1 (***************************************************************************
2                              todolist.pp
3                              --------------------
5  ***************************************************************************/
7  ***************************************************************************
8  *                                                                         *
9  *   This source is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify   *
10  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
11  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
12  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
13  *                                                                         *
14  *   This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but      *
15  *   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            *
17  *   General Public License for more details.                              *
18  *                                                                         *
19  *   A copy of the GNU General Public License is available on the World    *
20  *   Wide Web at <http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html>. You can also      *
21  *   obtain it by writing to the Free Software Foundation,                 *
22  *   Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA.   *
23  *                                                                         *
24  ***************************************************************************
27   Author:
28    Olivier GUILBAUD <golivier@free.fr>,
29    Gerard Visent <gerardusmercator@gmail.com>
30    Mattias Gaertner
31    Alexander du Plessis
32    Silvio Clecio
34   Abstract:
35     List all to do comments of current project and the file
36     projectname.todo.
37     {TODO -oOwnerName -cCategoryName: Todo_text}
38     {DONE -oOwnerName -cCategoryName: Todo_text}
39     {#todo -oOwnerName -cCategoryName: Todo_text}
40     {#done -oOwnerName -cCategoryName: Todo_text}
42     the -o and -c tags are optional.
44     If the -o and -c tags are not used, then the variant without semicolon is
45     allowed too:
46     {TODO Todo_text}
47     {DONE Todo_text}
48     {#todo Todo_text}
49     {#done Todo_text}
52     Sub comments in nested comments are ignored.
53 *)
55 unit TodoList;
57 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
59 interface
61 uses
62   // FCL, RTL
63   Classes, SysUtils, Math, StrUtils, Laz_AVL_Tree,
64   // LCL
65   LCLProc, LCLType, LclIntf, Forms, Controls, StdCtrls, Dialogs, ComCtrls,
66   ActnList, XMLPropStorage,
67   // LazUtils
68   LazUTF8Classes, LazFileUtils, LazFileCache, LazLoggerBase,
69   // Codetools
70   CodeCache, CodeToolManager, BasicCodeTools, FileProcs,
71   // IDEIntf
72   LazIDEIntf, IDEImagesIntf, PackageIntf, ProjectIntf, PackageDependencyIntf,
73   // ToDoList
74   ToDoListStrConsts;
77 Const
78   cTodoFlag = '#todo';
79   cDoneFlag = '#done';
80   cAltTodoFLag = 'todo';
81   cAltDoneFLag = 'done';
82   ToDoWindowName = 'IDETodoWindow';
84 type
85   TOnOpenFile = procedure(Sender: TObject; const Filename: string;
86                           const LineNumber: integer) of object;
87   TTLScannedFile = class;
89   { TTodoItem: Class to hold TODO item information }
91   TTodoItem = class(TObject)
92   private
93     FAltNotation: boolean;
94     FCategory: string;
95     FDone: boolean;
96     FFilename: string;
97     FLineNumber: integer;
98     FOwner: string;
99     FPriority: integer;
100     FText: string;
101     FTLFile: TTLScannedFile;
GetAsCommentnull102     function GetAsComment: string;
GetAsStringnull103     function GetAsString: string;
104   public
105     constructor Create(aTLFile: TTLScannedFile);
106     property TLFile: TTLScannedFile read FTLFile;
107     property AltNotation: boolean read FAltNotation write FAltNotation;
108     property Category: string read FCategory write FCategory;
109     property Done: boolean read FDone write FDone;
110     property LineNumber: integer read FLineNumber write FLineNumber;
111     property Filename: string read FFilename write FFilename;
112     property Owner: string read FOwner write FOwner;
113     property Priority: integer read FPriority write FPriority;
114     property Text: string read FText write FText;
115     property AsString: string read GetAsString;
116     property AsComment: string read GetAsComment;
117   end;
119   { TTLScannedFiles }
121   TTLScannedFile = class
122     fItems: TFPList;// list of TTodoItem
123   private
GetCountnull124     function GetCount: integer;
GetItemsnull125     function GetItems(Index: integer): TTodoItem;
126   public
127     Filename: string; // = Tool.MainFilename
128     CodeChangeStep: integer; // = Tool.Scanner.ChangeStep
129     constructor Create;
130     destructor Destroy; override;
131     procedure Clear;
132     procedure Add(Item: TTodoItem);
133     property Count: integer read GetCount;
134     property Items[Index: integer]: TTodoItem read GetItems; default;
135   end;
137   { TIDETodoWindow }
139   TIDETodoWindow = class(TForm)
140     acGoto: TAction;
141     acRefresh: TAction;
142     acExport: TAction;
143     acHelp: TAction;
144     ActionList: TActionList;
145     chkListed: TCheckBox;
146     chkUsed: TCheckBox;
147     chkPackages: TCheckBox;
148     chkSourceEditor: TCheckBox;
149     grbOptions: TGroupBox;
150     lvTodo: TListView;
151     SaveDialog: TSaveDialog;
152     ToolBar: TToolBar;
153     tbGoto: TToolButton;
154     tbRefresh: TToolButton;
155     tbExport: TToolButton;
156     N1: TToolButton;
157     tbHelp: TToolButton;
158     XMLPropStorage: TXMLPropStorage;
159     procedure acExportExecute(Sender: TObject);
160     procedure acGotoExecute(Sender: TObject);
161     procedure acHelpExecute(Sender: TObject);
162     procedure acRefreshExecute(Sender: TObject);
163     procedure chkListedChange(Sender: TObject);
164     procedure chkPackagesChange(Sender: TObject);
165     procedure chkSourceEditorChange(Sender: TObject);
166     procedure chkUsedChange(Sender: TObject);
167     procedure FormCloseQuery(Sender: TObject; var {%H-}CanClose: boolean);
168     procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
169     procedure FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift:TShiftState);
170     procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);
171     procedure lvTodoClick(Sender: TObject);
172     procedure lvTodoColumnClick(Sender : TObject; Column : TListColumn);
173     procedure lvTodoCompare(Sender : TObject; Item1, Item2 : TListItem;
174       {%H-}Data : Integer; var Compare : Integer);
175     procedure SaveDialogShow(Sender: TObject);
176     procedure XMLPropStorageRestoreProperties(Sender: TObject);
177     procedure XMLPropStorageRestoringProperties(Sender: TObject);
178   private
179     FBaseDirectory: string;
180     fUpdating, fUpdateNeeded: Boolean;
181     FIDEItem: string;
182     FIdleConnected: boolean;
183     FLoadingOptions: boolean;
184     fStartFilename: String;
185     FOnOpenFile  : TOnOpenFile;
186     fScannedFiles: TAvlTree;// tree of TTLScannedFile
188     procedure SetIDEItem(AValue: string);
189     procedure SetIdleConnected(const AValue: boolean);
190     procedure SetStartFilename(const AValue: String);
191     procedure UpdateStartFilename;
192     procedure ResolveIDEItem(out CurOwner: TObject; out CurProject: TLazProject;
193                              out CurPkg: TIDEPackage);
195     procedure CreateToDoItem(aTLFile: TTLScannedFile;
196         const aFileName: string; const SComment, EComment: string;
197         const TokenString: string; LineNumber: Integer);
198     procedure AddListItem(aTodoItem: TTodoItem);
200     procedure ScanFile(aFileName : string);
201     procedure OnIdle(Sender: TObject; var Done: Boolean);
202   public
203     constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
204     destructor Destroy; override;
206     procedure UpdateTodos(Immediately: boolean = false);
208     property IDEItem: string read FIDEItem write SetIDEItem; // package name or empty for active project
209     property StartFilename: String read fStartFilename write SetStartFilename; // lpi, lpk or a source file
210     property BaseDirectory: string read FBaseDirectory;
211     property OnOpenFile: TOnOpenFile read FOnOpenFile write FOnOpenFile;
212     property IdleConnected: boolean read FIdleConnected write SetIdleConnected;
213   end;
215 var
216   IDETodoWindow: TIDETodoWindow;
218 implementation
220 {$R *.lfm}
222 const
223   DefaultTodoListCfgFile = 'todolistoptions.xml';
CompareTLScannedFilesnull225 function CompareTLScannedFiles(Data1, Data2: Pointer): integer;
226 begin
227   Result:=CompareFilenames(TTLScannedFile(Data1).Filename,
228                            TTLScannedFile(Data2).Filename);
229 end;
CompareAnsiStringWithTLScannedFilenull231 function CompareAnsiStringWithTLScannedFile(Filename, ScannedFile: Pointer): integer;
232 begin
233   Result:=CompareFilenames(AnsiString(Filename),
234                            TTLScannedFile(ScannedFile).Filename);
235 end;
237 { TIDETodoWindow }
239 constructor TIDETodoWindow.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
240 begin
241   inherited Create(AOwner);
242   if Name<>ToDoWindowName then RaiseGDBException('');
243   ToolBar.Images := IDEImages.Images_16;
244   acGoto.ImageIndex := IDEImages.LoadImage('menu_goto_line');
245   acRefresh.ImageIndex := IDEImages.LoadImage('laz_refresh');
246   acExport.ImageIndex := IDEImages.LoadImage('menu_saveas');
247   acHelp.ImageIndex := IDEImages.LoadImage('btn_help');
249   SaveDialog.Filter:= dlgFilterCsv+'|*.csv';
250 end;
252 destructor TIDETodoWindow.Destroy;
253 begin
254   fScannedFiles.FreeAndClear;
255   FreeAndNil(fScannedFiles);
256   inherited Destroy;
257 end;
259 procedure TIDETodoWindow.UpdateTodos(Immediately: boolean);
260 var
261   i: integer;
262   St : String;
263   CurOwner: TObject;
264   Node: TAvlTreeNode;
265   CurFile: TTLScannedFile;
266   Units: TStrings;
267   CurProject: TLazProject;
268   CurPkg: TIDEPackage;
269   Flags: TFindUnitsOfOwnerFlags;
270 begin
271   if FLoadingOptions then
272     exit;
273   if not Immediately then begin
274     fUpdateNeeded:=true;
275     IdleConnected:=true;
276     exit;
277   end;
278   fUpdateNeeded:=false;
279   if fUpdating then Exit;
280   LazarusIDE.SaveSourceEditorChangesToCodeCache(nil);
282   Screen.Cursor:=crHourGlass;
283   lvTodo.BeginUpdate;
284   Units:=nil;
285   try
286     fUpdating:=True;
287     CodeToolBoss.ActivateWriteLock;
289     fScannedFiles.FreeAndClear;
290     lvTodo.Items.Clear;
292     if StartFilename<>'' then begin
293       // Find a '.todo' file of the main source
294       St:=ChangeFileExt(StartFilename,'.todo');
295       if FileExistsCached(St) then
296         ScanFile(St);
297       // Scan main source file
298       if FilenameIsPascalUnit(StartFilename) then
299         ScanFile(StartFilename);
300     end;
302     ResolveIDEItem(CurOwner,CurProject,CurPkg);
303     if CurOwner=nil then Exit;
305     Flags:=[];
306     if chkListed.Checked then
307       Include(Flags, fuooListed);
308     if chkUsed.Checked then
309       Include(Flags, fuooUsed);
310     if chkPackages.Checked then
311       Include(Flags, fuooPackages);
312     if chkSourceEditor.Checked then
313       Include(Flags, fuooSourceEditor);
315     Units:=LazarusIDE.FindUnitsOfOwner(CurOwner,Flags);
316     for i:=0 to Units.Count-1 do
317       ScanFile(Units[i]);
319     Node:=fScannedFiles.FindLowest;
320     while Node<>nil do begin
321       CurFile:=TTLScannedFile(Node.Data);
322       for i:=0 to CurFile.Count-1 do
323         AddListItem(CurFile[i]);
324       Node:=fScannedFiles.FindSuccessor(Node);
325     end;
326   finally
327     Units.Free;
328     CodeToolBoss.DeactivateWriteLock;
329     lvTodo.EndUpdate;
330     Screen.Cursor:=crDefault;
331     fUpdating:=False;
332   end;
333 end;
335 procedure TIDETodoWindow.FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
336 begin
337   if Shift=[] then ;
338   if (Key=VK_ESCAPE) then
339     ModalResult:=mrCancel;
340 end;
342 procedure TIDETodoWindow.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
343 begin
344   UpdateTodos;
345 end;
347 procedure TIDETodoWindow.lvTodoClick(Sender: TObject);
348 begin
349   acGoto.Execute;
350 end;
352 procedure TIDETodoWindow.lvTodoColumnClick(Sender : TObject; Column : TListColumn);
353 Var
354   aListItem : TListItem;
355 begin
356   aListItem := lvTodo.Selected;
358   If lvTodo.SortDirection = sdAscending then
359     lvTodo.SortDirection := sdDescending
360   Else
361     lvTodo.SortDirection := sdAscending;
363   lvTodo.SortColumn := Column.Index;
365   lvTodo.Selected := nil;  // Otherwise wrong selection - bug??
366   lvTodo.Selected := aListItem;
368   lvTodo.Update;  // First row not redrawn?
369   //lvTodo.Repaint;
370 end;
372 procedure TIDETodoWindow.lvTodoCompare(Sender : TObject;
373   Item1, Item2 : TListItem; Data : Integer; var Compare : Integer);
374 var
375   Str1: String;
376   Str2: String;
377   Int1: Integer;
378   Int2: Integer;
379 begin
380   Case lvTodo.SortColumn of
381     0, 1, 3, 5, 6 :
382       begin
383         if lvTodo.SortColumn = 0 then
384         begin
385           Str1 := TListItem(Item1).Caption;
386           Str2 := TListItem(Item2).Caption;
387         end else
388           begin
389             // Checks against Subitems.Count necessary??
391             if lvTodo.SortColumn <= Item1.SubItems.Count then
392               Str1 := Item1.SubItems.Strings[lvTodo.SortColumn-1]
393             else Str1 := '';
395             if lvTodo.SortColumn <= Item2.SubItems.Count then
396               Str2 := Item2.SubItems.Strings[lvTodo.SortColumn-1]
397             else Str2 := '';
398           end;
399         Compare := AnsiCompareText(Str1, Str2);
400       end;
401     2, 4  :
402       begin
403         if TryStrToInt(Item1.SubItems.Strings[lvTodo.SortColumn-1], Int1)
404            and TryStrToInt(Item2.SubItems.Strings[lvTodo.SortColumn-1], Int2) then
405            Compare := CompareValue(Int1, Int2)
406         else Compare := 0;
407       end;
408     else Compare := 0;
409   end;
411   if lvTodo.SortDirection = sdDescending then Compare := -Compare;
412 end;
414 procedure TIDETodoWindow.SaveDialogShow(Sender: TObject);
415 begin
416   SaveDialog.InitialDir:=GetCurrentDirUTF8;
417 end;
419 procedure TIDETodoWindow.XMLPropStorageRestoreProperties(Sender: TObject);
420 begin
421   FLoadingOptions := False;
422   UpdateTodos;
423 end;
425 procedure TIDETodoWindow.XMLPropStorageRestoringProperties(Sender: TObject);
426 begin
427   FLoadingOptions := True;
428 end;
430 //Initialise the todo project and find them
431 procedure TIDETodoWindow.SetStartFilename(const AValue: String);
432 begin
433   //debugln(['TIDETodoWindow.SetOwnerFilename ',AValue]);
434   if fStartFilename=AValue then exit;
435   fStartFilename:=AValue;
436   UpdateTodos;
437 end;
439 procedure TIDETodoWindow.UpdateStartFilename;
440 var
441   NewStartFilename: String;
442   CurObject: TObject;
443   CurProject: TLazProject;
444   CurPkg: TIDEPackage;
445 begin
446   ResolveIDEItem(CurObject,CurProject,CurPkg);
447   NewStartFilename:='';
448   if CurPkg<>nil then begin
449     // package
450     NewStartFilename:=CurPkg.Filename;
451   end else if CurProject<>nil then begin
452     // project
453     NewStartFilename:=CurProject.ProjectInfoFile;
454   end;
455   StartFilename:=NewStartFilename;
456 end;
458 procedure TIDETodoWindow.ResolveIDEItem(out CurOwner: TObject;
459   out CurProject: TLazProject; out CurPkg: TIDEPackage);
460 begin
461   CurOwner:=nil;
462   CurProject:=nil;
463   CurPkg:=nil;
464   if LazIsValidIdent(IDEItem,true) then begin
465     // package
466     CurPkg:=PackageEditingInterface.FindPackageWithName(IDEItem);
467     CurOwner:=CurPkg;
468   end else begin
469     // project
470     CurProject:=LazarusIDE.ActiveProject;
471     CurOwner:=CurProject;
472   end;
473 end;
475 procedure TIDETodoWindow.SetIdleConnected(const AValue: boolean);
476 begin
477   if FIdleConnected=AValue then exit;
478   FIdleConnected:=AValue;
479   if IdleConnected then
480     Application.AddOnIdleHandler(@OnIdle)
481   else
482     Application.RemoveOnIdleHandler(@OnIdle);
483 end;
485 procedure TIDETodoWindow.SetIDEItem(AValue: string);
486 begin
487   if FIDEItem=AValue then exit;
488   FIDEItem:=AValue;
489   UpdateStartFilename;
490 end;
492 procedure TIDETodoWindow.CreateToDoItem(aTLFile: TTLScannedFile;
493   const aFileName: string; const SComment, EComment: string;
494   const TokenString: string; LineNumber: Integer);
495 var
496   N, Strlen: Integer;
497   TempStr, ParsingString, LowerString : string;
498   IsAltNotation, IsDone, HasSemiColon: boolean;
499   aChar: char;
500   TodoItem: TTodoItem;
502 const
503   cSemiColon  = ':';
504   cWhiteSpace = ' ';
506   Procedure SetItemFields(aItem: TTodoItem; aStr: String);
507   var
508      aPriority: integer;
509   begin
510     if aStr <> '' then
511     begin
512       // Category
513       if pos('-c', aStr) = 1 then
514         aItem.Category := Copy(aStr, 3, Length(aStr)-2)
515       else
516       begin
517         // Owner
518         if pos('-o', aStr) = 1 then
519           aItem.Owner := Copy(aStr, 3, Length(aStr)-2)
520         else
521         begin
522           // Priority
523           if TryStrToInt(aStr, aPriority) then
524             aItem.Priority := aPriority;
525         end;
526       end;
527     end;
528   end;
530 begin
531   //DebugLn(['TfrmTodo.CreateToDoItem aFileName=',aFileName,' LineNumber=',LineNumber]);
532   TodoItem := nil;
533   ParsingString:= TextToSingleLine(TokenString);
534   // Remove the beginning comment chars from input string
535   Delete(ParsingString, 1, Length(SComment));
536   // Remove leading and trailing blanks from input
537   ParsingString := Trim(ParsingString);
538   // See if it's a TODO or DONE item
539   LowerString := lowercase(ParsingString);
540   if (Pos(cTodoFlag, LowerString) = 1) then
541   begin
542     IsDone := False;
543     IsAltNotation := False;
544   end
545   else
546   begin
547     if (Pos(cAltTodoFLag, LowerString) = 1) then
548     begin
549       IsDone := False;
550       IsAltNotation := True;
551     end
552     else
553     begin
554       if (Pos(cDoneFlag, LowerString) = 1) then
555       begin
556         IsDone := True;
557         IsAltNotation := False;
558       end
559       else
560       begin
561         if (Pos(cAltDoneFLag, LowerString) = 1) then
562         begin
563           IsDone := True;
564           IsAltNotation := True;
565         end
566         else
567           // Not a Todo/Done item, leave
568           Exit;
569       end;
570     end;
571   end;
573   // Remove the ending comment chars from input string
574   if (EComment <> '')
575   and (RightStr(ParsingString, Length(EComment)) = EComment) then
576     ParsingString := TextToSingleLine(Copy(ParsingString, 1, Length(ParsingString)-Length(EComment)));
578   // Remove Todo/Done flag from input string
579   if isAltNotation then
580     Delete(ParsingString, 1, 4)
581   else
582     Delete(ParsingString, 1, 5);
584   HasSemiColon := Pos(cSemiColon, ParsingString)>0;
585   // Alternative keyword requires a semicolon to prevent false positives.
586   if HasSemiColon or not IsAltNotation then
587   begin
588     TodoItem := TTodoItem.Create(aTLFile);
589     TodoItem.Done := IsDone;
590     TodoItem.AltNotation := IsAltNotation;
591     TodoItem.LineNumber  := LineNumber;
592     TodoItem.Filename    := aFileName;
593     if aTLFile<>nil then
594       aTLFile.Add(TodoItem);
596     if HasSemiColon then
597     begin
598       // Parse priority, owner and category
599       n := 1;
600       TempStr := '';
601       Strlen  := Length(ParsingString);
603       while (n <= StrLen) and (ParsingString[n]<>cSemiColon) do
604       begin
605         aChar := ParsingString[n];
606         // Add char to temporary string
607         if (aChar<>cSemiColon) and (aChar<>cWhiteSpace) then
608           TempStr := TempStr + aChar
609         // Process temporary string
610         else
611         begin
612           SetItemFields(TodoItem, TempStr);
613           TempStr := '';
614         end;
615         inc(N);
616       end;
618       SetItemFields(TodoItem, TempStr);
619       Delete(ParsingString, 1, n);
620     end;
622     // Set item text
623     TodoItem.Text := ParsingString;
624   end;
625 end;
628 procedure TIDETodoWindow.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
629 begin
630   fUpdating := False;
631   fScannedFiles := TAvlTree.Create(@CompareTLScannedFiles);
633   Caption := lisToDoList;
635   acRefresh.Hint := lisTodolistRefresh;
636   acGoto.Hint := listodoListGotoLine;
638   tbRefresh.Caption := dlgUnitDepRefresh;
639   tbGoto.Caption := lisToDoGoto;
640   tbExport.Caption := lisToDoExport;
641   tbHelp.Caption := lisHelp;
643   grbOptions.Caption := lisOptions;
644   chkListed.Caption := lisToDoListed;
645   chkListed.Hint := lisToDoListedHint;
646   chkUsed.Caption := lisToDoUsed;
647   chkUsed.Hint := lisToDoUsedHint;
648   chkPackages.Caption := lisPackages;
649   chkPackages.Hint := Format(lisPackagesHint, [lisToDoListed, lisToDoUsed]);
650   chkSourceEditor.Caption := lisSourceEditor;
651   chkSourceEditor.Hint := lisSourceEditorHint;
653   with lvTodo do
654   begin
655     Column[0].Caption := lisToDoLDone;
656     Column[1].Caption := lisToDoLDescription;
657     Column[1].Width   := 700;
658     Column[2].Caption := lisToDoLPriority;
659     Column[3].Caption := lisToDoLFile;
660     Column[4].Caption := lisToDoLLine;
661     Column[5].Caption := lisToDoLOwner;
662     Column[6].Caption := listToDoLCategory;
663   end;
665   XMLPropStorage.FileName := Concat(AppendPathDelim(LazarusIDE.GetPrimaryConfigPath),
666     DefaultTodoListCfgFile);
667   XMLPropStorage.Active := True;
668 end;
670 procedure TIDETodoWindow.acGotoExecute(Sender: TObject);
671 var
672   CurFilename: String;
673   aTodoItem: TTodoItem;
674   aListItem: TListItem;
675   TheLine: integer;
676 begin
677   CurFilename:='';
678   aListItem:= lvtodo.Selected;
679   if Assigned(aListItem) and Assigned(aListItem.Data) then
680   begin
681     aTodoItem := TTodoItem(aListItem.Data);
682     CurFileName := aTodoItem.Filename;
683     TheLine     := aTodoItem.LineNumber;
684     if Assigned(OnOpenFile) then
685       OnOpenFile(Self,CurFilename,TheLine)
686     else
687       LazarusIDE.DoOpenFileAndJumpToPos(CurFilename,Point(1,TheLine),-1,-1,-1,
688         [ofOnlyIfExists,ofRegularFile,ofVirtualFile,ofDoNotLoadResource]);
689   end;
690 end;
692 procedure TIDETodoWindow.acHelpExecute(Sender: TObject);
693 begin
694   // usual API from IdeHelpIntf don't work
695   OpenURL('http://wiki.freepascal.org/IDE_Window:_ToDo_List');
696 end;
698 procedure TIDETodoWindow.acExportExecute(Sender: TObject);
699 var
700   CommaList: TStringList;
701   s,t      : string;
702   todoItm  : TTodoItem;
703   i        : integer;
704 begin
705   SaveDialog.FileName:='TodoList_'+FormatDateTime('YYYY_MM_DD',now);
706   if SaveDialog.Execute then
707   begin
708     CommaList:=TStringListUTF8.Create;
709     try
710       CommaList.Add('Done,Description,Priority,Module,Line,Owner,Category');
711       i:=0;
712       while i<lvTodo.Items.Count do
713       begin
714         todoItm:=TTodoItem(lvTodo.Items[i].Data);
715         if todoItm.Done then
716           s:='X,'
717         else
718           s:=' ,';
719         t:=DelChars(todoItm.Text,',');{Strip any commas that can cause a faulty csv file}
720         s:=s+t+','+IntToStr(todoItm.Priority)+','+todoItm.Filename+
721            ','+IntToStr(todoItm.LineNumber)+','+todoItm.Owner+','+todoItm.Category;
722         CommaList.Add(s);
723         i:=i+1;
724       end;
725       CommaList.SaveToFile(SaveDialog.FileName);
726     finally
727       CommaList.Clear;
728       CommaList.Free;
729     end;
730   end;
731 end;
733 procedure TIDETodoWindow.acRefreshExecute(Sender: TObject);
734 begin
735   UpdateTodos;
736 end;
738 procedure TIDETodoWindow.chkListedChange(Sender: TObject);
739 begin
740   UpdateTodos;
741 end;
743 procedure TIDETodoWindow.chkPackagesChange(Sender: TObject);
744 begin
745   UpdateTodos;
746 end;
748 procedure TIDETodoWindow.chkSourceEditorChange(Sender: TObject);
749 begin
750   UpdateTodos;
751 end;
753 procedure TIDETodoWindow.chkUsedChange(Sender: TObject);
754 begin
755   UpdateTodos;
756 end;
758 procedure TIDETodoWindow.FormCloseQuery(Sender: TObject; var CanClose: boolean);
759 begin
760   XMLPropStorage.Save;
761 end;
763 procedure TIDETodoWindow.AddListItem(aTodoItem: TTodoItem);
764 var
765    aListItem: TListItem;
766    aFilename: String;
767 begin
768   if Assigned(aTodoItem) then
769   begin
770     //DebugLn(['TfrmTodo.AddListItem ',aTodoItem.Filename,' ',aTodoItem.LineNumber]);
771     aListitem := lvTodo.Items.Add;
772     aListitem.Data := aTodoItem;
773     if aTodoItem.Done then
774       aListItem.Caption := 'X'
775     else
776       aListItem.Caption := ' ';
777     aListitem.SubItems.Add(aTodoItem.Text);
778     aListitem.SubItems.Add(IntToStr(aTodoItem.Priority));
779     aFilename:=aTodoItem.Filename;
780     if (BaseDirectory<>'') and FilenameIsAbsolute(aFilename) then
781       aFilename:=CreateRelativePath(aFilename,BaseDirectory);
782     aListitem.SubItems.Add(aFilename);
783     aListitem.SubItems.Add(IntToStr(aTodoItem.LineNumber));
784     aListitem.SubItems.Add(aTodoItem.Owner);
785     aListitem.SubItems.Add(aTodoItem.Category);
786   end;
787 end;
789 procedure TIDETodoWindow.ScanFile(aFileName: string);
790 var
791   ExpandedFilename: String;
792   AVLNode: TAvlTreeNode;
793   Tool: TCodeTool;
794   Code: TCodeBuffer;
795   CurFile: TTLScannedFile;
796   Src: String;
797   p: Integer;
798   NestedComment: Boolean;
799   CommentEnd: LongInt;
800   CommentStr: String;
801   CodeXYPosition: TCodeXYPosition;
802 begin
803   //DebugLn(['TfrmTodo.ScanFile ',aFileName]);
804   ExpandedFilename:=TrimFilename(aFileName);
806   Code:=CodeToolBoss.LoadFile(ExpandedFilename,true,false);
807   if Code=nil then begin
808     debugln(['TIDETodoWindow.ScanFile failed loading ',ExpandedFilename]);
809     exit;
810   end;
811   CodeToolBoss.Explore(Code,Tool,false,false); // ignore the result
812   if (Tool=nil) or (Tool.Scanner=nil) then begin
813     debugln(['TIDETodoWindow.ScanFile failed parsing ',Code.Filename]);
814     exit;
815   end;
817   AVLNode:=fScannedFiles.FindKey(Pointer(Tool.MainFilename),
818                                  @CompareAnsiStringWithTLScannedFile);
819   CurFile:=nil;
820   //DebugLn(['TfrmTodo.ScanFile ',Tool.MainFilename,' AVLNode=',AVLNode<>nil]);
821   if AVLNode<>nil then begin
822     CurFile:=TTLScannedFile(AVLNode.Data);
823     // Abort if this file has already been scanned and has not changed
824     if CurFile.CodeChangeStep=Tool.Scanner.ChangeStep then exit;
825   end;
826   //DebugLn(['TfrmTodo.ScanFile SCANNING ... ']);
828   // Add file name to list of scanned files
829   if CurFile=nil then begin
830     CurFile:=TTLScannedFile.Create;
831     CurFile.Filename:=Tool.MainFilename;
832     fScannedFiles.Add(CurFile);
833   end;
834   // save ChangeStep
835   CurFile.CodeChangeStep:=Tool.Scanner.ChangeStep;
836   //DebugLn(['TfrmTodo.ScanFile saved ChangeStep ',CurFile.CodeChangeStep,' ',Tool.Scanner.ChangeStep]);
837   // clear old items
838   CurFile.Clear;
840   Src:=Tool.Src;
841   p:=1;
842   NestedComment:=CodeToolBoss.GetNestedCommentsFlagForFile(Code.Filename);
843   repeat
844     p:=FindNextComment(Src,p);
845     if p>length(Src) then break;
846     CommentEnd:=FindCommentEnd(Src,p,NestedComment);
847     Tool.CleanPosToCaret(p,CodeXYPosition);
848     CommentStr:=copy(Src,p,CommentEnd-p);
849     //DebugLn(['TfrmTodo.ScanFile CommentStr="',CommentStr,'"']);
850     if Src[p]='/' then
851       CreateToDoItem(CurFile,CodeXYPosition.Code.Filename, '//', '', CommentStr, CodeXYPosition.Y)
852     else if Src[p]='{' then
853       CreateToDoItem(CurFile,CodeXYPosition.Code.Filename, '{', '}', CommentStr, CodeXYPosition.Y)
854     else if Src[p]='(' then
855       CreateToDoItem(CurFile,CodeXYPosition.Code.Filename, '(*', '*)', CommentStr, CodeXYPosition.Y);
856     p:=CommentEnd;
857   until false;
858 end;
860 procedure TIDETodoWindow.OnIdle(Sender: TObject; var Done: Boolean);
861 begin
862   if Done then ;
863   IdleConnected:=false;
864   UpdateTodos(true);
865 end;
867 { TTodoItem }
GetAsStringnull869 function TTodoItem.GetAsString: string;
870 begin
871   // Todo/Done in two notations
872   if AltNotation then
873   begin
874    if Done then
875      Result := 'DONE'
876    else
877      Result := 'TODO';
878   end
879   else
880   begin
881     if Done then
882       Result := '#done'
883     else
884       Result := '#todo';
885   end;
886   // Priority
887   if Priority > 0 then
888     Result := Result + ' '+IntToStr(Priority);
889   // Owner
890   if Owner <> '' then
891     Result := Result + ' -o'+Owner;
892   // Category
893   if Category <> '' then
894     Result := Result + ' -c'+Category;
895   // Text
896   Result := Result + ' : ' + Text;
897 end;
899 constructor TTodoItem.Create(aTLFile: TTLScannedFile);
900 begin
901   FTLFile:=aTLFile;
902 end;
TTodoItem.GetAsCommentnull904 function TTodoItem.GetAsComment: string;
905 begin
906   Result := '{ '+AsString+' }';
907 end;
909 { TTLScannedFile }
TTLScannedFile.GetCountnull911 function TTLScannedFile.GetCount: integer;
912 begin
913   if fItems=nil then
914     Result:=0
915   else
916     Result:=fItems.Count;
917 end;
TTLScannedFile.GetItemsnull919 function TTLScannedFile.GetItems(Index: integer): TTodoItem;
920 begin
921   Result:=TTodoItem(fItems[Index]);
922 end;
924 constructor TTLScannedFile.Create;
925 begin
927 end;
929 destructor TTLScannedFile.Destroy;
930 begin
931   Clear;
932   inherited Destroy;
933 end;
935 procedure TTLScannedFile.Clear;
936 var
937   i: Integer;
938 begin
939   if fItems<>nil then begin
940     for i:=0 to fItems.Count-1 do
941       TObject(fItems[i]).Free;
942     FreeAndNil(fItems);
943   end;
944 end;
946 procedure TTLScannedFile.Add(Item: TTodoItem);
947 begin
948   if fItems=nil then fItems:=TFPList.Create;
949   fItems.Add(Item);
950 end;
952 end.