1 unit customdrawn_x11proc;
3 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
5 {$I customdrawndefines.inc}
7 interface
9 uses
10   // rtl+ftl
11   Types, Classes, SysUtils,
12   fpimage, fpcanvas, ctypes,
13   X, XLib,
14   BaseUnix,Unix,
15   // Custom Drawn Canvas
16   IntfGraphics, lazcanvas,
17   //
18   GraphType, Controls, LCLMessageGlue, WSControls, LCLType, LCLProc,
19   customdrawnproc;
21 type
22   TX11WindowInfo = class(TCDForm)
23   public
24     Window: X.TWindow;
25     // Used and valid only during event processing
26     XEvent: PXEvent;
27     // X11 extra objects
28     Attr: XLib.TXWindowAttributes;
29     Colormap: TColormap;
30     GC: TGC;
31     ColorDepth: Byte;
32     {$ifdef CD_X11_SmartPaint}
33     Valid: Boolean;
34     Moved: Boolean;
35     {$endif}
36   end;
38 {$ifdef CD_X11_UseNewTimer}
39   TWSTimerProc = procedure of object;
41     { TCDX11Timer }
42   TCDX11Timer = class (TObject)
43     Next: TCDX11Timer;
44     Previous: TCDX11Timer;
45     Interval: Integer;
46     Expires: TDateTime;
47     func: TWSTimerProc;
48     constructor create (WSInterval: Integer; WSfunc: TWSTimerProc);
49     procedure Insert;
50     procedure Remove;
51     procedure Expired;
52     destructor destroy;
53     end;
55   { TCDX11TimerThread }
57   TCDX11TimerThread = class(TThread)
58   private
59     rfds: TFDset;
60     Timeout: cint;
61     retval,ByteRec: integer;
62   protected
63     procedure Execute; override;
64   public
65     X11TimerPipeIn,X11TimerPipeOut: Integer; // Pipe to Timer
66     MainLoopPipeIn,MainLoopPipeOut: Integer; // Pipe to Main Loop
67     constructor Create(CreateSuspended: Boolean; const StackSize: SizeUInt=DefaultStackSize
68        );
69    end;
71 var
72   X11TimerThread: TCDX11TimerThread;
74 {$endif}
76 const
77   fpFD_SETSIZE = 1024; // As defined in typesizes.h
78   KMsToDateTime = 86400000; // # of milliseconds in a day
RectToXRectnull80 function RectToXRect(const ARect: TRect): TXRectangle;
XRectToRectnull81 function XRectToRect(const ARect: TXRectangle): TRect;
XButtonToMouseButtonnull82 function XButtonToMouseButton(const XButton: cint; var MouseButton: TMouseButton): Boolean;
GetXEventNamenull83 function GetXEventName(Event: LongInt): String;
85 implementation
86 {$ifdef CD_X11_UseNewTimer}
87 uses CustomDrawnInt;
89 {$endif}
RectToXRectnull91 function RectToXRect(const ARect: TRect): TXRectangle;
92 begin
93   Result.x      := ARect.Left;
94   Result.y      := ARect.Top;
95   Result.width  := ARect.Right - ARect.Left;
96   Result.height := ARect.Bottom - ARect.Top;
97 end;
XRectToRectnull99 function XRectToRect(const ARect: TXRectangle): TRect;
100 begin
101   Result.Left   := ARect.x;
102   Result.Top    := ARect.y;
103   Result.Right  := ARect.x + ARect.width;
104   Result.Bottom := ARect.y + ARect.height;
105 end;
107 { Returns True if the button is indeed a mouse button
108   and False if it's the mouse wheel }
XButtonToMouseButtonnull109 function XButtonToMouseButton(const XButton: cint; var MouseButton: TMouseButton): Boolean;
110 const
111   ButtonTable: array[1..3] of TMouseButton = (mbLeft, mbMiddle, mbRight);
112 begin
113   Result := False;
115   if (XButton > 3) or (XButton < 1) then Exit;
117   MouseButton := ButtonTable[XButton];
119   Result := True;
120 end;
GetXEventNamenull122 function GetXEventName(Event: LongInt): String;
123 const
124   EventNames: array[2..34] of String = (
125     'KeyPress', 'KeyRelease', 'ButtonPress', 'ButtonRelease', 'MotionNotify',
126     'EnterNotify', 'LeaveNotify', 'FocusIn', 'FocusOut', 'KeymapNotify',
127     'Expose', 'GraphicsExpose', 'NoExpose', 'VisibilityNotify', 'CreateNotify',
128     'DestroyNotify', 'UnmapNotify', 'MapNotify', 'MapRequest', 'ReparentNotify',
129     'ConfigureNotify', 'ConfigureRequest', 'GravityNotify', 'ResizeRequest',
130     'CirculateNotify', 'CirculateRequest', 'PropertyNotify', 'SelectionClear',
131     'SelectionRequest', 'SelectionNotify', 'ColormapNotify', 'ClientMessage',
132     'MappingNotify');
133 begin
134   if (Event >= Low(EventNames)) and (Event <= High(EventNames)) then
135     Result := EventNames[Event]
136   else
137     Result := '#' + IntToStr(Event);
138 end;
140 {$ifdef CD_X11_UseNewTimer}
142 { TCDX11TimerThread }
144 procedure TCDX11TimerThread.Execute;
145 var
146   Answ: array [0..80] of byte;
147   Answlen: Integer;
148   ANextTime: TDateTime absolute answ;
149   NextToExpire,TNow,TDiff: TDateTime;
150   HeadTimer: TCDX11Timer;
151 begin
152     retval:= AssignPipe(X11TimerPipeIn,X11TimerPipeOut);
153     retval:= AssignPipe(MainLoopPipeIn,MainLoopPipeOut);
154     WriteLn('TimerThread: Started!');
155     NextToExpire:= Now+10; // Ten days in future - high enough
156     Repeat
157       TNow := Now;
158       if NextToExpire > TNow+7 then // no timers until next week,
159         //or List Head just processed
160         Timeout:= -1 // wait until the first timer is activated
161       else if CDWidgetSet.XTimerListHead = nil then
162         Timeout:= -1
163       else begin
164         // Pick up timer which will expire first
165         // We must recalculate each time, because a message in between
166         // may have interrupted our timeout.
167         HeadTimer := CDWidgetSet.XTimerListHead;
168         NextToExpire:= HeadTimer.Expires;
169         // Compute how many ms from now
170         TDiff:= NextToExpire-Now;
171         Timeout:= DateTimeToMilliseconds(Tdiff);
172         // if already expired (we're late) handle right now
173         if Timeout <=0 then Timeout:= 0;
174         end;
175       // Wait for a message telling that the timer list has changed,
176       // until our current timer (if any) expires
177       fpFD_ZERO(rfds);
178       fpFD_SET(X11TimerPipeIn,rfds);
179       retval:= fpSelect(fpFD_SETSIZE,@rfds,nil,nil,Timeout);
180       if (retval <> 0) then begin // We've received a message
181          ByteRec := FileRead(X11TimerPipeIn,Answ,sizeof(Answ));
182          // Debugln doesn't like to be executed in a thread which isn't the MT
183          // and after a number of writes crashes with a DISK FULL error!
184          //WriteLn('TimerThread: Got message!');
185          if ByteRec >=SizeOf(ANextTime) then begin
186            if ANextTime < NextToExpire then NextToExpire:=ANextTime;
187            end;
188          //WriteLn(Format('TimerThread: Message received - NextTime= %s',[DateTimeToStr(ANextTime)]));
189          end
190       else begin  // A Timer has expired - Send a message to Main Loop
191         // message content is irrelevant. We put Timeout for debug
192         ANextTime:= Timeout;
193         FileWrite(MainLoopPipeOut,Answ,sizeOf(Timeout));
194         // we don't want to send twice a messages for the same timer
195         // When timer is processed, the list is updateded and we will receive
196         // a new message. So we set NextToExpire to a value larger than any
197         // expectable value
198         NextToExpire:= TNow+10;
199         end;
200       until Terminated;
201 end;
203 constructor TCDX11TimerThread.Create(CreateSuspended: Boolean;
204   const StackSize: SizeUInt);
205 var
206   thisTM: TThreadManager;
207 begin
208   GetThreadManager(thisTM);
209   if not Assigned(thisTM.InitManager) then begin
210     Raise Exception.Create
211     ('You must define UseCThread (-dUseCThreads in Project Options-> Compiler Options) in order to run this program!');
212     end;
213   inherited Create (CreateSuspended);
214   {Priority := 99; // it would be nice to assign priority and policy
215   Policy := SCHED_RR;} // but it depends on application rights to do so
216   FreeOnTerminate := True;
217   // Pipes do not yet exist. Better make it clear
218   MainLoopPipeIn:= -1;
219   MainLoopPipeOut:= -1;
220   X11TimerPipeIn:= -1;
221   X11TimerPipeOut:= -1;
222 end;
224 { TCDX11Timer }
226 constructor TCDX11Timer.create(WSInterval: Integer; WSfunc: TWSTimerProc);
227 {$ifdef Verbose_CD_X11_Timer}
228 var
229   lTInterval: Integer;
230   TDiff,TNow: TDateTime;
231 {$endif}
232 begin
233 {$ifdef TimerUseCThreads}
234   if X11TimerThread.Suspended then begin
235      X11TimerThread.Suspended:= False; // Activate Timer Thread
236      end;
237 {$endif}
238   Interval:= WSInterval; // Interval in ms
239   Func:= WSfunc; // OnTimeEvent
240   Expires:= Now + Interval/KMsToDateTime; //
241   {$ifdef Verbose_CD_X11_Timer}
242   TNow:= Now;
243   TDiff:= Expires - TNow;
244   lTInterval:=DateTimeToMilliseconds(Tdiff);
245   DebugLn(Format('X11_Timer create: Interval= %d, Calculated=%d',[Interval,lTInterval]));
246   {$endif}
247   Previous:= Nil;
248   Next:= Nil;
249 end;
251 procedure TCDX11Timer.Insert;
252 var
253   lTimer,PTimer,NTimer: TCDX11Timer;
254   ABuffer: array[0..15] of byte;
255   ExpireTime: TDateTime absolute ABuffer;
256 begin
257   {$ifdef Verbose_CD_X11_Timer}
258   DebugLn(Format('TCDX11Timer Insert: Interval := %d',[Interval]));
259   {$endif}
260   if CDWidgetSet.XTimerListHead = nil then begin// The list is empty
261     CDWidgetSet.XTimerListHead:= self;
262     Previous:=Nil; // This is the first and only timer
263     Next:=Nil;
264   end
265   else begin
266     PTimer:=nil; // previous in list
267     NTimer:=nil; // Next in list
268     lTimer := CDWidgetSet.XTimerListHead;
269     while lTimer.Expires <= Expires do begin
270       PTimer := ltimer;
271       if not assigned(lTimer.Next) then Break
272       else lTimer:= lTimer.Next;
273       end;
274     if PTimer<>nil then begin //We're not the first one
275       Previous := PTimer;
276       NTimer := PTimer.Next;
277       if Assigned(NTimer) then begin
278         Next := NTimer;
279         NTimer.Previous := self;
280         end
281       else Next := Nil;
282       PTimer.Next := self;
283       end
284     else begin // we're in first place. previous first becomes Next
285       NTimer := CDWidgetSet.XTimerListHead;
286       CDWidgetSet.XTimerListHead := Self;
287       NTimer.Previous := Self;
288       Next:= NTimer;
289       Previous := nil;
290       end;
291   end;
292   {$ifdef TimerUseCThreads}
293   ExpireTime := Expires; // Copy Expire time to Buffer and send to TimerThread
294   FileWrite(X11TimerThread.X11TimerPipeOut,ABuffer,SizeOf(ExpireTime));
295   {$endif}
296   {$ifdef Verbose_CD_X11_Timer}
297   lTimer := CDWidgetSet.XTimerListHead;
298   while lTimer <> Nil do begin
299     DebugLn(Format('TCDX11Timer Insert results: Interval := %d',[lTimer.Interval]));
300     lTimer:= lTimer.Next;
301     end;
302   {$endif}
303 end;
305 procedure TCDX11Timer.remove;
306 begin
307   {$ifdef Verbose_CD_X11_Timer}
308   DebugLn(Format('TCDX11Timer Remove: Interval := %d',[Interval]));
309   {$endif}
310   if Previous <> Nil then begin
311     if Next <> Nil then begin
312       Previous.Next := Next;
313       Next.Previous := Previous;
314     end
315     else Previous.Next:= Nil;
316   end
317   else begin
318     CDWidgetSet.XTimerListHead := Next;
319     if Next <> nil then begin
320       Next.Previous:= Nil;
321     end;
322   end;
323   Previous:= Nil;
324   Next := Nil;
325 end;
327 procedure TCDX11Timer.Expired;
328 var
329   TNow: TDateTime;
330 {$ifdef Verbose_CD_X11_Timer}
331   lInterval,lTInterval: Integer;
332   TDiff: TDateTime;
333 {$endif}
334 begin
335   TNow:= Now;
336   Expires:= Expires+Interval/KMsToDateTime; // don't leak
337   while Expires <= TNow do begin // but if we're late, let's skip some! Bad kludge
338     Expires:= Expires+Interval/KMsToDateTime;
339     end;
340   {$ifdef Verbose_CD_X11_Timer}
341   TNow:= Now;
342   TDiff:= Expires - TNow;
343   lTInterval:=DateTimeToMilliseconds(Tdiff);
344   DebugLn(Format('X11_Timer Expired: Interval= %d, Calculated=%d',[Interval,lTInterval]));
345   {$endif}
346   Remove; // Remove from list Head
347   if func <> nil then
348     func(); // Execute OnTimer
349   Insert; // And insert again in right place
350 end;
352 destructor TCDX11Timer.destroy;
353 begin
354   {$ifdef Verbose_CD_X11_Timer}
355   DebugLn(Format('TCDX11Timer Destroy: Interval := %d',[Interval]));
356   {$endif}
357   remove;
358   //Free;
359 end;
361 {$endif}
363 end.