1 {
2  *****************************************************************************
3   See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL.txt, included in this distribution,
4   for details about the license.
5  *****************************************************************************
7   Authors: Alexander Klenin
9 }
10 unit TAGeometry;
12 {$H+}
14 interface
16 uses
17   TAChartUtils, Types;
19 type
20   TPolygon = object
21   public
22     FPoints: TPointArray;
23     FCount: Integer;
24   public
25     constructor Init;
26     procedure Add(const APoint: TPoint);
27     procedure AddNoDup(const APoint: TPoint); inline;
LastPointnull28     function LastPoint: TPoint; inline;
Purgenull29     function Purge: TPointArray; inline;
30   end;
32   TEllipse = object
33   public
34     FC: TDoublePoint;
35     FR: TDoublePoint;
36     constructor InitBoundingBox(AX1, AY1, AX2, AY2: Integer);
37   public
GetPointnull38     function GetPoint(AParametricAngle: Double): TDoublePoint;
39     procedure SliceToPolygon(
40       AAngleStart, AAngleLength: Double; AStep: Integer; var APoly: TPolygon);
TesselateRadialPienull41     function TesselateRadialPie(
42       AAngleStart, AAngleLength: Double; AStep: Integer): TPointArray;
43   end;
CopyPointsnull45 function CopyPoints(
46   APoints: array of TPoint; AStartIndex, ANumPts: Integer): TPointArray;
DotProductnull47 function DotProduct(A, B: TDoublePoint): Double;
DoublePointnull48 function DoublePoint(AX, AY: Double): TDoublePoint; inline; overload;
DoublePointnull49 function DoublePoint(const AP: TPoint): TDoublePoint; inline; overload;
DoubleRectnull50 function DoubleRect(AX1, AY1, AX2, AY2: Double): TDoubleRect; inline;
51 procedure ExpandRect(var ARect: TDoubleRect; const APoint: TDoublePoint); inline;
52 procedure ExpandRect(var ARect: TRect; const APoint: TPoint); inline;
53 procedure ExpandRect(
54   var ARect: TRect; const ACenter: TPoint; ARadius: Integer;
55   AAngle1, AAngle2: Double); inline;
IsPointOnLinenull56 function IsPointOnLine(const AP, A1, A2: TPoint): Boolean; inline;
IsPointInPolygonnull57 function IsPointInPolygon(
58   const AP: TPoint; const APolygon: array of TPoint): Boolean;
IsPointInRectnull59 function IsPointInRect(const AP, A1, A2: TPoint): Boolean; inline; overload;
IsPointInRectnull60 function IsPointInRect(const AP: TPoint; const AR: TRect): Boolean; inline; overload;
IsRectInRectnull61 function IsRectInRect(const AInner, AOuter: TRect): Boolean; inline;
IsLineIntersectsLinenull62 function IsLineIntersectsLine(const AA, AB, AC, AD: TPoint): Boolean;
IsPolygonIntersectsPolygonnull63 function IsPolygonIntersectsPolygon(const AP1, AP2: array of TPoint): Boolean;
LineIntersectsRectnull64 function LineIntersectsRect(
65   var AA, AB: TDoublePoint; const ARect: TDoubleRect): Boolean;
66 procedure NormalizeRect(var ARect: TRect); overload;
67 procedure NormalizeRect(var ARect: TDoubleRect); overload;
MakeSquarenull68 function MakeSquare(const ARect: TRect): TRect;
MakeCalloutnull69 function MakeCallout(
70   const AShape: TPointArray; const ACenter, ATarget: TPoint;
71   AAngle: Double): TPointArray;
MaxPointnull72 function MaxPoint(const A, B: TPoint): TPoint; inline;
MeasureRotatedRectnull73 function MeasureRotatedRect(const ASize: TPoint; AAngle: Double): TSize;
NextNumberSeqnull74 function NextNumberSeq(
75   const APoints: array of TDoublePoint; var AStart, AEnd: Integer): Boolean;
PointDistnull76 function PointDist(const A, B: TPoint): Integer; inline;
PointDistXnull77 function PointDistX(const A, B: TPoint): Integer; inline;
PointDistYnull78 function PointDistY(const A, B: TPoint): Integer; inline;
PointLineDistnull79 function PointLineDist(const P, A, B: TPoint): Integer;
ProjToLinenull80 function ProjToLine(const P, A, B: TDoublePoint): TDoublePoint; overload;
ProjToLinenull81 function ProjToLine(const P, A, B: TPoint): TPoint; overload;
ProjToRectnull82 function ProjToRect(
83   const APt: TDoublePoint; const ARect: TDoubleRect): TDoublePoint;
RectIntersectsRectnull84 function RectIntersectsRect(
85   var ARect: TDoubleRect; const AFixed: TDoubleRect): Boolean;
RotatePointnull86 function RotatePoint(const APoint: TDoublePoint; AAngle: Double): TDoublePoint; overload;
RotatePointnull87 function RotatePoint(const APoint: TPoint; AAngle: Double): TPoint; overload;
RotatePointXnull88 function RotatePointX(AX, AAngle: Double): TPoint;
RoundPointnull89 function RoundPoint(APoint: TDoublePoint): TPoint;
TesselateRectnull90 function TesselateRect(const ARect: TRect): TPointArray;
TesselateEllipsenull91 function TesselateEllipse(const ABounds: TRect; AStep: Integer): TPointArray;
TesselateRoundRectnull92 function TesselateRoundRect(const ARect: TRect; ARadius, AStep: Integer): TPointArray;
94 operator +(const A: TPoint; B: TSize): TPoint; overload; inline;
95 operator +(const A, B: TPoint): TPoint; overload; inline;
96 operator +(const A, B: TDoublePoint): TDoublePoint; overload; inline;
97 operator -(const A: TPoint): TPoint; overload; inline;
98 operator -(const A, B: TPoint): TPoint; overload; inline;
99 operator -(const A, B: TDoublePoint): TDoublePoint; overload; inline;
100 operator div(const A: TPoint; ADivisor: Integer): TPoint; inline;
101 operator *(const A: TPoint; AMultiplier: Integer): TPoint; inline;
102 operator *(const A, B: TPoint): TPoint; inline;
103 operator *(const A, B: TDoublePoint): TDoublePoint; overload; inline;
104 operator * (const A: TDoublePoint; B: Double): TDoublePoint; overload; inline;
105 operator /(const A, B: TDoublePoint): TDoublePoint; overload; inline;
106 operator = (const A, B: TDoublePoint): Boolean; overload; inline;
107 operator = (const A, B: TDoubleRect): Boolean; overload; inline;
108 operator <= (const A, B: TDoublePoint): Boolean; overload; inline;
109 operator :=(const APoint: TPoint): TSize; inline;
110 operator :=(const ASize: TSize): TPoint; inline;
112 implementation
114 uses
115   GraphMath, Math, TAMath;
117 function PointLineSide(AP, A1, A2: TPoint): TValueSign; forward;
CopyPointsnull119 function CopyPoints(
120   APoints: array of TPoint; AStartIndex, ANumPts: Integer): TPointArray;
121 var
122   i: Integer;
123 begin
124   Assert(ANumPts >= 0);
125   SetLength(Result, ANumPts);
126   for i := 0 to ANumPts - 1 do
127     Result[i] := APoints[i + AStartIndex];
128 end;
DotProductnull130 function DotProduct(A, B: TDoublePoint): Double;
131 begin
132   Result := A.X * B.X + A.Y * B.Y;
133 end;
DoublePointnull135 function DoublePoint(AX, AY: Double): TDoublePoint; inline;
136 begin
137   Result.X := AX;
138   Result.Y := AY;
139 end;
DoublePointnull141 function DoublePoint(const AP: TPoint): TDoublePoint;
142 begin
143   Result.X := AP.X;
144   Result.Y := AP.Y;
145 end;
DoubleRectnull147 function DoubleRect(AX1, AY1, AX2, AY2: Double): TDoubleRect; inline;
148 begin
149   Result.a.X := AX1;
150   Result.a.Y := AY1;
151   Result.b.X := AX2;
152   Result.b.Y := AY2;
153 end;
155 procedure ExpandRect(var ARect: TDoubleRect; const APoint: TDoublePoint);
156 begin
157   UpdateMinMax(APoint.X, ARect.a.X, ARect.b.X);
158   UpdateMinMax(APoint.Y, ARect.a.Y, ARect.b.Y);
159 end;
161 procedure ExpandRect(var ARect: TRect; const APoint: TPoint);
162 begin
163   UpdateMinMax(APoint.X, ARect.Left, ARect.Right);
164   UpdateMinMax(APoint.Y, ARect.Top, ARect.Bottom);
165 end;
167 procedure ExpandRect(
168   var ARect: TRect; const ACenter: TPoint; ARadius: Integer;
169   AAngle1, AAngle2: Double);
170 var
171   i, j: Integer;
172 begin
173   EnsureOrder(AAngle1, AAngle2);
174   ExpandRect(ARect, RotatePointX(ARadius, AAngle1) + ACenter);
175   ExpandRect(ARect, RotatePointX(ARadius, AAngle2) + ACenter);
176   j := Floor(AAngle1 / Pi * 2);
177   for i := j to j + 4 do
178     if InRange(Pi / 2 * i, AAngle1, AAngle2) then
179       ExpandRect(ARect, RotatePointX(ARadius, Pi / 2 * i) + ACenter);
180 end;
IsPointOnLinenull182 function IsPointOnLine(const AP, A1, A2: TPoint): Boolean;
183 begin
184   Result := IsPointInRect(AP, A1, A2) and (PointLineSide(AP, A1, A2) = 0);
185 end;
IsPointInPolygonnull187 function IsPointInPolygon(
188   const AP: TPoint; const APolygon: array of TPoint): Boolean;
189 var
190   i, count: Integer;
191   p1, p2: TPoint;
192   s1, s2: TValueSign;
193 begin
194   if Length(APolygon) = 0 then exit(false);
195   p1 := APolygon[High(APolygon)];
196   for i := 0 to High(APolygon) do begin
197     p2 := APolygon[i];
198     if IsPointOnLine(AP, p1, p2) then exit(true);
199     p1 := p2;
200   end;
201   count := 0;
202   p1 := APolygon[High(APolygon)];
203   for i := 0 to High(APolygon) do begin
204     p2 := APolygon[i];
205     s1 := Sign(p1.Y - AP.Y);
206     s2 := Sign(p2.Y - AP.Y);
207     case s1 * s2 of
208       -1: count += Ord(PointLineSide(AP, p1, p2) = Sign(p1.Y - p2.Y));
209       0: if s1 + s2 = 1 then begin
210         if s1 = 0 then
211           count += Ord(p1.X >= AP.X)
212         else
213           count += Ord(p2.X >= AP.X)
214       end;
215     end;
216     p1 := p2;
217   end;
218   Result := count mod 2 = 1;
219 end;
IsPointInRectnull221 function IsPointInRect(const AP, A1, A2: TPoint): Boolean;
222 begin
223   Result := SafeInRange(AP.X, A1.X, A2.X) and SafeInRange(AP.Y, A1.Y, A2.Y);
224 end;
IsPointInRectnull226 function IsPointInRect(const AP: TPoint; const AR: TRect): Boolean;
227 begin
228   Result :=
229     SafeInRange(AP.X, AR.Left, AR.Right) and
230     SafeInRange(AP.Y, AR.Top, AR.Bottom);
231 end;
IsRectInRectnull233 function IsRectInRect(const AInner, AOuter: TRect): Boolean;
234 begin
235   Result :=
236     IsPointInRect(AInner.TopLeft, AOuter) and
237     IsPointInRect(AInner.BottomRight, AOuter);
238 end;
IsLineIntersectsLinenull240 function IsLineIntersectsLine(const AA, AB, AC, AD: TPoint): Boolean;
241 var
242   sa, sb, sc, sd: TValueSign;
243 begin
244   sa := PointLineSide(AA, AC, AD);
245   sb := PointLineSide(AB, AC, AD);
246   if (sa = 0) and (sb = 0) then
247     // All points are on the same infinite line.
248     Result :=
249       IsPointInRect(AA, AC, AD) or IsPointInRect(AB, AC, AD) or
250       IsPointInRect(AC, AA, AB) or IsPointInRect(AD, AA, AB)
251   else begin
252     sc := PointLineSide(AC, AA, AB);
253     sd := PointLineSide(AD, AA, AB);
254     Result := (sa * sb <= 0) and (sc * sd <= 0);
255   end;
256 end;
IsPolygonIntersectsPolygonnull258 function IsPolygonIntersectsPolygon(const AP1, AP2: array of TPoint): Boolean;
259 var
260   i, j: Integer;
261   p1, p2: TPoint;
262 begin
263   if (Length(AP1) = 0) or (Length(AP2) = 0) then exit(false);
264   if IsPointInPolygon(AP1[0], AP2) or IsPointInPolygon(AP2[0], AP1) then
265     exit(true);
266   for i := 0 to High(AP1) do begin
267     p1 := AP1[i];
268     p2 := AP1[(i + 1) mod Length(AP1)];
269     for j := 0 to High(AP2) do
270       if IsLineIntersectsLine(p1, p2, AP2[j], AP2[(j + 1) mod Length(AP2)]) then
271         exit(true);
272   end;
273   Result := false;
274 end;
LineIntersectsRectnull276 function LineIntersectsRect(
277   var AA, AB: TDoublePoint; const ARect: TDoubleRect): Boolean;
279   procedure AdjustX(var AP: TDoublePoint; ANewX: Double); inline;
280   var
281     dx: Double;
282   begin
283     dx := AB.X - AA.X;
284     if not IsInfinite(dx) and not IsInfinite(AP.Y) then
285       AP.Y += (AB.Y - AA.Y) / dx * (ANewX - AP.X);
286     AP.X := ANewX;
287   end;
289   procedure AdjustY(var AP: TDoublePoint; ANewY: Double); inline;
290   var
291     dy: Double;
292   begin
293     dy := AB.Y - AA.Y;
294     if not IsInfinite(dy) and not IsInfinite(AP.X) then
295       AP.X += (AB.X - AA.X) / dy * (ANewY - AP.Y);
296     AP.Y := ANewY;
297   end;
299 begin
300   case CASE_OF_TWO[AA.X < ARect.a.X, AB.X < ARect.a.X] of
301     cotFirst: AdjustX(AA, ARect.a.X);
302     cotSecond: AdjustX(AB, ARect.a.X);
303     cotBoth: exit(false);
304   end;
305   case CASE_OF_TWO[AA.X > ARect.b.X, AB.X > ARect.b.X] of
306     cotFirst: AdjustX(AA, ARect.b.X);
307     cotSecond: AdjustX(AB, ARect.b.X);
308     cotBoth: exit(false);
309   end;
310   case CASE_OF_TWO[AA.Y < ARect.a.Y, AB.Y < ARect.a.Y] of
311     cotFirst: AdjustY(AA, ARect.a.Y);
312     cotSecond: AdjustY(AB, ARect.a.Y);
313     cotBoth: exit(false);
314   end;
315   case CASE_OF_TWO[AA.Y > ARect.b.Y, AB.Y > ARect.b.Y] of
316     cotFirst: AdjustY(AA, ARect.b.Y);
317     cotSecond: AdjustY(AB, ARect.b.Y);
318     cotBoth: exit(false);
319   end;
320   Result := true;
321 end;
MakeSquarenull323 function MakeSquare(const ARect: TRect): TRect;
324 var
325   c: TPoint;
326   w, h: Integer;
327 begin
328   c := CenterPoint(ARect);
329   Result := ARect;
330   w := Abs(Result.Right - Result.Left);
331   h := Abs(Result.Bottom - Result.Top);
332   if w > h then begin
333     Result.Left := c.X - h div 2;
334     Result.Right := c.X + h div 2;
335   end
336   else begin
337     Result.Top := c.Y - w div 2;
338     Result.Bottom := c.Y + w div 2;
339   end;
340 end;
MakeCalloutnull342 function MakeCallout(
343   const AShape: TPointArray; const ACenter, ATarget: TPoint;
344   AAngle: Double): TPointArray;
345 var
346   AVector: TPoint;
Nextnull348   function Next(AIndex, ADir: Integer): Integer; inline;
349   begin
350     Result := (AIndex + Length(AShape) + ADir) mod Length(AShape);
351   end;
NearestSidenull353   function NearestSide: Integer;
354   begin
355     for Result := 0 to High(AShape) do
356       if
357         IsLineIntersectsLine(
358           ACenter, ATarget, AShape[Result], AShape[Next(Result, 1)])
359       then
360         exit;
361     Result := -1;
362   end;
ScalarProductnull364   function ScalarProduct(const AP1, AP2: TPoint): Double; inline;
365   begin
366     Result := Double(AP1.X) * AP2.X + Double(AP1.Y) * AP2.Y;
367   end;
CrossProductSignnull369   function CrossProductSign(const AP1, AP2: TPoint): Integer; inline;
370   begin
371     Result := Sign(Double(AP1.X) * AP2.Y - Double(AP1.Y) * AP2.X);
372   end;
CrossProductSignByIndexnull374   function CrossProductSignByIndex(AIndex: Integer): Integer; inline;
375   begin
376     Result := CrossProductSign(AVector, AShape[AIndex] - ATarget);
377   end;
CosVectornull379   function CosVector(AIndex: Integer): Double;
380   begin
381     Result :=
382       ScalarProduct(AShape[AIndex] - ATarget, AVector) /
383       Sqrt(Double(PointDist(AShape[AIndex], ATarget)) * PointDist(ACenter, ATarget));
384   end;
LineIntersectsRaynull386   function LineIntersectsRay(
387     const AFrom: TPoint; const ARay: TDoublePoint; const AA, AB: TPoint): TPoint;
388   var
389     line: TDoublePoint;
390     det, t: Double;
391   begin
392     line := DoublePoint(AB - AA);
393     // x = t * ARay.X + AFrom.X; y = t * ARay.Y + AFrom.Y;
394     // (x - AA.X) * line.Y = (y - AA.Y) * line.X
395     // t * ARay.X * line.Y + (AFrom.X - AA.X) * line.Y =
396     // t * ARay.Y * line.X + (AFrom.Y - AA.Y) * line.X
397     det := ARay.X * line.Y - ARay.Y * line.X;
398     if det = 0 then exit(AB);
399     with (AFrom - AA) do // Workaround for issue #17005.
400       t := (Y * line.X - X * line.Y) / det;
401     if t <= 0 then exit(AB);
402     Result := RoundPoint(DoublePoint(t, t) * ARay) + AFrom;
403   end;
405   procedure PointOnAngle(ADir: Integer; var AIndex: Integer; out APt: TPoint);
406   var
407     targetCos, c, maxCos: Double;
408     this, prev: TPoint;
409     ray: TDoublePoint;
410     s, n: Integer;
411   begin
412     targetCos := Cos(AAngle / 2);
413     maxCos := 2.0;
414     while true do begin
415       // Central vector of the callout passes exactly through the shape vertex.
416       s := CrossProductSignByIndex(AIndex);
417       if s <> 0 then break;
418       AIndex := Next(AIndex, ADir);
419     end;
420     prev := AShape[Next(AIndex, -ADir)];
421     while true do begin
422       this := AShape[AIndex];
423       c := CosVector(AIndex);
424       n := Next(AIndex, ADir);
425       if
426         (CrossProductSignByIndex(AIndex) <> s) or (c > maxCos) and
427         // Imprecision of integer grid may result in short concave segments on
428         // a convex figure. Skip them by a single-point lookahead.
429         ((CrossProductSignByIndex(n) <> s) or (CosVector(n) > maxCos))
430       then begin
431         APt := prev;
432         AIndex := Next(AIndex, -ADir);
433         exit;
434       end;
435       if c <= targetCos then begin
436         ray := RotatePoint(DoublePoint(AVector), s * AAngle / 2);
437         APt := LineIntersectsRay(ATarget, ray, prev, this);
438         exit;
439       end;
440       AIndex := Next(AIndex, ADir);
441       maxCos := c;
442       prev := this;
443     end;
444   end;
446 var
447   cnt: Integer = 0;
449   procedure Add(const APoint: TPoint);
450   begin
451     if (cnt = 0) or (Result[cnt - 1] <> APoint) then begin
452       Result[cnt] := APoint;
453       cnt += 1;
454     end;
455   end;
457 var
458   ni, li, ri, i: Integer;
459   lp, rp: TPoint;
460 begin
461   if
462     (Length(AShape) < 3) or
463     IsPointInPolygon(ATarget, AShape) or not IsPointInPolygon(ACenter, AShape)
464   then
465     exit(AShape);
466   ni := NearestSide;
467   if ni < 0 then exit(AShape);
468   AVector := ACenter - ATarget;
469   li := ni;
470   PointOnAngle(-1, li, lp);
471   ri := Next(ni, 1);
472   PointOnAngle(+1, ri, rp);
473   SetLength(Result, Length(AShape) + 3);
474   i := ri;
475   while i <> li do begin
476     Add(AShape[i]);
477     i := Next(i, 1);
478   end;
479   Add(AShape[li]);
480   Add(lp);
481   Add(ATarget);
482   Add(rp);
483   SetLength(Result, cnt);
484 end;
MaxPointnull486 function MaxPoint(const A, B: TPoint): TPoint;
487 begin
488   Result.X := Max(A.X, B.X);
489   Result.Y := Max(A.Y, B.Y);
490 end;
MeasureRotatedRectnull492 function MeasureRotatedRect(const ASize: TPoint; AAngle: Double): TSize;
493 var
494   pt1, pt2: TPoint;
495 begin
496   pt1 := RotatePoint(ASize, AAngle);
497   pt2 := RotatePoint(Point(ASize.X, -ASize.Y), AAngle);
498   Result.cx := Max(Abs(pt1.X), Abs(pt2.X));
499   Result.cy := Max(Abs(pt1.Y), Abs(pt2.Y));
500 end;
502 procedure NormalizeRect(var ARect: TRect);
503 begin
504   with ARect do begin
505     EnsureOrder(Left, Right);
506     EnsureOrder(Top, Bottom);
507   end;
508 end;
510 procedure NormalizeRect(var ARect: TDoubleRect); overload;
511 begin
512   with ARect do begin
513     EnsureOrder(a.X, b.X);
514     EnsureOrder(a.Y, b.Y);
515   end;
516 end;
PointLineSidenull518 function PointLineSide(AP, A1, A2: TPoint): TValueSign;
519 var
520   a1x, a1y: Int64;
521 begin
522   a1x := A1.X;
523   a1y := A1.Y;
524   Result := Sign((AP.X - a1x) * (A2.Y - a1y) - (AP.Y - a1y) * (A2.X - a1x));
525 end;
NextNumberSeqnull527 function NextNumberSeq(
528   const APoints: array of TDoublePoint; var AStart, AEnd: Integer): Boolean;
529 begin
530   AStart := AEnd + 2;
531   while (AStart <= High(APoints)) and IsNan(APoints[AStart]) do
532     AStart += 1;
533   AEnd := AStart;
534   while (AEnd + 1 <= High(APoints)) and not IsNan(APoints[AEnd + 1]) do
535     AEnd += 1;
536   Result := AStart <= High(APoints);
537 end;
PointDistnull539 function PointDist(const A, B: TPoint): Integer;
540 begin
541   Result := Min(Sqr(Int64(A.X) - B.X) + Sqr(Int64(A.Y) - B.Y), MaxInt);
542 end;
PointDistXnull544 function PointDistX(const A, B: TPoint): Integer;
545 begin
546   Result := Min(Abs(Int64(A.X) - B.X), MaxInt);
547 end;
PointDistYnull549 function PointDistY(const A, B: TPoint): Integer; inline;
550 begin
551   Result := Min(Abs(Int64(A.Y) - B.Y), MaxInt);
552 end;
PointLineDistnull554 function PointLineDist(const P, A,B: TPoint): Integer;
555 var
556   v, w, Q: TPoint;
557   dot: Int64;
558   lv: Integer;
559 begin
560   if A = B then
561     Result := PointDist(A, P)
562   else begin
563     v := B - A;                // Vector pointing along line from A to B
564     w := P - A;                // Vector pointing from A to P
565     dot := Int64(v.x) * w.x + Int64(v.y) * w.y;  // dot product v . w
566     lv := PointDist(A, B);     // Length of vector AB
567     Q := (v * dot) div lv;     // Projection of P onto line A-B, seen from A
568     Result := PointDist(Q, w); // Length from A to Q
569   end;
570 end;
ProjToLinenull572 function ProjToLine(const P, A,B: TDoublePoint): TDoublePoint;
573 var
574   v, s: TDoublePoint;
575 begin
576   if P = A then
577     Result := A
578   else if P = B then
579     Result := B
580   else begin
581     s := B - A;
582     v := P - A;
583     Result := A + s * (DotProduct(v, s) / DotProduct(s, s));
584   end;
585 end;
ProjToLinenull587 function ProjToLine(const P, A, B: TPoint): TPoint;
588 begin
589   Result := RoundPoint(ProjToLine(DoublePoint(P), DoublePoint(A), DoublePoint(B)));
590 end;
ProjToRectnull592 function ProjToRect(
593   const APt: TDoublePoint; const ARect: TDoubleRect): TDoublePoint;
594 begin
595   Result.X := EnsureRange(APt.X, ARect.a.X, ARect.b.X);
596   Result.Y := EnsureRange(APt.Y, ARect.a.Y, ARect.b.Y);
597 end;
RectIntersectsRectnull599 function RectIntersectsRect(
600   var ARect: TDoubleRect; const AFixed: TDoubleRect): Boolean;
RangesIntersectnull602   function RangesIntersect(L1, R1, L2, R2: Double; out L, R: Double): Boolean;
603   begin
604     EnsureOrder(L1, R1);
605     EnsureOrder(L2, R2);
606     L := Max(L1, L2);
607     R := Min(R1, R2);
608     Result := L <= R;
609   end;
611 begin
612   with ARect do
613     Result :=
614       RangesIntersect(a.X, b.X, AFixed.a.X, AFixed.b.X, a.X, b.X) and
615       RangesIntersect(a.Y, b.Y, AFixed.a.Y, AFixed.b.Y, a.Y, b.Y);
616 end;
RotatePointnull618 function RotatePoint(const APoint: TDoublePoint; AAngle: Double): TDoublePoint;
619 var
620   sa, ca: Extended;
621 begin
622   SinCos(AAngle, sa, ca);
623   Result.X := ca * APoint.X - sa * APoint.Y;
624   Result.Y := sa * APoint.X + ca * APoint.Y;
625 end;
RotatePointnull627 function RotatePoint(const APoint: TPoint; AAngle: Double): TPoint;
628 var
629   sa, ca: Extended;
630 begin
631   SinCos(AAngle, sa, ca);
632   Result.X := Round(ca * APoint.X - sa * APoint.Y);
633   Result.Y := Round(sa * APoint.X + ca * APoint.Y);
634 end;
RotatePointXnull636 function RotatePointX(AX, AAngle: Double): TPoint;
637 var
638   sa, ca: Extended;
639 begin
640   SinCos(AAngle, sa, ca);
641   Result.X := Round(ca * AX);
642   Result.Y := Round(sa * AX);
643 end;
RoundPointnull645 function RoundPoint(APoint: TDoublePoint): TPoint;
646 begin
647   Result.X := Round(APoint.X);
648   Result.Y := Round(APoint.Y);
649 end;
TesselateRectnull651 function TesselateRect(const ARect: TRect): TPointArray;
652 begin
653   SetLength(Result, 4);
654   with ARect do begin
655     Result[0] := TopLeft;
656     Result[1] := Point(Left, Bottom);
657     Result[2] := BottomRight;
658     Result[3] := Point(Right, Top);
659   end;
660 end;
TesselateEllipsenull662 function TesselateEllipse(const ABounds: TRect; AStep: Integer): TPointArray;
663 var
664   e: TEllipse;
665   p: TPolygon;
666 begin
667   with ABounds do
668     e.InitBoundingBox(Left, Top, Right, Bottom);
669   p.Init;
670   e.SliceToPolygon(0, 2 * Pi, AStep, p);
671   Result := p.Purge;
672 end;
TesselateRoundRectnull674 function TesselateRoundRect(
675   const ARect: TRect; ARadius, AStep: Integer): TPointArray;
676 var
677   e: TEllipse;
678   p: TPolygon;
679 begin
680   with ARect do begin
681     if Min(Right - Left, Bottom - Top) < 2 * ARadius then exit(nil);
683     p.Init;
684     e.FR := DoublePoint(ARadius, ARadius);
686     p.AddNoDup(Point(Right, Bottom - ARadius));
687     p.AddNoDup(Point(Right, Top + ARadius));
688     e.FC := DoublePoint(Right - ARadius, Top + ARadius);
689     e.SliceToPolygon(0, Pi / 2, AStep, p);
691     p.AddNoDup(Point(Right - ARadius, Top));
692     p.AddNoDup(Point(Left + ARadius, Top));
693     e.FC := DoublePoint(Left + ARadius, Top + ARadius);
694     e.SliceToPolygon(Pi / 2, Pi / 2, AStep, p);
696     p.AddNoDup(Point(Left, Top + ARadius));
697     p.AddNoDup(Point(Left, Bottom - ARadius));
698     e.FC := DoublePoint(Left + ARadius, Bottom - ARadius);
699     e.SliceToPolygon(Pi, Pi / 2, AStep, p);
701     p.AddNoDup(Point(Left + ARadius, Bottom));
702     p.AddNoDup(Point(Right - ARadius, Bottom));
703     e.FC := DoublePoint(Right - ARadius, Bottom - ARadius);
704     e.SliceToPolygon(Pi * 3/2, Pi / 2, AStep, p);
705   end;
707   Result := p.Purge;
708 end;
710 operator + (const A: TPoint; B: TSize): TPoint;
711 begin
712   Result.X := A.X + B.cx;
713   Result.Y := A.Y + B.cy;
714 end;
716 operator + (const A, B: TPoint): TPoint;
717 begin
718   Result.X := A.X + B.X;
719   Result.Y := A.Y + B.Y;
720 end;
722 operator + (const A, B: TDoublePoint): TDoublePoint;
723 begin
724   Result.X := A.X + B.X;
725   Result.Y := A.Y + B.Y;
726 end;
728 operator - (const A: TPoint): TPoint;
729 begin
730   Result.X := - A.X;
731   Result.Y := - A.Y;
732 end;
734 operator - (const A, B: TPoint): TPoint;
735 begin
736   Result.X := A.X - B.X;
737   Result.Y := A.Y - B.Y;
738 end;
740 operator - (const A, B: TDoublePoint): TDoublePoint;
741 begin
742   Result.X := A.X - B.X;
743   Result.Y := A.Y - B.Y;
744 end;
746 operator div(const A: TPoint; ADivisor: Integer): TPoint;
747 begin
748   Result.X := A.X div ADivisor;
749   Result.Y := A.Y div ADivisor;
750 end;
752 operator * (const A: TPoint; AMultiplier: Integer): TPoint;
753 begin
754   Result.X := A.X * AMultiplier;
755   Result.Y := A.Y * AMultiplier;
756 end;
758 operator * (const A, B: TPoint): TPoint;
759 begin
760   Result.X := A.X * B.X;
761   Result.Y := A.Y * B.Y;
762 end;
764 operator * (const A, B: TDoublePoint): TDoublePoint;
765 begin
766   Result.X := A.X * B.X;
767   Result.Y := A.Y * B.Y;
768 end;
770 operator * (const A: TDoublePoint; B: Double): TDoublePoint;
771 begin
772   Result.X := A.X * B;
773   Result.Y := A.Y * B;
774 end;
776 operator / (const A, B: TDoublePoint): TDoublePoint;
777 begin
778   Result.X := A.X / B.X;
779   Result.Y := A.Y / B.Y;
780 end;
782 operator = (const A, B: TDoublePoint): Boolean;
783 begin
784   Result := (A.X = B.X) and (A.Y = B.Y);
785 end;
787 operator = (const A, B: TDoubleRect): Boolean;
788 begin
789   Result := (A.a = B.a) and (A.b = B.b);
790 end;
792 operator <= (const A, B: TDoublePoint): Boolean;
793 begin
794   Result := (A.X <= B.X) and (A.Y <= B.Y);
795 end;
797 operator := (const APoint: TPoint): TSize;
798 begin
799   Result.cx := APoint.X;
800   Result.cy := APoint.Y;
801 end;
803 operator := (const ASize: TSize): TPoint;
804 begin
805   Result.X := ASize.cx;
806   Result.Y := ASize.cy;
807 end;
809 { TPolygon }
811 procedure TPolygon.Add(const APoint: TPoint);
812 begin
813   if FCount > High(FPoints) then
814     SetLength(FPoints, Max(2 * FCount, 16));
815   FPoints[FCount] := APoint;
816   FCount += 1;
817 end;
819 procedure TPolygon.AddNoDup(const APoint: TPoint);
820 begin
821   if (FCount = 0) or (LastPoint <> APoint) then
822     Add(APoint);
823 end;
825 constructor TPolygon.Init;
826 begin
827   FCount := 0;
828   FPoints := nil;
829 end;
LastPointnull831 function TPolygon.LastPoint: TPoint;
832 begin
833   Result := FPoints[FCount - 1];
834 end;
Purgenull836 function TPolygon.Purge: TPointArray;
837 begin
838   SetLength(FPoints, FCount);
839   Result := FPoints;
840 end;
842 { TEllipse }
TEllipse.GetPointnull844 function TEllipse.GetPoint(AParametricAngle: Double): TDoublePoint;
845 var
846   s, c: Extended;
847 begin
848   SinCos(AParametricAngle, s, c);
849   Result := DoublePoint(c, -s) * FR + FC;
850 end;
852 constructor TEllipse.InitBoundingBox(AX1, AY1, AX2, AY2: Integer);
853 begin
854   FC.X := (AX1 + AX2) / 2;
855   FC.Y := (AY1 + AY2) / 2;
856   FR.X := Abs(AX1 - AX2) / 2;
857   FR.Y := Abs(AY1 - AY2) / 2;
858 end;
860 procedure TEllipse.SliceToPolygon(
861   AAngleStart, AAngleLength: Double; AStep: Integer; var APoly: TPolygon);
862 var
863   lastAngle: Double;
865   procedure SafeAddPoint(APoint: TPoint; AAngle: Double);
866   begin
867     if APoly.LastPoint <> APoint then begin
868       APoly.Add(APoint);
869       lastAngle := AAngle;
870     end;
871   end;
873   procedure Rec(ALo, AHi: Double);
874   var
875     pt: TPoint;
876   begin
877     pt := RoundPoint(GetPoint(AHi));
878     if PointDist(APoly.LastPoint, pt) <= Sqr(AStep) then
879       SafeAddPoint(pt, AHi)
880     else begin
881       Rec(ALo, (ALo + AHi) / 2);
882       Rec(lastAngle, AHi)
883     end;
884   end;
886   procedure Add(AAngle: Double);
887   begin
888     SafeAddPoint(RoundPoint(GetPoint(AAngle)), AAngle)
889   end;
891 const
892   HalfPi = Pi / 2;
893 var
894   t, tprev, tlast: Double;
895 begin
896   tprev := AAngleStart;
897   tlast := AAngleStart + AAngleLength;
898   APoly.Add(RoundPoint(GetPoint(tprev)));
899   if (FR.X < 1) or (FR.Y < 1) then begin
900     // Ellipse has degenerated into a line.
901     Add(tlast);
902     exit;
903   end;
904   APoly.Add(RoundPoint(GetPoint(tprev)));
905   lastAngle := tprev;
906   t := Ceil(tprev / HalfPi) * HalfPi;
907   while t < tlast do begin
908     Add(tprev);
909     Rec(tprev, t);
910     tprev := t;
911     t += HalfPi;
912   end;
913   Rec(tprev, tlast);
914   Add(tlast);
915 end;
917 // Represent the ellipse sector with a polygon on an integer grid.
918 // Polygon vertices are no more then AStep pixels apart.
TEllipse.TesselateRadialPienull919 function TEllipse.TesselateRadialPie(
920   AAngleStart, AAngleLength: Double; AStep: Integer): TPointArray;
921 var
922   resultPoly: TPolygon;
923 begin
924   resultPoly.Init;
925   SliceToPolygon(AAngleStart, AAngleLength, AStep, resultPoly);
926   resultPoly.AddNoDup(RoundPoint(FC));
927   Result := resultPoly.Purge;
928 end;
930 end.