1 {
2  ***************************************************************************
3  *                                                                         *
4  *   This source is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify   *
5  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
6  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
7  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
8  *                                                                         *
9  *   This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but      *
10  *   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            *
12  *   General Public License for more details.                              *
13  *                                                                         *
14  *   A copy of the GNU General Public License is available on the World    *
15  *   Wide Web at <http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html>. You can also      *
16  *   obtain it by writing to the Free Software Foundation,                 *
17  *   Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA.   *
18  *                                                                         *
19  ***************************************************************************
21   Author: Mattias Gaertner
23   Abstract:
24     TExtractProcTool enhances TCodeCompletionCodeTool.
25     TExtractProcTool provides functions to extract statements from procedures
26     and to move them to new procedure, sub procedures or methods. Parameter
27     list is auto created and local variables are automatically created and/or
28     removed.
29     Note: Extracting a procedure from a method needs manual fixing of used
30     method variables.
32   ToDo:
33     - check if selection bounds on statement bounds
34     - with statements
36   Explode With Blocks todos:
37     - check if selection bounds on statement bounds
38     - keep Begin..End in case
39     - support Expressions
40     - with Canvas do with Self do (e.g. shape.inc)
41     - dialog in cody to replace a long expression with a short local variable
42     - bug: shape.inc : with Self do
43 }
44 unit ExtractProcTool;
46 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
48 { $define CTDEBUG}
49 {off $Define VerboseAddWithBlock}
51 interface
53 uses
54   Classes, SysUtils, math, Laz_AVL_Tree,
55   // Codetools
56   FileProcs, CodeToolsStrConsts, CodeTree, CodeAtom,
57   CodeCache, CustomCodeTool, PascalReaderTool,
58   PascalParserTool, CodeCompletionTool, KeywordFuncLists, BasicCodeTools,
59   LinkScanner, SourceChanger, FindDeclarationTool;
61 type
62   TExtractedProcVariableType = (
63     epvtParameter,
64     epvtLocalVar
65     //epvtExternVar // variable is defined outside (e.g. a global variable or a class member)
66     );
68   TExtractedProcVariable = class
69   public
70     Node: TCodeTreeNode;
71     Tool: TFindDeclarationTool;
72     VarType: TExtractedProcVariableType;
73     ReadInSelection: boolean;
74     WriteInSelection: boolean;
75     UsedInNonSelection: boolean;
76     ReadAfterSelection: boolean;
77     ReadAfterSelectionValid: boolean;
78     RemovedFromOldProc: boolean;
UsedInSelectionnull79     function UsedInSelection: boolean;
80   end;
82   { TExtractCodeTool }
84   TExtractProcType = (
85     eptProcedure,
86     eptProcedureWithInterface,
87     eptSubProcedure,
88     eptSubProcedureSameLvl,
89     eptPrivateMethod,
90     eptProtectedMethod,
91     eptPublicMethod,
92     eptPublishedMethod
93     );
95   TExtractCodeTool = class(TCodeCompletionCodeTool)
96   protected
ScanNodesForVariablesnull97     function ScanNodesForVariables(const StartPos, EndPos: TCodeXYPosition;
98         out BlockStartPos, BlockEndPos: integer; // the selection
99         out BlockNode: TCodeTreeNode;
100         VarTree: TAVLTree;  // tree of TExtractedProcVariable
101         IgnoreIdentifiers: TAVLTree; // tree of PCodeXYPosition
102         MissingIdentifiers: TAVLTree // tree of PCodeXYPosition
103         ): boolean;
CheckIfRangeOnSameLevelnull104     function CheckIfRangeOnSameLevel(const StartPos, EndPos: TCodeXYPosition;
105       out CleanStartPos, CleanEndPos: integer; out StartNode: TCodeTreeNode): boolean;
InitExtractProcnull106     function InitExtractProc(const StartPos, EndPos: TCodeXYPosition;
107       out MethodPossible, SubProcPossible, SubProcSameLvlPossible: boolean): boolean;
108   public
CheckExtractProcnull109     function CheckExtractProc(const StartPos, EndPos: TCodeXYPosition;
110       out MethodPossible, SubProcPossible, SubProcSameLvlPossible: boolean;
111       out MissingIdentifiers: TAVLTree; // tree of PCodeXYPosition
112       VarTree: TAVLTree = nil  // tree of TExtractedProcVariable
113       ): boolean;
ExtractProcnull114     function ExtractProc(const StartPos, EndPos: TCodeXYPosition;
115       ProcType: TExtractProcType; const ProcName: string;
116       IgnoreIdentifiers: TAVLTree; // tree of PCodeXYPosition
117       out NewPos: TCodeXYPosition; out NewTopLine, BlockTopLine, BlockBottomLine: integer;
118       SourceChangeCache: TSourceChangeCache;
119       FunctionResultVariableStartPos: integer = 0): boolean;
RemoveWithBlocknull121     function RemoveWithBlock(const CursorPos: TCodeXYPosition;
122       SourceChangeCache: TSourceChangeCache): boolean;
AddWithBlocknull123     function AddWithBlock(const StartPos, EndPos: TCodeXYPosition;
124       const WithExpr: string; // if empty: collect Candidates
125       Candidates: TStrings; SourceChangeCache: TSourceChangeCache): boolean;
127     procedure CalcMemSize(Stats: TCTMemStats); override;
128   end;
130 const
131   ExtractProcTypeNames: array[TExtractProcType] of string = (
132     'Procedure',
133     'ProcedureWithInterface',
134     'SubProcedure',
135     'SubProcedureSameLvl',
136     'PrivateMethod',
137     'ProtectedMethod',
138     'PublicMethod',
139     'PublishedMethod'
140     );
CreateExtractProcVariableTreenull142 function CreateExtractProcVariableTree: TAVLTree;
143 procedure ClearExtractProcVariableTree(VarTree: TAVLTree; FreeTree: boolean);
145 implementation
CompareExtractedProcVariablesnull147 function CompareExtractedProcVariables(V1, V2: TExtractedProcVariable): integer;
148 var
149   cmp: Integer;
150 begin
151   cmp:=V2.Node.StartPos-V1.Node.StartPos;
152   if cmp<0 then
153     Result:=-1
154   else if cmp>0 then
155     Result:=1
156   else
157     Result:=0;
158 end;
CompareNodeWithExtractedProcVariablenull160 function CompareNodeWithExtractedProcVariable(Node: TCodeTreeNode;
161   V: TExtractedProcVariable): integer;
162 var
163   cmp: Integer;
164 begin
165   cmp:=V.Node.StartPos-Node.StartPos;
166   if cmp<0 then
167     Result:=-1
168   else if cmp>0 then
169     Result:=1
170   else
171     Result:=0;
172 end;
CreateExtractProcVariableTreenull174 function CreateExtractProcVariableTree: TAVLTree;
175 begin
176   Result:=TAVLTree.Create(TListSortCompare(@CompareExtractedProcVariables));
177 end;
179 procedure ClearExtractProcVariableTree(VarTree: TAVLTree; FreeTree: boolean);
180 begin
181   if VarTree=nil then exit;
182   VarTree.FreeAndClear;
183   if FreeTree then
184     VarTree.Free;
185 end;
187 { TExtractedProcVariable }
TExtractedProcVariable.UsedInSelectionnull189 function TExtractedProcVariable.UsedInSelection: boolean;
190 begin
191   Result:=ReadInSelection or WriteInSelection;
192 end;
194 { TExtractCodeTool }
TExtractCodeTool.InitExtractProcnull196 function TExtractCodeTool.InitExtractProc(const StartPos,
197   EndPos: TCodeXYPosition; out MethodPossible, SubProcPossible,
198   SubProcSameLvlPossible: boolean): boolean;
199 var
200   CleanStartPos, CleanEndPos: integer;
201   StartNode: TCodeTreeNode;
202   ANode: TCodeTreeNode;
203   ProcLvl: Integer;
204 begin
205   Result:=false;
206   MethodPossible:=false;
207   SubProcPossible:=false;
208   SubProcSameLvlPossible:=false;
209   {$IFDEF CTDebug}
210   DebugLn('TExtractProcTool.InitExtractProc syntax and cursor check ..');
211   {$ENDIF}
212   Result:=CheckIfRangeOnSameLevel(StartPos,EndPos,CleanStartPos,CleanEndPos,
213                                   StartNode);
214   // check if start not in a statement
215   // ToDo
216   // check if end not in a statement
217   // ToDo
218   {$IFDEF CTDebug}
219   DebugLn('TExtractProcTool.InitExtractProc Method check ..');
220   {$ENDIF}
221   // check if in a method body
222   ANode:=StartNode;
223   ProcLvl:=0;
224   while ANode<>nil do begin
225     if (ANode.Desc=ctnProcedure) then begin
226       SubProcPossible:=true;
227       inc(ProcLvl);
228       if NodeIsInAMethod(ANode) then begin
229         MethodPossible:=true;
230       end;
231     end;
232     ANode:=ANode.Parent;
233   end;
234   SubProcSameLvlPossible:=(ProcLvl>1);
235   {$IFDEF CTDebug}
236   DebugLn('TExtractProcTool.InitExtractProc END');
237   {$ENDIF}
238   Result:=true;
239 end;
CheckExtractProcnull241 function TExtractCodeTool.CheckExtractProc(const StartPos,
242   EndPos: TCodeXYPosition; out MethodPossible, SubProcPossible,
243   SubProcSameLvlPossible: boolean; out MissingIdentifiers: TAVLTree;
244   VarTree: TAVLTree): boolean;
245 var
246   BlockStartPos: integer;
247   BlockEndPos: integer;
248   ProcNode: TCodeTreeNode;
249 begin
250   Result:=false;
251   MissingIdentifiers:=nil;
252   ActivateGlobalWriteLock;
253   try
254     if not InitExtractProc(StartPos,EndPos,MethodPossible,
255       SubProcPossible,SubProcSameLvlPossible)
256     then exit;
257     MissingIdentifiers:=CreateTreeOfPCodeXYPosition;
258     if not ScanNodesForVariables(StartPos,EndPos,BlockStartPos,BlockEndPos,
259                                  ProcNode,VarTree,nil,MissingIdentifiers) then exit;
260   finally
261     DeactivateGlobalWriteLock;
262   end;
263   Result:=true;
264 end;
TExtractCodeTool.ExtractProcnull266 function TExtractCodeTool.ExtractProc(const StartPos, EndPos: TCodeXYPosition;
267   ProcType: TExtractProcType; const ProcName: string;
268   IgnoreIdentifiers: TAVLTree; out NewPos: TCodeXYPosition; out NewTopLine,
269   BlockTopLine, BlockBottomLine: integer;
270   SourceChangeCache: TSourceChangeCache; FunctionResultVariableStartPos: integer
271   ): boolean;
272 const
273   ShortProcFormat = [phpWithoutClassKeyword];
274 var
275   BlockStartPos, BlockEndPos: integer; // the selection
276   MainBlockNode: TCodeTreeNode; // the main proc node of the selection, or main begin block of program
277   VarTree: TAVLTree;
278   ResultNode: TCodeTreeNode;
279   Beauty: TBeautifyCodeOptions;
FindFunctionResultNodenull281   function FindFunctionResultNode: boolean;
282   var
283     AVLNode: TAVLTreeNode;
284     ProcVar: TExtractedProcVariable;
285   begin
286     Result:=false;
287     ResultNode:=nil;
288     if FunctionResultVariableStartPos<1 then exit(true); // create a proc, not a function
AVLNodenull289     AVLNode:=VarTree.FindLowest;
290     while AVLNode<>nil do begin
291       ProcVar:=TExtractedProcVariable(AVLNode.Data);
292       if ProcVar.Node.StartPos=FunctionResultVariableStartPos then begin
293         ProcVar.UsedInNonSelection:=true;
294         ProcVar.ReadAfterSelection:=true;
295         Result:=true;
296         ResultNode:=ProcVar.Node;
297         exit;
298       end;
299       AVLNode:=VarTree.FindSuccessor(AVLNode);
300     end;
301   end;
ReplaceSelectionWithCallnull303   function ReplaceSelectionWithCall: boolean;
304   var
305     Indent: Integer;
306     CallCode: String;
307     ParamListCode: String;
308     AVLNode: TAVLTreeNode;
309     ProcVar: TExtractedProcVariable;
310   begin
311     Result:=false;
312     {$IFDEF CTDebug}
313     DebugLn('TExtractProcTool.ReplaceSelectionWithCall A');
314     {$ENDIF}
315     Indent:=Beauty.GetLineIndent(Src,BlockStartPos);
316     ParamListCode:='';
317     // gather all variables, that are used in the selection and in the rest of
318     // the old proc (in front or behind). These are the parameters for the new proc.
319     if (VarTree<>nil) and (ProcType<>eptSubProcedure) then begin
320       AVLNode:=VarTree.FindLowest;
321       while AVLNode<>nil do begin
322         ProcVar:=TExtractedProcVariable(AVLNode.Data);
323         {$IFDEF CTDebug}
324         DebugLn('TExtractProcTool.ReplaceSelectionWithCall B ',GetIdentifier(@Src[ProcVar.Node.StartPos]),
325           ' ReadInSelection=',dbgs(ProcVar.ReadInSelection),
326           ' WriteInSelection=',dbgs(ProcVar.WriteInSelection),
327           ' UsedInNonSelection=',dbgs(ProcVar.UsedInNonSelection),
328           ' ReadAfterSelection=',dbgs(ProcVar.ReadAfterSelection),
329           '');
330         {$ENDIF}
331         if (ProcVar.UsedInSelection and ProcVar.UsedInNonSelection)
332         and (ResultNode<>ProcVar.Node) then begin
333           // parameter
334           if ParamListCode<>'' then ParamListCode:=ParamListCode+',';
335           ParamListCode:=ParamListCode+GetIdentifier(@Src[ProcVar.Node.StartPos]);
336         end;
337         AVLNode:=VarTree.FindSuccessor(AVLNode);
338       end;
339     end;
340     if ParamListCode<>'' then
341       ParamListCode:='('+ParamListCode+')';
342     CallCode:=ProcName+ParamListCode+';';
343     if ResultNode<>nil then begin
344       CallCode:=GetIdentifier(@Src[ResultNode.StartPos])+':='+CallCode;
345     end;
346     CallCode:=Beauty.BeautifyStatement(CallCode,Indent);
347     {$IFDEF CTDebug}
348     DebugLn('TExtractProcTool.ReplaceSelectionWithCall C "',CallCode,'" Indent=',dbgs(Indent));
349     {$ENDIF}
350     SourceChangeCache.Replace(gtNewLine,gtNewLine,BlockStartPos,BlockEndPos,
351                               CallCode);
352     Result:=true;
353   end;
DeleteLocalVariablenull355   function DeleteLocalVariable(ProcVar: TExtractedProcVariable): boolean;
VariableNodeShouldBeDeletednull357     function VariableNodeShouldBeDeleted(VarNode: TCodeTreeNode;
358       out CurProcVar: TExtractedProcVariable): boolean;
359     var
360       AVLNode: TAVLTreeNode;
361     begin
362       CurProcVar:=nil;
363       AVLNode:=VarTree.FindKey(VarNode,
364                        TListSortCompare(@CompareNodeWithExtractedProcVariable));
365       if AVLNode=nil then begin
366         Result:=false;
367       end else begin
368         CurProcVar:=TExtractedProcVariable(AVLNode.Data);
369         Result:=(not CurProcVar.UsedInNonSelection)
370                 and CurProcVar.UsedInSelection;
371       end;
372     end;
VarSectionIsEmptynull374     function VarSectionIsEmpty: boolean;
375     var
376       VarNode: TCodeTreeNode;
377       SectionNode: TCodeTreeNode;
378       CurProcVar: TExtractedProcVariable;
379     begin
380       Result:=false;
381       SectionNode:=ProcVar.Node;
382       if SectionNode.Desc=ctnVarDefinition then
383         SectionNode:=SectionNode.Parent;
384       if SectionNode.Desc<>ctnVarSection then exit;
385       VarNode:=SectionNode.FirstChild;
386       while VarNode<>nil do begin
387         CurProcVar:=nil;
388         if not VariableNodeShouldBeDeleted(VarNode,CurProcVar) then exit;
389         if not CurProcVar.RemovedFromOldProc then exit;
390         VarNode:=VarNode.NextBrother;
391       end;
392       Result:=true;
393     end;
395   var
396     VarNode: TCodeTreeNode;
397     FirstVarNode: TCodeTreeNode;
398     LastVarNode: TCodeTreeNode;
399     DeleteCompleteDefinition: Boolean;
400     DeleteStartPos: Integer;
401     DeleteEndPos: Integer;
402     CurProcVar: TExtractedProcVariable;
403     FrontGap: TGapTyp;
404   begin
405     Result:=false;
406     if not ProcVar.RemovedFromOldProc then begin
407       // check all variables of the definition (e.g. 'i,j,k: integer')
408       FirstVarNode:=ProcVar.Node;
409       while (FirstVarNode.PriorBrother<>nil)
410       and (FirstVarNode.PriorBrother.Desc=ctnVarDefinition)
411       and (FirstVarNode.PriorBrother.FirstChild=nil) do
412         FirstVarNode:=FirstVarNode.PriorBrother;
413       LastVarNode:=FirstVarNode;
414       while (LastVarNode.NextBrother<>nil)
415       and (LastVarNode.NextBrother.Desc=ctnVarDefinition)
416       and (LastVarNode.FirstChild=nil) do
417         LastVarNode:=LastVarNode.NextBrother;
418       VarNode:=FirstVarNode;
419       // delete variables
420       DeleteCompleteDefinition:=true;
421       DeleteStartPos:=0;
422       DeleteEndPos:=0;
423       repeat
424         if VariableNodeShouldBeDeleted(VarNode,CurProcVar) then begin
425           // delete variable name and comma
426           // if the whole definition is deleted, this is handled behind the
427           // loop. Examples:
428           //   var i, X: integer;     ->  var i[, X]: integer;
429           //   var i, X, j: integer;  ->  var i, [X, ]j: integer;
430           //   var X, i: integer;     ->  var [X, ]i: integer;
431           if DeleteStartPos<1 then
432             DeleteStartPos:=VarNode.StartPos;
433           MoveCursorToNodeStart(VarNode);
434           ReadNextAtom;
435           AtomIsIdentifierE;
436           ReadNextAtom;
437           if CurPos.Flag=cafComma then begin
438             // there is a next variable in the same var definition
439             ReadNextAtom;
440             DeleteEndPos:=CurPos.StartPos;
441           end else if CurPos.Flag=cafColon then begin
442             // this is the last variable in the definition
443             DeleteEndPos:=CurPos.StartPos;
444             if (DeleteStartPos=VarNode.StartPos)
445             and (VarNode<>FirstVarNode) then begin
446               // there is a variable in front in the same definition, that is
447               // not deleted. Delete also the comma in front. Example:
448               //   var i, X: integer;   ->  var i[, X]: integer;
449               MoveCursorToNodeStart(VarNode.PriorBrother);
450               ReadNextAtom; // prior identifier
451               ReadNextAtom; // comma
452               DeleteStartPos:=CurPos.StartPos;
453             end;
454           end;
455           // mark as removed
456           CurProcVar.RemovedFromOldProc:=true;
457         end else begin
458           // this variable is kept
459           DeleteCompleteDefinition:=false;
460           if DeleteStartPos>0 then begin
461             // delete variables in front
462             {$IFDEF CTDebug}
463             DebugLn('DeleteLocalVariable Delete last vars: "',copy(Src,DeleteStartPos,DeleteEndPos-DeleteStartPos),'"');
464             {$ENDIF}
465             if not SourceChangeCache.Replace(gtNone,gtNone,
466                                              DeleteStartPos,DeleteEndPos,'')
467             then
468               exit;
469             DeleteStartPos:=0;
470             DeleteEndPos:=0;
471           end;
472         end;
473         if VarNode=LastVarNode then break;
474         VarNode:=VarNode.NextBrother;
475       until VarNode=nil;
476       FrontGap:=gtNone;
477       if DeleteCompleteDefinition and (DeleteStartPos>0) then begin
478         // all variables of the definition should be deleted
479         // -> delete type declaration
480         DeleteEndPos:=FindLineEndOrCodeAfterPosition(LastVarNode.EndPos);
481         if VarSectionIsEmpty then begin
482           // all variables of the 'var' section are deleted
483           // -> delete var section
484           DeleteStartPos:=FirstVarNode.Parent.StartPos;
485         end else if FirstVarNode.PriorBrother=nil then begin
486           // keep a space between 'var' and the next identifier
487           FrontGap:=gtSpace;
488         end;
489         DeleteStartPos:=FindLineEndOrCodeInFrontOfPosition(DeleteStartPos,true);
490       end;
491       if DeleteStartPos>0 then begin
492         {$IFDEF CTDebug}
493         DebugLn('DeleteLocalVariable Delete Rest: "',copy(Src,DeleteStartPos,DeleteEndPos-DeleteStartPos),'"');
494         {$ENDIF}
495         if not SourceChangeCache.Replace(FrontGap,gtNone,
496                                          DeleteStartPos,DeleteEndPos,'')
497         then
498           exit;
499       end;
500     end;
501     Result:=true;
502   end;
DeleteMovedLocalVariablesnull504   function DeleteMovedLocalVariables: boolean;
505   var
506     AVLNode: TAVLTreeNode;
507     ProcVar: TExtractedProcVariable;
508   begin
509     Result:=false;
510     {$IFDEF CTDebug}
511     DebugLn('TExtractProcTool.DeleteMovedLocalVariables A');
512     {$ENDIF}
513     // gather all variables, that are used in the selection, but not in the
514     // rest of the old proc. These are local variables, that are moved to the
515     // new proc.
516     if (VarTree<>nil) then begin
517       AVLNode:=VarTree.FindLowest;
518       while AVLNode<>nil do begin
519         ProcVar:=TExtractedProcVariable(AVLNode.Data);
520         {$IFDEF CTDebug}
521         DebugLn('TExtractProcTool.DeleteMovedLocalVariables B ',GetIdentifier(@Src[ProcVar.Node.StartPos]),
522           ' ReadInSelection=',dbgs(ProcVar.ReadInSelection),
523           ' WriteInSelection=',dbgs(ProcVar.WriteInSelection),
524           ' UsedInNonSelection=',dbgs(ProcVar.UsedInNonSelection),
525           ' ReadAfterSelection=',dbgs(ProcVar.ReadAfterSelection),
526           '');
527         {$ENDIF}
528         if ProcVar.UsedInSelection and (not ProcVar.UsedInNonSelection) then
529         begin
530           if not DeleteLocalVariable(ProcVar) then exit;
531         end;
532         AVLNode:=VarTree.FindSuccessor(AVLNode);
533       end;
534     end;
535     {$IFDEF CTDebug}
536     DebugLn('DeleteMovedLocalVariables END ');
537     {$ENDIF}
538     Result:=true;
539   end;
CreateProcNamePartsnull541   function CreateProcNameParts(out ProcClassName: string;
542     out ProcClassNode: TCodeTreeNode): boolean;
543   begin
544     Result:=false;
545     ProcClassName:='';
546     ProcClassNode:=nil;
547     if ProcType in [eptPrivateMethod,eptProtectedMethod,eptPublicMethod,
548       eptPublishedMethod] then
549     begin
550       {$IFDEF CTDebug}
551       DebugLn('CreateProcNameParts A searching class name ..');
552       {$ENDIF}
553       if (MainBlockNode=nil) or (MainBlockNode.Desc<>ctnProcedure) then begin
554         debugln(['CreateProcNameParts not in a procedure']);
555         exit;
556       end;
557       ProcClassName:=ExtractClassNameOfProcNode(MainBlockNode);
558       if ProcClassName='' then begin
559         debugln(['CreateProcNameParts not in a method']);
560         exit;
561       end;
562       ProcClassNode:=FindClassNodeInUnit(ProcClassName,
563                                          true,false,false,true);
564       if ProcClassNode=nil then begin
565         debugln(['CreateProcNameParts class not found ',ProcClassName]);
566         exit;
567       end;
568       ProcClassName:=ExtractClassName(ProcClassNode,false);
569     end;
570     {$IFDEF CTDebug}
571     DebugLn('CreateProcNameParts END ProcClassName="',ProcClassName,'"');
572     {$ENDIF}
573     Result:=true;
574   end;
CreateProcParamListnull576   function CreateProcParamList(
577     out CompleteParamListCode, // including modifiers, brackets and result type
578     BaseParamListCode: string // without modifiers and result type
579     ): boolean;
580   var
581     AVLNode: TAVLTreeNode;
582     ProcVar: TExtractedProcVariable;
583     ParamName: String;
584     ParamTypeCode: String;
585     ParamSpecifier: String;
586     ResultType: String;
587   begin
588     Result:=false;
589     CompleteParamListCode:='';
590     BaseParamListCode:='';
591     // gather all variables, that are used in the selection and in the rest of
592     // the old proc. These are the parameters for the new proc.
593     if (VarTree<>nil) and (ProcType<>eptSubProcedure) then begin
594       AVLNode:=VarTree.FindLowest;
595       while AVLNode<>nil do begin
596         ProcVar:=TExtractedProcVariable(AVLNode.Data);
597         {$IFDEF CTDebug}
598         DebugLn('TExtractProcTool.CreateProcParamList B ',GetIdentifier(@Src[ProcVar.Node.StartPos]),
599           ' ReadInSelection=',dbgs(ProcVar.ReadInSelection),
600           ' WriteInSelection=',dbgs(ProcVar.WriteInSelection),
601           ' UsedInNonSelection=',dbgs(ProcVar.UsedInNonSelection),
602           ' ReadAfterSelection=',dbgs(ProcVar.ReadAfterSelection),
603           '');
604         {$ENDIF}
605         if ProcVar.UsedInSelection and ProcVar.UsedInNonSelection
606         and (ProcVar.Node<>ResultNode) then begin
607           // extract identifier and type
608           if CompleteParamListCode<>'' then
609             CompleteParamListCode:=CompleteParamListCode+';';
610           if BaseParamListCode<>'' then
611             BaseParamListCode:=BaseParamListCode+';';
612           ParamName:=GetIdentifier(@Src[ProcVar.Node.StartPos]);
613           ParamTypeCode:=ExtractDefinitionNodeType(ProcVar.Node);
614           {$IFDEF CTDebug}
615           DebugLn('TExtractProcTool.CreateProcParamList C ParamName="',ParamName,'" ParamType="',ParamTypeCode,'"');
616           {$ENDIF}
617           // ToDo: ParamSpecifier 'var ' and none
618           if ProcVar.WriteInSelection then
619             ParamSpecifier:=''
620           else
621             ParamSpecifier:='const ';
622           if ProcVar.ReadAfterSelection then
623             ParamSpecifier:='var ';
624           CompleteParamListCode:=CompleteParamListCode
625                                  +ParamSpecifier+ParamName+':'+ParamTypeCode;
626           BaseParamListCode:=BaseParamListCode+':'+ParamTypeCode;
627         end;
628         AVLNode:=VarTree.FindSuccessor(AVLNode);
629       end;
630     end;
631     if CompleteParamListCode<>'' then begin
632       CompleteParamListCode:='('+CompleteParamListCode+')';
633       BaseParamListCode:='('+BaseParamListCode+')';
634     end;
635     if ResultNode<>nil then begin
636       ResultType:=ExtractDefinitionNodeType(ResultNode);
637       CompleteParamListCode:=CompleteParamListCode+':'+ResultType;
638     end;
639     {$IFDEF CTDebug}
640     DebugLn('CreateProcParamList END CompleteParamListCode="',CompleteParamListCode,'"');
641     {$ENDIF}
642     Result:=true;
643   end;
CreateProcVarSectionnull645   function CreateProcVarSection(out VarSectionCode: string): boolean;
646   var
647     AVLNode: TAVLTreeNode;
648     ProcVar: TExtractedProcVariable;
649     VariableName: String;
650     VariableTypeCode: String;
651     VarTypeNode: TCodeTreeNode;
652     TypeDefEndPos: Integer;
653   begin
654     Result:=false;
655     VarSectionCode:='';
656     // gather all variables, that are used in the selection, but not in the
657     // rest of the old proc. These are the local variables of the new proc.
658     if (VarTree<>nil) then begin
659       AVLNode:=VarTree.FindLowest;
660       while AVLNode<>nil do begin
661         ProcVar:=TExtractedProcVariable(AVLNode.Data);
662         {$IFDEF CTDebug}
663         DebugLn('TExtractProcTool.CreateProcVarSection B ',GetIdentifier(@Src[ProcVar.Node.StartPos]),
664           ' ReadInSelection=',dbgs(ProcVar.ReadInSelection),
665           ' WriteInSelection=',dbgs(ProcVar.WriteInSelection),
666           ' UsedInNonSelection=',dbgs(ProcVar.UsedInNonSelection),
667           ' ReadAfterSelection=',dbgs(ProcVar.ReadAfterSelection),'');
668         {$ENDIF}
669         if ProcVar.UsedInSelection
670         and ((not ProcVar.UsedInNonSelection) or (ProcVar.Node=ResultNode)) then
671         begin
672           // extract identifier and type
673           if VarSectionCode='' then
674             VarSectionCode:='var'+Beauty.LineEnd;
675           VarSectionCode:=VarSectionCode+Beauty.GetIndentStr(Beauty.Indent);
676           VariableName:=GetIdentifier(@Src[ProcVar.Node.StartPos]);
677           VarTypeNode:=FindTypeNodeOfDefinition(ProcVar.Node);
678           {$IFDEF CTDebug}
679           DebugLn('TExtractProcTool.CreateProcVarSection VarTypeNode=',copy(Src,VarTypeNode.StartPos,VarTypeNode.EndPos-VarTypeNode.StartPos));
680           {$ENDIF}
681           TypeDefEndPos:=FindLineEndOrCodeAfterPosition(VarTypeNode.EndPos);
682           {$IFDEF CTDebug}
683           DebugLn('TExtractProcTool.CreateProcVarSection PlusComment=',copy(Src,VarTypeNode.StartPos,TypeDefEndPos-VarTypeNode.StartPos));
684           {$ENDIF}
685           VariableTypeCode:=copy(Src,VarTypeNode.StartPos,
686                                  TypeDefEndPos-VarTypeNode.StartPos);
687           {$IFDEF CTDebug}
688           DebugLn('TExtractProcTool.CreateProcVarSection C VariableName="',VariableName,'" VariableType="',VariableTypeCode,'"');
689           {$ENDIF}
690           VarSectionCode:=VarSectionCode+VariableName+':'+VariableTypeCode
691                           +Beauty.LineEnd;
692         end;
693         AVLNode:=VarTree.FindSuccessor(AVLNode);
694       end;
695     end;
696     {$IFDEF CTDebug}
697     DebugLn('TExtractProcTool.CreateProcVarSection END VarSectionCode="',VarSectionCode,'"');
698     {$ENDIF}
699     VarSectionCode:=Beauty.BeautifyStatement(VarSectionCode,0);
700     Result:=true;
701   end;
CreateProcBeginEndBlocknull703   function CreateProcBeginEndBlock(out BeginEndCode: string): boolean;
704   var
705     DirtyStartPos, DirtyEndPos: integer;
706     le, s: String;
707     Indent: Integer;
708     DirtySelection: String;
709   begin
710     Result:=false;
711     BeginEndCode:='';
712     le:=Beauty.LineEnd;
713     // extract dirty source, so that compiler directives are moved too
714     StartPos.Code.LineColToPosition(StartPos.Y,StartPos.X,DirtyStartPos);
715     StartPos.Code.LineColToPosition(EndPos.Y,EndPos.X,DirtyEndPos);
716     DirtySelection:=copy(StartPos.Code.Source,
717                          DirtyStartPos,DirtyEndPos-DirtyStartPos);
718     // append line end
719     if (DirtySelection<>'')
720     and (not (DirtySelection[length(DirtySelection)] in [#10,#13])) then
721       DirtySelection:=DirtySelection+le;
722     // trim empty lines at start and end
723     DirtySelection:=TrimLineEnds(DirtySelection,true,true);
724     // adjust indent
725     Indent:=GetBlockMinIndent(DirtySelection,1,length(DirtySelection));
726     IndentText(DirtySelection,
727                Beauty.Indent-Indent,
728                Beauty.TabWidth,
729                s);
730     DirtySelection:=s;
731     if ResultNode<>nil then begin
732       DirtySelection:=DirtySelection
733               +Beauty.GetIndentStr(Beauty.Indent)
734               +'Result:='+GetIdentifier(@Src[ResultNode.StartPos])+';'+le;
735     end;
736     // create Begin..End block
737     BeginEndCode:='begin'+le
738                   +DirtySelection
739                   +'end;';
740     {$IFDEF CTDebug}
741     DebugLn('TExtractProcTool.CreateProcBeginEndBlock END BeginEndCode="',BeginEndCode,'"');
742     {$ENDIF}
743     Result:=true;
744   end;
FindInsertPositionForProcBodynull746   function FindInsertPositionForProcBody(
747     out InsertPos, Indent: integer): boolean;
748   var
749     BeginNode: TCodeTreeNode;
750     ANode: TCodeTreeNode;
751     InsertNode: TCodeTreeNode;
752   begin
753     Result:=false;
754     case ProcType of
756     eptSubProcedure:
757       begin
758         if MainBlockNode.Desc<>ctnProcedure then begin
759           debugln(['FindInsertPositionForProcBody subprocedure: not in a procedure']);
760           exit;
761         end;
762         BeginNode:=MainBlockNode.LastChild;
763         while BeginNode.Desc<>ctnBeginBlock do
764           BeginNode:=BeginNode.PriorBrother;
765         InsertPos:=BeginNode.StartPos;
766         Indent:=Beauty.GetLineIndent(Src,InsertPos)+Beauty.Indent;
767       end;
769     eptSubProcedureSameLvl:
770       begin
771         // -> insert in front of old proc
772         InsertPos:=FindLineEndOrCodeInFrontOfPosition(MainBlockNode.StartPos);
773         Indent:=Beauty.GetLineIndent(Src,MainBlockNode.StartPos);
774       end;
776     eptProcedure,eptProcedureWithInterface:
777       begin
778         // insert in front of top level proc
779         InsertNode:=MainBlockNode;
780         ANode:=InsertNode;
781         while (ANode<>nil) do begin
782           if ANode.Desc=ctnProcedure then
783             InsertNode:=ANode;
784           ANode:=ANode.Parent;
785         end;
786         if NodeIsMethodBody(InsertNode) then begin
787           // insert in front of all methods
788           while (InsertNode.PriorBrother<>nil)
789           and (InsertNode.PriorBrother.Desc=ctnProcedure)
790           and (NodeIsMethodBody(InsertNode)) do
791             InsertNode:=InsertNode.PriorBrother;
792         end;
793         // -> insert in front of top level proc
794         Indent:=Beauty.GetLineIndent(Src,InsertNode.StartPos);
795         if InsertNode.PriorBrother<>nil then begin
796           InsertPos:=FindLineEndOrCodeAfterPosition(
797                                                 InsertNode.PriorBrother.EndPos);
798         end else if InsertNode.Parent.Desc=ctnImplementation then begin
799           MoveCursorToNodeStart(InsertNode.Parent);
800           ReadNextAtom;
801           InsertPos:=FindLineEndOrCodeAfterPosition(CurPos.EndPos);
802         end else begin
803           InsertPos:=FindLineEndOrCodeInFrontOfPosition(InsertNode.StartPos,true);
804         end;
805       end;
807     eptPublishedMethod,eptPrivateMethod,eptProtectedMethod,eptPublicMethod:
808       begin
809         // set default values
810         InsertPos:=FindLineEndOrCodeInFrontOfPosition(MainBlockNode.StartPos);
811         Indent:=Beauty.GetLineIndent(Src,MainBlockNode.StartPos);
812       end;
814     else
815       exit;
816     end;
817     Result:=true;
818   end;
FindInsertPositionForProcIntfnull820   function FindInsertPositionForProcIntf(
821     out IntfInsertPos, IntfIndent: integer): boolean;
822   begin
823     Result:=false;
824     IntfInsertPos:=0;
825     IntfIndent:=0;
826     case ProcType of
828     eptProcedureWithInterface:
829       begin
830         FindInsertPositionForProcInterface(IntfIndent,IntfInsertPos,
831                                            SourceChangeCache);
832       end;
834     end;
836     Result:=true;
837   end;
NewProcAlreadyExistsnull839   function NewProcAlreadyExists(const ProcClassName, BaseParamList: string;
840     InsertPos: integer): boolean;
841   var
842     ContextNode: TCodeTreeNode;
843     ConflictProcNode: TCodeTreeNode;
844     ProcHead: String;
845   begin
846     // find context at insert position
847     ContextNode:=FindDeepestNodeAtPos(InsertPos,true);
848     if (ContextNode.Parent<>nil) then
849       ContextNode:=ContextNode.FirstChild;
850     // search proc in context
851     if ProcClassName<>'' then
852       ProcHead:=ProcClassName+'.'
853     else
854       ProcHead:='';
855     ProcHead:=ProcHead+ProcName+BaseParamList;
856     ConflictProcNode:=FindProcNode(ContextNode,ProcHead,mgMethod,
857                                    ShortProcFormat+[phpIgnoreForwards]);
858     Result:=ConflictProcNode<>nil;
859     if Result then begin
860       RaiseException(20170421201925,'New procedure "'+ProcName+'" exists already');
861     end;
862     {$IFDEF CTDebug}
863     DebugLn('NewProcAlreadExists END ProcHead="',ProcHead,'" Found=',dbgs(Result));
864     {$ENDIF}
865   end;
InsertProcIntfnull867   function InsertProcIntf(IntfInsertPos, IntfIndent: integer;
868     const CompleteParamList, BaseParamList, ProcCode: string;
869     ProcClassNode: TCodeTreeNode): boolean;
870   var
871     ProcHeader: String;
872     FrontGap: TGapTyp;
873     AfterGap: TGapTyp;
874     InsertNode: TCodeTreeNode;
875     MethodDefinition: String;
876     CleanMethodDefinition: String;
877     NewClassPart: TNewClassPart;
878     Keyword: String;
879   begin
880     Result:=false;
881     if ResultNode=nil then
882       Keyword:='procedure'
883     else
884       Keyword:='function';
886     case ProcType of
888     eptProcedureWithInterface:
889       begin
890         ProcHeader:=Keyword+' '+ProcName+CompleteParamList+';';
891         ProcHeader:=Beauty.BeautifyStatement(ProcHeader,IntfIndent);
892         {$IFDEF CTDebug}
893         DebugLn('TExtractProcTool.InsertProcIntf END ProcHeader="',ProcHeader,'"');
894         {$ENDIF}
895         FrontGap:=gtEmptyLine;
896         AfterGap:=gtEmptyLine;
897         InsertNode:=FindDeepestNodeAtPos(IntfInsertPos,false);
898         if (InsertNode<>nil) then begin
899           if (InsertNode.Desc=ctnProcedure) then
900             AfterGap:=gtNewLine;
901           if (InsertNode.PriorBrother<>nil)
902           and (InsertNode.PriorBrother.Desc=ctnProcedure) then
903             FrontGap:=gtNewLine;
904         end;
905         if not SourceChangeCache.Replace(FrontGap,AfterGap,
906                                          IntfInsertPos,IntfInsertPos,ProcHeader)
907         then exit;
908       end;
910     eptPublishedMethod,eptPrivateMethod,eptProtectedMethod,eptPublicMethod:
911       begin
912         // initialize class for code completion
913         CodeCompleteClassNode:=ProcClassNode;
914         CodeCompleteSrcChgCache:=SourceChangeCache;
916         // insert new method to class
917         MethodDefinition:=Keyword+' '+ProcName+CompleteParamList+';';
918         CleanMethodDefinition:=Keyword+' '+ProcName+BaseParamList+';';
919         if ProcExistsInCodeCompleteClass(CleanMethodDefinition) then exit;
920         case ProcType of
921         eptPrivateMethod:   NewClassPart:=ncpPrivateProcs;
922         eptProtectedMethod: NewClassPart:=ncpProtectedProcs;
923         eptPublicMethod:    NewClassPart:=ncpPublicProcs;
924         else                NewClassPart:=ncpPublishedProcs;
925         end;
926         AddClassInsertion(CleanMethodDefinition, MethodDefinition,
927                           ProcName, NewClassPart, nil, ProcCode);
928         if not InsertAllNewClassParts then
929           RaiseException(20170421201927,ctsErrorDuringInsertingNewClassParts);
930       end;
932     end;
933     Result:=true;
934   end;
CreateProcBodynull936   function CreateProcBody(const ProcClassName, ParamList,
937     VarSection, BeginEndCode: string; out ProcCode: string): boolean;
938   var
939     le: String;
940     ProcHeader: String;
941   begin
942     le:=Beauty.LineEnd;
943     if ResultNode=nil then
944       ProcHeader:='procedure '
945     else
946       ProcHeader:='function ';
947     if ProcClassName<>'' then
948       ProcHeader:=ProcHeader+ProcClassName+'.';
949     ProcHeader:=ProcHeader+ProcName+ParamList+';'+le;
950     ProcHeader:=Beauty.BeautifyStatement(ProcHeader,0);
951     ProcCode:=ProcHeader+VarSection+BeginEndCode;
952     Result:=true;
953   end;
InsertProcBodynull955   function InsertProcBody(InsertPos,Indent: integer;
956     const ProcCode: string): boolean;
957   var
958     TabWidth: Integer;
959     IndentedProcCode: string;
960   begin
961     Result:=false;
962     if ProcType in [eptPublishedMethod,eptPrivateMethod,eptProtectedMethod,
963       eptPublicMethod] then
964     begin
965       if not CreateMissingClassProcBodies(false) then
966         RaiseException(20170421201930,ctsErrorDuringCreationOfNewProcBodies);
967     end else begin
968       TabWidth:=Beauty.TabWidth;
969       IndentText(ProcCode,Indent,TabWidth,IndentedProcCode);
970       {$IFDEF CTDebug}
971       DebugLn('TExtractProcTool.InsertProcBody END ProcCode="',ProcCode,'"');
972       {$ENDIF}
973       if not SourceChangeCache.Replace(gtEmptyLine,gtEmptyLine,
974                                 InsertPos,InsertPos,IndentedProcCode) then exit;
975     end;
976     Result:=true;
977   end;
CreatePathForNewProcnull979   function CreatePathForNewProc(InsertPos: integer;
980     const ProcClassName, BaseParamList: string;
981     var NewProcPath: TStrings): boolean;
982   var
983     ContextNode: TCodeTreeNode;
984     ProcHead: String;
985   begin
986     Result:=false;
987     // find context at insert position
988     ContextNode:=FindDeepestNodeAtPos(InsertPos,true);
989     if (ContextNode.Desc=ctnProcedure) and (ContextNode.StartPos=InsertPos)
990     or ((ContextNode.LastChild<>nil) and (ContextNode.LastChild.StartPos<InsertPos))
991     then
992       // ContextNode is a procedure below or above the insert position
993       // => after the insert the new proc will not be a child
994       // -> it will become a child of its parent
995       ContextNode:=ContextNode.Parent;
996     NewProcPath:=CreateSubProcPath(ContextNode,ShortProcFormat);
997     // add new proc
998     if ProcClassName<>'' then
999       ProcHead:=ProcClassName+'.'
1000     else
1001       ProcHead:='';
1002     ProcHead:=ProcHead+ProcName+BaseParamList+';';
1003     NewProcPath.Add(ProcHead);
1004     Result:=true;
1005   end;
FindJumpPointToNewProcnull1007   function FindJumpPointToNewProc(SubProcPath: TStrings): boolean;
1008   var
1009     NewProcNode: TCodeTreeNode;
1010   begin
1011     Result:=false;
1012     // reparse code and find jump point into new proc
1013     BuildTree(lsrInitializationStart);
1014     NewProcNode:=FindSubProcPath(SubProcPath,ShortProcFormat,true);
1015     {$IFDEF CTDebug}
1016     DebugLn('FindJumpPointToNewProc A found=',dbgs(NewProcNode<>nil));
1017     {$ENDIF}
1018     if NewProcNode=nil then exit;
1019     Result:=FindJumpPointInProcNode(NewProcNode,NewPos,NewTopLine,BlockTopLine,BlockBottomLine);
1020     {$IFDEF CTDebug}
1021     DebugLn('FindJumpPointToNewProc END ',NewProcNode.DescAsString,' ',dbgs(Result),' ',dbgs(NewPos.X),',',dbgs(NewPos.Y),' ',dbgs(NewTopLine));
1022     {$ENDIF}
1023   end;
1025 var
1026   MethodPossible: Boolean;
1027   SubProcSameLvlPossible: boolean;
1028   ProcClassName, CompleteParamList, BaseParamList, VarSection,
1029   BeginEndCode: string;
1030   InsertPos, Indent: integer;
1031   IntfInsertPos, IntfIndent: integer;
1032   NewProcPath: TStrings;
1033   ProcClassNode: TCodeTreeNode;
1034   ProcCode: string;
1035   SubProcPossible: boolean;
1036 begin
1037   Result:=false;
1038   {$IFDEF CTDebug}
1039   DebugLn(['ExtractProc A ProcName="',ProcName,'" ProcType=',ExtractProcTypeNames[ProcType],' FunctionResultVariableStartPos=',FunctionResultVariableStartPos]);
1040   {$ENDIF}
1041   if not InitExtractProc(StartPos,EndPos,MethodPossible,
1042     SubProcPossible,SubProcSameLvlPossible)
1043   then exit;
1044   if (not MethodPossible) and (ProcType in [eptPrivateMethod,eptProtectedMethod,
1045     eptPublicMethod,eptPublishedMethod])
1046   then
1047     exit;
1048   if (not SubProcPossible)
1049   and (ProcType in [eptSubProcedure,eptSubProcedureSameLvl]) then
1050     exit;
1051   if (not SubProcSameLvlPossible) and (ProcType=eptSubProcedureSameLvl) then
1052     exit;
1053   CodeCompleteSrcChgCache:=SourceChangeCache;
1054   Beauty:=SourceChangeCache.BeautifyCodeOptions;
1056   VarTree:=CreateExtractProcVariableTree;
1057   NewProcPath:=nil;
1058   try
1059     if not ScanNodesForVariables(StartPos,EndPos,BlockStartPos,BlockEndPos,
1060                                  MainBlockNode,VarTree,IgnoreIdentifiers,nil) then exit;
1061     if not FindFunctionResultNode then exit;
1062     if not ReplaceSelectionWithCall then exit;
1063     if not DeleteMovedLocalVariables then exit;
1064     if not CreateProcNameParts(ProcClassName,ProcClassNode) then exit;
1065     if not CreateProcParamList(CompleteParamList,BaseParamList) then exit;
1066     if not CreateProcVarSection(VarSection) then exit;
1067     if not CreateProcBeginEndBlock(BeginEndCode) then exit;
1068     if not FindInsertPositionForProcIntf(IntfInsertPos,IntfIndent) then exit;
1069     if not FindInsertPositionForProcBody(InsertPos,Indent) then exit;
1070     if NewProcAlreadyExists(ProcClassName,BaseParamList,InsertPos) then exit;
1071     if not CreateProcBody(ProcClassName,CompleteParamList,
1072                           VarSection,BeginEndCode,ProcCode) then exit;
1073     if not InsertProcIntf(IntfInsertPos,IntfIndent,CompleteParamList,
1074                   BaseParamList,ProcCode,ProcClassNode) then exit;
1075     if not InsertProcBody(InsertPos,Indent,ProcCode) then exit;
1076     if not CreatePathForNewProc(InsertPos,ProcClassName,BaseParamList,
1077                                 NewProcPath) then exit;
1078     if not SourceChangeCache.Apply then exit;
1079     if not FindJumpPointToNewProc(NewProcPath) then exit;
1080   finally
1081     ClearExtractProcVariableTree(VarTree,true);
1082     NewProcPath.Free;
1083   end;
1084   Result:=true;
1085 end;
TExtractCodeTool.RemoveWithBlocknull1087 function TExtractCodeTool.RemoveWithBlock(const CursorPos: TCodeXYPosition;
1088   SourceChangeCache: TSourceChangeCache): boolean;
1089 type
1090   TWithVarCache = record
1091     WithVarNode: TCodeTreeNode;
1092     VarEndPos: integer;
1093     WithVarExpr: TExpressionType;
1094   end;
1095   PWithVarCache = ^TWithVarCache;
1097 var
1098   WithVarNode: TCodeTreeNode;
1099   StatementNode: TCodeTreeNode;
1100   WithIdentifiers: TAVLTree; // identifiers to change
1101   WithVarCache: TFPList; // list of PWithVarCache
1102   WithVarEndPos: LongInt;
1103   Beauty: TBeautifyCodeOptions;
1104   WithKeyWord, DoKeyWord, BeginKeyWord, EndKeyWord: TAtomPosition;
1105   EndSemiColon: integer; // position of the ending semicolon, 0=not there
1106   IndentWith: integer; // indent of the line containing the WITH keyword
1107   IndentInnerWith: integer; // indent of the first statement in the WITH
1108   DeleteHeaderEndPos, DeleteFooterStartPos: integer;
1109   KeepBeginEnd: boolean;
1111   procedure AddIdentifier(CleanPos: integer);
1112   var
1113     p: Pointer;
1114   begin
1115     p:={%H-}Pointer(PtrUInt(CleanPos));
1116     if WithIdentifiers=nil then WithIdentifiers:=TAVLTree.Create;
1117     if WithIdentifiers.Find(p)<>nil then exit;
1118     {$IFDEF CTDEBUG}
1119     debugln(['AddIdentifier ',GetIdentifier(@Src[CleanPos])]);
1120     {$ENDIF}
1121     WithIdentifiers.Add(p);
1122   end;
IdentifierDefinedByWithnull1124   function IdentifierDefinedByWith(CleanPos: integer;
1125     WithVarNode: TCodeTreeNode): boolean;
1126   var
1127     i: Integer;
1128     Cache: PWithVarCache;
1129     ParentParams, Params: TFindDeclarationParams;
1130   begin
1131     Result:=false;
1133     ParentParams := TFindDeclarationParams.Create(Self,WithVarNode);
1134     try
1135       // check cache
1136       if WithVarCache=nil then
1137         WithVarCache:=TFPList.Create;
1138       i:=WithVarCache.Count-1;
1139       while (i>=0) and (PWithVarCache(WithVarCache[i])^.WithVarNode<>WithVarNode) do
1140         dec(i);
1141       if i>=0 then begin
1142         Cache:=PWithVarCache(WithVarCache[i]);
1143       end else begin
1144         // resolve type of With variable
1145         {$IFDEF CTDEBUG}
1146         debugln(['IdentifierDefinedByWith NEW WithVar']);
1147         {$ENDIF}
1148         New(Cache);
1149         WithVarCache.Add(Cache);
1150         Cache^.WithVarNode:=WithVarNode;
1151         Cache^.WithVarExpr:=CleanExpressionType;
1152         Cache^.VarEndPos:=FindEndOfTerm(WithVarNode.StartPos,false,true);
1153         Params:=TFindDeclarationParams.Create(ParentParams);
1154         try
1155           Params.ContextNode:=WithVarNode;
1156           Params.Flags:=[fdfExceptionOnNotFound,fdfFunctionResult,fdfFindChildren];
1157           Cache^.WithVarExpr:=FindExpressionTypeOfTerm(WithVarNode.StartPos,-1,Params,true);
1158           if (Cache^.WithVarExpr.Desc<>xtContext)
1159           or (Cache^.WithVarExpr.Context.Node=nil)
1160           or (not (Cache^.WithVarExpr.Context.Node.Desc
1161                    in (AllClasses+[ctnEnumerationType])))
1162           then begin
1163             MoveCursorToCleanPos(Cache^.WithVarNode.StartPos);
1164             RaiseException(20170421201932,ctsExprTypeMustBeClassOrRecord);
1165           end;
1166           {$IFDEF CTDEBUG}
1167           debugln(['IdentifierDefinedByWith WithVarExpr=',ExprTypeToString(Cache^.WithVarExpr)]);
1168           {$ENDIF}
1169         finally
1170           Params.Free;
1171         end;
1172       end;
1174       if CleanPos<=Cache^.VarEndPos then exit;
1176       // search identifier in with var context
1177       Params:=TFindDeclarationParams.Create(ParentParams);
1178       try
1179         Params.SetIdentifier(Self,@Src[CleanPos],nil);
1180         Params.Flags:=[fdfSearchInAncestors,fdfSearchInHelpers];
1181         Params.ContextNode:=Cache^.WithVarExpr.Context.Node;
1182         Result:=Cache^.WithVarExpr.Context.Tool.FindIdentifierInContext(Params);
1183         {$IFDEF CTDEBUG}
1184         debugln(['IdentifierDefinedByWith Identifier=',GetIdentifier(@Src[CleanPos]),' FoundInWith=',Result,' WithVar="',dbgstr(Src,WithVarNode.StartPos,10),'"']);
1185         {$ENDIF}
1186       finally
1187         Params.Free;
1188       end;
1189     finally
1190       ParentParams.Free;
1191     end;
1192   end;
1194   procedure CheckIdentifierAtCursor;
1195   var
1196     IdentifierCleanPos: LongInt;
1197     Node: TCodeTreeNode;
1198   begin
1199     IdentifierCleanPos:=CurPos.StartPos;
1200     // search identifier in all WITH contexts
1201     Node:=FindDeepestNodeAtPos(IdentifierCleanPos,true);
1202     while Node<>nil do begin
1203       if Node.Desc=ctnWithVariable then begin
1204         if IdentifierDefinedByWith(IdentifierCleanPos,Node) then begin
1205           if Node=WithVarNode then begin
1206             // identifier uses the removing WITH
1207             // ToDo: check if it resolves without the WITH to the same
1208             AddIdentifier(IdentifierCleanPos);
1209           end else begin
1210             // identifier is defined in a sub With
1211             break;
1212           end;
1213         end;
1214         // next
1215         if Node=WithVarNode then
1216           break
1217         else if (Node.PriorBrother<>nil)
1218         and (Node.PriorBrother.Desc=ctnWithVariable)
1219         and (Node.PriorBrother.FirstChild=nil) then
1220           // e.g. with A,B do
1221           Node:=Node.PriorBrother
1222         else
1223           Node:=Node.Parent;
1224       end else
1225         Node:=Node.Parent;
1226     end;
1227   end;
NeedBracketsnull1229   function NeedBrackets(StartPos, EndPos: integer): boolean;
1230   begin
1231     Result:=false;
1232     MoveCursorToCleanPos(StartPos);
1233     repeat
1234       ReadNextAtom;
1235       if WordIsTermOperator.DoItCaseInsensitive(Src,
1236           CurPos.StartPos,CurPos.EndPos-CurPos.StartPos)
1237       then exit(true);
1238     until (CurPos.StartPos>=EndPos) or (CurPos.StartPos>SrcLen);
1239   end;
FindBoundsnull1241   function FindBounds: boolean;
1242   var
1243     p: Integer;
1244     NeedBeginEnd: Boolean;
1245   begin
1246     Result:=false;
1247     WithKeyWord:=CleanAtomPosition;
1248     DoKeyWord:=CleanAtomPosition;
1249     BeginKeyWord:=CleanAtomPosition;
1250     EndKeyWord:=CleanAtomPosition;
1251     EndSemiColon:=0;
1252     KeepBeginEnd:=false;
1253     NeedBeginEnd:=false;
1254     MoveCursorToNodeStart(WithVarNode.Prior);
1255     repeat
1256       ReadNextAtom;
1257       if (CurPos.StartPos<WithVarNode.StartPos) then begin
1258         NeedBeginEnd:=UpAtomIs('DO') or UpAtomIs('THEN') or UpAtomIs('ELSE');
1259         if NeedBeginEnd then
1260           ReadNextAtom;
1261         if UpAtomIs('WITH') then begin
1262           WithKeyWord:=CurPos;
1263           KeepBeginEnd:=NeedBeginEnd;
1264         end;
1265       end else if (DoKeyword.EndPos=0) and (WithKeyWord.StartPos>0) and UpAtomIs('DO')
1266       then begin
1267         DoKeyWord:=CurPos;
1268         ReadNextAtom;
1269         if UpAtomIs('BEGIN') then begin
1270           BeginKeyWord:=CurPos;
1271           ReadTilBlockEnd(false,false);
1272           EndKeyWord:=CurPos;
1273           ReadNextAtom;
1274           if CurPos.Flag=cafSemicolon then
1275             EndSemiColon:=CurPos.StartPos;
1276         end;
1277         break;
1278       end;
1279     until (CurPos.StartPos>SrcLen) or (CurPos.StartPos>StatementNode.EndPos);
1280     IndentWith:=Beauty.GetLineIndent(Src,WithKeyWord.StartPos);
1281     p:=FindLineEndOrCodeAfterPosition(Max(DoKeyWord.EndPos,BeginKeyWord.EndPos),true,true);
1282     IndentInnerWith:=Beauty.GetLineIndent(Src,p);
1283     Result:=true;
1284   end;
RemoveWithHeadernull1286   function RemoveWithHeader: boolean;
1287   var
1288     StartPos: LongInt;
1289     EndPos: LongInt;
1290   begin
1291     DeleteHeaderEndPos:=0;
1292     DeleteFooterStartPos:=SrcLen;
1293     if (WithVarNode.FirstChild<>nil)
1294     and ((WithVarNode.PriorBrother=nil)
1295        or (WithVarNode.PriorBrother.Desc<>ctnWithVariable)
1296        or (WithVarNode.PriorBrother.FirstChild<>nil))
1297     then begin
1298       // remove WITH header and footer
1299       // e.g. with A do
1300       //      with A do begin end;
1301       // remove 'with .. do [begin..end;]'
1302       StartPos:=FindLineEndOrCodeInFrontOfPosition(WithKeyword.StartPos);
1303       EndPos:=DoKeyWord.EndPos;
1304       if (not KeepBeginEnd) and (BeginKeyWord.StartPos>0) then
1305         EndPos:=BeginKeyWord.EndPos;
1306       EndPos:=FindLineEndOrCodeAfterPosition(EndPos);
1307       if not SourceChangeCache.Replace(gtSpace,gtNone,StartPos,EndPos,'')
1308       then exit(false);
1309       DeleteHeaderEndPos:=EndPos;
1311       // remove 'end;'
1312       if (not KeepBeginEnd) and (EndKeyWord.StartPos>0) then begin
1313         StartPos:=FindLineEndOrCodeInFrontOfPosition(EndKeyWord.StartPos);
1314         EndPos:=Max(StatementNode.EndPos,EndSemiColon+1);
1315         EndPos:=FindLineEndOrCodeAfterPosition(EndPos);
1316         if not SourceChangeCache.Replace(gtSpace,gtNone,StartPos,EndPos,'')
1317         then exit(false);
1318         DeleteFooterStartPos:=StartPos;
1319       end;
1320     end else begin
1321       // remove only variable
1322       // e.g. with A,B do
1323       StartPos:=WithVarNode.StartPos;
1324       EndPos:=WithVarEndPos;
1325       if Src[EndPos]=',' then begin
1326         inc(EndPos);
1327       end else if (WithVarNode.PriorBrother<>nil)
1328       and (WithVarNode.PriorBrother.Desc=ctnWithVariable)
1329       and (WithVarNode.PriorBrother.FirstChild=nil) then begin
1330         StartPos:=FindEndOfTerm(WithVarNode.PriorBrother.StartPos,true,true);
1331         StartPos:=FindLineEndOrCodeAfterPosition(StartPos);
1332       end;
1333       EndPos:=FindLineEndOrCodeAfterPosition(EndPos,true);
1334       StartPos:=FindLineEndOrCodeInFrontOfPosition(StartPos);
1335       if not SourceChangeCache.Replace(gtSpace,gtNone,StartPos,EndPos,'') then
1336         exit(false);
1337     end;
1338     Result:=true;
1339   end;
PrefixSubIdentifiersnull1341   function PrefixSubIdentifiers: boolean;
1342   var
1343     WithVar: String;
1344     AVLNode: TAVLTreeNode;
1345     CleanPos: Integer;
1346   begin
1347     // insert all 'variable.'
1348     if WithIdentifiers<>nil then begin
1349       WithVar:=ExtractCode(WithVarNode.StartPos,WithVarEndPos,[]);
1350       if NeedBrackets(WithVarNode.StartPos,WithVarEndPos) then
1351         WithVar:='('+WithVar+')';
1352       WithVar:=WithVar+'.';
1353       //debugln(['Replace WithVar="',dbgstr(WithVar),'"']);
1355       AVLNode:=WithIdentifiers.FindLowest;
1356       while AVLNode<>nil do begin
1357         CleanPos:=integer({%H-}PtrUInt(AVLNode.Data));
1358         //debugln(['Replace Prefix identifier: ',GetIdentifier(@Src[CleanPos])]);
1359         if not SourceChangeCache.Replace(gtNone,gtNone,CleanPos,CleanPos,WithVar)
1360         then
1361           exit(false);
1362         AVLNode:=WithIdentifiers.FindSuccessor(AVLNode);
1363       end;
1364     end;
1365     Result:=true;
1366   end;
UnindentAndEncloseSkippedCodenull1368   function UnindentAndEncloseSkippedCode: boolean;
UnIndentnull1370     function UnIndent(FromPos,ToPos: integer): boolean;
1371     begin
1372       Result:=true;
1373       FromPos:=Max(FromPos,DeleteHeaderEndPos);
1374       ToPos:=Min(ToPos,DeleteFooterStartPos);
1375       if FromPos>=ToPos then exit;
1376       if IndentWith>=IndentInnerWith then exit;
1377       // unindent
1378       FromPos:=FindLineEndOrCodeAfterPosition(FromPos,true,true);
1379       //debugln(['UnIndent FromPos=',CleanPosToStr(FromPos),' ToPos=',CleanPosToStr(ToPos),' Src="',dbgstr(Src,FromPos,ToPos),'"']);
1380       if not SourceChangeCache.IndentBlock(FromPos,ToPos,IndentWith-IndentInnerWith)
1381       then begin
1382         debugln(['UnindentAndEncloseSkippedCode.UnIndent failed: ']);
1383         exit(false);
1384       end;
1385     end;
1387   var
1388     p: Integer;
1389     EndPos: Integer;
1390     WithHeader: String;
1391     InsertPos: Integer;
1392     WithFooter: String;
1393     StartPos: Integer;
1394   begin
1395     // enclose all $ELSE code in WITH blocks
1396     Result:=false;
1397     WithHeader:='';
1398     WithFooter:='';
1399     p:=Max(StatementNode.StartPos,BeginKeyWord.EndPos);
1400     EndPos:=StatementNode.EndPos;
1401     if EndPos>SrcLen then EndPos:=SrcLen;
1402     StartPos:=p;
1403     while (p<EndPos) do begin
1404       if (Src[p]='{') and (Src[p+1]=#3) then begin
1405         if not Unindent(StartPos,p) then exit;
1406         // start of skipped code
1407         if WithHeader='' then begin
1408           // Header: WITH <var> DO [BEGIN]
1409           WithHeader:=ExtractCode(WithVarNode.StartPos,WithVarEndPos,[]);
1410           if NeedBrackets(WithVarNode.StartPos,WithVarEndPos) then
1411             WithHeader:='('+WithHeader+')';
1412           WithHeader:=GetAtom(WithKeyWord)+' '+WithHeader+' '+GetAtom(DoKeyWord)+' ';
1413           if BeginKeyWord.StartPos>0 then
1414             WithHeader+=GetAtom(BeginKeyWord)
1415           else
1416             WithHeader+=Beauty.BeautifyKeyWord('begin');
1417         end;
1418         InsertPos:=FindLineEndOrCodeAfterPosition(p+2);
1419         //debugln(['EncloseSkippedCode Header=',dbgstr(WithHeader)]);
1420         if not SourceChangeCache.Replace(gtNewLine,gtNewLine,InsertPos,InsertPos,
1421           Beauty.GetIndentStr(IndentWith)+WithHeader)
1422         then
1423           exit(false);
1424         p:=FindCommentEnd(Src,p,Scanner.NestedComments);
1425         // end of skipped code
1426         InsertPos:=p-2;
1427         if WithFooter='' then begin
1428           // Footer: END;
1429           if EndKeyWord.StartPos>0 then
1430             WithFooter:=GetAtom(EndKeyWord)
1431           else
1432             WithFooter:=Beauty.BeautifyKeyWord('end');
1433           WithFooter+=';';
1434         end;
1435         //debugln(['EncloseSkippedCode Footer=',dbgstr(WithFooter)]);
1436         if not SourceChangeCache.Replace(gtNewLine,gtNewLine,InsertPos,InsertPos,
1437           Beauty.GetIndentStr(IndentWith)+WithFooter)
1438         then
1439           exit(false);
1440         StartPos:=p;
1441       end;
1442       inc(p);
1443     end;
1444     Result:=Unindent(StartPos,p);
1445   end;
1447 var
1448   CleanPos: integer;
1449   LastAtom: TAtomPosition;
1450   i: Integer;
1451   Cache: PWithVarCache;
1452 begin
1453   Result:=false;
1454   WithIdentifiers:=nil;
1455   WithVarCache:=nil;
1456   BuildTreeAndGetCleanPos(CursorPos,CleanPos);
1457   WithVarNode:=FindDeepestNodeAtPos(CleanPos,true);
1458   if WithVarNode.Desc<>ctnWithVariable then begin
1459     debugln(['TExtractProcTool.RemoveWithBlock cursor not at a with variable, but ',WithVarNode.DescAsString]);
1460     exit;
1461   end;
1462   StatementNode:=WithVarNode;
1463   while (StatementNode<>nil) and (StatementNode.FirstChild=nil) do
1464     StatementNode:=StatementNode.NextBrother;
1465   if StatementNode=nil then begin
1466     debugln(['TExtractProcTool.RemoveWithBlock missing statement']);
1467     exit;
1468   end;
1469   Beauty:=SourceChangeCache.BeautifyCodeOptions;
1470   // parse block
1471   WithVarEndPos:=FindEndOfTerm(WithVarNode.StartPos,false,true);
1472   MoveCursorToCleanPos(WithVarEndPos);
1473   ReadNextAtom;
1474   try
1475     repeat
1476       LastAtom:=CurPos;
1477       ReadNextAtom;
1478       if AtomIsIdentifier and (LastAtom.Flag<>cafPoint) then begin
1479         LastAtom:=CurPos;
1480         CheckIdentifierAtCursor;
1481         // restore cursor
1482         MoveCursorToAtomPos(LastAtom);
1483       end;
1484     until (CurPos.StartPos>SrcLen) or (CurPos.StartPos>=StatementNode.EndPos);
1485     {$IFDEF CTDEBUG}
1486     debugln(['TExtractProcTool.RemoveWithBlock Statement=',copy(Src,StatementNode.StartPos,StatementNode.EndPos-StatementNode.StartPos)]);
1487     {$ENDIF}
1489     // RemoveWithHeader
1490     SourceChangeCache.MainScanner:=Scanner;
1491     if not FindBounds then begin
1492       debugln(['TExtractProcTool.RemoveWithBlock FindBounds failed']);
1493       exit;
1494     end;
1495     if not RemoveWithHeader then begin
1496       debugln(['TExtractProcTool.RemoveWithBlock RemoveWithHeader failed']);
1497       exit;
1498     end;
1499     if not UnindentAndEncloseSkippedCode then begin
1500       debugln(['TExtractProcTool.RemoveWithBlock UnindentAndEncloseSkippedCode failed']);
1501       exit;
1502     end;
1503     if not PrefixSubIdentifiers then begin
1504       debugln(['TExtractProcTool.RemoveWithBlock PrefixSubIdentifiers failed']);
1505       exit;
1506     end;
1508     Result:=SourceChangeCache.Apply;
1509     //debugln(['TExtractProcTool.RemoveWithBlock SOURCE:']);
1510     //debugln(TCodeBuffer(Scanner.MainCode).Source);
1511   finally
1512     WithIdentifiers.Free;
1513     if WithVarCache<>nil then begin
1514       for i:=0 to WithVarCache.Count-1 do begin
1515         Cache:=PWithVarCache(WithVarCache[i]);
1516         Dispose(Cache);
1517       end;
1518       WithVarCache.Free;
1519     end;
1520   end;
1521 end;
TExtractCodeTool.AddWithBlocknull1523 function TExtractCodeTool.AddWithBlock(const StartPos, EndPos: TCodeXYPosition;
1524   const WithExpr: string; Candidates: TStrings;
1525   SourceChangeCache: TSourceChangeCache): boolean;
1526 var
1527   CleanStartPos: integer;
1528   CleanEndPos: integer;
1529   StartNode: TCodeTreeNode;
1530   Beauty: TBeautifyCodeOptions;
Addnull1532   function Add(IdentifierStart, IdentifierEnd: integer;
1533     const Identifier: string): boolean;
1534   var
1535     i: Integer;
1536   begin
1537     Result:=true;
1538     if (IdentifierStart<CleanStartPos) or (IdentifierEnd>CleanEndPos) then
1539       exit;
1540     if WithExpr<>'' then begin
1541       if CompareText(Identifier,WithExpr)=0 then begin
1542         if not SourceChangeCache.Replace(gtNone,gtNone,
1543           IdentifierStart,IdentifierEnd,'')
1544         then
1545           exit(false);
1546       end;
1547     end else begin
1548       if Candidates=nil then exit;
1549       {$IFDEF VerboseAddWithBlock}
1550       debugln(['TExtractProcTool.AddWithBlock.Add Candidate="',Identifier,'"']);
1551       {$ENDIF}
1552       i:=Candidates.IndexOf(Identifier);
1553       if i<0 then
1554         Candidates.AddObject(Identifier,TObject(Pointer(1)))
1555       else
1556         Candidates.Objects[i]:=TObject(PtrUInt(Candidates.Objects[i])+1);
1557     end;
1558   end;
ReadBlocknull1560   function ReadBlock(Code: PAnsiString): boolean;
1561   var
1562     LastPos: TAtomPosition;
1563     Identifier: String;
1564     StartFlag: TCommonAtomFlag;
1565     IdentifierStart, aStartPos: Integer;
1566   begin
1567     {$IFDEF VerboseAddWithBlock}
1568     debugln(['TExtractProcTool.AddWithBlock.ReadBlock START Atom=',GetAtom]);
1569     {$ENDIF}
1570     Result:=false;
1571     StartFlag:=CurPos.Flag;
1572     aStartPos:=CurPos.StartPos;
1573     while true do begin
1574       {$IFDEF VerboseAddWithBlock}
1575       debugln(['  ReadBlock Atom="',GetAtom,'"']);
1576       {$ENDIF}
1577       if (CurPos.EndPos>CleanEndPos) or (CurPos.StartPos>SrcLen)
1578       or (CurPos.StartPos>StartNode.EndPos) then
1579         break;
1580       case CurPos.Flag of
1581       cafRoundBracketOpen,cafEdgedBracketOpen:
1582         if (CurPos.StartPos>aStartPos) then begin
1583           // nested brackets
1584           if not ReadBlock(Code) then exit;
1585         end;
1586       cafRoundBracketClose:
1587         if (StartFlag=cafRoundBracketOpen) then
1588           break
1589         else if StartFlag=cafEdgedBracketOpen then
1590           RaiseCharExpectedButAtomFound(20170421201936,']')
1591         else
1592           RaiseStringExpectedButAtomFound(20170421201938,'end');
1593       cafEdgedBracketClose:
1594         if (StartFlag=cafEdgedBracketOpen) then
1595           break
1596         else if StartFlag=cafRoundBracketOpen then
1597           RaiseCharExpectedButAtomFound(20170421201942,')')
1598         else
1599           RaiseStringExpectedButAtomFound(20170421201946,'end');
1600       end;
1601       if AtomIsIdentifier then begin
1602         LastPos:=LastAtoms.GetPriorAtom;
1603         if not ((LastPos.Flag in [cafPoint]) or LastAtomIs(0,'^')
1604           or LastUpAtomIs(0,'INHERITED'))
1605         then begin
1606           // start of identifier
1607           {$IFDEF VerboseAddWithBlock}
1608           debugln(['  ReadBlock identifier START Atom="',GetAtom,'"']);
1609           {$ENDIF}
1610           Identifier:=GetAtom;
1611           IdentifierStart:=CurPos.StartPos;
1612           repeat
1613             ReadNextAtom;
1614             {$IFDEF VerboseAddWithBlock}
1615             debugln(['  ReadBlock identifier NEXT Atom="',GetAtom,'" Identifier="',Identifier,'"']);
1616             {$ENDIF}
1617             if CurPos.Flag in [cafRoundBracketOpen,cafEdgedBracketOpen] then
1618             begin
1619               if not ReadBlock(@Identifier) then exit;
1620             end else if (CurPos.Flag=cafPoint) then begin
1621               if not Add(IdentifierStart,CurPos.EndPos,Identifier) then exit;
1622             end else if AtomIsChar('^') then begin
1623             end else if AtomIsIdentifier and (LastAtomIs(0,'.')) then begin
1624             end else begin
1625               break;
1626             end;
1627             Identifier:=Identifier+GetAtom;
1628           until false;
1629           {$IFDEF VerboseAddWithBlock}
1630           debugln(['  ReadBlock identifier END Atom="',GetAtom,'" Identifier="',Identifier,'"']);
1631           {$ENDIF}
1632           if Code<>nil then
1633             Code^:=Code^+Identifier;
1634           continue;
1635         end;
1636       end;
1637       if Code<>nil then
1638         Code^:=Code^+GetAtom;
1639       ReadNextAtom;
1640     end;
1641     {$IFDEF VerboseAddWithBlock}
1642     debugln(['ReadBlock END Atom="',GetAtom,'"']);
1643     {$ENDIF}
1644     Result:=true;
1645   end;
1647 var
1648   Code: String;
1649   Indent: Integer;
1650 begin
1651   Result:=false;
1652   if not CheckIfRangeOnSameLevel(StartPos,EndPos,CleanStartPos,CleanEndPos,
1653                                  StartNode) then exit;
1654   {$IFDEF VerboseAddWithBlock}
1655   debugln(['TExtractProcTool.AddWithBlock ',SrcLen,' ',CleanStartPos,' ',CleanEndPos]);
1656   debugln(['TExtractProcTool.AddWithBlock Src="',copy(Src,CleanStartPos,CleanEndPos-CleanStartPos),'"']);
1657   {$ENDIF}
1658   MoveCursorToNodeStart(StartNode);
1659   if WithExpr<>'' then
1660     SourceChangeCache.MainScanner:=Scanner;
1661   ReadNextAtom;
1662   if not ReadBlock(nil) then exit;
1664   // ToDo: check if identifiers are variables
1666   Beauty:=SourceChangeCache.BeautifyCodeOptions;
1667   if WithExpr<>'' then begin
1668     // add 'with expr do begin'
1669     Indent:=Beauty.GetLineIndent(Src,CleanStartPos);
1670     Code:='with '+WithExpr+' do begin';
1671     Code:=Beauty.BeautifyStatement(Code,Indent);
1672     {$IFDEF VerboseAddWithBlock}
1673     debugln(['TExtractProcTool.AddWithBlock Header=',Code]);
1674     {$ENDIF}
1675     if not SourceChangeCache.Replace(gtNewLine,gtNewLine,
1676       CleanStartPos,CleanStartPos,Code) then exit;
1677     // add 'end;'
1678     Code:='end;';
1679     Code:=Beauty.BeautifyStatement(Code,Indent);
1680     {$IFDEF VerboseAddWithBlock}
1681     debugln(['TExtractProcTool.AddWithBlock Footer=',Code]);
1682     {$ENDIF}
1683     if not SourceChangeCache.Replace(gtNewLine,gtNewLine,
1684       CleanEndPos,CleanEndPos,Code) then exit;
1685     // indent all between
1686     {$IFDEF VerboseAddWithBlock}
1687     debugln(['TExtractProcTool.AddWithBlock Indent...']);
1688     {$ENDIF}
1689     if not SourceChangeCache.IndentBlock(CleanStartPos,CleanEndPos,
1690       Beauty.Indent) then exit;
1691     {$IFDEF VerboseAddWithBlock}
1692     debugln(['TExtractProcTool.AddWithBlock Apply']);
1693     {$ENDIF}
1694     if not SourceChangeCache.Apply then exit;
1695   end;
1696   Result:=true;
1697 end;
1699 procedure TExtractCodeTool.CalcMemSize(Stats: TCTMemStats);
1700 begin
1701   inherited CalcMemSize(Stats);
1702 end;
ScanNodesForVariablesnull1704 function TExtractCodeTool.ScanNodesForVariables(const StartPos,
1705   EndPos: TCodeXYPosition; out BlockStartPos, BlockEndPos: integer;
1706   out BlockNode: TCodeTreeNode;
1707   VarTree: TAVLTree;  // tree of TExtractedProcVariable
1708   IgnoreIdentifiers: TAVLTree; // tree of PCodeXYPosition
1709   MissingIdentifiers: TAVLTree// tree of PCodeXYPosition
1710   ): boolean;
1711 type
1712   TParameterType = (ptNone, ptConst, ptVar, ptOut, ptNoSpecifier);
1713 var
1714   {$IFDEF CTDebug}
1715   s: string;
1716   {$ENDIF}
1717   VarCandidates: TAVLTree; // tree of PChar
1719   procedure ScanForLocalVariables(Node: TCodeTreeNode);
1720   begin
1721     if Node=nil then exit;
1722     if Node.Desc=ctnVarDefinition then begin
1723       VarCandidates.Add(@Src[Node.StartPos]);
1724     end;
1725     Node:=Node.FirstChild;
1726     while Node<>nil do begin
1727       ScanForLocalVariables(Node);
1728       Node:=Node.NextBrother;
1729     end;
1730   end;
1732   procedure AddVariableToTree(VarNode: TCodeTreeNode; IsInSelection,
1733     IsAfterSelection, IsChanged: boolean; ParameterType: TParameterType);
1734   var
1735     AVLNode: TAVLTreeNode;
1736     ProcVar: TExtractedProcVariable;
1737   begin
1738     {$IFDEF CTDebug}
1739     WriteStr(s, ParameterType);
1740     DebugLn(['AddVariableToTree A Ident=',GetIdentifier(@Src[VarNode.StartPos]),
1741       ' IsInSelection=',dbgs(IsInSelection),' ParameterType=',s]);
1742     {$ENDIF}
1743     if VarTree=nil then exit;
1745     AVLNode:=VarTree.FindKey(VarNode,TListSortCompare(@CompareNodeWithExtractedProcVariable));
1746     if AVLNode<>nil then begin
1747       ProcVar:=TExtractedProcVariable(AVLNode.Data);
1748     end else begin
1749       ProcVar:=TExtractedProcVariable.Create;
1750       ProcVar.Node:=VarNode;
1751       ProcVar.Tool:=Self;
1752     end;
1753     ProcVar.ReadInSelection:=ProcVar.ReadInSelection or IsInSelection;
1754     ProcVar.WriteInSelection:=ProcVar.WriteInSelection
1755                               or (IsInSelection and IsChanged);
1756     ProcVar.UsedInNonSelection:=ProcVar.UsedInNonSelection
1757                               or (not IsInSelection) or (ParameterType<>ptNone);
1758     if (not ProcVar.ReadAfterSelectionValid) then begin
1759       // a) variable is a var or out parameter
1760       //    => the variable value IS needed after the extracted proc
1761       // b) just after the selection the variable is read
1762       //    => the variable value IS needed after the extracted proc
1763       // c) just after the selection the variable is written
1764       //    => the variable value IS NOT needed after the extracted proc
1765       if (ParameterType in [ptOut,ptVar]) then begin
1766         ProcVar.ReadAfterSelectionValid:=true;
1767         ProcVar.ReadAfterSelection:=true;
1768       end else if (not IsInSelection) and IsAfterSelection then begin
1769         ProcVar.ReadAfterSelectionValid:=true;
1770         ProcVar.ReadAfterSelection:=not IsChanged;
1771       end;
1772     end;
1773     if AVLNode=nil then begin
1774       if ParameterType<>ptNone then
1775         ProcVar.VarType:=epvtParameter
1776       else
1777         ProcVar.VarType:=epvtLocalVar;
1778       VarTree.Add(ProcVar);
1779     end;
1780   end;
VariableIsChangednull1782   function VariableIsChanged(VarStartPos: integer): boolean;
1783   begin
1784     Result:=false;
1785     MoveCursorToCleanPos(VarStartPos);
1786     // read identifier
1787     ReadNextAtom;
1788     if CurPos.Flag in [cafRoundBracketOpen] then
1789       ReadTilBracketClose(true);
1790     // read next atom
1791     ReadNextAtom;
1792     if AtomIs(':=') or AtomIs('+=') or AtomIs('-=') or AtomIs('*=')
1793     or AtomIs('/=') then begin
1794       Result:=true;
1795       exit;
1796     end;
1797   end;
CheckVariableAtCursornull1799   function CheckVariableAtCursor: boolean;
1800   // find declaration of identifier at cursor and add to variable tree
1801   var
1802     Params: TFindDeclarationParams;
1803     VarStartPos: Integer;
1804     VarNode: TCodeTreeNode;
1805     IsInSelection: Boolean;
1806     ClosestProcNode: TCodeTreeNode;
1807     IsParameter: boolean;
1808     IsChanged: Boolean;
1809     IsAfterSelection: Boolean;
1810     ParameterType: TParameterType;
1811     NewCodePos: TCodeXYPosition;
1812   begin
1813     Result:=false;
1815     // check if there is a local variable with this name
1816     if VarCandidates.Find(@Src[CurPos.StartPos])=nil then exit(true);
1818     // now do a real search
1820     // find start of variable
1821     VarStartPos:=FindStartOfTerm(CurPos.StartPos,false);
1822     if (IgnoreIdentifiers<>nil) then begin
1823       if not CleanPosToCaret(VarStartPos,NewCodePos) then exit;
1824       if IgnoreIdentifiers.Find(@NewCodePos)<>nil then exit(true);
1825     end;
1827     IsInSelection:=(VarStartPos>=BlockStartPos) and (VarStartPos<BlockEndPos);
1828     IsAfterSelection:=(VarStartPos>=BlockEndPos);
1829     MoveCursorToCleanPos(VarStartPos);
1830     VarNode:=FindDeepestNodeAtPos(VarStartPos,true);
1831     Params:=TFindDeclarationParams.Create(Self, VarNode);
1832     try
1833       // find declaration
1834       Params.ContextNode:=VarNode;
1835       Params.Flags:=[fdfSearchInParentNodes,fdfExceptionOnNotFound,
1836                      fdfTopLvlResolving,fdfSearchInAncestors,fdfSearchInHelpers];
1837       Params.SetIdentifier(Self,@Src[VarStartPos],@CheckSrcIdentifier);
1838       {$IFDEF CTDebug}
1839       DebugLn('AddVariableAtCursor Searching ',GetIdentifier(Params.Identifier));
1840       {$ENDIF}
1841       try
1842         FindDeclarationOfIdentAtParam(Params);
1843       except
1844         on E: ECodeToolError do begin
1845           {$IFDEF CTDebug}
1846           DebugLn('AddVariableAtCursor identifier not found ',GetIdentifier(@Src[VarStartPos]));
1847           {$ENDIF}
1848           if MissingIdentifiers=nil then
1849             raise;
1850           // collect missing identifiers
1851           if not CleanPosToCaret(VarStartPos,NewCodePos) then exit;
1852           AddCodePosition(MissingIdentifiers,NewCodePos);
1853           Result:=true;
1854           exit;
1855         end;
1856       end;
1857       // check if declaration is local variable
1858       if (Params.NewCodeTool=Self) and (Params.NewNode<>nil) then begin
1859         VarNode:=Params.NewNode;
1860         if (VarNode.Desc=ctnVarDefinition)
1861         and (VarNode.HasAsParent(BlockNode)) then begin
1862           // Now we know: VarNode is a variable defined in the main proc
1863           // or one of its sub procs
1864           ClosestProcNode:=VarNode.GetNodeOfType(ctnProcedure);
1865           if ClosestProcNode=BlockNode then begin
1866             // VarNode is a variable defined by the main proc
1867             IsParameter:=VarNode.GetNodeOfType(ctnProcedureHead)<>nil;
1868             ParameterType:=ptNone;
1869             if IsParameter then begin
1870               MoveCursorToParameterSpecifier(VarNode);
1871               if UpAtomIs('CONST') then
1872                 ParameterType:=ptConst
1873               else if UpAtomIs('VAR') then
1874                 ParameterType:=ptVar
1875               else if UpAtomIs('OUT') and (cmsOut in Scanner.CompilerModeSwitches) then
1876                 ParameterType:=ptOut
1877               else
1878                 ParameterType:=ptNoSpecifier;
1879             end;
1880             IsChanged:=VariableIsChanged(VarStartPos);
1881             AddVariableToTree(VarNode,IsInSelection,IsAfterSelection,IsChanged,
1882                               ParameterType);
1883           end;
1884         end;
1885       end;
1886     finally
1887       Params.Free;
1888     end;
1889     Result:=true;
1890   end;
ScanSourceForVariablesnull1892   function ScanSourceForVariables(CleanStartPos, CleanEndPos: integer): boolean;
1893   // scan part of the source for variables
1894   var
1895     LastAtomType: TCommonAtomFlag;
1896     OldCursor: Integer;
1897   begin
1898     Result:=false;
1899     {$IFDEF CTDebug}
1900     DebugLn('TExtractProcTool.ScanSourceForVariables A "',copy(Src,CleanStartPos,CleanEndPos-CleanStartPos),'"');
1901     {$ENDIF}
1902     MoveCursorToNearestAtom(CleanStartPos);
1903     while CurPos.StartPos<CleanEndPos do begin
1904       LastAtomType:=CurPos.Flag;
1905       ReadNextAtom;
1906       if AtomIsIdentifier and (LastAtomType<>cafPoint) then begin
1907         // this could be the start of a variable -> check
1908         {$IFDEF CTDebug}
1909         DebugLn('ScanSourceForVariables B Identifier=',GetAtom);
1910         {$ENDIF}
1911         OldCursor:=CurPos.StartPos;
1912         if not CheckVariableAtCursor then exit;
1913         // restore cursor
1914         MoveCursorToCleanPos(OldCursor);
1915         ReadNextAtom;
1916       end;
1917     end;
1918     Result:=true;
1919   end;
ScanNodesForVariablesRecursivenull1921   function ScanNodesForVariablesRecursive(StartNode: TCodeTreeNode): boolean;
1922   // scan recursively all statements for variables
1923   var
1924     ChildNode: TCodeTreeNode;
1925   begin
1926     {$IFDEF CTDebug}
1927     DebugLn('ScanNodesForVariablesRecursive A Node=',StartNode.DescAsString);
1928     {$ENDIF}
1929     Result:=false;
1930     ChildNode:=StartNode.FirstChild;
1931     while ChildNode<>nil do begin
1932       if (ChildNode.Desc in [ctnBeginBlock,ctnAsmBlock]) then begin
1933         if not ScanSourceForVariables(ChildNode.StartPos,ChildNode.EndPos) then
1934           exit;
1935       end else if not ScanNodesForVariablesRecursive(ChildNode) then
1936         exit;
1937       ChildNode:=ChildNode.NextBrother;
1938     end;
1939     Result:=true;
1940   end;
1942 begin
1943   Result:=false;
1944   ActivateGlobalWriteLock;
1945   VarCandidates:=TAVLTree.Create(@CompareIdentifierPtrs);
1946   try
1947     if CaretToCleanPos(StartPos,BlockStartPos)<>0 then exit;
1948     if CaretToCleanPos(EndPos,BlockEndPos)<>0 then exit;
1949     BuildSubTree(BlockStartPos);
1950     BlockNode:=FindDeepestNodeAtPos(BlockStartPos,true);
1951     while BlockNode<>nil do begin
1952       if BlockNode.Desc in [ctnInitialization,ctnFinalization,ctnProcedure]
1953       then break;
1954       if (BlockNode.Desc=ctnBeginBlock)
1955       and (BlockNode.Parent.Desc in AllSourceTypes) then
1956         break;
1957       BlockNode:=BlockNode.Parent;
1958     end;
1960     if BlockNode=nil then begin
1961       debugln(['TExtractProcTool.ScanNodesForVariables invalid context ',FindDeepestNodeAtPos(BlockStartPos,false).DescAsString]);
1962       exit;
1963     end;
1965     // collect local variables to speed up search
1966     ScanForLocalVariables(BlockNode);
1968     if not ScanNodesForVariablesRecursive(BlockNode) then exit;
1969   finally
1970     VarCandidates.Free;
1971     DeactivateGlobalWriteLock;
1972   end;
1973   Result:=true;
1974 end;
CheckIfRangeOnSameLevelnull1976 function TExtractCodeTool.CheckIfRangeOnSameLevel(const StartPos,
1977   EndPos: TCodeXYPosition; out CleanStartPos, CleanEndPos: integer; out
1978   StartNode: TCodeTreeNode): boolean;
1979 var
1980   BeginBlockNode: TCodeTreeNode;
1981   BlockCleanStart: Integer;
1982   BlockCleanEnd: Integer;
1983 begin
1984   Result:=false;
1985   {$IFDEF CTDebug}
1986   DebugLn('TExtractProcTool.CheckIfRangeOnSameLevel syntax and cursor check ..');
1987   {$ENDIF}
1988   CleanStartPos:=0;
1989   CleanEndPos:=0;
1990   StartNode:=nil;
1991   // check syntax
1992   BuildTreeAndGetCleanPos(StartPos,CleanStartPos);
1993   if CaretToCleanPos(EndPos,CleanEndPos)<>0 then exit;
1994   if CleanStartPos>=CleanEndPos then exit;
1995   {$IFDEF CTDebug}
1996   debugln('TExtractProcTool.CheckIfRangeOnSameLevel Selection="',copy(Src,CleanStartPos,CleanEndPos-CleanStartPos),'"');
1997   DebugLn('TExtractProcTool.CheckIfRangeOnSameLevel node check ..');
1998   {$ENDIF}
1999   // check if in a Begin..End block
2000   StartNode:=FindDeepestNodeAtPos(CleanStartPos,true);
2001   if StartNode=nil then exit;
2002   BeginBlockNode:=StartNode.GetNodeOfType(ctnBeginBlock);
2003   if BeginBlockNode=nil then exit;
2004   {$IFDEF CTDebug}
2005   DebugLn('TExtractProcTool.CheckIfRangeOnSameLevel Start/End check ..');
2006   {$ENDIF}
2007   // check if Start and End on same block level
2008   MoveCursorToNodeStart(StartNode);
2009   // check every block in selection
2010   while true do begin
2011     ReadNextAtom;
2012     if (CurPos.EndPos>CleanEndPos) or (CurPos.StartPos>SrcLen)
2013     or (CurPos.StartPos>StartNode.EndPos) then
2014       exit(true);
2015     //debugln('TExtractProcTool.CheckIfRangeOnSameLevel A "',GetAtom,'"');
2016     if WordIsBlockStatementStart.DoItCaseInsensitive(Src,
2017       CurPos.StartPos,CurPos.EndPos-CurPos.StartPos)
2018     then begin
2019       //debugln('TExtractProcTool.CheckIfRangeOnSameLevel WordIsBlockStatementStart "',GetAtom,'"');
2020       BlockCleanStart:=CurPos.StartPos;
2021       if not ReadTilBlockStatementEnd(true) then exit;
2022       BlockCleanEnd:=CurPos.EndPos;
2023       //debugln(copy(Src,BlockCleanStart,BlockCleanEnd-BlockCleanStart));
2024       //debugln('TExtractProcTool.CheckIfRangeOnSameLevel BlockEnd "',GetAtom,'" BlockCleanEnd=',dbgs(BlockCleanEnd),' CleanEndPos=',dbgs(CleanEndPos),' Result=',dbgs(Result),' BlockStartedInside=',dbgs(BlockCleanStart>=CleanStartPos));
2025       if BlockCleanStart<CleanStartPos then begin
2026         // this block started outside the selection
2027         // -> it should end outside
2028         if (BlockCleanEnd>=CleanStartPos) and (BlockCleanEnd<CleanEndPos) then
2029         begin
2030           // block overlaps selection
2031           exit;
2032         end;
2033         if BlockCleanEnd>=CleanEndPos then begin
2034           // set cursor back to block start
2035           MoveCursorToCleanPos(BlockCleanStart);
2036           ReadNextAtom;
2037         end;
2038       end else begin
2039         // this block started inside the selection
2040         // -> it should end inside
2041         if (BlockCleanEnd>CleanEndPos) then begin
2042           // block overlaps selection
2043           exit;
2044         end;
2045       end;
2046       //debugln('TExtractProcTool.CheckIfRangeOnSameLevel Block ok');
2047     end
2048     else if WordIsBlockStatementEnd.DoItCaseInsensitive(Src,
2049       CurPos.StartPos,CurPos.EndPos-CurPos.StartPos)
2050     then begin
2051       // a block ended inside, that started outside
2052       exit;
2053     end
2054     else if WordIsBlockStatementMiddle.DoItCaseInsensitive(Src,
2055       CurPos.StartPos,CurPos.EndPos-CurPos.StartPos)
2056     then begin
2057       // a block ended inside, that started outside
2058       exit;
2059     end;
2060   end;
2061 end;
2063 end.