1 {
2 /***************************************************************************
3                                SourceSynEditor
4                              -------------------
6  ***************************************************************************/
8  ***************************************************************************
9  *                                                                         *
10  *   This source is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify   *
11  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
12  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
13  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
14  *                                                                         *
15  *   This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but      *
16  *   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            *
18  *   General Public License for more details.                              *
19  *                                                                         *
20  *   A copy of the GNU General Public License is available on the World    *
21  *   Wide Web at <http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html>. You can also      *
22  *   obtain it by writing to the Free Software Foundation,                 *
23  *   Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA.   *
24  *                                                                         *
25  ***************************************************************************
27   Abstract:
28     SynEdit extensions for the IDE
29     - DebugMarks: Mark lines with debug info
30 }
31 unit SourceSynEditor;
33 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
35 interface
37 {$IFDEF Windows}
38   {$IFnDEF WithoutWinIME}
39     {$DEFINE WinIME}
40   {$ENDIF}
41 {$ENDIF}
43 {$I ide.inc}
45 uses
46   LazSynIMMBase,
47   {$IFDEF WinIME}
48   LazSynIMM,
49   {$ENDIF}
50   Classes, SysUtils,
51   // LCL
52   Controls, LCLProc, LCLType, Graphics, Menus, ImgList,
53   // synedit
54   SynEdit, SynEditMiscClasses, SynGutter, SynGutterBase, SynEditMarks,
55   SynEditTypes, SynGutterLineNumber, SynGutterCodeFolding, SynGutterMarks,
56   SynGutterChanges, SynGutterLineOverview, SynEditMarkup,
57   SynEditMarkupGutterMark, SynEditMarkupSpecialLine, SynEditTextBuffer,
58   SynEditFoldedView, SynTextDrawer, SynEditTextBase, LazSynEditText,
59   SynPluginTemplateEdit, SynPluginSyncroEdit, LazSynTextArea,
60   SynEditHighlighter, SynEditHighlighterFoldBase, SynHighlighterPas,
61   SynEditMarkupHighAll, SynEditKeyCmds, SynEditMarkupIfDef, SynEditMiscProcs,
62   SynPluginMultiCaret, SynEditPointClasses,
63   SynEditMarkupFoldColoring, SynEditTextTabExpander,
64   etSrcEditMarks, LazarusIDEStrConsts;
66 type
68   TIDESynGutterMarks = class;
69   {$IFDEF WithSynDebugGutter}
70   TIDESynGutterDebugHL = class;
71   {$ENDIF}
73   { TSourceLazSynTopInfoView }
75   TSourceLazSynTopInfoView = class(TLazSynDisplayViewEx)
76   private
77     FLineMapCount: integer;
78     FLineMap: array of integer;
GetLineMapnull79     function GetLineMap(Index: Integer): Integer;
80     procedure SetLineMap(Index: Integer; AValue: Integer);
81     procedure SetLineMapCount(AValue: integer);
82   public
83     procedure SetHighlighterTokensLine(ALine: TLineIdx; out ARealLine: TLineIdx; out AStartBytePos, ALineByteLen: Integer); override;
GetLinesCountnull84     function GetLinesCount: Integer; override;
TextToViewIndexnull85     function TextToViewIndex(AIndex: TLineIdx): TLineRange; override;
ViewToTextIndexnull86     function ViewToTextIndex(AIndex: TLineIdx): TLineIdx; override;
87   public
88     constructor Create;
89     property LineMapCount: integer read FLineMapCount write SetLineMapCount;
90     property LineMap[Index: Integer]: Integer read GetLineMap write SetLineMap;
91   end;
93   { TSourceLazSynSurfaceGutter }
95   TSourceLazSynSurfaceGutter = class(TLazSynGutterArea)
96   private
97     procedure TextSizeChanged(Sender: TObject);
98   protected
99     procedure DoPaint(ACanvas: TCanvas; AClip: TRect); override;
100     procedure SetTextArea(ATextArea: TLazSynTextArea); override;
101   end;
103   { TSourceLazSynSurfaceManager }
105   TSourceLazSynSurfaceManager = class(TLazSynSurfaceManager)
106   private
107     FExtraManager: TLazSynSurfaceManager;
108     FOriginalManager: TLazSynSurfaceManager;
109     FTopLineCount: Integer;
110     procedure SetTopLineCount(AValue: Integer);
111   protected
GetLeftGutterAreanull112     function GetLeftGutterArea: TLazSynSurfaceWithText; override;
GetRightGutterAreanull113     function GetRightGutterArea: TLazSynSurfaceWithText; override;
GetTextAreanull114     function GetTextArea: TLazSynTextArea; override;
115   protected
116     procedure SetBackgroundColor(AValue: TColor); override;
117     procedure SetExtraCharSpacing(AValue: integer); override;
118     procedure SetExtraLineSpacing(AValue: integer); override;
119     procedure SetForegroundColor(AValue: TColor); override;
120     procedure SetPadding(Side: TLazSynBorderSide; AValue: integer); override;
121     procedure SetRightEdgeColor(AValue: TColor); override;
122     procedure SetRightEdgeColumn(AValue: integer); override;
123     procedure SetRightEdgeVisible(AValue: boolean); override;
124     procedure SetVisibleSpecialChars(AValue: TSynVisibleSpecialChars); override;
125     procedure SetHighlighter(AValue: TSynCustomHighlighter); override;
126   protected
127     procedure DoPaint(ACanvas: TCanvas; AClip: TRect); override;
128     procedure DoDisplayViewChanged; override;
129     procedure BoundsChanged; override;
130   public
131     constructor Create(AOwner: TWinControl; AnOriginalManager: TLazSynSurfaceManager);
132     destructor Destroy; override;
133     procedure  InvalidateLines(FirstTextLine, LastTextLine: TLineIdx); override;
134     procedure InvalidateTextLines(FirstTextLine, LastTextLine: TLineIdx); override;
135     procedure InvalidateGutterLines(FirstTextLine, LastTextLine: TLineIdx); override;
136     property ExtraManager: TLazSynSurfaceManager read FExtraManager write FExtraManager;
137     property OriginalManager: TLazSynSurfaceManager read FOriginalManager write FOriginalManager;
138     property TopLineCount: Integer read FTopLineCount write SetTopLineCount;
139   end;
141   { TSourceSynSearchTermList }
143   TSourceSynSearchTermList = class(TSynSearchTermList)
144   public
FindMatchFornull145     function FindMatchFor(ATerm: String; ACasesSensitive: Boolean;
146                           ABoundaries: TSynSearchTermOptsBounds;
147                           AStartAtIndex: Integer = 0;
148                           AIgnoreIndex: Integer = -1): Integer;
FindSimilarMatchFornull149     function FindSimilarMatchFor(ATerm: String; ACasesSensitive: Boolean;
150                           ABoundaries: TSynSearchTermOptsBounds;
151                           AEnabled: Boolean;
152                           AStartAtIndex: Integer = 0;
153                           AIgnoreIndex: Integer = -1;
154                           AnOnlyWeakerOrEqual: Boolean = False;
155                           AnSkipDisabled: Boolean = False): Integer; // weaker = matches less (subset of stronger)
FindSimilarMatchFornull156     function FindSimilarMatchFor(ATerm: TSynSearchTerm;
157                           AStartAtIndex: Integer = 0;
158                           AIgnoreIndex: Integer = -1;
159                           AnOnlyWeakerOrEqual: Boolean = False;
160                           AnSkipDisabled: Boolean = False): Integer; // weaker = matches less (subset of stronger)
161     procedure ClearSimilarMatches;
162   end;
164   { TSourceSynSearchTermDict }
166   TSourceSynSearchTermDict = class(TSynSearchTermDict)
167   private
168     FModifiedTerms: TSynSearchTermList;
169     FAddedByKeyWords: TSynSearchTermList;
170     FFirstLocal: Integer;
GetTermsnull171     function GetTerms: TSourceSynSearchTermList;
AddSearchTermnull172     function  AddSearchTerm(ATerm: String): Integer;
173   public
174     constructor Create(ATermListClass: TSynSearchTermListClass);
175     destructor Destroy; override;
176     procedure AddTermByKey(ATerm: String; ACaseSensitive: Boolean;
177       ABounds: TSynSearchTermOptsBounds);
178     procedure RemoveTermByKey(RemoveIdx: Integer);
179     procedure RestoreLocalChanges;
180     property Terms: TSourceSynSearchTermList read GetTerms;
181   end;
183   { TSourceSynEditMarkupHighlightAllMulti }
185   TSourceSynEditMarkupHighlightAllMulti = class(TSynEditMarkupHighlightAllMulti)
186   private
187     FAddTermCmd: TSynEditorCommand;
188     FKeyAddCase: Boolean;
189     FKeyAddSelectBoundMaxLen: Integer;
190     FKeyAddSelectSmart: Boolean;
191     FKeyAddWordBoundMaxLen: Integer;
192     FKeyAddTermBounds: TSynSearchTermOptsBounds;
193     FRemoveTermCmd: TSynEditorCommand;
194     FToggleTermCmd: TSynEditorCommand;
196     procedure ProcessSynCommand(Sender: TObject; {%H-}AfterProcessing: boolean;
197               var Handled: boolean; var Command: TSynEditorCommand;
198               var {%H-}AChar: TUTF8Char; {%H-}Data: pointer; {%H-}HandlerData: pointer);
199   protected
CreateTermsListnull200     function CreateTermsList: TSynSearchTermDict; override;
201   public
202     constructor Create(ASynEdit: TSynEditBase);
203     destructor Destroy; override;
204     procedure RestoreLocalChanges;
205     property AddTermCmd: TSynEditorCommand read FAddTermCmd write FAddTermCmd;
206     property RemoveTermCmd: TSynEditorCommand read FRemoveTermCmd write FRemoveTermCmd;
207     property ToggleTermCmd: TSynEditorCommand read FToggleTermCmd write FToggleTermCmd;
208     property KeyAddTermBounds: TSynSearchTermOptsBounds read FKeyAddTermBounds write FKeyAddTermBounds;
209     property KeyAddCase: Boolean read FKeyAddCase write FKeyAddCase;
210     property KeyAddWordBoundMaxLen: Integer read FKeyAddWordBoundMaxLen write FKeyAddWordBoundMaxLen;
211     property KeyAddSelectBoundMaxLen: Integer read FKeyAddSelectBoundMaxLen write FKeyAddSelectBoundMaxLen;
212     property KeyAddSelectSmart: Boolean read FKeyAddSelectSmart write FKeyAddSelectSmart;
213   end;
215   TSourceSynEditMarkupIfDef = class(TSynEditMarkupIfDef)
216   public
217     property IfDefTree;
218   end;
220   TSynMarkupIdentComplWindow = class // don't inherit from TSynEditMarkup, no regular markup
221   private
222     FBackgroundSelectedColor: TColor;
223     FBorderColor: TColor;
224     FHighlightColor: TColor;
225     FTextColor: TColor;
226     FTextSelectedColor: TColor;
227     FWindowColor: TColor;
228   public
229     constructor Create;
230   public
231     property WindowColor: TColor read FWindowColor write FWindowColor;
232     property TextColor: TColor read FTextColor write FTextColor;
233     property BorderColor: TColor read FBorderColor write FBorderColor;
234     property HighlightColor: TColor read FHighlightColor write FHighlightColor;
235     property TextSelectedColor: TColor read FTextSelectedColor write FTextSelectedColor;
236     property BackgroundSelectedColor: TColor read FBackgroundSelectedColor write FBackgroundSelectedColor;
237   end;
239   { TIDESynEditor }
241   TIDESynEditor = class(TSynEdit)
242   private
243     FCaretColor: TColor;
244     FCaretStamp: Int64;
245     FMarkupIdentComplWindow: TSynMarkupIdentComplWindow;
246     FShowTopInfo: boolean;
247     FFoldView: TSynEditFoldedView;
248     FTopInfoNestList: TLazSynEditNestedFoldsList;
249     FSyncroEdit: TSynPluginSyncroEdit;
250     FTemplateEdit: TSynPluginTemplateEdit;
251     FMultiCaret: TSynPluginMultiCaret;
252     FMarkupForGutterMark: TSynEditMarkupGutterMark;
253     FOnIfdefNodeStateRequest: TSynMarkupIfdefStateRequest;
254     FMarkupIfDef: TSourceSynEditMarkupIfDef;
255     FTopInfoDisplay: TSourceLazSynTopInfoView;
256     FTopInfoLastTopLine: Integer;
257     FSrcSynCaretChangedLock, FSrcSynCaretChangedNeeded: boolean;
258     FExtraMarkupLine: TSynEditMarkupSpecialLine;
259     FExtraMarkupMgr: TSynEditMarkupManager;
260     FTopInfoMarkup: TSynSelectedColor;
261     FUserWordsList: TFPList;
263     function DoIfDefNodeStateRequest(Sender: TObject; LinePos,
264       XStartPos: Integer; CurrentState: TSynMarkupIfdefNodeStateEx): TSynMarkupIfdefNodeState;
265     function GetHighlightUserWordCount: Integer;
266     function GetHighlightUserWords(AIndex: Integer): TSourceSynEditMarkupHighlightAllMulti;
267     function GetIDEGutterMarks: TIDESynGutterMarks;
268     function GetIsInMultiCaretMainExecution: Boolean;
269     function GetIsInMultiCaretRepeatExecution: Boolean;
270     function GetOnMultiCaretBeforeCommand: TSynMultiCaretBeforeCommand;
271     procedure GetTopInfoMarkupForLine(Sender: TObject; {%H-}Line: integer; var Special: boolean;
272       aMarkup: TSynSelectedColor);
273     procedure SetCaretColor(AValue: TColor);
274     procedure SetHighlightUserWordCount(AValue: Integer);
275     procedure SetOnMultiCaretBeforeCommand(AValue: TSynMultiCaretBeforeCommand);
276     procedure SetShowTopInfo(AValue: boolean);
277     procedure SetTopInfoMarkup(AValue: TSynSelectedColor);
278     procedure DoHighlightChanged(Sender: TSynEditStrings; {%H-}AIndex, {%H-}ACount : Integer);
279     procedure SrcSynCaretChanged(Sender: TObject);
280     function  GetHighlighter: TSynCustomFoldHighlighter;
281   protected
282     procedure DoOnStatusChange(Changes: TSynStatusChanges); override;
283     function CreateGutter(AOwner : TSynEditBase; ASide: TSynGutterSide;
284                           ATextDrawer: TheTextDrawer): TSynGutter; override;
285     procedure SetHighlighter(const Value: TSynCustomHighlighter); override;
286   public
287     constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
288     destructor Destroy; override;
289     function TextIndexToViewPos(aTextIndex : Integer) : Integer;
290     property IDEGutterMarks: TIDESynGutterMarks read GetIDEGutterMarks;
291     property TopView;
292     property TextBuffer;
293     property ViewedTextBuffer;
294     property TemplateEdit: TSynPluginTemplateEdit read FTemplateEdit;
295     property SyncroEdit: TSynPluginSyncroEdit read FSyncroEdit;
296     property MultiCaret: TSynPluginMultiCaret read FMultiCaret;
297     //////
298     property TopInfoMarkup: TSynSelectedColor read FTopInfoMarkup write SetTopInfoMarkup;
299     property ShowTopInfo: boolean read FShowTopInfo write SetShowTopInfo;
300     {$IFDEF WinIME}
301     procedure CreateMinimumIme;
302     procedure CreateFullIme;
303     {$ENDIF}
304     property HighlightUserWordCount: Integer read GetHighlightUserWordCount write SetHighlightUserWordCount;
305     property HighlightUserWords[AIndex: Integer]: TSourceSynEditMarkupHighlightAllMulti read GetHighlightUserWords;
306     property MarkupMgr;
307     function  IsIfdefMarkupActive: Boolean;
308     procedure InvalidateAllIfdefNodes;
309     procedure SetIfdefNodeState(ALinePos, AstartPos: Integer; AState: TSynMarkupIfdefNodeState);
310     property  OnIfdefNodeStateRequest: TSynMarkupIfdefStateRequest read FOnIfdefNodeStateRequest write FOnIfdefNodeStateRequest;
311     property  MarkupIfDef: TSourceSynEditMarkupIfDef read FMarkupIfDef;
312     property  MarkupIdentComplWindow: TSynMarkupIdentComplWindow read FMarkupIdentComplWindow;
313     property  IsInMultiCaretMainExecution: Boolean read GetIsInMultiCaretMainExecution;
314     property  IsInMultiCaretRepeatExecution: Boolean read GetIsInMultiCaretRepeatExecution;
315     property  OnMultiCaretBeforeCommand: TSynMultiCaretBeforeCommand read GetOnMultiCaretBeforeCommand write SetOnMultiCaretBeforeCommand;
316     property CaretStamp: Int64 read FCaretStamp;
317     property CaretColor: TColor read FCaretColor write SetCaretColor;
318   end;
320   TIDESynHighlighterPasRangeList = class(TSynHighlighterPasRangeList)
321   protected
322     FInterfaceLine, FImplementationLine,
323     FInitializationLine, FFinalizationLine: Integer;
324   end;
326   { TIDESynPasSyn }
328   TIDESynPasSyn = class(TSynPasSyn)
329   private
330     function GetFinalizationLine: Integer;
331     function GetImplementationLine: Integer;
332     function GetInitializationLine: Integer;
333     function GetInterfaceLine: Integer;
334   protected
335     function CreateRangeList({%H-}ALines: TSynEditStringsBase): TSynHighlighterRangeList; override;
336     function StartCodeFoldBlock(ABlockType: Pointer = nil;
337       IncreaseLevel: Boolean = true; ForceDisabled: Boolean = False
338       ): TSynCustomCodeFoldBlock; override;
339   public
340     procedure SetLine({$IFDEF FPC}const {$ENDIF}NewValue: string;
341       LineNumber: Integer); override;
342     property InterfaceLine: Integer read GetInterfaceLine;
343     property ImplementationLine: Integer read GetImplementationLine;
344     property InitializationLine: Integer read GetInitializationLine;
345     property FinalizationLine: Integer read GetFinalizationLine;
346   end;
348   { TIDESynFreePasSyn }
350   TIDESynFreePasSyn = class(TIDESynPasSyn)
351   public
352     constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
353     procedure ResetRange; override;
354   end;
356   { TIDESynGutterLOvProviderPascal }
358   TIDESynGutterLOvProviderPascal = class(TSynGutterLineOverviewProvider)
359   private
360     FColor2: TColor;
361     FInterfaceLine, FImplementationLine,
362     FInitializationLine, FFinalizationLine: Integer;
363     FPixInterfaceLine, FPixImplementationLine,
364     FPixInitializationLine, FPixFinalizationLine: Integer;
365     FPixEndInterfaceLine, FPixEndImplementationLine,
366     FPixEndInitializationLine, FPixEndFinalizationLine: Integer;
367     FSingleLine: Boolean;
368     FRGBColor2: TColorRef;
369     procedure SetColor2(const AValue: TColor);
370     procedure SetSingleLine(const AValue: Boolean);
371   protected
372     procedure BufferChanged(Sender: TObject);
373     procedure HighlightChanged(Sender: TSynEditStrings; {%H-}AIndex, {%H-}ACount : Integer);
374     procedure ReCalc; override;
376     procedure Paint(Canvas: TCanvas; AClip: TRect; TopOffset: integer); override;
377   public
378     constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
379     destructor  Destroy; override;
380   published
381     property SingleLine: Boolean read FSingleLine write SetSingleLine;
382     property Color2: TColor read FColor2 write SetColor2;
383   end;
385   { TIDESynGutterLOvProviderIDEMarks }
387   TIDESynGutterLOvProviderIDEMarks = class(TSynGutterLOvProviderBookmarks)
388   // Bookmarks and breakpoints
389   private
390     FBreakColor: TColor;
391     FBreakDisabledColor: TColor;
392     FExecLineColor: TColor;
393     FRGBBreakColor: TColorRef;
394     FRGBBreakDisabledColor: TColor;
395     FRGBExecLineColor: TColor;
396     procedure SetBreakColor(const AValue: TColor);
397     procedure SetBreakDisabledColor(AValue: TColor);
398     procedure SetExecLineColor(AValue: TColor);
399   protected
400     procedure AdjustColorForMark(AMark: TSynEditMark; var AColor: TColor; var APriority: Integer); override;
401   public
402     constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
403   published
404     property BreakColor: TColor read FBreakColor write SetBreakColor;
405     property BreakDisabledColor: TColor read FBreakDisabledColor write SetBreakDisabledColor;
406     property ExecLineColor: TColor read FExecLineColor write SetExecLineColor;
407   end;
409   { TIDESynGutter }
411   TIDESynGutter = class(TSynGutter)
412   protected
413     procedure CreateDefaultGutterParts; override;
414   public
415   {$IFDEF WithSynDebugGutter}
416   DebugGutter: TIDESynGutterDebugHL;
417   {$ENDIF}
418   end;
420   { TIDESynDebugMarkInfo }
422   TIDESynDebugMarkInfo = class(TSynManagedStorageMem)
423   private
424     FRefCount: Integer;
425     function GetSrcLineToMarkLine(SrcIndex: Integer): Integer;
426     procedure SetSrcLineToMarkLine(SrcIndex: Integer; const AValue: Integer);
427   public
428     constructor Create;
429     procedure IncRefCount;
430     procedure DecRefCount;
431     // Index is the Current line-index (0 based) in editor (including source modification)
432     // Result is the original Line-pos (1 based) as known by the debugger
433     property SrcLineToMarkLine[SrcIndex: Integer]: Integer
434              read GetSrcLineToMarkLine write SetSrcLineToMarkLine; default;
435     property RefCount: Integer read FRefCount;
436   end;
438   { TIDESynGutterMarks }
440   TIDESynGutterMarks = class(TSynGutterMarks)
441   private
442     FDebugMarkInfo: TIDESynDebugMarkInfo;
443     FMarkInfoTextBuffer: TSynEditStrings;
444   protected
445     procedure CheckTextBuffer;       // Todo: Add a notification, when TextBuffer Changes
446     Procedure PaintLine(aScreenLine: Integer; Canvas : TCanvas; AClip : TRect); override;
447     function PreferedWidthAtCurrentPPI: Integer; override;
449     function GetImgListRes(const ACanvas: TCanvas;
450       const AImages: TCustomImageList): TScaledImageListResolution; override;
451   public
452     destructor Destroy; override;
453     procedure BeginSetDebugMarks;
454     procedure EndSetDebugMarks;
455     procedure SetDebugMarks(AFirstLinePos, ALastLinePos: Integer);
456     procedure ClearDebugMarks;
457     function HasDebugMarks: Boolean;
458     function DebugLineToSourceLine(aLinePos: Integer): Integer;
459     function SourceLineToDebugLine(aLinePos: Integer; AdjustOnError: Boolean = False): Integer;
460   end;
462   { TIDESynGutterCodeFolding }
464   TIDESynGutterCodeFolding = class(TSynGutterCodeFolding)
465   protected
466     procedure UnFoldIfdef(AInclDisabled, AInclEnabled: Boolean);
467     procedure FoldIfdef(AInclTemp: Boolean);
469     procedure PopClickedUnfoldAll(Sender: TObject);
470     procedure PopClickedUnfoldComment(Sender: TObject);
471     procedure PopClickedFoldComment(Sender: TObject);
472     procedure PopClickedHideComment(Sender: TObject);
473     procedure PopClickedFoldIfdef(Sender: TObject);
474     procedure PopClickedFoldIfdefNoMixed(Sender: TObject);
475     procedure PopClickedUnfoldIfdefActive(Sender: TObject);
476     procedure PopClickedUnfolDIfdefAll(Sender: TObject);
477     procedure PopClickedUnfoldIfdefInactiv(Sender: TObject);
478     procedure CreatePopUpMenuEntries(var APopUp: TPopupMenu; ALine: Integer); override;
479   end;
481   {$IFDEF WithSynDebugGutter}
482   { TIDESynGutterDebugHL }
484   TIDESynGutterDebugHL = class(TSynGutterPartBase)
485     procedure PopContentClicked(Sender: TObject);
486     procedure PopSizeClicked(Sender: TObject);
487   private
488     FTheLinesView: TSynEditStrings;
489     FPopUp: TPopupMenu;
490     FContent: Integer;
491   protected
492     function  PreferedWidth: Integer; override;
493     function MaybeHandleMouseAction(var AnInfo: TSynEditMouseActionInfo;
494                HandleActionProc: TSynEditMouseActionHandler): Boolean; override;
495     procedure PaintFoldLvl(Canvas: TCanvas; AClip: TRect; FirstLine, LastLine: integer);
496     procedure PaintCharWidths(Canvas: TCanvas; AClip: TRect; FirstLine, LastLine: integer);
497   public
498     constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
499     procedure Paint(Canvas: TCanvas; AClip: TRect; FirstLine, LastLine: integer);
500       override;
501     property TheLinesView:  TSynEditStrings       read FTheLinesView  write FTheLinesView;
502   end;
503   {$ENDIF}
505 implementation
507 uses SourceMarks;
509 { TSynMarkupIdentComplWindow }
511 constructor TSynMarkupIdentComplWindow.Create;
512 begin
513   inherited Create;
515   FBackgroundSelectedColor := clNone;
516   FBorderColor := clNone;
517   FHighlightColor := clNone;
518   FTextColor := clNone;
519   FTextSelectedColor := clNone;
520   FWindowColor := clNone;
521 end;
523 { TSourceSynSearchTermDict }
GetTermsnull525 function TSourceSynSearchTermDict.GetTerms: TSourceSynSearchTermList;
526 begin
527   Result := TSourceSynSearchTermList(inherited Terms);
528 end;
AddSearchTermnull530 function TSourceSynSearchTermDict.AddSearchTerm(ATerm: String): Integer;
531 var
532   Itm: TSynSearchTerm;
533 begin
534   Itm := Terms.Add;
535   Itm.SearchTerm := ATerm;
536   Result := Itm.Index;
537 end;
539 constructor TSourceSynSearchTermDict.Create(ATermListClass: TSynSearchTermListClass);
540 begin
541   inherited Create(ATermListClass);
542   FModifiedTerms := TSynSearchTermList.Create;
543   FAddedByKeyWords := TSynSearchTermList.Create;
544 end;
546 destructor TSourceSynSearchTermDict.Destroy;
547 begin
548   inherited Destroy;
549   FreeAndNil(FModifiedTerms);
550   FreeAndNil(FAddedByKeyWords);
551 end;
553 procedure TSourceSynSearchTermDict.AddTermByKey(ATerm: String; ACaseSensitive: Boolean;
554   ABounds: TSynSearchTermOptsBounds);
555 var
556   i, j, PresetIdx: Integer;
557 begin
558   // check for pre-defined, compare text only
559   PresetIdx := Terms.IndexOfSearchTerm(ATerm, False);
560   if PresetIdx >= FFirstLocal then
561     PresetIdx := -1;
563   // Disable or remove weaker terms
564   i := Terms.FindSimilarMatchFor(ATerm, ACaseSensitive, ABounds, True, 0, -1, True, True);
565   while i >= 0 do begin
566     if i >= FFirstLocal then begin
567       j := FAddedByKeyWords.IndexOfSearchTerm(Terms[i]);
568       Terms.Delete(i);
569       if j >= 0 then
570         FAddedByKeyWords.Delete(j);
571     end
572     else begin
573       Terms[i].Enabled := False;
574       j := FModifiedTerms.IndexOfSearchTerm(Terms[i]);
575       if j < 0 then
576         FModifiedTerms.Add.Assign(Terms[i])
577       else
578         FModifiedTerms[j].Assign(Terms[i]);
579     end;
580     i := Terms.FindSimilarMatchFor(ATerm, ACaseSensitive, ABounds, True, 0, -1, True, True);
581   end;
583   if PresetIdx >= 0 then begin
584     while PresetIdx >= 0 do begin
585       Terms[PresetIdx].Enabled := True;
586       j := FModifiedTerms.IndexOfSearchTerm(Terms[PresetIdx]);
587       if j < 0 then
588         FModifiedTerms.Add.Assign(Terms[PresetIdx])
589       else
590         FModifiedTerms[j].Assign(Terms[PresetIdx]);
591       PresetIdx := Terms.IndexOfSearchTerm(ATerm, False, PresetIdx+1);
592       if PresetIdx >= FFirstLocal then
593         PresetIdx := -1;
594     end;
595   end
596   else begin
597     // Could be adding selection that is not at bounds, but forcing bounds
598     if Terms.FindMatchFor(ATerm, ACaseSensitive, ABounds) >= FFirstLocal then
599       exit;
600     i := AddSearchTerm(ATerm);
601     Terms[i].MatchCase := ACaseSensitive;
602     Terms[i].MatchWordBounds := ABounds;
603     FAddedByKeyWords.Add.Assign(Terms[i]);
604   end;
605 end;
607 procedure TSourceSynSearchTermDict.RemoveTermByKey(RemoveIdx: Integer);
608 var
609   i: Integer;
610 begin
611   if RemoveIdx >= FFirstLocal then begin
612     i := FAddedByKeyWords.IndexOfSearchTerm(Terms[RemoveIdx]);
613     Assert(i >= 0, 'FAddedByKeyWords.IndexOfSearchTerm(Terms[RemoveIdx])');
614     FAddedByKeyWords.Delete(i);
615     Terms.Delete(RemoveIdx);
616   end
617   else begin
618     Terms[RemoveIdx].Enabled := False;
619     i := FModifiedTerms.IndexOfSearchTerm(Terms[RemoveIdx]);
620     if i < 0 then
621       FModifiedTerms.Add.Assign(Terms[RemoveIdx])
622     else
623       FModifiedTerms[i].Assign(Terms[RemoveIdx]);
624   end;
625 end;
627 procedure TSourceSynSearchTermDict.RestoreLocalChanges;
628 var
629   i, j, k: Integer;
630 begin
631   FFirstLocal := Terms.Count;
632   IncChangeNotifyLock;
633   try
635     for i := FModifiedTerms.Count - 1 downto 0 do begin
636       j := Terms.IndexOfSearchTerm(FModifiedTerms[i]);
637       if (j < 0) or (Terms[j].Enabled = FModifiedTerms[i].Enabled) then
638         FModifiedTerms.Delete(i)
639       else
640         Terms[j].Enabled := FModifiedTerms[i].Enabled;
641     end;
643     for i := 0 to FAddedByKeyWords.Count - 1 do begin
644       // disable global (there may be new globals)
645       j := Terms.FindSimilarMatchFor(FAddedByKeyWords[i], 0, -1, True, True);
646       while j >= 0 do begin
647         Assert(j < FFirstLocal, 'DISABLE preset in RESTORE j < FFirstLocal');
648         if j < FFirstLocal then begin  // should always be true
649   DebugLn(['DISABLE preset in RESTORE ',j]);
650           Terms[j].Enabled := False;
651           k := FModifiedTerms.IndexOfSearchTerm(Terms[j]);
652           if k < 0 then
653             FModifiedTerms.Add.Assign(Terms[j])
654           else
655             FModifiedTerms[k].Assign(Terms[j]);
656         end;
657         j := Terms.FindSimilarMatchFor(FAddedByKeyWords[i], 0, -1, True, True);
658       end;
660       Terms.Add.Assign(FAddedByKeyWords[i]);
661     end;
663   finally
664     DecChangeNotifyLock;
665   end;
666 end;
668 { TSourceSynSearchTermList }
FindMatchFornull670 function TSourceSynSearchTermList.FindMatchFor(ATerm: String; ACasesSensitive: Boolean;
671   ABoundaries: TSynSearchTermOptsBounds; AStartAtIndex: Integer;
672   AIgnoreIndex: Integer): Integer;
673 var
674   c: Integer;
675   Entry: TSynSearchTerm;
676 begin
677   Result := AStartAtIndex - 1;
678   c := Count - 1;
679   while Result < c do begin
680     inc(Result);
681     if Result = AIgnoreIndex then
682       continue;
684     Entry := Items[Result];
685     if (ATerm = Entry.SearchTerm) and
686        (ACasesSensitive = Entry.MatchCase) and
687        (ABoundaries = Entry.MatchWordBounds)
688     then
689       exit;
690   end;
691    Result := -1;
692 end;
FindSimilarMatchFornull694 function TSourceSynSearchTermList.FindSimilarMatchFor(ATerm: String; ACasesSensitive: Boolean;
695   ABoundaries: TSynSearchTermOptsBounds; AEnabled: Boolean; AStartAtIndex: Integer;
696   AIgnoreIndex: Integer; AnOnlyWeakerOrEqual: Boolean; AnSkipDisabled: Boolean): Integer;
697 var
698   c: Integer;
699   Entry: TSynSearchTerm;
700   WeakerByEnabled, WeakerByCase, WeakerByBounds: (wParam,  wEntry, wEqual);
701 begin
702   Result := AStartAtIndex - 1;
703   c := Count - 1;
704   while Result < c do begin
705     inc(Result);
706     if Result = AIgnoreIndex then
707       continue;
709     Entry := Items[Result];
710     (* if one has soBoundsAtStart, and the other has soBoundsAtEnd then they
711         match 2 different sets, which may overlap
712        In all other cases, one will match a subset of the other
713     *)
714     if [ABoundaries, Entry.MatchWordBounds] = [soBoundsAtStart, soBoundsAtEnd] then
715       Continue; // Match different sets
716     if AnSkipDisabled and not Entry.Enabled then
717       Continue;
719     WeakerByEnabled := wEqual;
720     if (not Entry.Enabled) and AEnabled then WeakerByEnabled := wEntry;
721     if Entry.Enabled and (not AEnabled) then WeakerByEnabled := wParam;
723     if AnOnlyWeakerOrEqual and (WeakerByEnabled = wParam) then  // Entry can not be weaker
724       continue;
726     if (ATerm <> Entry.SearchTerm) and
727        ( (ACasesSensitive and Entry.MatchCase) or
728          (CompareText(ATerm, Entry.SearchTerm) <> 0)
729        )
730     then
731       continue;
733     // which one is weakerByCase?
734     WeakerByCase := wEqual;
735     if (ACasesSensitive) and (not Entry.MatchCase) then
736       WeakerByCase := wParam  // param matches a sub-set of entry
737     else
738     if (not ACasesSensitive) and (Entry.MatchCase) then
739       WeakerByCase := wEntry;  // Entry matches a sub-set of param
741     if AnOnlyWeakerOrEqual and (WeakerByCase = wParam) then  // Entry can not be weaker
742       continue;
744     WeakerByBounds := wEqual;
745     case ABoundaries of
746       soNoBounds: begin
747           if Entry.MatchWordBounds <> soNoBounds then
748             WeakerByBounds := wEntry; // Entry matches less
749         end;
750       soBoundsAtStart, soBoundsAtEnd: begin // Combination of one at Start, other at End has already been filtered
751           if Entry.MatchWordBounds = soNoBounds then
752             WeakerByBounds := wParam
753           else
754           if Entry.MatchWordBounds = soBothBounds then
755             WeakerByBounds := wEntry;
756         end;
757       soBothBounds: begin
758           if Entry.MatchWordBounds <> soBothBounds then
759             WeakerByBounds := wParam;
760         end;
761     end;
763     if AnOnlyWeakerOrEqual and (WeakerByBounds = wParam) then  // Entry can not be weaker
764       continue;
766     if ( ([WeakerByEnabled, WeakerByBounds, WeakerByCase] - [wEqual] = [wEntry]) or
767          ([WeakerByEnabled, WeakerByBounds, WeakerByCase] - [wEqual] = [wParam]) or
768          ([WeakerByEnabled, WeakerByBounds, WeakerByCase] = [wEqual])
769        )
770     then
771       exit;
773   end;
774   Result := -1;
775 end;
FindSimilarMatchFornull777 function TSourceSynSearchTermList.FindSimilarMatchFor(ATerm: TSynSearchTerm;
778   AStartAtIndex: Integer; AIgnoreIndex: Integer; AnOnlyWeakerOrEqual: Boolean;
779   AnSkipDisabled: Boolean): Integer;
780 begin
781   Result := FindSimilarMatchFor(ATerm.SearchTerm, ATerm.MatchCase, ATerm.MatchWordBounds,
782     ATerm.Enabled, AStartAtIndex, AIgnoreIndex, AnOnlyWeakerOrEqual, AnSkipDisabled);
783 end;
785 procedure TSourceSynSearchTermList.ClearSimilarMatches;
786 var
787   i, j: Integer;
788 begin
789   i := 0;
790   while (i < Count) do begin
791     j := FindSimilarMatchFor(Items[i].SearchTerm,
792       Items[i].MatchCase, Items[i].MatchWordBounds, Items[i].Enabled,
793       0, i, True);
794     if (j >= 0) then begin
795       Delete(j);
796       if j < i then // May have more than one weaker duplicate
797         dec(i);
798     end
799     else
800       inc(i);
801   end;
802 end;
804 { TSourceSynEditMarkupHighlightAllMulti }
806 procedure TSourceSynEditMarkupHighlightAllMulti.ProcessSynCommand(Sender: TObject;
807   AfterProcessing: boolean; var Handled: boolean; var Command: TSynEditorCommand;
808   var AChar: TUTF8Char; Data: pointer; HandlerData: pointer);
809 var
810   syn: TIDESynEditor;
811   TermDict: TSourceSynSearchTermDict;
813   function FindTermAtCaret: Integer;
814   var
815     i, y, x, x1, x2: Integer;
816     s: string;
817     b1, b2: Boolean;
818     t: TSynSearchTerm;
819   begin
820     Result := -1;
821     y := syn.CaretY;
822     i := Matches.IndexOfFirstMatchForLine(y);
823     if i < 0 then exit;
824     x := syn.LogicalCaretXY.x;
825     while (i < Matches.Count) and (Matches[i].StartPoint.y <= y) do begin
826       if ((Matches[i].StartPoint.y < y) or (Matches[i].StartPoint.x <= x)) and
827          ((Matches[i].EndPoint.y > y) or (Matches[i].EndPoint.x >= x))
828       then
829         break;
830       inc(i);
831     end;
832     if (i >= Matches.Count) or (Matches[i].StartPoint.y > y) or (Matches[i].StartPoint.x > x) then
833       exit;
835     x1 := Matches[i].StartPoint.x;
836     x2 := Matches[i].EndPoint.x;
837     //if Matches[i].StartPoint.y < y then x1 := 1; // only one liners allowed
838     s := syn.ViewedTextBuffer[y-1];
839     b1 := (x1 = 1) or (s[x1-1] in WordBreakChars);
840     b2 := (x2 > length(s)) or (s[x2] in WordBreakChars);
841     s := copy(s, x1, x2-x1);
843     Result := 0;
844     while Result < Terms.Count do begin
845       t := Terms[Result];
846       if t.Enabled and
847          ( (t.SearchTerm = s) or
848            ( (not t.MatchCase) and (CompareText(t.SearchTerm,s)=0) ) ) and
849          ( (t.MatchWordBounds = soNoBounds) or
850            ( (t.MatchWordBounds = soBoundsAtStart) and b1 ) or
851            ( (t.MatchWordBounds = soBoundsAtEnd) and b2 ) or
852            ( (t.MatchWordBounds = soBothBounds) and b1 and b2 )
853          )
854       then
855         exit;
856       inc(Result);
857     end;
859     assert(false, 'TSourceSynEditMarkupHighlightAllMulti match not found');
860     Result := -1; // Should never reach
861   end;
863   procedure AddTermByKey;
864   var
865     NewTerm, LineTxt: String;
866     B1, B2: Boolean;
867     NewBounds: TSynSearchTermOptsBounds;
868   begin
869     NewTerm := '';
870     B1 := False;
871     B2 := False;
872     if syn.SelAvail and (syn.BlockBegin.y = syn.BlockEnd.y) then begin
873       NewTerm := syn.SelText;
874       LineTxt := syn.Lines[syn.CaretY-1];
875       B1 := (KeyAddTermBounds in [soBoundsAtStart, soBothBounds]) and
876             ( (KeyAddSelectBoundMaxLen < 1) or (length(NewTerm) <= KeyAddSelectBoundMaxLen) ) and
877             ( (not KeyAddSelectSmart) or
878               ( (Syn.BlockBegin.X <= 1) or (LineTxt[Syn.BlockBegin.X-1] in WordBreakChars) )
879             );
880       B2 := (KeyAddTermBounds in [soBoundsAtEnd, soBothBounds]) and
881             ( (KeyAddSelectBoundMaxLen < 1) or (length(NewTerm) <= KeyAddSelectBoundMaxLen) ) and
882             ( (not KeyAddSelectSmart) or
883               ( (Syn.BlockEnd.X > length(LineTxt)) or (LineTxt[Syn.BlockEnd.X] in WordBreakChars) )
884             );
885     end
886     else
887     if not syn.SelAvail then begin
888       NewTerm := syn.GetWordAtRowCol(syn.LogicalCaretXY);
889       if NewTerm <> '' then begin
890         B1 := (KeyAddTermBounds in [soBoundsAtStart, soBothBounds]) and
891               ( (KeyAddWordBoundMaxLen < 1) or (length(NewTerm) <= KeyAddWordBoundMaxLen) );
892         B2 := (KeyAddTermBounds in [soBoundsAtEnd, soBothBounds]) and
893               ( (KeyAddWordBoundMaxLen < 1) or (length(NewTerm) <= KeyAddWordBoundMaxLen) );
894       end;
895     end;
897     if B1 and B2 then NewBounds := soBothBounds
898     else if B1   then NewBounds := soBoundsAtStart
899     else if B2   then NewBounds := soBoundsAtEnd
900     else              NewBounds := soNoBounds;
902     TermDict.AddTermByKey(NewTerm, FKeyAddCase, NewBounds);
903   end;
905 var
906   i: Integer;
907 begin
908   if Handled then
909     exit;
910   syn := TIDESynEditor(SynEdit);
911   TermDict := (Terms as TSourceSynSearchTermDict);
912   TermDict.IncChangeNotifyLock;
913   try
915     if Command = FAddTermCmd then begin
916       AddTermByKey;
917       Handled := True;
918     end;
920     if Command = FRemoveTermCmd then begin
921       i := FindTermAtCaret;
922       if i >= 0 then
923         TermDict.RemoveTermByKey(i);
924       Handled := True;
925     end;
927     if Command = FToggleTermCmd then begin
928       i := FindTermAtCaret;
929       if i >= 0 then
930         TermDict.RemoveTermByKey(i)
931       else
932         AddTermByKey;
933       Handled := True;
934     end;
936   finally
937     TermDict.DecChangeNotifyLock;
938   end;
939 end;
CreateTermsListnull941 function TSourceSynEditMarkupHighlightAllMulti.CreateTermsList: TSynSearchTermDict;
942 begin
943   Result := TSourceSynSearchTermDict.Create(TSourceSynSearchTermList);
944 end;
946 constructor TSourceSynEditMarkupHighlightAllMulti.Create(ASynEdit: TSynEditBase);
947 begin
948   inherited Create(ASynEdit);
949   TCustomSynEdit(SynEdit).RegisterCommandHandler(@ProcessSynCommand, nil, [hcfInit]);
950 end;
952 destructor TSourceSynEditMarkupHighlightAllMulti.Destroy;
953 begin
954   inherited Destroy;
955   TCustomSynEdit(SynEdit).UnregisterCommandHandler(@ProcessSynCommand);
956 end;
958 procedure TSourceSynEditMarkupHighlightAllMulti.RestoreLocalChanges;
959 begin
960   (Terms as TSourceSynSearchTermDict).RestoreLocalChanges;
961 end;
963 {$IFDEF WithSynDebugGutter}
964 { TIDESynGutterDebugHL }
966 procedure TIDESynGutterDebugHL.PopContentClicked(Sender: TObject);
967 begin
968   FContent := TMenuItem(Sender).Tag;
969   SynEdit.Invalidate;
970 end;
972 procedure TIDESynGutterDebugHL.PopSizeClicked(Sender: TObject);
973 begin
974   Width := TMenuItem(Sender).Tag;
975 end;
PreferedWidthnull977 function TIDESynGutterDebugHL.PreferedWidth: Integer;
978 begin
979   Result := 15; // Gutter.TextDrawer.CharWidth * 15;
980 end;
MaybeHandleMouseActionnull982 function TIDESynGutterDebugHL.MaybeHandleMouseAction(var AnInfo: TSynEditMouseActionInfo;
983   HandleActionProc: TSynEditMouseActionHandler): Boolean;
984 begin
985   Result := False;
986   if (AnInfo.Button <> mbXRight) then exit;
987   Result := True;
988   if (AnInfo.Dir = cdUp) then begin
989     FPopUp.PopUp;
990   end;
991 end;
993 procedure TIDESynGutterDebugHL.PaintFoldLvl(Canvas: TCanvas; AClip: TRect; FirstLine,
994   LastLine: integer);
995 var
996   TextDrawer: TheTextDrawer;
997   c, i, iLine, LineHeight: Integer;
998   rcLine: TRect;
999   dc: HDC;
1000   s: String;
1001   RngLst: TSynHighlighterRangeList;
1002   r: TSynPasSynRange;
1003 begin
1004   if TCustomSynEdit(SynEdit).Highlighter = nil then exit;
1005   if not(TCustomSynEdit(SynEdit).Highlighter is TSynPasSyn)  then exit;
1006   TCustomSynEdit(SynEdit).Highlighter.CurrentLines := TheLinesView;
1007   TextDrawer := Gutter.TextDrawer;
1008   dc := Canvas.Handle;
1009   //TSynHighlighterPasRangeList
1010   RngLst := TSynHighlighterRangeList(TheLinesView.Ranges[TCustomSynEdit(SynEdit).Highlighter]);
1012   // Clear all
1013   TextDrawer.BeginDrawing(dc);
1014   try
1015     TextDrawer.SetBackColor(Gutter.Color);
1016     TextDrawer.SetForeColor(TCustomSynEdit(SynEdit).Font.Color);
1017     TextDrawer.SetFrameColor(clNone);
1018      with AClip do
1019        TextDrawer.ExtTextOut(Left, Top, ETO_OPAQUE, AClip, nil, 0);
1021     rcLine := AClip;
1022     rcLine.Bottom := AClip.Top;
1023     LineHeight := TCustomSynEdit(SynEdit).LineHeight;
1024     c := TCustomSynEdit(SynEdit).Lines.Count;
1025     for i := FirstLine to LastLine do
1026     begin
1027       iLine := FoldView.DisplayNumber[i];
1028       if (iLine < 0) or (iLine >= c) then break;
1029       // next line rect
1030       rcLine.Top := rcLine.Bottom;
1031       rcLine.Bottom := rcLine.Bottom + LineHeight;
1033       if i > 0 then begin
1034         r := TSynPasSynRange(RngLst.Range[iLine-1]);
1035         s:= format('%2d %2d %2d  %2d %2d %2d ',
1036                    [r.PasFoldEndLevel, r.PasFoldMinLevel, r.PasFoldFixLevel,
1037                     r.CodeFoldStackSize, r.MinimumCodeFoldBlockLevel, r.LastLineCodeFoldLevelFix
1038                    ]
1039                   );
1040       end
1041       else
1042         s:= '';
1044       TextDrawer.ExtTextOut(rcLine.Left, rcLine.Top, ETO_OPAQUE or ETO_CLIPPED, rcLine,
1045         PChar(Pointer(S)),Length(S));
1046     end;
1048   finally
1049     TextDrawer.EndDrawing;
1050   end;
1051 end;
1053 procedure TIDESynGutterDebugHL.PaintCharWidths(Canvas: TCanvas; AClip: TRect; FirstLine,
1054   LastLine: integer);
1055 var
1056   TextDrawer: TheTextDrawer;
1057   c, i, iLine, LineHeight: Integer;
1058   rcLine: TRect;
1059   dc: HDC;
1060   s, s2: String;
1061   CW: TPhysicalCharWidths;
1062   j: Integer;
1063 begin
1064   TextDrawer := Gutter.TextDrawer;
1065   dc := Canvas.Handle;
1066   TextDrawer.BeginDrawing(dc);
1067   try
1068     TextDrawer.SetBackColor(Gutter.Color);
1069     TextDrawer.SetForeColor(TCustomSynEdit(SynEdit).Font.Color);
1070     TextDrawer.SetFrameColor(clNone);
1071      with AClip do
1072        TextDrawer.ExtTextOut(Left, Top, ETO_OPAQUE, AClip, nil, 0);
1074     rcLine := AClip;
1075     rcLine.Bottom := AClip.Top;
1076     LineHeight := TCustomSynEdit(SynEdit).LineHeight;
1077     c := TCustomSynEdit(SynEdit).Lines.Count;
1078     for i := FirstLine to LastLine do
1079     begin
1080       iLine := FoldView.DisplayNumber[i];
1081       if (iLine < 0) or (iLine >= c) then break;
1082       // next line rect
1083       rcLine.Top := rcLine.Bottom;
1084       rcLine.Bottom := rcLine.Bottom + LineHeight;
1086       if i >= 0 then begin
1087         CW := FTheLinesView.GetPhysicalCharWidths(iLine-1);
1088         s2 := FTheLinesView.Strings[iLine-1];
1089         s := '';
1090         for j := 0 to length(CW) - 1 do begin
1091           case FContent of
1092             1: s := s + IntToStr(CW[j]) + ',';
1093             2: s := s + IntToHex(ord(s2[j+1]),2) + ',';
1094             3: s := s + IntToHex(ord(s2[j+1]),2) + '(' + IntToStr(CW[j]) + '),';
1095           end;
1096           if (j+1 < length(s2)) and (s2[j+2] in [#$00..#$7f,#$C0..#$FF]) then
1097             s := s + ' ';
1098         end;
1099       end
1100       else
1101         s:= '';
1103       TextDrawer.ExtTextOut(rcLine.Left, rcLine.Top, ETO_OPAQUE or ETO_CLIPPED, rcLine,
1104         PChar(Pointer(S)),Length(S));
1105     end;
1107   finally
1108     TextDrawer.EndDrawing;
1109   end;
1110 end;
1112 constructor TIDESynGutterDebugHL.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
1113 var
1114   Item: TMenuItem;
1115 begin
1116   inherited Create(AOwner);
1117   FPopUp := TPopupMenu.Create(Self);
1118   AutoSize := False;
1119   Width := PreferedWidth;
1120   FContent := 0;
1122   Item := TMenuItem.Create(FPopUp);
1123   Item.OnClick := @PopSizeClicked;
1124   Item.Caption := 'Size 15';
1125   Item.Tag := 15;
1126   FPopUp.Items.Add(Item);
1128   Item := TMenuItem.Create(FPopUp);
1129   Item.OnClick := @PopSizeClicked;
1130   Item.Caption := 'Size 100';
1131   Item.Tag := 100;
1132   FPopUp.Items.Add(Item);
1134   Item := TMenuItem.Create(FPopUp);
1135   Item.OnClick := @PopSizeClicked;
1136   Item.Caption := 'Size 250';
1137   Item.Tag := 240;
1138   FPopUp.Items.Add(Item);
1140   Item := TMenuItem.Create(FPopUp);
1141   Item.OnClick := @PopSizeClicked;
1142   Item.Caption := 'Size 500';
1143   Item.Tag := 500;
1144   FPopUp.Items.Add(Item);
1146   Item := TMenuItem.Create(FPopUp);
1147   Item.Caption := '-';
1148   FPopUp.Items.Add(Item);
1150   Item := TMenuItem.Create(FPopUp);
1151   Item.OnClick := @PopContentClicked;
1152   Item.Caption := 'Content: Fold Level';
1153   Item.Tag := 0;
1154   FPopUp.Items.Add(Item);
1156   Item := TMenuItem.Create(FPopUp);
1157   Item.OnClick := @PopContentClicked;
1158   Item.Caption := 'Content: CharWidths';
1159   Item.Tag := 1;
1160   FPopUp.Items.Add(Item);
1162   Item := TMenuItem.Create(FPopUp);
1163   Item.OnClick := @PopContentClicked;
1164   Item.Caption := 'Content: Hex';
1165   Item.Tag := 2;
1166   FPopUp.Items.Add(Item);
1168   Item := TMenuItem.Create(FPopUp);
1169   Item.OnClick := @PopContentClicked;
1170   Item.Caption := 'Content: CharWidths + hex';
1171   Item.Tag := 3;
1172   FPopUp.Items.Add(Item);
1175 end;
1177 procedure TIDESynGutterDebugHL.Paint(Canvas: TCanvas; AClip: TRect; FirstLine,
1178   LastLine: integer);
1179 begin
1180   case FContent of
1181     0: PaintFoldLvl(Canvas, AClip, FirstLine, LastLine);
1182     1,2,3: PaintCharWidths(Canvas, AClip, FirstLine, LastLine);
1183   end;
1184 end;
1185 {$ENDIF}
1187 { TSourceLazSynTopInfoView }
GetLineMapnull1189 function TSourceLazSynTopInfoView.GetLineMap(Index: Integer): Integer;
1190 begin
1191   Result := FLineMap[Index];
1192 end;
1194 procedure TSourceLazSynTopInfoView.SetLineMap(Index: Integer; AValue: Integer);
1195 begin
1196   FLineMap[Index] := AValue;
1197 end;
1199 procedure TSourceLazSynTopInfoView.SetLineMapCount(AValue: integer);
1200 begin
1201   if FLineMapCount = AValue then Exit;
1202   FLineMapCount := AValue;
1203   SetLength(FLineMap, AValue);
1204 end;
1206 procedure TSourceLazSynTopInfoView.SetHighlighterTokensLine(ALine: TLineIdx;
1207   out ARealLine: TLineIdx; out AStartBytePos, ALineByteLen: Integer);
1208 begin
1209   CurrentTokenLine := ALine;
1210   inherited SetHighlighterTokensLine(FLineMap[ALine], ARealLine, AStartBytePos, ALineByteLen);
1211 end;
GetLinesCountnull1213 function TSourceLazSynTopInfoView.GetLinesCount: Integer;
1214 begin
1215   Result := LineMapCount;
1216 end;
TextToViewIndexnull1218 function TSourceLazSynTopInfoView.TextToViewIndex(AIndex: TLineIdx): TLineRange;
1219 var
1220   i: Integer;
1221   r: TLineRange;
1222 begin
1223   Result.Top := -1;
1224   Result.Bottom := -1;
1225   r := inherited TextToViewIndex(AIndex);
1226   for i := 0 to LineMapCount - 1 do begin
1227     if LineMap[i] = r.Top then Result.Top  := i;
1228     if LineMap[i] = r.Bottom then Result.Bottom  := i;
1229   end;
1230   if Result.Bottom < Result.Top then
1231     Result.Bottom := Result.Top;
1232 end;
ViewToTextIndexnull1234 function TSourceLazSynTopInfoView.ViewToTextIndex(AIndex: TLineIdx): TLineIdx;
1235 begin
1236   Result := inherited ViewToTextIndex(AIndex);
1237 end;
1239 constructor TSourceLazSynTopInfoView.Create;
1240 begin
1241   LineMapCount := 0;
1242 end;
1244 { TSourceLazSynSurfaceGutter }
1246 procedure TSourceLazSynSurfaceGutter.DoPaint(ACanvas: TCanvas; AClip: TRect);
1247 begin
1248   // prevent output
1249   Gutter.Paint(ACanvas, Self, AClip, 0, -1);
1250 end;
1252 procedure TSourceLazSynSurfaceGutter.SetTextArea(ATextArea: TLazSynTextArea);
1253 begin
1254   inherited SetTextArea(ATextArea);
1255   ATextArea.AddTextSizeChangeHandler(@TextSizeChanged);
1256 end;
1258 procedure TSourceLazSynSurfaceGutter.TextSizeChanged(Sender: TObject);
1259 begin
1260   Gutter.DoAutoSize;
1261 end;
1263 { TSourceLazSynSurfaceManager }
1265 procedure TSourceLazSynSurfaceManager.SetTopLineCount(AValue: Integer);
1266 begin
1267   if FTopLineCount = AValue then Exit;
1268   FTopLineCount := AValue;
1269   BoundsChanged;
1270 end;
GetLeftGutterAreanull1272 function TSourceLazSynSurfaceManager.GetLeftGutterArea: TLazSynSurfaceWithText;
1273 begin
1274   Result := FOriginalManager.LeftGutterArea;
1275 end;
GetRightGutterAreanull1277 function TSourceLazSynSurfaceManager.GetRightGutterArea: TLazSynSurfaceWithText;
1278 begin
1279   Result := FOriginalManager.RightGutterArea;
1280 end;
GetTextAreanull1282 function TSourceLazSynSurfaceManager.GetTextArea: TLazSynTextArea;
1283 begin
1284   Result := FOriginalManager.TextArea;
1285 end;
1287 procedure TSourceLazSynSurfaceManager.SetBackgroundColor(AValue: TColor);
1288 begin
1289   FOriginalManager.BackgroundColor := AValue;
1290   FExtraManager.BackgroundColor := AValue;
1291 end;
1293 procedure TSourceLazSynSurfaceManager.SetExtraCharSpacing(AValue: integer);
1294 begin
1295   FOriginalManager.ExtraCharSpacing := AValue;
1296   FExtraManager.ExtraCharSpacing := AValue;
1297 end;
1299 procedure TSourceLazSynSurfaceManager.SetExtraLineSpacing(AValue: integer);
1300 begin
1301   FOriginalManager.ExtraLineSpacing := AValue;
1302   FExtraManager.ExtraLineSpacing := AValue;
1303   BoundsChanged;
1304 end;
1306 procedure TSourceLazSynSurfaceManager.SetForegroundColor(AValue: TColor);
1307 begin
1308   FOriginalManager.ForegroundColor := AValue;
1309   FExtraManager.ForegroundColor := AValue;
1310 end;
1312 procedure TSourceLazSynSurfaceManager.SetPadding(Side: TLazSynBorderSide; AValue: integer);
1313 begin
1314   FOriginalManager.Padding[Side] := AValue;
1315   FExtraManager.Padding[Side] := AValue;
1316 end;
1318 procedure TSourceLazSynSurfaceManager.SetRightEdgeColor(AValue: TColor);
1319 begin
1320   FOriginalManager.RightEdgeColor := AValue;
1321   FExtraManager.RightEdgeColor := AValue;
1322 end;
1324 procedure TSourceLazSynSurfaceManager.SetRightEdgeColumn(AValue: integer);
1325 begin
1326   FOriginalManager.RightEdgeColumn := AValue;
1327   FExtraManager.RightEdgeColumn := AValue;
1328 end;
1330 procedure TSourceLazSynSurfaceManager.SetRightEdgeVisible(AValue: boolean);
1331 begin
1332   FOriginalManager.RightEdgeVisible := AValue;
1333   FExtraManager.RightEdgeVisible := AValue;
1334 end;
1336 procedure TSourceLazSynSurfaceManager.SetVisibleSpecialChars(AValue: TSynVisibleSpecialChars);
1337 begin
1338   FOriginalManager.VisibleSpecialChars := AValue;
1339   FExtraManager.VisibleSpecialChars := AValue;
1340 end;
1342 procedure TSourceLazSynSurfaceManager.SetHighlighter(AValue: TSynCustomHighlighter);
1343 begin
1344   FOriginalManager.Highlighter := AValue;
1345   FExtraManager.Highlighter := AValue;
1346 end;
1348 procedure TSourceLazSynSurfaceManager.DoPaint(ACanvas: TCanvas; AClip: TRect);
1349 begin
1350   FOriginalManager.Paint(ACanvas, AClip);
1351   FExtraManager.Paint(ACanvas, AClip);
1352 end;
1354 procedure TSourceLazSynSurfaceManager.DoDisplayViewChanged;
1355 begin
1356   FOriginalManager.DisplayView := DisplayView;
1357 end;
1359 procedure TSourceLazSynSurfaceManager.BoundsChanged;
1360 var
1361   t: Integer;
1362 begin
1363   FExtraManager.LeftGutterWidth := LeftGutterWidth;
1364   FExtraManager.RightGutterWidth := RightGutterWidth;
1365   FOriginalManager.LeftGutterWidth := LeftGutterWidth;
1366   FOriginalManager.RightGutterWidth := RightGutterWidth;
1368   t := Min(Top + FTopLineCount * FExtraManager.TextArea.LineHeight,
1369            Max(Top, Bottom - FOriginalManager.TextArea.LineHeight)
1370           );
1371   FExtraManager.SetBounds(Top, Left, t, Right);
1372   FOriginalManager.SetBounds(t, Left, Bottom, Right);
1373 end;
1375 constructor TSourceLazSynSurfaceManager.Create(AOwner: TWinControl; AnOriginalManager: TLazSynSurfaceManager);
1376 var
1377   txt: TLazSynTextArea;
1378   lgutter, rgutter: TLazSynGutterArea;
1379 begin
1380   inherited Create(AOwner);
1381   FTopLineCount := 0;
1382   FOriginalManager := AnOriginalManager;
1384   txt := TLazSynTextArea.Create(AOwner, FOriginalManager.TextArea.TextDrawer);
1385   txt.Assign(FOriginalManager.TextArea);
1386   txt.TopLine := 1;
1387   txt.LeftChar := 1;
1389   lgutter:= TSourceLazSynSurfaceGutter.Create(AOwner);
1390   lgutter.Assign(FOriginalManager.LeftGutterArea);
1391   lgutter.TextArea := txt;
1393   rgutter:= TSourceLazSynSurfaceGutter.Create(AOwner);
1394   rgutter.Assign(FOriginalManager.RightGutterArea);
1395   rgutter.TextArea := txt;
1397   FExtraManager := TLazSynSurfaceManager.Create(AOwner);
1398   FExtraManager.TextArea := txt;
1399   FExtraManager.LeftGutterArea := lgutter;
1400   FExtraManager.RightGutterArea := rgutter;
1401 end;
1403 destructor TSourceLazSynSurfaceManager.Destroy;
1404 begin
1405   inherited Destroy;
1406   FExtraManager.LeftGutterArea.Free;
1407   FExtraManager.RightGutterArea.Free;
1408   FExtraManager.TextArea.Free;
1409   FExtraManager.Free;
1410   FOriginalManager.Free;
1411 end;
1413 procedure TSourceLazSynSurfaceManager.InvalidateLines(FirstTextLine, LastTextLine: TLineIdx);
1414 begin
1415   FOriginalManager.InvalidateLines(FirstTextLine, LastTextLine);
1416   FExtraManager.InvalidateLines(FirstTextLine, LastTextLine);
1417 end;
1419 procedure TSourceLazSynSurfaceManager.InvalidateTextLines(FirstTextLine, LastTextLine: TLineIdx);
1420 begin
1421   FOriginalManager.InvalidateTextLines(FirstTextLine, LastTextLine);
1422   FExtraManager.InvalidateTextLines(FirstTextLine, LastTextLine);
1423 end;
1425 procedure TSourceLazSynSurfaceManager.InvalidateGutterLines(FirstTextLine, LastTextLine: TLineIdx);
1426 begin
1427   FOriginalManager.InvalidateGutterLines(FirstTextLine, LastTextLine);
1428   FExtraManager.InvalidateGutterLines(FirstTextLine, LastTextLine);
1429 end;
1431 { TIDESynEditor }
1433 procedure TIDESynEditor.DoHighlightChanged(Sender: TSynEditStrings; AIndex, ACount: Integer);
1434 begin
1435   FTopInfoNestList.Clear;
1436   if FSrcSynCaretChangedNeeded then
1437     SrcSynCaretChanged(nil);
1438 end;
1440 procedure TIDESynEditor.SrcSynCaretChanged(Sender: TObject);
1441   function RealTopLine: Integer;
1442   begin
1443     Result := TopLine - TSourceLazSynSurfaceManager(FPaintArea).TopLineCount;
1444   end;
1445 var
1446   InfCnt, i, t, ListCnt: Integer;
1447   InfList: array [0..1] of
1448     record
1449       LineIndex: Integer;
1450       FoldType: TPascalCodeFoldBlockType;
1451     end;
1452   NodeFoldType: TPascalCodeFoldBlockType;
1453 begin
1454   if (not FShowTopInfo) or (not HandleAllocated) or (FFoldView.HighLighter = nil) then exit;
1455   if FSrcSynCaretChangedLock or not(FFoldView.HighLighter is TSynPasSyn) then exit;
1457   if FFoldView.HighLighter.NeedScan then begin
1458     FSrcSynCaretChangedNeeded := True;
1459     exit;
1460   end;
1461   FSrcSynCaretChangedNeeded := False;
1463   FSrcSynCaretChangedLock := True;
1464   try
1465     ListCnt := 0;
1467     if CaretY >= RealTopLine then begin
1468       FTopInfoNestList.Lines := TextBuffer; // in case it changed
1469       FTopInfoNestList.Line := CaretY-1;
1470       FTopInfoNestList := FTopInfoNestList;
1472       InfCnt := FTopInfoNestList.Count;
1473       for i := InfCnt-1 downto 0 do begin
1474         NodeFoldType := TPascalCodeFoldBlockType({%H-}PtrUInt(FTopInfoNestList.NodeFoldType[i]));
1475         if not(NodeFoldType in
1476            [cfbtClass, cfbtClassSection, cfbtProcedure])
1477         then
1478           continue;
1480         if (NodeFoldType in [cfbtClassSection]) and (ListCnt = 0) then begin
1481           InfList[ListCnt].LineIndex := FTopInfoNestList.NodeLine[i];
1482           InfList[ListCnt].FoldType := NodeFoldType;
1483           inc(ListCnt);
1484         end;
1486         if (NodeFoldType in [cfbtClass]) and (ListCnt < 2) then begin
1487           InfList[ListCnt].LineIndex := FTopInfoNestList.NodeLine[i];
1488           InfList[ListCnt].FoldType := NodeFoldType;
1489           inc(ListCnt);
1490         end;
1492         if (NodeFoldType in [cfbtProcedure]) and (ListCnt < 2) then begin
1493           InfList[ListCnt].LineIndex := FTopInfoNestList.NodeLine[i];
1494           InfList[ListCnt].FoldType := NodeFoldType;
1495           inc(ListCnt);
1496         end;
1497         if (NodeFoldType in [cfbtProcedure]) and (ListCnt = 2) and
1498            (InfList[ListCnt-1].FoldType = cfbtProcedure)
1499         then begin
1500           InfList[ListCnt-1].LineIndex := FTopInfoNestList.NodeLine[i];
1501           InfList[ListCnt-1].FoldType := NodeFoldType;
1502         end;
1503       end;
1504     end;
1506     if TopLine <> FTopInfoLastTopLine then // if Sender = nil;
1507       ListCnt := Min(ListCnt, Max(0, CaretY - RealTopLine));
1509     t := TopLine + ListCnt - TSourceLazSynSurfaceManager(FPaintArea).TopLineCount;
1510     if (CaretY >= TopLine) and (CaretY < t) then
1511       t := CaretY;
1513     while ListCnt > 0 do begin
1514       if InfList[0].LineIndex + 1 >= t-1 then begin
1515         InfList[0] := InfList[1];
1516         dec(ListCnt);
1517         t := TopLine + ListCnt - TSourceLazSynSurfaceManager(FPaintArea).TopLineCount;
1518         if (CaretY >= TopLine) and (CaretY < t) then
1519           t := CaretY;
1520       end
1521       else
1522         break;
1523     end;
1525     FTopInfoDisplay.LineMapCount := ListCnt;
1527     if ListCnt <> TSourceLazSynSurfaceManager(FPaintArea).TopLineCount then begin
1528       TopLine := t;
1529       TSourceLazSynSurfaceManager(FPaintArea).TopLineCount := ListCnt;
1530       SizeOrFontChanged(FALSE);
1531       Invalidate; // TODO: move to PaintArea
1532     end;
1534     for i := 0 to ListCnt - 1 do begin
1535       if FTopInfoDisplay.LineMap[ListCnt-1-i] <> InfList[i].LineIndex then
1536         TSourceLazSynSurfaceManager(FPaintArea).ExtraManager.InvalidateLines(ListCnt-1-i, ListCnt-1-i);
1537       FTopInfoDisplay.LineMap[ListCnt-1-i] := InfList[i].LineIndex;
1538     end;
1540   finally
1541     FSrcSynCaretChangedLock := False;
1542     FTopInfoLastTopLine := TopLine;
1543   end;
1544 end;
GetHighlighternull1546 function TIDESynEditor.GetHighlighter: TSynCustomFoldHighlighter;
1547 begin
1548   if Highlighter is TSynCustomFoldHighlighter then
1549     Result := TSynCustomFoldHighlighter(Highlighter)
1550   else
1551     Result := nil;
1552 end;
1554 procedure TIDESynEditor.DoOnStatusChange(Changes: TSynStatusChanges);
1555 begin
1556   inherited DoOnStatusChange(Changes);
1557   if Changes * [scTopLine, scLinesInWindow] <> []then
1558       SrcSynCaretChanged(nil);
1559   {$push}{$R-}  // range check off
1560   if Changes * [scCaretX, scCaretY, scSelection] <> []then
1561     Inc(FCaretStamp);
1562   {$pop}
1563 end;
1565 procedure TIDESynEditor.GetTopInfoMarkupForLine(Sender: TObject; Line: integer;
1566   var Special: boolean; aMarkup: TSynSelectedColor);
1567 begin
1568   Special := True;
1569   aMarkup.Assign(FTopInfoMarkup);
1570 end;
1572 procedure TIDESynEditor.SetCaretColor(AValue: TColor);
1573 begin
1574   if FCaretColor = AValue then Exit;
1575   FCaretColor := AValue;
1576   if (AValue = clDefault) or (AValue = clNone) then begin
1577     FScreenCaretPainterClass{%H-} := TSynEditScreenCaretPainterSystem;
1578     if ScreenCaret.Painter.ClassType <> TSynEditScreenCaretPainterSystem then begin
1579       MultiCaret.ActiveMode := mcmNoCarets; // clear all carets, before changing the caret class
1580       ScreenCaret.ChangePainter(TSynEditScreenCaretPainterSystem);
1581   end;
1582   end
1583   else begin
1584     FScreenCaretPainterClass{%H-} := TSynEditScreenCaretPainterInternal;
1585     if ScreenCaret.Painter.ClassType <> TSynEditScreenCaretPainterInternal then begin
1586       MultiCaret.ActiveMode := mcmNoCarets; // clear all carets, before changing the caret class
1587       ScreenCaret.ChangePainter(TSynEditScreenCaretPainterInternal);
1588     end;
1589     TSynEditScreenCaretPainterInternal(ScreenCaret.Painter).Color := AValue;
1590   end;
1591 end;
1593 procedure TIDESynEditor.SetHighlightUserWordCount(AValue: Integer);
1594 var
1595   m: TSourceSynEditMarkupHighlightAllMulti;
1596 begin
1597   if AValue = FUserWordsList.Count then
1598     exit;
1600   while FUserWordsList.Count > AValue do begin
1601     TSynEditMarkupManager(MarkupMgr).RemoveMarkUp(TSourceSynEditMarkupHighlightAllMulti(FUserWordsList[AValue]));
1602     TSourceSynEditMarkupHighlightAllMulti(FUserWordsList[AValue]).Free;
1603     FUserWordsList.Delete(AValue);
1604   end;
1606   while AValue > FUserWordsList.Count do begin
1607     m := TSourceSynEditMarkupHighlightAllMulti.Create(self);
1608     if PaintLock > 0 then
1609       m.IncPaintLock;
1610     if Highlighter <> nil then
1611       m.WordBreakChars := Highlighter.WordBreakChars + TSynWhiteChars;
1612     FUserWordsList.Add(m);
1613     TSynEditMarkupManager(MarkupMgr).AddMarkUp(m);
1614   end;
1615 end;
1617 procedure TIDESynEditor.SetOnMultiCaretBeforeCommand(AValue: TSynMultiCaretBeforeCommand);
1618 begin
1619   FMultiCaret.OnBeforeCommand := AValue;
1620 end;
1622 procedure TIDESynEditor.SetShowTopInfo(AValue: boolean);
1623 begin
1624   if FShowTopInfo = AValue then Exit;
1625   FShowTopInfo := AValue;
1626   if FShowTopInfo then begin
1627     SrcSynCaretChanged(nil)
1628   end
1629   else
1630   if TSourceLazSynSurfaceManager(FPaintArea).TopLineCount <> 0 then begin
1631     TSourceLazSynSurfaceManager(FPaintArea).TopLineCount := 0;
1632     Invalidate; // TODO: move to PaintArea
1633   end;
1634 end;
1636 procedure TIDESynEditor.SetTopInfoMarkup(AValue: TSynSelectedColor);
1637 begin
1638   if FTopInfoMarkup = AValue then Exit;
1639   FTopInfoMarkup.Assign(AValue);
1640 end;
GetIDEGutterMarksnull1642 function TIDESynEditor.GetIDEGutterMarks: TIDESynGutterMarks;
1643 begin
1644   Result := TIDESynGutterMarks(Gutter.Parts.ByClass[TIDESynGutterMarks, 0]);
1645 end;
GetIsInMultiCaretMainExecutionnull1647 function TIDESynEditor.GetIsInMultiCaretMainExecution: Boolean;
1648 begin
1649   Result := FMultiCaret.IsInMainExecution;
1650 end;
GetIsInMultiCaretRepeatExecutionnull1652 function TIDESynEditor.GetIsInMultiCaretRepeatExecution: Boolean;
1653 begin
1654   Result := FMultiCaret.IsInRepeatExecution;
1655 end;
GetOnMultiCaretBeforeCommandnull1657 function TIDESynEditor.GetOnMultiCaretBeforeCommand: TSynMultiCaretBeforeCommand;
1658 begin
1659   Result := FMultiCaret.OnBeforeCommand;
1660 end;
IsIfdefMarkupActivenull1662 function TIDESynEditor.IsIfdefMarkupActive: Boolean;
1663 begin
1664   Result := FMarkupIfDef.RealEnabled;
1665 end;
DoIfDefNodeStateRequestnull1667 function TIDESynEditor.DoIfDefNodeStateRequest(Sender: TObject; LinePos,
1668   XStartPos: Integer; CurrentState: TSynMarkupIfdefNodeStateEx): TSynMarkupIfdefNodeState;
1669 begin
1670   //debugln(['TIDESynEditor.DoIfDefNodeStateRequest x=',XStartPos,' y=',LinePos,' ',DbgSName(Sender)]);
1671   if FOnIfdefNodeStateRequest <> nil then
1672     Result := FOnIfdefNodeStateRequest(Self, LinePos, XStartPos, CurrentState)
1673   else
1674     Result := idnInvalid;
1675 end;
1677 procedure TIDESynEditor.InvalidateAllIfdefNodes;
1678 begin
1679   FMarkupIfDef.InvalidateAll;
1680 end;
1682 procedure TIDESynEditor.SetIfdefNodeState(ALinePos, AstartPos: Integer;
1683   AState: TSynMarkupIfdefNodeState);
1684 begin
1685   FMarkupIfDef.SetNodeState(ALinePos, AstartPos, AState);
1686 end;
GetHighlightUserWordCountnull1688 function TIDESynEditor.GetHighlightUserWordCount: Integer;
1689 begin
1690   Result := FUserWordsList.Count;
1691 end;
GetHighlightUserWordsnull1693 function TIDESynEditor.GetHighlightUserWords(AIndex: Integer): TSourceSynEditMarkupHighlightAllMulti;
1694 begin
1695   Result := TSourceSynEditMarkupHighlightAllMulti(FUserWordsList[AIndex])
1696 end;
CreateGutternull1698 function TIDESynEditor.CreateGutter(AOwner: TSynEditBase; ASide: TSynGutterSide;
1699   ATextDrawer: TheTextDrawer): TSynGutter;
1700 begin
1701   Result := TIDESynGutter.Create(AOwner, ASide, ATextDrawer);
1702 end;
1704 procedure TIDESynEditor.SetHighlighter(const Value: TSynCustomHighlighter);
1705 var
1706   i: Integer;
1707 begin
1708   if Value = Highlighter then begin
1709     inherited SetHighlighter(Value);
1710     exit
1711   end;
1713   IncPaintLock;
1714   try
1715     FMarkupIfDef.Highlighter := nil;
1717     inherited SetHighlighter(Value);
1719     //TSynEditMarkupFoldColors(MarkupByClass[TSynEditMarkupFoldColors]).Highlighter := Highlighter; // XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
1720     if Highlighter is TSynPasSyn then
1721       FMarkupIfDef.Highlighter := TSynPasSyn(Highlighter)
1722     else
1723       FMarkupIfDef.Highlighter := nil;
1725     if Highlighter is TSynCustomFoldHighlighter then
1726       FTopInfoNestList.Highlighter := TSynCustomFoldHighlighter(Highlighter)
1727     else
1728       FTopInfoNestList.Highlighter := nil;
1730     if FUserWordsList = nil then
1731       exit;
1732     if Highlighter <> nil then
1733       for i := 0 to FUserWordsList.Count - 1 do
1734         HighlightUserWords[i].WordBreakChars := Highlighter.WordBreakChars + TSynWhiteChars
1735     else
1736       for i := 0 to FUserWordsList.Count - 1 do
1737         HighlightUserWords[i].ResetWordBreaks;
1738   finally
1739     DecPaintLock;
1740   end;
1741 end;
1743 constructor TIDESynEditor.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
1744 var
1745   MarkupFoldColors: TSynEditMarkupFoldColors;
1746 begin
1747   inherited Create(AOwner);
1748   FFoldView := TSynEditFoldedView(TextViewsManager.SynTextViewByClass[TSynEditFoldedView]);
1749   FCaretColor := clNone;
1750   FUserWordsList := TFPList.Create;
1751   FTemplateEdit:=TSynPluginTemplateEdit.Create(Self);
1752   FSyncroEdit := TSynPluginSyncroEdit.Create(Self);
1753   FMultiCaret := TSynPluginMultiCaret.Create(Self);
1754   FMultiCaret.MouseActions.Clear; // will be added to SynEdit
1755   FMultiCaret.KeyStrokes.Clear;
1756   FMultiCaret.SetCaretTypeSize(ctVerticalLine, 2, 1024, -1, 0, [ccsRelativeHeight]);
1757   FMultiCaret.SetCaretTypeSize(ctBlock, 1024, 1024, 0, 0, [ccsRelativeWidth, ccsRelativeHeight]);
1758   FMultiCaret.Color := $606060;
1760   FMarkupForGutterMark := TSynEditMarkupGutterMark.Create(Self, FWordBreaker);
1761   TSynEditMarkupManager(MarkupMgr).AddMarkUp(FMarkupForGutterMark);
1763   MarkupFoldColors := TSynEditMarkupFoldColors.Create(Self);
1764   //MarkupFoldColors.DefaultGroup := 0;
1765   TSynEditMarkupManager(MarkupMgr).AddMarkUp(MarkupFoldColors);
1767   FMarkupIfDef := TSourceSynEditMarkupIfDef.Create(Self);
1768   FMarkupIfDef.FoldView := TSynEditFoldedView(FoldedTextBuffer);
1769   //FMarkupIfDef.OnNodeStateRequest := @DoIfDefNodeStateRequest;
1770   TSynEditMarkupManager(MarkupMgr).AddMarkUp(FMarkupIfDef);
1772   FMarkupIdentComplWindow := TSynMarkupIdentComplWindow.Create;
1774   FPaintArea := TSourceLazSynSurfaceManager.Create(Self, FPaintArea);
1775   GetCaretObj.AddChangeHandler(@SrcSynCaretChanged);
1777   FTopInfoDisplay := TSourceLazSynTopInfoView.Create;
1778   FTopInfoDisplay.NextView := TextViewsManager.SynTextViewByClass[TSynEditStringTabExpander].DisplayView;
1779   TSourceLazSynSurfaceManager(FPaintArea).TopLineCount := 0;
1780 //  TSourceLazSynSurfaceManager(FPaintArea).ExtraManager.TextArea.BackgroundColor := clSilver;
1781   TSourceLazSynSurfaceManager(FPaintArea).ExtraManager.DisplayView := FTopInfoDisplay;
1783   FTopInfoNestList := TLazSynEditNestedFoldsList.Create(TextBuffer);
1784   FTopInfoNestList.ResetFilter;
1785   FTopInfoNestList.FoldGroup := FOLDGROUP_PASCAL;
1786   FTopInfoNestList.FoldFlags := [sfbIncludeDisabled];
1787   FTopInfoNestList.IncludeOpeningOnLine := False;
1788   FTopInfoMarkup := TSynSelectedColor.Create;
1789   FTopInfoMarkup.Clear;
1791   ViewedTextBuffer.AddChangeHandler(senrHighlightChanged, @DoHighlightChanged);
1793   // Markup for top info hint
1794   FExtraMarkupLine := TSynEditMarkupSpecialLine.Create(Self);
1795   FExtraMarkupLine.OnSpecialLineMarkup  := @GetTopInfoMarkupForLine;
1796   FExtraMarkupMgr := TSynEditMarkupManager.Create(Self);
1797   FExtraMarkupMgr.AddMarkUp(TSynEditMarkup(MarkupMgr));
1798   FExtraMarkupMgr.AddMarkUp(FExtraMarkupLine);
1799   FExtraMarkupMgr.Lines := ViewedTextBuffer;
1800   FExtraMarkupMgr.Caret := GetCaretObj;
1801   FExtraMarkupMgr.InvalidateLinesMethod := @InvalidateLines;
1803   TSourceLazSynSurfaceManager(FPaintArea).ExtraManager.TextArea.MarkupManager :=
1804     FExtraMarkupMgr;
1805   {$IFDEF WithSynDebugGutter}
1806   TIDESynGutter(RightGutter).DebugGutter.TheLinesView := ViewedTextBuffer;
1807   {$ENDIF}
1808 end;
1810 destructor TIDESynEditor.Destroy;
1811 begin
1812   HighlightUserWordCount := 0;
1813   Highlighter := nil;
1814   FreeAndNil(FUserWordsList);
1815   FExtraMarkupMgr.RemoveMarkUp(TSynEditMarkup(MarkupMgr));
1816   FreeAndNil(FTopInfoDisplay);
1817   FreeAndNil(FExtraMarkupMgr);
1818   FreeAndNil(FTopInfoMarkup);
1819   FreeAndNil(FTopInfoNestList);
1820   FreeAndNil(FMarkupIdentComplWindow);
1821   inherited Destroy;
1822 end;
TextIndexToViewPosnull1824 function TIDESynEditor.TextIndexToViewPos(aTextIndex: Integer): Integer;
1825 begin
1826   Result := ToPos(TextView.TextToViewIndex(ToIdx(aTextIndex)));
1827 end;
1829 {$IFDEF WinIME}
1830 procedure TIDESynEditor.CreateMinimumIme;
1831 var
1832   Ime: LazSynIme;
1833 begin
1834   if ImeHandler is LazSynImeSimple then exit;
1835   Ime := LazSynImeSimple.Create(Self);
1836   LazSynImeSimple(Ime).TextDrawer := TextDrawer;
1837   Ime.InvalidateLinesMethod := @InvalidateLines;
1838   ImeHandler := Ime;
1839 end;
1841 procedure TIDESynEditor.CreateFullIme;
1842 var
1843   Ime: LazSynIme;
1844 begin
1845   if ImeHandler is LazSynImeFull then exit;
1846   Ime := LazSynImeFull.Create(Self);
1847   Ime.InvalidateLinesMethod := @InvalidateLines;
1848   ImeHandler := Ime;
1849 end;
1851 {$ENDIF}
1853 { TIDESynPasSyn }
GetFinalizationLinenull1855 function TIDESynPasSyn.GetFinalizationLine: Integer;
1856 begin
1857   Result := TIDESynHighlighterPasRangeList(CurrentRanges).FFinalizationLine;
1858 end;
GetImplementationLinenull1860 function TIDESynPasSyn.GetImplementationLine: Integer;
1861 begin
1862   Result := TIDESynHighlighterPasRangeList(CurrentRanges).FImplementationLine;
1863 end;
GetInitializationLinenull1865 function TIDESynPasSyn.GetInitializationLine: Integer;
1866 begin
1867   Result := TIDESynHighlighterPasRangeList(CurrentRanges).FInitializationLine;
1868 end;
GetInterfaceLinenull1870 function TIDESynPasSyn.GetInterfaceLine: Integer;
1871 begin
1872   Result := TIDESynHighlighterPasRangeList(CurrentRanges).FInterfaceLine;
1873 end;
CreateRangeListnull1875 function TIDESynPasSyn.CreateRangeList(ALines: TSynEditStringsBase): TSynHighlighterRangeList;
1876 begin
1877   Result := TIDESynHighlighterPasRangeList.Create;
1878   TIDESynHighlighterPasRangeList(Result).FInterfaceLine := -1;
1879   TIDESynHighlighterPasRangeList(Result).FImplementationLine := -1;
1880   TIDESynHighlighterPasRangeList(Result).FInitializationLine := -1;
1881   TIDESynHighlighterPasRangeList(Result).FFinalizationLine := -1;
1882 end;
StartCodeFoldBlocknull1884 function TIDESynPasSyn.StartCodeFoldBlock(ABlockType: Pointer;
1885   IncreaseLevel: Boolean; ForceDisabled: Boolean): TSynCustomCodeFoldBlock;
1886 begin
1887   if (ABlockType = Pointer(PtrUInt(cfbtUnitSection))) or
1888      (ABlockType = Pointer(PtrUInt(cfbtUnitSection)) + {%H-}PtrUInt(CountPascalCodeFoldBlockOffset))
1889   then begin
1890     if KeyComp('Interface') then
1891       TIDESynHighlighterPasRangeList(CurrentRanges).FInterfaceLine := LineIndex  + 1;
1892     if KeyComp('Implementation') then
1893       TIDESynHighlighterPasRangeList(CurrentRanges).FImplementationLine := LineIndex  + 1;
1894     if KeyComp('Initialization') then
1895       TIDESynHighlighterPasRangeList(CurrentRanges).FInitializationLine := LineIndex  + 1;
1896     if KeyComp('Finalization') then
1897       TIDESynHighlighterPasRangeList(CurrentRanges).FFinalizationLine := LineIndex  + 1;
1898   end;
1899   Result := inherited;
1900 end;
1902 procedure TIDESynPasSyn.SetLine(const NewValue: string; LineNumber: Integer);
1903 begin
1904   if assigned(CurrentRanges) then begin
1905     if TIDESynHighlighterPasRangeList(CurrentRanges).FInterfaceLine = LineNumber + 1 then
1906       TIDESynHighlighterPasRangeList(CurrentRanges).FInterfaceLine := -1;
1907     if TIDESynHighlighterPasRangeList(CurrentRanges).FImplementationLine = LineNumber + 1 then
1908       TIDESynHighlighterPasRangeList(CurrentRanges).FImplementationLine := -1;
1909     if TIDESynHighlighterPasRangeList(CurrentRanges).FInitializationLine = LineNumber + 1 then
1910       TIDESynHighlighterPasRangeList(CurrentRanges).FInitializationLine := -1;
1911     if TIDESynHighlighterPasRangeList(CurrentRanges).FFinalizationLine = LineNumber + 1 then
1912       TIDESynHighlighterPasRangeList(CurrentRanges).FFinalizationLine := -1;
1913   end;
1914   inherited SetLine(NewValue, LineNumber);
1915 end;
1917 { TIDESynFreePasSyn }
1919 constructor TIDESynFreePasSyn.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
1920 begin
1921   inherited Create(AOwner);
1922   CompilerMode:=pcmObjFPC;
1923 end;
1925 procedure TIDESynFreePasSyn.ResetRange;
1926 begin
1927   inherited ResetRange;
1928   CompilerMode:=pcmObjFPC;
1929 end;
1931 { TIDESynGutterLOvProviderPascal }
1933 procedure TIDESynGutterLOvProviderPascal.SetSingleLine(const AValue: Boolean);
1934 begin
1935   if FSingleLine = AValue then exit;
1936   FSingleLine := AValue;
1937   InvalidatePixelLines(0, Height);
1938 end;
1940 procedure TIDESynGutterLOvProviderPascal.SetColor2(const AValue: TColor);
1941 begin
1942   if FColor2 = AValue then exit;
1943   FColor2 := AValue;
1944   FRGBColor2 := ColorToRGB(AValue);
1945   DoChange(Self);
1946 end;
1948 procedure TIDESynGutterLOvProviderPascal.BufferChanged(Sender: TObject);
1949 begin
1950   //LineCountChanged(nil, 0, 0);
1951   HighlightChanged(nil,-1,-1);
1952 end;
1954 procedure TIDESynGutterLOvProviderPascal.HighlightChanged(Sender: TSynEditStrings; AIndex,
1955   ACount: Integer);
1956 var
1957   hl: TIDESynPasSyn;
1958   procedure Update(var TheVal: Integer; NewVal: Integer);
1959   begin
1960     if TheVal = NewVal then exit;
1961     if FSingleLine then begin
1962       InvalidatePixelLines(TheVal, TheVal);
1963       InvalidatePixelLines(NewVal, NewVal);
1964     end else begin
1965       InvalidatePixelLines(Min(TheVal, NewVal), Height);
1966     end;
1968     TheVal := NewVal;
1969   end;
1970 var i1,i1e,i2,i2e,i3,i3e,i4,i4e: Integer;
1971 begin
1972   i1  := FPixInterfaceLine;
1973   i1e := FPixEndInterfaceLine;
1974   i2  := FPixImplementationLine;
1975   i2e := FPixEndImplementationLine;
1976   i3  := FPixInitializationLine;
1977   i3e := FPixEndInitializationLine;
1978   i4  := FPixFinalizationLine;
1979   i4e := FPixEndFinalizationLine;
1980   if not(TSynEdit(SynEdit).Highlighter is TIDESynPasSyn) then begin
1981     FInterfaceLine := -1;
1982     FImplementationLine := -1;
1983     FInitializationLine := -1;
1984     FFinalizationLine := -1;
1985   end else begin
1986     hl := TSynEdit(SynEdit).Highlighter as TIDESynPasSyn;
1987     if hl.CurrentLines = nil then exit;
1988     FInterfaceLine :=      hl.InterfaceLine;
1989     FImplementationLine := hl.ImplementationLine;
1990     FInitializationLine := hl.InitializationLine;
1991     FFinalizationLine :=   hl.FinalizationLine;
1992   end;
1994   ReCalc;
1996   if (i1 <> FPixInterfaceLine) or (i1e <> FPixEndInterfaceLine) then begin
1997     InvalidatePixelLines(i1,i1e);
1998     InvalidatePixelLines(FPixInterfaceLine, FPixEndInterfaceLine);
1999   end;
2000   if (i2 <> FPixImplementationLine) or (i2e <> FPixEndImplementationLine) then begin
2001     InvalidatePixelLines(i2,i2e);
2002     InvalidatePixelLines(FPixImplementationLine, FPixEndImplementationLine);
2003   end;
2004   if (i3 <> FPixInitializationLine) or (i3e <> FPixEndInitializationLine) then begin
2005     InvalidatePixelLines(i3,i3e);
2006     InvalidatePixelLines(FPixInitializationLine, FPixEndInitializationLine);
2007   end;
2008   if (i4 <> FPixFinalizationLine) or (i4e <> FPixEndFinalizationLine) then begin
2009     InvalidatePixelLines(i4,i4e);
2010     InvalidatePixelLines(FPixFinalizationLine, FPixEndFinalizationLine);
2011   end;
2012 end;
2014 procedure TIDESynGutterLOvProviderPascal.ReCalc;
2015 begin
2016   FPixInterfaceLine      := TextLineToPixel(FInterfaceLine);
2017   FPixImplementationLine := TextLineToPixel(FImplementationLine);
2018   FPixInitializationLine := TextLineToPixel(FInitializationLine);
2019   FPixFinalizationLine   := TextLineToPixel(FFinalizationLine);
2021   if SingleLine then begin
2022     if FPixInterfaceLine < 0 then
2023       FPixEndInterfaceLine := -1
2024     else
2025       FPixEndInterfaceLine      := TextLineToPixelEnd(FInterfaceLine) + 1;
2027     if FPixImplementationLine < 0 then
2028       FPixEndImplementationLine := -1
2029     else
2030       FPixEndImplementationLine := TextLineToPixelEnd(FImplementationLine) + 1;
2032     if FPixInitializationLine < 0 then
2033       FPixEndInitializationLine := -1
2034     else
2035       FPixEndInitializationLine := TextLineToPixelEnd(FInitializationLine) + 1;
2037     if FPixFinalizationLine < 0 then
2038       FPixEndFinalizationLine := -1
2039     else
2040       FPixEndFinalizationLine   := TextLineToPixelEnd(FFinalizationLine) + 1;
2041   end else begin
2042     if FPixInterfaceLine < 0 then
2043       FPixEndInterfaceLine := -1
2044     else if FPixImplementationLine >= 0 then
2045       FPixEndInterfaceLine := FPixImplementationLine - 1
2046     else if FPixInitializationLine >= 0 then
2047       FPixEndInterfaceLine := FPixInitializationLine - 1
2048     else if FPixFinalizationLine >= 0 then
2049       FPixEndInterfaceLine := FPixFinalizationLine - 1
2050     else
2051       FPixEndInterfaceLine := Height - 1;
2053     if FPixImplementationLine < 0 then
2054       FPixEndImplementationLine := -1
2055     else if FPixInitializationLine >= 0 then
2056       FPixEndImplementationLine := FPixInitializationLine - 1
2057     else if FPixFinalizationLine >= 0 then
2058       FPixEndImplementationLine := FPixFinalizationLine - 1
2059     else
2060       FPixEndImplementationLine := Height - 1;
2062     if FPixInitializationLine < 0 then
2063       FPixEndInitializationLine := -1
2064     else if FPixFinalizationLine >= 0 then
2065       FPixEndInitializationLine := FPixFinalizationLine - 1
2066     else
2067       FPixEndInitializationLine := Height - 1;
2069     if FPixFinalizationLine < 0 then
2070       FPixEndFinalizationLine := -1
2071     else
2072       FPixEndFinalizationLine := Height - 1;
2073   end;
2074 end;
2076 procedure TIDESynGutterLOvProviderPascal.Paint(Canvas: TCanvas; AClip: TRect;
2077   TopOffset: integer);
2078   procedure DrawArea(AStartLine, AEndLine: Integer; C: TColor);
2079   var r: TRect;
2080   begin
2081     if (C = clNone) and SingleLine then
2082       c := Color;
2083     if (C = clNone) then
2084       exit;
2086     if (AStartLine + TopOffset > AClip.Bottom) or
2087        (AEndLine + TopOffset < AClip.Top)
2088     then
2089       exit;
2090     r := AClip;
2091     r.Top    := Max(r.Top, AStartLine + TopOffset);
2092     r.Bottom := Min(r.Bottom, AEndLine + 1 + TopOffset);
2093     Canvas.Brush.Color := C;
2094     Canvas.FillRect(r);
2095   end;
2096 var
2097   C2, C3: TColor;
2098 begin
2099   if FPixInterfaceLine >= 0 then
2100     DrawArea(FPixInterfaceLine, FPixEndInterfaceLine, Color);
2102   if FPixImplementationLine >= 0 then
2103     DrawArea(FPixImplementationLine, FPixEndImplementationLine, Color2);
2105   C2 := Color;
2106   C3 := Color2;
2107   if FPixImplementationLine < 0 then begin
2108     C2 := Color2;
2109     if FPixInitializationLine >= 0 then
2110       C3 := Color;
2111   end;
2113   if FPixInitializationLine >= 0 then
2114     DrawArea(FPixInitializationLine, FPixEndInitializationLine, C2);
2116   if FPixFinalizationLine >= 0 then
2117     DrawArea(FPixFinalizationLine, FPixEndFinalizationLine, C3);
2118 end;
2120 constructor TIDESynGutterLOvProviderPascal.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
2121 begin
2122   inherited Create(AOwner);
2123   SingleLine := False;
2124   Color  := $D4D4D4;
2125   Color2 := $E8E8E8;
2126   ViewedTextBuffer.AddChangeHandler(senrHighlightChanged,
2127     @HighlightChanged);
2128   ViewedTextBuffer.AddNotifyHandler(senrTextBufferChanged,
2129     @BufferChanged);
2130 end;
2132 destructor TIDESynGutterLOvProviderPascal.Destroy;
2133 begin
2134   ViewedTextBuffer.RemoveHanlders(self);
2135   inherited Destroy;
2136 end;
2138 { TIDESynGutterLOvProviderIDEMarks }
2140 procedure TIDESynGutterLOvProviderIDEMarks.SetBreakColor(const AValue: TColor);
2141 begin
2142   if FBreakColor = AValue then exit;
2143   FBreakColor := AValue;
2144   FRGBBreakColor := ColorToRGB(AValue);
2145   DoChange(Self);
2146 end;
2148 procedure TIDESynGutterLOvProviderIDEMarks.SetBreakDisabledColor(AValue: TColor);
2149 begin
2150   if FBreakDisabledColor = AValue then Exit;
2151   FBreakDisabledColor := AValue;
2152   FRGBBreakDisabledColor := ColorToRGB(AValue);
2153   DoChange(Self);
2154 end;
2156 procedure TIDESynGutterLOvProviderIDEMarks.SetExecLineColor(AValue: TColor);
2157 begin
2158   if FExecLineColor = AValue then Exit;
2159   FExecLineColor := AValue;
2160   FRGBExecLineColor := ColorToRGB(AValue);
2161   DoChange(Self);
2162 end;
2164 procedure TIDESynGutterLOvProviderIDEMarks.AdjustColorForMark(AMark: TSynEditMark;
2165   var AColor: TColor; var APriority: Integer);
2166 var
2167   i: Integer;
2168   ETMark: TETMark;
2169 begin
2170   if (AMark is TETMark) then begin
2171     ETMark:=TETMark(AMark);
2172     AColor:=ETMark.SourceMarks.MarkStyles[ETMark.Urgency].Color;
2173   end else begin
2174     inc(APriority, 1);
2175     if not AMark.IsBookmark then begin
2176       //if (AMark.ImageList = SourceEditorMarks.ImgList) then begin
2177       i := AMark.ImageIndex;
2178       if (i = SourceEditorMarks.CurrentLineImg) or
2179          (i = SourceEditorMarks.CurrentLineBreakPointImg) or
2180          (i = SourceEditorMarks.CurrentLineDisabledBreakPointImg)
2181       then begin
2182         dec(APriority, 1);
2183         AColor := TColor(FRGBExecLineColor);
2184       end
2185       else
2186       if (i = SourceEditorMarks.InactiveBreakPointImg) or
2187          (i = SourceEditorMarks.InvalidDisabledBreakPointImg) or
2188          (i = SourceEditorMarks.UnknownDisabledBreakPointImg)
2189       then begin
2190         inc(APriority, 2);
2191         AColor := TColor(FRGBBreakDisabledColor);
2192       end
2193       else begin
2194         AColor := TColor(FRGBBreakColor);
2195         inc(APriority, 1);
2196       end;
2197     end;
2198   end;
2199   inherited AdjustColorForMark(AMark, AColor, APriority);
2200 end;
2202 constructor TIDESynGutterLOvProviderIDEMarks.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
2203 begin
2204   inherited Create(AOwner);
2205   BreakColor         := $0080C8;
2206   BreakDisabledColor := $00D000;
2207   ExecLineColor      := $F000D0;
2208 end;
2210 { TIDESynGutter }
2212 procedure TIDESynGutter.CreateDefaultGutterParts;
2213 begin
2214   IncChangeLock;
2215   try
2216     if Side = gsLeft then begin
2217       with TIDESynGutterMarks.Create(Parts) do
2218         Name := 'SynGutterMarks1';
2219       with TSynGutterLineNumber.Create(Parts) do
2220         Name := 'SynGutterLineNumber1';
2221       with TSynGutterChanges.Create(Parts) do
2222         Name := 'SynGutterChanges1';
2223       with TSynGutterSeparator.Create(Parts) do
2224         Name := 'SynGutterSeparator1';
2225       with TIDESynGutterCodeFolding.Create(Parts) do
2226         Name := 'SynGutterCodeFolding1';
2227     end
2228     else begin
2229       {$IFDEF WithSynDebugGutter}
2230       with TSynGutterSeparator.Create(Parts) do
2231         Name := 'SynGutterSeparatorR1';
2232       DebugGutter := TIDESynGutterDebugHL.Create(Parts);
2233       with DebugGutter do
2234         Name := 'TIDESynGutterDebugHL';
2235       {$ENDIF}
2236       with TSynGutterSeparator.Create(Parts) do
2237         Name := 'SynGutterSeparatorR2';
2238       with TSynGutterLineOverview.Create(Parts) do begin
2239         Name := 'SynGutterLineOverview1';
2240         with TIDESynGutterLOvProviderIDEMarks.Create(Providers) do
2241           Priority := 20;
2242         with TSynGutterLOvProviderModifiedLines.Create(Providers) do
2243           Priority := 9;
2244         with TSynGutterLOvProviderCurrentPage.Create(Providers) do
2245           Priority := 1;
2246         with TIDESynGutterLOvProviderPascal.Create(Providers) do
2247           Priority := 0;
2248       end;
2249       with TSynGutterSeparator.Create(Parts) do begin
2250         Name := 'SynGutterSeparatorR3';
2251         AutoSize := False;
2252         Width := 1;
2253         LineWidth := 0;
2254       end;
2255     end;
2256   finally
2257     DecChangeLock;
2258   end;
2259 end;
2261 { TIDESynGutterMarks }
2263 procedure TIDESynGutterMarks.CheckTextBuffer;
2264 begin
2265   if (FMarkInfoTextBuffer <> nil) and
2266      (FMarkInfoTextBuffer <> TIDESynEditor(SynEdit).TextBuffer)
2267   then begin
2268     FMarkInfoTextBuffer := nil;
2269     if FDebugMarkInfo <> nil then FDebugMarkInfo.DecRefCount;
2270     if (FDebugMarkInfo <> nil) and (FDebugMarkInfo.RefCount = 0) then
2271       FreeAndNil(FDebugMarkInfo);
2272   end;
2273 end;
2275 procedure TIDESynGutterMarks.PaintLine(aScreenLine: Integer; Canvas: TCanvas; AClip: TRect);
2276 var
2277   aGutterOffs, TxtIdx: Integer;
2278   HasAnyMark: Boolean;
2279   iRange: TLineRange;
2281   procedure DrawDebugMark(Line: Integer);
2282   var
2283     itop : Longint;
2284     LineHeight: LongInt;
2285     img: TScaledImageListResolution;
2286   begin
2287     if Line < 0 then Exit;
2288     if Assigned(FBookMarkOpt.BookmarkImages) and
2289        (DebugMarksImageIndex <= FBookMarkOpt.BookmarkImages.Count) and
2290        (DebugMarksImageIndex >= 0) then
2291     begin
2292       LineHeight := TSynEdit(SynEdit).LineHeight;
2293       img := GetImgListRes(Canvas, FBookMarkOpt.BookmarkImages);
2294       iTop := 0;
2295       if LineHeight > img.Height then
2296         iTop := (LineHeight - img.Height) div 2;
2298       img.Draw
2299         (Canvas, AClip.Left + LeftMarginAtCurrentPPI + aGutterOffs * ColumnWidth,
2300          AClip.Top + iTop, DebugMarksImageIndex, True);
2301     end
2302   end;
2304 begin
2305   CheckTextBuffer;
2306   aGutterOffs := 0;
2307   HasAnyMark := PaintMarks(aScreenLine, Canvas, AClip, aGutterOffs);
2308   aScreenLine := aScreenLine + ToIdx(GutterArea.TextArea.TopLine);
2309   TxtIdx:= ViewedTextBuffer.DisplayView.ViewToTextIndexEx(aScreenLine, iRange);
2310   if aScreenLine <> iRange.Top then
2311     exit;
2312   if (TxtIdx < 0) or (TxtIdx >= TSynEdit(SynEdit).Lines.Count) then
2313     exit;
2314   if (not HasAnyMark) and (HasDebugMarks) and (TxtIdx < FDebugMarkInfo.Count) and
2315      (FDebugMarkInfo.SrcLineToMarkLine[TxtIdx] > 0)
2316   then
2317     DrawDebugMark(aScreenLine);
2318 end;
PreferedWidthAtCurrentPPInull2320 function TIDESynGutterMarks.PreferedWidthAtCurrentPPI: Integer;
2321 var
2322   img: TScaledImageListResolution;
2323 begin
2324   if Assigned(SourceEditorMarks) and Assigned(SourceEditorMarks.ImgList) then
2325   begin
2326     img := GetImgListRes(nil, SourceEditorMarks.ImgList);
2327     // + 1 => right margin
2328     Result := img.Width * 2 + LeftMarginAtCurrentPPI + Scale96ToFont(1);
2329   end else
2330     Result := inherited PreferedWidthAtCurrentPPI;
2331 end;
2333 destructor TIDESynGutterMarks.Destroy;
2334 begin
2335   ClearDebugMarks;
2336   inherited;
2337 end;
2339 procedure TIDESynGutterMarks.BeginSetDebugMarks;
2340 begin
2341   CheckTextBuffer;
2343   if FDebugMarkInfo = nil then begin
2344     FDebugMarkInfo := TIDESynDebugMarkInfo(TIDESynEditor(SynEdit).TextBuffer.Ranges[ClassType]);
2345     if FDebugMarkInfo = nil then begin
2346       FDebugMarkInfo := TIDESynDebugMarkInfo.Create;
2347       // Todo: Add a notification, when TextBuffer Changes
2348       FMarkInfoTextBuffer := TIDESynEditor(SynEdit).TextBuffer;
2349       TIDESynEditor(SynEdit).TextBuffer.Ranges[ClassType] := FDebugMarkInfo;
2350     end
2351     else
2352       FDebugMarkInfo.IncRefCount;
2353   end;
2354 end;
2356 procedure TIDESynGutterMarks.EndSetDebugMarks;
2357 begin
2358   TSynEdit(SynEdit).InvalidateGutter;
2359 end;
GetImgListResnull2361 function TIDESynGutterMarks.GetImgListRes(const ACanvas: TCanvas;
2362   const AImages: TCustomImageList): TScaledImageListResolution;
2363 const
2364   AllowedHeights: array[0..7] of Integer = (5, 7, 9, 11, 16, 22, 33, 44);
2365 var
2366   Scale: Double;
2367   PPI, LineHeight, I, ImageHeight: Integer;
2368 begin
2369   // image height must be equal to width
2370   if AImages.Width<>AImages.Height then
2371     raise Exception.Create('Internal error: AImages.Width<>AImages.Height');
2373   Scale := 1;
2374   PPI := 96;
2375   if SynEdit is TSynEdit then
2376   begin
2377     LineHeight := TSynEdit(SynEdit).LineHeight;
2378     if LineHeight - Max(0, TSynEdit(SynEdit).ExtraLineSpacing) > 11 then
2379       LineHeight := LineHeight - Max(0, TSynEdit(SynEdit).ExtraLineSpacing);
2380     if LineHeight > 22 then
2381       I := LineHeight div 8
2382     else
2383       I := 1;
2384     If LineHeight - I >= 11 then
2385       LineHeight := LineHeight - I;
2386     if LineHeight < 11 then begin
2387       LineHeight := TSynEdit(SynEdit).LineHeight;
2388       if LineHeight > 11 then
2389         LineHeight := LineHeight - 1;
2390     end;
2391     ImageHeight := AllowedHeights[0];
2392     for I := High(AllowedHeights) downto Low(AllowedHeights) do
2393       if AllowedHeights[I] <= LineHeight then
2394       begin
2395         ImageHeight := AllowedHeights[I];
2396         break;
2397       end;
2398     // don't set PPI here -> we don't want to scale the image anymore
2399   end else
2400   begin
2401     ImageHeight := AImages.Height;
2402     if ACanvas is TControlCanvas then
2403       PPI := TControlCanvas(ACanvas).Control.Font.PixelsPerInch;
2404   end;
2406   if ACanvas is TControlCanvas then
2407     Scale := TControlCanvas(ACanvas).Control.GetCanvasScaleFactor;
2408   Result := AImages.ResolutionForPPI[ImageHeight, PPI, Scale];
2409 end;
2411 procedure TIDESynGutterMarks.SetDebugMarks(AFirstLinePos, ALastLinePos: Integer);
2412 var
2413   i: LongInt;
2414 begin
2415   CheckTextBuffer;
2417   if ALastLinePos > FDebugMarkInfo.Count then begin
2418     //debugln(['Request to set debug-mark out of range: max-count=',FDebugMarkInfo.Count,' Marks=',AFirstLinePos,' to=',ALastLinePos]);
2419     ALastLinePos := FDebugMarkInfo.Count;
2420   end;
2421   if AFirstLinePos < 1 then begin
2422     //debugln(['Request to set debug-mark out of range: max-count=',FDebugMarkInfo.Count,' Marks=',AFirstLinePos,' to=',ALastLinePos]);
2423     AFirstLinePos := 1;
2424   end;
2425   for i := AFirstLinePos - 1 to ALastLinePos - 1 do
2426     FDebugMarkInfo[i] := i + 1;
2427 end;
2429 procedure TIDESynGutterMarks.ClearDebugMarks;
2430 begin
2431   CheckTextBuffer;
2433   if FDebugMarkInfo = nil then exit;
2434   FDebugMarkInfo.DecRefCount;
2435   if FDebugMarkInfo.RefCount = 0 then begin
2436     TIDESynEditor(SynEdit).TextBuffer.Ranges[ClassType] := nil;
2437     FreeAndNil(FDebugMarkInfo);
2438   end;
2439   FDebugMarkInfo := nil;
2440   FMarkInfoTextBuffer := nil;
2441   TSynEdit(SynEdit).InvalidateGutter;
2442 end;
HasDebugMarksnull2444 function TIDESynGutterMarks.HasDebugMarks: Boolean;
2445 begin
2446   CheckTextBuffer;
2447   if FDebugMarkInfo = nil then begin
2448     FDebugMarkInfo := TIDESynDebugMarkInfo(TIDESynEditor(SynEdit).TextBuffer.Ranges[ClassType]);
2449     if FDebugMarkInfo <> nil then begin
2450       FDebugMarkInfo.IncRefCount;
2451       TSynEdit(SynEdit).InvalidateGutter;
2452     end;
2453   end;
2454   Result := FDebugMarkInfo <> nil;
2455 end;
DebugLineToSourceLinenull2457 function TIDESynGutterMarks.DebugLineToSourceLine(aLinePos: Integer): Integer;
2458 var
2459   i, c: LongInt;
2460   MaxCnt: Integer;
2461 begin
2462   CheckTextBuffer;
2463   if (aLinePos < 1) or (not HasDebugMarks) then exit(aLinePos);
2464   Result := aLinePos - 1; // 0 based
2465   MaxCnt := FDebugMarkInfo.Count;
2466   Result := MinMax(Result, 0, MaxCnt - 1);
2467   if (FDebugMarkInfo[Result] = 0) or (FDebugMarkInfo[Result] > aLinePos) then begin
2468     i := Result;
2469     repeat
2470       dec(i);
2471       while (i >= 0) and (FDebugMarkInfo[i] = 0) do dec(i);
2472       if (i < 0) or (FDebugMarkInfo[i] < aLinePos) then break;
2473       Result := i;
2474     until FDebugMarkInfo[Result] = aLinePos;
2475     if (FDebugMarkInfo[Result] > aLinePos) and // line not found
2476        (Result > 0) and (FDebugMarkInfo[Result - 1] = 0)
2477     then
2478       dec(Result);
2479   end;
2480   if (FDebugMarkInfo[Result] = 0) or (FDebugMarkInfo[Result] < aLinePos) then begin
2481     c := FDebugMarkInfo.Count;
2482     i := Result;
2483     repeat
2484       inc(i);
2485       while (i < c) and (FDebugMarkInfo[i] = 0) do inc(i);
2486       if (i >= c) or (FDebugMarkInfo[i] > aLinePos) then break;
2487       Result := i;
2488     until FDebugMarkInfo[Result] = aLinePos;
2489     if (FDebugMarkInfo[Result] < aLinePos) and // line not found
2490        (Result < c-1) and (FDebugMarkInfo[Result + 1] = 0)
2491     then
2492       inc(Result);
2493   end;
2494   inc(Result); // 1 based
2495 end;
SourceLineToDebugLinenull2497 function TIDESynGutterMarks.SourceLineToDebugLine(aLinePos: Integer;
2498   AdjustOnError: Boolean): Integer;
2499 begin
2500   CheckTextBuffer;
2501   if (aLinePos < 1) or (not HasDebugMarks) or (aLinePos >= FDebugMarkInfo.Count) then
2502     exit(aLinePos);
2503   Result := FDebugMarkInfo[aLinePos - 1];
2504   while (Result = 0) and AdjustOnError and (aLinePos < FDebugMarkInfo.Count-1) do begin
2505     inc(aLinePos);
2506     Result := FDebugMarkInfo[aLinePos - 1];
2507   end;
2508 end;
2510 { TIDESynDebugMarkInfo }
GetSrcLineToMarkLinenull2512 function TIDESynDebugMarkInfo.GetSrcLineToMarkLine(SrcIndex: Integer): Integer;
2513 begin
2514   Result := Integer(ItemPointer[SrcIndex]^);
2515 end;
2517 procedure TIDESynDebugMarkInfo.SetSrcLineToMarkLine(SrcIndex: Integer; const AValue: Integer);
2518 begin
2519   Integer(ItemPointer[SrcIndex]^) := AValue;
2520 end;
2522 constructor TIDESynDebugMarkInfo.Create;
2523 begin
2524   Inherited;
2525   ItemSize := SizeOf(Integer);
2526   FRefCount := 1;
2527 end;
2529 procedure TIDESynDebugMarkInfo.IncRefCount;
2530 begin
2531   inc(FRefCount);
2532 end;
2534 procedure TIDESynDebugMarkInfo.DecRefCount;
2535 begin
2536   dec(FRefCount);
2537 end;
2539 { TIDESynGutterCodeFolding }
2541 procedure TIDESynGutterCodeFolding.PopClickedFoldIfdef(Sender: TObject);
2542 begin
2543   FoldIfdef(True);
2544 end;
2546 procedure TIDESynGutterCodeFolding.PopClickedFoldIfdefNoMixed(Sender: TObject);
2547 begin
2548   FoldIfdef(False);
2549 end;
2551 procedure TIDESynGutterCodeFolding.PopClickedUnfoldIfdefActive(Sender: TObject);
2552 begin
2553   UnFoldIfdef(False, True);
2554 end;
2556 procedure TIDESynGutterCodeFolding.PopClickedUnfolDIfdefAll(Sender: TObject);
2557 begin
2558   UnFoldIfdef(True, True);
2559 end;
2561 procedure TIDESynGutterCodeFolding.PopClickedUnfoldIfdefInactiv(Sender: TObject);
2562 begin
2563   UnFoldIfdef(True, False);
2564 end;
2566 procedure TIDESynGutterCodeFolding.UnFoldIfdef(AInclDisabled, AInclEnabled: Boolean);
2567 var
2568   i, j, k, y1, y2: Integer;
2569   FldInf: TSynFoldNodeInfo;
2570   Tree: TSynMarkupHighIfDefLinesTree;
2571   IfLineNode: TSynMarkupHighIfDefLinesNodeInfo;
2572   IsDisabled: Boolean;
2573 begin
2574   if TSynEdit(SynEdit).SelAvail then begin
2575     y1 := TSynEdit(SynEdit).BlockBegin.Y;
2576     y2 := TSynEdit(SynEdit).BlockEnd.Y;
2577     if TSynEdit(SynEdit).BlockEnd.X = 1 then dec(y2);
2578   end
2579   else begin
2580     y1 := 1;
2581     y2 := TSynEdit(SynEdit).Lines.Count - 1;
2582   end;
2583   Tree := TIDESynEditor(SynEdit).FMarkupIfDef.IfDefTree;
2585   if TSynEdit(SynEdit).BlockEnd.X = 1 then dec(y2);
2586   for i := y1-1 to y2-1 do begin
2587     j := FoldView.FoldProvider.FoldOpenCount(i);
2588     while j > 0 do begin
2589       dec(j);
2590       if FoldView.IsFoldedAtTextIndex(i,j) then begin
2591         FldInf := FoldView.FoldProvider.FoldOpenInfo(i, j);
2592         if TPascalCodeFoldBlockType({%H-}PtrUInt(FldInf.FoldType)) in [cfbtIfDef]
2593         then begin
2594           if AInclDisabled and AInclEnabled then begin
2595             FoldView.UnFoldAtTextIndex(i, j, 1, False, 1);
2596           end
2597           else begin
2598             IfLineNode := Tree.FindNodeAtPosition(ToPos(i), afmNil);
2599             k := IfLineNode.EntryCount - 1;
2600             while (k >= 0) and (IfLineNode.Entry[k].StartColumn <> FldInf.LogXStart) do
2601               dec(k);
2602             IsDisabled := (k >= 0) and (IfLineNode.Entry[k].IsDisabled);
2603             if (AInclDisabled and IsDisabled) or (AInclEnabled and not IsDisabled) then
2604               FoldView.UnFoldAtTextIndex(i, j, 1, False, 1);
2605           end;
2606         end;
2607       end; //FoldView.IsFoldedAtTextIndex(i,j)
2608     end;
2609   end;
2610 end;
2612 procedure TIDESynGutterCodeFolding.FoldIfdef(AInclTemp: Boolean);
2613 var
2614   i, j, k, y1, y2: Integer;
2615   FldInf: TSynFoldNodeInfo;
2616   Tree: TSynMarkupHighIfDefLinesTree;
2617   IfLineNode: TSynMarkupHighIfDefLinesNodeInfo;
2618 begin
2619   if TSynEdit(SynEdit).SelAvail then begin
2620     y1 := TSynEdit(SynEdit).BlockBegin.Y;
2621     y2 := TSynEdit(SynEdit).BlockEnd.Y;
2622     if TSynEdit(SynEdit).BlockEnd.X = 1 then dec(y2);
2623   end
2624   else begin
2625     y1 := 1;
2626     y2 := TSynEdit(SynEdit).Lines.Count - 1;
2627   end;
2628   Tree := TIDESynEditor(SynEdit).FMarkupIfDef.IfDefTree;
2629   if TSynEdit(SynEdit).BlockEnd.X = 1 then dec(y2);
2630   for i := y1-1 to y2-1 do begin
2631     j := FoldView.FoldProvider.FoldOpenCount(i);
2632     while j > 0 do begin
2633       dec(j);
2634       FldInf := FoldView.FoldProvider.FoldOpenInfo(i, j);
2635       if (TPascalCodeFoldBlockType({%H-}PtrUInt(FldInf.FoldType)) in [cfbtIfDef]) and
2636          (sfaFoldFold in FldInf.FoldAction)
2637       then begin
2638         IfLineNode := Tree.FindNodeAtPosition(ToPos(i), afmNil);
2639         k := IfLineNode.EntryCount - 1;
2640         while (k >= 0) and (IfLineNode.Entry[k].StartColumn <> FldInf.LogXStart) do
2641           dec(k);
2642         if (k >= 0) and (IfLineNode.Entry[k].IsDisabled) and
2643            ( (not (IfLineNode.Entry[k].IsTemp)) or AInclTemp )
2644         then
2645           FoldView.FoldAtTextIndex(i, j, 1, False, 1);
2646       end;
2647     end;
2648   end;
2649 end;
2651 procedure TIDESynGutterCodeFolding.PopClickedUnfoldAll(Sender: TObject);
2652 var
2653   i, y1, y2: Integer;
2654 begin
2655   if not TSynEdit(SynEdit).SelAvail then begin
2656     FoldView.UnfoldAll;
2657     exit;
2658   end;
2659   y1 := TSynEdit(SynEdit).BlockBegin.Y;
2660   y2 := TSynEdit(SynEdit).BlockEnd.Y;
2661   if TSynEdit(SynEdit).BlockEnd.X = 1 then dec(y2);
2662   for i := y1-1 to y2-1 do
2663     FoldView.UnFoldAtTextIndex(i);
2664 end;
2666 procedure TIDESynGutterCodeFolding.PopClickedUnfoldComment(Sender: TObject);
2667 var
2668   i, j, y1, y2: Integer;
2669   FldInf: TSynFoldNodeInfo;
2670 begin
2671   if TSynEdit(SynEdit).SelAvail then begin
2672     y1 := TSynEdit(SynEdit).BlockBegin.Y;
2673     y2 := TSynEdit(SynEdit).BlockEnd.Y;
2674     if TSynEdit(SynEdit).BlockEnd.X = 1 then dec(y2);
2675   end
2676   else begin
2677     y1 := 1;
2678     y2 := TSynEdit(SynEdit).Lines.Count - 1;
2679   end;
2681   for i := y1-1 to y2-1 do begin
2682     j := FoldView.FoldProvider.FoldOpenCount(i);
2683     while j > 0 do begin
2684       dec(j);
2685       if FoldView.IsFoldedAtTextIndex(i,j) then begin
2686         FldInf := FoldView.FoldProvider.FoldOpenInfo(i, j);
2687         if TPascalCodeFoldBlockType({%H-}PtrUInt(FldInf.FoldType)) in
2688            [cfbtAnsiComment, cfbtBorCommand, cfbtSlashComment]
2689         then begin
2690           FoldView.UnFoldAtTextIndex(i, j, 1, False, 0);
2691           FoldView.UnFoldAtTextIndex(i, j, 1, False, 1);
2692         end;
2693       end;
2694     end;
2695   end;
2696 end;
2698 procedure TIDESynGutterCodeFolding.PopClickedFoldComment(Sender: TObject);
2699 var
2700   i, j, y1, y2: Integer;
2701   FldInf: TSynFoldNodeInfo;
2702 begin
2703   if TSynEdit(SynEdit).SelAvail then begin
2704     y1 := TSynEdit(SynEdit).BlockBegin.Y;
2705     y2 := TSynEdit(SynEdit).BlockEnd.Y;
2706     if TSynEdit(SynEdit).BlockEnd.X = 1 then dec(y2);
2707   end
2708   else begin
2709     y1 := 1;
2710     y2 := TSynEdit(SynEdit).Lines.Count - 1;
2711   end;
2713   for i := y1-1 to y2-1 do begin
2714     j := FoldView.FoldProvider.FoldOpenCount(i);
2715     while j > 0 do begin
2716       dec(j);
2717       FldInf := FoldView.FoldProvider.FoldOpenInfo(i, j);
2718       if (TPascalCodeFoldBlockType({%H-}PtrUInt(FldInf.FoldType)) in
2719           [cfbtAnsiComment, cfbtBorCommand, cfbtSlashComment]) and
2720          (sfaFoldFold in FldInf.FoldAction)
2721       then begin
2722         FoldView.FoldAtTextIndex(i, j, 1, False, 1);
2723       end;
2724     end;
2725   end;
2726 end;
2728 procedure TIDESynGutterCodeFolding.PopClickedHideComment(Sender: TObject);
2729 var
2730   i, j, y1, y2: Integer;
2731   FldInf: TSynFoldNodeInfo;
2732 begin
2733   if TSynEdit(SynEdit).SelAvail then begin
2734     y1 := TSynEdit(SynEdit).BlockBegin.Y;
2735     y2 := TSynEdit(SynEdit).BlockEnd.Y;
2736     if TSynEdit(SynEdit).BlockEnd.X = 1 then dec(y2);
2737   end
2738   else begin
2739     y1 := 1;
2740     y2 := TSynEdit(SynEdit).Lines.Count - 1;
2741   end;
2743   for i := y1-1 to y2-1 do begin
2744     j := FoldView.FoldProvider.FoldOpenCount(i);
2745     while j > 0 do begin
2746       dec(j);
2747       FldInf := FoldView.FoldProvider.FoldOpenInfo(i, j);
2748       if (TPascalCodeFoldBlockType({%H-}PtrUInt(FldInf.FoldType)) in
2749           [cfbtAnsiComment, cfbtBorCommand, cfbtSlashComment]) and
2750          (sfaFoldHide in FldInf.FoldAction)
2751       then begin
2752         FoldView.FoldAtTextIndex(i, j, 1, False, 0);
2753       end;
2754     end;
2755   end;
2756 end;
2758 procedure TIDESynGutterCodeFolding.CreatePopUpMenuEntries(var APopUp: TPopupMenu; ALine: Integer);
2759 var
2760   i, j, k, y1, y2: Integer;
2761   HasFolds, HasHideableComments, HasFoldableComments, HasCollapsedComments: Boolean;
2762   ft: TPascalCodeFoldBlockType;
2763   Foldable, HideAble: TPascalCodeFoldBlockTypes;
2764   lc: TSynEditFoldLineCapabilities;
2765   HasFoldableDisabledIfDef, HasFoldableTempDisabledIfDef,
2766   HasCollapsedActiveIfDef, HasCollapsedDisabledIfDef: Boolean; // HasCollapsedActiveIfDef includes all NOT disabled
2767   Tree: TSynMarkupHighIfDefLinesTree;
2768   IfLineNode: TSynMarkupHighIfDefLinesNodeInfo;
2769   FProv: TSynEditFoldProvider;
2770   inf: TSynFoldNodeInfo;
2771   HasComments, HasIfdef: Boolean;
2773   procedure CheckFoldConf(Val: TPascalCodeFoldBlockType);
2774   begin
2775     if not TSynPasSyn(FoldView.HighLighter).FoldConfig[ord(Val)].Enabled then
2776       exit;
2777     if fmFold in TSynPasSyn(FoldView.HighLighter).FoldConfig[ord(Val)].Modes then
2778       include(Foldable, Val);
2779     if fmHide in TSynPasSyn(FoldView.HighLighter).FoldConfig[ord(Val)].Modes then
2780       include(HideAble, Val);
2781   end;
2783   function AddPopUpItem(const ACaption: String): TMenuItem;
2784   begin
2785     Result := TMenuItem.Create(APopUp);
2786     Result.Caption := ACaption;
2787     APopUp.Items.Add(Result);
2788   end;
2791 begin
2792   inherited CreatePopUpMenuEntries(APopUp, ALine);
2794   if not (FoldView.HighLighter is TSynPasSyn) then
2795     exit;
2797   Foldable := [];
2798   HideAble := [];
2799   CheckFoldConf(cfbtAnsiComment);
2800   CheckFoldConf(cfbtBorCommand);
2801   CheckFoldConf(cfbtSlashComment);
2802   if TIDESynEditor(SynEdit).IsIfdefMarkupActive then
2803     CheckFoldConf(cfbtIfDef);
2805   if (Foldable = []) and (HideAble = []) then
2806     exit;
2808   HasHideableComments           := False;
2809   HasFoldableComments           := False;
2810   HasCollapsedComments          := False;
2811   HasFoldableDisabledIfDef      := False;
2812   HasFoldableTempDisabledIfDef  := False;
2813   HasCollapsedActiveIfDef       := False;
2814   HasCollapsedDisabledIfDef     := False;
2816   HasComments := (Foldable*[cfbtAnsiComment, cfbtBorCommand, cfbtSlashComment] <> []) or
2817                  (HideAble*[cfbtAnsiComment, cfbtBorCommand, cfbtSlashComment] <> []);
2818   HasIfdef := (Foldable*[cfbtIfDef] <> []);
2820   if TSynEdit(SynEdit).SelAvail then begin
2821     y1 := TSynEdit(SynEdit).BlockBegin.Y;
2822     y2 := TSynEdit(SynEdit).BlockEnd.Y;
2823     if TSynEdit(SynEdit).BlockEnd.X = 1 then dec(y2);
2824   end
2825   else begin
2826     y1 := 1;
2827     y2 := TSynEdit(SynEdit).Lines.Count - 1;
2828   end;
2831   HasFolds := FoldView.TextToViewIndex(y2) - FoldView.TextToViewIndex(y1) <> y2 - y1;
2832   //debugln(['*** HasFolds=', HasFolds, ' y1=',y1, ' y2=',y2, ' VP1=',FoldView.TextToViewIndex(y1), ' VP2=',FoldView.TextToViewIndex(y2)]);
2834   FProv := FoldView.FoldProvider;
2835   Tree := TIDESynEditor(SynEdit).FMarkupIfDef.IfDefTree;
2836   IfLineNode.ClearInfo;
2838   i := ToIdx(y1);
2839   while i < y2 do begin // lines in selection
2840     lc := FProv.LineCapabilities[i];
2841     j := FProv.FoldOpenCount(i);
2843     while j > 0 do begin // foldnodes on line
2844       dec(j);
2845       inf := FProv.FoldOpenInfo(i, j);
2846       ft := TPascalCodeFoldBlockType({%H-}PtrUInt(inf.FoldType));
2847       if not ((ft in Foldable) or (ft in HideAble)) then
2848         continue;
2850       if ft = cfbtIfDef then begin
2851         if IfLineNode.StartLine <> ToPos(i) then
2852           IfLineNode := Tree.FindNodeAtPosition(ToPos(i), afmNil);
2853         k := IfLineNode.EntryCount - 1; // -1 if no node
2854         while (k >= 0) and (IfLineNode.Entry[k].StartColumn <> inf.LogXStart) do
2855           dec(k);
2856         if FoldView.IsFoldedAtTextIndex(i,j) then begin
2857           if (k >= 0) and (IfLineNode.Entry[k].IsDisabled) then
2858             HasCollapsedDisabledIfDef := True
2859           else
2860             HasCollapsedActiveIfDef := True;
2861         end
2862         else // IFDEF is only Fold-able, not hide-able
2863         if (k >= 0) and (IfLineNode.Entry[k].IsDisabled) then begin
2864           if IfLineNode.Entry[k].IsTemp then
2865             HasFoldableTempDisabledIfDef := True
2866           else
2867             HasFoldableDisabledIfDef := True;
2868         end;
2870       end
2871       else begin
2872         // comment
2873         if FoldView.IsFoldedAtTextIndex(i,j) then begin
2874           HasCollapsedComments := True;
2875         end
2876         else begin
2877           if (ft in Foldable) and (cfFoldStart in lc) then
2878             HasFoldableComments := True;
2879           if (ft in HideAble) and (cfHideStart in lc) then
2880             HasHideableComments := True;
2881         end;
2882       end;
2883     end;
2885     if (not HasComments) or
2886        ( (HasFoldableComments and HasHideableComments) and
2887          ((not HasFolds) or (HasCollapsedComments))
2888        )
2889     then begin
2890       // found all comment info
2891       if (not HasIfdef) or
2892          ( (HasFoldableDisabledIfDef and HasFoldableTempDisabledIfDef) and
2893            ((not HasFolds) or (HasCollapsedActiveIfDef and HasCollapsedDisabledIfDef))
2894          )
2895       then
2896         break;
2897       // only Ifdef needed
2898       if IfLineNode.HasNode and (IfLineNode.StartLine = ToPos(i)) then
2899         IfLineNode := IfLineNode.Successor
2900       else
2901         IfLineNode := Tree.FindNodeAtPosition(ToPos(i)+1, afmNext);
2902       if not IfLineNode.HasNode then
2903         break;
2904       i := ToIdx(IfLineNode.StartLine);
2905     end
2906     else
2907       inc(i);
2908   end;
2910   if (HasFolds) and (APopUp.Items.Count > 0) then
2911     AddPopUpItem(cLineCaption);
2912   If HasFolds then
2913     if TSynEdit(SynEdit).SelAvail
2914     then AddPopUpItem(synfUnfoldAllInSelection).OnClick := @PopClickedUnfoldAll
2915     else AddPopUpItem(synfUnfoldAll).OnClick := @PopClickedUnfoldAll;
2918   if (HasCollapsedComments or HasFoldableComments or HasHideableComments) and
2919      (APopUp.Items.Count > 0)
2920   then
2921     AddPopUpItem(cLineCaption);
2923   If HasCollapsedComments then
2924     if TSynEdit(SynEdit).SelAvail
2925     then AddPopUpItem(synfUnfoldCommentsInSelection).OnClick := @PopClickedUnfoldComment
2926     else AddPopUpItem(synfUnfoldComments).OnClick := @PopClickedUnfoldComment;
2927   If HasFoldableComments then
2928     if TSynEdit(SynEdit).SelAvail
2929     then AddPopUpItem(synfFoldCommentsInSelection).OnClick := @PopClickedFoldComment
2930     else AddPopUpItem(synfFoldComments).OnClick := @PopClickedFoldComment;
2931   If HasHideableComments then
2932     if TSynEdit(SynEdit).SelAvail
2933     then AddPopUpItem(synfHideCommentsInSelection).OnClick := @PopClickedHideComment
2934     else AddPopUpItem(synfHideComments).OnClick := @PopClickedHideComment;
2937   if (HasFoldableDisabledIfDef or HasCollapsedDisabledIfDef or
2938       HasCollapsedDisabledIfDef or HasCollapsedActiveIfDef) and
2939      (APopUp.Items.Count > 0)
2940   then
2941     AddPopUpItem(cLineCaption);
2943   If HasCollapsedActiveIfDef and HasCollapsedDisabledIfDef then
2944     if TSynEdit(SynEdit).SelAvail
2945     then AddPopUpItem(synfUnfoldAllIfdefInSelection).OnClick := @PopClickedUnfolDIfdefAll
2946     else AddPopUpItem(synfUnfoldAllIfdef).OnClick := @PopClickedUnfolDIfdefAll;
2947   If HasCollapsedActiveIfDef then
2948     if TSynEdit(SynEdit).SelAvail
2949     then AddPopUpItem(synfUnfoldActiveIfdefInSelection).OnClick := @PopClickedUnfoldIfdefActive
2950     else AddPopUpItem(synfUnfoldActiveIfdef).OnClick := @PopClickedUnfoldIfdefActive;
2951   If HasCollapsedDisabledIfDef then
2952     if TSynEdit(SynEdit).SelAvail
2953     then AddPopUpItem(synfUnfoldInactiveIfdefInSelection).OnClick := @PopClickedUnfoldIfdefInactiv
2954     else AddPopUpItem(synfUnfoldInactiveIfdef).OnClick := @PopClickedUnfoldIfdefInactiv;
2956   If HasFoldableDisabledIfDef or HasFoldableTempDisabledIfDef then
2957     if TSynEdit(SynEdit).SelAvail
2958     then AddPopUpItem(synfFoldInactiveIfdefInSelection).OnClick := @PopClickedFoldIfdef
2959     else AddPopUpItem(synfFoldInactiveIfdef).OnClick := @PopClickedFoldIfdef;
2960   If HasFoldableDisabledIfDef and HasFoldableTempDisabledIfDef then
2961     if TSynEdit(SynEdit).SelAvail
2962     then AddPopUpItem(synfFoldInactiveIfdefInSelectionExcludeMixedState).OnClick := @PopClickedFoldIfdefNoMixed
2963     else AddPopUpItem(synfFoldInactiveIfdefExcludeMixedState).OnClick := @PopClickedFoldIfdefNoMixed;
2964 end;
2966 end.