1 {
2   TColorBox is component that displays colors in a combobox
3   TColorListBox is component that displays colors in a listbox
5   Copyright (C) 2005 Darius Blaszijk
7  *****************************************************************************
8   This file is part of the Lazarus Component Library (LCL)
10   See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL.txt, included in this distribution,
11   for details about the license.
12  *****************************************************************************
13 }
15 unit ColorBox;
17 {$mode objfpc}
18 {$H+}
20 interface
22 uses
23   LResources, SysUtils, Types, Classes,
24   LCLProc, LCLType, LCLStrConsts, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls;
26 const
27   cDefaultColorRectWidth = 14;
28   cDefaultColorRectOffset = 3;
30 type
31   { TCustomColorBox }
33   TCustomColorBox = class;
34   TColorBoxStyles = (cbStandardColors, // 16 standard colors (look at graphics.pp)
35                      cbExtendedColors, // 4 extended colors (look at graphics.pp)
36                      cbSystemColors,   // system colors (look at graphics.pp)
37                      cbIncludeNone,    // include clNone
38                      cbIncludeDefault, // include clDefault
39                      cbCustomColor,    // first color is customizable
40                      cbPrettyNames,    // use good looking color names - like Red for clRed
41                      cbCustomColors);  // call OnGetColors after all other colors processing
42   TColorBoxStyle = set of TColorBoxStyles;
43   TGetColorsEvent = procedure(Sender: TCustomColorBox; Items: TStrings) of object;
45   TCustomColorBox = class(TCustomComboBox)
46   private
47     FColorRectWidth: Integer;
48     FColorRectOffset: Integer;
49     FDefaultColorColor: TColor;
50     FNoneColorColor: TColor;
51     FOnGetColors: TGetColorsEvent;
52     FStyle: TColorBoxStyle;
53     FSelected: TColor;
GetColornull54     function GetColor(Index : Integer): TColor;
GetColorNamenull55     function GetColorName(Index: Integer): string;
GetColorRectWidthnull56     function GetColorRectWidth: Integer;
GetSelectednull57     function GetSelected: TColor;
58     procedure SetColorRectWidth(AValue: Integer);
59     procedure SetColorRectOffset(AValue: Integer);
60     procedure SetDefaultColorColor(const AValue: TColor);
61     procedure SetNoneColorColor(const AValue: TColor);
62     procedure SetSelected(Value: TColor);
63     procedure SetStyle(const AValue: TColorBoxStyle); reintroduce;
64     procedure ColorProc(const s: AnsiString);
65     procedure UpdateCombo;
66   protected
ColorRectWidthStorednull67     function ColorRectWidthStored: Boolean;
68     procedure DrawItem(Index: Integer; Rect: TRect; State: TOwnerDrawState); override;
69     procedure SetColorList;
70     procedure Loaded; override;
71     procedure InitializeWnd; override;
72     procedure DoAutoAdjustLayout(const AMode: TLayoutAdjustmentPolicy;
73       const AXProportion, AYProportion: Double); override;
74     procedure DoGetColors; virtual;
75     procedure CloseUp; override;
PickCustomColornull76     function PickCustomColor: Boolean; virtual;
77   public
78     constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
79     property ColorRectWidth: Integer read GetColorRectWidth write SetColorRectWidth stored ColorRectWidthStored;
80     property ColorRectOffset: Integer read FColorRectOffset write SetColorRectOffset default cDefaultColorRectOffset;
81     property Style: TColorBoxStyle read FStyle write SetStyle
82       default [cbStandardColors, cbExtendedColors, cbSystemColors];
83     property Colors[Index: Integer]: TColor read GetColor;
84     property ColorNames[Index: Integer]: string read GetColorName;
85     property Selected: TColor read GetSelected write SetSelected default clBlack;
86     property DefaultColorColor: TColor read FDefaultColorColor write SetDefaultColorColor default clBlack;
87     property NoneColorColor: TColor read FNoneColorColor write SetNoneColorColor default clBlack;
88     property OnGetColors: TGetColorsEvent read FOnGetColors write FOnGetColors;
89   end;
91   { TColorBox }
93   TColorBox = class(TCustomColorBox)
94   published
95     property ColorRectWidth;
96     property ColorRectOffset;
97     property DefaultColorColor;
98     property NoneColorColor;
99     property Selected;
100     property Style;
101     property OnGetColors;
103     property Align;
104     property Anchors;
105     property ArrowKeysTraverseList;
106     property AutoComplete;
107     property AutoCompleteText;
108     property AutoDropDown;
109     property AutoSelect;
110     property AutoSize;
111     property BidiMode;
112     property BorderSpacing;
113     property Color;
114     property Constraints;
115     property DragCursor;
116     property DragMode;
117     property DropDownCount;
118     property Enabled;
119     property Font;
120     property ItemHeight;
121     property ItemWidth;
122     property OnChange;
123     property OnChangeBounds;
124     property OnClick;
125     property OnCloseUp;
126     property OnContextPopup;
127     property OnDblClick;
128     property OnDragDrop;
129     property OnDragOver;
130     property OnEndDrag;
131     property OnDropDown;
132     property OnEditingDone;
133     property OnEnter;
134     property OnExit;
135     property OnKeyDown;
136     property OnKeyPress;
137     property OnKeyUp;
138     property OnMouseDown;
139     property OnMouseEnter;
140     property OnMouseLeave;
141     property OnMouseMove;
142     property OnMouseUp;
143     property OnMouseWheel;
144     property OnMouseWheelDown;
145     property OnMouseWheelUp;
146     property OnStartDrag;
147     property OnSelect;
148     property OnUTF8KeyPress;
149     property ParentBidiMode;
150     property ParentColor;
151     property ParentFont;
152     property ParentShowHint;
153     property PopupMenu;
154     property ShowHint;
155     property TabOrder;
156     property TabStop;
157     property Visible;
158   end;
160   { TCustomColorListBox }
162   TCustomColorListBox = class;
163   TLBGetColorsEvent = procedure(Sender: TCustomColorListBox; Items: TStrings) of object;
165   TCustomColorListBox = class(TCustomListBox)
166   private
167     FColorRectWidth: Integer;
168     FColorRectOffset: Integer;
169     FDefaultColorColor: TColor;
170     FNoneColorColor: TColor;
171     FOnGetColors: TLBGetColorsEvent;
172     FSelected: TColor;
173     FStyle: TColorBoxStyle;
GetColorRectWidthnull174     function GetColorRectWidth: Integer;
GetColorsnull175     function GetColors(Index : Integer): TColor;
GetColorNamenull176     function GetColorName(Index: Integer): string;
GetSelectednull177     function GetSelected: TColor;
178     procedure SetColorRectOffset(AValue: Integer);
179     procedure SetColorRectWidth(AValue: Integer);
180     procedure SetColors(Index: Integer; AValue: TColor);
181     procedure SetDefaultColorColor(const AValue: TColor);
182     procedure SetNoneColorColor(const AValue: TColor);
183     procedure SetSelected(Value: TColor);
184     procedure SetStyle(const AValue: TColorBoxStyle); reintroduce;
185     procedure ColorProc(const s: AnsiString);
186   protected
ColorRectWidthStorednull187     function ColorRectWidthStored: Boolean;
188     procedure DrawItem(Index: Integer; Rect: TRect; State: TOwnerDrawState); override;
189     procedure SetColorList;
190     procedure Loaded; override;
191     procedure InitializeWnd; override;
192     procedure DoAutoAdjustLayout(const AMode: TLayoutAdjustmentPolicy;
193       const AXProportion, AYProportion: Double); override;
194     procedure DoGetColors; virtual;
195     procedure DoSelectionChange(User: Boolean); override;
PickCustomColornull196     function PickCustomColor: Boolean; virtual;
197   public
198     constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
199     property ColorRectWidth: Integer read GetColorRectWidth write SetColorRectWidth stored ColorRectWidthStored;
200     property ColorRectOffset: Integer read FColorRectOffset write SetColorRectOffset default cDefaultColorRectOffset;
201     property Style: TColorBoxStyle read FStyle write SetStyle
202       default [cbStandardColors, cbExtendedColors, cbSystemColors];
203     property Colors[Index: Integer]: TColor read GetColors write SetColors;
204     property ColorNames[Index: Integer]: string read GetColorName;
205     property Selected: TColor read GetSelected write SetSelected default clBlack;
206     property DefaultColorColor: TColor read FDefaultColorColor write SetDefaultColorColor default clBlack;
207     property NoneColorColor: TColor read FNoneColorColor write SetNoneColorColor default clBlack;
208     property OnGetColors: TLBGetColorsEvent read FOnGetColors write FOnGetColors;
209   end;
211   { TColorListBox }
213   TColorListBox = class(TCustomColorListBox)
214   published
215     property ColorRectWidth;
216     property ColorRectOffset;
217     property DefaultColorColor;
218     property NoneColorColor;
219     property Selected;
220     property Style;
221     property OnGetColors;
223     property Align;
224     property Anchors;
225     property BidiMode;
226     property BorderSpacing;
227     property BorderStyle;
228     property ClickOnSelChange;
229     property Color;
230     property Constraints;
231     property DragCursor;
232     property DragKind;
233     property DragMode;
234     property ExtendedSelect;
235     property Enabled;
236     property Font;
237     property IntegralHeight;
238     property ItemHeight;
239     property OnChangeBounds;
240     property OnClick;
241     property OnContextPopup;
242     property OnDblClick;
243     property OnDragDrop;
244     property OnDragOver;
245     property OnEnter;
246     property OnEndDrag;
247     property OnExit;
248     property OnKeyPress;
249     property OnKeyDown;
250     property OnKeyUp;
251     property OnMouseDown;
252     property OnMouseEnter;
253     property OnMouseLeave;
254     property OnMouseMove;
255     property OnMouseUp;
256     property OnMouseWheel;
257     property OnMouseWheelDown;
258     property OnMouseWheelUp;
259     property OnResize;
260     property OnSelectionChange;
261     property OnShowHint;
262     property OnStartDrag;
263     property OnUTF8KeyPress;
264     property ParentBidiMode;
265     property ParentColor;
266     property ParentShowHint;
267     property ParentFont;
268     property PopupMenu;
269     property ShowHint;
270     property TabOrder;
271     property TabStop;
272     property TopIndex;
273     property Visible;
274   end;
276 procedure Register;
278 implementation
280 {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
281 procedure Register;
282 begin
283   RegisterComponents('Additional', [TColorBox, TColorListBox]);
284 end;
GetPrettyColorNamenull286 function GetPrettyColorName(ColorName: String): String;
FindInMapnull288   function FindInMap(ColorName: String; out NewColorName: String): Boolean;
289   var
290     Color: TColor;
291   begin
292     Result := IdentToColor(ColorName, Color);
293     if Result then
294     begin
295       { workaround for a bug in fpc 2.2.2 }
296       if Color=clScrollBar then
297         NewColorName := rsScrollBarColorCaption
298       else
299         case Color of
300           clBlack                   : NewColorName := rsBlackColorCaption;
301           clMaroon                  : NewColorName := rsMaroonColorCaption;
302           clGreen                   : NewColorName := rsGreenColorCaption;
303           clOlive                   : NewColorName := rsOliveColorCaption;
304           clNavy                    : NewColorName := rsNavyColorCaption;
305           clPurple                  : NewColorName := rsPurpleColorCaption;
306           clTeal                    : NewColorName := rsTealColorCaption;
307           clGray                    : NewColorName := rsGrayColorCaption;
308           clSilver                  : NewColorName := rsSilverColorCaption;
309           clRed                     : NewColorName := rsRedColorCaption;
310           clLime                    : NewColorName := rsLimeColorCaption;
311           clYellow                  : NewColorName := rsYellowColorCaption;
312           clBlue                    : NewColorName := rsBlueColorCaption;
313           clFuchsia                 : NewColorName := rsFuchsiaColorCaption;
314           clAqua                    : NewColorName := rsAquaColorCaption;
315           clWhite                   : NewColorName := rsWhiteColorCaption;
316           clMoneyGreen              : NewColorName := rsMoneyGreenColorCaption;
317           clSkyBlue                 : NewColorName := rsSkyBlueColorCaption;
318           clCream                   : NewColorName := rsCreamColorCaption;
319           clMedGray                 : NewColorName := rsMedGrayColorCaption;
320           clNone                    : NewColorName := rsNoneColorCaption;
321           clDefault                 : NewColorName := rsDefaultColorCaption;
322           clBackground              : NewColorName := rsBackgroundColorCaption;
323           clActiveCaption           : NewColorName := rsActiveCaptionColorCaption;
324           clInactiveCaption         : NewColorName := rsInactiveCaptionColorCaption;
325           clMenu                    : NewColorName := rsMenuColorCaption;
326           clWindow                  : NewColorName := rsWindowColorCaption;
327           clWindowFrame             : NewColorName := rsWindowFrameColorCaption;
328           clMenuText                : NewColorName := rsMenuTextColorCaption;
329           clWindowText              : NewColorName := rsWindowTextColorCaption;
330           clCaptionText             : NewColorName := rsCaptionTextColorCaption;
331           clActiveBorder            : NewColorName := rsActiveBorderColorCaption;
332           clInactiveBorder          : NewColorName := rsInactiveBorderColorCaption;
333           clAppWorkspace            : NewColorName := rsAppWorkspaceColorCaption;
334           clHighlight               : NewColorName := rsHighlightColorCaption;
335           clHighlightText           : NewColorName := rsHighlightTextColorCaption;
336           clBtnFace                 : NewColorName := rsBtnFaceColorCaption;
337           clBtnShadow               : NewColorName := rsBtnShadowColorCaption;
338           clGrayText                : NewColorName := rsGrayTextColorCaption;
339           clBtnText                 : NewColorName := rsBtnTextColorCaption;
340           clInactiveCaptionText     : NewColorName := rsInactiveCaptionText;
341           clBtnHighlight            : NewColorName := rsBtnHighlightColorCaption;
342           cl3DDkShadow              : NewColorName := rs3DDkShadowColorCaption;
343           cl3DLight                 : NewColorName := rs3DLightColorCaption;
344           clInfoText                : NewColorName := rsInfoTextColorCaption;
345           clInfoBk                  : NewColorName := rsInfoBkColorCaption;
346           clHotLight                : NewColorName := rsHotLightColorCaption;
347           clGradientActiveCaption   : NewColorName := rsGradientActiveCaptionColorCaption;
348           clGradientInactiveCaption : NewColorName := rsGradientInactiveCaptionColorCaption;
349           clMenuHighlight           : NewColorName := rsMenuHighlightColorCaption;
350           clMenuBar                 : NewColorName := rsMenuBarColorCaption;
351           clForm                    : NewColorName := rsFormColorCaption;
352         else
353           Result := False;
354         end;
355     end;
356   end;
358 begin
359   // check in color map
360   if not FindInMap(ColorName, Result) then
361   begin
362     Result := ColorName;
363     if Copy(Result, 1, 2) = 'cl' then
364       Delete(Result, 1, 2);
365   end;
366 end;
368 {------------------------------------------------------------------------------
369   Method:   TCustomColorBox.Create
370   Params:   AOwner
371   Returns:  Nothing
373   Use Create to create an instance of TCustomColorBox and initialize all properties
374   and variables.
376  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
377 constructor TCustomColorBox.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
378 begin
379   inherited Create(AOwner);
380   inherited Style := csOwnerDrawFixed;
381   inherited ReadOnly := True;
383   FColorRectWidth := -1;
384   FColorRectOffset := cDefaultColorRectOffset;
385   FStyle := [cbStandardColors, cbExtendedColors, cbSystemColors];
386   FNoneColorColor := clBlack;
387   FDefaultColorColor := clBlack;
388   FSelected := clBlack;
389   SetColorList;
390 end;
391 {------------------------------------------------------------------------------
392   Method:   TCustomColorBox.GetSelected
393   Params:   None
394   Returns:  TColor
396   Use GetSelected to convert the item selected into a system color.
398  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
TCustomColorBox.GetSelectednull399 function TCustomColorBox.GetSelected: TColor;
400 begin
401   if HandleAllocated then
402   begin
403     if ItemIndex <> -1 then
404     begin
405       Result := Colors[ItemIndex];
406       // keep FSelected in sync
407       if FSelected <> Result then
408       begin
409         // DebugLn('WARNING TCustomColorBox: FSelected out of sync with Colors[0]');
410         FSelected := Result;
411       end;
412     end else
413       Result := FSelected;
414   end
415   else
416     Result := FSelected;
417 end;
419 procedure TCustomColorBox.SetColorRectWidth(AValue: Integer);
420 begin
421   if FColorRectWidth = AValue then Exit;
422   FColorRectWidth := AValue;
423   Invalidate;
424 end;
426 procedure TCustomColorBox.SetColorRectOffset(AValue: Integer);
427 begin
428   if FColorRectOffset = AValue then Exit;
429   FColorRectOffset := AValue;
430   Invalidate;
431 end;
433 procedure TCustomColorBox.SetDefaultColorColor(const AValue: TColor);
434 begin
435   if FDefaultColorColor <> AValue then
436   begin
437     FDefaultColorColor := AValue;
438     invalidate;
439   end;
440 end;
442 procedure TCustomColorBox.SetNoneColorColor(const AValue: TColor);
443 begin
444   if FNoneColorColor <> AValue then
445   begin
446     FNoneColorColor := AValue;
447     invalidate;
448   end;
449 end;
451 {------------------------------------------------------------------------------
452   Method:   TCustomColorBox.GetColor
453   Params:   Index
454   Returns:  Color at position Index
456   Used as read procedure from Colors property.
458  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
GetColornull460 function TCustomColorBox.GetColor(Index : Integer): TColor;
461 begin
462   Result := PtrInt(Items.Objects[Index])
463 end;
GetColorNamenull465 function TCustomColorBox.GetColorName(Index: Integer): string;
466 begin
467   Result := Items[Index];
468 end;
GetColorRectWidthnull470 function TCustomColorBox.GetColorRectWidth: Integer;
471 begin
472   if ColorRectWidthStored then
473     Result := FColorRectWidth
474   else
475     Result := Scale96ToFont(cDefaultColorRectWidth);
476 end;
478 {------------------------------------------------------------------------------
479   Method:   TCustomColorBox.SetSelected
480   Params:   Value
481   Returns:  Nothing
483   Use SetSelected to set the item in the ColorBox when appointed a color
484   from code.
486  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
487 procedure TCustomColorBox.SetSelected(Value: TColor);
488 begin
489   if FSelected = Value then
490     Exit;
492   FSelected := Value;
493   UpdateCombo;
494   inherited Change;
495 end;
497 procedure TCustomColorBox.SetStyle(const AValue: TColorBoxStyle);
498 begin
499   if FStyle <> AValue then
500   begin
501     FStyle := AValue;
502     SetColorList;
503   end;
504 end;
506 procedure TCustomColorBox.ColorProc(const s: AnsiString);
507 var
508   AColor: TColor;
509   Index: Integer;
510   ColorCaption: String;
511 begin
512   if IdentToColor(s, AColor) then
513   begin
514     if AColor = clWhite then
515       AColor := AColor;
516     // check clDefault
517     if not (cbIncludeDefault in Style) and (AColor = clDefault) then
518       Exit;
519     // check clNone
520     if not (cbIncludeNone in Style) and (AColor = clNone) then
521       Exit;
522     // check System colors
523     if not (cbSystemColors in Style) and ((AColor and SYS_COLOR_BASE) <> 0) then
524       Exit;
525     // check Standard, Extended colors
526     if ([cbStandardColors, cbExtendedColors] * Style <> [cbStandardColors, cbExtendedColors]) and
527         ColorIndex(AColor, Index) then
528     begin
529       if not (cbStandardColors in Style) and (Index < StandardColorsCount) then
530         Exit;
531       if not (cbExtendedColors in Style) and
532           (Index < StandardColorsCount + ExtendedColorCount) and
533           (Index >= StandardColorsCount) then
534         Exit;
535     end;
537     if cbPrettyNames in Style then
538       ColorCaption := GetPrettyColorName(s)
539     else
540       ColorCaption := s;
542     Items.AddObject(ColorCaption, TObject(PtrInt(AColor)));
543   end;
544 end;
ColorRectWidthStorednull546 function TCustomColorBox.ColorRectWidthStored: Boolean;
547 begin
548   Result := FColorRectWidth >= 0;
549 end;
551 procedure TCustomColorBox.DoAutoAdjustLayout(
552   const AMode: TLayoutAdjustmentPolicy; const AXProportion, AYProportion: Double
553   );
554 begin
555   inherited DoAutoAdjustLayout(AMode, AXProportion, AYProportion);
557   if AMode in [lapAutoAdjustWithoutHorizontalScrolling, lapAutoAdjustForDPI] then
558   begin
559     if ColorRectWidthStored then
560       FColorRectWidth := Round(FColorRectWidth * AXProportion);
561     Invalidate;
562   end;
563 end;
565 procedure TCustomColorBox.UpdateCombo;
566 var
567   c: integer;
568 begin
569   if HandleAllocated then
570   begin
571     for c := Ord(cbCustomColor in Style) to Items.Count - 1 do
572     begin
573       if Colors[c] = FSelected then
574       begin
575         ItemIndex := c;
576         Exit;
577       end;
578     end;
579     if cbCustomColor in Style then
580     begin
581       Items.Objects[0] := TObject(PtrInt(FSelected));
582       ItemIndex := 0;
583       Invalidate;
584     end
585     else
586       ItemIndex := -1;
587   end;
588 end;
590 {------------------------------------------------------------------------------
591   Method:   TCustomColorBox.DrawItem
592   Params:   Index, Rect, State
593   Returns:  Nothing
595   Use DrawItem to customdraw an item in the ColorBox. A color preview is drawn
596   and the item rectangle is made smaller and given to the inherited method to
597   draw the corresponding text. The Brush color and Pen color where changed and
598   reset to their original values.
600  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
601 procedure TCustomColorBox.DrawItem(Index: Integer; Rect: TRect; State: TOwnerDrawState);
602 var
603   r: TRect;
604   BrushColor, PenColor, NewColor: TColor;
605   noFill: Boolean;
606 begin
607   if Index = -1 then
608     Exit;
610   r.top := Rect.top + ColorRectOffset;
611   r.bottom := Rect.bottom - ColorRectOffset;
612   r.left := Rect.left + ColorRectOffset;
613   r.right := r.left + ColorRectWidth;
615   if not(odBackgroundPainted in State) then
616     Canvas.FillRect(Rect);
618   BrushColor := Canvas.Brush.Color;
619   PenColor := Canvas.Pen.Color;
621   NewColor := Colors[Index];
622   noFill := NewColor = clNone;
623   if noFill then
624     NewColor := NoneColorColor
625   else
626   if NewColor = clDefault then
627     NewColor := DefaultColorColor;
629   Canvas.Brush.Color := NewColor;
630   Canvas.Pen.Color := clBlack;
632   r := BiDiFlipRect(r, Rect, UseRightToLeftAlignment);
633   Canvas.Rectangle(r);
635   if noFill then
636   begin
637     Canvas.Line(r.Left, r.Top, r.Right-1, r.Bottom-1);
638     Canvas.Line(r.Left, r.Bottom-1, r.Right-1, r.Top);
639   end;
641   Canvas.Brush.Color := BrushColor;
642   Canvas.Pen.Color := PenColor;
644   r := Rect;
645   r.left := r.left + ColorRectWidth + ColorRectOffset + 1;
647   Include(State, odBackgroundPainted);
648   inherited DrawItem(Index, BidiFlipRect(r, Rect, UseRightToLeftAlignment), State);
649 end;
650 {------------------------------------------------------------------------------
651   Method:   TCustomColorBox.SetColorList
652   Params:   None
653   Returns:  Nothing
655   Use SetColorList to fill the itemlist in the ColorBox with the right color
656   entries. Based on the value of the Palette property.
658  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
659 procedure TCustomColorBox.SetColorList;
660 var
661   OldSelected: Integer;
662 begin
663   // we need to wait while we finish loading since we depend on style and OnGetColors event
664   if (csLoading in ComponentState) then
665     Exit;
667   OldSelected := FSelected;
668   with Items do
669   begin
670     Clear;
671     if cbCustomColor in Style then
672       Items.AddObject(rsCustomColorCaption, TObject(PtrInt(clBlack)));
673     GetColorValues(@ColorProc);
674     if (cbCustomColors in Style) then
675       DoGetColors;
676   end;
677   Selected := OldSelected;
678 end;
680 procedure TCustomColorBox.Loaded;
681 begin
682   inherited Loaded;
683   SetColorList;
684 end;
686 procedure TCustomColorBox.InitializeWnd;
687 begin
688   inherited InitializeWnd;
689   UpdateCombo;
690 end;
692 procedure TCustomColorBox.DoGetColors;
693 begin
694   if Assigned(OnGetColors) then
695     OnGetColors(Self, Items)
696 end;
698 procedure TCustomColorBox.CloseUp;
699 begin
700   if (cbCustomColor in Style) and (ItemIndex = 0) then // custom color has been selected
701     PickCustomColor;
702   if ItemIndex <> -1 then
703     Selected := Colors[ItemIndex];
704   inherited CloseUp;
705 end;
TCustomColorBox.PickCustomColornull707 function TCustomColorBox.PickCustomColor: Boolean;
708 begin
709   if csDesigning in ComponentState then
710   begin
711     Result := False;
712     Exit;
713   end;
715   with TColorDialog.Create(Self) do
716   begin
717     Color := Colors[0];
718     Result := Execute;
719     if Result then
720     begin
721       Items.Objects[0] := TObject(PtrInt(Color));
722       invalidate;
723     end;
724     Free;
725   end;
726 end;
728 {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
729 {------------------------------------------------------------------------------
730   Method:   TCustomColorListBox.Create
731   Params:   AOwner
732   Returns:  Nothing
734   Use Create to create an instance of TCustomColorListBox and initialize all properties
735   and variables.
737  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
738 constructor TCustomColorListBox.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
739 begin
740   inherited Create(AOwner);
741   inherited Style := lbOwnerDrawFixed;
742   FColorRectWidth := -1;
743   FColorRectOffset := cDefaultColorRectOffset;
744   FStyle := [cbStandardColors, cbExtendedColors, cbSystemColors];
745   FNoneColorColor := clBlack;
746   FDefaultColorColor := clBlack;
747   FSelected := clBlack;
749   SetColorList;
750 end;
751 {------------------------------------------------------------------------------
752   Method:   TCustomColorListBox.GetSelected
753   Params:   None
754   Returns:  TColor
756   Use GetSelected to convert the item selected into a system color.
758  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
GetSelectednull759 function TCustomColorListBox.GetSelected: TColor;
760 begin
761   if HandleAllocated then
762   begin
763     if ItemIndex <> -1 then
764       Result := Colors[ItemIndex]
765     else
766       Result := FSelected
767   end
768   else
769     Result := FSelected;
770 end;
772 procedure TCustomColorListBox.SetColorRectOffset(AValue: Integer);
773 begin
774   if FColorRectOffset = AValue then Exit;
775   FColorRectOffset := AValue;
776   Invalidate;
777 end;
779 procedure TCustomColorListBox.SetColorRectWidth(AValue: Integer);
780 begin
781   if FColorRectWidth = AValue then Exit;
782   FColorRectWidth := AValue;
783   Invalidate;
784 end;
786 procedure TCustomColorListBox.SetColors(Index: Integer; AValue: TColor);
787 begin
788   if Colors[Index]=AValue then exit;
789   Items.Objects[Index]:=TObject(PtrInt(AValue));
790   Invalidate;
791 end;
793 procedure TCustomColorListBox.SetDefaultColorColor(const AValue: TColor);
794 begin
795   if FDefaultColorColor <> AValue then
796   begin
797     FDefaultColorColor := AValue;
798     invalidate;
799   end;
800 end;
802 procedure TCustomColorListBox.SetNoneColorColor(const AValue: TColor);
803 begin
804   if FNoneColorColor <> AValue then
805   begin
806     FNoneColorColor := AValue;
807     invalidate;
808   end;
809 end;
811 {------------------------------------------------------------------------------
812   Method:   TCustomColorListBox.GetColors
813   Params:   Index
814   Returns:  Color at position Index
816   Used as read procedure from Colors property.
818  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
TCustomColorListBox.GetColorsnull819 function TCustomColorListBox.GetColors(Index : Integer): TColor;
820 begin
821   Result := PtrInt(Items.Objects[Index]);
822 end;
GetColorNamenull824 function TCustomColorListBox.GetColorName(Index: Integer): string;
825 begin
826   Result := Items[Index];
827 end;
TCustomColorListBox.GetColorRectWidthnull829 function TCustomColorListBox.GetColorRectWidth: Integer;
830 begin
831   if ColorRectWidthStored then
832     Result := FColorRectWidth
833   else
834     Result := Scale96ToFont(cDefaultColorRectWidth);
835 end;
837 {------------------------------------------------------------------------------
838   Method:   TCustomColorListBox.SetSelected
839   Params:   Value
840   Returns:  Nothing
842   Use SetSelected to set the item in the ColorListBox when appointed a color
843   from code.
845  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
846 procedure TCustomColorListBox.SetSelected(Value: TColor);
847 var
848   c: integer;
849 begin
850   if HandleAllocated then
851   begin
852     FSelected := Value;
853     for c := Ord(cbCustomColor in Style) to Items.Count - 1 do
854     begin
855       if Colors[c] = Value then
856       begin
857         ItemIndex := c;
858         Exit;
859       end;
860     end;
861     if cbCustomColor in Style then
862     begin
863       Items.Objects[0] := TObject(PtrInt(Value));
864       ItemIndex := 0;
865       invalidate;
866     end
867     else
868       ItemIndex := -1;
869   end
870   else
871     FSelected := Value;
872 end;
874 procedure TCustomColorListBox.SetStyle(const AValue: TColorBoxStyle);
875 begin
876   if FStyle <> AValue then
877   begin
878     FStyle := AValue;
879     SetColorList;
880   end;
881 end;
883 procedure TCustomColorListBox.ColorProc(const s: AnsiString);
884 var
885   AColor: TColor;
886   Index: Integer;
887   ColorCaption: String;
888 begin
889   if IdentToColor(s, AColor) then
890   begin
891     // check clDefault
892     if not (cbIncludeDefault in Style) and (AColor = clDefault) then
893       Exit;
894     // check clNone
895     if not (cbIncludeNone in Style) and (AColor = clNone) then
896       Exit;
897     // check System colors
898     if not (cbSystemColors in Style) and ((AColor and SYS_COLOR_BASE) <> 0) then
899       Exit;
900     // check Standard, Extended colors
901     if ([cbStandardColors, cbExtendedColors] * Style <> [cbStandardColors, cbExtendedColors]) and
902         ColorIndex(AColor, Index) then
903     begin
904       if not (cbStandardColors in Style) and (Index < StandardColorsCount) then
905         Exit;
906       if not (cbExtendedColors in Style) and
907           (Index < StandardColorsCount + ExtendedColorCount) and
908           (Index >= StandardColorsCount) then
909         Exit;
910     end;
912     if cbPrettyNames in Style then
913       ColorCaption := GetPrettyColorName(s)
914     else
915       ColorCaption := s;
917     Items.AddObject(ColorCaption, TObject(PtrInt(AColor)));
918   end;
919 end;
ColorRectWidthStorednull921 function TCustomColorListBox.ColorRectWidthStored: Boolean;
922 begin
923   Result := FColorRectWidth >= 0;
924 end;
926 procedure TCustomColorListBox.DoAutoAdjustLayout(
927   const AMode: TLayoutAdjustmentPolicy; const AXProportion, AYProportion: Double
928   );
929 begin
930   inherited DoAutoAdjustLayout(AMode, AXProportion, AYProportion);
932   if AMode in [lapAutoAdjustWithoutHorizontalScrolling, lapAutoAdjustForDPI] then
933   begin
934     if ColorRectWidthStored then
935       FColorRectWidth := Round(FColorRectWidth * AXProportion);
936     Invalidate;
937   end;
938 end;
940 {------------------------------------------------------------------------------
941   Method:   TCustomColorListBox.DrawItem
942   Params:   Index, Rect, State
943   Returns:  Nothing
945   Use DrawItem to customdraw an item in the ColorListBox. A color preview is drawn
946   and the item rectangle is made smaller and given to the inherited method to
947   draw the corresponding text. The Brush color and Pen color where changed and
948   reset to their original values.
950  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
951 procedure TCustomColorListBox.DrawItem(Index: Integer; Rect: TRect; State: TOwnerDrawState);
952 var
953   r: TRect;
954   BrushColor, PenColor, NewColor: TColor;
955   noFill: boolean;
956 begin
957   if Index < 0 then
958     Exit;
960   r.top := Rect.top + ColorRectOffset;
961   r.bottom := Rect.bottom - ColorRectOffset;
962   r.left := Rect.left + ColorRectOffset;
963   r.right := r.left + ColorRectWidth;
965   if not(odBackgroundPainted in State) then
966     Canvas.FillRect(Rect);
968   BrushColor := Canvas.Brush.Color;
969   PenColor := Canvas.Pen.Color;
971   NewColor := Colors[Index];
972   noFill := NewColor = clNone;
973   if noFill then
974     NewColor := NoneColorColor
975   else
976   if NewColor = clDefault then
977     NewColor := DefaultColorColor;
979   Canvas.Brush.Color := NewColor;
980   Canvas.Pen.Color := clBlack;
982   Canvas.Rectangle(BidiFlipRect(r, Rect, UseRightToLeftAlignment));
984   if noFill then
985   begin
986     Canvas.Line(r.Left, r.Top, r.Right-1, r.Bottom-1);
987     Canvas.Line(r.Left, r.Bottom-1, r.Right-1, r.Top);
988   end;
990   Canvas.Brush.Color := BrushColor;
991   Canvas.Pen.Color := PenColor;
993   r := Rect;
994   r.left := r.left + ColorRectWidth + ColorRectOffset + 1;
996   Include(State,odBackgroundPainted);
997   inherited DrawItem(Index, BidiFlipRect(r, Rect, UseRightToLeftAlignment), State);
998 end;
999 {------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1000   Method:   TCustomColorListBox.SetColorList
1001   Params:   None
1002   Returns:  Nothing
1004   Use SetColorList to fill the itemlist in the ColorListBox with the right color
1005   entries. Based on the value of the Palette property.
1007  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
1008 procedure TCustomColorListBox.SetColorList;
1009 var
1010   OldSelected: Integer;
1011 begin
1012   // we need to wait while we finish loading since we depend on style and OnGetColors event
1013   if (csLoading in ComponentState) then
1014     Exit;
1015   OldSelected := FSelected;
1016   with Items do
1017   begin
1018     Clear;
1019     if cbCustomColor in Style then
1020       Items.AddObject(rsCustomColorCaption, TObject(PtrInt(clBlack)));
1021     GetColorValues(@ColorProc);
1022     if (cbCustomColors in Style) then
1023       DoGetColors;
1024   end;
1025   Selected := OldSelected;
1026 end;
1028 procedure TCustomColorListBox.Loaded;
1029 begin
1030   inherited Loaded;
1031   SetColorList;
1032 end;
1034 procedure TCustomColorListBox.InitializeWnd;
1035 begin
1036   inherited InitializeWnd;
1037   Selected := FSelected;
1038 end;
1040 procedure TCustomColorListBox.DoGetColors;
1041 begin
1042   if Assigned(OnGetColors) then
1043     OnGetColors(Self, Items)
1044 end;
1046 procedure TCustomColorListBox.DoSelectionChange(User: Boolean);
1047 begin
1048   if User then
1049   begin
1050     if (cbCustomColor in Style) and (ItemIndex = 0) then // custom color has been selected
1051       PickCustomColor;
1052     if ItemIndex <> -1 then
1053       FSelected := Colors[ItemIndex];
1054   end;
1055   inherited DoSelectionChange(User);
1056 end;
TCustomColorListBox.PickCustomColornull1058 function TCustomColorListBox.PickCustomColor: Boolean;
1059 begin
1060   if csDesigning in ComponentState then
1061   begin
1062     Result := False;
1063     Exit;
1064   end;
1066   with TColorDialog.Create(Self) do
1067   begin
1068     Color := Colors[0];
1069     Result := Execute;
1070     if Result then
1071     begin
1072       Items.Objects[0] := TObject(PtrInt(Color));
1073       invalidate;
1074     end;
1075     Free;
1076   end;
1077 end;
1079 {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
1080 end.