter1: TSplitter;
56     procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
57     procedure IssueTreeViewSelectionChanged(Sender: TObject);
58     procedure NameFilterEditChange(Sender: TObject);
59   private
60     FIssueList: TRestrictedList;
61     FClasses: TClassList;
62     procedure SelectFirstVisible(Sender: TObject);
63     procedure GetComponentClass(const AClass: TComponentClass);
64     procedure UpdateIssueList;
65   public
66     procedure SetIssueName(const AIssueName: String);
67   end;
69 var
70   RestrictionBrowserView: TRestrictionBrowserView = nil;
72 implementation
74 {$R *.lfm}
76 { TRestrictionBrowserView }
78 procedure TRestrictionBrowserView.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
79 var
80   P: TLCLPlatform;
81   X: Integer;
82 begin
83   FIssueList := GetRestrictedList;
84   Name := NonModalIDEWindowNames[nmiwIssueBrowser];
85   Caption := lisMenuViewRestrictionBrowser;
86   IssueFilterGroupBox.Caption := lisIssues;
87   NameLabel.Caption := lisCodeToolsDefsName;
88   IssueTreeView.Images := IDEImages.Images_16;
89   X := 10;
90   // create widget set filter buttons
91   for P := Low(TLCLPlatform) to High(TLCLPlatform) do
92   begin
93     with TSpeedButton.Create(Self) do
94     begin
95       Name := 'SpeedButton' + LCLPlatformDirNames[P];
96       Left := X;
97       Top := 4;
98       Width := 24;
99       Height := 24;
100       GroupIndex := Integer(P) + 1;
101       Down := True;
102       AllowAllUp := True;
103       Images := IDEImages.Images_16;
104       ImageIndex := IDEImages.LoadImage('issue_'+LCLPlatformDirNames[P]);
105       if ImageIndex<0 then
106         DebugLn('Restriction Browser: Unable to load image for ' + LCLPlatformDirNames[P] + '!');
107       ShowHint := True;
108       Hint := LCLPlatformDisplayNames[P];
109       OnClick := @NameFilterEditChange;
110       Parent := IssueFilterGroupBox;
111       Inc(X, Width);
112     end;
113   end;
114   FilterEdit.OnAfterFilter := @SelectFirstVisible;
115   UpdateIssueList;
116 end;
118 procedure TRestrictionBrowserView.SelectFirstVisible(Sender: TObject);
119 var
120   nd: TTreeNode;
121 begin
122   nd := IssueTreeView.Items.GetFirstVisibleNode;
123   if Assigned(nd) then
124     IssueTreeView.Selected := nd
125   else
126     IssueMemo.Clear;
127 end;
129 procedure TRestrictionBrowserView.IssueTreeViewSelectionChanged(Sender: TObject);
130 var
131   Issue: TRestriction;
132 begin
133   if Assigned(IssueTreeView.Selected) then
134   begin
135     Issue := PRestriction(IssueTreeView.Selected.Data)^;
136     IssueMemo.Text := Issue.Short + LineEnding + LineEnding + Issue.Description;
137   end
138   else
139     IssueMemo.Clear;
140 end;
142 procedure TRestrictionBrowserView.NameFilterEditChange(Sender: TObject);
143 begin
144   UpdateIssueList;
145 end;
147 procedure TRestrictionBrowserView.GetComponentClass(const AClass: TComponentClass);
148 begin
149   FClasses.Add(AClass);
150 end;
152 procedure TRestrictionBrowserView.UpdateIssueList;
153 var
154   I, ID: PtrInt;
155   Issues: TStringListUTF8Fast;
156   P: TLCLPlatform;
157   WidgetSetFilter: TLCLPlatforms;
158   Component: TComponent;
159 begin
160   WidgetSetFilter := [];
161   for P := Low(TLCLPlatform) to High(TLCLPlatform) do
162   begin
163     Component := FindComponent('SpeedButton' + LCLPlatformDirNames[P]);
164     Assert(Component is TSpeedButton, 'Component '+Component.Name+' is not TSpeedButton');
165     if (Component as TSpeedButton).Down then
166       Include(WidgetSetFilter, P);
167   end;
168   Issues := TStringListUTF8Fast.Create;
169   try
170     for I := 0 to High(FIssueList) do
171       if FIssueList[I].WidgetSet in WidgetSetFilter then
172         Issues.AddObject(FIssueList[I].Name, TObject(I));
173     Issues.Sort;
174     IssueTreeView.BeginUpdate;
175     try
176       IssueTreeView.Items.Clear;
177       for I := 0 to Issues.Count - 1 do
178       begin
179         with IssueTreeView.Items.AddChild(nil, Issues[I]) do
180         begin
181           ID := PtrInt(Issues.Objects[I]);
182           ImageIndex := IDEImages.LoadImage(
183               'issue_'+LCLPlatformDirNames[FIssueList[ID].WidgetSet]);
184           StateIndex := ImageIndex;
185           SelectedIndex := ImageIndex;
186           Data := @FIssueList[ID];
187         end;
188       end;
189     finally
190       IssueTreeView.EndUpdate;
191     end;
192   finally
193     Issues.Free;
194   end;
195   FilterEdit.InvalidateFilter;
196 end;
198 procedure TRestrictionBrowserView.SetIssueName(const AIssueName: String);
199 var
200   P: TLCLPlatform;
201   Component: TComponent;
202 begin
203   FilterEdit.Text := AIssueName;
204   if AIssueName <> '' then
205   begin
206     for P := Low(TLCLPlatform) to High(TLCLPlatform) do
207     begin
208       Component := FindComponent('SpeedButton' + LCLPlatformDirNames[P]);
209       Assert(Component is TSpeedButton, 'Component '+Component.Name+' is not TSpeedButton');
210       (Component as TSpeedButton).Down := True;
211     end;
212   end;
213   UpdateIssueList;
214 end;
216 end.