2 { $Id$}
3 {
4  /***************************************************************************
5                                DBGrids.pas
6                                -----------
7                      An interface to DB aware Controls
8                      Initial Revision : Sun Sep 14 2003
11  ***************************************************************************/
13  *****************************************************************************
14   This file is part of the Lazarus Component Library (LCL)
16   See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL.txt, included in this distribution,
17   for details about the license.
18  *****************************************************************************
19 }
20 {
21 TDBGrid and TComponentDataLink for Lazarus
22 Copyright (C) 2003  Jesus Reyes Aguilar.
23 email: jesusrmx@yahoo.com.mx
25 TComponentDatalink idea was taken from Joanna Carter's article
26 "The Ultimate Datalink?" Delphi Magazine Issue #30 February 1998
27 }
28 unit DBGrids;
30 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
32 interface
34 uses
35   Classes, SysUtils, Math, FileUtil, DB, LazUTF8, LazLoggerBase, LCLStrConsts,
36   LCLIntf, LCLType, LMessages, LResources, Controls, StdCtrls, Graphics, Grids,
37   Dialogs, Themes, Variants, Clipbrd, ImgList, Laz2_XMLCfg;
39 {$if FPC_FULLVERSION<20701}
40   {$DEFINE noautomatedbookmark}
41 {$endif}
43 const
46 type
47   TCustomDbGrid = class;
48   TColumn = class;
49   EInvalidGridOperation = class(Exception);
52   TDBGridOption = (
53     dgEditing,                          // Enable or disable editing data
54     dgTitles,                           // Show column titles
55     dgIndicator,                        // Show current row indicator
56     dgColumnResize,
57     dgColumnMove,
58     dgColLines,                         // Show vertical lines between columns
59     dgRowLines,                         // Show horizontal lines between rows
60     dgTabs,                             // Allow using TAB key to navigate grid
61     dgAlwaysShowEditor,
62     dgRowSelect,
63     dgAlwaysShowSelection,
64     dgConfirmDelete,
65     dgCancelOnExit,
66     dgMultiselect,                      // Allow selection of multiple nonadjacent rows
67     dgHeaderHotTracking,
68     dgHeaderPushedLook,
69     dgPersistentMultiSelect,
70     dgAutoSizeColumns,
71     dgAnyButtonCanSelect,               // any mouse button can move selection
72     dgDisableDelete,                    // disable deleting records with Ctrl+Delete
73     dgDisableInsert,                    // disable inserting (or append) records
74     dgCellHints,                        // show individual cell hints
75     dgTruncCellHints,                   // show cell hints if cell text is too long
76     dgCellEllipsis,                     // show ... if cell text is truncated
77     dgRowHighlight,                     // Highlight current row
78     dgThumbTracking,
79     dgDblClickAutoSize,                 // dblclicking columns borders (on hdrs) resize col.
80     dgDisplayMemoText                   // show memo content instead of (memo) for ftMemo fields
81   );
82   TDbGridOptions = set of TDbGridOption;
84   TDbGridExtraOption = (
85     dgeAutoColumns,       // if uncustomized columns, add them anyway?
86     dgeCheckboxColumn     // enable the use of checkbox in columns
87   );
88   TDbGridExtraOptions = set of TDbGridExtraOption;
90   TDbGridStatusItem = (gsUpdatingData, gsAddingAutoColumns, gsRemovingAutoColumns,
91                        gsAutoSized, gsStartEditing, gsLoadingGrid);
92   TDbGridStatus = set of TDbGridStatusItem;
94   TDataSetScrolledEvent =
95     procedure(DataSet: TDataSet; Distance: Integer) of object;
97   TFocusControlEvent =
98     procedure(aField: TFieldRef) of object;
100   TDBGridClickEvent =
101     procedure(Column: TColumn) of object;
103   TMovedEvent =
104     procedure(Sender: TObject; FromIndex, ToIndex: Integer) of object;
106   TDrawColumnCellEvent =
107     procedure(Sender: TObject; const Rect: TRect; DataCol: Integer;
108               Column: TColumn; State: TGridDrawState) of object;
110   TGetDbEditMaskEvent =
111     procedure (Sender: TObject; const Field: TField;
112                var Value: string) of object;
114   TDbGridSelEditorEvent =
115     procedure(Sender: TObject; Column: TColumn;
116               var Editor: TWinControl) of object;
118   TPrepareDbGridCanvasEvent =
119     procedure(sender: TObject; DataCol: Integer;
120               Column: TColumn; AState: TGridDrawState) of object;
122   TDbGridCheckBoxBitmapEvent =
123     procedure(Sender: TObject; const CheckedState: TCheckboxState;
124               var ABitmap: TBitmap) of object;
126   TDbGridCheckboxStateEvent =
127     procedure(Sender: TObject; Column: TColumn;
128               var AState: TCheckboxState) of object;
130   TDbGridCellHintEvent =
131     procedure(Sender: TObject; Column: TColumn; var AText: String) of object;
133 type
135   TBookmarkList = class;
136   TBookmarkedRecordEnumeratorOptions = set of
137       (
138         breDisableDataset,
139         breStopOnInvalidBookmark,
140         breRestoreCurrent
141       );
143   { TBookmarkedRecordEnumerator }
145   TBookmarkedRecordEnumerator = class
146   private
147     fBookmarkList: TBookmarkList;
148     fBookmarkIndex: Integer;
149     fCurrent, fBook: TBookmark;
150     fDataset: TDataset;
151     fOptions: TBookmarkedRecordEnumeratorOptions;
152   public
153     constructor Create(bookList: TBookmarkList; aGrid: TCustomDbGrid;
154         anOptions: TBookmarkedRecordEnumeratorOptions);
155     destructor Destroy; override;
MoveNextnull156     function MoveNext: boolean;
GetEnumeratornull157     function GetEnumerator: TBookmarkedRecordEnumerator;
158     property Current: TBookmark read fCurrent;
159     property Options: TBookmarkedRecordEnumeratorOptions read fOptions write fOptions;
160   end;
162   { TBookmarkList }
164   TBookmarkList = class
165   private
166     FList: TFPList; // list of TBookmark
167     FGrid: TCustomDbGrid;
168     FDataset: TDataset;
169     FCanDoBinarySearch: boolean;
GetCountnull170     function GetCount: integer;
GetCurrentRowSelectednull171     function GetCurrentRowSelected: boolean;
GetItemnull172     function GetItem(AIndex: Integer): TBookmark;
173     procedure SetCurrentRowSelected(const AValue: boolean);
174     procedure CheckActive;
175   public
176     constructor Create(AGrid: TCustomDbGrid);
177     destructor Destroy; override;
179     procedure Clear;
180     procedure Delete;
Findnull181     function  Find(const Item: TBookmark; var AIndex: Integer): boolean;
IndexOfnull182     function  IndexOf(const Item: TBookmark): Integer;
Refreshnull183     function  Refresh: boolean;
GetEnumeratornull184     function  GetEnumerator(opt: TBookmarkedRecordEnumeratorOptions =
185                 [breDisableDataset, breRestoreCurrent]): TBookmarkedRecordEnumerator;
187     property Count: integer read GetCount;
188     property CurrentRowSelected: boolean
189       read GetCurrentRowSelected write SetCurrentRowSelected;
190     property Items[AIndex: Integer]: TBookmark read GetItem; default;
191   end;
193   { TComponentDataLink }
195   TComponentDataLink=class(TDatalink)
196   private
197     FDataSet: TDataSet;
198     FDataSetName: string;
199     FModified: Boolean;
200     FOnDatasetChanged: TDatasetNotifyEvent;
201     fOnDataSetClose: TDataSetNotifyEvent;
202     fOnDataSetOpen: TDataSetNotifyEvent;
203     FOnDataSetScrolled: TDataSetScrolledEvent;
204     FOnEditingChanged: TDataSetNotifyEvent;
205     fOnFocusControl: TFocusControlEvent;
206     fOnInvalidDataSet: TDataSetNotifyEvent;
207     fOnInvalidDataSource: TDataSetNotifyEvent;
208     FOnLayoutChanged: TDataSetNotifyEvent;
209     fOnNewDataSet: TDataSetNotifyEvent;
210     FOnRecordChanged: TFieldNotifyEvent;
211     FOnUpdateData: TDataSetNotifyEvent;
GetDataSetNamenull213     function GetDataSetName: string;
GetFieldsnull214     function GetFields(Index: Integer): TField;
215     procedure SetDataSetName(const AValue: string);
216   protected
217     procedure RecordChanged(Field: TField); override;
218     procedure DataSetChanged; override;
219     procedure ActiveChanged; override;
220     procedure LayoutChanged; override;
221     procedure DataSetScrolled(Distance: Integer); override;
222     procedure FocusControl(Field: TFieldRef); override;
223     // Testing Events
224     procedure CheckBrowseMode; override;
225     procedure EditingChanged; override;
226     procedure UpdateData; override;
MoveBynull227     function  MoveBy(Distance: Integer): Integer; override;
228     property  Modified: Boolean read FModified write FModified;
229   public
230     property OnRecordChanged: TFieldNotifyEvent read FOnRecordChanged write FOnRecordChanged;
231     property OnDataSetChanged: TDatasetNotifyEvent read FOnDatasetChanged write FOnDataSetChanged;
232     property OnNewDataSet: TDataSetNotifyEvent read fOnNewDataSet write fOnNewDataSet;
233     property OnDataSetOpen: TDataSetNotifyEvent read fOnDataSetOpen write fOnDataSetOpen;
234     property OnInvalidDataSet: TDataSetNotifyEvent read fOnInvalidDataSet write fOnInvalidDataSet;
235     property OnInvalidDataSource: TDataSetNotifyEvent read fOnInvalidDataSource write fOnInvalidDataSource;
236     property OnFocusControl: TFocusControlEvent read fOnFocusControl write fOnFocusControl;
237     property OnLayoutChanged: TDataSetNotifyEvent read FOnLayoutChanged write FOnLayoutChanged;
238     property OnDataSetClose: TDataSetNotifyEvent read fOnDataSetClose write fOnDataSetClose;
239     property OnDataSetScrolled: TDataSetScrolledEvent read FOnDataSetScrolled write FOnDataSetScrolled;
240     property OnEditingChanged: TDataSetNotifyEvent read FOnEditingChanged write FOnEditingChanged;
241     property OnUpdateData: TDataSetNotifyEvent read FOnUpdateData write FOnUpdateData;
242     property DataSetName:string read GetDataSetName write SetDataSetName;
243     property Fields[Index: Integer]: TField read GetFields;
244     property VisualControl;
245   end;
247   { TColumn }
249   TColumnTitle = class(TGridColumnTitle)
250   protected
GetDefaultCaptionnull251     function  GetDefaultCaption: string; override;
252   end;
254   { TColumn }
256   TColumn = class(TGridColumn)
257   private
258     FDisplayFormat: String;
259     FDisplayFormatChanged: boolean;
260     FFieldName: String;
261     FField: TField;
262     FIsAutomaticColumn: boolean;
263     FDesignIndex: Integer;
264     procedure ApplyDisplayFormat;
GetDataSetnull265     function  GetDataSet: TDataSet;
GetDisplayFormatnull266     function  GetDisplayFormat: string;
GetFieldnull267     function  GetField: TField;
GetIsDesignColumnnull268     function  GetIsDesignColumn: boolean;
IsDisplayFormatStorednull269     function  IsDisplayFormatStored: boolean;
270     procedure SetDisplayFormat(const AValue: string);
271     procedure SetField(const AValue: TField);
272     procedure SetFieldName(const AValue: String);
273   protected
CreateTitlenull274     function  CreateTitle: TGridColumnTitle; override;
GetDefaultAlignmentnull275     function  GetDefaultAlignment: TAlignment; override;
GetDefaultDisplayFormatnull276     function  GetDefaultDisplayFormat: string;
GetDefaultValueCheckednull277     function  GetDefaultValueChecked: string; override;
GetDefaultValueUncheckednull278     function  GetDefaultValueUnchecked: string; override;
GetDefaultVisiblenull279     function  GetDefaultVisible: boolean; override;
GetDisplayNamenull280     function  GetDisplayName: string; override;
GetDefaultReadOnlynull281     function  GetDefaultReadOnly: boolean; override;
GetDefaultWidthnull282     function  GetDefaultWidth: Integer; override;
GetPickListnull283     function  GetPickList: TStrings; override;
284     property  IsAutomaticColumn: boolean read FIsAutomaticColumn;
285     property  IsDesignColumn: boolean read GetIsDesignColumn;
286     procedure LinkField;
287   public
288     constructor Create(ACollection: TCollection); override;
289     procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override;
IsDefaultnull290     function  IsDefault: boolean; override;
291     property  DesignIndex: integer read FDesignIndex;
292     property  Field: TField read GetField write SetField;
293   published
294     property  FieldName: String read FFieldName write SetFieldName;
295     property DisplayFormat: string read GetDisplayFormat write SetDisplayFormat
296       stored IsDisplayFormatStored;
297   end;
299   TColumnOrder = (coDesignOrder, coFieldIndexOrder);
301   { TDBGridColumns }
302   TDBGridColumns = class(TGridColumns)
303   private
GetColumnnull304     function GetColumn(Index: Integer): TColumn;
305     procedure SetColumn(Index: Integer; Value: TColumn);
306   protected
307     procedure Update(Item: TCollectionItem); override;
ColumnFromFieldnull308     function ColumnFromField(Field: TField): TColumn;
HasAutomaticColumnsnull309     function  HasAutomaticColumns: boolean;
HasDesignColumnsnull310     function  HasDesignColumns: boolean;
311     procedure RemoveAutoColumns;
312   public
Addnull313     function  Add: TColumn;
ColumnByFieldnamenull314     function  ColumnByFieldname(const aFieldname: string): TColumn;
ColumnByTitlenull315     function  ColumnByTitle(const aTitle: string): TColumn;
316     procedure LinkFields;
317     procedure ResetColumnsOrder(ColumnOrder: TColumnOrder);
318     property Items[Index: Integer]: TColumn read GetColumn write SetColumn; default;
319   end;
321   { TCustomDBGrid }
323   TCustomDBGrid=class(TCustomGrid)
324   private
325     FDataLink: TComponentDataLink;
326     FExtraOptions: TDBGridExtraOptions;
327     FOnCellClick: TDBGridClickEvent;
328     FOnColEnter,FOnColExit: TNotifyEvent;
329     FOnColumnMoved: TMovedEvent;
330     FOnColumnSized: TNotifyEvent;
331     FOnDrawColumnCell: TDrawColumnCellEvent;
332     FOnDrawColumnTitle: TDrawColumnCellEvent;
333     FOnFieldEditMask: TGetDbEditMaskEvent;
334     FOnTitleClick: TDBGridClickEvent;
335     FOnSelectEditor: TDbGridSelEditorEvent;
336     FOnCheckboxBitmap: TDbGridCheckBoxBitmapEvent;
337     FOnCheckboxState: TDbGridCheckboxStateEvent;
338     FOptions: TDBGridOptions;
339     FReadOnly: Boolean;
340     FColEnterPending: Boolean;
341     FLayoutChangedCount: integer;
342     FTempText : string;
343     FDrawingActiveRecord: Boolean;
344     FDrawingMultiSelRecord: Boolean;
345     FDrawingEmptyDataset: Boolean;
346     FEditingColumn: Integer;
347     FOldPosition: Integer;
348     FDefaultColWidths: boolean;
349     FGridStatus: TDBGridStatus;
350     FOldControlStyle: TControlStyle;
351     FSelectedRows: TBookmarkList;
352     FOnPrepareCanvas: TPrepareDbGridCanvasEvent;
353     FKeySign: Integer;
354     FSavedRecord: Integer;
355     FOnGetCellHint: TDbGridCellHintEvent;
356     FOnRowMoved: TMovedEvent;
357     FFixedRowsExtra: Integer;
358     procedure EmptyGrid;
GetColumnsnull359     function GetColumns: TDBGridColumns;
GetCurrentColumnnull360     function GetCurrentColumn: TColumn;
GetCurrentFieldnull361     function GetCurrentField: TField;
GetDataSourcenull362     function GetDataSource: TDataSource;
GetFirstColumnnull363     function GetFirstColumn: TColumn;
GetLastColumnnull364     function GetLastColumn: TColumn;
GetRecordCountnull365     function GetRecordCount: Integer;
GetSelectedFieldRectnull366     function GetSelectedFieldRect: TRect;
GetSelectedIndexnull367     function GetSelectedIndex: Integer;
368     procedure OnRecordChanged(Field:TField);
369     procedure OnDataSetChanged(aDataSet: TDataSet);
370     procedure OnDataSetOpen(aDataSet: TDataSet);
371     procedure OnDataSetClose(aDataSet: TDataSet);
372     procedure OnEditingChanged(aDataSet: TDataSet);
373     procedure OnInvalidDataSet(aDataSet: TDataSet);
374     procedure OnInvalidDataSource(aDataSet: TDataset);
375     procedure OnFocusControl(aField: TFieldRef);
376     procedure OnLayoutChanged(aDataSet: TDataSet);
377     procedure OnNewDataSet(aDataSet: TDataset);
378     procedure OnDataSetScrolled(aDataSet:TDataSet; Distance: Integer);
379     procedure OnUpdateData(aDataSet: TDataSet);
380     procedure SetColumns(const AValue: TDBGridColumns);
381     //procedure ReadColumns(Reader: TReader);
382     //procedure SetColumns(const AValue: TDBGridColumns);
383     procedure SetCurrentField(const AValue: TField);
384     procedure SetDataSource(const AValue: TDataSource);
385     procedure SetExtraOptions(const AValue: TDBGridExtraOptions);
386     procedure SetFixedRowsExtra(AValue: Integer);
387     procedure SetOptions(const AValue: TDBGridOptions);
388     procedure SetRowMoved(AValue: TMovedEvent);
389     procedure SetSelectedIndex(const AValue: Integer);
390     procedure UpdateBufferCount;
392     // Temporal
GetColumnCountnull393     function GetColumnCount: Integer;
DefaultFieldColWidthnull395     function DefaultFieldColWidth(F: TField): Integer;
397     procedure UpdateGridColumnSizes;
398     procedure UpdateScrollbarRange;
399     procedure DoLayoutChanged;
400     //procedure WriteColumns(Writer: TWriter);
402     procedure RestoreEditor;
ISEOFnull403     function  ISEOF: boolean;
ValidDataSetnull404     function  ValidDataSet: boolean;
InsertCancelablenull405     function  InsertCancelable: boolean;
406     procedure StartUpdating;
407     procedure EndUpdating;
UpdatingDatanull408     function  UpdatingData: boolean;
409     procedure SwapCheckBox;
410     procedure ToggleSelectedRow;
411     procedure SelectRecord(AValue: boolean);
412     procedure GetScrollbarParams(out aRange, aPage, aPos: Integer);
413     procedure CMGetDataLink(var Message: TLMessage); message CM_GETDATALINK;
414     procedure ClearSelection(selCurrent:boolean=false);
NeedAutoSizeColumnsnull415     function  NeedAutoSizeColumns: boolean;
416     procedure RenewColWidths;
417     procedure InternalAutoSizeColumn(aCol: Integer; aCanvas: TCanvas; aDatalinkActive: Boolean);
418     procedure DoHeaderClick(Index: Integer);
419   protected
420     procedure AddAutomaticColumns;
421     procedure AssignTo(Dest: TPersistent); override;
422     procedure AutoAdjustColumn(aCol: Integer); override;
423     procedure BeforeMoveSelection(const DCol,DRow: Integer); override;
424     procedure BeginLayout;
425     procedure CellClick(const aCol,aRow: Integer; const Button:TMouseButton); override;
CheckDisplayMemonull426     function  CheckDisplayMemo(aField: TField): boolean;
427     procedure InvalidateSizes;
428     procedure ColRowMoved(IsColumn: Boolean; FromIndex,ToIndex: Integer); override;
ColumnEditorStylenull429     function  ColumnEditorStyle(aCol: Integer; F: TField): TColumnButtonStyle;
CreateColumnsnull430     function  CreateColumns: TGridColumns; override;
431     procedure CreateWnd; override;
432     procedure DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler); override;
433     procedure DefaultDrawCell(aCol,aRow: Integer; aRect: TRect; aState: TGridDrawState);
DefaultEditorStylenull434     function  DefaultEditorStyle(const Style:TColumnButtonStyle; const F:TField): TColumnButtonStyle;
435     procedure DoCopyToClipboard; override;
436     procedure DoExit; override;
DoMouseWheelDownnull437     function  DoMouseWheelDown(Shift: TShiftState; MousePos: TPoint): Boolean; override;
DoMouseWheelUpnull438     function  DoMouseWheelUp(Shift: TShiftState; MousePos: TPoint): Boolean; override;
439     procedure DoOnChangeBounds; override;
440     procedure DoPrepareCanvas(aCol,aRow:Integer; aState: TGridDrawState); override;
441     procedure DoLoadColumn(sender: TCustomGrid; aColumn: TGridColumn; aColIndex: Integer;
442                             aCfg: TXMLConfig; aVersion: Integer; aPath: string); override;
443     procedure DoSaveColumn(sender: TCustomGrid; aColumn: TGridColumn; aColIndex: Integer;
444                             aCfg: TXMLConfig; aVersion: Integer; aPath: string); override;
445     procedure DrawAllRows; override;
446     procedure DrawFocusRect(aCol,aRow:Integer; ARect:TRect); override;
447     procedure DrawRow(ARow: Integer); override;
448     procedure DrawCell(aCol,aRow: Integer; aRect: TRect; aState:TGridDrawState); override;
449     procedure DrawCellBackground(aCol, aRow: Integer; aRect: TRect; aState: TGridDrawState);
450     procedure DrawCheckboxBitmaps(aCol: Integer; aRect: TRect; F: TField);
451     procedure DrawFixedText(aCol, aRow: Integer; aRect: TRect; aState: TGridDrawState);
452     procedure DrawColumnText(aCol, aRow: Integer; aRect: TRect; aState: TGridDrawState); override;
453     procedure DrawIndicator(ACanvas: TCanvas; R: TRect; Opt: TDataSetState; MultiSel: boolean); virtual;
454     procedure EditingColumn(aCol: Integer; Ok: boolean);
455     procedure EditorCancelEditing;
456     procedure EditorDoGetValue; override;
EditorCanAcceptKeynull457     function  EditorCanAcceptKey(const ch: TUTF8Char): boolean; override;
EditorIsReadOnlynull458     function  EditorIsReadOnly: boolean; override;
459     procedure EditorTextChanged(const aCol,aRow: Integer; const aText:string); override;
460     procedure EndLayout;
FieldIndexFromGridColumnnull461     function  FieldIndexFromGridColumn(AGridCol: Integer): Integer;
FirstGridColumnnull462     function  FirstGridColumn: Integer; override;
GetBufferCountnull463     function  GetBufferCount: integer; virtual;
GetCellHintTextnull464     function  GetCellHintText(aCol, aRow: Integer): String; override;
GetDefaultColumnAlignmentnull465     function  GetDefaultColumnAlignment(Column: Integer): TAlignment; override;
GetDefaultColumnWidthnull466     function  GetDefaultColumnWidth(Column: Integer): Integer; override;
GetDefaultColumnReadOnlynull467     function  GetDefaultColumnReadOnly(Column: Integer): boolean; override;
GetDefaultColumnTitlenull468     function  GetDefaultColumnTitle(Column: Integer): string; override;
GetDefaultRowHeightnull469     function  GetDefaultRowHeight: integer; override;
GetDsFieldFromGridColumnnull470     function  GetDsFieldFromGridColumn(Column: Integer): TField;
GetEditMasknull471     function  GetEditMask(aCol, aRow: Longint): string; override;
GetEditTextnull472     function  GetEditText(aCol, aRow: Longint): string; override;
GetFieldFromGridColumnnull473     function  GetFieldFromGridColumn(Column: Integer): TField;
GetGridColumnFromFieldnull474     function  GetGridColumnFromField(F: TField): Integer;
475     procedure GetImageForCheckBox(const aCol, aRow: Integer;
476       CheckBoxView: TCheckBoxState; var ImageList: TCustomImageList;
477       var ImageIndex: TImageIndex; var Bitmap: TBitmap); override;
GetIsCellSelectednull478     function  GetIsCellSelected(aCol, aRow: Integer): boolean; override;
GetIsCellTitlenull479     function  GetIsCellTitle(aCol,aRow: Integer): boolean; override;
480     procedure GetSelectedState(AState: TGridDrawState; out IsSelected:boolean); override;
GetSmoothScrollnull481     function  GetSmoothScroll(Which: Integer): Boolean; override;
GetTruncCellHintTextnull482     function  GetTruncCellHintText(aCol, aRow: Integer): string; override;
GridCanModifynull483     function  GridCanModify: boolean;
484     procedure GetSBVisibility(out HsbVisible,VsbVisible:boolean);override;
485     procedure GetSBRanges(const HsbVisible,VsbVisible: boolean;
486                   out HsbRange,VsbRange,HsbPage,VsbPage,HsbPos,VsbPos:Integer); override;
487     procedure HeaderClick(IsColumn: Boolean; index: Integer); override;
488     procedure HeaderSized(IsColumn: Boolean; Index: Integer); override;
IsColumnVisiblenull489     function  IsColumnVisible(aCol: Integer): boolean;
IsValidCharnull490     function  IsValidChar(AField: TField; AChar: TUTF8Char): boolean;
491     procedure KeyDown(var Key : Word; Shift : TShiftState); override;
492     procedure LinkActive(Value: Boolean); virtual;
493     procedure LayoutChanged; virtual;
494     procedure Loaded; override;
495     procedure LoadGridOptions(cfg: TXMLConfig; Version: Integer); override;
496     procedure MoveSelection; override;
MouseButtonAllowednull497     function  MouseButtonAllowed(Button: TMouseButton): boolean; override;
498     procedure MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift:TShiftState; X,Y:Integer); override;
499     procedure MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override;
500     procedure PrepareCanvas(aCol,aRow: Integer; aState:TGridDrawState); override;
501     procedure PrepareCellHints(aCol,aRow: Integer); override;
502     procedure RemoveAutomaticColumns;
503     procedure ResetSizes; override;
504     procedure SaveGridOptions(Cfg: TXMLConfig); override;
505     procedure SelectEditor; override;
506     procedure SetEditText(ACol, ARow: Longint; const Value: string); override;
507     procedure SetFixedCols(const AValue: Integer); override;
508     procedure UnprepareCellHints; override;
509     procedure UpdateActive; virtual;
510     procedure UpdateAutoSizeColumns;
511     procedure UpdateData; virtual;
UpdateGridCountsnull512     function  UpdateGridCounts: Integer;
513     procedure WMVScroll(var Message : TLMVScroll); message LM_VScroll;
514     procedure WndProc(var TheMessage : TLMessage); override;
516     property Columns: TDBGridColumns read GetColumns write SetColumns;
517     property FixedRowsExtra: Integer read FFixedRowsExtra write SetFixedRowsExtra;
518     property GridStatus: TDBGridStatus read FGridStatus write FGridStatus;
519     property Datalink: TComponentDataLink read FDatalink;
520     property Options: TDBGridOptions read FOptions write SetOptions default
521               [dgColumnResize, dgColumnMove, dgTitles, dgIndicator, dgRowLines,
522                dgColLines, dgConfirmDelete, dgCancelOnExit, dgTabs, dgEditing,
523                dgAlwaysShowSelection];
524     property OptionsExtra: TDBGridExtraOptions read FExtraOptions
525               write SetExtraOptions default [dgeAutoColumns, dgeCheckboxColumn];
526     property ReadOnly: Boolean read FReadOnly write FReadOnly default false;
527     property SelectedRows: TBookmarkList read FSelectedRows;
529     property OnCellClick: TDBGridClickEvent read FOnCellClick write FOnCellClick;
530     property OnColEnter: TNotifyEvent read FOnColEnter write FOnColEnter;
531     property OnColExit: TNotifyEvent read FOnColExit write FOnColExit;
532     property OnColumnMoved: TMovedEvent read FOnColumnMoved write FOnColumnMoved;
533     property OnColumnSized: TNotifyEvent read FOnColumnSized write FOnColumnSized;
534     property OnDrawColumnCell: TDrawColumnCellEvent read FOnDrawColumnCell write FOnDrawColumnCell;
535     property OnDrawColumnTitle: TDrawColumnCellEvent read FOnDrawColumnTitle write FOnDrawColumnTitle;
536     property OnFieldEditMask: TGetDbEditMaskEvent read FOnFieldEditMask write FOnFieldEditMask;
537     property OnGetCellHint: TDbGridCellHintEvent read FOnGetCellHint write FOnGetCellHint;
538     property OnPrepareCanvas: TPrepareDbGridCanvasEvent read FOnPrepareCanvas write FOnPrepareCanvas;
539     property OnSelectEditor: TDbGridSelEditorEvent read FOnSelectEditor write FOnSelectEditor;
540     property OnTitleClick: TDBGridClickEvent read FOnTitleClick write FOnTitleClick;
541     property OnUserCheckboxBitmap: TDbGridCheckboxBitmapEvent read FOnCheckboxBitmap write FOnCheckboxBitmap;
542     property OnUserCheckboxState: TDbGridCheckboxStateEvent read FOnCheckboxState write FOnCheckboxState;
543     property OnRowMoved: TMovedEvent read FOnRowMoved write SetRowMoved;
544   public
545     constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
546     procedure AutoAdjustColumns; override;
547     procedure InitiateAction; override;
548     procedure DefaultDrawColumnCell(const Rect: TRect; DataCol: Integer; Column: TColumn; State: TGridDrawState);
EditorByStylenull549     function  EditorByStyle(Style: TColumnButtonStyle): TWinControl; override;
550     procedure ResetColWidths;
551     destructor Destroy; override;
MouseToRecordOffsetnull552     function MouseToRecordOffset(const x,y: Integer; out Column: TColumn; out RecordOffset: Integer): TGridZone;
ExecuteActionnull553     function ExecuteAction(AAction: TBasicAction): Boolean; override;
UpdateActionnull554     function UpdateAction(AAction: TBasicAction): Boolean; override;
556     procedure SaveToFile(FileName: string); override;
557     procedure SaveToStream(AStream: TStream); override;
558     procedure LoadFromFile(FileName: string); override;
559     procedure LoadFromStream(AStream: TStream); override;
561     property AllowOutboundEvents;
562     property SelectedField: TField read GetCurrentField write SetCurrentField;
563     property SelectedIndex: Integer read GetSelectedIndex write SetSelectedIndex;
564     property SelectedColumn: TColumn read GetCurrentColumn;
565     property SelectedFieldRect: TRect read GetSelectedFieldRect;
566     property LastColumn: TColumn read GetLastColumn;
567     property FirstColumn: TColumn read GetFirstColumn;
568     property DataSource: TDataSource read GetDataSource write SetDataSource;
569   end;
571   TDBGrid=class(TCustomDBGrid)
572   public
573     property BorderColor;
574     property Canvas;
575     property DefaultTextStyle;
576     property EditorBorderStyle;
577     property EditorMode;
578     property ExtendedColSizing;
579     property FastEditing;
580     property FocusColor;
581     property FocusRectVisible;
582     property GridLineColor;
583     property GridLineStyle;
584     property InplaceEditor;
585     property SelectedColor;
586     property SelectedRows;
587     property OnRowMoved;
588   published
589     property Align;
590     property AlternateColor;
591     property Anchors;
592     property AutoAdvance default aaRightDown;
593     property AutoEdit;
594     property AutoFillColumns;
595     property BiDiMode;
596     property BorderSpacing;
597     property BorderStyle;
598     property CellHintPriority;
599     property Color;
600     property Columns; // stored false;
601     property Constraints;
602     property DataSource;
603     property DefaultDrawing;
604     property DefaultRowHeight;
605     property DoubleBuffered;
606     property DragCursor;
607     //property DragKind;
608     property DragMode;
609     property Enabled;
610     property FixedColor;
611     property FixedCols;
612     property FixedHotColor;
613     property Flat;
614     property Font;
615     property HeaderHotZones;
616     property HeaderPushZones;
617     //property ImeMode;
618     //property ImeName;
619     property Options;
620     property Options2;
621     property OptionsExtra;
622     property ParentBiDiMode;
623     property ParentColor default false;
624     property ParentDoubleBuffered;
625     property ParentFont;
626     //property ParentShowHint;
627     property PopupMenu;
628     property ReadOnly;
629     property Scrollbars default ssBoth;
630     property ShowHint;
631     property TabAdvance;
632     property TabOrder;
633     property TabStop;
634     property TitleFont;
635     property TitleImageList;
636     property TitleStyle;
637     property UseXORFeatures;
638     property Visible;
639     property OnCellClick;
640     property OnColEnter;
641     property OnColExit;
642     property OnColumnMoved;
643     property OnColumnSized;
644     property OnContextPopup;
645     property OnDrawColumnCell;
646     property OnDrawColumnTitle;
647     property OnDblClick;
648     property OnDragDrop;
649     property OnDragOver;
650     property OnEditButtonClick;
651     property OnEditingDone;
652     //property OnEndDock;
653     property OnEndDrag;
654     property OnEnter;
655     property OnExit;
656     property OnFieldEditMask;
657     property OnGetCellHint;
658     property OnKeyDown;
659     property OnKeyPress;
660     property OnKeyUp;
661     property OnMouseDown;
662     property OnMouseEnter;
663     property OnMouseLeave;
664     property OnMouseMove;
665     property OnMouseUp;
666     property OnMouseWheel;
667     property OnMouseWheelDown;
668     property OnMouseWheelUp;
669     property OnPrepareCanvas;
670     property OnSelectEditor;
671     //property OnStartDock;
672     property OnStartDrag;
673     property OnTitleClick;
674     property OnUserCheckboxBitmap;
675     property OnUserCheckboxImage;
676     property OnUserCheckboxState;
677     property OnUTF8KeyPress;
678   end;
680 procedure Register;
682 implementation
684 procedure Register;
685 begin
686   RegisterComponents('Data Controls',[TDBGrid]);
687 end;
CalcCanvasCharWidthnull689 function CalcCanvasCharWidth(Canvas:TCanvas): integer;
690 begin
691   {$ifdef dbgDBGridExtra}
692   DebugLnEnter('CalcCanvasCharWidth INIT');
693   {$endif}
694   if Canvas.HandleAllocated then
695     result := Canvas.TextWidth('MX') div 2
696   else
697     result := 8;
698   {$ifdef dbgDBGridExtra}
699   DebugLnExit('CalcCanvasCharWidth DONE result=%d', [result]);
700   {$endif}
701 end;
CalcColumnFieldWidthnull703 function CalcColumnFieldWidth(Canvas: TCanvas; hasTitle: boolean;
704   aTitle: String; aTitleFont: TFont; Field: TField): Integer;
705 var
706   aCharWidth, aTitleWidth: Integer;
707   aFont: TFont;
708   UseTitleFont: boolean;
709 begin
710   {$ifdef dbgDBGridExtra}
711   DebugLnEnter('CalcColumnFieldWidth INIT');
712   {$endif}
713   if (Field=nil) or (Field.DisplayWidth=0) then
714     Result := DEFCOLWIDTH
715   else begin
717     aCharWidth := CalcCanvasCharWidth(Canvas);
718     aTitleWidth := UTF8Length(aTitle);
719     if Field.DisplayWidth > aTitleWidth then
720       result := aCharWidth * Field.DisplayWidth
721     else
722       result := aCharWidth * aTitleWidth;
724     if HasTitle then begin
725       UseTitleFont :=
726         (Canvas.Font.Size<>aTitleFont.Size) or
727         (Canvas.Font.Style<>aTitleFont.Style) or
728         (Canvas.Font.CharSet<>aTitleFont.CharSet) or
729         (Canvas.Font.Name<>aTitleFont.Name);
730       if UseTitleFont then begin
731         aFont := TFont.Create;
732         aFont.Assign(Canvas.Font);
733         Canvas.Font := aTitleFont;
734       end;
735       try
736         aCharWidth := Canvas.TextWidth(ATitle)+6;
737         if aCharWidth>Result then
738           Result := aCharWidth;
739       finally
740         if UseTitleFont then begin
741           Canvas.Font := aFont;
742           aFont.Free;
743         end;
744       end;
745     end; // if HasTitle ...
746   end; // if (Field=nil) or (Field.DisplayWidth=0)
747   {$ifdef dbgDBGridExtra}
748   DebugLnExit('CalcColumnFieldWidth DONE result=%d', [result]);
749   {$endif}
750 end;
752 var
753   LookupTmpSetActive: Boolean;
754   LookupBookMark: TBookmark;
756 procedure LookupGetBookMark(ALookupField: TField);
757 begin
758   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
759   DebugLn('LookupGetBookMark');
760   {$endif}
761   LookupTmpSetActive := not ALookupField.LookupDataSet.Active;
762   if LookupTmpSetActive then
763     ALookupField.LookupDataSet.Active := True
764   else
765   begin
766     LookupBookMark := ALookupField.LookupDataSet.GetBookmark;
767     ALookupField.LookupDataSet.DisableControls;
768   end;
769 end;
771 procedure LookupGotoBookMark(ALookupField: TField);
772 begin
773   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
774   DebugLn('LookupGotoBookMark');
775   {$endif}
776   if LookupTmpSetActive then
777   begin
778     ALookupField.LookupDataSet.Active := False;
779     LookupTmpSetActive := False;
780   end
781   else
782   try
783     ALookupField.LookupDataSet.GotoBookmark(LookupBookMark);
784     ALookupField.LookupDataSet.FreeBookmark(LookupBookMark);
785   finally
786     ALookupField.LookupDataSet.EnableControls;
787   end;
788 end;
790 { TBookmarkedRecordEnumerator }
792 constructor TBookmarkedRecordEnumerator.Create(bookList: TBookmarkList;
793   aGrid: TCustomDbGrid; anOptions: TBookmarkedRecordEnumeratorOptions);
794 begin
795   inherited Create;
796   fBookmarkList := bookList;
797   fBookmarkIndex := -1;
798   fDataset := aGrid.Datasource.dataset;
799   fOptions := anOptions;
800 end;
802 destructor TBookmarkedRecordEnumerator.Destroy;
803 begin
804   if breRestoreCurrent in fOptions then begin
805     if fDataset.BookmarkValid(fBook) then
806       fDataset.GotoBookmark(fBook);
807     fDataset.FreeBookmark(fBook);
808   end;
809   if breDisableDataset in fOptions then
810     fDataset.EnableControls;
811   inherited Destroy;
812 end;
TBookmarkedRecordEnumerator.MoveNextnull814 function TBookmarkedRecordEnumerator.MoveNext: boolean;
815 begin
816   inc(fBookmarkIndex);
818   if fBookmarkIndex=0 then begin
819     if breDisableDataset in fOptions then
820       fDataset.DisableControls;
821     if breRestoreCurrent in fOptions then
822       fBook := fDataset.GetBookmark;
823   end;
825   result := fBookmarkIndex<fBookmarkList.Count;
826   if result then begin
827     fCurrent := fBookmarkList[fBookmarkIndex];
828     if fDataset.BookmarkValid(fCurrent) then
829       fDataSet.GotoBookmark(fCurrent)
830     else if breStopOnInvalidBookmark in fOptions then
831       result := false;
832   end;
833 end;
GetEnumeratornull835 function TBookmarkedRecordEnumerator.GetEnumerator: TBookmarkedRecordEnumerator;
836 begin
837   result := self;
838 end;
840 { TCustomDBGrid }
842 procedure TCustomDBGrid.OnRecordChanged(Field: TField);
843 var
844   c: Integer;
845 begin
846   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
847   DbgOut(ClassName,'.OnRecordChanged(Field=');
848   if Field=nil then DebugLn('nil)')
849   else              DebugLn(Field.FieldName,')');
850   {$endif}
851   if Field=nil then
852     UpdateActive
853   else begin
854     c := GetGridColumnFromField(Field);
855     if c>0 then begin
856       if EditorMode and (Field=SelectedField) then
857         EditorDoSetValue
858       else
859         InvalidateCell(C, Row)
860     end else
861       UpdateActive;
862   end;
863 end;
TCustomDBGrid.GetDataSourcenull865 function TCustomDBGrid.GetDataSource: TDataSource;
866 begin
867   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
868   DebugLn('%s.GetDataSource', [ClassName]);
869   {$endif}
870   Result:= FDataLink.DataSource;
871 end;
GetFirstColumnnull873 function TCustomDBGrid.GetFirstColumn: TColumn;
874 var
875   i: Integer;
876 begin
877   i := ColumnIndexFromGridColumn(GetFirstVisibleColumn);
878   if i>=0 then
879     Result := Columns[i]
880   else
881     Result := nil;
882 end;
GetLastColumnnull884 function TCustomDBGrid.GetLastColumn: TColumn;
885 var
886   i: Integer;
887 begin
888   i := ColumnIndexFromGridColumn(GetLastVisibleColumn);
889   if i>=0 then
890     Result := Columns[i]
891   else
892     Result := nil;
893 end;
TCustomDBGrid.GetRecordCountnull895 function TCustomDBGrid.GetRecordCount: Integer;
896 begin
897   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
898   DebugLnEnter('%s.GetRecordCount INIT', [ClassName]);
899   {$endif}
900   result := FDataLink.DataSet.RecordCount;
901   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
902   DebugLnExit('%s.GetRecordCount DONE RecordCount=%d', [ClassName, result]);
903   {$endif}
904 end;
TCustomDBGrid.GetSelectedFieldRectnull906 function TCustomDBGrid.GetSelectedFieldRect: TRect;
907 begin
908   result := CellRect(Col,Row);
909 end;
TCustomDBGrid.GetSelectedIndexnull911 function TCustomDBGrid.GetSelectedIndex: Integer;
912 begin
913   if Columns.Enabled then
914     Result := ColumnIndexFromGridColumn( Col )
915   else
916     Result := FieldIndexFromGridColumn( Col );
917 end;
919 procedure TCustomDBGrid.EmptyGrid;
920 var
921   OldFixedCols, OldFixedRows: Integer;
922 begin
923   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
924   DebugLn('%s.EmptyGrid', [ClassName]);
925   {$endif}
926   OldFixedCols := FixedCols;
927   OldFixedRows := FixedRows;
928   Clear;
929   RowCount := OldFixedRows + 1;
930   ColCount := OldFixedCols + 1;
931   if dgIndicator in Options then
932     ColWidths[0]:=Scale96ToFont(DEFINDICATORCOLWIDTH);
933 end;
935 procedure TCustomDBGrid.DoHeaderClick(Index: Integer);
936 var
937   Column: TColumn;
938 begin
939   if Assigned(OnTitleClick) then begin
940     Column := TColumn(ColumnFromGridColumn(Index));
941     if Column <> nil then
942       OnTitleClick(Column);
943   end;
944 end;
GetColumnsnull946 function TCustomDBGrid.GetColumns: TDBGridColumns;
947 begin
948   result := TDBGridColumns( inherited Columns );
949 end;
951 procedure TCustomDBGrid.InvalidateSizes;
952 begin
953   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
954   DebugLn('%s.InvalidateSizes', [ClassName]);
955   {$endif}
956   GridFlags := GridFlags + [gfVisualChange];
957 end;
GetCurrentColumnnull959 function TCustomDBGrid.GetCurrentColumn: TColumn;
960 begin
961   if Columns.Enabled then
962     Result := TColumn(Columns[SelectedIndex])
963   else
964     Result := nil;
965 end;
TCustomDBGrid.GetCurrentFieldnull967 function TCustomDBGrid.GetCurrentField: TField;
968 begin
969   result := GetFieldFromGridColumn( Col );
970 end;
972 procedure TCustomDBGrid.OnDataSetChanged(aDataSet: TDataSet);
973 begin
974   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
975   DebugLnEnter('%s.OnDataSetChanged INIT name=%s aDataSet=%s',
976   	[ClassName,name,dbgsname(ADataset)]);
977   {$endif}
978   if not (gsStartEditing in FGridStatus) then begin
979     GridFlags := GridFlags + [gfEditingDone];
980     if EditorMode then
981       EditorMode := False;
982     GridFlags := GridFlags - [gfEditingDone];
983     LayoutChanged;
984   end;
985   UpdateActive;
986   if not (gsStartEditing in FGridStatus) then begin
987     SelectEditor;
988     if (dgAlwaysShowEditor in Options) and not EditorMode then
989       EditorMode := true;
990   end;
991   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
992   DebugLnExit('%s.OnDataSetChanged DONE name=%s aDataSet=%s',
993   	[ClassName,name,dbgsname(ADataset)]);
994   {$endif}
995 end;
997 procedure TCustomDBGrid.OnDataSetOpen(aDataSet: TDataSet);
998 begin
999   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
1000   DebugLnEnter('%s.OnDataSetOpen INIT', [ClassName]);
1001   {$endif}
1002   RenewColWidths;
1003   LinkActive(True);
1004   UpdateActive;
1005   SelectEditor;
1006   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
1007   DebugLnExit('%s.OnDataSetOpen DONE', [ClassName]);
1008   {$endif}
1009 end;
1011 procedure TCustomDBGrid.OnDataSetClose(aDataSet: TDataSet);
1012 begin
1013   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
1014   DebugLn('%s.OnDataSetClose', [ClassName]);
1015   {$endif}
1016   LinkActive(False);
1017 end;
1019 procedure TCustomDBGrid.OnEditingChanged(aDataSet: TDataSet);
1020 begin
1021   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
1022   DebugLn('%s.OnEditingChanged', [ClassName]);
1023   if aDataSet<>nil then begin
1024     DebugLn(['Editing=', dsEdit = aDataSet.State]);
1025     DebugLn(['Inserting=',dsInsert = aDataSet.State]);
1026   end else
1027     DebugLn('Dataset=nil');
1028   {$endif}
1029   FDataLink.Modified := False;
1030   UpdateActive;
1031 end;
1033 procedure TCustomDBGrid.OnInvalidDataSet(aDataSet: TDataSet);
1034 begin
1035   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
1036   DebugLn('%s.OnInvalidDataSet', [ClassName]);
1037   {$endif}
1038   LinkActive(False);
1039 end;
1041 procedure TCustomDBGrid.OnInvalidDataSource(aDataSet: TDataset);
1042 begin
1043   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
1044   DebugLn('%s.OnInvalidDataSource', [ClassName]);
1045   {$endif}
1046   LinkActive(False);
1047 end;
1049 procedure TCustomDBGrid.OnFocusControl(aField: TFieldRef);
1050 var
1051   aIndex: Integer;
1052 begin
1053   if CanFocus and (aField<>nil) and (aField^<>nil) then begin
1054     aIndex := GetGridColumnFromField(aField^);
1055     if aIndex>=FirstGridColumn then begin
1056       SelectedField := aField^;
1057       aField^ := nil;
1058       SetFocus;
1059     end;
1060   end;
1061 end;
1063 procedure TCustomDBGrid.OnLayoutChanged(aDataSet: TDataSet);
1064 begin
1065   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
1066   DebugLn('%s.OnLayoutChanged', [ClassName]);
1067   {$endif}
1068   LayoutChanged;
1069 end;
1071 procedure TCustomDBGrid.OnNewDataSet(aDataSet: TDataset);
1072 begin
1073   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
1074   DebugLnEnter('%s.OnNewDataSet INIT', [ClassName]);
1075   {$endif}
1076   RenewColWidths;
1077   LinkActive(True);
1078   UpdateActive;
1079   SelectEditor;
1080   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
1081   DebugLnExit('%s.OnNewDataSet DONE', [ClassName]);
1082   {$endif}
1083 end;
1085 procedure TCustomDBGrid.OnDataSetScrolled(aDataSet: TDataSet; Distance: Integer
1086   );
1087 var
1088   OldEditorMode: boolean;
1089   OldRow: Integer;
1090 begin
1091   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
1092   DebugLn('%s.OnDataSetScrolled Distance=%d ds.RecordCount=%d',[ClassName, Distance, aDataSet.RecordCount]);
1093   {$endif}
1094   UpdateScrollBarRange;
1095   // todo: Use a fast interface method to scroll a rectangular section of window
1096   //       if distance=+, Row[Distance] to Row[RowCount-2] UP
1097   //       if distance=-, Row[FixedRows+1] to Row[RowCount+Distance] DOWN
1099   OldEditorMode := EditorMode;
1100   if OldEditorMode then
1101     EditorMode := False;
1103   if Distance<>0 then begin
1105     OldRow := Row;
1106     Row := FixedRows + FDataLink.ActiveRecord;
1107     if OldRow=Row then  // if OldRow<>NewRow SelectEditor will be called by MoveExtend
1108       SelectEditor;     // if OldRow=NewRow we need to manually call SelectEditor
1110     Invalidate;
1111   end else
1112     UpdateActive;
1114   if OldEditorMode and (dgAlwaysShowEditor in Options) then
1115     EditorMode := True;
1116 end;
1118 procedure TCustomDBGrid.OnUpdateData(aDataSet: TDataSet);
1119 begin
1120   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
1121   DebugLn('%s.OnUpdateData', [ClassName]);
1122   {$endif}
1123   UpdateData;
1124 end;
1126 procedure TCustomDBGrid.SetColumns(const AValue: TDBGridColumns);
1127 begin
1128   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
1129   DebugLn('%s.SetColumns', [ClassName]);
1130   {$endif}
1131   inherited Columns := TGridColumns(AValue);
1132 end;
1134 {
1135 procedure TCustomDBGrid.ReadColumns(Reader: TReader);
1136 begin
1137   Columns.Clear;
1138   Reader.ReadValue;
1139   Reader.ReadCollection(Columns);
1140 end;
1141 procedure TCustomDBGrid.SetColumns(const AValue: TDBGridColumns);
1142 begin
1143   Columns.Assign(AValue);
1144 end;
1145 }
1146 procedure TCustomDBGrid.SetCurrentField(const AValue: TField);
1147 var
1148   i: Integer;
1149 begin
1150   if Avalue<>SelectedField then begin
1151     i := GetGridColumnFromField( AValue );
1152     if (i>=FirstGridColumn) and (i>=FixedCols) then
1153       Col := i;
1154   end;
1155 end;
1157 procedure TCustomDBGrid.SetDataSource(const AValue: TDataSource);
1158 begin
1159   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
1160   DebugLn('%s.SetDataSource', [ClassName]);
1161   {$endif}
1162   if AValue = FDatalink.Datasource then Exit;
1163   RenewColWidths;
1164   FDataLink.DataSource := AValue;
1165   UpdateActive;
1166 end;
1168 procedure TCustomDBGrid.SetExtraOptions(const AValue: TDBGridExtraOptions);
1169 var
1170   OldOptions: TDBGridExtraOptions;
IsOptionChangednull1171   function IsOptionChanged(Op: TDBGridExtraOption): boolean;
1172   begin
1173     result := ((op in OldOptions) and not (op in AValue)) or
1174       (not (op in OldOptions) and (op in AValue));
1175   end;
1176 begin
1177   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
1178   DebugLn('%s.SetExtraOptions', [ClassName]);
1179   {$endif}
1180   if FExtraOptions=AValue then exit;
1181   OldOptions := FExtraOptions;
1182   FExtraOptions := AValue;
1184   if IsOptionChanged(dgeCheckboxColumn) then
1185     Invalidate;
1187   if IsOptionChanged(dgeAutoColumns) then begin
1188     if dgeAutoColumns in aValue then
1189       AddAutomaticColumns
1190     else if TDBGridColumns(Columns).HasAutomaticColumns then
1191       RemoveAutomaticColumns;
1192     UpdateActive;
1193   end;
1195 end;
1197 procedure TCustomDBGrid.SetFixedRowsExtra(AValue: Integer);
1198 begin
1199   if FFixedRowsExtra = AValue then Exit;
1200   FFixedRowsExtra := AValue;
1201   LayoutChanged;
1202 end;
1204 procedure TCustomDBGrid.SetOptions(const AValue: TDBGridOptions);
1205 var
1206   OldOptions: TGridOptions;
1207   ChangedOptions: TDbGridOptions;
1208   MultiSel: boolean;
1209 begin
1210   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
1211   DebugLnEnter('%s.SetOptions INIT', [ClassName]);
1212   {$endif}
1213   if FOptions<>AValue then begin
1214     MultiSel := dgMultiSelect in FOptions;
1215     ChangedOptions := (FOptions-AValue) + (AValue-FOptions);
1216     FOptions:=AValue;
1217     OldOptions := inherited Options;
1219    if dgRowSelect in FOptions then
1220     FOptions := FOptions - [dgEditing, dgAlwaysShowEditor, dgRowHighlight];
1222     BeginLayout;
1224     if dgRowLines in fOptions then
1225       Include(OldOptions, goHorzLine)
1226     else
1227       Exclude(OldOptions, goHorzLine);
1229     if dgColLines in fOptions then
1230       Include(OldOptions, goVertLine)
1231     else
1232       Exclude(OldOptions, goVertLine);
1234     if dgColumnResize in fOptions then
1235       Include(OldOptions, goColSizing)
1236     else
1237       Exclude(OldOptions, goColSizing);
1239     if dgColumnMove in fOptions then
1240       Include(OldOptions, goColMoving)
1241     else
1242       Exclude(OldOptions, goColMoving);
1244     if dgAlwaysShowEditor in FOptions then
1245       Include(OldOptions, goAlwaysShowEditor)
1246     else
1247       Exclude(OldOptions, goAlwaysShowEditor);
1249     if dgRowSelect in FOptions then
1250       Include(OldOptions, goRowSelect)
1251     else
1252       Exclude(OldOptions, goRowSelect);
1254     if dgEditing in FOptions then
1255       Include(OldOptions, goEditing)
1256     else
1257       Exclude(OldOptions, goediting);
1259     if dgTabs in FOptions then
1260       Include(OldOptions, goTabs)
1261     else
1262       Exclude(OldOptions, goTabs);
1264     if dgHeaderHotTracking in FOptions then
1265       Include(OldOptions, goHeaderHotTracking)
1266     else
1267       Exclude(OldOptions, goHeaderHotTracking);
1269     if dgHeaderPushedLook in FOptions then
1270       Include(OldOptions, goHeaderPushedLook)
1271     else
1272       Exclude(OldOptions, goHeaderPushedLook);
1274     if dgCellHints in FOptions then
1275       Include(OldOptions, goCellHints)
1276     else
1277       Exclude(OldOptions, goCellHints);
1279     if dgTruncCellHints in FOptions then
1280       Include(OldOptions, goTruncCellHints)
1281     else
1282       Exclude(OldOptions, goTruncCellHints);
1284     if dgCellEllipsis in FOptions then
1285       Include(OldOptions, goCellEllipsis)
1286     else
1287       Exclude(OldOptions, goCellEllipsis);
1289     if dgRowHighlight in FOptions then
1290       Include(OldOptions, goRowHighlight)
1291     else
1292       Exclude(OldOptions, goRowHighlight);
1294     if dgDblClickAutoSize in FOptions then
1295       Include(OldOptions, goDblClickAutoSize)
1296     else
1297       Exclude(OldOptions, goDblClickAutoSize);
1299     if (dgIndicator in ChangedOptions) then begin
1300       if (dgIndicator in FOptions) then
1301         FixedCols := FixedCols + 1
1302       else
1303         FixedCols := Max(FixedCols - 1, 0);
1304     end;
1306     if (dgTitles in ChangedOptions) then begin
1307       if dgTitles in FOptions then
1308         FixedRows := FixedRows + 1
1309       else
1310         FixedRows := Max(FixedRows - 1, 0);
1311     end;
1313     if (dgAutoSizeColumns in ChangedOptions) then begin
1314       Exclude(FGridStatus, gsAutoSized);
1315     end;
1317     if dgThumbTracking in ChangedOptions then begin
1318       if dgThumbTracking in FOptions then
1319         Include(OldOptions, goThumbTracking)
1320       else
1321         Exclude(OldOptions, goThumbTracking);
1322     end;
1324     inherited Options := OldOptions;
1326     if MultiSel and not (dgMultiSelect in FOptions) then begin
1327       FSelectedRows.Clear;
1328     end;
1330     EndLayout;
1331   end;
1332   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
1333   DebugLnExit('%s.SetOptions DONE', [ClassName]);
1334   {$endif}
1335 end;
1337 procedure TCustomDBGrid.SetRowMoved(AValue: TMovedEvent);
1338 begin
1339   if FOnRowMoved = AValue then
1340     Exit;
1341   FOnRowMoved := AValue;
1342   if assigned(OnRowMoved) then
1343     inherited Options := inherited Options + [goRowMoving]
1344   else
1345     inherited Options := inherited Options - [goRowMoving];
1346 end;
1348 procedure TCustomDBGrid.SetSelectedIndex(const AValue: Integer);
1349 begin
1350   Col := FirstGridColumn + AValue;
1351 end;
1353 procedure TCustomDBGrid.UpdateBufferCount;
1354 var
1355   BCount: Integer;
1356 begin
1357   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
1358   DebugLnEnter('%s.UpdateBufferCount INIT', [ClassName]);
1359   {$endif}
1360   if FDataLink.Active then begin
1361     BCount := GetBufferCount;
1362     if BCount<1 then
1363       BCount := 1;
1364     FDataLink.BufferCount:= BCount;
1365   end;
1366   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
1367   DebugLnExit('%s.UpdateBufferCount DONE BufferCount=%d', [ClassName, FDataLink.BufferCount]);
1368   {$endif}
1369 end;
1371 procedure TCustomDBGrid.UpdateData;
1372 var
1373   selField,edField: TField;
1374   LookupKeyValues: Variant;
1375 begin
1376   // get Editor text and update field content
1377   if not UpdatingData and (FEditingColumn>-1) and FDatalink.Editing then begin
1378     SelField := SelectedField;
1379     edField := GetFieldFromGridColumn(FEditingColumn);
1381     if (edField<>nil) and (edField = SelField) then begin
1382       {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
1383       DebugLnEnter('%s.UpdateData INIT Field[%s(%s)]=%s',
1384                    [ClassName, edField.Fieldname ,edField.AsString, FTempText]);
1385       {$endif}
1387       StartUpdating;
1388       try
1389         edField.Text := FTempText;
1390         if edField.FieldKind = fkLookup then
1391         begin
1392           LookupKeyValues := Null;
1393           if edField.LookupCache then
1394             LookupKeyValues := edField.LookupList.FirstKeyByValue(FTempText)
1395           else
1396           begin
1397             LookupGetBookMark(edField);
1398             try
1399               if edField.LookupDataSet.Locate(edField.LookupResultField,
1400                 VarArrayOf([FTempText]), []) then
1401                   LookupKeyValues :=
1402                     edField.LookupDataSet.FieldValues[edField.LookupKeyFields];
1403             finally
1404               LookupGotoBookMark(edField);
1405             end;
1406           end;
1407           edField.DataSet.FieldValues[edField.KeyFields] := LookupKeyValues;
1408         end;
1409       finally
1410         EndUpdating;
1411       end;
1412       EditingColumn(FEditingColumn, False);
1413       {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
1414       DebugLnExit('%s.UpdateData DONE Field=%s',[ClassName, edField.ASString]);
1415       {$endif}
1416     end;
1418   end;
1419 end;
1421 {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
SBCodeToStrnull1422 function SBCodeToStr(Code: Integer): String;
1423 begin
1424   Case Code of
1425     SB_LINEUP : result := 'SB_LINEUP';
1426     SB_LINEDOWN: result := 'SB_LINEDOWN';
1427     SB_PAGEUP: result := 'SB_PAGEUP';
1428     SB_PAGEDOWN: result := 'SB_PAGEDOWN';
1429     SB_THUMBTRACK: result := 'SB_THUMBTRACK';
1431     SB_ENDSCROLL: result := 'SB_SCROLLEND';
1432     SB_TOP: result := 'SB_TOP';
1433     SB_BOTTOM: result := 'SB_BOTTOM';
1434     else result :=IntToStr(Code)+ ' -> ?';
1435   end;
1436 end;
1437 {$endif}
1439 procedure TCustomDBGrid.WMVScroll(var Message: TLMVScroll);
1440 var
1441   IsSeq: boolean;
1442   aPos, aRange, aPage: Integer;
1443   DeltaRec: integer;
MaxPosnull1445   function MaxPos: Integer;
1446   begin
1447     if IsSeq then
1448       result := GetRecordCount - 1
1449     else
1450       result := 4;
1451   end;
1453   procedure DsMoveBy(Delta: Integer);
1454   begin
1455     FDataLink.MoveBy(Delta);
1456     GetScrollbarParams(aRange, aPage, aPos);
1457   end;
1459   procedure DsGoto(BOF: boolean);
1460   begin
1461     if BOF then FDatalink.DataSet.First
1462     else        FDataLink.DataSet.Last;
1463     GetScrollbarParams(aRange, aPage, aPos);
1464   end;
DsPosnull1466   function DsPos: boolean;
1467   var
1468     oldMaxPos: Integer;
1469   begin
1470     result := false;
1471     aPos := Message.Pos;
1472     if aPos=FOldPosition then begin
1473       result := true;
1474       exit;
1475     end;
1476     oldMaxPos := MaxPos;
1477     if aPos>=oldMaxPos then
1478       dsGoto(False)
1479     else if aPos<=0 then
1480       dsGoto(True)
1481     else if IsSeq then begin
1482       FDatalink.DataSet.RecNo := aPos + 1;
1483       {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS}
1484       // Workaround for scrollbar range not being updated
1485       // probably only needed under windows, issue 33799
1486       if oldMaxPos<>MaxPos then begin
1487         ScrollBarShow(SB_VERT, false);
1488         ScrollBarShow(SB_VERT, true);
1489       end;
1490       {$ENDIF}
1491     end
1492     else begin
1493       DeltaRec := Message.Pos - FOldPosition;
1494       if DeltaRec=0 then begin
1495         result := true;
1496         exit
1497       end
1498       else if DeltaRec<-1 then
1499         DsMoveBy(-VisibleRowCount)
1500       else if DeltaRec>1 then
1501         DsMoveBy(VisibleRowCount)
1502       else
1503         DsMoveBy(DeltaRec);
1504     end;
1505   end;
1507 begin
1508   if not FDatalink.Active then exit;
1510   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
1511   DebugLnEnter('%s.WMVScroll INIT Code=%s Position=%s OldPos=%s',
1512   			[ClassName, SbCodeToStr(Message.ScrollCode), dbgs(Message.Pos), Dbgs(FOldPosition)]);
1513   {$endif}
1515   aPos := 0;
1516   IsSeq := FDatalink.DataSet.IsSequenced and not FDataLink.DataSet.Filtered;
1517   case Message.ScrollCode of
1518     SB_TOP:
1519       DsGoto(True);
1520     SB_BOTTOM:
1521       DsGoto(False);
1522     SB_PAGEUP:
1523       DsMoveBy(-VisibleRowCount);
1524     SB_LINEUP:
1525       DsMoveBy(-1);
1526     SB_LINEDOWN:
1527       DsMoveBy(1);
1528     SB_PAGEDOWN:
1529       DsMoveBy(VisibleRowCount);
1531       if DsPos then
1532         exit;
1534       if dgThumbTracking in Options then begin
1535         if not (FDatalink.DataSet.IsSequenced) or DsPos then begin
1536           {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
1537           DebugLnExit('%s.WMVScroll EXIT: SB_THUMBTRACK: DsPos or not sequenced', [ClassName]);
1538           {$endif}
1539           exit;
1540         end;
1541       end else begin
1542         {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
1543         DebugLnExit('%s.WMVScroll EXIT: SB_THUMBTRACK: not using dgThumbTracking', [ClassName]);
1544         {$endif}
1545         Exit;
1546       end;
1547     else begin
1548       {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
1549       DebugLnExit('%s.WMVScroll EXIT: invalid ScrollCode: %d', [ClassName, message.ScrollCode]);
1550       {$endif}
1551       Exit;
1552     end;
1553   end;
1555   ScrollBarPosition(SB_VERT, aPos);
1556   FOldPosition:=aPos;
1558   if EditorMode then
1559     RestoreEditor;
1560   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
1561   DebugLnExit('%s.WMVScroll DONE Diff=%s FinalPos=%s', [ClassName, dbgs(DeltaRec), dbgs(aPos)]);
1562   {$endif}
1563 end;
1565 procedure TCustomDBGrid.WndProc(var TheMessage: TLMessage);
1566 begin
1567   if (TheMessage.Msg=LM_SETFOCUS) and (gsUpdatingData in FGridStatus) then begin
1568     {$ifdef dbgGrid}DebugLn('%s.LM_SETFOCUS while updating', [ClassName]);{$endif}
1569     if EditorMode then begin
1570       LCLIntf.SetFocus(Editor.Handle);
1571       EditorSelectAll;
1572     end;
1573     exit;
1574   end;
1575   inherited WndProc(TheMessage);
1576 end;
TCustomDBGrid.DefaultFieldColWidthnull1579 function TCustomDBGrid.DefaultFieldColWidth(F: TField): Integer;
1580 begin
1581   if not HandleAllocated or (F=nil) then
1582     result:=DefaultColWidth
1583   else begin
1584     if F.DisplayWidth = 0 then
1585       if Canvas.HandleAllocated then
1586         result := Canvas.TextWidth( F.DisplayName ) + 3
1587       else
1588         Result := DefaultColWidth
1589     else
1590       result := F.DisplayWidth * CalcCanvasCharWidth(Canvas);
1591   end;
1592 end;
TCustomDBGrid.GetColumnCountnull1594 function TCustomDBGrid.GetColumnCount: Integer;
1595 var
1596   i: integer;
1597   F: TField;
1598 begin
1599   result := 0;
1600   if Columns.Enabled then
1601     result := Columns.VisibleCount
1602   else
1603     if (dgeAutoColumns in OptionsExtra) and FDataLink.Active then
1604       for i:=0 to FDataLink.DataSet.FieldCount-1 do begin
1605         F:= FDataLink.DataSet.Fields[i];
1606         if (F<>nil) and F.Visible then
1607           Inc(Result);
1608       end;
1609 end;
1611 // Get the visible field (from dataset fields) that corresponds to given column
GetDsFieldFromGridColumnnull1612 function TCustomDBGrid.GetDsFieldFromGridColumn(Column: Integer): TField;
1613 var
1614   i: Integer;
1615 begin
1616   i := FieldIndexFromGridColumn( Column );
1617   if i>=0 then
1618     Result := FDataLink.DataSet.Fields[i]
1619   else
1620     Result := nil;
1621 end;
FirstGridColumnnull1623 function TCustomDBGrid.FirstGridColumn: Integer;
1624 begin
1625   if (dgIndicator in Options) then
1626     Result := 1
1627   else
1628     Result := 0;
1629 end;
1631 procedure TCustomDBGrid.PrepareCellHints(aCol, aRow: Integer);
1632 begin
1633   if not DataLink.Active then Exit;
1634   FSavedRecord := DataLink.ActiveRecord;
1635   DataLink.ActiveRecord := ARow - FixedRows;
1636 end;
1638 procedure TCustomDBGrid.UnprepareCellHints;
1639 begin
1640   if not DataLink.Active then Exit;
1641   DataLink.ActiveRecord := FSavedRecord;
1642 end;
GetCellHintTextnull1644 function TCustomDBGrid.GetCellHintText(aCol, aRow: Integer): String;
1645 var
1646   C: TColumn;
1647 begin
1648   Result := '';
1649   if (ARow < FixedRows) then
1650     exit;
1651   if Assigned(FOnGetCellHint) then begin
1652     C := ColumnFromGridColumn(ACol) as TColumn;
1653     FOnGetCellHint(self, C, Result);
1654   end;
1655 end;
GetTruncCellHintTextnull1657 function TCustomDBGrid.GetTruncCellHintText(aCol, aRow: Integer): string;
1658 var
1659   F: TField;
1660   C: TColumn;
1661 begin
1662   Result := '';
1663   if ARow < FixedRows then
1664     exit;
1665   F := GetFieldFromGridColumn(ACol);
1666   if (F <> nil) then
1667     if CheckDisplayMemo(f) then
1668       result := F.AsString
1669     else
1670     if (F.DataType <> ftBlob) then
1671       Result := F.DisplayText
1672     else
1673       Result := '(blob)';
1674   // pass to OnGetCellHint() only if chpTruncOnly
1675   if Assigned(OnGetCellHint) and (CellHintPriority = chpTruncOnly) then begin
1676     C := ColumnFromGridColumn(ACol) as TColumn;
1677     FOnGetCellHint(self, C, Result);
1678   end;
1679 end;
1681 // obtain the field either from a Db column or directly from dataset fields
TCustomDBGrid.GetFieldFromGridColumnnull1682 function TCustomDBGrid.GetFieldFromGridColumn(Column: Integer): TField;
1683 var
1684   i: integer;
1685 begin
1686   if Columns.Enabled then begin
1687     i := ColumnIndexFromGridColumn( Column );
1688     if i>=0 then
1689       result := TDBGridColumns(Columns)[i].FField
1690     else
1691       result := nil;
1692   end else
1693     result := GetDsFieldFromGridColumn(Column);
1694 end;
1696 // obtain the corresponding grid column for the given field
GetGridColumnFromFieldnull1697 function TCustomDBGrid.GetGridColumnFromField(F: TField): Integer;
1698 var
1699   i: Integer;
1700 begin
1701   result := -1;
1702   for i:=FirstGridColumn to ColCount-1 do begin
1703     if GetFieldFromGridColumn(i) = F then begin
1704       result := i;
1705       break;
1706     end;
1707   end;
1708 end;
1710 procedure TCustomDBGrid.GetImageForCheckBox(const aCol, aRow: Integer;
1711   CheckBoxView: TCheckBoxState; var ImageList: TCustomImageList;
1712   var ImageIndex: TImageIndex; var Bitmap: TBitmap);
1713 begin
1714   inherited GetImageForCheckBox(aCol, aRow, CheckBoxView, ImageList, ImageIndex, Bitmap);
1715   if Assigned(OnUserCheckboxBitmap) then
1716     OnUserCheckboxBitmap(Self, CheckBoxView, Bitmap);
1717 end;
1719 // obtain the visible field index corresponding to the grid column index
TCustomDBGrid.FieldIndexFromGridColumnnull1720 function TCustomDBGrid.FieldIndexFromGridColumn(AGridCol: Integer): Integer;
1721 var
1722   i: Integer;
1723   Column: TColumn;
1724 begin
1725   result := -1;
1726   if not FDatalink.Active then
1727     exit;
1729   if Columns.Enabled then begin
1730     Column := TColumn(ColumnFromGridColumn(AGridCol));
1731     if (Column<>nil) and (Column.Field<>nil) and Column.Field.Visible then
1732       Result := FDatalink.Dataset.Fields.IndexOf(Column.Field)
1733   end else begin
1734     AGridCol := AGridCol - FirstGridColumn;
1735     i := 0;
1736     while (AGridCol>=0) and (i<FDatalink.DataSet.FieldCount) do begin
1737       if FDatalink.Fields[i].Visible then begin
1738         Dec(AGridCol);
1739         if AGridCol<0 then begin
1740           Result := i;
1741           break;
1742         end;
1743       end;
1744       inc(i);
1745     end;
1746   end;
1747 end;
GetBufferCountnull1749 function TCustomDBGrid.GetBufferCount: integer;
1750 begin
1751   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
1752   DebugLn('%s.GetBufferCount', [ClassName]);
1753   {$endif}
1754   Result := ClientHeight div DefaultRowHeight;
1755   if dgTitles in Options then
1756     Dec(Result, FixedRows);
1757 end;
1759 procedure TCustomDBGrid.UpdateGridColumnSizes;
1760 var
1761   i: Integer;
1762 begin
1763   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
1764   DebugLn('%s.UpdateGridColumnSizes', [ClassName]);
1765   {$endif}
1766   if FDefaultColWidths then begin
1767     if dgIndicator in Options then
1768       ColWidths[0]:=Scale96ToFont(12);
1769     if NeedAutoSizeColumns then
1770       UpdateAutoSizeColumns;
1771   end;
1772 end;
1774 procedure TCustomDBGrid.UpdateScrollbarRange;
1775 var
1776   aRange, aPage, aPos: Integer;
1777   ScrollInfo: TScrollInfo;
1778 begin
1779   if not HandleAllocated then exit;
1781   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
1782   DebugLnEnter('%s.UpdateScrollbarRange INIT', [ClassName]);
1783   {$endif}
1785   GetScrollBarParams(aRange, aPage, aPos);
1787   if (ScrollBars in [ssBoth, ssVertical])
1788   or ((Scrollbars in [ssAutoVertical, ssAutoBoth]) and (aRange>aPage)) then
1789   begin
1790     FillChar(ScrollInfo, SizeOf(ScrollInfo), 0);
1791     ScrollInfo.cbSize := SizeOf(ScrollInfo);
1793     {TODO: try to move this out}
1794     {$ifdef WINDOWS}
1795     ScrollInfo.fMask := SIF_ALL or SIF_DISABLENOSCROLL;
1796     ScrollInfo.ntrackPos := 0;
1797     {$else}
1798     ScrollInfo.fMask := SIF_ALL or SIF_UPDATEPOLICY;
1799     //ScrollInfo.ntrackPos := SB_POLICY_CONTINUOUS;
1800     ScrollInfo.ntrackPos := SB_POLICY_DISCONTINUOUS;
1801     {$endif}
1802     ScrollInfo.nMin := 0;
1803     ScrollInfo.nMax := aRange;
1804     ScrollInfo.nPos := Min(aPos,aRange-aPage);
1805     ScrollInfo.nPage := aPage;
1806     SetScrollInfo(Handle, SB_VERT, ScrollInfo, True);
1807   end;
1809   FOldPosition := aPos;
1810   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
1811   DebugLnExit('%s.UpdateScrollBarRange DONE Handle=%d aRange=%d aPage=%d aPos=%d',
1812     [ClassName, Handle, aRange, aPage, aPos]);
1813   {$endif}
1814 end;
1816 procedure TCustomDBGrid.DoLayoutChanged;
1817 begin
1818   if csDestroying in ComponentState then
1819     exit;
1820   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}DebugLnEnter('%s.doLayoutChanged INIT', [ClassName]);{$endif}
1821   BeginUpdate;
1822   if UpdateGridCounts=0 then
1823     EmptyGrid;
1824   EndUpdate;
1825   UpdateScrollbarRange;
1826   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}DebugLnExit('%s.doLayoutChanged DONE', [ClassName]);{$endif}
1827 end;
1828 {
1829 procedure TCustomDBGrid.WriteColumns(Writer: TWriter);
1830 begin
1831   if Columns.IsDefault then
1832     Writer.WriteCollection(nil)
1833   else
1834     Writer.WriteCollection(Columns);
1835 end;
1836 }
1837 procedure TCustomDBGrid.RestoreEditor;
1838 begin
1839   if EditorMode then begin
1840     EditorMode := False;
1841     EditorMode := True;
1842   end;
1843 end;
ISEOFnull1845 function TCustomDBGrid.ISEOF: boolean;
1846 begin
1847   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
1848   DebugLn('%s.IsEOF', [ClassName]);
1849   {$endif}
1850   Result := FDatalink.Active and FDatalink.DataSet.EOF;
1851 end;
TCustomDBGrid.ValidDataSetnull1853 function TCustomDBGrid.ValidDataSet: boolean;
1854 begin
1855   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
1856   DebugLn('%s.ValidDataSet', [ClassName]);
1857   {$endif}
1858   Result := FDatalink.Active And (FDatalink.DataSet<>nil)
1859 end;
InsertCancelablenull1861 function TCustomDBGrid.InsertCancelable: boolean;
1862 begin
1863   with FDatalink.DataSet do
1864     Result := (State=dsInsert) and not (Modified or FDataLink.FModified);
1865 end;
1867 procedure TCustomDBGrid.StartUpdating;
1868 begin
1869   if not UpdatingData then begin
1870     {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}DebugLn('%s.StartUpdating', [ClassName]);{$endif}
1871     Include(FGridStatus, gsUpdatingData);
1872     FOldControlStyle := ControlStyle;
1873     ControlStyle := ControlStyle + [csActionClient];
1874     LockEditor;
1875   end
1876   else
1877     {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}DebugLn('WARNING: multiple calls to StartUpdating');{$endif}
1878 end;
1880 procedure TCustomDBGrid.EndUpdating;
1881 begin
1882   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}DebugLn('%s.EndUpdating', [ClassName]);{$endif}
1883   Exclude(FGridStatus, gsUpdatingData);
1884   ControlStyle := FOldControlStyle;
1885   UnLockEditor;
1886   if csActionClient in ControlStyle then
1887     DebugLn('WARNING: still got csActionClient');
1888 end;
TCustomDBGrid.UpdatingDatanull1890 function TCustomDBGrid.UpdatingData: boolean;
1891 begin
1892   result := gsUpdatingData in FGridStatus;
1893 end;
1895 procedure TCustomDBGrid.AddAutomaticColumns;
1896 var
1897   i: Integer;
1898   F: TField;
1899 begin
1900   // add as many columns as there are fields in the dataset
1901   // do this only at runtime.
1902   if (csDesigning in ComponentState) or not FDatalink.Active or
1903     (gsRemovingAutoColumns in FGridStatus) or  (gsLoadingGrid in FGridStatus) or
1904     not (dgeAutoColumns in OptionsExtra)
1905   then
1906     exit;
1907   Include(FGridStatus, gsAddingAutoColumns);
1908   try
1909     for i:=0 to FDataLink.DataSet.FieldCount-1 do begin
1911       F:= FDataLink.DataSet.Fields[i];
1913       if TDBGridColumns(Columns).ColumnFromField(F) <> nil then
1914         // this field is already in the collection. This could only happen
1915         // if AddAutomaticColumns was called out of LayoutChanged.
1916         // to avoid duplicate columns skip this field.
1917         continue;
1919       if (F<>nil) then begin
1920         with TDBGridColumns(Columns).Add do begin
1921           FIsAutomaticColumn := True;
1922           Field := F;
1923           Visible := F.Visible;
1924         end;
1925       end;
1927     end;
1928     // honor the field.index
1929     TDBGridColumns(Columns).ResetColumnsOrder(coFieldIndexOrder);
1930   finally
1931     Exclude(FGridStatus, gsAddingAutoColumns);
1932   end;
1933 end;
1935 procedure TCustomDBGrid.AssignTo(Dest: TPersistent);
1936 begin
1937   if Dest is TCustomDbGrid then begin
1938     // TODO
1939   end else
1940     inherited AssignTo(Dest);
1941 end;
1943 procedure TCustomDBGrid.AutoAdjustColumn(aCol: Integer);
1944 var
1945   DatalinkActive: Boolean;
1946   CurActiveRecord: Integer;
1947   tmpCanvas: TCanvas;
1948 begin
1949   BeginLayout;
1951   DatalinkActive := FDatalink.Active;
1952   if DatalinkActive then
1953     CurActiveRecord := FDatalink.ActiveRecord;
1955   tmpCanvas := GetWorkingCanvas(Canvas);
1956   try
1958     InternalAutoSizeColumn(aCol,tmpCanvas,DatalinkActive);
1960   finally
1961     if TmpCanvas<>Canvas then
1962       FreeWorkingCanvas(tmpCanvas);
1964     if DatalinkActive then
1965       FDatalink.ActiveRecord := CurActiveRecord;
1967     EndLayout;
1968   end;
1969 end;
1971 procedure TCustomDBGrid.UpdateAutoSizeColumns;
1972 var
1973   ACol: Integer;
1974   DatalinkActive: boolean;
1975   CurActiveRecord: Integer;
1976   tmpCanvas: TCanvas;
1977 begin
1978   if gsAutoSized in GridStatus then
1979     exit;
1981   BeginLayout;
1983   DatalinkActive := FDatalink.Active;
1984   if DatalinkActive then
1985     CurActiveRecord := FDatalink.ActiveRecord;
1987   tmpCanvas := GetWorkingCanvas(Canvas);
1988   try
1990     for aCol:=FixedCols to ColCount-1 do
1991       InternalAutoSizeColumn(ACol,tmpCanvas,DatalinkActive);
1993   finally
1994     if TmpCanvas<>Canvas then
1995       FreeWorkingCanvas(tmpCanvas);
1997     if DatalinkActive then
1998       FDatalink.ActiveRecord := CurActiveRecord;
2000     include(FGridStatus, gsAutoSized);
2002     EndLayout;
2003   end;
2005 end;
2007 procedure TCustomDBGrid.SwapCheckBox;
2008 var
2009   SelField: TField;
2010   TempColumn: TColumn;
2011 begin
2012   if not GridCanModify then
2013     exit;
2015   SelField := SelectedField;
2016   TempColumn := TColumn(ColumnFromGridColumn(Col));
2017   if (SelField<>nil) and (TempColumn<>nil) and not TempColumn.ReadOnly and
2018      FDatalink.Edit then
2019   begin
2020     if SelField.DataType=ftBoolean then
2021       SelField.AsBoolean := not SelField.AsBoolean
2022     else
2023     begin
2024       if TempColumn.ValueChecked=SelField.AsString then
2025         SelField.AsString := TempColumn.ValueUnchecked
2026       else
2027         SelField.AsString := TempColumn.ValueChecked;
2028     end;
2029   end;
2030 end;
2032 procedure TCustomDBGrid.ToggleSelectedRow;
2033 begin
2034   SelectRecord(not FSelectedRows.CurrentRowSelected);
2035 end;
2037 procedure TCustomDBGrid.LinkActive(Value: Boolean);
2038 begin
2039   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
2040   DebugLn('%s.LinkActive', [ClassName]);
2041   {$endif}
2042   if not Value then begin
2043     FSelectedRows.Clear;
2044     RemoveAutomaticColumns;
2045   end;
2046   LayoutChanged;
2047 end;
2049 procedure TCustomDBGrid.LayoutChanged;
2050 begin
2051   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
2052   DebugLn('%s.LayoutChanged', [ClassName]);
2053   {$endif}
2054   if csDestroying in ComponentState then
2055     exit;
2056   if FLayoutChangedCount=0 then begin
2057     BeginLayout;
2058     if Columns.Count>0 then
2059       TDBGridColumns(Columns).LinkFields
2060     else if not FDataLink.Active then
2061       FDataLink.BufferCount := 0
2062     else
2063       AddAutomaticColumns;
2064     EndLayout;
2065   end;
2066 end;
2068 procedure TCustomDBGrid.Loaded;
2069 begin
2070   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
2071   DebugLn('%s.Loaded', [ClassName]);
2072   {$endif}
2073   LayoutChanged;
2074   inherited Loaded;
2075 end;
2077 procedure TCustomDBGrid.LoadGridOptions(cfg: TXMLConfig; Version: Integer);
2078 var
2079   Opt: TDBGridOptions;
2080   Path: string;
2081   procedure GetValue(optStr:string; aOpt:TDBGridOption);
2082   begin
2083     if Cfg.GetValue(Path+OptStr+'/value', False) then Opt:=Opt+[aOpt];
2084   end;
2085 begin
2086   Opt:=[];
2087   Path:='grid/design/options/';
2088   GetValue('dgEditing', dgEditing);
2089   GetValue('dgTitles', dgTitles);
2090   GetValue('dgIndicator', dgIndicator);
2091   GetValue('dgColumnResize', dgColumnResize);
2092   GetValue('dgColumnMove', dgColumnMove);
2093   GetValue('dgColLines', dgColLines);
2094   GetValue('dgRowLines', dgRowLines);
2095   GetValue('dgTabs', dgTabs);
2096   GetValue('dgAlwaysShowEditor', dgAlwaysShowEditor);
2097   GetValue('dgRowSelect', dgRowSelect);
2098   GetValue('dgAlwaysShowSelection', dgAlwaysShowSelection);
2099   GetValue('dgConfirmDelete', dgConfirmDelete);
2100   GetValue('dgCancelOnExit', dgCancelOnExit);
2101   GetValue('dgMultiselect', dgMultiselect);
2102   GetValue('dgHeaderHotTracking', dgHeaderHotTracking);
2103   GetValue('dgHeaderPushedLook', dgHeaderPushedLook);
2104   GetValue('dgPersistentMultiSelect', dgPersistentMultiSelect);
2105   GetValue('dgAutoSizeColumns', dgAutoSizeColumns);
2106   GetValue('dgAnyButtonCanSelect', dgAnyButtonCanSelect);
2107   GetValue('dgDisableDelete', dgDisableDelete);
2108   GetValue('dgDisableInsert', dgDisableInsert);
2109   GetValue('dgCellHints', dgCellHints);
2110   GetValue('dgTruncCellHints', dgTruncCellHints);
2111   GetValue('dgCellEllipsis', dgCellEllipsis);
2112   GetValue('dgRowHighlight', dgRowHighlight);
2113   GetValue('dgThumbTracking', dgThumbTracking);
2114   Options:=Opt;
2115 end;
2117 type
2118   TProtFields=class(TFields)
2119   end;
2121 procedure TCustomDBGrid.ColRowMoved(IsColumn: Boolean; FromIndex,
2122   ToIndex: Integer);
2123 var
2124   F: TField;
2125 begin
2126   if IsColumn then begin
2127     if Columns.Enabled then
2128       inherited ColRowMoved(IsColumn, FromIndex, ToIndex)
2129     else if FDatalink.Active and (FDataLink.DataSet<>nil) then begin
2130       F := GetDsFieldFromGridColumn(FromIndex);
2131       if F<>nil then begin
2132         TProtFields(FDatalink.DataSet.Fields).SetFieldIndex( F, ToIndex - FirstGridColumn );
2133       end;
2134     end;
2135     if Assigned(OnColumnMoved) then
2136       OnColumnMoved(Self, FromIndex, ToIndex);
2137   end
2138   else if Assigned(OnRowMoved) then
2139     OnRowMoved(Self, FromIndex, ToIndex);
2140 end;
ColumnEditorStylenull2142 function TCustomDBGrid.ColumnEditorStyle(aCol: Integer; F: TField): TColumnButtonStyle;
2143 var
2144   gridcol: TGridColumn;
2145 begin
2146   result := cbsAuto;
2147   gridcol := ColumnFromGridColumn(aCol);
2148   if Columns.Enabled and assigned(gridcol) then
2149     result := gridcol.ButtonStyle;
2151   result := DefaultEditorStyle(result, F);
2152 end;
CreateColumnsnull2154 function TCustomDBGrid.CreateColumns: TGridColumns;
2155 begin
2156   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
2157   DebugLn('%s.CreateColumns', [ClassName]);
2158   {$endif}
2159   result := TDBGridColumns.Create(Self, TColumn);
2160 end;
2162 procedure TCustomDBGrid.CreateWnd;
2163 begin
2164   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
2165   DebugLn('%s.CreateWnd', [ClassName]);
2166   {$endif}
2167   inherited CreateWnd;
2168   LayoutChanged;
2169   if Scrollbars in [ssBoth, ssVertical, ssAutoBoth, ssAutoVertical] then
2170     ScrollBarShow(SB_VERT, True);
2171 end;
2173 procedure TCustomDBGrid.DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler);
2174   {
2175   function HasColumns: boolean;
2176   var
2177     C: TGridColumns;
2178   begin
2179     if Filer.Ancestor <> nil then
2180       C := TCustomGrid(Filer.Ancestor).Columns
2181     else
2182       C := Columns;
2183     if C<>nil then
2184       result := not C.IsDefault
2185     else
2186       result := false;
2187   end;
2188   }
2189 begin
2190   // simply avoid to call TCustomGrid.DefineProperties method
2191   // which defines ColWidths,Rowheights,Cells
2192   //Filer.DefineProperty('Columns',  @ReadColumns,  @WriteColumns,  HasColumns);
2193 end;
2195 procedure TCustomDBGrid.DefaultDrawCell(aCol, aRow: Integer; aRect: TRect;
2196   aState: TGridDrawState);
2198 var
2199   S: string;
2200   F: TField;
2201   cbs: TColumnButtonStyle;
2202 begin
2204   DrawCellBackground(aCol, aRow, aRect, aState);
2206   if gdFixed in aState then
2207     DrawFixedText(aCol, aRow, aRect, aState)
2208   else
2209   if not FDrawingEmptyDataset then begin
2211     F := GetFieldFromGridColumn(aCol);
2212     cbs := ColumnEditorStyle(aCol, F);
2213     case cbs of
2214       cbsCheckBoxColumn:
2215         DrawCheckBoxBitmaps(aCol, aRect, F);
2216       else
2217       begin
2219         if cbs=cbsButtonColumn then
2220           DrawButtonCell(aCol, aRow, aRect, aState);
2222         {$ifdef dbggridpaint}
2223         DbgOut(' Col=%d',[ACol]);
2224         {$endif}
2225         if F<>nil then begin
2226           {$ifdef dbgGridPaint}
2227           DbgOut(' Field=%s',[F.FieldName]);
2228           {$endif}
2229           if CheckDisplayMemo(F) then
2230             S := F.AsString
2231           else
2232             S := F.DisplayText;
2233         end else
2234           S := '';
2235         {$ifdef dbggridpaint}
2236         DbgOut(' Value=%s ',[S]);
2237         {$endif}
2238         DrawCellText(aCol,aRow,aRect,aState,S);
2239       end;
2240     end;
2241   end;
2242 end;
TCustomDBGrid.DefaultEditorStylenull2244 function TCustomDBGrid.DefaultEditorStyle(const Style: TColumnButtonStyle;
2245   const F: TField): TColumnButtonStyle;
2246 begin
2247   result := Style;
2248   if (Result=cbsAuto) and (F<>nil) then
2249     case F.DataType of
2250       ftBoolean: Result := cbsCheckboxColumn;
2251     end;
2252   if (result = cbsCheckBoxColumn) and not (dgeCheckboxColumn in FExtraOptions) then
2253     Result := cbsAuto;
2254 end;
2256 procedure TCustomDBGrid.DoCopyToClipboard;
2257 var
2258   F: TField;
2259 begin
2260   // copy current field to clipboard
2261   if not FDatalink.Active then
2262     exit;
2263   F := GetFieldFromGridColumn(Col);
2264   if F<>nil then
2265     Clipboard.AsText := F.AsString;
2266 end;
2268 procedure TCustomDBGrid.DoOnChangeBounds;
2269 begin
2270   BeginUpdate;
2271   inherited DoOnChangeBounds;
2272   if HandleAllocated then
2273     LayoutChanged;
2274   EndUpdate;
2275 end;
2277 procedure TCustomDBGrid.DoPrepareCanvas(aCol, aRow: Integer;
2278   aState: TGridDrawState);
2279 var
2280   DataCol: Integer;
2281   IsSelected: boolean;
2282 begin
2283   if (ARow>=FixedRows) then begin
2285     if not DefaultDrawing then begin
2286       GetSelectedState(aState, IsSelected);
2287       if IsSelected then begin
2288         Canvas.Brush.Color := SelectedColor;
2289         Canvas.Font.Color := clHighlightText;
2290       end;
2291     end;
2293     if Assigned(OnPrepareCanvas) then begin
2294       DataCol := ColumnIndexFromGridColumn(aCol);
2295       if DataCol>=0 then
2296         OnPrepareCanvas(Self, DataCol, TColumn(Columns[DataCol]), aState);
2297     end;
2299   end;
2300 end;
2302 procedure TCustomDBGrid.DoLoadColumn(sender: TCustomGrid; aColumn: TGridColumn;
2303   aColIndex: Integer; aCfg: TXMLConfig; aVersion: Integer; aPath: string);
2304 var
2305   c: TColumn;
2306   s: string;
2307 begin
2308   c:=TColumn(aColumn);
2309   s := aCfg.GetValue(aPath + '/fieldname/value', '');
2310   if s<>'' then
2311     c.FieldName := s;
2312   s := aCfg.GetValue(aPath + '/displayformat/value', '');
2313   if s<>'' then
2314     c.DisplayFormat := s;
2315   inherited DoLoadColumn(sender, aColumn, aColIndex, aCfg, aVersion, aPath);
2316 end;
2318 procedure TCustomDBGrid.DoSaveColumn(sender: TCustomGrid; aColumn: TGridColumn;
2319   aColIndex: Integer; aCfg: TXMLConfig; aVersion: Integer; aPath: string);
2320 var
2321   c: TColumn;
2322 begin
2323   c:=TColumn(aColumn);
2324   aCfg.SetValue(aPath + '/fieldname/value', c.FieldName);
2325   aCfg.SetValue(aPath + '/displayformat/value', c.DisplayFormat);
2326   inherited DoSaveColumn(sender, aColumn, aColIndex, aCfg, aVersion, aPath);
2327 end;
2329 procedure TCustomDBGrid.BeforeMoveSelection(const DCol,DRow: Integer);
2330 begin
2331   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}DebugLnEnter('%s.BeforeMoveSelection INIT', [ClassName]);{$endif}
2332   inherited BeforeMoveSelection(DCol, DRow);
2333   if DCol<>Col then begin
2334     if assigned(OnColExit) then
2335       OnColExit(Self);
2336     FColEnterPending:=True;
2337   end;
2338 {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}DebugLnExit('%s.BeforeMoveSelection DONE', [ClassName]);{$endif}
2339 end;
2341 procedure TCustomDBGrid.HeaderClick(IsColumn: Boolean; index: Integer);
2342 begin
2343   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
2344   DebugLn('%s.HeaderClick', [ClassName]);
2345   {$endif}
2346   if IsColumn then
2347     DoHeaderClick(Index);
2348 end;
2350 procedure TCustomDBGrid.KeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
2351 type
2352   TOperation=(opMoveBy,opCancel,opAppend,opInsert,opDelete);
2353 var
2354   DeltaCol,DeltaRow: Integer;
2355   preSelIndex, posSelIndex: Integer;
2357   procedure DoOnKeyDown;
2358   begin
2359     {$ifdef dbgGrid}DebugLnEnter('DoOnKeyDown INIT');{$endif}
2360     if Assigned(OnKeyDown) then
2361       OnKeyDown(Self, Key, Shift);
2362     {$ifdef dbgGrid}DebugLnExit('DoOnKeyDown DONE');{$endif}
2363   end;
2365   {$ifdef dbgGrid}
OperToStrnull2366   function OperToStr(AOper: TOperation): string;
2367   begin
2368     case AOper of
2369       opMoveBy: result := 'opMoveBy';
2370       opCancel: result := 'opCancel';
2371       opAppend: result := 'opAppend';
2372       opInsert: result := 'opInsert';
2373       opDelete: result := 'opDelete';
2374     end;
2375   end;
2376   {$endif}
2378   procedure DoOperation(AOper: TOperation; Arg: Integer = 0);
2379   begin
2380     {$ifdef dbgGrid}DebugLnEnter('KeyDown.DoOperation(%s,%d) INIT',[OperToStr(AOper),arg]);{$endif}
2381     GridFlags := GridFlags + [gfEditingDone];
2382     case AOper of
2383       opMoveBy:
2384         FDatalink.MoveBy(Arg);
2385       opCancel:
2386         begin
2387           if EditorMode then
2388             EditorCancelEditing;
2389           FDatalink.Dataset.Cancel;
2390         end;
2391       opAppend:
2392         FDatalink.Dataset.Append;
2393       opInsert:
2394         FDatalink.Dataset.Insert;
2395       opDelete:
2396         FDatalink.Dataset.Delete;
2397     end;
2398     GridFlags := GridFlags - [gfEditingDone];
2399     {$ifdef dbgGrid}DebugLnExit('KeyDown.DoOperation(%s,%d) DONE',[OperToStr(AOper),arg]);{$endif}
2400   end;
2402   procedure SelectNext(const AStart,ADown:Boolean);
2403   var
2404     N, curActiveRecord: Integer;
2405     CurBookmark: TBookmark;
2406   begin
2407     if dgPersistentMultiSelect in Options then
2408       exit;
2410     if (ssShift in Shift) then begin
2411       if dgMultiSelect in Options then begin
2412         curBookmark := FDatalink.DataSet.GetBookmark;
2413         try
2414           if AStart then  preSelIndex := FSelectedRows.IndexOf(curBookmark)
2415           else            posSelIndex := FSelectedRows.IndexOf(curBookmark);
2416           if not AStart then begin
2417             FSelectedRows.CurrentRowSelected := true;
2418             // deal with selection of previous (not prior) record
2419             curActiveRecord := FDatalink.ActiveRecord;
2420             try
2421               if ADown then FDatalink.ActiveRecord := FDatalink.ActiveRecord - 1
2422               else          FDatalink.ActiveRecord := FDatalink.ActiveRecord + 1;
2423               if (preSelIndex>=0) and (posSelIndex>=0) then begin
2424                 if preSelIndex<>posSelIndex then
2425                   FSelectedRows.CurrentRowSelected := false
2426               end else
2427                 FSelectedRows.CurrentRowSelected := true;
2428             finally
2429               FDatalink.ActiveRecord := curActiveRecord;
2430             end;
2431           end;
2432         finally
2433           FDatalink.DataSet.FreeBookmark(CurBookmark);
2434         end;
2435       end;
2436     end else
2437       ClearSelection(true);
2438   end;
doVKDownnull2440   function doVKDown: boolean;
2441   begin
2442     {$ifdef dbgGrid}DebugLnEnter('DoVKDown INIT');{$endif}
2443     if InsertCancelable then
2444     begin
2445       if IsEOF then
2446         result:=true
2447       else begin
2448         doOperation(opCancel);
2449         result := false;
2450       end;
2451     end else begin
2452       result:=false;
2453       SelectNext(true,true);
2454       doOperation(opMoveBy, 1);
2455       if GridCanModify and FDataLink.EOF then begin
2456         if not (dgDisableInsert in Options) then
2457           doOperation(opAppend);
2458       end else
2459         SelectNext(false,true);
2460     end;
2461     {$ifdef dbgGrid}DebugLnExit('DoVKDown DONE');{$endif}
2462   end;
DoVKUPnull2464   function DoVKUP: boolean;
2465   begin
2466     {$ifdef dbgGrid}DebugLnEnter('DoVKUP INIT');{$endif}
2467     if InsertCancelable then
2468       doOperation(opCancel)
2469     else begin
2470       SelectNext(true, false);
2471       doOperation(opMoveBy, -1);
2472       SelectNext(false, false);
2473     end;
2474     result := FDatalink.DataSet.BOF;
2475     {$ifdef dbgGrid}DebugLnExit('DoVKUP DONE');{$endif}
2476   end;
2478   procedure MoveSel(AReset: boolean);
2479   var
2480     ACol: Integer;
2481   begin
2482     if (DeltaCol<>0) or (DeltaRow<>0) then begin
2483       if DeltaRow > 0 then begin
2484         if doVKDown then
2485           //DeltaCol:=0; // tochk: strict? already in EOF, don't change column
2486       end else
2487       if DeltaRow < 0 then begin
2488         if doVKUP then
2489           //DeltaCol:=0; // tochk: strict? already in BOF, don't change column
2490       end;
2491       GridFlags := GridFlags + [gfEditingDone];
2492       if (DeltaCol<>0) then
2493         if Col + DeltaCol < FixedCols then
2494           Col := FixedCols
2495         else if Col + DeltaCol >= ColCount then
2496           Col := ColCount - 1
2497         else
2498         begin
2499           ACol := Col + DeltaCol;
2500           if ColWidths[ACol] > 0 then
2501             Col := ACol
2502           else
2503             if DeltaCol < 0 then
2504               Col := GetFirstVisibleColumn
2505             else
2506               Col := GetLastVisibleColumn;
2507         end;
2508       GridFlags := GridFlags - [gfEditingDone];
2509     end else
2510     if AReset then
2511       ResetEditor;
2512   end;
2514 begin
2515   {$ifdef dbgGrid}DebugLnEnter('%s.KeyDown %s INIT Key=%d',[ClassName, Name,Key]);{$endif}
2516   case Key of
2518     VK_TAB:
2519       begin
2520         doOnKeyDown;
2521         if (Key<>0) and ValidDataset then begin
2522           if (dgTabs in Options) then begin
2524             if ((ssShift in shift) and
2525                (Col<=GetFirstVisibleColumn) and (Row<=GetFirstVisibleRow)) then begin
2526               if EditorKey then
2527                 GridFlags := GridFlags + [gfRevEditorTab];
2528               {$ifdef dbgGrid}DebugLnExit('%s.KeyDown Exit: Tab: Shift',[ClassName]);{$endif}
2529               exit;
2530             end;
2532             GetDeltaMoveNext(ssShift in Shift, DeltaCol, DeltaRow, TabAdvance);
2534             if (not (ssShift in Shift)) and (Row>=GetLastVisibleRow) and
2535                (DeltaRow>0) and (Col=GetLastVisibleColumn) and
2536                (FDatalink.Editing or not GridCanModify) then begin
2537               {$ifdef dbgGrid}DebugLnExit('%s.KeyDown Exit: Tab: not shift',[ClassName]);{$endif}
2538               exit;
2539             end;
2541             MoveSel(false);
2542             Key := 0;
2543           end;
2544         end;
2545       end;
2547     VK_RETURN:
2548       begin
2549         doOnKeyDown;
2550         if (Key<>0) and ValidDataset then begin
2551           key:=0;
2552           if (dgEditing in Options) and not EditorMode then
2553             EditorMode:=true
2554           else begin
2555             GetDeltaMoveNext(ssShift in Shift, DeltaCol, DeltaRow, AutoAdvance);
2556             MoveSel(True);
2557           end;
2558         end;
2559       end;
2561     VK_DELETE:
2562       begin
2563         doOnKeyDown;
2564         if (Key<>0) and (ssCtrl in Shift) and GridCanModify and
2565            (not (dgDisableDelete in Options)) and
2566            not FDataLink.DataSet.IsEmpty then begin
2568           if not (dgConfirmDelete in Options) or
2569             (MessageDlg(rsDeleteRecord, mtConfirmation, mbOKCancel, 0 )<>mrCancel)
2570           then begin
2571             doOperation(opDelete);
2572             key := 0;
2573           end;
2575         end;
2576       end;
2578     VK_DOWN:
2579       begin
2580         DoOnKeyDown;
2581         if (Key<>0) and ValidDataset then begin
2582           doVKDown;
2583           Key := 0;
2584         end;
2585       end;
2587     VK_UP:
2588       begin
2589         doOnKeyDown;
2590         if (Key<>0) and ValidDataset then begin
2591           doVKUp;
2592           key := 0;
2593          end;
2594       end;
2596     VK_NEXT:
2597       begin
2598         doOnKeyDown;
2599         if (Key<>0) and ValidDataset then begin
2600           doOperation(opMoveBy, VisibleRowCount);
2601           ClearSelection(true);
2602           Key := 0;
2603         end;
2604       end;
2606     VK_PRIOR:
2607       begin
2608         doOnKeyDown;
2609         if (Key<>0) and ValidDataset then begin
2610           doOperation(opMoveBy, -VisibleRowCount);
2611           ClearSelection(true);
2612           key := 0;
2613         end;
2614       end;
2616     VK_ESCAPE:
2617       begin
2618         doOnKeyDown;
2619         if (Key<>0) and ValidDataset then begin
2620           if EditorMode then begin
2621             EditorCancelEditing;
2622             if FDatalink.Active and not FDatalink.Dataset.Modified then
2623               FDatalink.Modified := False;
2624             Key := 0;
2625           end else
2626             if FDataLink.Active then
2627               doOperation(opCancel);
2628         end;
2629       end;
2631     VK_INSERT:
2632       begin
2633         doOnKeyDown;
2634         if Key<>0 then
2635           if not (dgDisableInsert in Options) and GridCanModify then begin
2636             doOperation(opInsert);
2637             Key:=0;
2638           end;
2639       end;
2641     VK_HOME:
2642       begin
2643         doOnKeyDown;
2644         if Key<>0 then begin
2645           if FDatalink.Active then begin
2646             GridFlags := GridFlags + [gfEditingDone];
2647             if ssCTRL in Shift then
2648               FDataLink.DataSet.First
2649             else
2650               MoveNextSelectable(False, FixedCols, Row);
2651             GridFlags := GridFlags - [gfEditingDone];
2652             ClearSelection(true);
2653             Key:=0;
2654           end;
2655         end;
2656       end;
2658     VK_END:
2659       begin
2660         doOnKeyDown;
2661         if Key<>0 then begin
2662           if FDatalink.Active then begin
2663             GridFlags := GridFlags + [gfEditingDone];
2664             if ssCTRL in shift then
2665               FDatalink.DataSet.Last
2666             else begin
2667               DeltaCol := GetLastVisibleColumn;
2668               if DeltaCol>=0 then
2669                 MoveNextSelectable(False, DeltaCol, Row);
2670             end;
2671             GridFlags := GridFlags - [gfEditingDone];
2672             ClearSelection(true);
2673             Key:=0;
2674           end;
2675         end;
2676       end;
2678     VK_SPACE:
2679       begin
2680         doOnKeyDown;
2681         if (Key<>0) and ValidDataset then begin
2682           if ColumnEditorStyle(Col, SelectedField) = cbsCheckboxColumn then begin
2683             SwapCheckBox;
2684             Key:=0;
2685           end;
2686         end;
2687       end;
2689     VK_MULTIPLY:
2690       begin
2691         doOnKeyDown;
2692         if (Key<>0) and ValidDataset and (ssCtrl in Shift) then
2693           ToggleSelectedRow;
2694       end;
2696     else
2697       inherited KeyDown(Key, Shift);
2698   end;
2699   {$ifdef dbgGrid}DebugLnExit('%s.KeyDown DONE Key= %d',[ClassName, Key]);{$endif}
2700 end;
2702 procedure TCustomDBGrid.MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X,
2703   Y: Integer);
2704 var
2705   Gz: TGridZone;
2706   P: TPoint;
2707   aoe: Boolean;
2708   procedure doMouseDown;
2709   begin
2710     if not Focused and not(csNoFocus in ControlStyle) then
2711       SetFocus;
2712     if assigned(OnMouseDown) then
2713       OnMouseDown(Self, Button, Shift, X, Y);
2714   end;
2715   procedure doInherited;
2716   begin
2717     inherited MouseDown(Button, Shift, X, Y);
2718   end;
2719   procedure doMoveBy;
2720   begin
2721     {$ifdef dbgGrid}DebugLnEnter('%s.MouseDown MoveBy INIT', [ClassName]); {$endif}
2722     FDatalink.MoveBy(P.Y - Row);
2723     {$ifdef dbgGrid}DebugLnExit('%s.MouseDown MoveBy DONE', [ClassName]); {$endif}
2724   end;
2725   procedure doMoveToColumn;
2726   begin
2727     {$ifdef dbgGrid}DebugLnEnter('%s.MouseDown MoveToCol INIT Col=%d', [ClassName, P.X]); {$endif}
2728     Col := P.X;
2729     {$ifdef dbgGrid}DebugLnExit('%s.MouseDown MoveToCol DONE', [ClassName]); {$endif}
2730   end;
2731   procedure DoCancel;
2732   begin
2733     {$ifdef dbgGrid}DebugLnEnter('%s.MouseDown Dataset.CANCEL INIT', [ClassName]);{$endif}
2734     if EditorMode then
2735       EditorCancelEditing;
2736     FDatalink.Dataset.cancel;
2737     {$ifdef dbgGrid}DebugLnExit('%s.MouseDown Dataset.CANCEL DONE', [ClassName]);{$endif}
2738   end;
2739   procedure DoAcceptValue;
2740   begin
2741     if EditorMode and FDatalink.FModified then
2742       EditorMode := False;
2743   end;
2744 begin
2746   if (csDesigning in componentState) {or not GCache.ValidGrid }then begin
2747     {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}DebugLn('%s.MouseDown - checkDesigning', [ClassName]);{$endif}
2748     exit;
2749   end;
2751   if UpdatingData then begin
2752     {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}DebugLn('%s.MouseDown - UpdatingData', [ClassName]);{$endif}
2753     exit;
2754   end;
2756   if not MouseButtonAllowed(Button) then begin
2757     {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}DebugLn('%s.MouseDown - no mouse allowed', [ClassName]);{$endif}
2758     doInherited;
2759     exit;
2760   end;
2762   {$ifdef dbgGrid}DebugLnEnter('%s.MouseDown INIT', [ClassName]); {$endif}
2763   Gz:=MouseToGridZone(X,Y);
2764   CacheMouseDown(X,Y);
2765   case Gz of
2766     gzInvalid:
2767       begin
2768         if (cursor=crHSplit) and (dgColumnResize in Options) then begin
2769           // DBGrid normally doesn't allow outbound events and this is one of them
2770           // make GCache.HotGridZone valid for inherited mousedown. Issue #0034032
2771           aoe := AllowOutboundEvents;
2772           AllowOutboundEvents := true;
2773           inherited MouseMove(shift, x, y);
2774           AllowOutBoundEvents := aoe;
2775           doInherited;
2776         end else
2777           doMouseDown;
2778       end;
2780     gzFixedCells, gzFixedCols:
2781       doInherited;
2782     else
2783       begin
2786         P:=MouseToCell(Point(X,Y));
2787         if Gz=gzFixedRows then
2788           P.X := Col;
2790         if P.Y=Row then begin      // The current active row was clicked again.
2791           //doAcceptValue;
2793           if ssCtrl in Shift then begin
2794             doMouseDown;
2795             // Don't unselect the row if Right-click was for PopupMenu.
2796             if (Button<>mbRight) or (PopupMenu=Nil) then
2797               ToggleSelectedRow;
2798           end
2799           else begin
2800             if Button=mbLeft then
2801               ClearSelection(true);
2802             if gz=gzFixedRows then begin
2803               fGridState:=gsRowMoving;
2804               ResetLastMove;
2805               doMouseDown;
2806             end
2807             else
2808               doInherited;
2809           end;
2811         end else begin
2812           doMouseDown;
2813           if ValidDataSet then begin
2814             if InsertCancelable and IsEOF then
2815               doCancel;
2816             doMoveBy;
2817             if IsMouseOverCellButton(X, Y) then
2818               StartPushCell;
2819           end;
2820           if ssCtrl in Shift then
2821             ToggleSelectedRow
2822           else begin
2823             if (Button=mbLeft) or (dgAnyButtonCanSelect in Options) then
2824               ClearSelection(true);
2825             // Select row before popupmenu
2826             if (Button=mbRight) and Assigned(PopupMenu) and not FSelectedRows.CurrentRowSelected then
2827               ToggleSelectedRow;
2828             doMoveToColumn;
2829           end;
2830         end;
2831       end;
2832   end;
2833   {$ifdef dbgGrid}DebugLnExit('%s.MouseDown DONE', [ClassName]); {$endif}
2834 end;
2836 procedure TCustomDBGrid.MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
2837 begin
2838   if (fGridState=gsSelecting) and not Dragging then begin
2839     if Assigned(OnMouseMove) then
2840       OnMouseMove(Self, Shift, x, y);
2841     exit;
2842   end else
2843     inherited MouseMove(Shift, X, Y);
2844 end;
2846 procedure TCustomDBGrid.PrepareCanvas(aCol, aRow: Integer;
2847   aState: TGridDrawState);
2848 begin
2849   inherited PrepareCanvas(aCol, aRow, aState);
2851   if gdFixed in aState then begin
2852     if gdHot in aState then
2853       Canvas.Brush.Color := FixedHotColor
2854     else
2855       Canvas.Brush.Color := GetColumnColor(aCol, gdFixed in AState);
2856   end;
2858   if (not FDatalink.Active) and ((gdSelected in aState) or (gdFocused in aState)) then
2859     Canvas.Brush.Color := Self.Color;
2860 end;
2862 procedure TCustomDBGrid.RemoveAutomaticColumns;
2863 begin
2864   if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
2865     TDBGridColumns(Columns).RemoveAutoColumns;
2866 end;
2868 procedure TCustomDBGrid.ResetSizes;
2869 begin
2870   LayoutChanged;
2871   inherited ResetSizes;
2872 end;
2874 procedure TCustomDBGrid.SaveGridOptions(Cfg: TXMLConfig);
2875 var
2876   Path: string;
2877 begin
2878   Path:='grid/design/options/';
2879   Cfg.SetValue(Path+'dgEditing/value', dgEditing in Options);
2880   Cfg.SetValue(Path+'dgTitles/value', dgTitles in Options);
2881   Cfg.SetValue(Path+'dgIndicator/value', dgIndicator in Options);
2882   Cfg.SetValue(Path+'dgColumnResize/value', dgColumnResize in Options);
2883   Cfg.SetValue(Path+'dgColumnMove/value', dgColumnMove in Options);
2884   Cfg.SetValue(Path+'dgColLines/value', dgColLines in Options);
2885   Cfg.SetValue(Path+'dgRowLines/value', dgRowLines in Options);
2886   Cfg.SetValue(Path+'dgTabs/value', dgTabs in Options);
2887   Cfg.SetValue(Path+'dgAlwaysShowEditor/value', dgAlwaysShowEditor in Options);
2888   Cfg.SetValue(Path+'dgRowSelect/value', dgRowSelect in Options);
2889   Cfg.SetValue(Path+'dgAlwaysShowSelection/value', dgAlwaysShowSelection in Options);
2890   Cfg.SetValue(Path+'dgConfirmDelete/value', dgConfirmDelete in Options);
2891   Cfg.SetValue(Path+'dgCancelOnExit/value', dgCancelOnExit in Options);
2892   Cfg.SetValue(Path+'dgMultiselect/value', dgMultiselect in Options);
2893   Cfg.SetValue(Path+'dgHeaderHotTracking/value', dgHeaderHotTracking in Options);
2894   Cfg.SetValue(Path+'dgHeaderPushedLook/value', dgHeaderPushedLook in Options);
2895   Cfg.SetValue(Path+'dgPersistentMultiSelect/value', dgPersistentMultiSelect in Options);
2896   cfg.SetValue(Path+'dgAutoSizeColumns/value', dgAutoSizeColumns in Options);
2897   cfg.SetValue(Path+'dgAnyButtonCanSelect/value', dgAnyButtonCanSelect in Options);
2898   Cfg.SetValue(Path+'dgDisableDelete/value', dgDisableDelete in Options);
2899   Cfg.SetValue(Path+'dgDisableInsert/value', dgDisableInsert in Options);
2900   Cfg.SetValue(Path+'dgCellHints/value', dgCellHints in Options);
2901   cfg.SetValue(Path+'dgTruncCellHints/value', dgTruncCellHints in Options);
2902   Cfg.SetValue(Path+'dgCellEllipsis/value', dgCellEllipsis in Options);
2903   Cfg.SetValue(Path+'dgRowHighlight/value', dgRowHighlight in Options);
2904   Cfg.SetValue(Path+'dgThumbTracking/value', dgThumbTracking in Options);
2905 end;
2907 procedure TCustomDBGrid.SelectEditor;
2908 var
2909   aEditor: TWinControl;
2910   aMaxLen: integer;
2911 begin
2912   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
2913   DebugLnEnter('%s.SelectEditor INIT Editor=%s',[ClassName, dbgsname(editor)]);
2914   {$endif}
2915   if (FDatalink<>nil) and FDatalink.Active then begin
2916     inherited SelectEditor;
2918     if (SelectedField is TStringField) then
2919       aMaxLen := SelectedField.Size
2920     else
2921       aMaxLen := 0;
2923     if (Editor is TCustomEdit) then
2924       TCustomEdit(Editor).MaxLength := aMaxLen
2925     else
2926     if (Editor is TCompositeCellEditor) then
2927       TCompositeCellEditor(Editor).MaxLength := aMaxLen;
2929     if Assigned(OnSelectEditor) then begin
2930       aEditor:=Editor;
2931       OnSelectEditor(Self, SelectedColumn, aEditor);
2932       Editor:=aEditor;
2933     end;
2934   end else
2935     Editor := nil;
2936   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
2937   DebugLnExit('%s.SelectEditor DONE Editor=%s',[ClassName, dbgsname(editor)]);
2938   {$endif}
2939 end;
2941 procedure TCustomDBGrid.SetEditText(ACol, ARow: Longint; const Value: string);
2942 begin
2943   FTempText := Value;
2944 end;
2946 procedure TCustomDBGrid.SetFixedCols(const AValue: Integer);
2947 begin
2948   if (FixedCols=AValue) or (AValue<FirstGridColumn) then
2949     exit;
2950   inherited SetFixedCols(AValue);
2951 end;
2953 procedure TCustomDBGrid.BeginLayout;
2954 begin
2955   inc(FLayoutChangedCount);
2956 end;
2958 procedure TCustomDBGrid.EditingColumn(aCol: Integer; Ok: boolean);
2959 begin
2960   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}DebugLnEnter('%s.EditingColumn INIT aCol=%d Ok=%s',
2961   	[ClassName, aCol, BoolToStr(ok, true)]); {$endif}
2962   if Ok then begin
2963     FEditingColumn := aCol;
2964     FDatalink.Modified := True;
2965   end
2966   else
2967     FEditingColumn := -1;
2968   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid} DebugLnExit('%s.EditingColumn DONE', [ClassName]); {$endif}
2969 end;
2971 procedure TCustomDBGrid.EditorCancelEditing;
2972 begin
2973   EditingColumn(FEditingColumn, False); // prevents updating the value
2974   if EditorMode then begin
2975     EditorMode := False;
2976     if dgAlwaysShowEditor in Options then
2977       EditorMode := True;
2978   end;
2979 end;
2981 procedure TCustomDBGrid.EditorDoGetValue;
2982 begin
2983   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}DebugLnEnter('%s.EditorDoGetValue INIT', [ClassName]);{$endif}
2984   inherited EditordoGetValue;
2985   UpdateData;
2986   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}DebugLnExit('%s.EditorDoGetValue DONE', [ClassName]);{$endif}
2987 end;
2989 procedure TCustomDBGrid.CellClick(const aCol, aRow: Integer; const Button:TMouseButton);
2990 begin
2991   {$ifdef dbgGrid}DebugLn('%s.CellClick', [ClassName]); {$endif}
2992   if Button<>mbLeft then
2993     exit;
2995   if (aCol>=FirstGridColumn) then begin
2996     if (aRow>=FixedRows) then begin
2997       if IsColumnVisible(aCol) and
2998          (ColumnEditorStyle(ACol, SelectedField) = cbsCheckboxColumn) then begin
2999         // react only if overriden editor is hidden
3000         if (Editor=nil) or not EditorMode then
3001           SwapCheckBox
3002       end;
3003       if Assigned(OnCellClick) then
3004         OnCellClick(TColumn(ColumnFromGridColumn(aCol)));
3005     end else
3006       DoHeaderClick(aCol)
3007   end;
3008 end;
CheckDisplayMemonull3010 function TCustomDBGrid.CheckDisplayMemo(aField: TField): boolean;
3011 begin
3012   // note that this assumes that aField is not nil
3013   result := (aField.DataType=ftMemo) and (dgDisplayMemoText in Options);
3014 end;
3016 procedure TCustomDBGrid.EndLayout;
3017 begin
3018   dec(FLayoutChangedCount);
3019   if FLayoutChangedCount = 0 then
3020     DoLayoutChanged;
3021 end;
GetDefaultColumnAlignmentnull3023 function TCustomDBGrid.GetDefaultColumnAlignment(Column: Integer): TAlignment;
3024 var
3025   F: TField;
3026 begin
3027   F := GetDsFieldFromGridColumn(Column);
3028   if F<>nil then
3029     result := F.Alignment
3030   else
3031     result := taLeftJustify;
3032 end;
GetDefaultColumnWidthnull3034 function TCustomDBGrid.GetDefaultColumnWidth(Column: Integer): Integer;
3035 begin
3036   Result := DefaultFieldColWidth(GetDsFieldFromGridColumn(Column));
3037 end;
GetDefaultColumnReadOnlynull3039 function TCustomDBGrid.GetDefaultColumnReadOnly(Column: Integer): boolean;
3040 var
3041   F: Tfield;
3042 begin
3043   result := true;
3044   if not Self.ReadOnly and (FDataLink.Active and not FDatalink.ReadOnly) then begin
3045     F := GetDsFieldFromGridColumn(Column);
3046     result := (F=nil) or F.ReadOnly;
3047   end;
3048 end;
GetDefaultColumnTitlenull3050 function TCustomDBGrid.GetDefaultColumnTitle(Column: Integer): string;
3051 var
3052   F: Tfield;
3053 begin
3054   F := GetDsFieldFromGridColumn(Column);
3055   if F<>nil then
3056     Result := F.DisplayName
3057   else
3058     Result := '';
3059 end;
TCustomDBGrid.GetDefaultRowHeightnull3061 function TCustomDBGrid.GetDefaultRowHeight: integer;
3062 begin
3063   result := inherited GetDefaultRowHeight;
3064   Dec(Result, 2); // a litle smaller for dbgrid
3065 end;
3067 procedure TCustomDBGrid.DoExit;
3068 begin
3069   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}DebugLnEnter('%s.DoExit INIT', [ClassName]);{$endif}
3070   if ValidDataSet and (dgCancelOnExit in Options) and
3071     InsertCancelable then
3072   begin
3073     FDataLink.DataSet.Cancel;
3074     EditingColumn(FEditingColumn, False);
3075   end;
3076   inherited DoExit;
3077   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}DebugLnExit('%s.DoExit DONE', [ClassName]);{$endif}
3078 end;
TCustomDBGrid.DoMouseWheelDownnull3080 function TCustomDBGrid.DoMouseWheelDown(Shift: TShiftState; MousePos: TPoint
3081   ): Boolean;
3082 begin
3083   Result := False;
3084   if Assigned(OnMouseWheelDown) then
3085     OnMouseWheelDown(Self, Shift, MousePos, Result);
3086   if not Result and FDatalink.Active then begin
3087     FDatalink.MoveBy(1);
3088     Result := True;
3089   end;
3090 end;
DoMouseWheelUpnull3092 function TCustomDBGrid.DoMouseWheelUp(Shift: TShiftState; MousePos: TPoint
3093   ): Boolean;
3094 begin
3095   Result := False;
3096   if Assigned(OnMouseWheelUp) then
3097     OnMouseWheelUp(Self, Shift, MousePos, Result);
3098   if not Result and FDatalink.Active then begin
3099     FDatalink.MoveBy(-1);
3100     Result := True;
3101   end;
3102 end;
GetEditMasknull3104 function TCustomDBGrid.GetEditMask(aCol, aRow: Longint): string;
3105 var
3106   aField: TField;
3107 begin
3108   Result := '';
3109   if FDataLink.Active then begin
3110     aField := GetFieldFromGridColumn(aCol);
3111     if (aField<>nil) then begin
3112       Result := aField.EditMask;
3113       if assigned(OnFieldEditMask) then
3114         OnFieldEditMask(Self, AField, Result);
3115     end;
3116   end;
3117 end;
TCustomDBGrid.GetEditTextnull3119 function TCustomDBGrid.GetEditText(aCol, aRow: Longint): string;
3120 var
3121   aField: TField;
3122 begin
3123   Result := '';
3124   if FDataLink.Active then begin
3125     aField := GetFieldFromGridColumn(aCol);
3126     if aField<>nil then begin
3127       if CheckDisplayMemo(aField) then
3128         Result := aField.AsString
3129       else
3130         Result := aField.Text;
3131     end;
3132   end;
3133 end;
TCustomDBGrid.GetIsCellSelectednull3135 function TCustomDBGrid.GetIsCellSelected(aCol, aRow: Integer): boolean;
3136 begin
3137   Result:=inherited GetIsCellSelected(aCol, aRow) or
3138     FDrawingMultiSelRecord;
3139 end;
GetIsCellTitlenull3141 function TCustomDBGrid.GetIsCellTitle(aCol, aRow: Integer): boolean;
3142 begin
3143   result := (FixedRows>0) and (aRow=0);
3144   if result and Columns.Enabled then
3145     result := (aCol>=FirstGridColumn);
3146 end;
3148 procedure TCustomDBGrid.GetSelectedState(AState: TGridDrawState; out
3149   IsSelected: boolean);
3150 begin
3151   inherited GetSelectedState(AState, IsSelected);
3152   if IsSelected and not Self.Focused and not(dgAlwaysShowSelection in Options) then
3153     IsSelected := false;
3154 end;
GetSmoothScrollnull3156 function TCustomDBGrid.GetSmoothScroll(Which: Integer): Boolean;
3157 begin
3158   if Which=SB_Vert then
3159     Result := False
3160   else
3161     Result := inherited GetSmoothScroll(Which);
3162 end;
TCustomDBGrid.GridCanModifynull3164 function TCustomDBGrid.GridCanModify: boolean;
3165 begin
3166   result := not ReadOnly and (dgEditing in Options) and not FDataLink.ReadOnly
3167     and FDataLink.Active and FDatalink.DataSet.CanModify;
3168 end;
3170 procedure TCustomDBGrid.GetSBVisibility(out HsbVisible, VsbVisible: boolean);
3171 var
3172   aRange,aPage,aPos: Integer;
3173 begin
3174   inherited GetSBVisibility(HsbVisible, VsbVisible);
3175   VSbVisible := (ScrollBars in [ssVertical, ssBoth]);
3176   if not VSbVisible and ScrollBarAutomatic(ssVertical) then begin
3177     GetScrollbarParams(aRange,aPage, aPos);
3178     if ARange>aPage then
3179       VSbVisible:=True;
3180   end;
3181 end;
3183 procedure TCustomDBGrid.GetSBRanges(const HsbVisible, VsbVisible: boolean; out
3184   HsbRange, VsbRange, HsbPage, VsbPage, HsbPos, VsbPos: Integer);
3185 begin
3186   inherited GetSBRanges(HsbVisible, VsbVisible, HsbRange, VsbRange, HsbPage, VsbPage, HsbPos, VsbPos);
3187   if VSbVisible then
3188     GetScrollbarParams(VsbRange, VsbPage, VsbPos)
3189   else begin
3190     VsbRange := 0;
3191     VsbPage := 0;
3192     VsbPos := 0;
3193   end;
3194 end;
3196 procedure TCustomDBGrid.MoveSelection;
3197 begin
3198   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}DebugLnEnter('%s.MoveSelection INIT', [ClassName]);{$endif}
3199   inherited MoveSelection;
3200   if FColEnterPending and Assigned(OnColEnter) then begin
3201     OnColEnter(Self);
3202   end;
3203   FColEnterPending:=False;
3204   UpdateActive;
3205   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}DebugLnExit('%s.MoveSelection DONE', [ClassName]);{$endif}
3206 end;
MouseButtonAllowednull3208 function TCustomDBGrid.MouseButtonAllowed(Button: TMouseButton): boolean;
3209 begin
3210   Result:= FDataLink.Active and ((Button=mbLeft) or (dgAnyButtonCanSelect in Options));
3211 end;
3213 procedure TCustomDBGrid.DrawAllRows;
3214 var
3215   CurActiveRecord: Integer;
3216 begin
3217   if FDataLink.Active then begin
3218     {$ifdef dbgGridPaint}
3219     DebugLnEnter('%s DrawAllRows INIT Link.ActiveRecord=%d, Row=%d',[Name, FDataLink.ActiveRecord, Row]);
3220     {$endif}
3221     CurActiveRecord:=FDataLink.ActiveRecord;
3222     FDrawingEmptyDataset:=FDatalink.DataSet.IsEmpty;
3223   end else
3224     FDrawingEmptyDataset:=True;
3225   try
3226     inherited DrawAllRows;
3227   finally
3228     if FDataLink.Active then begin
3229       FDataLink.ActiveRecord:=CurActiveRecord;
3230       {$ifdef dbgGridPaint}
3231       DebugLnExit('%s DrawAllRows DONE Link.ActiveRecord=%d, Row=%d',[Name, FDataLink.ActiveRecord, Row]);
3232       {$endif}
3233     end;
3234   end;
3235 end;
3237 procedure TCustomDBGrid.DrawFocusRect(aCol, aRow: Integer; ARect: TRect);
3238 var
3239   DrawBits: Byte;
3240 begin
3241   // Draw focused cell if we have the focus
3242   if Self.Focused and (dgAlwaysShowSelection in Options) and
3243     FDatalink.Active and DefaultDrawing then
3244   begin
3245     DrawBits := BF_RECT;
3246     if (dgRowSelect in Options) then begin
3247       if (LeftCol>FixedCols) or (GCache.TLColOff<>0) then
3248         DrawBits := DrawBits and not BF_LEFT;
3249       if (GCache.VisibleGrid.Right<ColCount-1) then
3250         DrawBits := DrawBits and not BF_RIGHT;
3251     end;
3252     CalcFocusRect(aRect);
3253     DrawRubberRect(Canvas, aRect, FocusColor, DrawBits);
3254   end;
3255 end;
3257 //
3258 procedure TCustomDBGrid.DrawRow(ARow: Integer);
3259 begin
3260   if (ARow>=FixedRows) and FDataLink.Active then begin
3261     //if (Arow>=FixedRows) and FCanBrowse then
3262     FDataLink.ActiveRecord:=ARow-FixedRows;
3263     FDrawingActiveRecord := ARow = Row;
3264     FDrawingMultiSelRecord := (dgMultiSelect in Options) and
3265       SelectedRows.CurrentRowSelected
3266   end else begin
3267     FDrawingActiveRecord := False;
3268     FDrawingMultiSelRecord := False;
3269   end;
3270   {$ifdef dbgGridPaint}
3271   DbgOut('DrawRow Row=', IntToStr(ARow), ' Act=', dbgs(FDrawingActiveRecord));
3272   {$endif}
3273   inherited DrawRow(ARow);
3274   {$ifdef dbgGridPaint}
3275   DebugLn('End Row')
3276   {$endif}
3277 end;
3279 procedure TCustomDBGrid.DrawCell(aCol, aRow: Integer; aRect: TRect; aState: TGridDrawState);
3280 var
3281   DataCol: Integer;
3282 begin
3283   PrepareCanvas(aCol, aRow, aState);
3285   {$ifdef dbgGridPaint}
3286   DbgOut(' ',IntToStr(aCol));
3287   if gdSelected in aState then DbgOut('S');
3288   if gdFocused in aState then DbgOut('*');
3289   if gdFixed in aState then DbgOut('F');
3290   {$endif dbgGridPaint}
3292   if (gdFixed in aState) or DefaultDrawing then
3293     DefaultDrawCell(aCol, aRow, aRect, aState)
3294   else
3295   if not DefaultDrawing then
3296     DrawCellBackground(aCol, aRow, aRect, aState);
3298   if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
3299   begin
3300     if (ARow>=FixedRows) and Assigned(OnDrawColumnCell) then begin
3301       DataCol := ColumnIndexFromGridColumn(aCol);
3302       if DataCol>=0 then
3303         OnDrawColumnCell(Self, aRect, DataCol, TColumn(Columns[DataCol]), aState);
3304     end;
3305     if (ARow<FixedRows) and Assigned(OnDrawColumnTitle) then begin
3306       DataCol := ColumnIndexFromGridColumn(aCol);
3307       if DataCol>=0 then
3308         OnDrawColumnTitle(Self, aRect, DataCol, TColumn(Columns[DataCol]), aState);
3309     end;
3310   end;
3312   DrawCellGrid(aCol, aRow, aRect, aState);
3313 end;
3315 procedure TCustomDBGrid.DrawCellBackground(aCol, aRow: Integer; aRect: TRect;
3316   aState: TGridDrawState);
3317 begin
3318   // background
3319   if (gdFixed in aState) and (TitleStyle=tsNative) then
3320     DrawThemedCell(aCol, aRow, aRect, aState)
3321   else
3322     Canvas.FillRect(aRect);
3323 end;
3325 procedure TCustomDBGrid.DrawCheckboxBitmaps(aCol: Integer; aRect: TRect;
3326   F: TField);
3327 var
3328   AState: TCheckboxState;
3329 begin
3330   if (aCol=Col) and FDrawingActiveRecord then begin
3331     // show checkbox only if overriden editor is hidden
3332     if EditorMode then
3333       exit;
3334   end;
3336   // by SSY
3337   if (F<>nil) then
3338     if F.DataType=ftBoolean then
3339       if F.IsNull then
3340         AState := cbGrayed
3341       else
3342       if F.AsBoolean then
3343         AState := cbChecked
3344       else
3345         AState := cbUnChecked
3346     else
3347       if F.AsString=ColumnFromGridColumn(aCol).ValueChecked then
3348         AState := cbChecked
3349       else
3351       if F.AsString=ColumnFromGridColumn(aCol).ValueUnChecked then
3352         AState := cbUnChecked
3353       else
3354         AState := cbGrayed
3355   else
3356     AState := cbGrayed;
3358   if assigned(OnUserCheckboxState) then
3359     OnUserCheckboxState(Self, TColumn(ColumnFromGridColumn(aCol)), AState);
3361   DrawGridCheckboxBitmaps(aCol, Row{dummy}, ARect, AState);
3362 end;
3364 procedure TCustomDBGrid.DrawFixedText(aCol, aRow: Integer; aRect: TRect;
3365   aState: TGridDrawState);
GetDatasetStatenull3367   function GetDatasetState: TDataSetState;
3368   begin
3369     if FDatalink.Active then
3370       result := FDataLink.DataSet.State
3371     else
3372       result := dsInactive;
3373   end;
3375 begin
3376   if (ACol=0) and (dgIndicator in Options) and FDrawingActiveRecord then begin
3377     DrawIndicator(Canvas, aRect, GetDataSetState, FDrawingMultiSelRecord);
3378     {$ifdef dbgGridPaint}
3379     dbgOut('>');
3380     {$endif}
3381   end else
3382   if (ACol=0) and (dgIndicator in Options) and FDrawingMultiSelRecord then
3383     DrawIndicator(Canvas, aRect, dsCurValue{dummy}, True)
3384   else
3385     DrawColumnText(aCol, aRow, aRect, aState);
3386 end;
3388 procedure TCustomDBGrid.DrawColumnText(aCol, aRow: Integer; aRect: TRect;
3389  aState: TGridDrawState);
3390 var
3391   F: TField;
3392   s: String;
3393 begin
3394   if GetIsCellTitle(aCol, aRow) then
3395     inherited DrawColumnText(aCol, aRow, aRect, aState)
3396   else if aRow<FixedRows then
3397     // this case is for drawing fixed rows extra, the standard dbgrid
3398     // have nothing to draw here but it must avoid duplicate titles or
3399     // draw some field.
3400   else begin
3401     F := GetFieldFromGridColumn(aCol);
3402     if F<>nil then begin
3403       if CheckDisplayMemo(F) then
3404         s := F.AsString
3405       else
3406         s := F.DisplayText;
3407       DrawCellText(aCol, aRow, aRect, aState, s)
3408     end;
3409   end;
3410 end;
3412 procedure TCustomDBGrid.DrawIndicator(ACanvas: TCanvas; R: TRect;
3413   Opt: TDataSetState; MultiSel: boolean);
3414 var
3415   dx, dy, x, y: Integer;
3417   procedure CenterY;
3418   begin
3419     y := R.Top + (R.Bottom-R.Top) div 2;
3420   end;
3422   procedure CenterX;
3423   begin
3424     X := R.Left + (R.Right-R.Left) div 2;
3425   end;
3427   procedure DrawEdit(clr: Tcolor);
3428   begin
3429     ACanvas.Pen.Color := clr;
3430     CenterY;
3431     CenterX;
3432     ACanvas.MoveTo(X-2, Y-Dy);
3433     ACanvas.LineTo(X+3, Y-Dy);
3434     ACanvas.MoveTo(X, Y-Dy);
3435     ACanvas.LineTo(X, Y+Dy);
3436     ACanvas.MoveTo(X-2, Y+Dy);
3437     ACanvas.LineTo(X+3, Y+Dy);
3438   end;
3440 begin
3441   dx := 6;
3442   dy := 6;
3443   x := 0;
3444   y := 0;
3445   case Opt of
3446     dsBrowse:
3447       begin //
3448         ACanvas.Brush.Color:=clBlack;
3449         ACanvas.Pen.Color:=clBlack;
3450         CenterY;
3451         x:= R.Left+3;
3452         if MultiSel then begin
3453           if BiDiMode = bdRightToLeft then begin
3454             ACanvas.Polyline([point(x+dx,y-dy),  point(x,y),point(x+dx,y+dy), point(x+dx,y+dy-1)]);
3455             ACanvas.Polyline([point(x+dx,y-dy+1),  point(x+1,y),point(x+dx,y+dy-1), point(x+dx,y+dy-2)]);
3456             CenterX;
3457             Dec(X,3);
3458             ACanvas.Ellipse(Rect(X+dx-2,Y-2,X+dx+2,Y+2));
3459           end else begin
3460             ACanvas.Polyline([point(x,y-dy),  point(x+dx,y),point(x,y+dy), point(x,y+dy-1)]);
3461             ACanvas.Polyline([point(x,y-dy+1),point(x+dx-1,y),point(x, y+dy-1), point(x,y+dy-2)]);
3462             CenterX;
3463             Dec(X,3);
3464             ACanvas.Ellipse(Rect(X-2,Y-2,X+2,Y+2));
3465           end;
3466         end else begin
3467           if BiDiMode = bdRightToLeft then
3468             ACanvas.Polygon([point(x,y),point(x+dx,y-dy),point(x+dx, y+dy),point(x,y)])
3469           else
3470             ACanvas.Polygon([point(x,y-dy),point(x+dx,y),point(x, y+dy),point(x,y-dy)]);
3471         end;
3472       end;
3473     dsEdit:
3474       DrawEdit(clBlack);
3475     dsInsert:
3476       DrawEdit(clGreen);
3477     else
3478     if MultiSel then begin
3479       ACanvas.Brush.Color:=clBlack;
3480       ACanvas.Pen.Color:=clBlack;
3481       CenterX;
3482       CenterY;
3483       ACanvas.Ellipse(Rect(X-3,Y-3,X+3,Y+3));
3484     end;
3485   end;
3486 end;
TCustomDBGrid.EditorCanAcceptKeynull3488 function TCustomDBGrid.EditorCanAcceptKey(const ch: TUTF8Char): boolean;
3489 var
3490   aField: TField;
3491 begin
3492   result := False;
3493   if FDataLink.Active then begin
3494     aField := SelectedField;
3495     if aField<>nil then begin
3496       Result := IsValidChar(AField, Ch) and not aField.Calculated and
3497         (aField.DataType<>ftAutoInc) and (aField.FieldKind<>fkLookup) and
3498         (not aField.IsBlob or CheckDisplayMemo(aField));
3499     end;
3500   end;
3501 end;
TCustomDBGrid.EditorIsReadOnlynull3503 function TCustomDBGrid.EditorIsReadOnly: boolean;
3504 var
3505   AField : TField;
3506   FieldList: TList;
3507   I: Integer;
3508 begin
3509   Result := inherited EditorIsReadOnly;
3510   if not Result then begin
3512     AField := GetFieldFromGridColumn(Col);
3513     if assigned(AField) then begin
3515       // if field can't be modified, it's assumed readonly
3516       result := not AField.CanModify;
3518       // if field is readonly, check if it's a lookup field
3519       if result and (AField.FieldKind = fkLookup) then begin
3520         FieldList := TList.Create;
3521         try
3522           AField.DataSet.GetFieldList(FieldList, AField.KeyFields);
3523           // check if any keyfields are there
3524           result := (FieldList.Count=0); // if not simply is still readonly
3525                                          // if yes assumed keyfields are modifiable
3526           for I := 0 to FieldList.Count-1 do
3527             if not TField(FieldList[I]).CanModify then begin
3528               result := true; // at least one keyfield is readonly
3529               break;
3530             end;
3531         finally
3532           FieldList.Free;
3533         end;
3534       end;
3536       // if it's not readonly and is not already editing, start editing.
3537       if not result and not FDatalink.Editing then begin
3538         Include(FGridStatus, gsStartEditing);
3539         Result := not FDataLink.Edit;
3540         Exclude(FGridStatus, gsStartEditing);
3541       end;
3543     end
3544     else
3545       result := true;  // field is nil so it's readonly
3547   end;
3548 end;
3550 procedure TCustomDBGrid.EditorTextChanged(const aCol, aRow: Integer;
3551   const aText: string);
3552 var
3553   isReadOnly: Boolean;
3554 begin
3555   isReadOnly := EditorIsReadonly;
3556   if not isReadOnly then
3557     SetEditText(aCol, aRow, aText);
3558   EditingColumn(Col, not isReadOnly);
3559 end;
3561 procedure TCustomDBGrid.HeaderSized(IsColumn: Boolean; Index: Integer);
3562 var
3563   i: Integer;
3564 begin
3565   if IsColumn then begin
3566     if Columns.Enabled then begin
3567       i := ColumnIndexFromGridColumn(Index);
3568       if i>=0 then
3569         Columns[i].Width := ColWidths[Index];
3570     end;
3571     FDefaultColWidths := False;
3572     if Assigned(OnColumnSized) then
3573       OnColumnSized(Self);
3574   end;
3575 end;
IsColumnVisiblenull3577 function TCustomDBGrid.IsColumnVisible(aCol: Integer): boolean;
3578 var
3579   gridcol: TGridColumn;
3580 begin
3581   if Columns.Enabled then begin
3582     gridcol := ColumnFromGridColumn(aCol);
3583     result := (gridcol<>nil) and gridCol.Visible;
3584   end else
3585     result := (aCol>=FirstGridColumn) and (ColWidths[aCol]>0);
3586 end;
IsValidCharnull3588 function TCustomDBGrid.IsValidChar(AField: TField; AChar: TUTF8Char): boolean;
3589 begin
3590   result := False;
3592   if Length(AChar)>1 then begin
3593     // problem: AField should validate a unicode char, but AField has no
3594     //          such facility, ask the user, if user is not interested
3595     //          do ansi convertion and try with field.
3597     { TODO: is this really necessary?
3598     if Assigned(FOnValidateUTF8Char) then begin
3599       result := true;
3600       OnValidateUT8Char(Self, AField, AChar, Result)
3601       exit;
3602     end else
3603     }
3604       AChar := UTF8ToSys(AChar);
3605   end else
3606   if Length(AChar)=0 then
3607     exit;
3609   Result := (AChar[1]=#8) or AField.IsValidChar(AChar[1])
3610 end;
3612 procedure TCustomDBGrid.UpdateActive;
3613 var
3614   PrevRow: Integer;
3615   NewRow: Integer;
3616 begin
3617   if (csDestroying in ComponentState) or
3618     (FDatalink=nil) or (not FDatalink.Active) or
3619     (FDatalink.ActiveRecord<0) then
3620     exit;
3621   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
3622   DebugLn('%s.UpdateActive (%s): ActiveRecord=%d FixedRows=%d Row=%d',
3623   		[ClassName, Name, FDataLink.ActiveRecord, FixedRows, Row]);
3624   {$endif}
3625   PrevRow := Row;
3626   NewRow:= FixedRows + FDataLink.ActiveRecord;
3627   if NewRow>RowCount-1 then
3628     NewRow := RowCount-1;
3629   Row := NewRow;
3630   if PrevRow<>Row then
3631     InvalidateCell(0, PrevRow);//(InvalidateRow(PrevRow);
3632   InvalidateRow(Row);
3633 end;
UpdateGridCountsnull3635 function TCustomDBGrid.UpdateGridCounts: Integer;
3636 var
3637   RecCount: Integer;
3638   FRCount, FCCount: Integer;
3639 begin
3640   // find out the column count, if result=0 then
3641   // there are no visible columns defined or dataset is inactive
3642   // or there are no visible fields, ie the grid is blank
3643   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}DebugLnEnter('%s.UpdateGridCounts INIT', [ClassName]);{$endif}
3644   BeginUpdate;
3645   try
3646     Result := GetColumnCount;
3647     if Result > 0 then begin
3648       FRCount := FixedRowsExtra;
3649       if dgTitles in Options then Inc(FRCount);
3650       if dgIndicator in Options then FCCount := 1 else FCCount := 0;
3651       InternalSetColCount(Result + FCCount);
3652       if FDataLink.Active then begin
3653         UpdateBufferCount;
3654         RecCount := FDataLink.RecordCount;
3655         if RecCount<1 then
3656           RecCount := 1;
3657       end else begin
3658         RecCount := 0;
3659         if FRCount=0 then
3660           // need to be large enough to hold indicator
3661           // if there is one, and if there are no titles
3662           RecCount := FCCount;
3663       end;
3664       Inc(RecCount, FRCount);
3665       RowCount := RecCount;
3666       FixedRows := FRCount;
3667       UpdateGridColumnSizes;
3668       if FDatalink.Active and (FDatalink.ActiveRecord>=0) then
3669         AdjustEditorBounds(Col, FixedRows + FDatalink.ActiveRecord);
3670     end;
3671   finally
3672     EndUpdate;
3673   end;
3674   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}DebugLnExit('%s.UpdateGridCounts DONE', [ClassName]);{$endif}
3675 end;
3677 constructor TCustomDBGrid.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
3678 begin
3679   FEditingColumn:=-1;
3680   DragDx:=5;
3681   inherited Create(AOwner);
3683   FDataLink := TComponentDataLink.Create;//(Self);
3684   FDataLink.OnRecordChanged:=@OnRecordChanged;
3685   FDataLink.OnDatasetChanged:=@OnDataSetChanged;
3686   FDataLink.OnDataSetOpen:=@OnDataSetOpen;
3687   FDataLink.OnDataSetClose:=@OnDataSetClose;
3688   FDataLink.OnNewDataSet:=@OnNewDataSet;
3689   FDataLink.OnInvalidDataSet:=@OnInvalidDataset;
3690   FDataLink.OnInvalidDataSource:=@OnInvalidDataSource;
3691   FDataLink.OnDataSetScrolled:=@OnDataSetScrolled;
3692   FDataLink.OnLayoutChanged:=@OnLayoutChanged;
3693   FDataLink.OnEditingChanged:=@OnEditingChanged;
3694   FDataLink.OnUpdateData:=@OnUpdateData;
3695   FDatalink.OnFocusControl := @OnFocusControl;
3696   FDataLink.VisualControl:= True;
3698   FSelectedRows := TBookmarkList.Create(Self);
3700   RenewColWidths;
3702   FOptions := [dgColumnResize, dgColumnMove, dgTitles, dgIndicator, dgRowLines,
3703     dgColLines, dgConfirmDelete, dgCancelOnExit, dgTabs, dgEditing,
3704     dgAlwaysShowSelection];
3706   inherited Options :=
3707     [goFixedVertLine, goFixedHorzLine, goVertLine, goHorzLine,
3708      goSmoothScroll, goColMoving, goTabs, goEditing, goDrawFocusSelected,
3709      goColSizing ];
3711   FExtraOptions := [dgeAutoColumns, dgeCheckboxColumn];
3713   AutoAdvance := aaRightDown;
3715   // What a dilema!, we need ssAutoHorizontal and ssVertical!!!
3716   ScrollBars:=ssBoth;
3717   AllowOutboundEvents := false;
3718 end;
3720 procedure TCustomDBGrid.AutoAdjustColumns;
3721 begin
3722   Exclude(FGridStatus, gsAutoSized);
3723   UpdateAutoSizeColumns;
3724 end;
3726 procedure TCustomDBGrid.InitiateAction;
3727 begin
3728   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}DebugLnEnter('%s.InitiateAction INIT', [ClassName]);{$endif}
3729   inherited InitiateAction;
3730   if (gsUpdatingData in FGridStatus) then begin
3731     EndUpdating;
3732     {
3733     if EditorMode then begin
3734       Editor.SetFocus;
3735       EditorSelectAll;
3736     end;
3737     }
3738   end;
3739   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}DebugLnExit('%s.InitiateAction DONE', [ClassName]);{$endif}
3740 end;
3742 procedure TCustomDBGrid.DefaultDrawColumnCell(const Rect: TRect;
3743   DataCol: Integer; Column: TColumn; State: TGridDrawState);
3744 var
3745   S: string;
3746   F: TField;
3747   DataRow: Integer;
3748 begin
3749   F := Column.Field;
3751   DataCol := GridColumnFromColumnIndex(DataCol);
3752   if FDataLink.Active then
3753     DataRow := FixedRows + FDataLink.ActiveRecord
3754   else
3755     DataRow := 0;
3757   if DataCol>=FirstGridColumn then
3758     case ColumnEditorStyle(DataCol, F) of
3760       cbsCheckBoxColumn:
3761         DrawCheckBoxBitmaps(DataCol, Rect, F);
3763       else begin
3764         if F<>nil then begin
3765           if CheckDisplayMemo(F) then
3766             S := F.AsString
3767           else
3768           if F.dataType <> ftBlob then
3769             S := F.DisplayText
3770           else
3771             S := '(blob)';
3772         end else
3773           S := '';
3774         DrawCellText(DataCol, DataRow, Rect, State, S);
3775       end;
3777     end;
3778 end;
EditorByStylenull3780 function TCustomDBGrid.EditorByStyle(Style: TColumnButtonStyle): TWinControl;
3781 begin
3782   // we want override the editor style if it is cbsAuto because
3783   // field.datatype might be ftBoolean or some other cases
3784   if Style=cbsAuto then
3785     Style := ColumnEditorStyle(Col, SelectedField);
3787   Result:=inherited EditorByStyle(Style);
3788 end;
3790 procedure TCustomDBGrid.ResetColWidths;
3791 begin
3792   if not FDefaultColWidths then begin
3793     RenewColWidths;
3794     LayoutChanged;
3795   end;
3796 end;
3798 procedure TCustomDBGrid.SelectRecord(AValue: boolean);
3799 begin
3800   {$ifdef dbgGrid}DebugLn('%s.SelectRecord', [ClassName]); {$endif}
3801   if dgMultiSelect in Options then
3802     FSelectedRows.CurrentRowSelected := AValue;
3803 end;
3805 procedure TCustomDBGrid.GetScrollbarParams(out aRange, aPage, aPos: Integer);
3806 begin
3807   if (FDatalink<>nil) and FDatalink.Active then begin
3808     if FDatalink.dataset.IsSequenced then begin
3809       aRange := GetRecordCount + VisibleRowCount - 1;
3810       aPage := VisibleRowCount;
3811       if aPage<1 then aPage := 1;
3812       if FDatalink.BOF then aPos := 0 else
3813       if FDatalink.EOF then aPos := aRange
3814       else
3815       begin
3816         aPos := FDataLink.DataSet.RecNo - 1; // RecNo is 1 based
3817         FDataLink.DataSet.UpdateCursorPos; // FPC 3 bug #31532 workaround
3818       end;
3819       if aPos<0 then aPos:=0;
3820       if aRange=0 then aRange:=1; // there's always 1 (new) row
3821     end else begin
3822       aRange := 6;
3823       aPage := 2;
3824       if FDatalink.EOF then aPos := 4 else
3825       if FDatalink.BOF then aPos := 0
3826       else aPos := 2;
3827     end;
3828   end else begin
3829     aRange := 0;
3830     aPage := 0;
3831     aPos := 0;
3832   end;
3833 end;
3835 procedure TCustomDBGrid.CMGetDataLink(var Message: TLMessage);
3836 begin
3837   Message.Result := PtrUInt(FDataLink);
3838 end;
3840 procedure TCustomDBGrid.ClearSelection(selCurrent:boolean=false);
3841 begin
3842   if [dgMultiSelect,dgPersistentMultiSelect]*Options=[dgMultiSelect] then begin
3843     if SelectedRows.Count>0 then
3844       SelectedRows.Clear;
3845     if SelCurrent then
3846       SelectRecord(true);
3847   end;
3848 end;
TCustomDBGrid.NeedAutoSizeColumnsnull3850 function TCustomDBGrid.NeedAutoSizeColumns: boolean;
3851 begin
3852   result := (dgAutoSizeColumns in Options)
3853             //and (HandleAllocated)
3854             ;
3855 end;
3857 procedure TCustomDBGrid.RenewColWidths;
3858 begin
3859   FDefaultColWidths := True;
3860   exclude(FGridStatus, gsAutoSized);
3861 end;
3863 procedure TCustomDBGrid.InternalAutoSizeColumn(aCol: Integer; aCanvas: TCanvas; aDatalinkActive: Boolean);
3864 var
3865   Field: TField;
3866   C: TGridColumn;
3867   ColWidth: Integer;
3868   ARow,w: Integer;
3869   s: string;
3871 begin
3872   Field := GetFieldFromGridColumn(ACol);
3873   C := ColumnFromGridColumn(ACol);
3875   if (C<>nil) and (C.Title<>nil) then begin
3876     aCanvas.Font := C.Title.Font;
3877     ColWidth := aCanvas.TextWidth(trim(C.Title.Caption));
3878     aCanvas.Font := C.Font;
3879   end else begin
3880     if (Field<>nil) then begin
3881       aCanvas.Font := TitleFont;
3882       ColWidth := aCanvas.TextWidth(Field.FieldName);
3883     end
3884     else
3885       ColWidth := 0;
3886     aCanvas.Font := Font;
3887   end;
3889   if (Field<>nil) and aDatalinkActive then
3890     for ARow := FixedRows to RowCount-1 do begin
3892       FDatalink.ActiveRecord := ARow - FixedRows;
3894       if CheckDisplayMemo(Field) then
3895         s := Field.AsString
3896       else if Field.dataType<>ftBlob then
3897         s := trim(Field.DisplayText)
3898       else
3899         s := '(blob)';
3900       w := aCanvas.TextWidth(s);
3901       if w>ColWidth then
3902         ColWidth := w;
3904     end;
3906   if ColWidth=0 then
3907     ColWidth := GetColumnWidth(ACol);
3909   ColWidths[ACol] := ColWidth + 15;
3910 end;
3912 destructor TCustomDBGrid.Destroy;
3913 begin
3914   {$ifdef dbgGrid}DebugLn('%s.Destroy', [ClassName]); {$endif}
3915   FSelectedRows.Free;
3916   FDataLink.OnDataSetChanged:=nil;
3917   FDataLink.OnRecordChanged:=nil;
3918   FDataLink.Free;
3919   inherited Destroy;
3920 end;
TCustomDBGrid.MouseToRecordOffsetnull3922 function TCustomDBGrid.MouseToRecordOffset(const x, y: Integer; out
3923   Column: TColumn; out RecordOffset: Integer): TGridZone;
3924 var
3925   aCol,aRow: Integer;
3926 begin
3927   Result := MouseToGridZone(x, y);
3929   Column := nil;
3930   RecordOffset := 0;
3932   if (Result=gzInvalid) or (Result=gzFixedCells) then
3933     exit;
3935   MouseToCell(x, y, aCol, aRow);
3937   if (Result=gzFixedRows) or (Result=gzNormal) then
3938     RecordOffset := aRow - Row;
3940   if (Result=gzFixedCols) or (Result=gzNormal) then begin
3941     aRow := ColumnIndexFromGridColumn(aCol);
3942     if aRow>=0 then
3943       Column := Columns[aRow];
3944   end;
3945 end;
TCustomDBGrid.ExecuteActionnull3947 function TCustomDBGrid.ExecuteAction(AAction: TBasicAction): Boolean;
3948 begin
3949     Result := (DataLink <> nil)
3950               and DataLink.ExecuteAction(AAction);
3951 end;
UpdateActionnull3953 function TCustomDBGrid.UpdateAction(AAction: TBasicAction): Boolean;
3954 begin
3955   Result := (DataLink <> nil)
3956             and DataLink.UpdateAction(AAction);
3957 end;
3959 procedure TCustomDBGrid.SaveToFile(FileName: string);
3960 begin
3961   SaveOptions:=[ soDesign ];
3962   inherited SaveToFile(Filename);
3963 end;
3965 procedure TCustomDBGrid.SaveToStream(AStream: TStream);
3966 begin
3967   SaveOptions:=[ soDesign ];
3968   inherited SaveToStream(AStream);
3969 end;
3971 procedure TCustomDBGrid.LoadFromFile(FileName: string);
3972 begin
3973   SaveOptions:=[ soDesign ];
3974   Include(FGridStatus, gsLoadingGrid);
3975   inherited LoadFromFile(Filename);
3976   Exclude(FGridStatus, gsLoadingGrid);
3977 end;
3979 procedure TCustomDBGrid.LoadFromStream(AStream: TStream);
3980 begin
3981   SaveOptions:=[ soDesign ];
3982   Include(FGridStatus, gsLoadingGrid);
3983   inherited LoadFromStream(AStream);
3984   Exclude(FGridStatus, gsLoadingGrid);
3985 end;
3987 { TComponentDataLink }
GetFieldsnull3989 function TComponentDataLink.GetFields(Index: Integer): TField;
3990 begin
3991   {$ifdef dbgGrid}DebugLn('%s.GetFields Index=%d',[ClassName, Index]); {$endif}
3992   if (index>=0) and (index<DataSet.FieldCount) then
3993     result:=DataSet.Fields[index]
3994   else
3995     result:=nil;
3996 end;
TComponentDataLink.GetDataSetNamenull3998 function TComponentDataLink.GetDataSetName: string;
3999 begin
4000   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
4001   DebugLn('%s.GetDataSetName', [ClassName]);
4002   {$endif}
4003   Result:=FDataSetName;
4004   if DataSet<>nil then Result:=DataSet.Name;
4005 end;
4007 procedure TComponentDataLink.SetDataSetName(const AValue: string);
4008 begin
4009   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
4010   DebugLn('%s.SetDataSetName', [ClassName]);
4011   {$endif}
4012   if FDataSetName<>AValue then FDataSetName:=AValue;
4013 end;
4015 procedure TComponentDataLink.RecordChanged(Field: TField);
4016 begin
4017   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
4018   DebugLn('%s.RecordChanged', [ClassName]);
4019   {$endif}
4020   if Assigned(OnRecordChanged) then
4021     OnRecordChanged(Field);
4022 end;
4024 procedure TComponentDataLink.DataSetChanged;
4025 begin
4026   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
4027   DebugLn('%s.DataSetChanged FirstRecord=%d', [ClassName, FirstRecord]);
4028   {$endif}
4029   if Assigned(OnDataSetChanged) then
4030     OnDataSetChanged(DataSet);
4031 end;
4033 procedure TComponentDataLink.ActiveChanged;
4034 begin
4035   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
4036   DebugLnEnter('%s.ActiveChanged INIT', [ClassName]);
4037   {$endif}
4038   if Active then begin
4039     fDataSet := DataSet;
4040     if DataSetName <> fDataSetName then begin
4041       fDataSetName := DataSetName;
4042       if Assigned(fOnNewDataSet) then fOnNewDataSet(DataSet);
4043     end else
4044       if Assigned(fOnDataSetOpen) then fOnDataSetOpen(DataSet);
4045   end else begin
4046     BufferCount := 0;
4047     if (DataSource = nil)then begin
4048       if Assigned(fOnInvalidDataSource) then fOnInvalidDataSource(fDataSet);
4049       fDataSet := nil;
4050       fDataSetName := '[???]';
4051     end else begin
4052       if (DataSet=nil)or(csDestroying in DataSet.ComponentState) then begin
4053         if Assigned(fOnInvalidDataSet) then fOnInvalidDataSet(fDataSet);
4054         fDataSet := nil;
4055         fDataSetName := '[???]';
4056       end else begin
4057         if Assigned(FOnDataSetClose) then begin
4058           FOnDataSetClose(DataSet);
4059           {$ifdef dbgDBGrid} DebugLn('%s.ActiveChanged OnDataSetClose Called', [ClassName]); {$endif}
4060         end;
4061         if DataSet <> nil then FDataSetName := DataSetName;
4062       end;
4063     end;
4064   end;
4065   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
4066   DebugLnExit('%s.ActiveChanged DONE', [ClassName]);
4067   {$endif}
4068 end;
4070 procedure TComponentDataLink.LayoutChanged;
4071 begin
4072   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
4073   DebugLnEnter('%s.LayoutChanged INIT', [ClassName]);
4074   {$endif}
4075   if Assigned(OnLayoutChanged) then
4076     OnLayoutChanged(DataSet);
4077   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
4078   DebugLnExit('%s.LayoutChanged DONE', [ClassName]);
4079   {$endif}
4080 end;
4082 procedure TComponentDataLink.DataSetScrolled(Distance: Integer);
4083 begin
4084   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
4085   DebugLn('%s.DataSetScrolled Distance=%d',[ClassName, Distance]);
4086   {$endif}
4087   if Assigned(OnDataSetScrolled) then
4088     OnDataSetScrolled(DataSet, Distance);
4089 end;
4091 procedure TComponentDataLink.FocusControl(Field: TFieldRef);
4092 begin
4093   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
4094   DebugLn('%s.FocusControl', [ClassName]);
4095   {$endif}
4096   if Assigned(OnFocusControl) then
4097     OnFocusControl(Field);
4098 end;
4100 procedure TComponentDataLink.CheckBrowseMode;
4101 begin
4102   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
4103   DebugLn('%s.CheckBrowseMode', [ClassName]);
4104   {$endif}
4105   inherited CheckBrowseMode;
4106 end;
4108 procedure TComponentDataLink.EditingChanged;
4109 begin
4110   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
4111   DebugLn('%s.EditingChanged', [ClassName]);
4112   {$endif}
4113   if Assigned(OnEditingChanged) then
4114     OnEditingChanged(DataSet);
4115 end;
4117 procedure TComponentDataLink.UpdateData;
4118 begin
4119   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
4120   DebugLn('%s.UpdateData', [ClassName]);
4121   {$endif}
4122   if Assigned(OnUpdatedata) then
4123     OnUpdateData(DataSet);
4124 end;
MoveBynull4126 function TComponentDataLink.MoveBy(Distance: Integer): Integer;
4127 begin
4128   (*
4129   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
4130   DebugLnEnter('%s.MoveBy INIT Distance=%d',[ClassName, Distance]);
4131   {$endif}
4132   *)
4133   Result:=inherited MoveBy(Distance);
4134   (*
4135   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
4136   DebugLnExit('%s.MoveBy DONE Result=%d',[ClassName, Result]);
4137   {$endif}
4138   *)
4139 end;
4141 { TDBGridColumns }
GetColumnnull4143 function TDBGridColumns.GetColumn(Index: Integer): TColumn;
4144 begin
4145   result := TColumn( inherited Items[Index] );
4146 end;
4148 procedure TDBGridColumns.SetColumn(Index: Integer; Value: TColumn);
4149 begin
4150   Items[Index].Assign( Value );
4151 end;
4153 procedure TDBGridColumns.Update(Item: TCollectionItem);
4154 begin
4155   if (Grid<>nil) and not (csLoading in Grid.ComponentState) then
4156     TCustomDBGrid(Grid).LayoutChanged;
4157 end;
TDBGridColumns.ColumnFromFieldnull4159 function TDBGridColumns.ColumnFromField(Field: TField): TColumn;
4160 var
4161   i: Integer;
4162 begin
4163   if Field<>nil then
4164   for i:=0 to Count-1 do begin
4165     result := Items[i];
4166     if (result<>nil)and(result.Field=Field) then
4167       exit;
4168   end;
4169   result:=nil;
4170 end;
HasAutomaticColumnsnull4172 function TDBGridColumns.HasAutomaticColumns: boolean;
4173 var
4174   i: Integer;
4175 begin
4176   Result := False;
4177   for i:=0 to Count-1 do
4178     if Items[i].IsAutomaticColumn then begin
4179       Result := true;
4180       break;
4181     end;
4182 end;
TDBGridColumns.HasDesignColumnsnull4184 function TDBGridColumns.HasDesignColumns: boolean;
4185 var
4186   i: Integer;
4187 begin
4188   Result := False;
4189   for i:=0 to Count-1 do
4190     if Items[i].IsDesignColumn then begin
4191       Result := true;
4192       break;
4193     end;
4194 end;
4196 procedure TDBGridColumns.RemoveAutoColumns;
4197 var
4198   i: Integer;
4199   G: TCustomDBGrid;
4200 begin
4201   if HasAutomaticColumns then begin
4202     G := TCustomDBGrid(Grid);
4203     G.GridStatus := G.GridStatus + [gsRemovingAutoColumns];
4204     BeginUpdate;
4205     try
4206       for i:=Count-1 downto 0 do
4207         if Items[i].IsAutomaticColumn then
4208           Delete(i);
4209     finally
4210       EndUpdate;
4211       G.GridStatus := G.GridStatus - [gsRemovingAutoColumns];
4212     end;
4213   end;
4214 end;
CompareFieldIndexnull4216 function CompareFieldIndex(P1,P2:Pointer): integer;
4217 begin
4218   if P1=P2 then
4219     Result := 0
4220   else if (P1=nil) or (TColumn(P1).Field=nil) then
4221     Result := 1
4222   else if (P2=nil) or (TColumn(P2).Field=nil) then
4223     Result := -1
4224   else
4225     Result := TColumn(P1).Field.Index - TColumn(P2).Field.Index;
4226 end;
CompareDesignIndexnull4228 function CompareDesignIndex(P1,P2:Pointer): integer;
4229 begin
4230   result := TColumn(P1).DesignIndex - TColumn(P2).DesignIndex;
4231 end;
4233 procedure TDBGridColumns.ResetColumnsOrder(ColumnOrder: TColumnOrder);
4234 var
4235   L: TList;
4236   i: Integer;
4237 begin
4238   L := TList.Create;
4239   try
4241     for i:=0 to Count-1 do
4242       L.Add(Items[i]);
4244     case ColumnOrder of
4245       coDesignOrder:
4246         begin
4247           if not HasDesignColumns then
4248             exit;
4249           L.Sort(@CompareDesignIndex)
4250         end;
4251       coFieldIndexOrder:
4252         L.Sort(@CompareFieldIndex);
4253       else
4254         exit;
4255     end;
4257     for i:=0 to L.Count-1 do
4258       TColumn(L.Items[i]).Index := i;
4260   finally
4261     L.Free;
4262   end;
4263 end;
Addnull4265 function TDBGridColumns.Add: TColumn;
4266 var
4267   G: TCustomDBGrid;
4268 begin
4269   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
4270   DebugLn('%s.Add', [ClassName]);
4271   {$endif}
4272   G := TCustomDBGrid(Grid);
4273   if G<>nil then begin
4274     // remove automatic columns before adding user columns
4275     if not (gsAddingAutoColumns in G.GridStatus) then
4276       RemoveAutoColumns;
4277   end;
4278   result := TColumn( inherited add );
4279 end;
TDBGridColumns.ColumnByFieldnamenull4281 function TDBGridColumns.ColumnByFieldname(const aFieldname: string): TColumn;
4282 var
4283   i: Integer;
4284 begin
4285   result := nil;
4286   for i:=0 to Count-1 do
4287     if CompareText(Items[i].FieldName, aFieldname)=0 then begin
4288       result := Items[i];
4289       break;
4290     end;
4291 end;
ColumnByTitlenull4293 function TDBGridColumns.ColumnByTitle(const aTitle: string): TColumn;
4294 begin
4295   result := TColumn(inherited ColumnByTitle(aTitle));
4296 end;
4298 procedure TDBGridColumns.LinkFields;
4299 var
4300   i: Integer;
4301   G: TCustomDBGrid;
4302 begin
4303   G := TCustomDBGrid(Grid);
4304   if G<>nil then
4305     G.BeginLayout;
4306   for i:=0 to Count-1 do
4307     Items[i].LinkField;
4308   if G<>nil then
4309     G.EndLayout;
4310 end;
4312 { TColumn }
GetFieldnull4314 function TColumn.GetField: TField;
4315 begin
4316   if (FFieldName<>'') and (FField<>nil) then
4317     LinkField;
4318   result := FField;
4319 end;
GetIsDesignColumnnull4321 function TColumn.GetIsDesignColumn: boolean;
4322 begin
4323   result := (DesignIndex>=0) and (DesignIndex<10000);
4324 end;
TColumn.GetPickListnull4326 function TColumn.GetPickList: TStrings;
4327 begin
4328   Result := inherited GetPickList;
4329   if (Field<>nil) and (FField.FieldKind=fkLookup) then
4330   begin
4331     if FField.LookupCache then
4332       FField.LookupList.ValuesToStrings(Result)
4333     else
4334     begin
4335       Result.Clear;
4336       LookupGetBookMark(FField);
4337       try
4338       with FField.LookupDataSet do
4339       begin
4340         First;
4341         while not EOF do
4342         begin
4343           Result.Add(FieldbyName(FField.LookupResultField).AsString);
4344           Next;
4345         end;
4346       end;
4347       finally
4348         LookupGotoBookMark(FField);
4349       end;
4350     end;
4351   end;
4352 end;
4354 procedure TColumn.ApplyDisplayFormat;
4355 begin
4356   if (FField <> nil) and FDisplayFormatChanged then begin
4357     if (FField is TNumericField) then
4358       TNumericField(FField).DisplayFormat := DisplayFormat
4359     else if (FField is TDateTimeField) then
4360       TDateTimeField(FField).DisplayFormat := DisplayFormat;
4361   end;
4362 end;
GetDisplayFormatnull4364 function TColumn.GetDisplayFormat: string;
4365 begin
4366   if not FDisplayFormatChanged then
4367     Result := GetDefaultDisplayFormat
4368   else
4369     result := FDisplayFormat;
4370 end;
IsDisplayFormatStorednull4372 function TColumn.IsDisplayFormatStored: boolean;
4373 begin
4374   Result := FDisplayFormatChanged;
4375 end;
4377 procedure TColumn.SetDisplayFormat(const AValue: string);
4378 begin
4379   if (not FDisplayFormatChanged)or(CompareText(AValue, FDisplayFormat)<>0) then begin
4380     FDisplayFormat := AValue;
4381     FDisplayFormatChanged:=True;
4382     ColumnChanged;
4383   end;
4384 end;
4386 procedure TColumn.SetField(const AValue: TField);
4387 begin
4388   if FField <> AValue then begin
4389     FField := AValue;
4390     if FField<>nil then
4391       FFieldName := FField.FieldName;
4392     ColumnChanged;
4393   end;
4394 end;
4396 procedure TColumn.SetFieldName(const AValue: String);
4397 begin
4398   if FFieldName=AValue then exit;
4399   FFieldName:=AValue;
4400   LinkField;
4401   ColumnChanged;
4402 end;
GetDataSetnull4404 function TColumn.GetDataSet: TDataSet;
4405 var
4406   AGrid: TCustomDBGrid;
4407 begin
4408   AGrid := TCustomDBGrid(Grid);
4409   if (AGrid<>nil) then
4410     result := AGrid.FDataLink.DataSet
4411   else
4412     result :=nil;
4413 end;
4415 procedure TColumn.Assign(Source: TPersistent);
4416 begin
4417   if Source is TColumn then begin
4418     //DebugLn('Assigning TColumn[',dbgs(Index),'] a TColumn')
4419     Collection.BeginUpdate;
4420     try
4421       inherited Assign(Source);
4422       FieldName := TColumn(Source).FieldName;
4423       DisplayFormat := TColumn(Source).DisplayFormat;
4424       ValueChecked := TColumn(Source).ValueChecked;
4425       ValueUnchecked := TColumn(Source).ValueUnchecked;
4426     finally
4427       Collection.EndUpdate;
4428     end;
4429   end else
4430     inherited Assign(Source);
4431 end;
GetDefaultWidthnull4433 function TColumn.GetDefaultWidth: Integer;
4434 var
4435   AGrid: TCustomDBGrid;
4436   tmpCanvas: TCanvas;
4437 begin
4438   AGrid := TCustomDBGrid(Grid);
4439   if AGrid<>nil then begin
4441     tmpCanvas := GetWorkingCanvas(aGrid.Canvas);
4442     tmpCanvas.Font := aGrid.Font;
4444     if FField<>nil then
4445       result := CalcColumnFieldWidth(
4446         tmpCanvas,
4447         dgTitles in aGrid.Options,
4448         Title.Caption,
4449         Title.Font,
4450         FField)
4451     else
4452       result := AGrid.DefaultColWidth;
4454     if tmpCanvas<>AGrid.Canvas then
4455       FreeWorkingCanvas(tmpCanvas);
4457   end else
4458     result := -1;
4459 end;
CreateTitlenull4461 function TColumn.CreateTitle: TGridColumnTitle;
4462 begin
4463   Result := TColumnTitle.Create(Self);
4464 end;
4466 constructor TColumn.Create(ACollection: TCollection);
4467 var
4468   AGrid: TCustomGrid;
4469 begin
4470   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
4471   DebugLn('%s.Create', [ClassName]);
4472   {$endif}
4473   inherited Create(ACollection);
4474   if ACollection is TDBGridColumns then begin
4475     AGrid := TDBGridColumns(ACollection).Grid;
4476     if (AGrid<>nil) and (csLoading in AGrid.ComponentState) then
4477       FDesignIndex := Index
4478     else
4479       FDesignIndex := 10000;
4480   end;
4481 end;
IsDefaultnull4483 function TColumn.IsDefault: boolean;
4484 begin
4485   result := not FDisplayFormatChanged and (inherited IsDefault());
4486 end;
4488 procedure TColumn.LinkField;
4489 var
4490   AGrid: TCustomDBGrid;
4491 begin
4492   AGrid:= TCustomDBGrid(Grid);
4493   if (AGrid<>nil) and AGrid.FDatalink.Active then begin
4494     Field := AGrid.FDataLink.DataSet.FindField(FFieldName);
4495     ApplyDisplayFormat;
4496   end else
4497     Field := nil;
4498 end;
GetDefaultDisplayFormatnull4500 function TColumn.GetDefaultDisplayFormat: string;
4501 begin
4502   Result := '';
4503   if FField<>nil then begin
4504     if FField is TNumericField then
4505       Result := TNumericField(FField).DisplayFormat
4506     else if FField is TDateTimeField then
4507       Result := TDateTimeField(FField).DisplayFormat
4508   end;
4509 end;
TColumn.GetDefaultValueCheckednull4511 function TColumn.GetDefaultValueChecked: string;
4512 begin
4513   if (FField<>nil) and (FField.Datatype=ftBoolean) then
4514     Result := BoolToStr(True)
4515   else
4516     Result := '1';
4517 end;
TColumn.GetDefaultValueUncheckednull4519 function TColumn.GetDefaultValueUnchecked: string;
4520 begin
4521   if (FField<>nil) and (FField.DataType=ftBoolean) then
4522     Result := BoolToStr(False)
4523   else
4524     Result := '0';
4525 end;
TColumn.GetDefaultReadOnlynull4527 function TColumn.GetDefaultReadOnly: boolean;
4528 var
4529   AGrid: TCustomDBGrid;
4530 begin
4531   AGrid := TCustomDBGrid(Grid);
4532   Result := ((AGrid<>nil)and(AGrid.ReadOnly)) or ((FField<>nil)And(FField.ReadOnly))
4533 end;
GetDefaultVisiblenull4535 function TColumn.GetDefaultVisible: boolean;
4536 begin
4537   if FField<>nil then
4538     result := FField.Visible
4539   else
4540     result := True;
4541 end;
TColumn.GetDisplayNamenull4543 function TColumn.GetDisplayName: string;
4544 begin
4545   if FFieldName<>'' then
4546     Result:=FFieldName
4547   else
4548     Result:=inherited GetDisplayName;
4549 end;
GetDefaultAlignmentnull4551 function TColumn.GetDefaultAlignment: TAlignment;
4552 var
4553   Bs: set of TColumnButtonStyle;
4554 begin
4555   bs := [buttonStyle];
4556   if Grid<>nil then
4557     Include(bs, TCustomDbGrid(Grid).DefaultEditorStyle(ButtonStyle, FField));
4558   if bs*[cbsCheckboxColumn,cbsButtonColumn]<>[] then
4559     result := taCenter
4560   else
4561   if FField<>nil then
4562     result := FField.Alignment
4563   else
4564     Result := taLeftJustify;
4565 end;
4567 { TColumnTitle }
TColumnTitle.GetDefaultCaptionnull4569 function TColumnTitle.GetDefaultCaption: string;
4570 begin
4571   with (Column as TColumn) do begin
4572     if FieldName<>'' then begin
4573       if FField<>nil then
4574         Result := FField.DisplayName
4575       else
4576         Result := Fieldname;
4577     end else
4578       Result := inherited GetDefaultCaption;
4579   end;
4580 end;
4582 { TBookmarkList }
GetCountnull4584 function TBookmarkList.GetCount: integer;
4585 begin
4586   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
4587   DebugLn('%s.GetCount FList.Count=%d',[ClassName, FList.Count]);
4588   {$endif}
4589   result := FList.Count;
4590 end;
GetCurrentRowSelectednull4592 function TBookmarkList.GetCurrentRowSelected: boolean;
4593 var
4594   Bookmark: TBookmark;
4595 begin
4596   CheckActive;
4597   Bookmark := FDataset.GetBookmark;
4598   Result := IndexOf(Bookmark)>=0;
4599   FDataset.FreeBookmark(Bookmark);
4600 end;
GetItemnull4602 function TBookmarkList.GetItem(AIndex: Integer): TBookmark;
4603 begin
4604   Result := TBookmark(FList[AIndex]);
4605 end;
4607 procedure TBookmarkList.SetCurrentRowSelected(const AValue: boolean);
4608 var
4609   Bookmark: pointer;
4610   Index: Integer;
4611 begin
4612   CheckActive;
4614   Bookmark := nil;
4615   TBookmark(Bookmark) := FDataset.GetBookmark; // fetch and increase reference count
4616   if Bookmark = nil then
4617     Exit;
4619   if Find(Bookmark, Index) then begin
4620     FDataset.FreeBookmark(Bookmark);
4621     {$ifndef noautomatedbookmark}
4622     SetLength(TBookmark(Bookmark),0); // decrease reference count
4623     {$endif noautomatedbookmark}
4624     if not AValue then begin
4625       FDataset.FreeBookmark(Pointer(Items[Index]));
4626       {$ifndef noautomatedbookmark}
4627       Bookmark := FList[Index];
4628       SetLength(TBookmark(Bookmark),0); // decrease reference count
4629       {$endif noautomatedbookmark}
4630       FList.Delete(Index);
4631       FGrid.Invalidate;
4632     end;
4633   end else begin
4634     if AValue then begin
4635       // the reference count of Bookmark was increased above, so it is save to
4636       // store it here as pointer
4637       FList.Insert(Index, Bookmark);
4638       FGrid.Invalidate;
4639     end else
4640       FDataset.FreeBookmark(Bookmark);
4641   end;
4642 end;
4644 procedure TBookmarkList.CheckActive;
4645 begin
4646   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
4647   DebugLn('%s.CheckActive', [ClassName]);
4648   {$endif}
4649   if not FGrid.FDataLink.Active then
4650     raise EInvalidGridOperation.Create('Dataset Inactive');
4652   if FGrid.DataSource.DataSet=FDataset then
4653     exit;
4654   FDataset := FGrid.DataSource.DataSet;
4656   // Note.
4657   //
4658   // fpc help say CompareBookmarks should return -1, 0 or 1 ... which imply that
4659   // bookmarks should be a sorted array (or list). In this scenario binary search
4660   // is the prefered method for finding a bookmark.
4661   //
4662   // The problem here is that TBufDataset and TSQLQuery (and thus TCustomSQLQuery
4663   // and TCustomBufDataset) CompareBookmarks only return 0 or -1 (some kind of
4664   // is this a valid bookmark or not), the result is that it appears as an unsorted
4665   // list (or array) and binary search should not be used.
4666   //
4667   // The weird thing is that if we use MyCompareBookmarks which deals with comparing
4668   // the memory reserved for bookmarks in the hope bookmarks are just some kind of
4669   // reocord indexes, currently work fine for TCustomBufDataset derived datasets.
4670   // however using CompareBookmarks is always the right thing to use where implemented.
4671   //
4672   // As Dbgrid should be TDataset implementation agnostic this is a way I found
4673   // to know if the dataset is derived from TCustomBufDataset or not.
4674   // Once TCustomBufDataset is fixed, remove this ugly note & hack.
4675   case FDataset.ClassName of
4676     'TSQLQuery','TBufDataset','TCustomSQLQuery','TCustomBufDataset':
4677       FCanDoBinarySearch := false;
4678     else
4679       FCanDoBinarySearch := true;
4680   end;
4681 end;
TBookmarkList.GetEnumeratornull4683 function TBookmarkList.GetEnumerator(opt: TBookmarkedRecordEnumeratorOptions
4684   ): TBookmarkedRecordEnumerator;
4685 begin
4686   result := TBookmarkedRecordEnumerator.Create(self, fGrid, opt);
4687 end;
4689 constructor TBookmarkList.Create(AGrid: TCustomDbGrid);
4690 begin
4691   inherited Create;
4692   FGrid := AGrid;
4693   FList := TFPList.Create;
4694 end;
4696 destructor TBookmarkList.Destroy;
4697 begin
4698   Clear;
4699   FreeAndNil(FList);
4700   inherited Destroy;
4701 end;
4703 procedure TBookmarkList.Clear;
4704 var
4705   i: Integer;
4706   {$ifndef noautomatedbookmark}
4707   Bookmark: Pointer;
4708   {$endif}
4709 begin
4710   for i:=0 to FList.Count-1 do
4711   begin
4712     {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
4713     DebugLn('%s.Clear', [ClassName]);
4714     {$endif}
4715     FDataset.FreeBookmark(Items[i]);
4716     {$ifndef noautomatedbookmark}
4717     Bookmark := FList[i];
4718     SetLength(TBookmark(Bookmark),0); // decrease reference count
4719     {$endif noautomatedbookmark}
4720   end;
4721   FList.Clear;
4722   FGrid.Invalidate;
4723 end;
4725 procedure TBookmarkList.Delete;
4726 var
4727   i: Integer;
4728   {$ifndef noautomatedbookmark}
4729   Bookmark: Pointer;
4730   {$endif}
4731 begin
4732   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
4733   DebugLn('%s.Delete', [ClassName]);
4734   {$endif}
4735   for i := FList.Count-1 downto 0 do begin
4736     FDataset.GotoBookmark(Items[i]);
4737     {$ifndef noautomatedbookmark}
4738     Bookmark := FList[i];
4739     SetLength(TBookmark(Bookmark),0); // decrease reference count
4740     {$else}
4741     FDataset.FreeBookmark(Items[i]);
4742     {$endif noautomatedbookmark}
4743     FDataset.Delete;
4744     FList.Delete(i);
4745   end;
4746 end;
4748 type
4749   TDs=class(TDataset)
4750   end;
Findnull4752 function TBookmarkList.Find(const Item: TBookmark; var AIndex: Integer): boolean;
4753 var
4754   L, R, I: Integer;
4755   CompareRes: Integer;
4757   procedure BinarySearch;
4758   begin
4759     L := 0;
4760     R := FList.Count - 1;
4761     while (L <= R) do
4762     begin
4763       I := L + (R - L) div 2;
4764       CompareRes := FDataset.CompareBookmarks(Item, TBookmark(FList[I]));
4765       if (CompareRes > 0) then
4766         L := I + 1
4767       else
4768       begin
4769         R := I - 1;
4770         if (CompareRes = 0) then
4771         begin
4772            Result := True;
4773            L := I;
4774         end;
4775       end;
4776     end;
4777     AIndex := L;
4778   end;
4780   procedure VisitAll;
4781   begin
4782     AIndex := 0;
4783     i := 0;
4784     while i<FList.Count do begin
4785       CompareRes := FDataset.CompareBookmarks(Item, TBookmark(FList[I]));
4786       if CompareRes=0 then begin
4787         result := true;
4788         AIndex := i;
4789         exit;
4790       end;
4791       inc(i);
4792     end;
4793   end;
4795 begin
4796   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
4797   DebugLn('%s.Find', [ClassName]);
4798   {$endif}
4800   Result := False;
4801   if Item=nil then
4802     Exit;
4803   if FCanDoBinarySearch then
4804     BinarySearch
4805   else
4806     VisitAll;
4807 end;
IndexOfnull4809 function TBookmarkList.IndexOf(const Item: TBookmark): Integer;
4810 begin
4811   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
4812   DebugLn('%s.IndexOf', [ClassName]);
4813   {$endif}
4814   if not Find(Item, Result) then
4815     Result := -1;
4816 end;
Refreshnull4818 function TBookmarkList.Refresh: boolean;
4819 var
4820   i: LongInt;
4821   {$ifndef noautomatedbookmark}
4822   Bookmark: Pointer;
4823   {$endif}
4824 begin
4825   {$ifdef dbgDBGrid}
4826   DebugLn('%s.Refresh', [ClassName]);
4827   {$endif}
4828   Result := False;
4829   for i := FList.Count - 1 downto 0 do
4830     if not FDataset.BookmarkValid(TBookMark(Items[i])) then begin
4831       Result := True;
4832       FDataset.FreeBookmark(Items[i]);
4833       {$ifndef noautomatedbookmark}
4834       Bookmark := FList[i];
4835       SetLength(TBookmark(Bookmark),0); // decrease reference count
4836       {$endif noautomatedbookmark}
4837       Flist.Delete(i);
4838     end;
4839   if Result then
4840     FGrid.Invalidate;
4841 end;
4843 end.