1 { Copyright (C) 2011,
3  ***************************************************************************
4  *                                                                         *
5  *   This source is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify   *
6  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
7  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
8  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
9  *                                                                         *
10  *   This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but      *
11  *   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            *
13  *   General Public License for more details.                              *
14  *                                                                         *
15  *   A copy of the GNU General Public License is available on the World    *
16  *   Wide Web at <http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html>. You can also      *
17  *   obtain it by writing to the Free Software Foundation,                 *
18  *   Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA.   *
19  *                                                                         *
20  ***************************************************************************
22   Original version by Juha Manninen
23   Icons added by Marcelo B Paula
24   All available units added to the list by Anton Panferov
25 }
26 unit UseUnitDlg;
28 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
30 interface
32 uses
33   Classes, SysUtils,
34   // LCL
35   LCLType, Forms, Controls, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, ButtonPanel, Dialogs, Graphics,
36   // LazControls
37   ListFilterEdit,
38   // LazUtils
39   LazUTF8, LazFileUtils,
40   // Codetools
41   FileProcs, LinkScanner, CodeCache, CodeTree, CodeToolManager, IdentCompletionTool,
42   // BuildIntf
43   ProjectIntf,
44   // IdeIntf
45   LazIDEIntf, IDEImagesIntf, IDEWindowIntf,
46   // IDE
47   LazarusIDEStrConsts, SourceEditor, Project, EnvironmentOpts, MainIntf;
49 type
51   TUseUnitDialogType = (udUseUnit, udOpenUnit);
53   { TUseUnitDialog }
55   TUseUnitDialog = class(TForm)
56     ButtonPanel1: TButtonPanel;
57     AllUnitsCheckBox: TCheckBox;
58     FilterEdit: TListFilterEdit;
59     UnitsListBox: TListBox;
60     SectionRadioGroup: TRadioGroup;
61     procedure AllUnitsCheckBoxChange(Sender: TObject);
62     procedure FilterEditAfterFilter(Sender: TObject);
63     procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var {%H-}CloseAction: TCloseAction);
64     procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
65     procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
66     procedure SectionRadioGroupClick(Sender: TObject);
67     procedure UnitsListBoxDblClick(Sender: TObject);
68     procedure UnitsListBoxDrawItem({%H-}Control: TWinControl; Index: Integer;
69       ARect: TRect; State: TOwnerDrawState);
70     procedure UnitsListBoxKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
71       Shift: TShiftState);
72     procedure UnitsListBoxMeasureItem({%H-}Control: TWinControl; {%H-}Index: Integer;
73       var AHeight: Integer);
74   private
75     UnitImgInd: Integer;
76     FMainUsedUnits, FImplUsedUnits: TStringList;
77     FProjUnits, FOtherUnits: TStringListUTF8Fast;
78     DlgType: TUseUnitDialogType;
79     procedure AddImplUsedUnits;
GetProjUnitsnull80     function GetProjUnits(SrcEdit: TSourceEditor): Boolean;
81     procedure CreateOtherUnitsList;
SelectedUnitFileNamenull82     function SelectedUnitFileName: string;
SelectedUnitnull83     function SelectedUnit: string;
InterfaceSelectednull84     function InterfaceSelected: Boolean;
85     procedure DetermineUsesSection(ACode: TCodeBuffer);
86     procedure FillAvailableUnitsList;
87   public
89   end;
ShowUseUnitDialognull91 function ShowUseUnitDialog(const DefText: string; const aDlgType: TUseUnitDialogType): TModalResult;
93 implementation
95 {$R *.lfm}
ShowUseUnitDialognull97 function ShowUseUnitDialog(const DefText: string; const aDlgType: TUseUnitDialogType): TModalResult;
98 var
99   UseUnitDlg: TUseUnitDialog;
100   SrcEdit: TSourceEditor;
101   s: String;
102   CTRes: Boolean;
103   EnvOptions: TUseUnitDlgOptions;
104 begin
105   Result:=mrOk;
106   if not LazarusIDE.BeginCodeTools then begin
107     debugln(['ShowUseUnitDialog LazarusIDE.BeginCodeTools failed']);
108     exit;
109   end;
110   // get cursor position
111   SrcEdit:=SourceEditorManager.ActiveEditor;
112   if SrcEdit=nil then begin
113     debugln(['ShowUseUnitDialog no SrcEdit']);
114     exit;
115   end;
116   UseUnitDlg:=TUseUnitDialog.Create(nil);
117   try
118     UseUnitDlg.DlgType := aDlgType;
119     case aDlgType of
120       udUseUnit: UseUnitDlg.Caption := dlgUseUnitCaption;
121       udOpenUnit: UseUnitDlg.Caption := lisOpenUnit;
122     end;
124     if not UseUnitDlg.GetProjUnits(SrcEdit) then begin
125       debugln(['ShowUseUnitDialog UseUnitDlg.GetProjUnits(SrcEdit) failed: ',SrcEdit.FileName]);
126       Exit(mrCancel);
127     end;
128     UseUnitDlg.FillAvailableUnitsList;
129     // there is only main uses section in program/library/package
130     if SrcEdit.GetProjectFile=Project1.MainUnitInfo then
131       // only main (interface) section is available
132       UseUnitDlg.SectionRadioGroup.Enabled := False
133     else
134       // automatic choice of dest uses-section by cursor position
135       UseUnitDlg.DetermineUsesSection(SrcEdit.CodeBuffer);
137     // Read recent properties
138     EnvOptions := EnvironmentOptions.UseUnitDlgOptions;
139     UseUnitDlg.AllUnitsCheckBox.Checked := EnvOptions.AllUnits;
140     UseUnitDlg.SectionRadioGroup.ItemIndex := Ord(EnvOptions.AddToImplementation);
141     UseUnitDlg.SectionRadioGroup.Visible := aDlgType=udUseUnit;
143     if (UseUnitDlg.FilterEdit.Items.Count = 0)
144     and UseUnitDlg.AllUnitsCheckBox.Checked then begin
145       // No available units. This may not be a pascal source file.
146       ShowMessage(dlgNoAvailableUnits);
147       Exit(mrCancel);
148     end;
150     UseUnitDlg.FilterEdit.Text := DefText;
152     // Show the dialog.
153     if UseUnitDlg.ShowModal=mrOk then begin
155       // Write recent properties
156       EnvOptions.AllUnits := UseUnitDlg.AllUnitsCheckBox.Checked;
157       if aDlgType=udUseUnit then
158         EnvOptions.AddToImplementation := Boolean(UseUnitDlg.SectionRadioGroup.ItemIndex);
159       EnvironmentOptions.UseUnitDlgOptions := EnvOptions;
161       case aDlgType of
162         udUseUnit:
163         begin
164           s:=UseUnitDlg.SelectedUnit;
165           if s <> '' then begin
166             if UseUnitDlg.InterfaceSelected then
167               CTRes := CodeToolBoss.AddUnitToMainUsesSection(SrcEdit.CodeBuffer, s, '')
168             else
169               CTRes:=CodeToolBoss.AddUnitToImplementationUsesSection(SrcEdit.CodeBuffer, s, '');
170             if not CTRes then begin
171               LazarusIDE.DoJumpToCodeToolBossError;
172               exit(mrCancel);
173             end;
174           end;
175         end;
176         udOpenUnit:
177         begin
178           s:=UseUnitDlg.SelectedUnitFileName;
179           if FileExistsUTF8(s) then
180             Result := MainIDEInterface.DoOpenEditorFile(s,-1,-1,[ofAddToRecent])
181           else
182             exit(mrCancel);
183         end;
184       end;
185     end;
186   finally
187     UseUnitDlg.Free;
188     CodeToolBoss.SourceCache.ClearAllSourceLogEntries;
189   end;
190 end;
192 { TUseUnitDialog }
194 procedure TUseUnitDialog.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
195 begin
196   // Internationalization
197   IDEDialogLayoutList.ApplyLayout(Self, 500, 460);
198   AllUnitsCheckBox.Caption := dlgShowAllUnits;
199   SectionRadioGroup.Caption := dlgInsertSection;
200   SectionRadioGroup.Items.Clear;
201   SectionRadioGroup.Items.Add(dlgInsertInterface);
202   SectionRadioGroup.Items.Add(dlgInsertImplementation);
203   ButtonPanel1.OKButton.Caption:=lisMenuOk;
204   ButtonPanel1.CancelButton.Caption:=lisCancel;
205   UnitImgInd := IDEImages.LoadImage('item_unit');
206   FProjUnits:=TStringListUTF8Fast.Create;
207 end;
209 procedure TUseUnitDialog.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
210 begin
211   FOtherUnits.Free;
212   FProjUnits.Free;
213   FImplUsedUnits.Free;
214   FMainUsedUnits.Free;
215 end;
217 procedure TUseUnitDialog.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var CloseAction: TCloseAction);
218 begin
219   IDEDialogLayoutList.SaveLayout(Self);
220 end;
222 procedure TUseUnitDialog.SectionRadioGroupClick(Sender: TObject);
223 var
224   i: Integer;
225 begin
226   if not Assigned(FImplUsedUnits) then Exit;
227   if InterfaceSelected then
228     AddImplUsedUnits
229   else
230     for i := FilterEdit.Items.Count - 1 downto 0 do
231       if FilterEdit.Items.Objects[i] is TCodeTreeNode then
232         FilterEdit.Items.Delete(i);
233   FilterEdit.InvalidateFilter;
234   if Visible then
235     FilterEdit.SetFocus;
236 end;
238 procedure TUseUnitDialog.AllUnitsCheckBoxChange(Sender: TObject);
239 var
240   i: Integer;
241 begin
242   if not (Assigned(FMainUsedUnits) and Assigned(FImplUsedUnits)) then Exit;
243   if AllUnitsCheckBox.Checked then begin    // Add other units
244     if not Assigned(FOtherUnits) then
245       CreateOtherUnitsList;
246     FilterEdit.Items.AddStrings(FOtherUnits);
247   end
248   else
249     for i := FilterEdit.Items.Count-1 downto 0 do
250       if FilterEdit.Items.Objects[i] is TIdentifierListItem then
251         FilterEdit.Items.Delete(i);
252   if Visible then
253     FilterEdit.SetFocus;
254   FilterEdit.InvalidateFilter;
255 end;
257 procedure TUseUnitDialog.UnitsListBoxDblClick(Sender: TObject);
258 begin
259   if UnitsListBox.ItemIndex >= 0 then
260     ModalResult := mrOK;
261 end;
263 procedure TUseUnitDialog.UnitsListBoxDrawItem(Control: TWinControl;
264   Index: Integer; ARect: TRect; State: TOwnerDrawState);
265 var
266   ena: Boolean;
267 begin
268   if Index < 0 then Exit;
269   with UnitsListBox do
270   begin
271     Canvas.FillRect(ARect);
272     ena := not Assigned(Items.Objects[Index]) or (Items.Objects[Index] is TCodeTreeNode);
273     if not (ena or (odSelected in State)) then
274       Canvas.Font.Color := clGreen;
275     IDEImages.Images_16.Draw(Canvas, 1, (ARect.Top+ARect.Bottom-IDEImages.Images_16.Height) div 2, UnitImgInd, ena);
276     if Items.Objects[Index] is TCodeTreeNode then
277     begin
278       // unit for moving: implementation->interface
279       Canvas.Pen.Color := clBlue;
280       Canvas.Pen.Width := 2;
281       Canvas.MoveTo(ARect.Left + 13, ARect.Top + 16);
282       Canvas.LineTo(ARect.Left + 13, ARect.Top + 8);
283       Canvas.LineTo(ARect.Left + 10, ARect.Top + 11);
284       Canvas.MoveTo(ARect.Left + 13, ARect.Top + 8);
285       Canvas.LineTo(ARect.Left + 15, ARect.Top + 11);
286     end;
287     Canvas.TextRect(ARect, ARect.Left + IDEImages.Images_16.Width + 4, ARect.Top, Items[Index]);
288   end;
289 end;
291 procedure TUseUnitDialog.UnitsListBoxKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
292   Shift: TShiftState);
293 begin
294   // A hack to prevent 'O' working as shortcut for OK-button.
295   // Should be removed when issue #20599 is resolved.
296   if (Key = VK_O) and (Shift = []) then
297     Key:=VK_UNKNOWN;
298 end;
300 procedure TUseUnitDialog.UnitsListBoxMeasureItem(Control: TWinControl;
301   Index: Integer; var AHeight: Integer);
302 begin
303   if (AHeight <= IDEImages.Images_16.Height) then
304     AHeight := IDEImages.Images_16.Height + 2;
305 end;
307 procedure TUseUnitDialog.AddImplUsedUnits;
308 var
309   i, j: Integer;
310   newUnit: string;
311   ImplNode: TObject;
312 begin
313   if FImplUsedUnits.Count = 0 then Exit;
314   i := 0; j := 0;
315   ImplNode := FImplUsedUnits.Objects[0];
316   newUnit := FImplUsedUnits[j];
317   with FilterEdit.Items do
318   begin
319     BeginUpdate;
320     try
321       while i <= Count - 1 do
322       begin
323         if Assigned(Objects[i]) then Break;
324         if CompareStr(FImplUsedUnits[j], Strings[i]) <= 0 then
325         begin
326           InsertObject(i, newUnit, ImplNode);
327           Inc(j);
328           if j >= FImplUsedUnits.Count then Exit;
329           newUnit := FImplUsedUnits[j];
330         end;
331         Inc(i);
332       end;
333       if j < FImplUsedUnits.Count then
334         for j := j to FImplUsedUnits.Count - 1 do
335           if i < Count then
336             InsertObject(i, FImplUsedUnits[j], ImplNode)
337           else
338             AddObject(FImplUsedUnits[j], ImplNode);
339     finally
340       EndUpdate;
341     end;
342   end;
343 end;
GetProjUnitsnull345 function TUseUnitDialog.GetProjUnits(SrcEdit: TSourceEditor): Boolean;
346 var
347   ProjFile: TUnitInfo;
348   CurrentUnitName, s: String;
349   x: Integer;
350 begin
351   Result := False;
352   FreeAndNil(FMainUsedUnits);
353   FreeAndNil(FImplUsedUnits);
354   if SrcEdit = nil then Exit;
355   Assert(Assigned(SrcEdit.CodeBuffer));
356   if DlgType=udUseUnit then
357   begin
358     if not CodeToolBoss.FindUsedUnitNames(SrcEdit.CodeBuffer, TStrings(FMainUsedUnits),
359                                                               TStrings(FImplUsedUnits))
360     then begin
361       DebugLn(['ShowUseProjUnitDialog CodeToolBoss.FindUsedUnitNames failed']);
362       LazarusIDE.DoJumpToCodeToolBossError;
363       Exit;
364     end;
365   end else
366   begin
367     // don't filter units in current uses sections - use empty lists
368     FMainUsedUnits := TStringList.Create;
369     FImplUsedUnits := TStringList.Create;
370   end;
371   Result := True;
372   if Assigned(FMainUsedUnits) then
373     FMainUsedUnits.Sorted := True;
374   if Assigned(FImplUsedUnits) then
375     FImplUsedUnits.Sorted := True;
376   if SrcEdit.GetProjectFile is TUnitInfo then
377     CurrentUnitName := TUnitInfo(SrcEdit.GetProjectFile).Unit_Name
378   else
379     CurrentUnitName := '';
380   // Add available unit names to list
381   ProjFile:=Project1.FirstPartOfProject;
382   while ProjFile <> nil do begin
383     s := ProjFile.Unit_Name;
384     if s = CurrentUnitName then       // current unit
385       s := '';
386     if (ProjFile <> Project1.MainUnitInfo) and (s <> '') then
387       if not FMainUsedUnits.Find(s, x) then
388         FProjUnits.AddObject(s, ProjFile);
389     ProjFile := ProjFile.NextPartOfProject;
390   end;
391   FProjUnits.Sorted := True;
392 end;
394 procedure TUseUnitDialog.CreateOtherUnitsList;
395 var
396   i, x: Integer;
397   curUnit: string;
398   SrcEdit: TSourceEditor;
399 begin
400   if not (Assigned(FMainUsedUnits) and Assigned(FImplUsedUnits)) then Exit;
401   Screen.BeginWaitCursor;
402   try
403     FOtherUnits := TStringListUTF8Fast.Create;
404     SrcEdit := SourceEditorManager.ActiveEditor;
405     with CodeToolBoss do
406       if GatherUnitNames(SrcEdit.CodeBuffer) then
407       begin
408         IdentifierList.Prefix := '';
409         for i := 0 to IdentifierList.GetFilteredCount - 1 do
410         begin
411           curUnit := IdentifierList.FilteredItems[i].Identifier;
412           if  not FMainUsedUnits.Find(curUnit, x)
413           and not FImplUsedUnits.Find(curUnit, x)
414           and not FProjUnits.Find(curUnit, x) then
415             FOtherUnits.AddObject(IdentifierList.FilteredItems[i].Identifier,
416                                   IdentifierList.FilteredItems[i]);
417         end;
418       end;
419     FOtherUnits.Sorted := True;
420   finally
421     Screen.EndWaitCursor;
422   end;
423 end;
SelectedUnitnull425 function TUseUnitDialog.SelectedUnit: string;
426 var
427   IdentItem: TIdentifierListItem;
428   CodeBuf: TCodeBuffer;
429   s: String;
430 begin
431   with UnitsListBox do
432     if ItemIndex >= 0 then
433     begin
434       if Items.Objects[ItemIndex] is TIdentifierListItem then
435       begin
436         IdentItem := TIdentifierListItem(Items.Objects[ItemIndex]);
437         Result := IdentItem.Identifier;
438         with CodeToolBoss.SourceChangeCache.BeautifyCodeOptions do
439           if WordExceptions.CheckExceptions(Result) then Exit;
440         CodeBuf := CodeToolBoss.FindUnitSource(SourceEditorManager.ActiveEditor.CodeBuffer, Result, '');
441         if Assigned(CodeBuf) then
442         begin
443           s := CodeToolBoss.GetSourceName(CodeBuf, True);
444           if s <> '' then
445             Result := s;
446         end;
447       end else
448         Result := Items[ItemIndex];
449     end else
450       Result := '';
451 end;
SelectedUnitFileNamenull453 function TUseUnitDialog.SelectedUnitFileName: string;
454 var
455   CodeBuf: TCodeBuffer;
456   AObj: TObject;
457 begin
458   Result := '';
459   if UnitsListBox.ItemIndex < 0 then
460     Exit;
461   AObj := UnitsListBox.Items.Objects[UnitsListBox.ItemIndex];
462   if AObj is TIdentifierListItem then
463   begin
464     CodeBuf := CodeToolBoss.FindUnitSource(SourceEditorManager.ActiveEditor.CodeBuffer, TIdentifierListItem(AObj).Identifier, '');
465     if Assigned(CodeBuf) then
466       Result := CodeBuf.Filename;
467   end else
468   if AObj is TUnitInfo then
469   begin
470     Result := TUnitInfo(AObj).Filename;
471   end;
472 end;
InterfaceSelectednull474 function TUseUnitDialog.InterfaceSelected: Boolean;
475 begin
476   Result:=(not SectionRadioGroup.Enabled) or (SectionRadioGroup.ItemIndex=0);
477 end;
479 procedure TUseUnitDialog.DetermineUsesSection(ACode: TCodeBuffer);
480 var
481   ImplUsesNode: TCodeTreeNode;
482   i: Integer;
483   Tool: TCodeTool;
484 begin
485   CodeToolBoss.Explore(ACode,Tool,false);
486   if Tool=nil then exit;
487   // collect implementation use unit nodes
488   ImplUsesNode := Tool.FindImplementationUsesNode;
489   if Assigned(ImplUsesNode) then
490     for i := 0 to FImplUsedUnits.Count - 1 do
491       FImplUsedUnits.Objects[i] := ImplUsesNode;
492   // update
493   SectionRadioGroup.OnClick(SectionRadioGroup);
494 end;
496 procedure TUseUnitDialog.FillAvailableUnitsList;
497 var
498   curUnit: String;
499   i, x: Integer;
500 begin
501   if not (Assigned(FMainUsedUnits) and Assigned(FImplUsedUnits)) then Exit;
502   if not Assigned(FProjUnits) then Exit;
503   FilterEdit.Items.Clear;
504   for i := 0 to FProjUnits.Count - 1 do
505   begin
506     curUnit := FProjUnits[i];
507     if  not FMainUsedUnits.Find(curUnit, x)
508     and not FImplUsedUnits.Find(curUnit, x) then
509       FilterEdit.Items.AddObject(FProjUnits[i], FProjUnits.Objects[i]);
510   end;
511   FilterEdit.InvalidateFilter;
512 end;
514 procedure TUseUnitDialog.FilterEditAfterFilter(Sender: TObject);
515 begin
516   if (UnitsListBox.Count > 0) and (UnitsListBox.ItemIndex = -1) then
517     UnitsListBox.ItemIndex := 0;
518 end;
520 end.