1 { TCheckBoxThemed
3   Copyright (C) 2017 Lazarus team
5   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6   under the same terms as the Lazarus Component Library (LCL)
8   See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL.txt, included in this distribution,
9   for details about the license.
11 }
12 unit CheckBoxThemed;
13 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
15 interface
17 uses
18   Classes, SysUtils, Types, Math,
19   // LCL
20   Controls, StdCtrls, Graphics, ActnList, Forms,
21   LCLIntf, LMessages, LCLProc, LCLType, Themes,
22   // LazUtils
23   LazMethodList;
25 type
26   TCustomCheckBoxThemed = class;
28   { TCheckBoxThemedActionLink }
29   TCheckBoxThemedActionLink = class(TWinControlActionLink)
30   protected
31     FClientCheckBoxThemed: TCustomCheckBoxThemed;
32     procedure AssignClient(AClient: TObject); override;
33     procedure SetChecked(Value: Boolean); override;
34   public
IsCheckedLinkednull35     function IsCheckedLinked: Boolean; override;
36   end;
38   TCheckBoxThemedActionLinkClass = class of TCheckBoxThemedActionLink;
40   { TCustomCheckBoxThemed }
41   TCustomCheckBoxThemed = class(TCustomControl)
42   private
43     FAlignment: TLeftRight;
44     FAllowGrayed: Boolean;
45     FCheckBoxHovered: Boolean;
46     FCheckFromAction: Boolean;
47     FOnChange: TNotifyEvent;
48     FState: TCheckBoxState;
GetCheckednull49     function GetChecked: Boolean;
50     procedure SetAlignment(AValue: TLeftRight);
51     procedure SetCheckBoxHovered(AValue: Boolean);
52     procedure SetChecked(AValue: Boolean);
53     procedure SetState(AValue: TCheckBoxState);
54   private class var
55     FThemeCheckBoxSize: TSize;
56   protected
GetCheckBoxSizenull57     class function GetCheckBoxSize(const PixelsPerInch: Integer): TSize;
58   protected
59     CheckBoxPressed: Boolean;
60     KnobPosUnchecked, KnobPosChecked, KnobPosGrayed: Integer;
61     procedure CalculatePreferredSize(var PreferredWidth, PreferredHeight: Integer;
62                                      {%H-}WithThemeSpace: Boolean); override;
63     procedure CMBiDiModeChanged(var {%H-}Message: TLMessage); message CM_BIDIMODECHANGED;
64     procedure CMEnabledChanged(var Message: TLMessage); message CM_ENABLEDCHANGED;
65     class procedure InitCheckBoxSize;
DialogCharnull66     function DialogChar(var Message: TLMKey): Boolean; override;
67     procedure DoClick;
68     procedure DoEnter; override;
69     procedure DoExit; override;
GetActionLinkClassnull70     function GetActionLinkClass: TControlActionLinkClass; override;
71     procedure KeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); override;
72     procedure KeyUp(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); override;
73     procedure MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override;
74     procedure MouseEnter; override;
75     procedure MouseLeave; override;
76     procedure MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override;
77     procedure Paint; override;
78     procedure TextChanged; override;
79     procedure WMSize(var Message: TLMSize); message LM_SIZE;
80     property CheckBoxHovered: Boolean read FCheckBoxHovered write SetCheckBoxHovered;
81     property CheckFromAction: Boolean read FCheckFromAction write FCheckFromAction;
82   protected const
83     cFocusBorder: SmallInt = 2;
84     cIndent: SmallInt = 5;
85   public
86     class procedure PaintSelf(ACanvas: TCanvas; ACaption: string; ARect: TRect;
87       AState: TCheckBoxState; ARightToLeft, AHovered, APressed, AFocused: Boolean;
88       AAlignment: TLeftRight; AEnabled: Boolean = True);
89     constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
90     property Alignment: TLeftRight read FAlignment write SetAlignment default taRightJustify;
91     property AllowGrayed: Boolean read FAllowGrayed write FAllowGrayed default False;
92     property Checked: Boolean read GetChecked write SetChecked default False;
93     property State: TCheckBoxState read FState write SetState default cbUnchecked;
94     property OnChange: TNotifyEvent read FOnChange write FOnChange;
95   end;
97   { TCheckBoxThemed }
98   TCheckBoxThemed = class(TCustomCheckBoxThemed)
99   published
100     property Action;
101     property Align;
102     property Alignment;
103     property AllowGrayed;
104     property Anchors;
105     property AutoSize default True;
106     property BiDiMode;
107     property BorderSpacing;
108     property Caption;
109     property Checked;
110     property Color;
111     property Constraints;
112     property Cursor;
113     property DragCursor;
114     property DragKind;
115     property DragMode;
116     property Enabled;
117     property Font;
118     property Height;
119     property HelpContext;
120     property HelpKeyword;
121     property HelpType;
122     property Hint;
123     property Left;
124     property ParentBiDiMode;
125     property ParentColor;
126     property ParentFont;
127     property ParentShowHint;
128     property PopupMenu;
129     property ShowHint;
130     property State;
131     property TabOrder;
132     property TabStop default True;
133     property Top;
134     property Visible;
135     property Width;
136     property OnChangeBounds;
137     property OnChange;
138     property OnClick;
139     property OnContextPopup;
140     property OnDragDrop;
141     property OnDragOver;
142     property OnEditingDone;
143     property OnEndDrag;
144     property OnEnter;
145     property OnExit;
146     property OnKeyDown;
147     property OnKeyPress;
148     property OnKeyUp;
149     property OnMouseDown;
150     property OnMouseEnter;
151     property OnMouseLeave;
152     property OnMouseMove;
153     property OnMouseUp;
154     property OnMouseWheel;
155     property OnMouseWheelDown;
156     property OnMouseWheelUp;
157     property OnResize;
158     property OnStartDrag;
159     property OnUTF8KeyPress;
160   end;
162 implementation
164 { TCheckBoxThemedActionLink }
166 procedure TCheckBoxThemedActionLink.AssignClient(AClient: TObject);
167 begin
168   inherited AssignClient(AClient);
169   FClientCheckBoxThemed := AClient as TCustomCheckBoxThemed;
170 end;
IsCheckedLinkednull172 function TCheckBoxThemedActionLink.IsCheckedLinked: Boolean;
173 begin
174   Result := inherited IsCheckedLinked and
175             (FClientCheckBoxThemed.Checked = (Action as TCustomAction).Checked);
176 end;
178 procedure TCheckBoxThemedActionLink.SetChecked(Value: Boolean);
179 begin
180   if IsCheckedLinked then begin
181     FClientCheckBoxThemed.CheckFromAction := True;
182     try
183       FClientCheckBoxThemed.Checked := Value;
184     finally
185       FClientCheckBoxThemed.CheckFromAction := False;
186     end;
187   end;
188 end;
190 { TCustomCheckBoxThemed }
192 constructor TCustomCheckBoxThemed.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
193 begin
194   inherited Create(AOwner);
195   AccessibleRole := larCheckBox;
196   ControlStyle := ControlStyle  + [csParentBackground, csReplicatable] - [csOpaque]
197                - csMultiClicks - [csClickEvents, csNoStdEvents];  { inherited Click not used }
198   FAlignment := taRightJustify;
199   FAllowGrayed := False;
200   AutoSize := True;
201   TabStop := True;
202 end;
204 procedure TCustomCheckBoxThemed.CalculatePreferredSize(var PreferredWidth,
205             PreferredHeight: Integer; WithThemeSpace: Boolean);
206 var aDetails: TThemedElementDetails;
207     aFlags: Cardinal;
208     aTextSize, CheckBoxSize: TSize;
209 begin
210   CheckBoxSize := GetCheckBoxSize(Font.PixelsPerInch);
211   if Caption <> '' then begin
212     aDetails := ThemeServices.GetElementDetails(tbCheckBoxCheckedNormal);
213     aFlags := DT_CENTER + DT_VCENTER;
214     if IsRightToLeft then inc(aFlags, DT_RTLREADING);
215     with ThemeServices.GetTextExtent(Canvas.Handle, aDetails, Caption, aFlags, nil) do begin
216       aTextSize.cx := Right;
217       aTextSize.cy := Bottom;
218     end;
219     PreferredWidth := CheckBoxSize.cx + cIndent + aTextSize.cx + cFocusBorder;
220     PreferredHeight := Math.max(CheckBoxSize.cy, aTextSize.cy + 2 * cFocusBorder);
221   end else begin
222     PreferredWidth := CheckBoxSize.cx;
223     PreferredHeight := CheckBoxSize.cy;
224   end;
225 end;
227 procedure TCustomCheckBoxThemed.CMBiDiModeChanged(var Message: TLMessage);
228 begin
229   Invalidate;
230 end;
232 procedure TCustomCheckBoxThemed.CMEnabledChanged(var Message: TLMessage);
233 begin
234   if IsEnabled then FCheckBoxHovered := False;
235   inherited CMEnabledChanged(Message);
236 end;
238 class procedure TCustomCheckBoxThemed.InitCheckBoxSize;
239 begin
240   with ThemeServices do
241     FThemeCheckBoxSize := GetDetailSize(GetElementDetails(tbCheckBoxCheckedNormal));
242 end;
DialogCharnull244 function TCustomCheckBoxThemed.DialogChar(var Message: TLMKey): Boolean;
245 begin
246   Result := False;
247   if Message.Msg = LM_SYSCHAR then begin
248     if IsEnabled and IsVisible then begin
249       if IsAccel(Message.CharCode, Caption) then begin
250         DoClick;
251         SetFocus;
252         Result := True;
253       end else
254       Result := inherited DialogChar(Message);
255     end;
256   end;
257 end;
259 procedure TCustomCheckBoxThemed.DoClick;
260 begin
261   if AllowGrayed then begin
262     case FState of
263       cbUnchecked: State := cbGrayed;
264       cbGrayed: State := cbChecked;
265       cbChecked: State := cbUnchecked;
266     end;
267   end else
268     Checked := not Checked;
269 end;
271 procedure TCustomCheckBoxThemed.DoEnter;
272 begin
273   inherited DoEnter;
274   Invalidate;
275 end;
277 procedure TCustomCheckBoxThemed.DoExit;
278 begin
279   inherited DoExit;
280   Invalidate;
281 end;
GetActionLinkClassnull283 function TCustomCheckBoxThemed.GetActionLinkClass: TControlActionLinkClass;
284 begin
285   Result := TCheckBoxThemedActionLink;
286 end;
TCustomCheckBoxThemed.GetCheckBoxSizenull288 class function TCustomCheckBoxThemed.GetCheckBoxSize(
289   const PixelsPerInch: Integer): TSize;
290 begin
291   if FThemeCheckBoxSize.cx<=0 then
292     InitCheckBoxSize;
293   Result.cx := MulDiv(FThemeCheckBoxSize.cx, PixelsPerInch, Screen.PixelsPerInch);
294   Result.cy := MulDiv(FThemeCheckBoxSize.cy, PixelsPerInch, Screen.PixelsPerInch);
295 end;
297 procedure TCustomCheckBoxThemed.KeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
298 begin
299   inherited KeyDown(Key, Shift);
300   if (Key in [VK_RETURN, VK_SPACE]) and not (ssCtrl in Shift) then begin
301     CheckBoxPressed := True;
302     Invalidate;
303   end;
304 end;
306 procedure TCustomCheckBoxThemed.KeyUp(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
307 begin
308   inherited KeyUp(Key, Shift);
309   if (Key in [VK_RETURN, VK_SPACE]) and not (ssCtrl in Shift) then begin
310     CheckBoxPressed :=  False;
311     DoClick;
312   end;
313 end;
315 procedure TCustomCheckBoxThemed.MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
316 begin
317   inherited MouseDown(Button, Shift, X, Y);
318   if (Button = mbLeft) and CheckBoxHovered then begin
319     CheckBoxPressed := True;
320     Invalidate;
321   end;
322   SetFocus;
323 end;
325 procedure TCustomCheckBoxThemed.MouseEnter;
326 begin
327   inherited MouseEnter;
328   CheckBoxHovered := True;
329 end;
331 procedure TCustomCheckBoxThemed.MouseLeave;
332 begin
333   inherited MouseLeave;
334   CheckBoxHovered := False;
335 end;
337 procedure TCustomCheckBoxThemed.MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
338 begin
339   inherited MouseUp(Button, Shift, X, Y);
340   if Button = mbLeft then begin
341     if PtInRect(ClientRect, Point(X, Y)) then DoClick;
342     CheckBoxPressed := False;
343   end;
344 end;
346 class procedure TCustomCheckBoxThemed.PaintSelf(ACanvas: TCanvas;
347   ACaption: string; ARect: TRect; AState: TCheckBoxState; ARightToLeft,
348   AHovered, APressed, AFocused: Boolean; AAlignment: TLeftRight;
349   AEnabled: Boolean);
350 var aCaptionPoint, aCheckBoxPoint: TPoint;
351     aDetails: TThemedElementDetails;
352     aFlags: Cardinal;
353     aHelpRect: TRect;
354     aTextSize, CheckBoxSize: TSize;         { Hovered,     Pressed,     State }
355 const caEnabledDetails: array [False..True, False..True, cbUnchecked..cbGrayed] of TThemedButton =
356   (((tbCheckBoxUncheckedNormal, tbCheckBoxCheckedNormal, tbCheckBoxMixedNormal),
357     (tbCheckBoxUncheckedPressed, tbCheckBoxCheckedPressed, tbCheckBoxMixedPressed)),
358    ((tbCheckBoxUncheckedHot, tbCheckBoxCheckedHot, tbCheckBoxMixedHot),
359     (tbCheckBoxUncheckedPressed, tbCheckBoxCheckedPressed, tbCheckBoxMixedPressed)));
360 const caDisabledDetails: array [cbUnchecked..cbGrayed] of TThemedButton =
361   (tbCheckBoxUncheckedDisabled, tbCheckBoxCheckedDisabled, tbCheckBoxMixedDisabled);
362 begin
363   CheckBoxSize := GetCheckBoxSize(ACanvas.Font.PixelsPerInch);
364   { Calculate }
365   if AEnabled then
366     aDetails := ThemeServices.GetElementDetails(caEnabledDetails[AHovered, False, AState])
367   else
368     aDetails := ThemeServices.GetElementDetails(caDisabledDetails[AState]);
369   if ACaption <> '' then begin
370     aFlags := DT_CENTER + DT_VCENTER;
371     if ARightToLeft then inc(aFlags, DT_RTLREADING);
372     with ThemeServices.GetTextExtent(ACanvas.Handle, aDetails, ACaption, aFlags, nil) do begin
373       aTextSize.cx := Right;
374       aTextSize.cy := Bottom;
375     end;
376     aCaptionPoint.Y := (ARect.Bottom + ARect.Top - aTextSize.cy) div 2;
377     aCheckBoxPoint.Y := (ARect.Bottom + ARect.Top - CheckBoxSize.cy) div 2;
378     if ARightToLeft xor (AAlignment = taLeftJustify) then begin  { Caption is on the Left }
379       aCheckBoxPoint.X := ARect.Right - CheckBoxSize.cx;
380       aCaptionPoint.X := ARect.Left;
381     end else begin  { Caption is on the Right }
382       aCheckBoxPoint.X := ARect.Left;
383       aCaptionPoint.X := aCheckBoxPoint.X + cIndent + CheckBoxSize.cx;
384     end;
385   end else begin
386     if not ARightToLeft then
387       aCheckBoxPoint.X := ARect.Left
388     else
389       aCheckBoxPoint.X := ARect.Right - CheckBoxSize.cx;
390     aCheckBoxPoint.Y := (ARect.Bottom - CheckBoxSize.cy) div 2;
391   end;
392   { Paint Caption }
393   if ACaption <> '' then begin
394     aHelpRect := Rect(aCaptionPoint.X, aCaptionPoint.Y,
395       aCaptionPoint.X + aTextSize.cx, aCaptionPoint.Y + aTextSize.cy);
396     ThemeServices.DrawText(ACanvas, aDetails, ACaption, aHelpRect, aFlags, 0);
397     { Paint FocusRect around Caption }
398     if AFocused then begin
399       dec(aHelpRect.Left, cFocusBorder);
400       inc(aHelpRect.Right, cFocusBorder);
401       LCLIntf.SetBkColor(ACanvas.Handle, ColorToRGB(clBtnFace));
402       LCLIntf.DrawFocusRect(ACanvas.Handle, aHelpRect);
403     end;
404   end;
405   { Paint CheckBox }
406   if AEnabled then
407     aDetails := ThemeServices.GetElementDetails(caEnabledDetails[AHovered, APressed, AState])
408   else
409     aDetails := ThemeServices.GetElementDetails(caDisabledDetails[AState]);
410   aHelpRect := Rect(aCheckBoxPoint.X, aCheckBoxPoint.Y,
411     aCheckBoxPoint.X + CheckBoxSize.cx, aCheckBoxPoint.Y + CheckBoxSize.cy);
412   ThemeServices.DrawElement(ACanvas.Handle, aDetails, aHelpRect);
413 end;
415 procedure TCustomCheckBoxThemed.Paint;
416 begin
417   inherited Paint;
418   PaintSelf(Canvas, Caption, ClientRect, State, IsRightToLeft, CheckBoxHovered,
419     CheckBoxPressed, Focused, Alignment, IsEnabled);
420 end;
422 procedure TCustomCheckBoxThemed.TextChanged;
423 begin
424   inherited TextChanged;
425   Invalidate;
426 end;
428 procedure TCustomCheckBoxThemed.WMSize(var Message: TLMSize);
429 begin
430   inherited WMSize(Message);
431   Invalidate;
432 end;
434 { Setters }
TCustomCheckBoxThemed.GetCheckednull436 function TCustomCheckBoxThemed.GetChecked: Boolean;
437 begin
438   Result := (FState = cbChecked);
439 end;
441 procedure TCustomCheckBoxThemed.SetAlignment(AValue: TLeftRight);
442 begin
443   if FAlignment = AValue then exit;
444   FAlignment := AValue;
445   Invalidate;
446 end;
448 procedure TCustomCheckBoxThemed.SetCheckBoxHovered(AValue: Boolean);
449 begin
450   if FCheckBoxHovered = AValue then exit;
451   FCheckBoxHovered := AValue;
452   Invalidate;
453 end;
455 procedure TCustomCheckBoxThemed.SetChecked(AValue: Boolean);
456 begin
457   if AValue then
458     State := cbChecked
459   else
460     State := cbUnChecked;
461 end;
463 procedure TCustomCheckBoxThemed.SetState(AValue: TCheckBoxState);
464 begin
465   if FState = AValue then exit;
466   FState := AValue;
467   if [csLoading, csDestroying, csDesigning]*ComponentState = [] then begin
468     if Assigned(OnEditingDone) then OnEditingDone(self);
469     if Assigned(OnChange) then OnChange(self);
470     { Execute only when Action.Checked is changed }
471     if not CheckFromAction then begin
472       if Assigned(OnClick) then
473         if not (Assigned(Action) and
474           CompareMethods(TMethod(Action.OnExecute), TMethod(OnClick)))
475           then OnClick(self);
476       if (Action is TCustomAction) and
477         (TCustomAction(Action).Checked <> (AValue = cbChecked))
478         then ActionLink.Execute(self);
479     end;
480   end;
481   Invalidate;
482 end;
484 end.