1 {
2  /***************************************************************************
3                     CocoaInt.pas  -  CocoaInterface Object
4                     ----------------------------------------
6                  Initial Revision  : Mon August 6th CST 2004
9  ***************************************************************************/
11  *****************************************************************************
12   This file is part of the Lazarus Component Library (LCL)
14   See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL.txt, included in this distribution,
15   for details about the license.
16  *****************************************************************************
17  }
19 unit CocoaInt;
21 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
22 {$modeswitch objectivec1}
23 {$modeswitch objectivec2}
24 {$include cocoadefines.inc}
26 interface
28 uses
29   // rtl+ftl
30   Types, Classes, SysUtils, Math, contnrs,
31   // carbon bindings
32   MacOSAll,
33   // interfacebase
34   LCLPlatformDef, InterfaceBase, GraphType,
35   // private
36   CocoaAll, CocoaPrivate, CocoaUtils, CocoaGDIObjects,
37   cocoa_extra, CocoaWSMenus, CocoaWSForms, CocoaWindows, CocoaScrollers,
38   CocoaWSClipboard, CocoaTextEdits, CocoaWSCommon,
39   // LCL
40   LCLStrConsts, LMessages, LCLMessageGlue, LCLProc, LCLIntf, LCLType,
41   Controls, Forms, Themes, Menus,
42   IntfGraphics, Graphics, CocoaWSFactory;
44 type
46   { TCocoaTimerObject }
48   TCocoaTimerObject = objcclass(NSObject)
49     func: TWSTimerProc;
50     procedure timerEvent; message 'timerEvent';
newWithFuncnull51     class function newWithFunc(afunc: TWSTimerProc): TCocoaTimerObject; message 'newWithFunc:';
52   end;
54   { TAppDelegate }
56   TWinLevelOrder = record
57     win : NSWindow;
58     lvl : NSInteger;
59     ord : NSinteger;
60     vis : Boolean;
61   end;
62   PWinLevelOrder = ^TWinLevelOrder;
63   TWinLevelOrderArray = array [Word] of TWinLevelOrder;
64   PWinLevelOrderArray = ^TWinLevelOrderArray;
66   TAppDelegate = objcclass(NSObject, NSApplicationDelegateProtocol)
67   public
68     orderArray : PWinLevelOrderArray;
69     orderArrayCount : Integer;
70     procedure application_openFiles(sender: NSApplication; filenames: NSArray);
71     procedure applicationDidHide(notification: NSNotification);
72     procedure applicationDidUnhide(notification: NSNotification);
73     procedure applicationWillBecomeActive(notification: NSNotification);
74     procedure applicationDidBecomeActive(notification: NSNotification);
75     procedure applicationDidResignActive(notification: NSNotification);
76     procedure applicationDidChangeScreenParameters(notification: NSNotification);
77     procedure applicationWillFinishLaunching(notification: NSNotification);
78     procedure handleQuitAppEvent_withReplyEvent(event: NSAppleEventDescriptor; replyEvent: NSAppleEventDescriptor); message 'handleQuitAppEvent:withReplyEvent:';
79   end;
81   { TCocoaApplication }
83   TCocoaApplication = objcclass(NSApplication)
84     aloop : TApplicationMainLoop;
85     isrun : Boolean;
86     modals : NSMutableDictionary;
87     inputclient : TCocoaInputClient;
88     inputctx    : NSTextInputContext;
90     procedure dealloc; override;
92     procedure run; override;
93     {$endif}
94     procedure sendEvent(theEvent: NSEvent); override;
nextEventMatchingMask_untilDate_inMode_dequeuenull95     function nextEventMatchingMask_untilDate_inMode_dequeue(mask: NSUInteger; expiration: NSDate; mode: NSString; deqFlag: LCLObjCBoolean): NSEvent; override;
runModalForWindownull97     function runModalForWindow(theWindow: NSWindow): NSInteger; override;
98     procedure lclSyncCheck(arg: id); message 'lclSyncCheck:';
99   end;
101   { TModalSession }
103   TModalSession = class(TObject)
104     window : NSWindow;
105     sess   : NSModalSession;
106     // recording menu state for the modality stack
107     // there's no limitation for a modal window to have its own menu
108     // if it override the mainMenu, we still need the information
109     // to restore the previous state of the mainmenu
110     prevMenuEnabled: Boolean;
111     cocoaMenu : NSMenu;
112     lclMenu   : TMenu;
113     constructor Create(awin: NSWindow; asess: NSModalSession;
114       APrevMenuEnabled: Boolean;
115       amainmenu: NSMenu; ALCL: TMenu);
116   end;
118   { TCocoaWidgetSet }
120   TCocoaWidgetSet = class(TWidgetSet)
121   private
122     FTerminating: Boolean;
123     FNSApp: TCocoaApplication;
124     FNSApp_Delegate: TAppDelegate;
125     FCurrentCursor: HCursor;
126     FCaptureControl: HWND;
128   protected
129     FStockNullBrush: HBRUSH;
130     FStockBlackBrush: HBRUSH;
131     FStockLtGrayBrush: HBRUSH;
132     FStockGrayBrush: HBRUSH;
133     FStockDkGrayBrush: HBRUSH;
134     FStockWhiteBrush: HBRUSH;
136     FStockNullPen: HPEN;
137     FStockBlackPen: HPEN;
138     FStockWhitePen: HPEN;
139     FStockSystemFont: HFONT;
140     FStockFixedFont: HFONT;
142     FSysColorBrushes: array[0..MAX_SYS_COLORS] of HBrush;
144     // Sandboxing
145     SandboxingOn: Boolean;
146     fClipboard: TCocoaWSClipboard;
148     // Clipboard
150     // collecting objects that needs to be released AFTER an event
151     // has been processed
152     ToCollect: TList;
153     function RetainToCollect: Integer;
154     procedure ReleaseToCollect(fromIdx: integer);
156     procedure SyncClipboard();
158     function PromptUser(const DialogCaption, DialogMessage: String;
159       DialogType: longint; Buttons: PLongint; ButtonCount, DefaultIndex,
160       EscapeResult: Longint): Longint; override;
161     function MessageBox(HWnd: HWND; lpText, lpCaption: PChar;
162       uType: Cardinal): Integer; override;
163     function GetAppHandle: THandle; override;
164     function CreateThemeServices: TThemeServices; override;
166     procedure SendCheckSynchronizeMessage;
167     procedure OnWakeMainThread(Sender: TObject);
169     procedure DoSetMainMenu(AMenu: NSMenu; ALCLMenu: TMenu);
170   public
171     // modal session
172     CurModalForm: NSWindow;
173     Modals : TList;
174     ModalCounter: Integer; // the cheapest way to determine if modal window was called
175                            // used in mouse handling (in callbackobject)
176                            // Might not be needed, if native Modality used
177     MainMenuEnabled: Boolean; // the latest main menu status
178     PrevMenu : NSMenu;
179     PrevLCLMenu : TMenu;
180     CurLCLMenu: TMenu;
181     PrevMenuEnabled: Boolean; // previous mainmenu status
183     constructor Create; override;
184     destructor Destroy; override;
186     function LCLPlatform: TLCLPlatform; override;
188     procedure AppInit(var ScreenInfo: TScreenInfo); override;
189     procedure AppRun(const ALoop: TApplicationMainLoop); override;
190     procedure AppRunMessages(onlyOne: Boolean; eventExpDate: NSDate);
191     procedure AppWaitMessage; override;
192     procedure AppProcessMessages; override;
193     procedure AppTerminate; override;
194     procedure AppMinimize; override;
195     procedure AppRestore; override;
196     procedure AppBringToFront; override;
197     procedure AppSetIcon(const Small, Big: HICON); override;
198     procedure AppSetTitle(const ATitle: string); override;
200     function  GetLCLCapability(ACapability: TLCLCapability): PtrUInt; override;
202     function CreateTimer(Interval: integer; TimerFunc: TWSTimerProc): THandle; override;
203     function DestroyTimer(TimerHandle: THandle): boolean; override;
205     procedure InitStockItems;
206     procedure FreeStockItems;
207     procedure FreeSysColorBrushes;
209     procedure SetMainMenu(const AMenu: HMENU; const ALCLMenu: TMenu);
210     function StartModal(awin: NSWindow; hasMenu: Boolean): Boolean;
211     procedure EndModal(awin: NSWindow);
212     function isTopModalWin(awin: NSWindow): Boolean;
213     function isModalSession: Boolean;
215     {todo:}
216     function  DCGetPixel(CanvasHandle: HDC; X, Y: integer): TGraphicsColor; override;
217     procedure DCSetPixel(CanvasHandle: HDC; X, Y: integer; AColor: TGraphicsColor); override;
218     procedure DCRedraw(CanvasHandle: HDC); override;
219     procedure DCSetAntialiasing(CanvasHandle: HDC; AEnabled: Boolean); override;
220     procedure SetDesigning(AComponent: TComponent); override;
222     function RawImage_DescriptionFromCocoaBitmap(out ADesc: TRawImageDescription; ABitmap: TCocoaBitmap): Boolean;
223     function RawImage_FromCocoaBitmap(out ARawImage: TRawImage; ABitmap, AMask: TCocoaBitmap; ARect: PRect = nil): Boolean;
224     function RawImage_DescriptionToBitmapType(ADesc: TRawImageDescription; out bmpType: TCocoaBitmapType): Boolean;
225     function GetImagePixelData(AImage: CGImageRef; out bitmapByteCount: PtrUInt): Pointer;
226     class function Create32BitAlphaBitmap(ABitmap, AMask: TCocoaBitmap): TCocoaBitmap;
227     property NSApp: TCocoaApplication read FNSApp;
228     property CurrentCursor: HCursor read FCurrentCursor write FCurrentCursor;
229     property CaptureControl: HWND read FCaptureControl;
230     // the winapi compatibility methods
231     {$I cocoawinapih.inc}
232     // the extra LCL interface methods
233     {$I cocoalclintfh.inc}
234     procedure AddToCollect(obj: TObject);
235   end;
237 var
238   CocoaWidgetSet: TCocoaWidgetSet;
239   CocoaBasePPI : Integer = 96; // for compatiblity with LCL 1.8 release. The macOS base is 72ppi
240   MainPool : NSAutoreleasePool = nil;
242   // if set to true, then WS would not assign icons via TCocoaWSForm SetIcon
243   // The icon would have to be changed manually. By default LCL behaviour is used
244   CocoaIconUse: Boolean = false;
245   CocoaToggleBezel : NSBezelStyle = NSRoundedBezelStyle;
246   CocoaToggleType  : NSButtonType = NSPushOnPushOffButton;
248   CocoaHideFocusNoBorder : Boolean = true;
250   {$ifdef COCOALOOPHIJACK}
251   // The flag is set to true once hi-jacked loop is finished (at the end of app)
252   // The flag is checked in Menus to avoid "double" Cmd+Q menu
253   LoopHiJackEnded : Boolean = false;
254   {$endif}
256 function CocoaScrollBarSetScrollInfo(bar: TCocoaScrollBar; const ScrollInfo: TScrollInfo): Integer;
257 function CocoaScrollBarGetScrollInfo(bar: TCocoaScrollBar; var ScrollInfo: TScrollInfo): Boolean;
258 procedure NSScrollerGetScrollInfo(docSz, pageSz: CGFloat; rl: NSSCroller; Var ScrollInfo: TScrollInfo);
259 procedure NSScrollViewGetScrollInfo(sc: NSScrollView; BarFlag: Integer; Var ScrollInfo: TScrollInfo);
260 procedure NSScrollerSetScrollInfo(docSz, pageSz: CGFloat; rl: NSSCroller; const ScrollInfo: TScrollInfo);
261 procedure NSScrollViewSetScrollPos(sc: NSScrollView; BarFlag: Integer; const ScrollInfo: TScrollInfo);
263 function CocoaPromptUser(const DialogCaption, DialogMessage: String;
264     DialogType: longint; Buttons: PLongint; ButtonCount, DefaultIndex,
265     EscapeResult: Longint;
266     sheetOfWindow: NSWindow = nil; modalSheet: Boolean = false): Longint;
268 implementation
271 // NSCursor doesn't support any wait cursor, so we need to use a non-native one
272 // Not supporting it at all would result in crashes in Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass;
273 {$R ../../cursor_hourglass.res}
275 uses
276   dl,dynlibs,
277   CocoaCaret,
278   CocoaThemes;
CocoaScrollBarSetScrollInfonull280 function CocoaScrollBarSetScrollInfo(bar: TCocoaScrollBar; const ScrollInfo: TScrollInfo): Integer;
281 var
282   pg  : Integer;
283   mn  : Integer;
284   mx  : Integer;
285   dl  : Integer;
286 begin
287   if not Assigned(bar) then
288   begin
289     Result := 0;
290     Exit;
291   end;
293   if ScrollInfo.fMask and SIF_PAGE>0 then
294   begin
295     pg:=ScrollInfo.nPage;
296   end
297   else pg:=bar.pageInt;
299   if ScrollInfo.fMask and SIF_RANGE>0 then
300   begin
301     mn:=ScrollInfo.nMin;
302     mx:=ScrollInfo.nMax;
303   end
304   else
305   begin
306     mn:=bar.minInt;
307     mx:=bar.maxInt;
308   end;
310   dl:=mx-mn;
311   {$ifdef BOOLFIX}
312   bar.setEnabled_(Ord(dl<>0));
313   {$else}
314   bar.SetEnabled(dl<>0);
315   {$endif}
317   // if changed page or range, the knob changes
318   if ScrollInfo.fMask and (SIF_RANGE or SIF_PAGE)>0 then
319   begin
320     if dl<>0 then
321       bar.setKnobProportion(pg/dl)
322     else
323       bar.setKnobProportion(1);
324     bar.pageInt:=pg;
325     bar.minInt:=mn;
326     bar.maxInt:=mx;
327   end;
329   if ScrollInfo.fMask and SIF_POS > 0 then
330     bar.lclSetPos( ScrollInfo.nPos );
332   Result:=bar.lclPos;
333 end;
CocoaScrollBarGetScrollInfonull335 function CocoaScrollBarGetScrollInfo(bar: TCocoaScrollBar; var ScrollInfo: TScrollInfo): Boolean;
336 var
337   l : integer;
338 begin
339   Result:=Assigned(bar);
340   if not Result then Exit;
342   FillChar(ScrollInfo, sizeof(ScrollInfo), 0);
343   ScrollInfo.cbSize:=sizeof(ScrollInfo);
344   ScrollInfo.fMask:=SIF_ALL;
345   ScrollInfo.nMin:=bar.minInt;
346   ScrollInfo.nMax:=bar.maxInt;
347   ScrollInfo.nPage:=bar.pageInt;
348   ScrollInfo.nPos:=bar.lclPos;
349   ScrollInfo.nTrackPos:=ScrollInfo.nPos;
350   Result:=true;
351 end;
353 procedure NSScrollerGetScrollInfo(docSz, pageSz: CGFloat; rl: NSSCroller; Var ScrollInfo: TScrollInfo);
354 begin
355   ScrollInfo.cbSize:=sizeof(ScrollInfo);
356   ScrollInfo.fMask:=SIF_ALL;
357   ScrollInfo.nPos:=round(rl.floatValue*(docSz-pageSz));
358   ScrollInfo.nTrackPos:=ScrollInfo.nPos;
359   ScrollInfo.nMin:=0;
360   ScrollInfo.nMax:=round(docSz);
361   ScrollInfo.nPage:=round(rl.knobProportion*docSz);
362 end;
364 procedure NSScrollViewGetScrollInfo(sc: NSScrollView; BarFlag: Integer; Var ScrollInfo: TScrollInfo);
365 var
366   ns : NSView;
367   vr : NSRect;
368 begin
369   ns:=sc.documentView;
370   if not Assigned(ns) then begin
371     FillChar(ScrollInfo, sizeof(ScrollInfo),0);
372     ScrollInfo.cbSize:=sizeof(ScrollInfo);
373     Exit;
374   end;
375   vr:=sc.documentVisibleRect;
376   if BarFlag = SB_Vert then
377     NSScrollerGetScrollInfo(ns.frame.size.height, vr.size.height, sc.verticalScroller, ScrollInfo)
378   else
379     NSScrollerGetScrollInfo(ns.frame.size.width, vr.size.width, sc.horizontalScroller, ScrollInfo);
380 end;
382 procedure NSScrollerSetScrollInfo(docSz, pageSz: CGFloat; rl: NSSCroller; const ScrollInfo: TScrollInfo);
383 var
384   sz : CGFloat;
385 begin
386   if ScrollInfo.fMask and SIF_POS>0 then begin
387     sz:=docSz-pageSz;
388     if sz=0 then rl.setFloatValue(0)
389     else rl.setFloatValue(ScrollInfo.nPos/sz);
390   end;
391   if ScrollInfo.fMask and SIF_PAGE>0 then begin
392     sz:=docSz-pageSz;
393     if sz=0 then rl.setKnobProportion(1)
394     else rl.setKnobProportion(1/sz);
395   end;
396 end;
398 procedure NSScrollViewSetScrollPos(sc: NSScrollView; BarFlag: Integer; const ScrollInfo: TScrollInfo);
399 var
400   ns : NSView;
401   vr : NSRect;
402 begin
403   ns:=sc.documentView;
404   if not Assigned(ns) then Exit;
406   vr:=sc.documentVisibleRect;
407   if BarFlag = SB_Vert then
408   begin
409     //NSScrollerSetScrollInfo(ns.frame.size.height, sc.verticalScroller, ScrollInfo)
410     if not sc.documentView.isFlipped then
411       vr.origin.y := sc.documentView.frame.size.height - ScrollInfo.nPos - vr.size.Height
412     else
413       vr.origin.y := ScrollInfo.nPos;
414   end
415   else
416   begin
417     //NSScrollerSetScrollInfo(ns.frame.size.width, sc.horizontalScroller, ScrollInfo);
418     vr.origin.x:=ScrollInfo.nPos;
419   end;
420   ns.scrollRectToVisible(vr);
421 end;
423 { TModalSession }
425 constructor TModalSession.Create(awin: NSWindow; asess: NSModalSession;
426   APrevMenuEnabled: Boolean; amainmenu: NSMenu; ALCL: TMenu);
427 begin
428   inherited Create;
429   window := awin;
430   sess := asess;
431   prevMenuEnabled := APrevMenuEnabled;
432   cocoaMenu := amainmenu;
433   lclMenu   := alcl;
434 end;
436 { TCocoaApplication }
438 procedure TCocoaApplication.dealloc;
439 begin
440   if Assigned(modals) then modals.release;
441   if Assigned(inputclient) then inputclient.release;
442   inherited dealloc;
443 end;
446 procedure TCocoaApplication.run;
447 begin
448   aloop();
449 end;
450 {$endif}
452 procedure ForwardMouseMove(app: NSApplication; theEvent: NSEvent);
453 var
454   w   : NSWindow;
455   kw  : NSWindow;
456   ev  : NSEvent;
457   p   : NSPoint;
458   wfr : NSRect;
459 begin
460   kw := app.keyWindow;
462   // mouse move was consumed by the focused window
463   if Assigned(kw) and NSPointInRect( theEvent.mouseLocation, kw.frame) then
464     Exit;
466   for w in app.windows do
467   begin
468     if w = kw then Continue;
469     if not w.isVisible then Continue;
470     // todo: check for enabled windows? modal windows?
472     wfr := w.frame;
473     if not NSPointInRect( theEvent.mouseLocation, wfr) then Continue;
475     p := theEvent.mouseLocation;
476     p.x := p.x - w.frame.origin.x;
477     p.y := p.y - w.frame.origin.y;
478     ev := NSEvent.mouseEventWithType_location_modifierFlags_timestamp_windowNumber_context_eventNumber_clickCount_pressure(
479       theEvent.type_,
480       p,
481       theEvent.modifierFlags,
482       theEvent.timestamp,
483       w.windowNumber,
484       theEvent.context,
485       theEvent.eventNumber,
486       theEvent.clickCount,
487       theEvent.pressure
488     );
489     w.sendEvent(ev);
490   end;
491 end;
493 procedure TCocoaApplication.sendEvent(theEvent: NSEvent);
494 var
495   cb : ICommonCallback;
496   wnd: TCocoaWindow;
497   allowcocoa : Boolean;
498   idx: integer;
499   win : NSWindow;
500   cbnew : ICommonCallback;
501 begin
502   {$ifdef COCOALOOPNATIVE}
503   try
504   {$endif}
505   idx := CocoaWidgetSet.RetainToCollect;
506   win := theEvent.window;
507   if not Assigned(win) then win := self.keyWindow;
509   if Assigned(win) then
510     cb := win.firstResponder.lclGetCallback
511   else
512     cb := nil;
513   try
514     if (theEvent.type_ = NSKeyDown) or (theEvent.type_ = NSKeyUp) or
515        (theEvent.type_ = NSFlagsChanged) then begin
516       if Assigned(cb) then
517       begin
518         try
519           if win.isKindOfClass_(TCocoaWindow) then begin
520             wnd := TCocoaWindow(win);
521             wnd._keyEvCallback := cb;
522           end
523           else
524             wnd := nil;
526           if (theEvent.type_ = NSKeyDown)
527             and not (win.firstResponder.conformsToProtocol(objcprotocol(NSTextInputClientProtocol))) then
528           begin
529             if not Assigned(inputctx) then
530             begin
531               inputclient := TCocoaInputClient.alloc.init;
532               inputctx := NSTextInputContext.alloc.initWithClient(inputclient);
533             end;
534             inputctx.handleEvent(theEvent);
535           end;
537           cb.KeyEvBefore(theEvent, allowcocoa);
538           if allowcocoa then
539             inherited sendEvent(theEvent);
540           cb.KeyEvAfter;
541         finally
542           if Assigned(wnd) then
543             wnd._keyEvCallback := nil;
544         end;
545         Exit;
546       end;
547     end;
549     inherited sendEvent(theEvent);
551     if (theEvent.type_ = NSMouseMoved) then ForwardMouseMove(Self, theEvent);
553      // todo: this should be called for "Default" or "Modal" loops
554      NSApp.updateWindows;
556   finally
558     // Focus change notification used to be in makeFirstResponder method
559     // However, it caused many issues with infinite loops.
560     // Sometimes Cocoa like to switch focus to window (temporary) (i.e. when switching tabs)
561     // That's causing a conflict with LCL. LCL tries to switch focus back
562     // to the original control. And Cocoa keep switching it back to the Window.
563     // (Note, that for Cocoa, window should ALWAYS be focusable)
564     // Thus, Focus switching notification was moved to post event handling.
565     //
566     // can't have this code in TCocoaWindow, because some key events are not forwarded
567     // to the window
568     cbnew := win.firstResponder.lclGetCallback;
569     if not isCallbackForSameObject(cb, cbnew) then
570     begin
571       if Assigned(cb) then cb.ResignFirstResponder;
572       cbnew := win.firstResponder.lclGetCallback;
573       if Assigned(cbnew) then cbnew.BecomeFirstResponder;
574     end;
576     CocoaWidgetSet.ReleaseToCollect(idx);
577   end;
578   {$ifdef COCOALOOPNATIVE}
579     if CocoaWidgetSet.FTerminating then stop(nil);
580   except
581     if CocoaWidgetSet.FTerminating then stop(nil);
582     if Assigned(Application) and Application.CaptureExceptions then
583       Application.HandleException(Application)
584     else
585       raise;
586   end;
587   {$endif}
588 end;
isMouseMoveEventnull590 function isMouseMoveEvent(tp: NSEventType): Boolean; inline;
591 begin
592   Result := (tp = NSMouseMoved)
593     or (tp = NSLeftMouseDragged)
594     or (tp = NSRightMouseDragged)
595     or (tp = NSOtherMouseDragged);
596 end;
598 type
599   TCrackerApplication = class(TApplication);
nextEventMatchingMask_untilDate_inMode_dequeuenull601 function TCocoaApplication.nextEventMatchingMask_untilDate_inMode_dequeue(
602   mask: NSUInteger; expiration: NSDate; mode: NSString; deqFlag: LCLObjCBoolean
603   ): NSEvent;
604 var
605   cb : ICommonCallback;
606 begin
607   {$ifdef COCOALOOPHIJACK}
608   if not isrun and Assigned(aloop) then begin
609     isrun := True;
610     Result := nil;
611     aloop();
612     stop(nil); // this should stop the main loop
613     LoopHiJackEnded := true;
614     exit;
615   end;
616   {$endif}
618   {$ifdef BOOLFIX}
619   Result:=inherited nextEventMatchingMask_untilDate_inMode_dequeue_(
620     mask,
621     expiration, mode, Ord(deqFlag));
622   {$else}
623   Result:=inherited nextEventMatchingMask_untilDate_inMode_dequeue(mask,
624     expiration, mode, deqFlag);
625   {$endif}
626   if not Assigned(Result) then
627   begin
628     {$ifdef COCOALOOPNATIVE}
629     if Assigned(Application) then Application.Idle(true);
630     {$endif}
631     Exit;
632   end;
634   if ((mode = NSEventTrackingRunLoopMode) or mode.isEqualToString(NSEventTrackingRunLoopMode))
635     and Assigned(TrackedControl)
636   then
637   begin
638     if Result.type_ = NSLeftMouseUp then
639     begin
640       //todo: send callback!
641       TrackedControl := nil;
642     end
643     else
644     if isMouseMoveEvent(Result.type_) then
645     begin
646       cb := TrackedControl.lclGetCallback;
647       if Assigned(cb) then cb.MouseMove(Result);
648     end;
649   end;
650 end;
runModalForWindownull652 function TCocoaApplication.runModalForWindow(theWindow: NSWindow): NSInteger;
653 begin
654   ApplicationWillShowModal;
656   Result:=inherited runModalForWindow(theWindow);
657 end;
659 procedure TCocoaApplication.lclSyncCheck(arg: id);
660 begin
661   {$ifdef COCOALOOPNATIVE}
662   try
663     CheckSynchronize;
664     if Assigned(Application) then
665       TCrackerApplication(Application).ProcessAsyncCallQueue;
666   except
667     if Assigned(Application) and Application.CaptureExceptions then
668       Application.HandleException(Application)
669     else
670       raise;
671   end;
672   {$else}
673   CheckSynchronize;
674   if Assigned(Application) then
675     TCrackerApplication(Application).ProcessAsyncCallQueue;
676   {$endif}
677 end;
680 procedure InternalInit;
681 begin
682   // MacOSX 10.6 reports a lot of warnings during initialization process
683   // adding the autorelease pool for the whole Cocoa widgetset
684   MainPool := NSAutoreleasePool.alloc.init;
685 end;
687 procedure InternalFinal;
688 begin
689   if Assigned(MainPool) then
690   begin
691     MainPool.release;
692     MainPool := nil;
693   end;
694 end;
696 // the implementation of the utility methods
697 {$I cocoaobject.inc}
698 // the implementation of the winapi compatibility methods
699 {$I cocoawinapi.inc}
700 // the implementation of the extra LCL interface methods
701 {$I cocoalclintf.inc}
703 procedure TCocoaWidgetSet.DoSetMainMenu(AMenu: NSMenu; ALCLMenu: TMenu);
704 var
705   i: Integer;
706   lCurItem: TMenuItem;
707   lMenuObj: NSObject;
708   lNSMenu: NSMenu absolute AMenu;
709 begin
710   if Assigned(PrevMenu) then PrevMenu.release;
711   PrevMenu := NSApplication(NSApp).mainMenu;
712   PrevMenu.retain;
714   PrevLCLMenu := CurLCLMenu;
716   if (lNSMenu.isKindOfClass(TCocoaMenu)) then
717     TCocoaMenu(lNSMenu).attachAppleMenu();
719   NSApp.setMainMenu(lNSMenu);
720   CurLCLMenu := ALCLMenu;
722   if (ALCLMenu = nil) or not ALCLMenu.HandleAllocated then Exit;
724   // Find the Apple menu, if the user provided any by setting the Caption to 
725   // Some older docs say we should use setAppleMenu to obtain the Services/Hide/Quit items,
726   // but its now private and in 10.10 it doesn't seam to do anything
727   // NSApp.setAppleMenu(NSMenu(lMenuObj));
728   for i := 0 to ALCLMenu.Items.Count-1 do
729   begin
730     lCurItem := ALCLMenu.Items.Items[i];
731     if not lNSMenu.isKindOfClass_(TCocoaMenu) then Break;
732     if not lCurItem.HandleAllocated then Continue;
734     lMenuObj := NSObject(lCurItem.Handle);
735     if not lMenuObj.isKindOfClass_(TCocoaMenuItem) then Continue;
736     if TCocoaMenuItem(lMenuObj).isValidAppleMenu() then
737     begin
738       TCocoaMenu(lNSMenu).overrideAppleMenu(TCocoaMenuItem(lMenuObj));
739       Break;
740     end;
741   end;
742 end;
744 procedure TCocoaWidgetSet.SetMainMenu(const AMenu: HMENU; const ALCLMenu: TMenu);
745 begin
746   if AMenu<>0 then
747   begin
748     DoSetMainMenu(NSMenu(AMenu), ALCLMenu);
750     PrevMenuEnabled := MainMenuEnabled;
751     MainMenuEnabled := true;
752     ToggleAppMenu(true);
753     //if not Assigned(ACustomForm.Menu) then ToggleAppMenu(false);
755     // for modal windows work around bug, but doesn't work :(
756     {$ifdef COCOA_USE_NATIVE_MODAL}
757     {if CurModalForm <> nil then
758     for i := 0 to lNSMenu.numberOfItems()-1 do
759     begin
760       lNSMenu.itemAtIndex(i).setTarget(TCocoaWSCustomForm.GetWindowFromHandle(CurModalForm));
761     end;}
762     {$endif}
763   end;
764 end;
StartModalnull766 function TCocoaWidgetSet.StartModal(awin: NSWindow; hasMenu: Boolean): Boolean;
767 var
768   sess : NSModalSession;
769   lvl : NSInteger;
770 begin
771   Result := false;
772   if not Assigned(awin) then Exit;
774   lvl := awin.level;
776   sess := NSApplication(NSApp).beginModalSessionForWindow(awin);
777   if not Assigned(sess) then Exit;
779   // beginModalSession "configures" the modality and potentially is changing window level
780   awin.setLevel(lvl);
782   if not Assigned(Modals) then Modals := TList.Create;
784   // If a modal menu has it's menu, then SetMainMenu has already been called
785   // (Show is called for modal windows prior to ShowModal. Show triggers Activate and Active is doing MainMenu)
786   if not hasMenu then begin
787     Modals.Add( TModalSession.Create(awin, sess, MainMenuEnabled, NSApplication(NSApp).mainMenu, CurLCLMenu));
788     MainMenuEnabled := false;
789     ToggleAppMenu(false); // modal menu doesn't have a window, disabling it
790   end else
791     // if modal window has its own menu, then the prior window is rescord in "Prev" fields
792     Modals.Add( TModalSession.Create(awin, sess, PrevMenuEnabled, PrevMenu, PrevLCLMenu));
794   Result := true;
795   inc(ModalCounter);
796 end;
798 procedure TCocoaWidgetSet.EndModal(awin: NSWindow);
799 var
800   ms : TModalSession;
801 begin
802   if not Assigned(Modals) or (Modals.Count = 0) then Exit;
803   ms := TModalSession(Modals[Modals.Count-1]);
804   if (ms.window <> awin) then Exit;
805   NSApplication(NSApp).endModalSession(ms.sess);
807   // restoring the menu status that was before the modality
808   DoSetMainMenu(ms.cocoaMenu, ms.lclMenu);
809   PrevMenuEnabled := MainMenuEnabled;
810   MainMenuEnabled := ms.prevMenuEnabled;
811   ToggleAppMenu(ms.prevMenuEnabled); // modal menu doesn't have a window, disabling it
813   ms.Free;
814   Modals.Delete(Modals.Count-1);
815 end;
isTopModalWinnull817 function TCocoaWidgetSet.isTopModalWin(awin: NSWindow): Boolean;
818 begin
819   if not isModalSession then begin
820     Result := false;
821     Exit;
822   end;
823   Result := TModalSession(Modals[Modals.Count-1]).window = awin;
824 end;
isModalSessionnull826 function TCocoaWidgetSet.isModalSession: Boolean;
827 begin
828   Result := Assigned(Modals) and (Modals.Count > 0);
829 end;
831 procedure TCocoaWidgetSet.AddToCollect(obj: TObject);
832 begin
833   // let's try to find an object. Do not add a duplicate
834   if (ToCollect.IndexOf(Obj)>=0) then Exit;
835   ToCollect.Add(obj);
836 end;
RetainToCollectnull838 function TCocoaWidgetSet.RetainToCollect: Integer;
839 begin
840   Result := ToCollect.Count;
841 end;
843 procedure TCocoaWidgetSet.ReleaseToCollect(fromIdx: integer);
844 var
845   i  : integer;
846 begin
847   for i := fromIdx to ToCollect.Count - 1 do
848   begin
849     TObject(ToCollect[i]).Free;
850     ToCollect[i]:=nil;
851   end;
852   ToCollect.Pack;
853 end;
855 initialization
856 //  {$I Cocoaimages.lrs}
858 finalization
859   InternalFinal;
861 end.