1 { $Id: testlpi.pas 54031 2017-01-29 21:04:32Z joost $}
2 { Copyright (C) 2006 Vincent Snijders
4   This source is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
5   the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
6   Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
7   any later version.
9   This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
10   WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
11   FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
12   details.
14   A copy of the GNU General Public License is available on the World Wide Web
15   at <http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html>. You can also obtain it by writing
16   to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor,
17   Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA.
18 }
19 unit TestLpi;
21 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
23 interface
25 uses
26   Classes, SysUtils, strutils, fpcunit, testregistry, process, UTF8Process,
27   InterfaceBase, LCLPlatformDef, LazFileUtils, LazUTF8, FileUtil,
28   TestGlobals;
30 type
32   { TLpkTest }
34   TLpkTest = class(TTestCase)
35   private
36     FPath: string;
37   public
38     constructor Create(const APath: string; const ATestName: string); overload;
GetExtensionnull39     class function GetExtension: string; virtual;
CreateSuiteFromFilenull40     class function CreateSuiteFromFile(const aName, APath: string): TTestSuite; virtual;
CreateSuiteFromDirectorynull41     class function CreateSuiteFromDirectory(const AName, ABasePath: string): TTestSuite;
42   published
43     procedure TestCompile;
44   end;
46   { TLpiTest }
48   TLpiTest= class(TLpkTest)
49   private
50     procedure RunScript;
51   public
GetExtensionnull52     class function GetExtension: string; override;
CreateSuiteFromFilenull53     class function CreateSuiteFromFile(const aName, APath: string): TTestSuite; override;
54   published
55     procedure TestRun;
56   end;
58 implementation
60 var
61   LazarusDir: string;
62   ComponentsDir: String;
63   ExamplesDir: string;
64   CTExamplesDir: string;
65   LCLTestDir: string;
66   ScriptEngine: string;
68 procedure InitDirectories;
69 begin
70   LazarusDir := ExpandFileNameUTF8(ExtractFilePath(ParamStrUTF8(0)) + '../');
71   ComponentsDir := SetDirSeparators(LazarusDir + 'components/');
72   ExamplesDir := LazarusDir + 'examples' + PathDelim;
73   CTExamplesDir := SetDirSeparators(ComponentsDir + 'codetools/examples/');
74   LCLTestDir := LazarusDir + 'lcl' + PathDelim + 'tests' + PathDelim;
75   ScriptEngine := 'C:\Program Files\AutoHotkey\AutoHotKey.exe';
76 end;
GetScriptFileNamenull78 function GetScriptFileName(const LpiFileName: string): string;
79 begin
80   Result := AppendPathDelim(ProgramDirectory) +
81               ExtractFileNameOnly(LpiFileName) +'.ahk';
82 end;
84 constructor TLpkTest.Create(const APath: string; const ATestName: string);
85 begin
86   inherited CreateWithName(ATestName);
87   FPath := APath;
88 end;
TLpkTest.GetExtensionnull90 class function TLpkTest.GetExtension: string;
91 begin
92   Result := '.lpk';
93 end;
TLpkTest.CreateSuiteFromDirectorynull95 class function TLpkTest.CreateSuiteFromDirectory(const AName,
96   ABasePath: string): TTestSuite;
98   procedure SearchDirectory(const ADirectory: string);
99   var
100     RelativePath: string;
101     SearchMask: string;
102     FileInfo: TSearchRec;
103   begin
104     SearchMask := ABasePath+ADirectory + '*';
105     if FindFirstUTF8(SearchMask,faAnyFile,FileInfo)=0 then begin
106       repeat
107         // skip special directory entries
108         if (FileInfo.Name='.') or (FileInfo.Name='..') then continue;
110         RelativePath := ADirectory+ FileInfo.Name;
111         if RightStr(FileInfo.Name,4)=GetExtension then
112           Result.AddTest(CreateSuiteFromFile(RelativePath, ABasePath+RelativePath))
113         else if (FileInfo.Attr and faDirectory=faDirectory) then
114           SearchDirectory(AppendPathDelim(RelativePath));
115       until FindNextUTF8(FileInfo)<>0;
116     end;
117     FindCloseUTF8(FileInfo);
118   end;
120 begin
121   Result := TTestSuite.Create(AName);
122   SearchDirectory('')
123 end;
TLpkTest.CreateSuiteFromFilenull125 class function TLpkTest.CreateSuiteFromFile(const AName,
126   APath: string): TTestSuite;
127 begin
128   Result := TTestSuite.Create(AnsiReplaceStr(AName, DirectorySeparator, '/'));
129   Result.AddTest(Create(APath, 'TestCompile'));
130 end;
132 procedure TLpkTest.TestCompile;
133 var
134   LazBuildPath: string;
135   LazBuild: TProcessUTF8;
136   OutputLines: TStrings;
137   CmdLine: string;
138 begin
139   LazBuildPath := LazarusDir + 'lazbuild' + GetExeExt;
140   AssertTrue(LazBuildPath + ' does not exist', FileExistsUTF8(LazBuildPath));
141   LazBuild := TProcessUTF8.Create(nil);
142   OutputLines := nil;
143   try
144     {$IFDEF windows}
145     LazBuild.Options := [poNewConsole, poUsePipes];
146     {$ELSE}
147     LazBuild.Options := [poNoConsole, poUsePipes];
148     {$ENDIF}
149     LazBuild.ShowWindow := swoHIDE;
150     CmdLine:=LazBuildPath;
151     if Compiler<>'' then
152       CmdLine:=Cmdline + ' --compiler='+Compiler;
153     if PrimaryConfigPath<>'' then
154       CmdLine := CmdLine + ' --pcp='+PrimaryConfigPath;
155     Cmdline := Cmdline + ' --ws=' + LCLPlatformDirNames[WidgetSet.LCLPlatform];
156     Cmdline := Cmdline + ' -B ' + FPath;
157     LazBuild.CommandLine := CmdLine;
158     LazBuild.CurrentDirectory := ExtractFileDir(FPath);
159     LazBuild.Execute;
160     OutputLines := ReadOutput(LazBuild);
161     if LazBuild.Running then begin
162       LazBuild.Terminate(99);
163     end;
164     if LazBuild.ExitStatus<>0 then
165       Fail(format('Compilation failed: ExitCode=%d%s%s',
166         [LazBuild.ExitStatus, LineEnding, AnsiToUtf8(OutputLines.Text)]));
167   finally
168     LazBuild.Free;
169     OutputLines.Free;
170   end;
171 end;
TLpiTest.GetExtensionnull173 class function TLpiTest.GetExtension: string;
174 begin
175   Result := '.lpi';
176 end;
TLpiTest.CreateSuiteFromFilenull178 class function TLpiTest.CreateSuiteFromFile(const AName,
179   APath: string): TTestSuite;
180 {$IFDEF win32}
181 var
182   AhkFileName: String;
183 {$ENDIF}
184 begin
185   Result := inherited CreateSuiteFromFile(AName, APath);
186 {$IFDEF win32}
187   AhkFileName := GetScriptFileName(APath);
188   if FileExistsUTF8(AhkFileName) then
189     Result.AddTest(TLpiTest.Create(APath, 'TestRun'));
190 {$ELSE}
191   {$NOTE scripting is only available on win32}
192 {$ENDIF}
193 end;
195 procedure TLpiTest.RunScript;
196 var
197   ScriptProcess : TProcessUTF8;
198 begin
199   AssertTrue('ScriptEngine "' + ScriptEngine + '" does not exist.',
200     FileExistsUTF8(ScriptEngine));
201   ScriptProcess := TProcessUTF8.Create(nil);
202   try
203     ScriptProcess.CommandLine := ScriptEngine + ' ' + GetScriptFileName(FPath);
204     ScriptProcess.Execute;
205     ScriptProcess.WaitOnExit;
206   finally
207     ScriptProcess.Free;
208   end;
209 end;
211 procedure TLpiTest.TestRun;
212 var
213   TestProcess : TProcessUTF8;
214   ExeName: string;
215 begin
216   ExeName := ChangeFileExt(FPath, GetExeExt);
217   AssertTrue(ExeName + 'does not exist.', FileExistsUTF8(ExeName));
218   TestProcess := TProcessUTF8.Create(nil);
219   try
220     TestProcess.CommandLine := ExeName;
221     TestProcess.Execute;
222     RunScript;
223     TestProcess.WaitOnExit;
224   finally
225     TestProcess.Free;
226   end;
227 end;
229 procedure InitializeTestSuites;
230 var
231   ATestSuite: TTestSuite;
232 begin
233   // Create testsuite for projects
234   ATestSuite := TTestSuite.Create('Projects');
235   ATestSuite.AddTest(
236     TLpiTest.CreateSuiteFromDirectory('Examples', ExamplesDir));
237   ATestSuite.AddTest(
238     TLpiTest.CreateSuiteFromDirectory('Codetools Examples', CTExamplesDir));
239   ATestSuite.AddTest(
240     TLpiTest.CreateSuiteFromDirectory('LCL test', LCLTestDir));
241   GetTestRegistry.AddTest(ATestSuite);
243   // Create testsuite for packages
244   ATestSuite := TTestSuite.Create('Packages');
245   ATestSuite.AddTest(
246     TLpkTest.CreateSuiteFromDirectory('Components', ComponentsDir));
247   ATestSuite.AddTest(
248     TLpkTest.CreateSuiteFromDirectory('Examples', ExamplesDir));
249   GetTestRegistry.AddTest(ATestSuite);
250 end;
252 initialization
253   InitDirectories;
254   InitializeTestSuites;
255 end.