1 unit CocoaGDIObjects;
2 //todo: Remove MacOSAll unit to prevent Carbon framework linking.
3 //todo: Remove HIShape usage used in TCocoaRegion.
5 interface
7 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
8 {$modeswitch objectivec1}
10 uses
11   SysUtils, MacOSAll, // for CGContextRef
12   LCLtype, LCLProc,
13   CocoaAll, CocoaUtils,
14   Classes, Types;
16 type
17   TCocoaBitmapAlignment = (
18     cbaByte,  // each line starts at byte boundary.
19     cbaWord,  // each line starts at word (16bit) boundary
20     cbaDWord, // each line starts at double word (32bit) boundary
21     cbaQWord, // each line starts at quad word (64bit) boundary
22     cbaDQWord // each line starts at double quad word (128bit) boundary
23   );
25   TCocoaBitmapType = (
26     cbtMono,  // mask or mono bitmap
27     cbtGray,  // grayscale bitmap
28     cbtRGB,   // color bitmap 8-8-8 R-G-B
29     cbtARGB,  // color bitmap with alpha channel first 8-8-8-8 A-R-G-B
30     cbtRGBA,  // color bitmap with alpha channel last 8-8-8-8 R-G-B-A
31     cbtBGR,   // color bitmap 8-8-8 B-G-R (windows compatible)
32     cbtBGRA   // color bitmap with alpha channel 8-8-8-8 B-G-R-A (windows compatible)
33   );
35 const
36   cbtMask = cbtMono;
38 type
39   { TCocoaGDIObject }
41   TCocoaGDIObject = class(TObject)
42   public
43     RefCount: Integer;
44     procedure AddRef;
45     procedure Release;
46   end;
48   TCocoaRegionType = (crt_Empty, crt_Rectangle, crt_Complex);
49   TCocoaCombine = (cc_And, cc_Xor, cc_Or, cc_Diff, cc_Copy);
51   { TCocoaRegion }
53   //todo: Remove HIShape usage. HIShape is legacy
54   TCocoaRegion = class(TCocoaGDIObject)
55   private
56     FShape: HIShapeRef;
57   public
58     constructor Create;
59     constructor Create(const X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Integer);
60     constructor Create(Points: PPoint; NumPts: Integer; isAlter: Boolean);
61     destructor Destroy; override;
63     procedure Apply(cg: CGContextRef);
GetBoundsnull64     function GetBounds: TRect;
GetTypenull65     function GetType: TCocoaRegionType;
ContainsPointnull66     function ContainsPoint(const P: TPoint): Boolean;
67     procedure SetShape(AShape: HIShapeRef);
CombineWithnull68     function CombineWith(ARegion: TCocoaRegion; CombineMode: TCocoaCombine): Boolean;
69   public
70     property Shape: HIShapeRef read FShape write SetShape;
71   end;
73   { TCocoaBrush }
75   TCocoaBrush = class(TCocoaGDIObject)
76     R,G,B : Single;
77     procedure Apply(cg: CGContextRef);
78   end;
80   { TCocoaPen }
82   TCocoaPen = class(TCocoaGDIObject)
83   public
84     Style : Integer;
85     Width : Integer;
86     R,G,B : Single;
87     procedure Apply(cg: CGContextRef);
88     constructor Create;
89   end;
91   { TCocoaFont }
93   TCocoaFontStyle = set of (cfs_Bold, cfs_Italic, cfs_Underline, cfs_Strikeout);
95   TCocoaFont = class(TCocoaGDIObject)
96     Name  : AnsiString;
97     Size  : Integer;
98     Style : TCocoaFontStyle;
99     Antialiased: Boolean;
100     constructor CreateDefault;
101   end;
103   { TCocoaBitmap }
105   TCocoaBitmap = class(TCocoaGDIObject)
106   private
107     FData: Pointer;
108     FAlignment: TCocoaBitmapAlignment;
109     FFreeData: Boolean;
110     FDataSize: Integer;
111     FBytesPerRow: Integer;
112     FDepth: Byte;
113     FBitsPerPixel: Byte;
114     FWidth: Integer;
115     FHeight: Integer;
116     FType: TCocoaBitmapType;
117     // Cocoa information
118     FbitsPerSample: NSInteger;  // How many bits in each color component
119     FsamplesPerPixel: NSInteger;// How many color components
120   public
121     image: NSImage;
122     imagerep: NSBitmapImageRep;
123     constructor Create(AWidth, AHeight, ADepth, ABitsPerPixel: Integer;
124       AAlignment: TCocoaBitmapAlignment; AType: TCocoaBitmapType;
125       AData: Pointer; ACopyData: Boolean = True);
126     destructor Destroy; override;
127     procedure SetInfo(AWidth, AHeight, ADepth, ABitsPerPixel: Integer;
128       AAlignment: TCocoaBitmapAlignment; AType: TCocoaBitmapType);
129   public
130 //    property BitsPerComponent: Integer read GetBitsPerComponent;
131     property BitmapType: TCocoaBitmapType read FType;
132 //    property BytesPerRow: Integer read FBytesPerRow;
133 //    property CGImage: CGImageRef read FCGImage write SetCGImage;
134 //    property ColorSpace: CGColorSpaceRef read GetColorSpace;
135     property Data: Pointer read FData;
136     property DataSize: Integer read FDataSize;
137     property Depth: Byte read FDepth;
138 //    property Info: CGBitmapInfo read GetInfo;
139     property Width: Integer read FWidth;
140     property Height: Integer read FHeight;
141   end;
143   { TCocoaTextLayout }
145   TCocoaTextLayout = class(TObject)
146   public
147     constructor Create; virtual; abstract;
148     procedure SetFont(AFont: TCocoaFont); virtual; abstract;
149     procedure SetText(UTF8Text: PChar; ByteSize: Integer); virtual; abstract;
GetSizenull150     function GetSize: TSize; virtual; abstract;
152     procedure Draw(cg: CGContextRef; X, Y: Integer; DX: PInteger); virtual; abstract;
153   end;
154   TCocoaTextLayoutClass = class of TCocoaTextLayout;
156   { TASTUITextLayout }
158   // legacy layout used for Mac OS X 10.4
159   TASTUITextLayout = class(TCocoaTextLayout)
160   private
161     fBuffer     : WideString;
162     fUTF8       : String;
163     FDX         : PIntegerArray;
165     FLayout     : ATSUTextLayout;
166     FStyle      : ATSUStyle;
168     FTextBefore : ATSUTextMeasurement;
169     FTextAfter  : ATSUTextMeasurement;
170     FAscent     : ATSUTextMeasurement;
171     FDescent    : ATSUTextMeasurement;
173     FValidSize  : Boolean;
174     procedure RecountSize;
175     procedure DoJustify(iLineRef: ATSULineRef; var Handled: Boolean);
176   public
177     constructor Create; override;
178     destructor Destroy; override;
179     procedure SetFont(AFont: TCocoaFont); override;
180     procedure SetText(UTF8Text: PChar; ByteSize: Integer); override;
GetSizenull181     function GetSize: TSize; override;
182     procedure Draw(cg: CGContextRef; X, Y: Integer; DX: PInteger); override;
183   end;
185   { TCoreTextLayout }
187   //TCoreTextLayout = class(TCocoaTextLayout);
189   { TCocoaContext }
191   TCocoaContext = class(TObject)
192   private
193     fText    : TCocoaTextLayout;
194     fBrush   : TCocoaBrush;
195     fPen     : TCocoaPen;
196     fFont    : TCocoaFont;
197     fRegion  : TCocoaRegion;
198     fBitmap  : TCocoaBitmap;
199     procedure SetBitmap(const AValue: TCocoaBitmap);
200     procedure SetBrush(const AValue: TCocoaBrush);
201     procedure SetFont(const AValue: TCocoaFont);
202     procedure SetPen(const AValue: TCocoaPen);
203     procedure SetRegion(const AValue: TCocoaRegion);
204   public
205     ContextSize : TSize;
206     ctx      : NSGraphicsContext;
207     cgctx    : CGContextRef;
208     PenPos   : TPoint;
209     Stack    : Integer;
210     TR,TG,TB : Single;
211     constructor Create;
212     destructor Destroy; override;
InitDrawnull213     function InitDraw(width, height: Integer): Boolean;
214     procedure MoveTo(x,y: Integer);
215     procedure LineTo(x,y: Integer);
216     procedure Polygon(const Points: array of TPoint; NumPts: Integer; Winding: boolean);
217     procedure Polyline(const Points: array of TPoint; NumPts: Integer);
218     procedure Rectangle(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Integer; FillRect: Boolean; UseBrush: TCocoaBrush);
219     procedure Ellipse(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Integer);
220     procedure TextOut(X,Y: Integer; UTF8Chars: PChar; Count: Integer; CharsDelta: PInteger; BackgroundAlpha: Single);
GetTextExtentPointnull221     function GetTextExtentPoint(AStr: PChar; ACount: Integer; var Size: TSize): Boolean;
GetTextMetricsnull222     function GetTextMetrics(var TM: TTextMetric): Boolean;
223     procedure DrawBitmap(X,Y: Integer; ABitmap: TCocoaBitmap);
224     procedure SetOrigin(X,Y: Integer);
225     procedure GetOrigin(var X,Y: Integer);
CGContextnull226     function CGContext: CGContextRef; virtual;
227     property Brush: TCocoaBrush read fBrush write SetBrush;
228     property Pen: TCocoaPen read fPen write SetPen;
229     property Font: TCocoaFont read fFont write SetFont;
230     property Region: TCocoaRegion read fRegion write SetRegion;
231     property Bitmap: TCocoaBitmap read fBitmap write SetBitmap;
232   end;
CheckDCnull234 function CheckDC(dc: HDC): TCocoaContext;
CheckDCnull235 function CheckDC(dc: HDC; Str: string): Boolean;
CheckGDIOBJnull236 function CheckGDIOBJ(obj: HGDIOBJ): TCocoaGDIObject;
CheckBitmapnull237 function CheckBitmap(ABitmap: HBITMAP; AStr: string): Boolean;
239 implementation
241 //todo: a better check!
CheckDCnull243 function CheckDC(dc: HDC): TCocoaContext;
244 begin
245   Result:=TCocoaContext(dc);
246 end;
CheckDCnull248 function CheckDC(dc: HDC; Str: string): Boolean;
249 begin
250   Result:=dc<>0;
251 end;
CheckGDIOBJnull253 function CheckGDIOBJ(obj: HGDIOBJ): TCocoaGDIObject;
254 begin
255   Result:=TCocoaGDIObject(obj);
256 end;
CheckBitmapnull258 function CheckBitmap(ABitmap: HBITMAP; AStr: string): Boolean;
259 begin
260   Result := ABitmap <> 0;
261 end;
263 constructor TCocoaFont.CreateDefault;
264 begin
265   inherited Create({False});
266 end;
268 { TCocoaBitmap }
270 type
271   // The following dummy categories fix bugs in the Cocoa bindings available in FPC
272   // Remove them when the FPC binding parser is fixed.
273   // More details:
274   // http://wiki.freepascal.org/FPC_PasCocoa/Differences#Sending_messages_to_id
275   // http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/FPC_PasCocoa#Category_declaration
276   NSBitmapImageRepFix = objccategory external(NSBitmapImageRep)
initWithBitmapDataPlanes_pixelsWide_pixelsHigh__colorSpaceName_bytesPerRow_bitsPerPixelnull277     function initWithBitmapDataPlanes_pixelsWide_pixelsHigh__colorSpaceName_bytesPerRow_bitsPerPixel(planes: PPByte; width: NSInteger; height: NSInteger; bps: NSInteger; spp: NSInteger; alpha: Boolean; isPlanar_: Boolean; colorSpaceName_: NSString; rBytes: NSInteger; pBits: NSInteger): id; message 'initWithBitmapDataPlanes:pixelsWide:pixelsHigh:bitsPerSample:samplesPerPixel:hasAlpha:isPlanar:colorSpaceName:bytesPerRow:bitsPerPixel:';
initWithBitmapDataPlanes_pixelsWide_pixelsHigh__colorSpaceName_bitmapFormat_bytesPerRow_bitsPerPixelnull278     function initWithBitmapDataPlanes_pixelsWide_pixelsHigh__colorSpaceName_bitmapFormat_bytesPerRow_bitsPerPixel(planes: PPByte; width: NSInteger; height: NSInteger; bps: NSInteger; spp: NSInteger; alpha: Boolean; isPlanar_: Boolean; colorSpaceName_: NSString; bitmapFormat_: NSBitmapFormat; rBytes: NSInteger; pBits: NSInteger): id; message 'initWithBitmapDataPlanes:pixelsWide:pixelsHigh:bitsPerSample:samplesPerPixel:hasAlpha:isPlanar:colorSpaceName:bitmapFormat:bytesPerRow:bitsPerPixel:';
279   end;
281 {------------------------------------------------------------------------------
282   Method:  TCocoaBitmap.Create
283   Params:  AWidth        - Bitmap width
284            AHeight       - Bitmap height
285            ADepth        - Significant bits per pixel
286            ABitsPerPixel - The number of allocated bits per pixel (can be larger than depth)
287 //           AAlignment    - Alignment of the data for each row
288 //           ABytesPerRow  - The number of bytes between rows
289            ACopyData     - Copy supplied bitmap data (OPTIONAL)
291   Creates Cocoa bitmap with the specified characteristics
292  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
293 constructor TCocoaBitmap.Create(AWidth, AHeight, ADepth, ABitsPerPixel: Integer;
294   AAlignment: TCocoaBitmapAlignment; AType: TCocoaBitmapType;
295   AData: Pointer; ACopyData: Boolean);
296 var
297   HasAlpha: Boolean;
298   BitmapFormat: NSBitmapFormat;
299   DataPointer: Pointer;
300 begin
301   {$ifdef VerboseBitmaps}
302   DebugLn(Format('[TCocoaBitmap.Create] AWidth=%d AHeight=%d ADepth=%d ABitsPerPixel=%d'
303     + ' AAlignment=%d AType=%d AData=? ACopyData=%d',
304     [AWidth, AHeight, ADepth, ABitsPerPixel, Integer(AAlignment), Integer(AType), Integer(ACopyData)]));
305   {$endif}
306   SetInfo(AWidth, AHeight, ADepth, ABitsPerPixel, AAlignment, AType);
308   // Copy the image data, if necessary
309   if ACopyData then
310   begin
311     System.GetMem(FData, FDataSize);
312     FFreeData := True;
313     if AData <> nil then
314       System.Move(AData^, FData^, FDataSize) // copy data
315     else
316       FillDWord(FData^, FDataSize shr 2, 0); // clear bitmap
317     DataPointer := @FData;
318   end
319   else if (AData = nil) then
320   begin
321     FData := AData;
322     FFreeData := False;
323     DataPointer := nil;
324   end
325   else
326   begin
327     FData := AData;
328     FFreeData := False;
329     DataPointer := @FData;
330   end;
332   HasAlpha := AType in [cbtARGB, cbtRGBA, cbtBGRA];
333   BitmapFormat := NSAlphaNonpremultipliedBitmapFormat;
334   if AType = cbtARGB then
335     BitmapFormat := BitmapFormat or NSAlphaFirstBitmapFormat;
337   {$ifdef VerboseBitmaps}
338   DebugLn(Format('[TCocoaBitmap.Create] NSBitmapImageRep.alloc HasAlpha=%d',
339     [Integer(HasAlpha)]));
340   {$endif}
341   // Create the associated NSImageRep
342   imagerep := NSBitmapImageRep(NSBitmapImageRep.alloc.initWithBitmapDataPlanes_pixelsWide_pixelsHigh__colorSpaceName_bitmapFormat_bytesPerRow_bitsPerPixel(
343     DataPointer, // planes, BitmapDataPlanes
344     FWidth, // width, pixelsWide
345     FHeight,// height, PixelsHigh
346     FbitsPerSample,// bitsPerSample, bps
347     FsamplesPerPixel, // samplesPerPixel, sps
348     HasAlpha, // hasAlpha
349     False, // isPlanar
350     NSCalibratedRGBColorSpace, // colorSpaceName
351     BitmapFormat, // bitmapFormat
352     FBytesPerRow, // bytesPerRow
353     FBitsPerPixel //bitsPerPixel
354     ));
356   // Create the associated NSImage
357   image := NSImage.alloc.initWithSize(NSMakeSize(AWidth, AHeight));
358   image.addRepresentation(imagerep);
359 end;
361 destructor TCocoaBitmap.Destroy;
362 begin
363   //CGImageRelease(FCGImage);
364   if FFreeData then System.FreeMem(FData);
366   inherited Destroy;
367 end;
369 procedure TCocoaBitmap.SetInfo(AWidth, AHeight, ADepth,
370   ABitsPerPixel: Integer; AAlignment: TCocoaBitmapAlignment;
371   AType: TCocoaBitmapType);
372 const
373   ALIGNBITS: array[TCocoaBitmapAlignment] of Integer = (0, 1, 3, 7, $F);
374 var
375   M: Integer;
376 begin
377   if AWidth < 1 then AWidth := 1;
378   if AHeight < 1 then AHeight := 1;
379   FWidth := AWidth;
380   FHeight := AHeight;
381   FDepth := ADepth;
382   FBitsPerPixel := ABitsPerPixel;
383   FType := AType;
384   FAlignment := AAlignment;
386   if (FType in [cbtMono, cbtGray]) and (FDepth=0) then
387     FDepth:=FBitsPerPixel;
389   FBytesPerRow := ((AWidth * ABitsPerPixel) + 7) shr 3;
390   M := FBytesPerRow and ALIGNBITS[AAlignment];
391   if M <> 0 then Inc(FBytesPerRow, ALIGNBITS[AAlignment] + 1 - M);
393   FDataSize := FBytesPerRow * FHeight;
395   // Cocoa information
396   case ABitsPerPixel of
397     // Strangely, this might appear
398     0:
399     begin
400       FbitsPerSample := 0;
401       FsamplesPerPixel := 0;
402     end;
403     // Mono
404     1:
405     begin
406       FbitsPerSample := 1;
407       FsamplesPerPixel := 1;
408     end;
409     // Gray scale
410     8:
411     begin
412       FbitsPerSample := 8;
413       FsamplesPerPixel := 1;
414     end;
415     // ARGB
416     32:
417     begin
418       FbitsPerSample := 8;
419       FsamplesPerPixel := 4;
420     end;
421   else
422     // Other RGB
423     FbitsPerSample := ABitsPerPixel div 3;
424     FsamplesPerPixel := 3;
425   end;
426 end;
428 { TASTUITextLayout }
IntToFixnull430 function IntToFix(i: integer): Integer; inline;
431 begin
432   Result:=i shl 16;
433 end;
FixToIntnull435 function FixToInt(f: Integer): Integer; inline;
436 begin
437   Result:=Round(Fix2X(F));
438 end;
440 procedure TASTUITextLayout.RecountSize;
441 begin
442   ATSUGetUnjustifiedBounds(FLayout, kATSUFromTextBeginning, kATSUToTextEnd,
443     FTextBefore, FTextAfter, FAscent, FDescent);
444 end;
446 constructor TASTUITextLayout.Create;
447 begin
448   // create text layout
449   ATSUCreateTextLayout(FLayout);
450   SetText(#0, 1);
451   ATSUSetTextLayoutRefCon(FLayout, URefCon(Self));
453   ATSUCreateStyle(FStyle);
455   // allow font substitution for exotic glyphs
456   ATSUSetTransientFontMatching(FLayout, True);
457 end;
459 destructor TASTUITextLayout.Destroy;
460 begin
461   ATSUDisposeTextLayout(FLayout);
462   ATSUDisposeStyle(FStyle);
463   inherited Destroy;
464 end;
466 const
467   DefaultFont = 'Lucida Grande';
468   DefaultSize = 13;
FindATSUFontIDnull470 function FindATSUFontID(const FontName: String): ATSUFontID;
471 var
472   fn  : String;
473 begin
474   Result := 0;
475   if IsFontNameDefault(FontName) then fn:=DefaultFont else fn:=FontName;
476   if (fn <> '') then
477     ATSUFindFontFromName(@fn[1], Length(fn),
478         kFontFullName, kFontMacintoshPlatform, kFontRomanScript,
479         kFontEnglishLanguage, Result);
480 end;
482 procedure TASTUITextLayout.SetFont(AFont:TCocoaFont);
483 var
484   Attr: ATSUAttributeTag;
485   M: ATSUTextMeasurement;
486   O: ATSStyleRenderingOptions;
487   B: Boolean;
488   S: ByteCount;
489   A: ATSUAttributeValuePtr;
490   ID: ATSUFontID;
491 const
492   ATSStyleRenderingOption: array [Boolean] of ATSStyleRenderingOptions =
493     (kATSStyleNoAntiAliasing, kATSStyleApplyAntiAliasing);
494 begin
495   if not Assigned(AFont) then Exit;
497   ID := FindATSUFontID(AFont.Name);
499   if ID <> 0 then
500   begin
501     Attr := kATSUFontTag;
502     A := @ID;
503     S := SizeOf(ID);
504     ATSUSetAttributes(FStyle, 1, @Attr, @S, @A);
505   end;
507   Attr := kATSUSizeTag;
508   M := IntToFix(Abs(AFont.Size));
509   A := @M;
510   S := SizeOf(M);
511   ATSUSetAttributes(FStyle, 1, @Attr, @S, @A);
513   S := SizeOf(B);
514   Attr := kATSUQDBoldfaceTag;
515   B := cfs_Bold in AFont.Style;
516   A := @B;
517   ATSUSetAttributes(FStyle, 1, @Attr, @S, @A);
519   Attr := kATSUQDItalicTag;
520   B := cfs_Italic in AFont.Style;
521   A := @B;
522   ATSUSetAttributes(FStyle, 1, @Attr, @S, @A);
524   Attr := kATSUQDUnderlineTag;
525   B := cfs_Underline in AFont.Style;
526   A := @B;
527   ATSUSetAttributes(FStyle, 1, @Attr, @S, @A);
529   Attr := kATSUStyleStrikeThroughTag;
530   B := cfs_Strikeout in AFont.Style;
531   A := @B;
532   ATSUSetAttributes(FStyle, 1, @Attr, @S, @A);
534   Attr := kATSUStyleRenderingOptionsTag;
535   O := ATSStyleRenderingOption[AFont.Antialiased];
536   A := @O;
537   S := SizeOf(O);
538   ATSUSetAttributes(FStyle, 1, @Attr, @S, @A);
540   FValidSize:=False;
541 end;
543 procedure TASTUITextLayout.SetText(UTF8Text: PChar; ByteSize: Integer);
544 begin
545   if (ByteSize=length(fUTF8)) and (fUTF8<>'') and
546     (CompareChar(UTF8Text^, fUTF8[1], ByteSize)=0) then Exit; // same buffer, nothing to change!
548   SetLength(fUTF8, ByteSize);
549   if ByteSize>0 then
550     System.Move(UTF8Text^, fUTF8[1], ByteSize)
551   else
552     fUTF8:='';
554   fBuffer:=UTF8Decode(fUTF8);
555   if fBuffer='' then fBuffer:=#0;
556   ATSUSetTextPointerLocation(FLayout, @fBuffer[1], 0, length(fBuffer), length(fBuffer));
557   ATSUSetRunStyle(FLayout, FStyle, kATSUFromTextBeginning, kATSUToTextEnd);
559   FValidSize:=False;
560 end;
GetSizenull562 function TASTUITextLayout.GetSize:TSize;
563 begin
564   if not FValidSize then RecountSize;
565   Result.cx := FixToInt(FTextAfter - FTextBefore);
566   Result.cy := FixToInt(FDescent + FAscent);
567 end;
569 var
570   ATSUDirectUPP : ATSUDirectLayoutOperationOverrideUPP = nil; //NewATSUDirectLayoutOperationOverrideUPP(@ATSUCallback)
ATSUCallbacknull572 function ATSUCallback(iCurrentOperation: ATSULayoutOperationSelector; iLineRef: ATSULineRef; iRefCon: URefCon; iOperationCallbackParameterPtr: UnivPtr;
573   var oCallbackStatus: ATSULayoutOperationCallbackStatus ): OSStatus; {$ifdef DARWIN}mwpascal;{$endif}
574 var
575   Buffer  : TASTUITextLayout;
576   Handled : Boolean;
577 begin
578   Result := noErr;
579   Buffer := TASTUITextLayout(iRefCon);
580   oCallbackStatus:=kATSULayoutOperationCallbackStatusHandled;
582   if Assigned(Buffer) then
583     Buffer.DoJustify(iLineRef, Handled);
584 end;
586 procedure TASTUITextLayout.DoJustify(iLineRef: ATSULineRef; var Handled: Boolean);
587 type
588 	ATSLayoutRecord1 = packed record
589 		glyphID: ATSGlyphRef;
590 		flags: ATSGlyphInfoFlags;
591 		originalOffset: ByteCount;
592 		realPos: Fixed;
593 	end;
595 type
596   TATSLayoutRecordArray = array [Word] of ATSLayoutRecord1;
597   PATSLayoutRecordArray = ^TATSLayoutRecordArray;
598 var
599   i, ofs  : Integer;
600   Layouts   : PATSLayoutRecordArray;
601   LayCount  : ItemCount;
602 begin
603   if not Assigned(FDX) then Exit;
604   Laycount:=0;
605   ATSUDirectGetLayoutDataArrayPtrFromLineRef( iLineRef,
606     kATSUDirectDataLayoutRecordATSLayoutRecordVersion1, true, @Layouts, Laycount);
607   if Assigned(Layouts) and (Laycount>0) then
608   begin
609     ofs:=0;
610     for i:=0 to LayCount-1 do
611     begin
612       Layouts^[i].realPos:=Long2Fix(ofs);
613       inc(ofs, FDX^[i]);
614     end;
615   end;
616   ATSUDirectReleaseLayoutDataArrayPtr(iLineRef, kATSUDirectDataLayoutRecordATSLayoutRecordCurrent, @Layouts );
617   Handled:=True;
618 end;
621 procedure TASTUITextLayout.Draw(cg:CGContextRef;X,Y:Integer;DX:PInteger);
622 var
623   MX, MY    : Integer;
625   Tag       : ATSUAttributeTag;
626   Size      : ByteCount;
627   Value     : ATSUAttributeValuePtr;
628   OverSpec  : ATSULayoutOperationOverrideSpecifier;
629 begin
630   if not Assigned(cg) then Exit;
631   if not FValidSize then RecountSize;
633   MX:=0;
634   MY:=0;
635   Tag := kATSUCGContextTag;
636   Size := sizeOf(CGContextRef);
637   Value := @cg;
638   ATSUSetLayoutControls(FLayout, 1, @Tag, @Size, @Value);
640   Tag := kATSULayoutOperationOverrideTag;
641   Size := sizeof (ATSULayoutOperationOverrideSpecifier);
642   Value := @OverSpec;
643   FillChar(OverSpec, sizeof(OverSpec), 0);
644   if Assigned(Dx) then begin
645     FDX := PIntegerArray(Dx);
646     OverSpec.operationSelector := kATSULayoutOperationPostLayoutAdjustment;
647     if not Assigned(ATSUDirectUPP) then ATSUDirectUPP:=NewATSUDirectLayoutOperationOverrideUPP(@ATSUCallback);
648     OverSpec.overrideUPP := ATSUDirectUPP;
649   end else
650     FDX:=nil;
651   ATSUSetLayoutControls (FLayout, 1, @Tag, @Size, @Value);
653   ATSUDrawText(FLayout, kATSUFromTextBeginning, kATSUToTextEnd,
654     IntToFix(X)- FTextBefore + MX, IntToFix(Y) - FAscent + MY);
655 end;
657 { TCocoaContext }
TCocoaContext.CGContextnull659 function TCocoaContext.CGContext:CGContextRef;
660 begin
661   if ctx = nil then Result := cgctx
662   else Result:=CGContextRef(ctx.graphicsPort);
663 end;
665 procedure TCocoaContext.SetBitmap(const AValue: TCocoaBitmap);
666 begin
667   fBitmap:=AValue;
668 end;
670 procedure TCocoaContext.SetBrush(const AValue: TCocoaBrush);
671 begin
672   fBrush:=AValue;
673   if Assigned(fBrush) then fBrush.Apply(CGContext);
674 end;
676 procedure TCocoaContext.SetFont(const AValue: TCocoaFont);
677 begin
678   fFont:=AValue;
679 end;
681 procedure TCocoaContext.SetPen(const AValue: TCocoaPen);
682 begin
683   fPen:=AValue;
684   if Assigned(fPen) then fPen.Apply(CGContext);
685 end;
687 procedure TCocoaContext.SetRegion(const AValue: TCocoaRegion);
688 begin
689   fRegion:=AValue;
690 end;
692 constructor TCocoaContext.Create;
693 begin
694   FFont := TCocoaFont.CreateDefault;
695   FFont.AddRef;
696   FText := TASTUITextLayout.Create;
697 end;
699 destructor TCocoaContext.Destroy;
700 begin
701   inherited Destroy;
702 end;
InitDrawnull704 function TCocoaContext.InitDraw(width,height:Integer): Boolean;
705 var
706   cg  : CGContextRef;
707 begin
708   cg:=CGContext;
709   Result:=Assigned(cg);
710   if not Result then Exit;
712   ContextSize.cx:=width;
713   ContextSize.cy:=height;
715   CGContextTranslateCTM(cg, 0, height);
716   CGContextScaleCTM(cg, 1, -1);
717   PenPos.x:=0;
718   PenPos.y:=0;
719 end;
721 procedure TCocoaContext.MoveTo(x,y:Integer);
722 begin
723   PenPos.x:=x;
724   PenPos.y:=y;
725 end;
727 procedure TCocoaContext.LineTo(x,y:Integer);
728 var
729   cg  : CGContextRef;
730   p   : array [0..1] of CGPoint;
731   deltaX, deltaY, absDeltaX, absDeltaY: Integer;
732   clipDeltaX, clipDeltaY: Float32;
733   tx,ty:Float32;
734 begin
735   cg:=CGContext;
736   if not Assigned(cg) then Exit;
738   deltaX := X - PenPos.x;
739   deltaY := Y - PenPos.y;
740   if (deltaX=0) and (deltaY=0) then Exit;
742   absDeltaX := Abs(deltaX);
743   absDeltaY := Abs(deltaY);
744   if (absDeltaX<=1) and (absDeltaY<=1) then
745   begin
746     // special case for 1-pixel lines
747     tx := PenPos.x + 0.55;
748     ty := PenPos.y + 0.55;
749   end
750   else
751   begin
752     // exclude the last pixel from the line
753     if absDeltaX > absDeltaY then
754     begin
755       if deltaX > 0 then clipDeltaX := -1.0 else clipDeltaX := 1.0;
756       clipDeltaY := clipDeltaX * deltaY / deltaX;
757     end
758     else
759     begin
760       if deltaY > 0 then clipDeltaY := -1.0 else clipDeltaY := 1.0;
761       clipDeltaX := clipDeltaY * deltaX / deltaY;
762     end;
763     tx := X + clipDeltaX + 0.5;
764     ty := Y + clipDeltaY + 0.5;
765   end;
767   p[0].x:=PenPos.X+0.5;
768   p[0].y:=PenPos.Y+0.5;
769   p[1].x:=tx;
770   p[1].y:=ty;
772   CGContextBeginPath(cg);
773   CGContextAddLines(cg, @p, 2);
774   CGContextStrokePath(cg);
776   PenPos.x := X;
777   PenPos.y := Y;
778 end;
780 procedure CGContextAddLCLPoints(cg: CGContextRef; const Points: array of TPoint;NumPts:Integer);
781 var
782   cp  : array of CGPoint;
783   i   : Integer;
784 begin
785   SetLength(cp, NumPts);
786   for i:=0 to NumPts-1 do begin
787     cp[i].x:=Points[i].X+0.5;
788     cp[i].y:=Points[i].Y+0.5;
789   end;
790   CGContextAddLines(cg, @cp[0], NumPts);
791 end;
793 procedure CGContextAddLCLRect(cg: CGContextRef; x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer); overload;
794 var
795   r  : CGRect;
796 begin
797   r.origin.x:=x1+0.5;
798   r.origin.y:=y1+0.5;
799   r.size.width:=x2-x1-1;
800   r.size.height:=y2-y1-1;
801   CGContextAddRect(cg, r);
802 end;
804 procedure CGContextAddLCLRect(cg: CGContextRef; const R: TRect); overload;
805 begin
806   CGContextAddLCLRect(cg, r.Left, r.Top, r.Right, r.Bottom);
807 end;
809 procedure TCocoaContext.Polygon(const Points:array of TPoint;NumPts:Integer;
810   Winding:boolean);
811 var
812   cg  : CGContextRef;
813 begin
814   cg:=CGContext;
815   if not Assigned(cg) or (NumPts<=0) then Exit;
817   CGContextBeginPath(cg);
818   CGContextAddLCLPoints(cg, Points, NumPts);
819   CGContextClosePath(cg);
821   if Winding then
822     CGContextDrawPath(cg, kCGPathFillStroke)
823   else
824     CGContextDrawPath(cg, kCGPathEOFillStroke);
825 end;
827 procedure TCocoaContext.Polyline(const Points: array of TPoint; NumPts: Integer);
828 var
829   cg  : CGContextRef;
830 begin
831   cg:=CGContext;
832   if not Assigned(cg) or (NumPts<=0) then Exit;
834   CGContextBeginPath(cg);
835   CGContextAddLCLPoints(cg, Points, NumPts);
836   CGContextStrokePath(cg);
837 end;
839 procedure TCocoaContext.Rectangle(X1,Y1,X2,Y2:Integer;FillRect:Boolean; UseBrush: TCocoaBrush);
840 var
841   cg  : CGContextRef;
842 begin
843   cg:=CGContext;
844   if not Assigned(cg) then Exit;
846   CGContextBeginPath(cg);
847   CGContextAddLCLRect(cg, X1,Y1,X2,Y2);
848   if FillRect then begin
849     //using the brush
850     if Assigned(UseBrush) then UseBrush.Apply(cg);
851     CGContextFillPath(cg);
852     //restore the brush
853     if Assigned(UseBrush) and Assigned(fBrush) then fBrush.Apply(cg);
854   end else
855     CGContextStrokePath(cg);
856 end;
858 procedure TCocoaContext.Ellipse(X1,Y1,X2,Y2:Integer);
859 var
860   cg : CGContextRef;
861   r  : CGRect;
862 begin
863   cg:=CGContext;
864   if not Assigned(cg) then Exit;
865   r.origin.x:=x1+0.5;
866   r.origin.y:=y1+0.5;
867   r.size.width:=x2-x1-1;
868   r.size.height:=y2-y1-1;
869   CGContextBeginPath(CGContext);
870   CGContextAddEllipseInRect(CGContext, R);
871   CGContextDrawPath(CGContext, kCGPathFillStroke);
872 end;
874 // for BackgroundAlpha 1 = opaque 0 = transparent
875 procedure TCocoaContext.TextOut(X,Y:Integer;UTF8Chars:PChar;Count:Integer;
876   CharsDelta:PInteger; BackgroundAlpha: Single);
877 var
878   cg: CGContextRef;
879   ns: NSString;
880   dic: NSDictionary;
881 begin
882 {  // Text rendering with Cocoa only
883   ns:=NSStringUtf8(UTF8Chars);
884 //  dic := NSDictionary.dictionary();
885   ns.drawAtPoint_withAttributes(GetNSPoint(10, 10), nil);
886 //  dic.release;
887   ns.release;}
889   // Text rendering with Carbon mixed (but it doesn't seam to work because cg returns nil)
890   cg:=CGContext;
891   if not Assigned(cg) then Exit;
893   CGContextScaleCTM(cg, 1, -1);
894   CGContextTranslateCTM(cg, 0, -ContextSize.cy);
896   CGContextSetRGBFillColor(cg, TR, TG, TB, BackgroundAlpha);
897   fText.SetText(UTF8Chars, Count);
898   fText.Draw(cg, X, ContextSize.cy-Y, CharsDelta);
900   if Assigned(fBrush) then fBrush.Apply(cg);
902   CGContextTranslateCTM(cg, 0, ContextSize.cy);
903   CGContextScaleCTM(cg, 1, -1);
904 end;
906 {------------------------------------------------------------------------------
907   Method:  GetTextExtentPoint
908   Params:  Str   - Text string
909            Count - Number of characters in string
910            Size  - The record for the dimensions of the string
911   Returns: If the function succeeds
913   Computes the width and height of the specified string of text
914  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
GetTextExtentPointnull915 function TCocoaContext.GetTextExtentPoint(AStr: PChar; ACount: Integer;
916   var Size: TSize): Boolean;
917 var
918   LStr: String;
919 begin
920   Result := False;
921   Size.cx := 0;
922   Size.cy := 0;
924   if ACount = 0 then Exit(True);
926   if ACount < 0 then LStr := AStr
927   else LStr := Copy(AStr, 1, ACount);
929   fText.SetText(PChar(LStr), Length(LStr));
930   Size := fText.getSize();
932   Result := True;
933 end;
935 {------------------------------------------------------------------------------
936   Method:  TCocoaContext.GetTextMetrics
937   Params:  TM - The Record for the text metrics
938   Returns: If the function succeeds
940   Fills the specified buffer with the metrics for the currently selected font
941  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
GetTextMetricsnull942 function TCocoaContext.GetTextMetrics(var TM: TTextMetric): Boolean;
943 {var
944   TextStyle: ATSUStyle;
945   M: ATSUTextMeasurement;
946   B: Boolean;
947   TextLayout: TCarbonTextLayout;
948 const
949   SName = 'GetTextMetrics';
950   SGetAttrName = 'ATSUGetAttribute';}
951 begin
952   Result := False;
954 //  TextStyle := CurrentFont.Style;
956   FillChar(TM, SizeOf(TM), 0);
958 {  // According to the MSDN library, TEXTMETRIC:
959   // the average char width is generally defined as the width of the letter x
960   if not BeginTextRender('x', 1, TextLayout) then Exit;
961   try}
963     TM.tmAscent := 5;//RoundFixed(TextLayout.Ascent);
964     TM.tmDescent := 5;//RoundFixed(TextLayout.Descent);
965     TM.tmHeight := 15;//RoundFixed(TextLayout.Ascent + TextLayout.Descent);
967 //    if OSError(ATSUGetAttribute(TextStyle, kATSULeadingTag, SizeOf(M), @M, nil),
968 //      Self, SName, SGetAttrName, 'kATSULeadingTag', kATSUNotSetErr) then Exit;
969 //    TM.tmInternalLeading := RoundFixed(M);
970     TM.tmExternalLeading := 0;
972     TM.tmAveCharWidth := 15;//RoundFixed(TextLayout.TextAfter - TextLayout.TextBefore);
973 //  finally
974 //    EndTextRender(TextLayout);
975 //  end;
977   TM.tmMaxCharWidth := 15;//TM.tmAscent; // TODO: don't know how to determine this right
978   TM.tmOverhang := 0;
979   TM.tmDigitizedAspectX := 0;
980   TM.tmDigitizedAspectY := 0;
981   TM.tmFirstChar := 'a';
982   TM.tmLastChar := 'z';
983   TM.tmDefaultChar := 'x';
984   TM.tmBreakChar := '?';
986 //  if OSError(ATSUGetAttribute(TextStyle, kATSUQDBoldfaceTag, SizeOf(B), @B, nil),
987 //    Self, SName, SGetAttrName, 'kATSUQDBoldfaceTag', kATSUNotSetErr) then Exit;
988 {  if B then} TM.tmWeight := FW_NORMAL;
989 //       else TM.tmWeight := FW_BOLD;
991 {  if OSError(ATSUGetAttribute(TextStyle, kATSUQDItalicTag, SizeOf(B), @B, nil),
992     Self, SName, SGetAttrName, 'kATSUQDItalicTag', kATSUNotSetErr) then Exit;
993   TM.tmItalic := Byte(B);}
995 {  if OSError(ATSUGetAttribute(TextStyle, kATSUQDUnderlineTag, SizeOf(B), @B, nil),
996     Self, SName, SGetAttrName, 'kATSUQDUnderlineTag', kATSUNotSetErr) then Exit;
997   TM.tmUnderlined := Byte(B);
999   if OSError(ATSUGetAttribute(TextStyle, kATSUStyleStrikeThroughTag, SizeOf(B), @B, nil),
1000     Self, SName, SGetAttrName, 'kATSUStyleStrikeThroughTag', kATSUNotSetErr) then Exit;
1001   TM.tmStruckOut := Byte(B);}
1003   // TODO: get these from font
1004   TM.tmPitchAndFamily := FIXED_PITCH or TRUETYPE_FONTTYPE;
1005   TM.tmCharSet := DEFAULT_CHARSET;
1007   Result := True;
1008 end;
1010 procedure TCocoaContext.DrawBitmap(X,Y:Integer; ABitmap: TCocoaBitmap);
1011 begin
1012   NSGraphicsContext.saveGraphicsState();
1013   NSGraphicsContext.setCurrentContext(ctx);
1014   ABitmap.imagerep.drawAtPoint(NSMakePoint(X, Y));
1015   NSGraphicsContext.restoreGraphicsState();
1016 end;
1018 procedure TCocoaContext.SetOrigin(X,Y:Integer);
1019 var
1020   cg  : CGContextRef;
1021 begin
1022   cg:=CGContext;
1023   if not Assigned(cg) then Exit;
1024   if Assigned(cg) then CGContextTranslateCTM(cg, X, Y);
1025 end;
1027 procedure TCocoaContext.GetOrigin(var X,Y: Integer);
1028 var
1029   cg  : CGContextRef;
1030   t   : CGAffineTransform;
1031 begin
1032   cg:=CGContext;
1033   if not Assigned(cg) then Exit;
1034   t:=CGContextGetCTM(cg);
1035   X := Round(t.tx);
1036   Y := ContextSize.cy - Round(t.ty);
1037 end;
1040 { TCocoaRegion }
1042 {------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1043   Method:  TCocoaRegion.Create
1045   Creates a new empty Cocoa region
1046  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
1047 constructor TCocoaRegion.Create;
1048 begin
1049   inherited Create;
1051   FShape := HIShapeCreateEmpty;
1052 end;
1054 {------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1055   Method:  TCocoaRegion.Create
1056   Params:  X1, Y1, X2, Y2 - Region bounding rectangle
1058   Creates a new rectangular Cocoa region
1059  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
1060 constructor TCocoaRegion.Create(const X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Integer);
1061 begin
1062   inherited Create;
1063   FShape := HIShapeCreateWithRect(GetCGRect(X1, Y1, X2, Y2));
1064 end;
1066 {------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1067   Method:  TCocoaRegion.Create
1068   Params:  Points   - Pointer to array of polygon points
1069            NumPts   - Number of points passed
1070            FillMode - Filling mode
1072   Creates a new polygonal Cocoa region from the specified points
1073  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
1074 constructor TCocoaRegion.Create(Points: PPoint; NumPts: Integer; isAlter: Boolean);
1075 var
1076   Bounds: TRect;
1077   Context: CGContextRef;
1078   W, H: Integer;
1079   Data: Pointer;
1080   PData: PByte;
1081   P: PPoint;
1082   I: Integer;
1083   X, Y, SX: Integer;
1084   LC, C: Byte;
1085   //Line: String;
GetPolygonBoundsnull1087   function GetPolygonBounds: TRect;
1088   var
1089     I: Integer;
1090   begin
1091     P := Points;
1092     Result := Classes.Rect(P^.X, P^.Y, P^.X, P^.Y);
1093     for I := 1 to NumPts - 1 do
1094     begin
1095       Inc(P);
1096       if P^.X < Result.Left then Result.Left := P^.X;
1097       if P^.X > Result.Right then Result.Right := P^.X;
1098       if P^.Y < Result.Top then Result.Top := P^.Y;
1099       if P^.Y > Result.Bottom then Result.Bottom := P^.Y;
1100     end;
1101   end;
1103   procedure AddPart(X1, X2, Y: Integer);
1104   var
1105     R: HIShapeRef;
1106   begin
1107     //DebugLn('AddPart:' + DbgS(X1) + ' - ' + DbgS(X2) + ', ' + DbgS(Y));
1109     R := HIShapeCreateWithRect(GetCGRect(X1, Y, X2, Y + 1));
1110     HIShapeUnion(FShape, R, FShape);
1111     CFRelease(R);
1112   end;
1114 begin
1115   inherited Create;
1117 (*
1118   The passed polygon is drawed into grayscale context, the region is constructed
1119   per rows from rectangles of drawed polygon parts.
1120   *)
1122   FShape := HIShapeCreateMutable;
1124   if (NumPts <= 2) or (Points = nil) then Exit;
1125   Bounds := GetPolygonBounds;
1126   W := Bounds.Right - Bounds.Left + 2;
1127   H := Bounds.Bottom - Bounds.Top + 2;
1129   if (W <= 0) or (H <= 0) then Exit;
1131   System.GetMem(Data, W * H);
1132   System.FillChar(Data^, W * H, 0); // clear bitmap context data to black
1133   try
1134     Context := CGBitmapContextCreate(Data, W, H, 8, W, CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceGray,
1135       kCGImageAlphaNone);
1136     try
1137       CGContextSetShouldAntialias(Context, 0); // disable anti-aliasing
1138       CGContextSetGrayFillColor(Context, 1.0, 1.0); // draw white polygon
1140       P := Points;
1141       CGContextBeginPath(Context);
1142       CGContextMoveToPoint(Context, P^.X, P^.Y);
1144       for I := 1 to NumPts - 1 do
1145       begin
1146         Inc(P);
1147         CGContextAddLineToPoint(Context, P^.X, P^.Y);
1148       end;
1150       CGContextClosePath(Context);
1152       if isAlter then
1153         CGContextEOFillPath(Context)
1154       else
1155         CGContextFillPath(Context);
1157       //SetLength(Line, W);
1159       PData := Data;
1160       for Y := 0 to Pred(H) do
1161       begin
1162         LC := 0; // edge is black
1163         for X := 0 to Pred(W) do
1164         begin
1165           C := PData^;
1166           //Line[X + 1] := Chr(Ord('0') + C div 255);
1168           if (C = $FF) and (LC = 0) then
1169             SX := X; // start of painted row part
1170           if (C = 0) and (LC = $FF) then
1171             // end of painted row part (SX, X)
1172             AddPart(SX, X,  Pred(H) - Y);
1174           LC := C;
1175           Inc(PData);
1176         end;
1177         //DebugLn(DbgS(Pred(H) - Y) + ':' + Line);
1178       end;
1180     finally
1181       CGContextRelease(Context);
1182     end;
1183   finally
1184     System.FreeMem(Data);
1185   end;
1186 end;
1188 {------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1189   Method:  TCocoaRegion.Destroy
1191   Destroys Cocoa region
1192  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
1193 destructor TCocoaRegion.Destroy;
1194 begin
1195   CFRelease(FShape);
1197   inherited Destroy;
1198 end;
1200 {------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1201   Method:  TCocoaRegion.Apply
1202   Params:  ADC - Context to apply to
1204   Applies region to the specified context
1205   Note: Clipping region is only reducing
1206  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
1207 procedure TCocoaRegion.Apply(cg: CGContextRef);
1208 begin
1209   if not Assigned(cg) then Exit;
1210   if HIShapeIsEmpty(FShape) or (HIShapeReplacePathInCGContext(FShape, cg)<>noErr) then
1211     Exit;
1212   CGContextClip(cg);
1213 end;
1215 {------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1216   Method:  TCocoaRegion.GetBounds
1217   Returns: The bounding box of Cocoa region
1218  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
TCocoaRegion.GetBoundsnull1219 function TCocoaRegion.GetBounds: TRect;
1220 var
1221   R: HIRect;
1222 begin
1223   if HIShapeGetBounds(FShape, R) = nil then begin
1224     System.FillChar(Result, sizeof(Result), 0);
1225     Exit;
1226   end;
1228   Result := CGRectToRect(R);
1229 end;
1231 {------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1232   Method:  TCocoaRegion.GetType
1233   Returns: The type of Cocoa region
1234  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
TCocoaRegion.GetTypenull1235 function TCocoaRegion.GetType: TCocoaRegionType;
1236 begin
1237   if not Assigned(FShape) or HIShapeIsEmpty(FShape) then
1238     Result := crt_Empty
1239   else if HIShapeIsRectangular(FShape) then
1240     Result := crt_Rectangle
1241   else
1242     Result := crt_Complex;
1243 end;
1245 {------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1246   Method:  TCocoaRegion.ContainsPoint
1247   Params:  P - Point
1248   Returns: If the specified point lies in Cocoa region
1249  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
TCocoaRegion.ContainsPointnull1250 function TCocoaRegion.ContainsPoint(const P: TPoint): Boolean;
1251 var
1252   cp : CGPoint;
1253 begin
1254   cp.x:=P.x+0.5;
1255   cp.y:=P.y+0.5;
1256   Result := HIShapeContainsPoint(FShape, cp);
1257 end;
1259 procedure TCocoaRegion.SetShape(AShape: HIShapeRef);
1260 begin
1261   if Assigned(FShape) then CFRelease(FShape);
1262   FShape := AShape;
1263 end;
CombineWithnull1265 function TCocoaRegion.CombineWith(ARegion: TCocoaRegion; CombineMode: TCocoaCombine): Boolean;
1266 var
1267   sh1, sh2: HIShapeRef;
1268 const
1269   MinCoord=-35000;
1270   MaxSize=65000;
1271 begin
1272   Result:=Assigned(ARegion);
1273   if not Assigned(ARegion) then Exit;
1275   if (CombineMode in [cc_AND, cc_OR, cc_XOR]) and HIShapeIsEmpty(FShape) then
1276     CombineMode := cc_COPY;
1278   case CombineMode of
1279     cc_AND: Shape:=HIShapeCreateIntersection(FShape, ARegion.Shape);
1280     cc_XOR:
1281     begin
1282       sh1 := HIShapeCreateUnion(FShape, ARegion.Shape);
1283       sh2 := HIShapeCreateIntersection(FShape, ARegion.Shape);
1284       Shape  := HIShapeCreateDifference(sh1, sh2);
1285       CFRelease(sh1); CFRelease(sh2);
1286     end;
1287     cc_OR:   Shape:=HIShapeCreateUnion(FShape, ARegion.Shape);
1288     cc_DIFF:
1289     begin
1290       if HIShapeIsEmpty(FShape) then
1291         {HIShapeCreateDifference doesn't work properly if original shape is empty}
1292         {to simulate "emptieness" very big shape is created }
1293         Shape:=HIShapeCreateWithRect(GetCGRect(MinCoord,MinCoord,MaxSize,MaxSize)); // create clip nothing.
1295       Shape:=HIShapeCreateDifference(FShape, ARegion.Shape);
1296     end;
1297     cc_COPY: Shape:=HIShapeCreateCopy(ARegion.Shape);
1298   else
1299     Result := false;
1300   end;
1301 end;
1303 { TCocoaPen }
1305 procedure TCocoaPen.Apply(cg:CGContextRef);
1306 begin
1307   if not Assigned(cg) then Exit;
1308   CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(cg, r, g, b, 1);
1309   CGContextSetLineWidth(cg, Width);
1310   //todo: style
1311 end;
1313 constructor TCocoaPen.Create;
1314 begin
1315   inherited Create;
1316   Width:=1;
1317 end;
1319 { TCocoaBrush }
1321 procedure TCocoaBrush.Apply(cg:CGContextRef);
1322 begin
1323   if cg = nil then Exit;
1324   CGContextSetRGBFillColor(cg, R,G,B, 1);
1325 end;
1327 { TCocoaGDIObject }
1329 procedure TCocoaGDIObject.AddRef;
1330 begin
1331   if RefCount>=0 then inc(RefCount);
1332 end;
1334 procedure TCocoaGDIObject.Release;
1335 begin
1336   if RefCount>0 then Dec(RefCount)
1337   else if RefCount=0 then Free;
1338 end;
1340 end.