1 unit LHelpControl;
3 {
4 Starts, stops and controls external help viewer via IPC.
5 This is used to display context-sensitive help in Lazarus, and could be used in applications to do the same.
7 Also contains definitions used by both Lazarus IDE and help viewers.
8 Currently, the only help viewer that supports this protocol is the lhelp CHM help viewer.
9 }
11 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
13 interface
15 uses
16   Classes, SysUtils, LazFileUtils, LazLoggerBase, SimpleIPC, process, UTF8Process;
18 const
19   PROTOCOL_VERSION='2'; //IDE<>LHelp communication protocol version. Please update when breaking compatibility
20   // Version 1: original version
21   // Version 2:
22   // - support for Proposed extensions in bug 24743:
23   // - openurl: if applicable return error instead of unknown
24   // - openurl: if applicable return invalid url instead of invalid file for openurl
25   // Version 2.1: ipcname string constant part may only contain A..Z, a..z, _
26 type
27   TRequestType = (rtFile, rtUrl, rtContext, rtMisc {window handling etc});
28   TMiscRequests = (mrShow, mrVersion, mrClose, mrBeginUpdate, mrEndUpdate);
30   TLHelpResponse = (srError, srNoAnswer, srUnknown, srSuccess, srInvalidFile, srInvalidURL, srInvalidContext);
32   TFileRequest = record
33     // Opening files
34     RequestType: TRequestType;
35     FileName: array[0..512] of char;
36   end;
37   TUrlRequest = record
38     FileRequest: TFileRequest;
39     Url: array[0..512] of char;
40   end;
41   TContextRequest = record
42     FileRequest: TFileRequest;
43     HelpContext: THelpContext;
44   end;
45   TMiscRequest = record
46     // In this record, the FileName array may have a meaning specific to the request ID.
47     FileRequest: TFileRequest;
48     RequestID: TMiscRequests;
49   end;
51   TProcedureOfObject = procedure of object;
53   { TLHelpConnection }
55   TLHelpConnection = class(TObject)
56   private
57     FProcessWhileWaiting: TProcedureOfObject;
58     fServerOut: TSimpleIPCClient; // sends messages to lhelp
59     fServerIn:  TSimpleIPCServer; // recieves messages from lhelp
60     // Wait for help viewer to respond in a reasonable timeframe and return the response
WaitForMsgResponsenull61     function  WaitForMsgResponse: TLHelpResponse;
62     // Send a message to the help viewer
SendMessagenull63     function  SendMessage(Stream: TStream): TLHelpResponse;
64   public
65     constructor Create;
66     destructor Destroy; override;
67     // Checks whether the server is running using SimpleIPC
ServerRunningnull68     function ServerRunning: Boolean;
69     // Starts remote server (help viewer); if Hide specified, asks the help server to hide itself/run minimized while starting
70     // Server must support a switch --ipcname that accepts the NameForServer argument to identify it for SimpleIPC
StartHelpServernull71     function StartHelpServer(NameForServer: String;
72       ServerEXE: String = ''; Hide: boolean=false): Boolean;
73     // Shows URL in the HelpFileName file by sending a TUrlRequest
OpenURLnull74     function OpenURL(HelpFileName: String; Url: String): TLHelpResponse;
75     // Shows help for Context in the HelpFileName file by sending a TContextRequest request
OpenContextnull76     function OpenContext(HelpFileName: String; Context: THelpContext): TLHelpResponse;
77     // Opens HelpFileName by sending a TContextRequest
OpenFilenull78     function OpenFile(HelpFileName: String): TLHelpResponse;
79     // Send BeginUpdate through miscCommand
BeginUpdatenull80     function BeginUpdate: TLHelpResponse;
81     // Send EndUpdate through miscCommand
EndUpdatenull82     function EndUpdate: TLHelpResponse;
83     // Requests to run command on viewer by sending a TMiscrequest
RunMiscCommandnull84     function RunMiscCommand(CommandID: TMiscRequests): TLHelpResponse;
85     // Calling code can set this to process e.g. GUI handling while waiting for help to show
86     property ProcessWhileWaiting: TProcedureOfObject read FProcessWhileWaiting write FProcessWhileWaiting;
87   end;
89 implementation
91 { TLHelpConnection }
TLHelpConnection.WaitForMsgResponsenull93 function TLHelpConnection.WaitForMsgResponse: TLHelpResponse;
94 const
95   // This value should be big enough to give any reasonable help system time to
96   // respond.
97   // If it does respond but takes longer, the delay should be irritating for the
98   // typical user so it then isn't fit for purpose.
99   TimeoutSecs=10;
100 var
101   Stream: TStream;
102   StartTime: TDateTime;
103   TimeOut: TDateTime;
104 begin
105   Result := srNoAnswer;
106   TimeOut := EncodeTime(0,0,TimeOutSecs,0);
107   StartTime := Now;
108   while (Now-StartTime)<TimeOut do
109   begin
110     if fServerIn.PeekMessage(50, True) then
111     begin
112       Stream := fServerIn.MsgData;
113       Stream.Position := 0;
114       Result := TLHelpResponse(Stream.ReadDWord);
115       Exit;
116     end;
117     if Assigned(FProcessWhileWaiting) then FProcessWhileWaiting();
118   end;
119   debugln('LHelpControl: WaitForMsgResponse: hit timeout ('+inttostr(TimeoutSecs)+' seconds)');
120 end;
SendMessagenull122 function TLHelpConnection.SendMessage(Stream: TStream): TLHelpResponse;
123 begin
124   Result := srNoAnswer;
125   if fServerOut.Active then
126   begin
127     fServerOut.SendMessage(mtUnknown, Stream);
128     Result := WaitForMsgResponse;
129   end;
130 end;
132 constructor TLHelpConnection.Create;
133 begin
134   fServerOut := TSimpleIPCClient.Create(nil);
135   fServerIn  := TSimpleIPCServer.Create(nil);
136 end;
138 destructor TLHelpConnection.Destroy;
139 begin
140   if fServerOut.Active then
141     fServerOut.Active:=False;
142   if fServerIn.Active then
143     fServerIn.Active:=False;
144   fServerOut.Free;
145   fServerIn.Free;
146   inherited Destroy;
147 end;
ServerRunningnull149 function TLHelpConnection.ServerRunning: Boolean;
150 begin
151   Result := (fServerOut<>nil) and (fServerOut.ServerID <> '') and (fServerOut.ServerRunning);
152 end;
StartHelpServernull154 function TLHelpConnection.StartHelpServer(NameForServer: String;
155   ServerEXE: String; Hide: boolean=false): Boolean;
156 var
157   X: Integer;
158   Cmd: String;
159 begin
160   Result := False;
162   fServerIn.Active := False;
163   fServerIn.ServerID := NameForServer+'client';
164   fServerIn.Global := True;
165   fServerIn.Active := True;
167   fServerOut.Active := False;
168   fServerOut.ServerID := NameForServer;
169   if not ServerRunning then
170   begin
171     Cmd := ServerExe + ' --ipcname ' + NameForServer;
172     if Hide then Cmd := Cmd + ' --hide';
173     {$IFDEF darwin}
174     if DirectoryExistsUTF8(ServerEXE+'.app') then
175       ServerEXE+='.app';
176     debugln(['TLHelpConnection.StartHelpServer ',ServerEXE]);
177     if DirectoryExistsUTF8(ServerEXE) then
178     begin
179       // application bundle
180       // to put lhelp into the foreground, use "open -n"
181       Cmd:='/usr/bin/open -n '+ServerEXE+' --args --ipcname ' + NameForServer;
182     end;
183     {$ENDIF}
184     with TProcessUTF8.Create(nil) do
185     begin
186       InheritHandles := false;
187       ShowWindow:=swoShowNormal;
188       ParseCmdLine(Cmd);
189       debugln('TLHelpConnection.StartHelpServer: going to start help server by executing '+Cmd);
190       Execute;
191       Free;
192     end;
193     // give the server some time to get started
194     for X := 0 to 40 do
195     begin
196       // use fServerOut.ServerRunning here instead of Self.ServerRunning to avoid a race condition
197       if not fServerOut.ServerRunning then
198         Sleep(200)
199       else
200         break;
201     end;
202   end;
203   if fServerOut.ServerRunning then
204   begin
205     fServerOut.Active := True;
206     Result := True;
207   end
208   else
209   begin
210     debugln('Could not get lhelp running with command '+Cmd);
211   end;
212 end;
OpenURLnull214 function TLHelpConnection.OpenURL(HelpFileName: String; Url: String): TLHelpResponse;
215 var
216   UrlRequest: TUrlRequest;
217   Stream: TMemoryStream;
218 begin
219   Stream := TMemoryStream.Create;
220   try
221     UrlRequest.FileRequest.FileName := HelpFileName+#0;
222     UrlRequest.FileRequest.RequestType := rtURL;
223     UrlRequest.Url := Url+#0;
224     Result := srNoAnswer;
225     try
226       Stream.Write(UrlRequest,SizeOf(UrlRequest));
227       Result := SendMessage(Stream);
228     except
229       // Catch stream read errors etc
230       on E: Exception do
231       begin
232         debugln('Help connection: error '+E.Message+' running UrlRequest command');
233       end;
234     end;
235   finally
236     Stream.Free;
237   end;
238 end;
OpenContextnull240 function TLHelpConnection.OpenContext(HelpFileName: String;
241   Context: THelpContext) : TLHelpResponse;
242 var
243   ContextRequest: TContextRequest;
244   Stream: TMemoryStream;
245 begin
246   Stream := TMemoryStream.Create;
247   Result := srNoAnswer;
248   try
249     ContextRequest.FileRequest.FileName := HelpFileName+#0;
250     ContextRequest.FileRequest.RequestType := rtContext;
251     ContextRequest.HelpContext := Context;
252     Result := srNoAnswer;
253     try
254       Stream.Write(ContextRequest, SizeOf(ContextRequest));
255       Result := SendMessage(Stream);
256     except
257       // Catch stream read errors etc
258       on E: Exception do
259       begin
260         debugln('Help connection: error '+E.Message+' running ContextRequest command');
261       end;
262     end;
263   finally
264     Stream.Free;
265   end;
266 end;
OpenFilenull268 function TLHelpConnection.OpenFile(HelpFileName: String): TLHelpResponse;
269 var
270   FileRequest : TFileRequest;
271   Stream: TMemoryStream;
272 begin
273   Stream := TMemoryStream.Create;
274   try
275     FileRequest.RequestType := rtFile;
276     FileRequest.FileName := HelpFileName+#0;
277     Result := srNoAnswer;
278     try
279       Stream.Write(FileRequest, SizeOf(FileRequest));
280       Result := SendMessage(Stream);
281     except
282       // Catch stream read errors etc
283       on E: Exception do
284       begin
285         debugln('Help connection: error '+E.Message+' running FileRequest command');
286       end;
287     end;
288   finally
289     Stream.Free;
290   end;
291 end;
BeginUpdatenull293 function TLHelpConnection.BeginUpdate: TLHelpResponse;
294 begin
295   Result := RunMiscCommand(mrBeginUpdate);
296 end;
EndUpdatenull298 function TLHelpConnection.EndUpdate: TLHelpResponse;
299 begin
300   Result := RunMiscCommand(mrEndUpdate);
301 end;
RunMiscCommandnull303 function TLHelpConnection.RunMiscCommand(CommandID: TMiscRequests): TLHelpResponse;
304 var
305   MiscRequest : TMiscRequest;
306   Stream: TMemoryStream;
307 begin
308   Stream := TMemoryStream.Create;
309   try
310     MiscRequest.FileRequest.RequestType := rtMisc;
311     MiscRequest.FileRequest.FileName := ''+#0;
312     //CommandID is ord(TMiscRequests)
313     MiscRequest.RequestID:=CommandID;
314     case CommandID of
315       mrClose: ; //no arguments required
316       mrShow: ;  //no arguments required
317       mrVersion:
318         MiscRequest.FileRequest.FileName := PROTOCOL_VERSION+#0;
319     end;
320     try
321       Stream.Write(MiscRequest, SizeOf(MiscRequest));
322       Result := SendMessage(Stream);
323     except
324       // Catch stream read errors etc
325       on E: Exception do
326       begin
327         // When closing, the viewer may not respond in time, which is expected.
328         if CommandID<>mrClose then
329           debugln('Help connection: error '+E.Message+' running MiscRequest command');
330       end;
331     end;
332   finally
333     Stream.Free;
334   end;
335 end;
337 end.