1 { /***************************************************************************
2                                checklst.pas
3                                ------------
5                    Initial Revision  : Thu Jun 19 CST 2003
7  ***************************************************************************/
9  *****************************************************************************
10   This file is part of the Lazarus Component Library (LCL)
12   See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL.txt, included in this distribution,
13   for details about the license.
14  *****************************************************************************
15 }
17 unit CheckLst;
19 {$mode objfpc} {$H+}
21 interface
23 uses
24   Classes, SysUtils, Math, LCLProc, LCLType, GraphType, Graphics, LMessages,
25   LResources, Controls, StdCtrls, LCLIntf;
28 type
29   TCheckListClicked = procedure(Sender: TObject; Index: integer) of object;
31   { TCustomCheckListBox }
33   TCustomCheckListBox = class(TCustomListBox)
34   private
35     FAllowGrayed: Boolean;
36     FItemDataOffset: Integer;
37     FOnClickCheck : TNotifyEvent;
38     FOnItemClick: TCheckListClicked;
GetCheckednull39     function GetChecked(const AIndex: Integer): Boolean;
GetHeadernull40     function GetHeader(AIndex: Integer): Boolean;
GetItemEnablednull41     function GetItemEnabled(AIndex: Integer): Boolean;
GetStatenull42     function GetState(AIndex: Integer): TCheckBoxState;
43     procedure SetChecked(const AIndex: Integer; const AValue: Boolean);
44     procedure SendItemState(const AIndex: Integer; const AState: TCheckBoxState);
45     procedure SendItemEnabled(const AIndex: Integer; const AEnabled: Boolean);
46     procedure SendItemHeader(const AIndex: Integer; const AHeader: Boolean);
47     procedure DoChange(var Msg: TLMessage); message LM_CHANGED;
48     procedure SetHeader(AIndex: Integer; const AValue: Boolean);
49     procedure SetItemEnabled(AIndex: Integer; const AValue: Boolean);
50     procedure SetState(AIndex: Integer; const AValue: TCheckBoxState);
51   protected
52     class procedure WSRegisterClass; override;
53     procedure AssignItemDataToCache(const AIndex: Integer; const AData: Pointer); override;
54     procedure AssignCacheToItemData(const AIndex: Integer; const AData: Pointer); override;
55     procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); override;
56     procedure DrawItem(AIndex: Integer; ARect: TRect; State: TOwnerDrawState); override;
GetCachedDataSizenull57     function  GetCachedDataSize: Integer; override;
GetCheckWidthnull58     function  GetCheckWidth: Integer;
59     procedure DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler); override;
60     procedure ReadData(Stream: TStream);
61     procedure WriteData(Stream: TStream);
62     procedure ClickCheck; virtual;
63     procedure ItemClick(const AIndex: Integer); virtual;
64     procedure KeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); override;
65     procedure FontChanged(Sender: TObject); override;
66   public
67     constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
68     procedure MeasureItem(Index: Integer; var TheHeight: Integer); override;
69     procedure Toggle(AIndex: Integer);
70     procedure CheckAll(AState: TCheckBoxState; aAllowGrayed: Boolean = True; aAllowDisabled: Boolean = True);
72     property AllowGrayed: Boolean read FAllowGrayed write FAllowGrayed default False;
73     property Checked[AIndex: Integer]: Boolean read GetChecked write SetChecked;
74     property Header[AIndex: Integer]: Boolean read GetHeader write SetHeader;
75     property ItemEnabled[AIndex: Integer]: Boolean read GetItemEnabled write SetItemEnabled;
76     property State[AIndex: Integer]: TCheckBoxState read GetState write SetState;
77     property OnClickCheck: TNotifyEvent read FOnClickCheck write FOnClickCheck;
78     property OnItemClick: TCheckListClicked read FOnItemClick write FOnItemClick;
79   end;
82   { TCheckListBox }
84   TCheckListBox = class(TCustomCheckListBox)
85   published
86     property Align;
87     property AllowGrayed;
88     property Anchors;
89     property BidiMode;
90     property BorderSpacing;
91     property BorderStyle;
92     property Color;
93     property Columns;
94     property Constraints;
95     property DragCursor;
96     property DragMode;
97     property ExtendedSelect;
98     property Enabled;
99     property Font;
100     property IntegralHeight;
101     property Items;
102     property ItemHeight;
103     property ItemIndex;
104     property MultiSelect;
105     property OnChangeBounds;
106     property OnClick;
107     property OnClickCheck;
108     property OnContextPopup;
109     property OnDblClick;
110     property OnDrawItem;
111     property OnDragDrop;
112     property OnDragOver;
113     property OnEndDrag;
114     property OnEnter;
115     property OnExit;
116     property OnItemClick;
117     property OnKeyPress;
118     property OnKeyDown;
119     property OnKeyUp;
120     property OnMouseDown;
121     property OnMouseEnter;
122     property OnMouseLeave;
123     property OnMouseMove;
124     property OnMouseUp;
125     property OnMouseWheel;
126     property OnMouseWheelDown;
127     property OnMouseWheelUp;
128     property OnResize;
129     property OnSelectionChange;
130     property OnShowHint;
131     property OnStartDrag;
132     property OnUTF8KeyPress;
133     property ParentBidiMode;
134     property ParentColor;
135     property ParentFont;
136     property ParentShowHint;
137     property PopupMenu;
138     property ShowHint;
139     property Sorted;
140     property Style;
141     property TabOrder;
142     property TabStop;
143     property TopIndex;
144     property Visible;
145   end;
148 procedure Register;
150 implementation
152 uses
153   WSCheckLst;
155 procedure Register;
156 begin
157   RegisterComponents('Additional',[TCheckListBox]);
158 end;
160 type
161   PCachedItemData = ^TCachedItemData;
162   TCachedItemData = record
163     State: TCheckBoxState;
164     Disabled: Boolean;
165     Header: Boolean;
166   end;
168 { TCustomCheckListBox }
170 procedure TCustomCheckListBox.AssignCacheToItemData(const AIndex: Integer;
171   const AData: Pointer);
172 begin
173   inherited AssignCacheToItemData(AIndex, AData);
174   SendItemState(AIndex, PCachedItemData(AData + FItemDataOffset)^.State);
175   SendItemEnabled(AIndex, not PCachedItemData(AData + FItemDataOffset)^.Disabled);
176   SendItemHeader(AIndex, PCachedItemData(AData + FItemDataOffset)^.Header);
177 end;
179 procedure TCustomCheckListBox.CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams);
180 begin
181   inherited CreateParams(Params);
182   Params.Style := (Params.Style and not LBS_OWNERDRAWVARIABLE) or LBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED;
183 end;
185 procedure TCustomCheckListBox.DrawItem(AIndex: Integer; ARect: TRect; State: TOwnerDrawState);
186 begin
187   if not Header[AIndex] then begin
188     if UseRightToLeftAlignment then
189       Dec(ARect.Right, GetCheckWidth)
190     else
191       Inc(ARect.Left, GetCheckWidth);
192   end;
193   inherited;
194 end;
196 procedure TCustomCheckListBox.AssignItemDataToCache(const AIndex: Integer;
197   const AData: Pointer);
198 begin
199   inherited AssignItemDataToCache(AIndex, AData);
200   PCachedItemData(AData + FItemDataOffset)^.State := State[AIndex];
201   PCachedItemData(AData + FItemDataOffset)^.Disabled := not ItemEnabled[AIndex];
202   PCachedItemData(AData + FItemDataOffset)^.Header := Header[AIndex];
203 end;
205 constructor TCustomCheckListBox.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
206 begin
207   inherited Create(AOwner);
208   FCompStyle := csCheckListBox;
209   FItemDataOffset := inherited GetCachedDataSize;
210 end;
212 procedure TCustomCheckListBox.MeasureItem(Index: Integer; var TheHeight: Integer);
213 begin
214   if (Style = lbStandard) then
215     TheHeight := Max(CalculateStandardItemHeight, GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYMENUCHECK) + 2)
216   else
217     inherited MeasureItem(Index, TheHeight);
218 end;
220 procedure TCustomCheckListBox.Toggle(AIndex: Integer);
221 const
222   NextStateMap: array[TCheckBoxState] of array[Boolean] of TCheckBoxState =
223   (
224 {cbUnchecked} (cbChecked, cbGrayed),
225 {cbChecked  } (cbUnChecked, cbUnChecked),
226 {cbGrayed   } (cbChecked, cbChecked)
227   );
228 begin
229   State[AIndex] := NextStateMap[State[AIndex]][AllowGrayed];
230 end;
232 procedure TCustomCheckListBox.CheckAll(AState: TCheckBoxState;
233   aAllowGrayed: Boolean; aAllowDisabled: Boolean);
234 var
235   i: Integer;
236 begin
237   for i := 0 to Items.Count - 1 do begin
238     if (aAllowGrayed or (State[i] <> cbGrayed)) and (aAllowDisabled or ItemEnabled[i]) then
239       State[i] := AState;
240   end;
241 end;
243 procedure TCustomCheckListBox.DoChange(var Msg: TLMessage);
244 begin
245   //DebugLn(['TCustomCheckListBox.DoChange ',DbgSName(Self),' ',Msg.WParam]);
246   ClickCheck;
247   ItemClick(Msg.WParam);
248 end;
GetCachedDataSizenull250 function TCustomCheckListBox.GetCachedDataSize: Integer;
251 begin
252   FItemDataOffset := inherited GetCachedDataSize;
253   Result := FItemDataOffset + SizeOf(TCachedItemData);
254 end;
TCustomCheckListBox.GetCheckednull256 function TCustomCheckListBox.GetChecked(const AIndex: Integer): Boolean;
257 begin
258   Result := State[AIndex] <> cbUnchecked;
259 end;
GetCheckWidthnull261 function TCustomCheckListBox.GetCheckWidth: Integer;
262 begin
263   if HandleAllocated then
264     Result := TWSCustomCheckListBoxClass(WidgetSetClass).GetCheckWidth(Self)
265   else
266     Result := 0;
267 end;
GetItemEnablednull269 function TCustomCheckListBox.GetItemEnabled(AIndex: Integer): Boolean;
270 begin
271   CheckIndex(AIndex);
273   if HandleAllocated then
274     Result := TWSCustomCheckListBoxClass(WidgetSetClass).GetItemEnabled(Self, AIndex)
275   else
276     Result := not PCachedItemData(GetCachedData(AIndex) + FItemDataOffset)^.Disabled;
277 end;
GetStatenull279 function TCustomCheckListBox.GetState(AIndex: Integer): TCheckBoxState;
280 begin
281   CheckIndex(AIndex);
283   if HandleAllocated then
284     Result := TWSCustomCheckListBoxClass(WidgetSetClass).GetState(Self, AIndex)
285   else
286     Result := PCachedItemData(GetCachedData(AIndex) + FItemDataOffset)^.State;
287 end;
TCustomCheckListBox.GetHeadernull289 function TCustomCheckListBox.GetHeader(AIndex: Integer): Boolean;
290 begin
291   CheckIndex(AIndex);
293   if HandleAllocated then
294     Result := TWSCustomCheckListBoxClass(WidgetSetClass).GetHeader(Self, AIndex)
295   else
296     Result := PCachedItemData(GetCachedData(AIndex) + FItemDataOffset)^.Header;
297 end;
300 procedure TCustomCheckListBox.KeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
301 var
302   Index: Integer;
303 begin
304   if (Key = VK_SPACE) and (Shift=[]) then
305   begin
306     //Delphi (7) sets ItemIndex to 0 in this case and fires OnClick
307     if (ItemIndex < 0) and (Items.Count > 0) then
308     begin
309       ItemIndex := 0;
310       Click;
311     end;
312     if (ItemIndex >= 0) and ItemEnabled[ItemIndex] then
313     begin
314       Index := ItemIndex;
315       Checked[Index] := not Checked[Index];
316       ClickCheck;
317       //ToDo: does Delphi fire OnItemClick and in the same order?
318       ItemClick(Index);
319       Key := VK_UNKNOWN;
320     end;
321   end else
322     inherited KeyDown(Key,Shift);
323 end;
325 procedure TCustomCheckListBox.SetItemEnabled(AIndex: Integer;
326   const AValue: Boolean);
327 begin
328   CheckIndex(AIndex);
329   if HandleAllocated then
330     SendItemEnabled(AIndex, AValue)
331   else
332     PCachedItemData(GetCachedData(AIndex) + FItemDataOffset)^.Disabled := not AValue;
333 end;
335 procedure TCustomCheckListBox.SetState(AIndex: Integer;
336   const AValue: TCheckBoxState);
337 begin
338   CheckIndex(AIndex);
340   if GetState(AIndex) = AValue then
341     Exit;
343   if HandleAllocated then
344     SendItemState(AIndex, AValue)
345   else
346     PCachedItemData(GetCachedData(AIndex) + FItemDataOffset)^.State := AValue;
347 end;
349 procedure TCustomCheckListBox.SetHeader(AIndex: Integer;
350   const AValue: Boolean);
351 begin
352   CheckIndex(AIndex);
353   if HandleAllocated then
354     SendItemHeader(AIndex, AValue)
355   else
356     PCachedItemData(GetCachedData(AIndex) + FItemDataOffset)^.Header := AValue;
357 end;
359 class procedure TCustomCheckListBox.WSRegisterClass;
360 begin
361   inherited WSRegisterClass;
362   RegisterCustomCheckListBox;
363 end;
365 procedure TCustomCheckListBox.SendItemState(const AIndex: Integer;
366   const AState: TCheckBoxState);
367 begin
368   if HandleAllocated then
369     TWSCustomCheckListBoxClass(WidgetSetClass).SetState(Self, AIndex, AState);
370 end;
372 procedure TCustomCheckListBox.SendItemEnabled(const AIndex: Integer;
373   const AEnabled: Boolean);
374 begin
375   if HandleAllocated then
376     TWSCustomCheckListBoxClass(WidgetSetClass).SetItemEnabled(Self, AIndex, AEnabled);
377 end;
379 procedure TCustomCheckListBox.SendItemHeader(const AIndex: Integer;
380 const AHeader: Boolean);
381 begin
382   if HandleAllocated then
383     TWSCustomCheckListBoxClass(WidgetSetClass).SetHeader(Self, AIndex, AHeader);
384 end;
386 procedure TCustomCheckListBox.SetChecked(const AIndex: Integer;
387   const AValue: Boolean);
388 begin
389   if AValue then
390     SetState(AIndex, cbChecked)
391   else
392     SetState(AIndex, cbUnChecked);
393 end;
395 procedure TCustomCheckListBox.ClickCheck;
396 begin
397   if Assigned(FOnClickCheck) then FOnClickCheck(Self);
398 end;
400 procedure TCustomCheckListBox.ItemClick(const AIndex: Integer);
401 begin
402   if Assigned(OnItemClick) then OnItemClick(Self, AIndex);
403 end;
405 procedure TCustomCheckListBox.FontChanged(Sender: TObject);
406 begin
407   inherited FontChanged(Sender);
408   if ([csLoading, csDestroying] * ComponentState = []) and (Style = lbStandard) then
409     ItemHeight := CalculateStandardItemHeight;
410 end;
412 procedure TCustomCheckListBox.DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler);
413 begin
414   inherited DefineProperties(Filer);
415   Filer.DefineBinaryProperty('Data', @ReadData, @WriteData, Items.Count > 0);
416 end;
418 procedure TCustomCheckListBox.ReadData(Stream: TStream);
419 var
420   ChecksCount: integer;
421   Checks: string;
422   i: Integer;
423 begin
424   ChecksCount := ReadLRSInteger(Stream);
425   if ChecksCount > 0 then
426   begin
427     SetLength(Checks, ChecksCount);
428     Stream.ReadBuffer(Checks[1], ChecksCount);
429     for i := 0 to ChecksCount-1 do
430       State[i] := TCheckBoxState(ord(Checks[i + 1]));
431   end;
432 end;
434 procedure TCustomCheckListBox.WriteData(Stream: TStream);
435 var
436   ChecksCount: integer;
437   Checks: string;
438   i: Integer;
439 begin
440   ChecksCount := Items.Count;
441   WriteLRSInteger(Stream, ChecksCount);
442   if ChecksCount > 0 then
443   begin
444     SetLength(Checks, ChecksCount);
445     for i := 0 to ChecksCount - 1 do
446       Checks[i+1] := chr(Ord(State[i]));
447     Stream.WriteBuffer(Checks[1], ChecksCount);
448   end;
449 end;
451 end.