1 {
2  *****************************************************************************
3  *                             MuiFormsUnit.pas                              *
4  *                              --------------                               *
5  *                    MUI Windows and related things                         *
6  *                                                                           *
7  *****************************************************************************
9  *****************************************************************************
10   This file is part of the Lazarus Component Library (LCL)
12   See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL.txt, included in this distribution,
13   for details about the license.
14  *****************************************************************************
15 }
16 unit MuiFormsUnit;
18 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
20 interface
22 uses
23   Classes, SysUtils, Controls, Contnrs, Exec, AmigaDos, Intuition, Utility, Mui,
24   Forms, MuiBaseUnit, LCLMessageGlue, Menus, Math, Types, LCLType,
25   StrUtils, tagsparamshelper, muiglobal;
27 const
28   NM_Barlabel = -1;
30 type
32   { TMuiFamily }
34   TMuiFamily = class(TMuiObject)
35   private
36     ChildList: TObjectList;
37   protected
38     procedure InstallHooks; override;
39   public
40     Par: TMUIFamily;
41     procedure AddHead(AChild: TMuiFamily);
42     procedure AddTail(AChild: TMuiFamily);
43     procedure Remove(AChild: TMuiFamily);
GetListnull44     function GetList: PMinList;
45     destructor Destroy; override;
46   end;
48   { TMuiMenuItem }
50   TMuiMenuItem = class(TMuiFamily)
51   private
52     FTitle: string;
53     FShortCut: string;
54   protected
GetCheckednull55     function GetChecked: Boolean;
GetCheckItnull56     function GetCheckIt: Boolean;
GetEnablednull57     function GetEnabled: Boolean; override;
GetMenuItemnull58     function GetMenuItem: TMenuItem;
GetShortCutnull59     function GetShortCut: string;
GetTitlenull60     function GetTitle: string;
61     procedure SetChecked(const AValue: Boolean);
62     procedure SetCheckIt(const AValue: Boolean);
63     procedure SetEnabled(const AValue: Boolean); override;
64     procedure SetShortCut(const AValue: string);
65     procedure SetTitle(const AValue: string);
66   public
67     constructor Create(const Tags: TATagList); reintroduce overload virtual;
68     procedure DoMUIDraw(); override;
69     property Checked: Boolean read GetChecked write SetChecked;
70     property CheckIt: Boolean read GetCheckIt write SetCheckIt;
71     property Enabled: Boolean read GetEnabled write SetEnabled;
72     property ShortCut: string read GetShortCut write SetShortCut;
73     property Title: string read GetTitle write SetTitle;
74     property MenuItem: TMenuItem read GetMenuItem;
75   end;
77   { TMuiMenu }
79   TMuiMenu = class(TMuiFamily)
80   private
81     FTitle: string;
82   protected
GetEnablednull83     function GetEnabled: Boolean;  override;
GetTitlenull84     function GetTitle: string;
85     procedure SetEnabled(const AValue: Boolean); override;
86     procedure SetTitle(const AValue: string);
87   public
88     constructor Create(const Tags: TATagList); reintroduce overload virtual;
89     destructor Destroy; override;
90     procedure DoMUIDraw(); override;
91     property Enabled: Boolean read GetEnabled write SetEnabled;
92     property Title: string read GetTitle write SetTitle;
93   end;
95   { TMuiMenuStrip }
97   TMuiMenuStrip = class(TMuiFamily)
98   protected
GetEnablednull99     function GetEnabled: Boolean; override;
100     procedure SetEnabled(const AValue: Boolean); override;
101   public
102     constructor Create(const Tags: TATagList);
103     procedure DoMUIDraw(); override;
104     Destructor Destroy; override;
105     property Enabled: Boolean read GetEnabled write SetEnabled;
106   end;
108   { TMuiWindow }
110   TMuiWindow = class(TMUIObject)
111   private
112     FCaption: string;
113     FInitWindow: Boolean; // SetVisible
114     FBlockSizeMsg: Boolean;// disable resize loopback in layout -> GetSizes
115     FMainMenu: TMuiMenuStrip;
116     FSizeable: Boolean;
117     FHasMenu: Boolean;
118     FInMoveEvent: Boolean;
119     FFocusedControl: TMuiObject;
120     FBlocksize, FBlockMove: Boolean;
GetCaptionnull121     function GetCaption: string;
122     procedure SetCaption(const AValue: string);
GetWindownull123     function GetWindow: PWindow;
124   protected
GetVisiblenull125     function GetVisible: Boolean; override;
126     procedure SetVisible(const AValue: Boolean); override;
127     procedure AddChild(ChildObj: PObject_); override;
128     procedure RemoveChild(ChildObj: PObject_); override;
129     procedure SetLeft(ALeft: LongInt); override;
130     procedure SetTop(ATop: LongInt); override;
GetTopnull131     function GetTop(): Integer; override;
GetLeftnull132     function GetLeft(): Integer; override;
GetWidthnull133     function GetWidth(): Integer; override;
GetHeightnull134     function GetHeight(): Integer; override;
135     procedure SetFocusedControl(AControl: TMUIObject); virtual;
136     procedure InstallHooks; override;
137     procedure SetEnabled(const AEnabled: Boolean); override;
GetEnablednull138     function GetEnabled: Boolean; override;
139   public
140     constructor Create(const TagList: TATagList); overload; reintroduce; virtual;
141     destructor Destroy; override;
142     procedure GetSizes;
143     procedure DoMUIDraw(); override;
GetClientRectnull144     function GetClientRect: TRect; override;
GetWindowOffsetnull145     function GetWindowOffset: Types.TPoint; override;
146     procedure GetBoundsFromMUI;
147     procedure Redraw; override;
148     property Caption: string read GetCaption write SetCaption;
149     property MainMenu: TMuiMenuStrip read FMainMenu;
150     property HasMenu: Boolean read FHasMenu write FHasMenu;
151     property Sizeable: Boolean read FSizeable write FSizeable;
152     property FocusedControl: TMUIObject read FFocusedControl write SetFocusedControl;
153     property Window: PWindow read GetWindow;
154   end;
156   { TMuiGroup }
158   TMuiGroup = class(TMuiObject)
159   private
161   public
162     constructor Create(const TagList: TATagList); overload; reintroduce; virtual;
163   end;
165 implementation
167 { TMuiWindow }
LayoutFuncnull169 function LayoutFunc(Hook: PHook; Obj: PObject_; Msg:Pointer): Longint;
170 var
171   LMsg: pMUI_LayoutMsg;
172   i: LongInt;
173   Win: TMuiWindow;
174   AWin: PWindow;
175   PasWin: TWinControl;
176   BW, BH: Integer;
177   Miw, Mih, Maw, Mah: Integer;
178 begin
179   LMsg := Msg;
180   Result := LongInt(True);
181   Win := TMuiWindow(Hook^.h_Data);
182   BW := 0;
183   BH := 0;
184   {$if defined(Amiga) or defined(MorphOS)}
185   AWin := Win.Window;
186   if Assigned(AWin) then
187   begin
188     BW := AWin^.BorderLeft + AWin^.BorderRight;
189     BH := AWin^.BorderTop + AWin^.BorderBottom;
190   end;
191   {$endif}
192   case LMsg^.lm_type of
193     MUILM_MINMAX: begin
194       if Win.Sizeable then
195       begin
196         Miw := 100;
197         Mih := 20;
198         Maw := MUI_MAXMAX;
199         Mah := MUI_MAXMAX;
200         if Assigned(Win.PasObject) then
201         begin
202           PasWin := TWinControl(Win.PasObject);
203           MiW := Max(PasWin.Constraints.MinWidth, 100);
204           MiH := Max(PasWin.Constraints.MinHeight, 20);
205           if PasWin.Constraints.MaxWidth > 0 then
206             MaW := Min(PasWin.Constraints.MaxWidth, MUI_MAXMAX);
207           if PasWin.Constraints.MaxHeight > 0 then
208             MaH := Min(PasWin.Constraints.MaxHeight, MUI_MAXMAX);
209           LMsg^.lm_MinMax.MinWidth := MiW;
210           LMsg^.lm_MinMax.MinHeight := MiH;
211           LMsg^.lm_MinMax.MaxWidth :=  MaW;
212           LMsg^.lm_MinMax.MaxHeight := MaH;
213         end;
214         LMsg^.lm_MinMax.DefWidth := Win.FWidth - BW;
215         LMsg^.lm_MinMax.DefHeight := Win.FHeight - BH;
216       end else
217       begin
218         LMsg^.lm_MinMax.MinWidth := Win.FWidth - BW;
219         LMsg^.lm_MinMax.MinHeight := Win.FHeight - BH;
220         LMsg^.lm_MinMax.MaxWidth := Win.FWidth - BW;
221         LMsg^.lm_MinMax.MaxHeight := Win.FHeight - BH;
222         LMsg^.lm_MinMax.DefWidth := Win.FWidth - BW;
223         LMsg^.lm_MinMax.DefHeight := Win.FHeight - BH;
224       end;
225       TWinControl(Win.PasObject).Realign;
226     end;
228     begin
229       Win.GetSizes;
230       for i:= 0 to Win.FChilds.Count - 1 do
231       begin
232         if Win.FChilds.Items[i] is TMUIObject then
233           TMuiObject(Win.FChilds.Items[i]).SetOwnSize;
234       end;
235     end;
236   end;
237 end;
239 { TMuiMenuStrip }
GetEnablednull241 function TMuiMenuStrip.GetEnabled: Boolean;
242 begin
243   Result := LongBool(GetAttribute(MUIA_Menu_Enabled));
244 end;
246 procedure TMuiMenuStrip.SetEnabled(const AValue: Boolean);
247 begin
248   SetAttribute(MUIA_Menuitem_Enabled, AValue);
249 end;
251 constructor TMuiMenuStrip.Create(const Tags: TATagList);
252 begin
253   inherited Create(MUIC_MenuStrip, Tags);
254   Par := nil;
255 end;
257 destructor TMuiMenuStrip.Destroy;
258 begin
259   FObject := nil;
260   inherited;
261 end;
263 procedure TMUIMenuStrip.DoMUIDraw();
264 begin
266 end;
268 { TMuiMenu }
GetEnablednull270 function TMuiMenu.GetEnabled: Boolean;
271 begin
272   Result := LongBool(GetAttribute(MUIA_Menu_Enabled));
273 end;
TMuiMenu.GetTitlenull275 function TMuiMenu.GetTitle: string;
276 begin
277   Result := string(PChar(GetAttribute(MUIA_Menuitem_Title)));
278 end;
280 procedure TMuiMenu.SetEnabled(const AValue: Boolean);
281 begin
282   SetAttribute(MUIA_Menuitem_Enabled, AValue);
283 end;
285 procedure TMuiMenu.SetTitle(const AValue: string);
286 begin
287   FTitle := AValue;
288   SetAttribute(MUIA_Menuitem_Title, PChar(FTitle));
289 end;
291 constructor TMuiMenu.Create(const Tags: TATagList);
292 begin
293   inherited Create(MUIC_Menu, tags);
294   Par := nil;
295 end;
297 destructor TMuiMenu.Destroy;
298 begin
299   inherited;
300 end;
302 procedure TMUIMenu.DoMUIDraw();
303 begin
304   //
305 end;
307 { TMuiMenuItem }
TMuiMenuItem.GetCheckednull309 function TMuiMenuItem.GetChecked: Boolean;
310 begin
311   Result := LongBool(GetAttribute(MUIA_Menuitem_Checked));
312 end;
GetCheckItnull314 function TMuiMenuItem.GetCheckIt: Boolean;
315 begin
316    Result := LongBool(GetAttribute(MUIA_Menuitem_CheckIt));
317 end;
TMuiMenuItem.GetEnablednull319 function TMuiMenuItem.GetEnabled: Boolean;
320 begin
321    Result := LongBool(GetAttribute(MUIA_Menuitem_Enabled));
322 end;
TMuiMenuItem.GetMenuItemnull324 function TMuiMenuItem.GetMenuItem: TMenuItem;
325 begin
326   Result := TMenuItem(TObject(PasObject));
327 end;
GetShortCutnull329 function TMuiMenuItem.GetShortCut: string;
330 begin
331   Result := string(PChar(GetAttribute(MUIA_Menuitem_ShortCut)));
332 end;
GetTitlenull334 function TMuiMenuItem.GetTitle: string;
335 begin
336   Result := string(PChar(GetAttribute(MUIA_Menuitem_Title)));
337 end;
339 procedure TMuiMenuItem.SetChecked(const AValue: Boolean);
340 var
341   I: Integer;
342   MI: TMuiMenuItem;
343 begin
344   if AValue and Assigned(MenuItem) and (MenuItem.GroupIndex > 0) then
345   begin
346     if Assigned(Par) then
347     begin
348       for i := 0 to Par.ChildList.Count - 1 do
349       begin
350         if Par.ChildList.Items[i] is TMuiMenuItem then
351         begin
352           MI := TMuiMenuItem(Par.ChildList.Items[i]);
353           if MI.MenuItem.GroupIndex = MenuItem.GroupIndex then
354             MI.Checked := False;
355         end;
356       end;
357     end;
358   end;
359   SetAttribute(MUIA_Menuitem_Checked, AValue);
360 end;
362 procedure TMuiMenuItem.SetCheckIt(const AValue: Boolean);
363 begin
364   SetAttribute(MUIA_Menuitem_CheckIt, AValue);
365 end;
367 procedure TMuiMenuItem.SetEnabled(const AValue: Boolean);
368 begin
369   //writeln('SetEnabled: ',AValue);
370   SetAttribute(MUIA_Menuitem_Enabled, AValue);
371   //writeln('getEnabled: ', GetEnabled);
372 end;
374 procedure TMuiMenuItem.SetShortCut(const AValue: string);
375 begin
376   FShortCut := AValue;
377   //SetAttribute([MUIA_Menuitem_CommandString, 1, LongInt(MUIA_Menuitem_ShortCut), PChar(FShortCut), TAG_END]);
378 end;
380 procedure TMuiMenuItem.SetTitle(const AValue: string);
381 begin
382   FTitle := AValue;
383   if AValue = '-' then
384     SetAttribute(MUIA_Menuitem_Title, NativeUInt(NM_BARLABEL))
385   else
386     SetAttribute(MUIA_Menuitem_Title, PChar(FTitle));
387 end;
MenuClickedFuncnull389 function MenuClickedFunc(Hook: PHook; Obj: PObject_; Msg:Pointer): LongInt;
390 var
391   MuiObject: TMuiMenuItem;
392   TargetObject: TObject;
393 begin
394   Result := 0;
395   if TObject(Hook^.h_Data) is TMuiMenuItem then
396   begin
397     MuiObject := TMuiMenuItem(Hook^.h_Data);
398     TargetObject := MuiObject.pasobject;
399     TMenuItem(TargetObject).Click;
400   end;
401 end;
403 constructor TMuiMenuItem.Create(const Tags: TATagList);
404 begin
405   inherited Create(MUIC_MenuItem, Tags);
406   Par := nil;
407   ConnectHook(MUIA_Menuitem_Trigger, LongWord(MUIV_EveryTime), @MenuClickedFunc);
408 end;
410 procedure TMuiMenuItem.DoMUIDraw();
411 begin
413 end;
415 { TMuiFamily }
417 procedure TMuiFamily.InstallHooks;
418 begin
419   ChildList := TObjectList.Create;
420   ChildList.OwnsObjects := False;
421 end;
423 destructor TMuiFamily.Destroy;
424 var
425   i: Integer;
426   MUIObject: TMuiObject;
427 begin
428   for i := 0 to ChildList.Count - 1 do
429   begin
430     MUIObject := TMUIObject(ChildList[i]);
431     MUIObject.FObject := nil;
432     MUIObject.Free;
433   end;
434   ChildList.Free;
435   inherited;
436 end;
438 procedure TMuiFamily.AddHead(AChild: TMuiFamily);
439 begin
440   ChildList.Insert(0,AChild);
441   DoMethod([NativeUInt(MUIM_Family_AddHead), NativeUInt(AChild.Obj)]);
442 end;
444 procedure TMuiFamily.AddTail(AChild: TMuiFamily);
445 begin
446   ChildList.Add(AChild);
447   DoMethod([NativeUInt(MUIM_Family_AddTail), NativeUInt(AChild.Obj)]);
448 end;
450 procedure TMuiFamily.Remove(AChild: TMuiFamily);
451 begin
452   ChildList.Remove(AChild);
453   DoMethod([NativeUInt(MUIM_Family_Remove), NativeUInt(AChild.Obj)]);
454 end;
TMuiFamily.GetListnull456 function TMuiFamily.GetList: PMinList;
457 begin
458   Result := PMinList(GetAttribute(MUIA_Family_List));
459 end;
CloseWinFuncnull461 function CloseWinFunc(Hook: PHook; Obj: PObject_; Msg:Pointer): Longint;
462 var
463   MuiObject: TMuiWindow;
464 begin
465   if TObject(Hook^.h_Data) is TMuiWindow then
466   begin
467     MuiObject := TMuiWindow(Hook^.h_Data);
468     Result := LCLSendCloseQueryMsg(MuiObject.pasobject);
469   end;
470 end;
MoveWinFuncnull472 function MoveWinFunc(Hook: PHook; Obj: PObject_; Msg:Pointer): Longint;
473 var
474   MuiObject: TMuiWindow;
475 begin
476   if TObject(Hook^.h_Data) is TMuiWindow then
477   begin
478     MuiObject := TMuiWindow(Hook^.h_Data);
479     if Assigned(MuiObject.PasObject) and (not TMUIWindow(MUIObject).FBlockMove) then
480     begin
481       Result := LCLSendMoveMsg(MuiObject.pasobject, MuiObject.Left, MuiObject.Top, Move_Default, False);
482     end;
483   end;
484 end;
SizeWinFuncnull486 function SizeWinFunc(Hook: PHook; Obj: PObject_; Msg:Pointer): Longint;
487 var
488   MuiObject: TMuiWindow;
489 begin
490   if TObject(Hook^.h_Data) is TMuiWindow then
491   begin
492     MuiObject := TMuiWindow(Hook^.h_Data);
493     if Assigned(MuiObject.PasObject) and (not TMUIWindow(MUIObject).FBlockSize) then
494     begin
495       Result := LCLSendSizeMsg(MuiObject.pasobject, MuiObject.Width, MuiObject.Height, SIZENORMAL, False);
496     end;
497   end;
498 end;
500 constructor TMuiWindow.Create(const TagList: TATagList);
501 var
502   LT: TATagList;
503   GrpTags: TATagList;
504   AltLeft, AltTop, AltHeight, AltWidth: Integer;
505 begin
506   FBlockSize := False;
507   FBlockMove := False;
508   FFocusedControl := Self;
509   LT.Clear;
510   FMainMenu := TMuiMenuStrip.Create(LT);
511   HasMenu := False;
512   FInMoveEvent := False;
513   //FGrpObj := MUI_NewObject(MUIC_Group,[LongInt(MUIA_Group_LayoutHook), @LayoutHook, TAG_END]);
514   //
515   SetHook(LayoutHook, @LayoutFunc, self);
516   //
517   GrpTags.AddTags([
518     MUIA_Group_LayoutHook, NativeUInt(@LayoutHook),
519     MUIA_Frame, MUIV_Frame_None,
520     //MUIA_FillArea, LFalse,
521     MUIA_InnerLeft, 0,
522     MUIA_InnerTop, 0,
523     MUIA_InnerRight, 0,
524     MUIA_InnerBottom, 0
525     ]);
526   FGrpObj := NewObjectA(LCLGroupClass, nil, GrpTags);
527   if Assigned(FGrpObj) then
528     Pointer(INST_DATA(LCLGroupClass, Pointer(FGrpObj))^) := Self;
529   //
530   AltLeft := 0;
531   AltTop := 0;
532   AltWidth := IntuitionBase^.ActiveScreen^.Width;
533   AltHeight := IntuitionBase^.ActiveScreen^.Height - IntuitionBase^.ActiveScreen^.BarHeight;
534   TagList.AddTags([
535     MUIA_Window_AltLeftEdge , AltLeft,
536     MUIA_Window_AltTopEdge , AltTop,
537     MUIA_Window_AltWidth , AltWidth,
538     MUIA_Window_AltHeight , AltHeight,
539     MUIA_Window_Menustrip, NativeUInt(FMainMenu.Obj),
540     MUIA_Window_RootObject, NativeUInt(FGrpObj)
541     ]);
542   inherited Create(MUIC_Window, TagList);
543   //
544   Self.Parent := MUIApp;
545   if MuiApp.MainWin = obj then
546     SetAttribute(MUIA_Window_Activate, True);
547 end;
549 destructor TMuiWindow.Destroy;
550 begin
551   FMainMenu.Free;
552   inherited Destroy;
553 end;
555 procedure TMuiWindow.InstallHooks;
556 begin
557   //inherited;
558   ConnectHook(MUIA_Window_CloseRequest, LongWord(LTrue), @CloseWinFunc);
559   // Move Window
560   ConnectHook(MUIA_Window_LeftEdge, LongWord(MUIV_EveryTime), @MoveWinFunc);
561   ConnectHook(MUIA_Window_TopEdge, LongWord(MUIV_EveryTime), @MoveWinFunc);
562   // Resize Window
563   ConnectHook(MUIA_Window_Width, LongWord(MUIV_EveryTime), @SizeWinFunc);
564   ConnectHook(MUIA_Window_Height, LongWord(MUIV_EveryTime), @SizeWinFunc);
565 end;
567 procedure TMuiWindow.GetSizes;
568 begin
569   FBlockSizeMsg := not FInitWindow;
570   Left := GetAttribute(MUIA_Window_LeftEdge);
571   Top := GetAttribute(MUIA_Window_TopEdge);
572   //
573   if not Sizeable then
574   begin
575     Width := GetAttribute(MUIA_Window_Width);
576     Height := GetAttribute(MUIA_Window_Height);
577   end else
578   begin
579     Width := GetAttribute(MUIA_Window_Width);
580     Height := GetAttribute(MUIA_Window_Height);
581   end;
582   TWinControl(PasObject).SetBounds(Left, Top, Width, Height);
583   FBlockSizeMsg := False;
584 end;
586 procedure TMuiWindow.Redraw;
587 var
588   Msg: LongWord;
589 begin
590   if BlockRedraw then
591     Exit;
592   DoMethodObj(FGrpObj, [MUIM_Group_InitChange]);
593   DoMethodObj(FGrpObj, [MUIM_Group_ExitChange]);
594 end;
596 procedure TMuiWindow.DoMUIDraw();
597 begin
598   //inherited;
599   if Assigned(FGrpObj) then
600     MUI_Redraw(FGrpobj, $805);//MADF_DRAWOBJECT);
601 end;
GetClientRectnull603 function TMuiWindow.GetClientRect: TRect;
604 var
605   win: PWindow;
606 begin
607   Result := inherited;
608   Result.Left := 0;
609   Result.Top := 0;
610   Result.Right := Width;
611   Result.Bottom := Height;
612   {$if defined(Amiga) or defined(MorphOS)}
613   Win := Self.Window;
614   if Assigned(Win) then
615   begin
616     Result.Width := Result.Width - (Win^.BorderLeft + Win^.BorderRight);
617     Result.Height := Result.Height - (Win^.BorderTop + Win^.BorderBottom);
618   end else
619   begin
620     if Sizeable then
621     begin
622       Result.Width := Result.Width - 8;
623       Result.Height := Result.Height - 21
624     end
625     else
626     begin
627       Result.Width := Result.Width - 8;
628       Result.Height := Result.Height - 13
629     end;
630   end;
631   {$endif}
632 end;
GetWindownull634 function TMuiWindow.GetWindow: PWindow;
635 begin
636   Result := PWindow(GetAttribute(MUIA_Window_Window));
637 end;
TMuiWindow.GetWindowOffsetnull639 function TMuiWindow.GetWindowOffset: TPoint;
640 begin
641   Result.X := 0;
642   Result.Y := 0;
643 end;
645 procedure TMuiWindow.SetLeft(ALeft: LongInt);
646 begin
647   if FBlockSizeMsg then
648     Exit;
649   FBlockMove := True;
650   inherited;
651   SetAttribute(MUIA_Window_LeftEdge, ALeft);
652   FBlockMove := False;
653 end;
655 procedure TMuiWindow.SetTop(ATop: LongInt);
656 begin
657   if FBlockSizeMsg then
658     Exit;
659   FBlockMove := True;
660   inherited;
661   SetAttribute(MUIA_Window_TopEdge, ATop);
662   FBlockMove := False;
663 end;
GetTopnull665 function TMuiWindow.GetTop(): Integer;
666 begin
667   Result := GetAttribute(MUIA_Window_TopEdge);
668 end;
TMuiWindow.GetLeftnull670 function TMuiWindow.GetLeft(): Integer;
671 begin
672   Result := GetAttribute(MUIA_Window_LeftEdge);
673 end;
GetWidthnull675 function TMuiWindow.GetWidth(): Integer;
676 begin
677   if Sizeable then
678     Result := GetAttribute(MUIA_Window_Width)
679   else
680     Result := PasObject.Width;
681 end;
TMuiWindow.GetHeightnull683 function TMuiWindow.GetHeight(): Integer;
684 begin
685   if Sizeable then
686     Result := GetAttribute(MUIA_Window_Height)
687   else
688     Result := PasObject.Height;
689 end;
TMuiWindow.GetCaptionnull691 function TMuiWindow.GetCaption: string;
692 begin
693   inherited;
694   //Result := FCaption;
695   Result := PChar(GetAttribute(MUIA_Window_Title));
696 end;
TMuiWindow.GetVisiblenull698 function TMuiWindow.GetVisible: Boolean;
699 begin
700   Result := Boolean(GetAttribute(MUIA_Window_Open));
701 end;
703 procedure TMuiWindow.SetCaption(const AValue: string);
704 var
705   PC: PChar;
706 begin
707   FCaption := AValue;
708   PC := PChar(FCaption);
709   SetAttribute(MUIA_Window_Title, PC);
710 end;
712 procedure TMuiWindow.SetVisible(const AValue: Boolean);
713 begin
714   FInitWindow := True;
715   SetAttribute(MUIA_Window_Open, AValue);
716   if AValue then
717   begin
718     GetSizes;
719     TWinControl(PasObject).InvalidateClientRectCache(True);
720   end;
721   FInitWindow := False;
722 end;
724 procedure TMuiWindow.AddChild(ChildObj: PObject_);
725 begin
726   if Assigned(FGrpObj) and Assigned(ChildObj) then
727   begin
728     DoMethodObj(FGrpObj, [MUIM_Group_InitChange]);
729     DoMethodObj(FGrpObj, [OM_ADDMEMBER, PtrUInt(ChildObj)]);
730     DoMethodObj(FGrpObj, [MUIM_Group_ExitChange]);
731   end;
732 end;
734 procedure TMuiWindow.RemoveChild(ChildObj: PObject_);
735 begin
736   //writeln('-> window remove child ', HexStr(Child), ' ', HexStr(Child.obj), ' ', HexStr(Self), ' ', HexStr(FGrpObj));
737   if Assigned(FGrpObj) and Assigned(ChildObj) then
738   begin
739     //DoMethodObj(FGrpObj, [MUIM_Group_InitChange]);
740     DoMethodObj(FGrpObj, [OM_REMMEMBER, PtrUInt(ChildObj)]);
741     //DoMethodObj(FGrpObj, [MUIM_Group_ExitChange]);
742   end;
743   //writeln('<-window remove child');
744 end;
746 procedure TMuiWindow.GetBoundsFromMUI;
747 begin
748   FLeft := GetAttribute(MUIA_Window_LeftEdge);
749   FTop := GetAttribute(MUIA_Window_TopEdge);
750   FWidth := GetAttribute(MUIA_Window_Width);
751   FHeight := GetAttribute(MUIA_Window_Height);
752 end;
754 procedure TMuiWindow.SetFocusedControl(AControl: TMUIObject);
755 begin
756   FFocusedControl := AControl;
757   if Assigned(AControl) then
758   begin
759     SetAttribute([MUIA_Window_Activate, TagTrue, MUIA_Window_ActiveObject, NativeUInt(AControl.FocusObject)]);
760   end;
761 end;
763 procedure TMuiWindow.SetEnabled(const AEnabled: Boolean);
764 begin
765   //writeln('Enabled: ', AEnabled);
766   //SetAttObj(FgrpObj, [MUIA_Disabled, ifthen(AEnabled, LFalse, LTrue)]);
767 end;
GetEnablednull769 function TMuiWindow.GetEnabled: Boolean;
770 begin
771   Result := True;//not boolean(GetAttObj(FGrpObj, MUIA_Disabled));
772 end;
775 { TMuiGroup }
777 constructor TMuiGroup.Create(const TagList: TATagList);
778 begin
779   inherited Create(MUIC_Group, TagList);
780 end;
782 end.