1 {
2  ***************************************************************************
3  *                                                                         *
4  *   This source is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify   *
5  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
6  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
7  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
8  *                                                                         *
9  *   This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but      *
10  *   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            *
12  *   General Public License for more details.                              *
13  *                                                                         *
14  *   A copy of the GNU General Public License is available on the World    *
15  *   Wide Web at <http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html>. You can also      *
16  *   obtain it by writing to the Free Software Foundation,                 *
17  *   Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA.   *
18  *                                                                         *
19  ***************************************************************************
21   Author: Mattias Gaertner
23   Abstract:
24     - simple file functions and fpc additions
25     - all functions are thread safe unless explicitely stated
26 }
27 unit FileProcs;
29 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
31 interface
33 {$I codetools.inc}
35 uses
37   MemCheck,
38   {$ENDIF}
39   {$IFDEF Windows}
40   Windows,
41   {$ENDIF}
42   // RTL + FCL
43   Classes, SysUtils, Laz_AVL_Tree,
44   // CodeTools
45   CodeToolsStrConsts,
46   // LazUtils
47   LazUtilities, LazLoggerBase, LazFileCache, LazFileUtils, LazUTF8, LazUTF8Classes;
49 type
50   TFPCStreamSeekType = int64;
51   TFPCMemStreamSeekType = integer;
52   PCharZ = Pointer;
54 {$IF defined(Windows) or defined(darwin) or defined(HASAMIGA)}
55 {$define CaseInsensitiveFilenames}
56 {$ENDIF}
57 {$IF defined(CaseInsensitiveFilenames)}
58 {$define NotLiteralFilenames}
59 {$ENDIF}
61 const
62   FilenamesCaseSensitive = {$IFDEF CaseInsensitiveFilenames}false{$ELSE}true{$ENDIF};// lower and upper letters are treated the same
63   FilenamesLiteral = {$IFDEF NotLiteralFilenames}false{$ELSE}true{$ENDIF};// file names can be compared using = string operator
65   SpecialChar = '#'; // used to use PathDelim, e.g. #\
66   FileMask = AllFilesMask;
67   {$IFDEF Windows}
68   ExeExt = '.exe';
69   {$ELSE}
70     {$IFDEF NetWare}
71     ExeExt = '.nlm';
72     {$ELSE}
73     ExeExt = '';
74     {$ENDIF}
75   {$ENDIF}
77 type
78   TCTSearchFileCase = (
79     ctsfcDefault,  // e.g. case insensitive on windows
80     ctsfcLoUpCase, // also search for lower and upper case
81     ctsfcAllCase   // search case insensitive
82     );
83   TCTFileAgeTime = longint;
84   PCTFileAgeTime = ^TCTFileAgeTime;
86 // file operations
FileDateToDateTimeDefnull87 function FileDateToDateTimeDef(aFileDate: TCTFileAgeTime; const Default: TDateTime = 0): TDateTime;
FilenameIsMatchingnull88 function FilenameIsMatching(const Mask, Filename: string; MatchExactly: boolean): boolean;
FindNextDirectoryInFilenamenull89 function FindNextDirectoryInFilename(const Filename: string; var Position: integer): string;
ClearFilenull91 function ClearFile(const Filename: string; RaiseOnError: boolean): boolean;
GetTempFilenamenull92 function GetTempFilename(const Path, Prefix: string): string;
SearchFileInDirnull93 function SearchFileInDir(const Filename, BaseDirectory: string;
94                          SearchCase: TCTSearchFileCase): string; // not thread-safe
SearchFileInPathnull95 function SearchFileInPath(const Filename, BasePath, SearchPath, Delimiter: string;
96                          SearchCase: TCTSearchFileCase): string; overload; // not thread-safe
FindDiskFilenamenull97 function FindDiskFilename(const Filename: string): string;
99 const
100   CTInvalidChangeStamp = LUInvalidChangeStamp;
101   CTInvalidChangeStamp64 = LUInvalidChangeStamp64; // using a value outside integer to spot wrong types early
CompareAnsiStringFilenamesnull103 function CompareAnsiStringFilenames(Data1, Data2: Pointer): integer;
CompareFilenameOnlynull104 function CompareFilenameOnly(Filename: PChar; FilenameLen: integer;
105    NameOnly: PChar; NameOnlyLen: integer; CaseSensitive: boolean): integer;
107 // searching .pas, .pp, .p
FilenameIsPascalUnitnull108 function FilenameIsPascalUnit(const Filename: string;
109                               CaseSensitive: boolean = false): boolean;
FilenameIsPascalUnitnull110 function FilenameIsPascalUnit(Filename: PChar; FilenameLen: integer;
111                               CaseSensitive: boolean = false): boolean;
ExtractFileUnitnamenull112 function ExtractFileUnitname(Filename: string; WithNameSpace: boolean): string;
IsPascalUnitExtnull113 function IsPascalUnitExt(FileExt: PChar; CaseSensitive: boolean = false): boolean;
SearchPascalUnitInDirnull114 function SearchPascalUnitInDir(const AnUnitName, BaseDirectory: string;
115                                SearchCase: TCTSearchFileCase): string;
SearchPascalUnitInPathnull116 function SearchPascalUnitInPath(const AnUnitName, BasePath, SearchPath,
117                       Delimiter: string; SearchCase: TCTSearchFileCase): string;
119 // searching .ppu
SearchPascalFileInDirnull120 function SearchPascalFileInDir(const ShortFilename, BaseDirectory: string;
121                                SearchCase: TCTSearchFileCase): string;
SearchPascalFileInPathnull122 function SearchPascalFileInPath(const ShortFilename, BasePath, SearchPath,
123                       Delimiter: string; SearchCase: TCTSearchFileCase): string;
ReadNextFPCParameternull125 function ReadNextFPCParameter(const CmdLine: string; var Position: integer;
126     out StartPos: integer): boolean;
ExtractFPCParameternull127 function ExtractFPCParameter(const CmdLine: string; StartPos: integer): string;
FindNextFPCParameternull128 function FindNextFPCParameter(const CmdLine, BeginsWith: string; var Position: integer): integer;
GetLastFPCParameternull129 function GetLastFPCParameter(const CmdLine, BeginsWith: string; CutBegins: boolean = true): string;
GetFPCParameterSrcFilenull130 function GetFPCParameterSrcFile(const CmdLine: string): string;
132 type
133   TCTPascalExtType = (petNone, petPAS, petPP, petP);
135 const
136   CTPascalExtension: array[TCTPascalExtType] of string =
137     ('', '.pas', '.pp', '.p');
139 // store date locale independent, thread safe
140 const DateAsCfgStrFormat='YYYYMMDD';
141 const DateTimeAsCfgStrFormat='YYYY/MM/DD HH:NN:SS';
DateToCfgStrnull142 function DateToCfgStr(const Date: TDateTime; const aFormat: string = DateAsCfgStrFormat): string;
CfgStrToDatenull143 function CfgStrToDate(const s: string; out Date: TDateTime; const aFormat: string = DateAsCfgStrFormat): boolean;
145 procedure CTIncreaseChangeStamp(var ChangeStamp: integer); inline;
146 procedure CTIncreaseChangeStamp64(var ChangeStamp: int64); inline;
SimpleFormatnull147 function SimpleFormat(const Fmt: String; const Args: Array of const): String;
149 // misc
FileAgeToStrnull150 function FileAgeToStr(aFileAge: longint): string;
AVLTreeHasDoublesnull151 function AVLTreeHasDoubles(Tree: TAVLTree): TAVLTreeNode;
153 // debugging
154 var
155   CTConsoleVerbosity: integer = {$IFDEF VerboseCodetools}1{$ELSE}0{$ENDIF}; // 0=quiet, 1=normal, 2=verbose
157 procedure RaiseCatchableException(const Msg: string);
158 procedure RaiseAndCatchException;
160 procedure DebugLn(Args: array of const);
161 procedure DebugLn(const S: String; Args: array of const);// similar to Format(s,Args)
162 procedure DebugLn; inline;
163 procedure DebugLn(const s: string); inline;
164 procedure DebugLn(const s1,s2: string); inline;
165 procedure DebugLn(const s1,s2,s3: string); inline;
166 procedure DebugLn(const s1,s2,s3,s4: string); inline;
167 procedure DebugLn(const s1,s2,s3,s4,s5: string); inline;
168 procedure DebugLn(const s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6: string); inline;
169 procedure DebugLn(const s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7: string); inline;
170 procedure DebugLn(const s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7,s8: string); inline;
171 procedure DebugLn(const s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7,s8,s9: string); inline;
172 procedure DebugLn(const s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7,s8,s9,s10: string); inline;
173 procedure DebugLn(const s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7,s8,s9,s10,s11: string); inline;
174 procedure DebugLn(const s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7,s8,s9,s10,s11,s12: string); inline;
176 procedure DbgOut(Args: array of const);
177 procedure DbgOut(const s: string); inline;
178 procedure DbgOut(const s1,s2: string); inline;
179 procedure DbgOut(const s1,s2,s3: string); inline;
180 procedure DbgOut(const s1,s2,s3,s4: string); inline;
181 procedure DbgOut(const s1,s2,s3,s4,s5: string); inline;
182 procedure DbgOut(const s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6: string); inline;
DbgSnull184 function DbgS(Args: array of const): string; overload;
DbgSnull185 function DbgS(const c: char): string; overload;
DbgSnull186 function DbgS(const c: cardinal): string; inline; overload;
DbgSnull187 function DbgS(const i: integer): string; inline; overload;
DbgSnull188 function DbgS(const i: QWord): string; inline; overload;
DbgSnull189 function DbgS(const i: int64): string; inline; overload;
DbgSnull190 function DbgS(const r: TRect): string; inline; overload;
DbgSnull191 function DbgS(const p: TPoint): string; inline; overload;
DbgSnull192 function DbgS(const p: pointer): string; inline; overload;
DbgSnull193 function DbgS(const e: extended; MaxDecimals: integer = 999): string; overload; inline;
DbgSnull194 function DbgS(const b: boolean): string; overload; inline;
DbgSnull195 function DbgS(const ms: TCustomMemoryStream; Count: PtrInt = -1): string; inline; overload;
DbgSNamenull196 function DbgSName(const p: TObject): string; overload; inline;
DbgSNamenull197 function DbgSName(const p: TClass): string; overload; inline;
dbgMemRangenull198 function dbgMemRange(P: PByte; Count: integer; Width: integer = 0): string; inline;
DbgSnull200 function DbgS(const i1,i2,i3,i4: integer): string; overload; inline;
DbgStrnull201 function DbgStr(const StringWithSpecialChars: string): string; overload;
DbgStrnull202 function DbgStr(const StringWithSpecialChars: string; StartPos, Len: PtrInt): string; overload;
DbgTextnull203 function DbgText(const StringWithSpecialChars: string;
204                  KeepLines: boolean = true // true = add LineEnding for each line break
205                  ): string; overload;
207 type
208   TCTMemStat = class
209   public
210     Name: string;
211     Sum: PtrUint;
212   end;
214   { TCTMemStats }
216   TCTMemStats = class
217   private
GetItemsnull218     function GetItems(const Name: string): PtrUint;
219     procedure SetItems(const Name: string; const AValue: PtrUint);
220   public
221     Tree: TAVLTree; // tree of TCTMemStat sorted for Name with CompareText
222     Total: PtrUInt;
223     constructor Create;
224     destructor Destroy; override;
225     property Items[const Name: string]: PtrUint read GetItems write SetItems; default;
226     procedure Add(const Name: string; Size: PtrUint);
227     procedure WriteReport;
228   end;
CompareCTMemStatnull230 function CompareCTMemStat(Stat1, Stat2: TCTMemStat): integer;
CompareNameWithCTMemStatnull231 function CompareNameWithCTMemStat(KeyAnsiString: Pointer; Stat: TCTMemStat): integer;
GetTicksnull233 function GetTicks: int64; // not thread-safe
235 type
236   TCTStackTracePointers = array of Pointer;
237   TCTLineInfoCacheItem = record
238     Addr: Pointer;
239     Info: string;
240   end;
241   PCTLineInfoCacheItem = ^TCTLineInfoCacheItem;
243 procedure CTDumpStack;
CTGetStackTracenull244 function CTGetStackTrace(UseCache: boolean): string;
245 procedure CTGetStackTracePointers(var AStack: TCTStackTracePointers);
CTStackTraceAsStringnull246 function CTStackTraceAsString(const AStack: TCTStackTracePointers;
247                             UseCache: boolean): string;
CTGetLineInfonull248 function CTGetLineInfo(Addr: Pointer; UseCache: boolean): string; // not thread safe
CompareCTLineInfoCacheItemsnull249 function CompareCTLineInfoCacheItems(Data1, Data2: Pointer): integer;
CompareAddrWithCTLineInfoCacheItemnull250 function CompareAddrWithCTLineInfoCacheItem(Addr, Item: Pointer): integer;
253 implementation
255 // to get more detailed error messages consider the os
256 {$IF not (defined(Windows) or defined(HASAMIGA))}
257 uses
258   Unix;
259 {$ENDIF}
261 procedure CTIncreaseChangeStamp(var ChangeStamp: integer);
262 begin
263   LazFileCache.LUIncreaseChangeStamp(ChangeStamp);
264 end;
266 procedure CTIncreaseChangeStamp64(var ChangeStamp: int64);
267 begin
268   LazFileCache.LUIncreaseChangeStamp64(ChangeStamp);
269 end;
SimpleFormatnull271 function SimpleFormat(const Fmt: String; const Args: array of const): String;
272 var
273   Used: array of boolean;
274   p: Integer;
275   StartPos: Integer;
277   procedure ReplaceArg(i: integer; var s: string);
278   var
279     Arg: String;
280   begin
281     if (i<Low(Args)) or (i>High(Args)) then exit;
282     case Args[i].VType of
283     vtInteger:    Arg:=dbgs(Args[i].vinteger);
284     vtInt64:      Arg:=dbgs(Args[i].VInt64^);
285     vtQWord:      Arg:=dbgs(Args[i].VQWord^);
286     vtBoolean:    Arg:=dbgs(Args[i].vboolean);
287     vtExtended:   Arg:=dbgs(Args[i].VExtended^);
288     vtString:     Arg:=Args[i].VString^;
289     vtAnsiString: Arg:=AnsiString(Args[i].VAnsiString);
290     vtChar:       Arg:=Args[i].VChar;
291     vtPChar:      Arg:=Args[i].VPChar;
292     else exit;
293     end;
294     Used[i]:=true;
295     ReplaceSubstring(s,StartPos,p-StartPos,Arg);
296     p:=StartPos+length(Arg);
297   end;
299 var
300   RunIndex: Integer;
301   FixedIndex: Integer;
302 begin
303   Result:=Fmt;
304   if Low(Args)>High(Args) then exit;
305   SetLength(Used,High(Args)-Low(Args)+1);
306   for RunIndex:=Low(Args) to High(Args) do
307     Used[RunIndex]:=false;
308   RunIndex:=Low(Args);
309   p:=1;
310   while p<=length(Result) do
311   begin
312     if Result[p]='%' then
313     begin
314       StartPos:=p;
315       inc(p);
316       case Result[p] of
317       's':
318         begin
319           inc(p);
320           ReplaceArg(RunIndex,Result);
321           inc(RunIndex);
322         end;
323       '0'..'9':
324         begin
325           FixedIndex:=0;
326           while (p<=length(Result)) and (Result[p] in ['0'..'9']) do
327           begin
328             if FixedIndex<High(Args) then
329               FixedIndex:=FixedIndex*10+ord(Result[p])-ord('0');
330             inc(p);
331           end;
332           if (p<=length(Result)) and (Result[p]=':') then
333           begin
334             inc(p);
335             if (p<=length(Result)) and (Result[p]='s') then
336               inc(p);
337           end;
338           ReplaceArg(FixedIndex,Result);
339         end;
340       else
341         inc(p);
342       end;
343     end else
344       inc(p);
345   end;
347   // append all missing arguments
348   for RunIndex:=Low(Args) to High(Args) do
349   begin
350     if Used[RunIndex] then continue;
351     Result+=',';
352     StartPos:=length(Result)+1;
353     p:=StartPos;
354     ReplaceArg(RunIndex,Result);
355   end;
356 end;
358 procedure RaiseCatchableException(const Msg: string);
359 begin
360   { Raises an exception.
361     gdb does not catch fpc Exception objects, therefore this procedure raises
362     a standard AV which is catched by gdb. }
363   DebugLn('ERROR in CodeTools: ',Msg);
364   // creates an exception, that gdb catches:
365   DebugLn('Creating gdb catchable error:');
366   if (length(Msg) div (length(Msg) div 10000))=0 then ;
367 end;
369 procedure RaiseAndCatchException;
370 begin
371   try
372     if (length(ctsAddsDirToIncludePath) div (length(ctsAddsDirToIncludePath) div 10000))=0 then ;
373   except
374   end;
375 end;
377 var
378   LineInfoCache: TAVLTree = nil;
379   LastTick: int64 = 0;
FileDateToDateTimeDefnull381 function FileDateToDateTimeDef(aFileDate: TCTFileAgeTime; const Default: TDateTime
382   ): TDateTime;
383 begin
384   try
385     Result:=FileDateToDateTime(aFileDate);
386   except
387     Result:=Default;
388   end;
389 end;
391 {-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
392   function ClearFile(const Filename: string; RaiseOnError: boolean): boolean;
393 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
ClearFilenull394 function ClearFile(const Filename: string; RaiseOnError: boolean): boolean;
395 var
396   fs: TFileStreamUTF8;
397 begin
398   if FileExistsUTF8(Filename) then begin
399     try
400       InvalidateFileStateCache(Filename);
401       fs:=TFileStreamUTF8.Create(Filename,fmOpenWrite);
402       fs.Size:=0;
403       fs.Free;
404     except
405       on E: Exception do begin
406         Result:=false;
407         if RaiseOnError then raise;
408         exit;
409       end;
410     end;
411   end;
412   Result:=true;
413 end;
GetTempFilenamenull415 function GetTempFilename(const Path, Prefix: string): string;
416 var
417   i: Integer;
418   CurPath: String;
419   CurName: String;
420 begin
421   Result:=ExpandFileNameUTF8(Path);
422   CurPath:=AppendPathDelim(ExtractFilePath(Result));
423   CurName:=Prefix+ExtractFileNameOnly(Result);
424   i:=1;
425   repeat
426     Result:=CurPath+CurName+IntToStr(i)+'.tmp';
427     if not FileExistsUTF8(Result) then exit;
428     inc(i);
429   until false;
430 end;
FindDiskFilenamenull432 function FindDiskFilename(const Filename: string): string;
433 // Searches for the filename case on disk.
434 // if it does not exist, only the found path will be improved
435 // For example:
436 //   If Filename='file' and there is only a 'File' then 'File' will be returned.
437 var
438   StartPos: Integer;
439   EndPos: LongInt;
440   FileInfo: TSearchRec;
441   CurDir: String;
442   CurFile: String;
443   AliasFile: String;
444   Ambiguous: Boolean;
445   FileNotFound: Boolean;
446 begin
447   Result:=Filename;
448   // check every directory and filename
449   StartPos:=1;
450   {$IFDEF Windows}
451   // uppercase Drive letter and skip it
452   if ((length(Result)>=2) and (Result[1] in ['A'..'Z','a'..'z'])
453   and (Result[2]=':')) then begin
454     StartPos:=3;
455     if Result[1] in ['a'..'z'] then
456       Result[1]:=FPUpChars[Result[1]];
457   end;
458   {$ENDIF}
459   FileNotFound:=false;
460   repeat
461     // skip PathDelim
462     while (StartPos<=length(Result)) and (Result[StartPos]=PathDelim) do
463       inc(StartPos);
464     // find end of filename part
465     EndPos:=StartPos;
466     while (EndPos<=length(Result)) and (Result[EndPos]<>PathDelim) do
467       inc(EndPos);
468     if EndPos>StartPos then begin
469       // search file
470       CurDir:=copy(Result,1,StartPos-1);
471       CurFile:=copy(Result,StartPos,EndPos-StartPos);
472       AliasFile:='';
473       Ambiguous:=false;
474       if FindFirstUTF8(CurDir+FileMask,faAnyFile,FileInfo)=0 then
475       begin
476         repeat
477           // check if special file
478           if (FileInfo.Name='.') or (FileInfo.Name='..') or (FileInfo.Name='')
479           then
480             continue;
481           if CompareFilenamesIgnoreCase(FileInfo.Name,CurFile)=0 then begin
482             //writeln('FindDiskFilename ',FileInfo.Name,' ',CurFile);
483             if FileInfo.Name=CurFile then begin
484               // file found, has already the correct name
485               AliasFile:='';
486               break;
487             end else begin
488               // alias found, but has not the correct name
489               if AliasFile='' then begin
490                 AliasFile:=FileInfo.Name;
491               end else begin
492                 // there are more than one candidate
493                 Ambiguous:=true;
494               end;
495             end;
496           end;
497         until FindNextUTF8(FileInfo)<>0;
498       end else
499         FileNotFound:=true;
500       FindCloseUTF8(FileInfo);
501       if FileNotFound then break;
502       if (AliasFile<>'') and (not Ambiguous) then begin
503         // better filename found -> replace
504         Result:=CurDir+AliasFile+copy(Result,EndPos,length(Result));
505       end;
506     end;
507     StartPos:=EndPos+1;
508   until StartPos>length(Result);
509 end;
CompareAnsiStringFilenamesnull511 function CompareAnsiStringFilenames(Data1, Data2: Pointer): integer;
512 begin
513   Result:=CompareFilenames(AnsiString(Data1),AnsiString(Data2));
514 end;
CompareFilenameOnlynull516 function CompareFilenameOnly(Filename: PChar; FilenameLen: integer;
517   NameOnly: PChar; NameOnlyLen: integer; CaseSensitive: boolean): integer;
518 // compare only the filename (without extension and path)
519 var
520   EndPos: integer;
521   StartPos: LongInt;
522   p: Integer;
523   l: LongInt;
524   FilenameOnlyLen: Integer;
525 begin
526   StartPos:=FilenameLen;
527   while (StartPos>0) and (Filename[StartPos-1]<>PathDelim) do dec(StartPos);
528   EndPos:=FilenameLen;
529   while (EndPos>StartPos) and (Filename[EndPos]<>'.') do dec(EndPos);
530   if (EndPos=StartPos) and (EndPos<FilenameLen) and (Filename[EndPos]<>'.') then
531     EndPos:=FilenameLen;
532   FilenameOnlyLen:=EndPos-StartPos;
533   l:=FilenameOnlyLen;
534   if l>NameOnlyLen then
535     l:=NameOnlyLen;
536   //DebugLn('CompareFilenameOnly NameOnly="',copy(NameOnly,1,NameOnlyLen),'" FilenameOnly="',copy(Filename,StartPos,EndPos-StartPos),'"');
537   p:=0;
538   if CaseSensitive then begin
539     while p<l do begin
540       Result:=ord(Filename[StartPos+p])-ord(NameOnly[p]);
541       if Result<>0 then exit;
542       inc(p);
543     end;
544   end else begin
545     while p<l do begin
546       Result:=ord(FPUpChars[Filename[StartPos+p]])-ord(FPUpChars[NameOnly[p]]);
547       if Result<>0 then exit;
548       inc(p);
549     end;
550   end;
551   Result:=FilenameOnlyLen-NameOnlyLen;
552 end;
FilenameIsPascalUnitnull554 function FilenameIsPascalUnit(const Filename: string;
555   CaseSensitive: boolean): boolean;
556 begin
557   Result:=(Filename<>'')
558     and FilenameIsPascalUnit(PChar(Filename),length(Filename),CaseSensitive);
559 end;
FilenameIsPascalUnitnull561 function FilenameIsPascalUnit(Filename: PChar; FilenameLen: integer;
562   CaseSensitive: boolean): boolean;
563 var
564   ExtPos: LongInt;
565   ExtLen: Integer;
566   e: TCTPascalExtType;
567   i: Integer;
568   p: PChar;
569 begin
570   if (Filename=nil) or (FilenameLen<2) then exit(false);
571   ExtPos:=FilenameLen-1;
572   while (ExtPos>0) and (Filename[ExtPos]<>'.') do dec(ExtPos);
573   if ExtPos<=0 then exit(false);
574   // check extension
575   ExtLen:=FilenameLen-ExtPos;
576   for e:=Low(CTPascalExtension) to High(CTPascalExtension) do begin
577     if (CTPascalExtension[e]='') or (length(CTPascalExtension[e])<>ExtLen) then
578       continue;
579     i:=0;
580     p:=PChar(Pointer(CTPascalExtension[e]));// pointer type cast avoids #0 check
581     if CaseSensitive then begin
582       while (i<ExtLen) and (p^=Filename[ExtPos+i]) do begin
583         inc(i);
584         inc(p);
585       end;
586     end else begin
587       while (i<ExtLen) and (FPUpChars[p^]=FPUpChars[Filename[ExtPos+i]]) do
588       begin
589         inc(i);
590         inc(p);
591       end;
592     end;
593     if i<>ExtLen then continue;
594     // check name is dotted identifier
595     p:=@Filename[ExtPos];
596     while (p>Filename) and (p[-1]<>PathDelim) do dec(p);
597     repeat
598       if not (p^ in ['a'..'z','A'..'Z','_']) then exit(false);
599       inc(p);
600       while (p^ in ['a'..'z','A'..'Z','_','0'..'9']) do inc(p);
601       if p^<>'.' then exit(false);
602       if p-Filename=ExtPos then exit(true);
603       inc(p);
604     until false;
605   end;
606   Result:=false;
607 end;
ExtractFileUnitnamenull609 function ExtractFileUnitname(Filename: string; WithNameSpace: boolean): string;
610 var
611   p: Integer;
612 begin
613   Result:=ExtractFileNameOnly(Filename);
614   if (Result='') or WithNameSpace then exit;
615   // find last dot
616   p:=length(Result);
617   while p>0 do begin
618     if Result[p]='.' then begin
619       Delete(Result,1,p);
620       exit;
621     end;
622     dec(p);
623   end;
624 end;
IsPascalUnitExtnull626 function IsPascalUnitExt(FileExt: PChar; CaseSensitive: boolean): boolean;
627 // check if asciiz FileExt is a CTPascalExtension '.pp', '.pas'
628 var
629   ExtLen: Integer;
630   p: PChar;
631   e: TCTPascalExtType;
632   f: PChar;
633 begin
634   Result:=false;
635   if (FileExt=nil) then exit;
636   ExtLen:=strlen(FileExt);
637   if ExtLen=0 then exit;
638   for e:=Low(CTPascalExtension) to High(CTPascalExtension) do begin
639     if length(CTPascalExtension[e])<>ExtLen then
640       continue;
641     p:=PChar(Pointer(CTPascalExtension[e]));// pointer type cast avoids #0 check
642     f:=FileExt;
643     //debugln(['IsPascalUnitExt p="',dbgstr(p),'" f="',dbgstr(f),'"']);
644     if CaseSensitive then begin
645       while (p^=f^) and (p^<>#0) do begin
646         inc(p);
647         inc(f);
648       end;
649     end else begin
650       while (FPUpChars[p^]=FPUpChars[f^]) and (p^<>#0) do
651       begin
652         inc(p);
653         inc(f);
654       end;
655     end;
656     if p^=#0 then
657       exit(true);
658   end;
659 end;
SearchPascalUnitInDirnull661 function SearchPascalUnitInDir(const AnUnitName, BaseDirectory: string;
662   SearchCase: TCTSearchFileCase): string;
664   procedure RaiseNotImplemented;
665   begin
666     raise Exception.Create('not implemented');
667   end;
669 var
670   Base: String;
671   FileInfo: TSearchRec;
672   LowerCaseUnitname: String;
673   UpperCaseUnitname: String;
674   CurUnitName: String;
675 begin
676   Base:=AppendPathDelim(BaseDirectory);
677   Base:=TrimFilename(Base);
678   // search file
679   Result:='';
680   if SearchCase=ctsfcAllCase then
681     Base:=FindDiskFilename(Base);
683   if SearchCase in [ctsfcDefault,ctsfcLoUpCase] then begin
684     LowerCaseUnitname:=lowercase(AnUnitName);
685     UpperCaseUnitname:=uppercase(AnUnitName);
686   end else begin
687     LowerCaseUnitname:='';
688     UpperCaseUnitname:='';
689   end;
691   if FindFirstUTF8(Base+FileMask,faAnyFile,FileInfo)=0 then
692   begin
693     repeat
694       // check if special file
695       if (FileInfo.Name='.') or (FileInfo.Name='..') or (FileInfo.Name='')
696       then
697         continue;
698       if not FilenameIsPascalUnit(FileInfo.Name,false) then continue;
699       case SearchCase of
700       ctsfcDefault,ctsfcLoUpCase:
701         if (CompareFilenameOnly(PChar(Pointer(FileInfo.Name)),// pointer type cast avoids #0 check
702                                 length(FileInfo.Name),
703                                 PChar(Pointer(AnUnitName)),
704                                 length(AnUnitName),false)=0)
705         then begin
706           CurUnitName:=ExtractFileNameOnly(FileInfo.Name);
707           if CurUnitName=AnUnitName then begin
708             Result:=FileInfo.Name;
709             break;
710           end else if ((LowerCaseUnitname=CurUnitName)
711           or (UpperCaseUnitname=CurUnitName)) then begin
712             Result:=FileInfo.Name;
713           end;
714         end;
716       ctsfcAllCase:
717         if (CompareFilenameOnly(PChar(Pointer(FileInfo.Name)),// pointer type cast avoids #0 check
718                                 length(FileInfo.Name),
719                                 PChar(Pointer(AnUnitName)),length(AnUnitName),
720                                 false)=0)
721         then begin
722           Result:=FileInfo.Name;
723           CurUnitName:=ExtractFileNameOnly(FileInfo.Name);
724           if CurUnitName=AnUnitName then
725             break;
726         end;
728       else
729         RaiseNotImplemented;
730       end;
731     until FindNextUTF8(FileInfo)<>0;
732   end;
733   FindCloseUTF8(FileInfo);
734   if Result<>'' then Result:=Base+Result;
735 end;
SearchPascalUnitInPathnull737 function SearchPascalUnitInPath(const AnUnitName, BasePath, SearchPath,
738   Delimiter: string; SearchCase: TCTSearchFileCase): string;
739 var
740   p, StartPos, l: integer;
741   CurPath, Base: string;
742 begin
743   Base:=AppendPathDelim(ExpandFileNameUTF8(BasePath));
744   // search in current directory
745   Result:=SearchPascalUnitInDir(AnUnitName,Base,SearchCase);
746   if Result<>'' then exit;
747   // search in search path
748   StartPos:=1;
749   l:=length(SearchPath);
750   while StartPos<=l do begin
751     p:=StartPos;
752     while (p<=l) and (pos(SearchPath[p],Delimiter)<1) do inc(p);
753     CurPath:=Trim(copy(SearchPath,StartPos,p-StartPos));
754     if CurPath<>'' then begin
755       if not FilenameIsAbsolute(CurPath) then
756         CurPath:=Base+CurPath;
757       CurPath:=AppendPathDelim(ResolveDots(CurPath));
758       Result:=SearchPascalUnitInDir(AnUnitName,CurPath,SearchCase);
759       if Result<>'' then exit;
760     end;
761     StartPos:=p+1;
762   end;
763   Result:='';
764 end;
SearchPascalFileInDirnull766 function SearchPascalFileInDir(const ShortFilename, BaseDirectory: string;
767   SearchCase: TCTSearchFileCase): string;
769   procedure RaiseNotImplemented;
770   begin
771     raise Exception.Create('not implemented');
772   end;
774 var
775   Base: String;
776   FileInfo: TSearchRec;
777   LowerCaseFilename: string;
778   UpperCaseFilename: string;
779 begin
780   Base:=AppendPathDelim(BaseDirectory);
781   Base:=TrimFilename(Base);
782   // search file
783   Result:='';
784   if SearchCase=ctsfcAllCase then
785     Base:=FindDiskFilename(Base);
787   if SearchCase in [ctsfcDefault,ctsfcLoUpCase] then begin
788     LowerCaseFilename:=lowercase(ShortFilename);
789     UpperCaseFilename:=uppercase(ShortFilename);
790   end else begin
791     LowerCaseFilename:='';
792     UpperCaseFilename:='';
793   end;
795   if FindFirstUTF8(Base+FileMask,faAnyFile,FileInfo)=0 then
796   begin
797     repeat
798       // check if special file
799       if (FileInfo.Name='.') or (FileInfo.Name='..') or (FileInfo.Name='')
800       then
801         continue;
802       case SearchCase of
803       ctsfcDefault,ctsfcLoUpCase:
804         if (ShortFilename=FileInfo.Name) then begin
805           Result:=FileInfo.Name;
806           break;
807         end else if (LowerCaseFilename=FileInfo.Name)
808         or (UpperCaseFilename=FileInfo.Name)
809         then
810           Result:=FileInfo.Name;
812       ctsfcAllCase:
813         // do not use CompareFilenamesIgnoreCase
814         if SysUtils.CompareText(ShortFilename,FileInfo.Name)=0 then begin
815           Result:=FileInfo.Name;
816           if ShortFilename=FileInfo.Name then break;
817         end;
819       else
820         RaiseNotImplemented;
821       end;
822     until FindNextUTF8(FileInfo)<>0;
823   end;
824   FindCloseUTF8(FileInfo);
825   if Result<>'' then Result:=Base+Result;
826 end;
SearchPascalFileInPathnull828 function SearchPascalFileInPath(const ShortFilename, BasePath, SearchPath,
829   Delimiter: string; SearchCase: TCTSearchFileCase): string;
830 // search in each directory, first normal case, then lower case, then upper case
831 var
832   p, StartPos, l: integer;
833   CurPath, Base: string;
834 begin
835   Base:=AppendPathDelim(LazFileUtils.ExpandFileNameUTF8(BasePath));
836   // search in current directory
837   if not FilenameIsAbsolute(Base) then
838     Base:='';
839   if Base<>'' then begin
840     Result:=SearchPascalFileInDir(ShortFilename,Base,SearchCase);
841     if Result<>'' then exit;
842   end;
843   // search in search path
844   StartPos:=1;
845   l:=length(SearchPath);
846   while StartPos<=l do begin
847     p:=StartPos;
848     while (p<=l) and (pos(SearchPath[p],Delimiter)<1) do inc(p);
849     CurPath:=Trim(copy(SearchPath,StartPos,p-StartPos));
850     if CurPath<>'' then begin
851       if not FilenameIsAbsolute(CurPath) then
852         CurPath:=Base+CurPath;
853       CurPath:=AppendPathDelim(ResolveDots(CurPath));
854       if FilenameIsAbsolute(CurPath) then begin
855         Result:=SearchPascalFileInDir(ShortFilename,CurPath,SearchCase);
856         if Result<>'' then exit;
857       end;
858     end;
859     StartPos:=p+1;
860   end;
861   Result:='';
862 end;
ReadNextFPCParameternull864 function ReadNextFPCParameter(const CmdLine: string; var Position: integer; out
865   StartPos: integer): boolean;
866 // reads till start of next FPC command line parameter, parses quotes ' and "
867 var
868   c: Char;
869 begin
870   StartPos:=Position;
871   while (StartPos<=length(CmdLine)) and (CmdLine[StartPos] in [' ',#9,#10,#13]) do
872     inc(StartPos);
873   Position:=StartPos;
874   while (Position<=length(CmdLine)) do begin
875     c:=CmdLine[Position];
876     case c of
877     ' ',#9,#10,#13: break;
878     '''','"':
879       repeat
880         inc(Position);
881       until (Position>length(CmdLine)) or (CmdLine[Position]=c);
882     end;
883     inc(Position);
884   end;
885   Result:=StartPos<=length(CmdLine);
886 end;
888 function ExtractFPCParameter(const CmdLine: string; StartPos: integer): string;
889 // returns a single FPC command line parameter, resolves quotes ' and "
890 var
891   p: Integer;
892   c: Char;
894   procedure Add;
895   begin
896     Result:=Result+copy(CmdLine,StartPos,p-StartPos);
897   end;
899 begin
900   Result:='';
901   p:=StartPos;
902   while (p<=length(CmdLine)) do begin
903     c:=CmdLine[p];
904     case c of
905     ' ',#9,#10,#13: break;
906     '''','"':
907       begin
908         Add;
909         inc(p);
910         StartPos:=p;
911         while (p<=length(CmdLine)) do begin
912           if CmdLine[p]=c then begin
913             Add;
914             inc(p);
915             StartPos:=p;
916             break;
917           end;
918           inc(p);
919         end;
920       end;
921     end;
922     inc(p);
923   end;
924   Add;
925 end;
FindNextFPCParameternull927 function FindNextFPCParameter(const CmdLine, BeginsWith: string;
928   var Position: integer): integer;
929 begin
930   if BeginsWith='' then
931     exit(-1);
932   while ReadNextFPCParameter(CmdLine,Position,Result) do
933     if LeftStr(ExtractFPCParameter(CmdLine,Result),length(BeginsWith))=BeginsWith
934     then
935       exit;
936   Result:=-1;
937 end;
GetLastFPCParameternull939 function GetLastFPCParameter(const CmdLine, BeginsWith: string;
940   CutBegins: boolean): string;
941 var
942   Param: String;
943   p: Integer;
944   StartPos: integer;
945 begin
946   Result:='';
947   if BeginsWith='' then
948     exit;
949   p:=1;
950   while ReadNextFPCParameter(CmdLine,p,StartPos) do begin
951     Param:=ExtractFPCParameter(CmdLine,StartPos);
952     if LeftStr(Param,length(BeginsWith))=BeginsWith then begin
953       Result:=Param;
954       if CutBegins then
955         System.Delete(Result,1,length(BeginsWith));
956     end;
957   end;
958 end;
GetFPCParameterSrcFilenull960 function GetFPCParameterSrcFile(const CmdLine: string): string;
961 // the source file is the last parameter not starting with minus
962 var
963   p: Integer;
964   StartPos: integer;
965 begin
966   p:=1;
967   while ReadNextFPCParameter(CmdLine,p,StartPos) do begin
968     if (CmdLine[StartPos]='-') then continue;
969     Result:=ExtractFPCParameter(CmdLine,StartPos);
970     if (Result='') or (Result[1]='-') then continue;
971     exit;
972   end;
973   Result:='';
974 end;
SearchFileInDirnull976 function SearchFileInDir(const Filename, BaseDirectory: string;
977   SearchCase: TCTSearchFileCase): string;
979   procedure RaiseNotImplemented;
980   begin
981     raise Exception.Create('not implemented');
982   end;
984 var
985   Base: String;
986   ShortFile: String;
987   FileInfo: TSearchRec;
988 begin
989   Result:='';
990   Base:=AppendPathDelim(BaseDirectory);
991   ShortFile:=Filename;
992   if System.Pos(PathDelim,ShortFile)>0 then begin
993     Base:=Base+ExtractFilePath(ShortFile);
994     ShortFile:=ExtractFilename(ShortFile);
995   end;
996   Base:=TrimFilename(Base);
997   case SearchCase of
998   ctsfcDefault:
999     begin
1000       Result:=Base+ShortFile;
1001       if not LazFileCache.FileExistsCached(Result) then Result:='';
1002     end;
1003   ctsfcLoUpCase:
1004     begin
1005       Result:=Base+ShortFile;
1006       if not LazFileCache.FileExistsCached(Result) then begin
1007         Result:=lowercase(Result);
1008         if not LazFileCache.FileExistsCached(Result) then begin
1009           Result:=uppercase(Result);
1010           if not LazFileCache.FileExistsCached(Result) then Result:='';
1011         end;
1012       end;
1013     end;
1014   ctsfcAllCase:
1015     begin
1016       // search file
1017       Base:=FindDiskFilename(Base);
1018       if FindFirstUTF8(Base+FileMask,faAnyFile,FileInfo)=0 then
1019       begin
1020         repeat
1021           // check if special file
1022           if (FileInfo.Name='.') or (FileInfo.Name='..') or (FileInfo.Name='')
1023           then
1024             continue;
1025           if (SysUtils.CompareText(FileInfo.Name,ShortFile)=0)
1026           or (CompareFilenamesIgnoreCase(FileInfo.Name,ShortFile)=0) then begin
1027             if FileInfo.Name=ShortFile then begin
1028               // file found, with correct name
1029               Result:=FileInfo.Name;
1030               break;
1031             end else begin
1032               // alias found, but has not the correct name
1033               Result:=FileInfo.Name;
1034             end;
1035           end;
1036         until FindNextUTF8(FileInfo)<>0;
1037       end;
1038       FindCloseUTF8(FileInfo);
1039       if Result<>'' then Result:=Base+Result;
1040     end;
1041   else
1042     RaiseNotImplemented;
1043   end;
1044 end;
SearchFileInPathnull1046 function SearchFileInPath(const Filename, BasePath, SearchPath,
1047   Delimiter: string; SearchCase: TCTSearchFileCase): string;
1048 var
1049   p, StartPos, l: integer;
1050   CurPath, Base: string;
1051 begin
1052   //debugln('[SearchFileInPath] Filename="',Filename,'" BasePath="',BasePath,'" SearchPath="',SearchPath,'" Delimiter="',Delimiter,'"');
1053   if (Filename='') then begin
1054     Result:='';
1055     exit;
1056   end;
1057   // check if filename absolute
1058   if FilenameIsAbsolute(Filename) then begin
1059     if SearchCase=ctsfcDefault then begin
1060       Result:=ResolveDots(Filename);
1061       if not LazFileCache.FileExistsCached(Result) then
1062         Result:='';
1063     end else
1064       Result:=SearchFileInPath(ExtractFilename(Filename),
1065         ExtractFilePath(BasePath),'',';',SearchCase);
1066     exit;
1067   end;
1068   Base:=AppendPathDelim(ExpandFileNameUTF8(BasePath));
1069   // search in current directory
1070   Result:=SearchFileInDir(Filename,Base,SearchCase);
1071   if Result<>'' then exit;
1072   // search in search path
1073   StartPos:=1;
1074   l:=length(SearchPath);
1075   while StartPos<=l do begin
1076     p:=StartPos;
1077     while (p<=l) and (pos(SearchPath[p],Delimiter)<1) do inc(p);
1078     CurPath:=Trim(copy(SearchPath,StartPos,p-StartPos));
1079     if CurPath<>'' then begin
1080       if not FilenameIsAbsolute(CurPath) then
1081         CurPath:=Base+CurPath;
1082       CurPath:=AppendPathDelim(ResolveDots(CurPath));
1083       Result:=SearchFileInDir(Filename,CurPath,SearchCase);
1084       if Result<>'' then exit;
1085     end;
1086     StartPos:=p+1;
1087   end;
1088   Result:='';
1089 end;
FilenameIsMatchingnull1091 function FilenameIsMatching(const Mask, Filename: string; MatchExactly: boolean
1092   ): boolean;
1093 (*
1094   check if Filename matches Mask
1095   if MatchExactly then the complete Filename must match, else only the
1096   start
1098   Filename matches exactly or is a file/directory in a subdirectory of mask.
1099   Mask can contain the wildcards * and ? and the set operator {,}.
1100   The wildcards will *not* match PathDelim.
1101   You can nest the {} sets.
1102   If you need the asterisk, the question mark or the PathDelim as character
1103   just put the SpecialChar character in front of it (e.g. #*, #? #/).
1105   Examples:
1106     /abc             matches /abc, /abc/, /abc/p, /abc/xyz/filename
1107                      but not /abcd
1108     /abc/            matches /abc, /abc/, /abc//, but not /abc/.
1109     /abc/x?z/www     matches /abc/xyz/www, /abc/xaz/www
1110                      but not /abc/x/z/www
1111     /abc/x*z/www     matches /abc/xz/www, /abc/xyz/www, /abc/xAAAz/www
1112                      but not /abc/x/z/www
1113     /abc/x#*z/www    matches /abc/x*z/www, /abc/x*z/www/ttt
1114     /a{b,c,d}e       matches /abe, /ace, /ade
1115     *.p{as,p,}       matches a.pas, unit1.pp, b.p but not b.inc
1116     *.{p{as,p,},inc} matches a.pas, unit1.pp, b.p, b.inc but not c.lfm
1117 *)
1118 {off $DEFINE VerboseFilenameIsMatching}
Checknull1120   function Check(MaskP, FileP: PChar): boolean;
1121   var
1122     Level: Integer;
1123     MaskStart: PChar;
1124     FileStart: PChar;
1125   begin
1126     {$IFDEF VerboseFilenameIsMatching}
1127     debugln(['  Check Mask="',MaskP,'" FileP="',FileP,'"']);
1128     {$ENDIF}
1129     Result:=false;
1130     repeat
1131       case MaskP^ of
1132       #0:
1133         begin
1134           // the whole Mask fits the start of Filename
1135           // trailing PathDelim in FileP are ok
1136           {$IFDEF VerboseFilenameIsMatching}
1137           debugln(['  Check END Mask="',MaskP,'" FileP="',FileP,'"']);
1138           {$ENDIF}
1139           if FileP^=#0 then exit(true);
1140           if FileP^<>PathDelim then exit(false);
1141           while FileP^=PathDelim do inc(FileP);
1142           Result:=(FileP^=#0) or (not MatchExactly);
1143           exit;
1144         end;
1145       SpecialChar:
1146         begin
1147           // match on character
1148           {$IFDEF VerboseFilenameIsMatching}
1149           debugln(['  Check specialchar Mask="',MaskP,'" FileP="',FileP,'"']);
1150           {$ENDIF}
1151           inc(MaskP);
1152           if MaskP^=#0 then exit;
1153           if MaskP^<>FileP^ then exit;
1154           inc(MaskP);
1155           inc(FileP);
1156         end;
1157       PathDelim:
1158         begin
1159           // match PathDelim(s) or end of filename
1160           {$IFDEF VerboseFilenameIsMatching}
1161           debugln(['  Check PathDelim Mask="',MaskP,'" FileP="',FileP,'"']);
1162           {$ENDIF}
1163           if not (FileP^ in [#0,PathDelim]) then exit;
1164           // treat several PathDelim as one
1165           while MaskP^=PathDelim do inc(MaskP);
1166           while FileP^=PathDelim do inc(FileP);
1167           if MaskP^=#0 then
1168             exit((FileP^=#0) or not MatchExactly);
1169         end;
1170       '?':
1171         begin
1172           // match any one character, but PathDelim
1173           {$IFDEF VerboseFilenameIsMatching}
1174           debugln(['  Check any one char Mask="',MaskP,'" FileP="',FileP,'"']);
1175           {$ENDIF}
1176           if FileP^ in [#0,PathDelim] then exit;
1177           inc(MaskP);
1178           inc(FileP,UTF8CodepointSize(FileP));
1179         end;
1180       '*':
1181         begin
1182           // match 0 or more characters, but PathDelim
1183           {$IFDEF VerboseFilenameIsMatching}
1184           debugln(['  Check any chars Mask="',MaskP,'" FileP="',FileP,'"']);
1185           {$ENDIF}
1186           while MaskP^='*' do inc(MaskP);
1187           repeat
1188             if Check(MaskP,FileP) then exit(true);
1189             if FileP^ in [#0,PathDelim] then exit;
1190             inc(FileP);
1191           until false;
1192         end;
1193       '{':
1194         begin
1195           // OR options separated by comma
1196           {$IFDEF VerboseFilenameIsMatching}
1197           debugln(['  Check { Mask="',MaskP,'" FileP="',FileP,'"']);
1198           {$ENDIF}
1199           inc(MaskP);
1200           repeat
1201             if Check(MaskP,FileP) then begin
1202               {$IFDEF VerboseFilenameIsMatching}
1203               debugln(['  Check { option fits -> end']);
1204               {$ENDIF}
1205               exit(true);
1206             end;
1207             {$IFDEF VerboseFilenameIsMatching}
1208             debugln(['  Check { skip to next option ...']);
1209             {$ENDIF}
1210             // skip to next option in MaskP
1211             Level:=1;
1212             repeat
1213               case MaskP^ of
1214               #0: exit;
1215               SpecialChar:
1216                 begin
1217                   inc(MaskP);
1218                   if MaskP^=#0 then exit;
1219                   inc(MaskP);
1220                 end;
1221               '{': inc(Level);
1222               '}':
1223                 begin
1224                   dec(Level);
1225                   if Level=0 then exit; // no option fits
1226                 end;
1227               ',':
1228                 if Level=1 then break;
1229               end;
1230               inc(MaskP);
1231             until false;
1232             {$IFDEF VerboseFilenameIsMatching}
1233             debugln(['  Check { next option: "',MaskP,'"']);
1234             {$ENDIF}
1235             inc(MaskP)
1236           until false;
1237         end;
1238       '}':
1239         begin
1240           {$IFDEF VerboseFilenameIsMatching}
1241           debugln(['  Check } Mask="',MaskP,'" FileP="',FileP,'"']);
1242           {$ENDIF}
1243           inc(MaskP);
1244         end;
1245       ',':
1246         begin
1247           // OR option fits => continue behind the {}
1248           {$IFDEF VerboseFilenameIsMatching}
1249           debugln(['  Check Skipping to end of {} Mask="',MaskP,'" ...']);
1250           {$ENDIF}
1251           Level:=1;
1252           repeat
1253             inc(MaskP);
1254             case MaskP^ of
1255             #0: exit;
1256             SpecialChar:
1257               begin
1258                 inc(MaskP);
1259                 if MaskP^=#0 then exit;
1260                 inc(MaskP);
1261               end;
1262             '{': inc(Level);
1263             '}':
1264               begin
1265                 dec(Level);
1266                 if Level=0 then break;
1267               end;
1268             end;
1269           until false;
1270           {$IFDEF VerboseFilenameIsMatching}
1271           debugln(['  Check Skipped to end of {} Mask="',MaskP,'"']);
1272           {$ENDIF}
1273           inc(MaskP);
1274         end;
1275       #128..#255:
1276         begin
1277           // match UTF-8 characters
1278           {$IFDEF VerboseFilenameIsMatching}
1279           debugln(['  Check UTF-8 chars Mask="',MaskP,'" FileP="',FileP,'"']);
1280           {$ENDIF}
1281           MaskStart:=MaskP;
1282           FileStart:=FileP;
1283           while not (MaskP^ in [#0,SpecialChar,PathDelim,'?','*','{',',','}']) do
1284           begin
1285             if FileP^ in [#0,PathDelim] then exit;
1286             inc(MaskP,UTF8CodepointSize(MaskP));
1287             inc(FileP,UTF8CodepointSize(FileP));
1288           end;
1289           if CompareFilenames(MaskStart,MaskP-MaskStart,FileStart,FileP-FileStart)<>0 then
1290             exit;
1291         end;
1292       else
1293         // match ASCII characters
1294         repeat
1295           case MaskP^ of
1296           #0,SpecialChar,PathDelim,'?','*','{',',','}': break;
1297           {$IFDEF CaseInsensitiveFilenames}
1298           'a'..'z','A'..'Z':
1299             if FPUpChars[MaskP^]<>FPUpChars[FileP^] then exit;
1300           {$ENDIF}
1301           else
1302             if MaskP^<>FileP^ then exit;
1303           end;
1304           inc(MaskP);
1305           inc(FileP);
1306         until false;
1307       end;
1308     until false;
1309   end;
1311 begin
1312   if Filename='' then exit(false);
1313   if Mask='' then exit(true);
1314   {$IFDEF VerboseFilenameIsMatching}
1315   debugln(['FilenameIsMatching2 Mask="',Mask,'" File="',Filename,'" Exactly=',MatchExactly]);
1316   {$ENDIF}
1318   Result:=Check(PChar(Mask),PChar(Filename));
1319 end;
FindNextDirectoryInFilenamenull1321 function FindNextDirectoryInFilename(const Filename: string;
1322   var Position: integer): string;
1323 { for example:
1324  Unix:
1325   '/a/b' -> returns first 'a', then 'b'
1326   '/a/' -> returns 'a', then ''
1327   '/a//' -> returns 'a', then '', then ''
1328   'a/b.pas' -> returns first 'a', then 'b.pas'
1329  Windows
1330   'C:\a\b.pas' -> returns first 'C:\', then 'a', then 'b.pas'
1331   'C:\a\' -> returns first 'C:\', then 'a', then ''
1332   'C:\a\\' -> returns first 'C:\', then 'a', then '', then ''
1333 }
1334 var
1335   StartPos: Integer;
1336 begin
1337   if Position>length(Filename) then exit('');
1338   {$IFDEF Windows}
1339     if Position=1 then begin
1340       Result := ExtractUNCVolume(Filename);
1341       if Result<>'' then begin
1342         // is it like \\?\C:\Directory?  then also include the "C:\" part
1343         if (Result = '\\?\') and (Length(FileName) > 6) and
1344            (FileName[5] in ['a'..'z','A'..'Z']) and (FileName[6] = ':') and (FileName[7] = PathDelim)
1345         then
1346           Result := Copy(FileName, 1, 7);
1347         Position:=length(Result)+1;
1348         exit;
1349       end;
1350     end;
1351   {$ENDIF}
1352   if Filename[Position]=PathDelim then
1353     inc(Position);
1354   StartPos:=Position;
1355   while (Position<=length(Filename)) and (Filename[Position]<>PathDelim) do
1356     inc(Position);
1357   Result:=copy(Filename,StartPos,Position-StartPos);
1358 end;
AVLTreeHasDoublesnull1360 function AVLTreeHasDoubles(Tree: TAVLTree): TAVLTreeNode;
1361 var
1362   Next: TAVLTreeNode;
1363 begin
1364   if Tree=nil then exit(nil);
1365   Result:=Tree.FindLowest;
1366   while Result<>nil do begin
1367     Next:=Tree.FindSuccessor(Result);
1368     if (Next<>nil) and (Tree.OnCompare(Result.Data,Next.Data)=0) then exit;
1369     Result:=Next;
1370   end;
1371 end;
DateToCfgStrnull1373 function DateToCfgStr(const Date: TDateTime; const aFormat: string): string;
1374 var
1375   NeedDate: Boolean;
1376   NeedTime: Boolean;
1377   Year: word;
1378   Month: word;
1379   Day: word;
1380   Hour: word;
1381   Minute: word;
1382   Second: word;
1383   MilliSecond: word;
1384   p: Integer;
1385   w: Word;
1386   StartP: Integer;
1387   s: String;
1388   l: Integer;
1389 begin
1390   Result:=aFormat;
1391   NeedDate:=false;
1392   NeedTime:=false;
1393   for p:=1 to length(aFormat) do
1394     case aFormat[p] of
1395     'Y','M','D': NeedDate:=true;
1396     'H','N','S','Z': NeedTime:=true;
1397     end;
1398   if NeedDate then
1399     DecodeDate(Date,Year,Month,Day);
1400   if NeedTime then
1401     DecodeTime(Date,Hour,Minute,Second,MilliSecond);
1402   p:=1;
1403   while p<=length(aFormat) do begin
1404     case aFormat[p] of
1405     'Y': w:=Year;
1406     'M': w:=Month;
1407     'D': w:=Day;
1408     'H': w:=Hour;
1409     'N': w:=Minute;
1410     'S': w:=Second;
1411     'Z': w:=MilliSecond;
1412     else
1413       inc(p);
1414       continue;
1415     end;
1416     StartP:=p;
1417     repeat
1418       inc(p);
1419     until (p>length(aFormat)) or (aFormat[p]<>aFormat[p-1]);
1420     l:=p-StartP;
1421     s:=IntToStr(w);
1422     if length(s)<l then
1423       s:=StringOfChar('0',l-length(s))+s
1424     else if length(s)>l then
1425       raise Exception.Create('date format does not fit');
1426     ReplaceSubstring(Result,StartP,l,s);
1427     p:=StartP+length(s);
1428   end;
1429   //debugln('DateToCfgStr "',Result,'"');
1430 end;
CfgStrToDatenull1432 function CfgStrToDate(const s: string; out Date: TDateTime;
1433   const aFormat: string): boolean;
1435   procedure AddDecimal(var d: word; c: char); inline;
1436   begin
1437     d:=d*10+ord(c)-ord('0');
1438   end;
1440 var
1441   i: Integer;
1442   Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, MilliSecond: word;
1443 begin
1444   //debugln('CfgStrToDate "',s,'"');
1445   if length(s)<>length(aFormat) then begin
1446     Date:=0.0;
1447     exit(false);
1448   end;
1449   try
1450     Year:=0;
1451     Month:=0;
1452     Day:=0;
1453     Hour:=0;
1454     Minute:=0;
1455     Second:=0;
1456     MilliSecond:=0;
1457     for i:=1 to length(aFormat) do begin
1458       case aFormat[i] of
1459       'Y': AddDecimal(Year,s[i]);
1460       'M': AddDecimal(Month,s[i]);
1461       'D': AddDecimal(Day,s[i]);
1462       'H': AddDecimal(Hour,s[i]);
1463       'N': AddDecimal(Minute,s[i]);
1464       'S': AddDecimal(Second,s[i]);
1465       'Z': AddDecimal(MilliSecond,s[i]);
1466       end;
1467     end;
1468     Date:=ComposeDateTime(EncodeDate(Year,Month,Day),EncodeTime(Hour,Minute,Second,MilliSecond));
1469     Result:=true;
1470   except
1471     Result:=false;
1472   end;
1473 end;
1475 procedure DebugLn(Args: array of const);
1476 begin
1477   LazLoggerBase.Debugln(Args);
1478 end;
1480 procedure DebugLn(const S: String; Args: array of const);
1481 begin
1482   LazLoggerBase.DebugLn(Format(S, Args));
1483 end;
1485 procedure DebugLn;
1486 begin
1487   LazLoggerBase.DebugLn('');
1488 end;
1490 procedure DebugLn(const s: string);
1491 begin
1492   LazLoggerBase.Debugln(s);
1493 end;
1495 procedure DebugLn(const s1, s2: string);
1496 begin
1497   LazLoggerBase.Debugln(s1,s2);
1498 end;
1500 procedure DebugLn(const s1, s2, s3: string);
1501 begin
1502   LazLoggerBase.Debugln(s1,s2,s3);
1503 end;
1505 procedure DebugLn(const s1, s2, s3, s4: string);
1506 begin
1507   LazLoggerBase.Debugln(s1,s2,s3,s4);
1508 end;
1510 procedure DebugLn(const s1, s2, s3, s4, s5: string);
1511 begin
1512   LazLoggerBase.Debugln(s1,s2,s3,s4,s5);
1513 end;
1515 procedure DebugLn(const s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6: string);
1516 begin
1517   LazLoggerBase.Debugln(s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6);
1518 end;
1520 procedure DebugLn(const s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7: string);
1521 begin
1522   LazLoggerBase.Debugln(s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7);
1523 end;
1525 procedure DebugLn(const s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8: string);
1526 begin
1527   LazLoggerBase.Debugln(s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7,s8);
1528 end;
1530 procedure DebugLn(const s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9: string);
1531 begin
1532   LazLoggerBase.Debugln(s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7,s8,s9);
1533 end;
1535 procedure DebugLn(const s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10: string);
1536 begin
1537   LazLoggerBase.Debugln(s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7,s8,s9,s10);
1538 end;
1540 procedure DebugLn(const s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10, s11: string);
1541 begin
1542   LazLoggerBase.Debugln(s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7,s8,s9,s10,s11);
1543 end;
1545 procedure DebugLn(const s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10, s11,
1546   s12: string);
1547 begin
1548   LazLoggerBase.Debugln(s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7,s8,s9,s10,s11,s12);
1549 end;
1551 procedure DbgOut(Args: array of const);
1552 begin
1553   LazLoggerBase.DbgOut(dbgs(Args));
1554 end;
1556 procedure DbgOut(const s: string);
1557 begin
1558   LazLoggerBase.DbgOut(s);
1559 end;
1561 procedure DbgOut(const s1, s2: string);
1562 begin
1563   LazLoggerBase.DbgOut(s1,s2);
1564 end;
1566 procedure DbgOut(const s1, s2, s3: string);
1567 begin
1568   LazLoggerBase.DbgOut(s1,s2,s3);
1569 end;
1571 procedure DbgOut(const s1, s2, s3, s4: string);
1572 begin
1573   LazLoggerBase.DbgOut(s1,s2,s3,s4);
1574 end;
1576 procedure DbgOut(const s1, s2, s3, s4, s5: string);
1577 begin
1578   LazLoggerBase.DbgOut(s1,s2,s3,s4,s5);
1579 end;
1581 procedure DbgOut(const s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6: string);
1582 begin
1583   LazLoggerBase.DbgOut(s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6);
1584 end;
DbgSnull1586 function DbgS(Args: array of const): string;
1587 var
1588   i: Integer;
1589 begin
1590   Result:='';
1591   for i:=Low(Args) to High(Args) do begin
1592     case Args[i].VType of
1593     vtInteger: Result:=Result+dbgs(Args[i].vinteger);
1594     vtInt64: Result:=Result+dbgs(Args[i].VInt64^);
1595     vtQWord: Result:=Result+dbgs(Args[i].VQWord^);
1596     vtBoolean: Result:=Result+dbgs(Args[i].vboolean);
1597     vtExtended: Result:=Result+dbgs(Args[i].VExtended^);
1598 {$ifdef FPC_CURRENCY_IS_INT64}
1599     // MWE:
1600     // fpc 2.x has troubles in choosing the right dbgs()
1601     // so we convert here
1602     vtCurrency: Result:=Result+dbgs(int64(Args[i].vCurrency^)/10000 , 4);
1603 {$else}
1604     vtCurrency: Result:=Result+dbgs(Args[i].vCurrency^);
1605 {$endif}
1606     vtString: Result:=Result+Args[i].VString^;
1607     vtAnsiString: Result:=Result+AnsiString(Args[i].VAnsiString);
1608     vtChar: Result:=Result+Args[i].VChar;
1609     vtPChar: Result:=Result+Args[i].VPChar;
1610     vtPWideChar: Result:=Result+UnicodeToUTF8(ord(Args[i].VPWideChar^));
1611     vtWideChar: Result:=Result+UnicodeToUTF8(ord(Args[i].VWideChar));
1612     vtWidestring: Result:=Result+UTF8Encode(WideString(Args[i].VWideString));
1613     vtObject: Result:=Result+DbgSName(Args[i].VObject);
1614     vtClass: Result:=Result+DbgSName(Args[i].VClass);
1615     vtPointer: Result:=Result+Dbgs(Args[i].VPointer);
1616     else
1617       Result:=Result+'?unknown variant?';
1618     end;
1619   end;
1620 end;
DbgSnull1622 function DbgS(const c: char): string;
1623 begin
1624   case c of
1625   ' '..#126: Result:=c;
1626   else
1627     Result:='#'+IntToStr(ord(c));
1628   end;
1629 end;
DbgSnull1631 function DbgS(const c: cardinal): string;
1632 begin
1633   Result:=LazLoggerBase.DbgS(c);
1634 end;
DbgSnull1636 function DbgS(const i: integer): string;
1637 begin
1638   Result:=LazLoggerBase.DbgS(i);
1639 end;
DbgSnull1641 function DbgS(const i: QWord): string;
1642 begin
1643   Result:=LazLoggerBase.DbgS(i);
1644 end;
DbgSnull1646 function DbgS(const i: int64): string;
1647 begin
1648   Result:=LazLoggerBase.DbgS(i);
1649 end;
DbgSnull1651 function DbgS(const r: TRect): string;
1652 begin
1653   Result:=LazLoggerBase.DbgS(r);
1654 end;
DbgSnull1656 function DbgS(const p: TPoint): string;
1657 begin
1658   Result:=LazLoggerBase.DbgS(p);
1659 end;
DbgSnull1661 function DbgS(const p: pointer): string;
1662 begin
1663   Result:=LazLoggerBase.DbgS(p);
1664 end;
DbgSnull1666 function DbgS(const e: extended; MaxDecimals: integer = 999): string;
1667 begin
1668   Result:=LazLoggerBase.DbgS(e,MaxDecimals);
1669 end;
DbgSnull1671 function DbgS(const b: boolean): string;
1672 begin
1673   Result:=LazLoggerBase.DbgS(b);
1674 end;
DbgSnull1676 function DbgS(const i1, i2, i3, i4: integer): string;
1677 begin
1678   Result:=LazLoggerBase.DbgS(i1,i2,i3,i4);
1679 end;
DbgSnull1681 function DbgS(const ms: TCustomMemoryStream; Count: PtrInt): string;
1682 begin
1683   Result:=dbgMemStream(ms,Count);
1684 end;
DbgSNamenull1686 function DbgSName(const p: TObject): string;
1687 begin
1688   Result:=LazLoggerBase.DbgSName(p);
1689 end;
DbgSNamenull1691 function DbgSName(const p: TClass): string;
1692 begin
1693   Result:=LazLoggerBase.DbgSName(p);
1694 end;
dbgMemRangenull1696 function dbgMemRange(P: PByte; Count: integer; Width: integer): string;
1697 begin
1698   Result:=LazLoggerBase.dbgMemRange(P,Count,Width);
1699 end;
DbgStrnull1701 function DbgStr(const StringWithSpecialChars: string): string;
1702 var
1703   i: Integer;
1704   s: String;
1705 begin
1706   Result:=StringWithSpecialChars;
1707   i:=length(Result);
1708   while (i>0) do begin
1709     case Result[i] of
1710     ' '..#126: ;
1711     else
1712       s:='#'+IntToStr(ord(Result[i]));
1713       ReplaceSubstring(Result,i,1,s);
1714     end;
1715     dec(i);
1716   end;
1717 end;
DbgStrnull1719 function DbgStr(const StringWithSpecialChars: string; StartPos, Len: PtrInt): string;
1720 begin
1721   Result:=dbgstr(copy(StringWithSpecialChars,StartPos,Len));
1722 end;
DbgTextnull1724 function DbgText(const StringWithSpecialChars: string; KeepLines: boolean): string;
1725 var
1726   i: Integer;
1727   s: String;
1728   c: Char;
1729   l: Integer;
1730 begin
1731   Result:=StringWithSpecialChars;
1732   i:=1;
1733   while (i<=length(Result)) do begin
1734     c:=Result[i];
1735     case c of
1736     ' '..#126: inc(i);
1737     else
1738       if KeepLines and (c in [#10,#13]) then begin
1739         // replace line ending with system line ending
1740         if (i<length(Result)) and (Result[i+1] in [#10,#13])
1741         and (c<>Result[i+1]) then
1742           l:=2
1743         else
1744           l:=1;
1745         ReplaceSubstring(Result,i,l,LineEnding);
1746         inc(i,length(LineEnding));
1747       end else begin
1748         s:='#'+IntToStr(ord(c));
1749         ReplaceSubstring(Result,i,1,s);
1750         inc(i,length(s));
1751       end;
1752     end;
1753   end;
1754 end;
CompareCTMemStatnull1756 function CompareCTMemStat(Stat1, Stat2: TCTMemStat): integer;
1757 begin
1758   Result:=SysUtils.CompareText(Stat1.Name,Stat2.Name);
1759 end;
CompareNameWithCTMemStatnull1761 function CompareNameWithCTMemStat(KeyAnsiString: Pointer; Stat: TCTMemStat): integer;
1762 begin
1763   Result:=SysUtils.CompareText(AnsiString(KeyAnsiString),Stat.Name);
1764 end;
GetTicksnull1766 function GetTicks: int64;
1767 var
1768   CurTick: Int64;
1769 begin
1770   CurTick:=round(Now*86400000);
1771   Result:=CurTick-LastTick;
1772   LastTick:=CurTick;
1773 end;
1775 procedure CTDumpStack;
1776 begin
1777   DebugLn(CTGetStackTrace(true));
1778 end;
CTGetStackTracenull1780 function CTGetStackTrace(UseCache: boolean): string;
1781 var
1782   bp: Pointer;
1783   addr: Pointer;
1784   oldbp: Pointer;
1785   CurAddress: Shortstring;
1786 begin
1787   Result:='';
1788   { retrieve backtrace info }
1789   bp:=get_caller_frame(get_frame);
1790   while bp<>nil do begin
1791     addr:=get_caller_addr(bp);
1792     CurAddress:=CTGetLineInfo(addr,UseCache);
1793     //DebugLn('GetStackTrace ',CurAddress);
1794     Result:=Result+CurAddress+LineEnding;
1795     oldbp:=bp;
1796     bp:=get_caller_frame(bp);
1797     if (bp<=oldbp) or (bp>(StackBottom + StackLength)) then
1798       bp:=nil;
1799   end;
1800 end;
1802 procedure CTGetStackTracePointers(var AStack: TCTStackTracePointers);
1803 var
1804   Depth: Integer;
1805   bp: Pointer;
1806   oldbp: Pointer;
1807 begin
1808   // get stack depth
1809   Depth:=0;
1810   bp:=get_caller_frame(get_frame);
1811   while bp<>nil do begin
1812     inc(Depth);
1813     oldbp:=bp;
1814     bp:=get_caller_frame(bp);
1815     if (bp<=oldbp) or (bp>(StackBottom + StackLength)) then
1816       bp:=nil;
1817   end;
1818   SetLength(AStack,Depth);
1819   if Depth>0 then begin
1820     Depth:=0;
1821     bp:=get_caller_frame(get_frame);
1822     while bp<>nil do begin
1823       AStack[Depth]:=get_caller_addr(bp);
1824       inc(Depth);
1825       oldbp:=bp;
1826       bp:=get_caller_frame(bp);
1827       if (bp<=oldbp) or (bp>(StackBottom + StackLength)) then
1828         bp:=nil;
1829     end;
1830   end;
1831 end;
CTStackTraceAsStringnull1833 function CTStackTraceAsString(const AStack: TCTStackTracePointers; UseCache: boolean
1834   ): string;
1835 var
1836   i: Integer;
1837   CurAddress: String;
1838 begin
1839   Result:='';
1840   for i:=0 to length(AStack)-1 do begin
1841     CurAddress:=CTGetLineInfo(AStack[i],UseCache);
1842     Result:=Result+CurAddress+LineEnding;
1843   end;
1844 end;
CTGetLineInfonull1846 function CTGetLineInfo(Addr: Pointer; UseCache: boolean): string;
1847 var
1848   ANode: TAVLTreeNode;
1849   Item: PCTLineInfoCacheItem;
1850 begin
1851   if UseCache then begin
1852     if LineInfoCache=nil then
1853       LineInfoCache:=TAVLTree.Create(@CompareCTLineInfoCacheItems);
1854     ANode:=LineInfoCache.FindKey(Addr,@CompareAddrWithCTLineInfoCacheItem);
1855     if ANode=nil then begin
1856       Result:=BackTraceStrFunc(Addr);
1857       New(Item);
1858       Item^.Addr:=Addr;
1859       Item^.Info:=Result;
1860       LineInfoCache.Add(Item);
1861     end else begin
1862       Result:=PCTLineInfoCacheItem(ANode.Data)^.Info;
1863     end;
1864   end else
1865     Result:=BackTraceStrFunc(Addr);
1866 end;
CompareCTLineInfoCacheItemsnull1868 function CompareCTLineInfoCacheItems(Data1, Data2: Pointer): integer;
1869 begin
1870   Result:=LazUtilities.ComparePointers(PCTLineInfoCacheItem(Data1)^.Addr,
1871                           PCTLineInfoCacheItem(Data2)^.Addr);
1872 end;
CompareAddrWithCTLineInfoCacheItemnull1874 function CompareAddrWithCTLineInfoCacheItem(Addr, Item: Pointer): integer;
1875 begin
1876   Result:=LazUtilities.ComparePointers(Addr,PCTLineInfoCacheItem(Item)^.Addr);
1877 end;
FileAgeToStrnull1879 function FileAgeToStr(aFileAge: longint): string;
1880 begin
1881   Result:=DateTimeToStr(FileDateToDateTimeDef(aFileAge));
1882 end;
1884 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1886 procedure FreeLineInfoCache;
1887 var
1888   ANode: TAVLTreeNode;
1889   Item: PCTLineInfoCacheItem;
1890 begin
1891   if LineInfoCache=nil then exit;
1892   ANode:=LineInfoCache.FindLowest;
1893   while ANode<>nil do begin
1894     Item:=PCTLineInfoCacheItem(ANode.Data);
1895     Dispose(Item);
1896     ANode:=LineInfoCache.FindSuccessor(ANode);
1897   end;
1898   LineInfoCache.Free;
1899   LineInfoCache:=nil;
1900 end;
1902 { TCTMemStats }
TCTMemStats.GetItemsnull1904 function TCTMemStats.GetItems(const Name: string): PtrUint;
1905 var
1906   Node: TAVLTreeNode;
1907 begin
1908   Node:=Tree.FindKey(Pointer(Name),TListSortCompare(@CompareNameWithCTMemStat));
1909   if Node<>nil then
1910     Result:=TCTMemStat(Node.Data).Sum
1911   else
1912     Result:=0;
1913 end;
1915 procedure TCTMemStats.SetItems(const Name: string; const AValue: PtrUint);
1916 var
1917   Node: TAVLTreeNode;
1918   NewStat: TCTMemStat;
1919 begin
1920   Node:=Tree.FindKey(Pointer(Name),TListSortCompare(@CompareNameWithCTMemStat));
1921   if Node<>nil then begin
1922     if AValue<>0 then begin
1923       TCTMemStat(Node.Data).Sum:=AValue;
1924     end else begin
1925       Tree.FreeAndDelete(Node);
1926     end;
1927   end else begin
1928     if AValue<>0 then begin
1929       NewStat:=TCTMemStat.Create;
1930       NewStat.Name:=Name;
1931       NewStat.Sum:=AValue;
1932       Tree.Add(NewStat);
1933     end;
1934   end;
1935 end;
1937 constructor TCTMemStats.Create;
1938 begin
1939   Tree:=TAVLTree.Create(TListSortCompare(@CompareCTMemStat));
1940 end;
1942 destructor TCTMemStats.Destroy;
1943 begin
1944   Tree.FreeAndClear;
1945   FreeAndNil(Tree);
1946   inherited Destroy;
1947 end;
1949 procedure TCTMemStats.Add(const Name: string; Size: PtrUint);
1950 var
1951   Node: TAVLTreeNode;
1952   NewStat: TCTMemStat;
1953 begin
1954   inc(Total,Size);
1955   Node:=Tree.FindKey(Pointer(Name),TListSortCompare(@CompareNameWithCTMemStat));
1956   if Node<>nil then begin
1957     inc(TCTMemStat(Node.Data).Sum,Size);
1958   end else begin
1959     NewStat:=TCTMemStat.Create;
1960     NewStat.Name:=Name;
1961     NewStat.Sum:=Size;
1962     Tree.Add(NewStat);
1963   end;
1964 end;
1966 procedure TCTMemStats.WriteReport;
ByteToStrnull1968   function ByteToStr(b: PtrUint): string;
1969   const
1970     Units = 'KMGTPE';
1971   var
1972     i: Integer;
1973   begin
1974     i:=0;
1975     while b>10240 do begin
1976       inc(i);
1977       b:=b shr 10;
1978     end;
1979     Result:=dbgs(b);
1980     if i>0 then
1981       Result:=Result+Units[i];
1982   end;
1984 var
1985   Node: TAVLTreeNode;
1986   CurStat: TCTMemStat;
1987 begin
1988   DebugLn(['TCTMemStats.WriteReport Stats=',Tree.Count,' Total=',Total,' ',ByteToStr(Total)]);
1989   Node:=Tree.FindLowest;
1990   while Node<>nil do begin
1991     CurStat:=TCTMemStat(Node.Data);
1992     DebugLn(['  ',CurStat.Name,'=',CurStat.Sum,' ',ByteToStr(CurStat.Sum)]);
1993     Node:=Tree.FindSuccessor(Node);
1994   end;
1995 end;
1997 initialization
1998   {$IFDEF MEM_CHECK}CheckHeapWrtMemCnt('fileprocs.pas: initialization');{$ENDIF}
1999   FileStateCache:=TFileStateCache.Create;
2001 finalization
2002   FileStateCache.Free;
2003   FileStateCache:=nil;
2004   FreeLineInfoCache;
2006 end.