1 //******************************************************************************
2 //  Copyright (c) 2005-2013 by Jan Van hijfte
3 //
4 //  See the included file COPYING.TXT for details about the copyright.
5 //
6 //  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
7 //  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
9 //******************************************************************************
15 #include <QtGui>
16 #include "pascalbind.h"
18 C_EXPORT QPainterPathH QPainterPath_Create();
19 C_EXPORT void QPainterPath_Destroy(QPainterPathH handle);
20 C_EXPORT QPainterPathH QPainterPath_Create2(const QPointFH startPoint);
21 C_EXPORT QPainterPathH QPainterPath_Create3(const QPainterPathH other);
22 C_EXPORT void QPainterPath_swap(QPainterPathH handle, QPainterPathH other);
23 C_EXPORT void QPainterPath_closeSubpath(QPainterPathH handle);
24 C_EXPORT void QPainterPath_moveTo(QPainterPathH handle, const QPointFH p);
25 C_EXPORT void QPainterPath_moveTo2(QPainterPathH handle, qreal x, qreal y);
26 C_EXPORT void QPainterPath_lineTo(QPainterPathH handle, const QPointFH p);
27 C_EXPORT void QPainterPath_lineTo2(QPainterPathH handle, qreal x, qreal y);
28 C_EXPORT void QPainterPath_arcMoveTo(QPainterPathH handle, const QRectFH rect, qreal angle);
29 C_EXPORT void QPainterPath_arcMoveTo2(QPainterPathH handle, qreal x, qreal y, qreal w, qreal h, qreal angle);
30 C_EXPORT void QPainterPath_arcTo(QPainterPathH handle, const QRectFH rect, qreal startAngle, qreal arcLength);
31 C_EXPORT void QPainterPath_arcTo2(QPainterPathH handle, qreal x, qreal y, qreal w, qreal h, qreal startAngle, qreal arcLength);
32 C_EXPORT void QPainterPath_cubicTo(QPainterPathH handle, const QPointFH ctrlPt1, const QPointFH ctrlPt2, const QPointFH endPt);
33 C_EXPORT void QPainterPath_cubicTo2(QPainterPathH handle, qreal ctrlPt1x, qreal ctrlPt1y, qreal ctrlPt2x, qreal ctrlPt2y, qreal endPtx, qreal endPty);
34 C_EXPORT void QPainterPath_quadTo(QPainterPathH handle, const QPointFH ctrlPt, const QPointFH endPt);
35 C_EXPORT void QPainterPath_quadTo2(QPainterPathH handle, qreal ctrlPtx, qreal ctrlPty, qreal endPtx, qreal endPty);
36 C_EXPORT void QPainterPath_currentPosition(QPainterPathH handle, PQtPointF retval);
37 C_EXPORT void QPainterPath_addRect(QPainterPathH handle, const QRectFH rect);
38 C_EXPORT void QPainterPath_addRect2(QPainterPathH handle, qreal x, qreal y, qreal w, qreal h);
39 C_EXPORT void QPainterPath_addEllipse(QPainterPathH handle, const QRectFH rect);
40 C_EXPORT void QPainterPath_addEllipse2(QPainterPathH handle, qreal x, qreal y, qreal w, qreal h);
41 C_EXPORT void QPainterPath_addEllipse3(QPainterPathH handle, const QPointFH center, qreal rx, qreal ry);
42 C_EXPORT void QPainterPath_addPolygon(QPainterPathH handle, const QPolygonFH polygon);
43 C_EXPORT void QPainterPath_addText(QPainterPathH handle, const QPointFH point, const QFontH f, PWideString text);
44 C_EXPORT void QPainterPath_addText2(QPainterPathH handle, qreal x, qreal y, const QFontH f, PWideString text);
45 C_EXPORT void QPainterPath_addPath(QPainterPathH handle, const QPainterPathH path);
46 C_EXPORT void QPainterPath_addRegion(QPainterPathH handle, const QRegionH region);
47 C_EXPORT void QPainterPath_addRoundedRect(QPainterPathH handle, const QRectFH rect, qreal xRadius, qreal yRadius, Qt::SizeMode mode);
48 C_EXPORT void QPainterPath_addRoundedRect2(QPainterPathH handle, qreal x, qreal y, qreal w, qreal h, qreal xRadius, qreal yRadius, Qt::SizeMode mode);
49 C_EXPORT void QPainterPath_addRoundRect(QPainterPathH handle, const QRectFH rect, int xRnd, int yRnd);
50 C_EXPORT void QPainterPath_addRoundRect2(QPainterPathH handle, qreal x, qreal y, qreal w, qreal h, int xRnd, int yRnd);
51 C_EXPORT void QPainterPath_addRoundRect3(QPainterPathH handle, const QRectFH rect, int roundness);
52 C_EXPORT void QPainterPath_addRoundRect4(QPainterPathH handle, qreal x, qreal y, qreal w, qreal h, int roundness);
53 C_EXPORT void QPainterPath_connectPath(QPainterPathH handle, const QPainterPathH path);
54 C_EXPORT bool QPainterPath_contains(QPainterPathH handle, const QPointFH pt);
55 C_EXPORT bool QPainterPath_contains2(QPainterPathH handle, const QRectFH rect);
56 C_EXPORT bool QPainterPath_intersects(QPainterPathH handle, const QRectFH rect);
57 C_EXPORT void QPainterPath_translate(QPainterPathH handle, qreal dx, qreal dy);
58 C_EXPORT void QPainterPath_translate2(QPainterPathH handle, const QPointFH offset);
59 C_EXPORT void QPainterPath_translated(QPainterPathH handle, QPainterPathH retval, qreal dx, qreal dy);
60 C_EXPORT void QPainterPath_translated2(QPainterPathH handle, QPainterPathH retval, const QPointFH offset);
61 C_EXPORT void QPainterPath_boundingRect(QPainterPathH handle, QRectFH retval);
62 C_EXPORT void QPainterPath_controlPointRect(QPainterPathH handle, QRectFH retval);
63 C_EXPORT Qt::FillRule QPainterPath_fillRule(QPainterPathH handle);
64 C_EXPORT void QPainterPath_setFillRule(QPainterPathH handle, Qt::FillRule fillRule);
65 C_EXPORT bool QPainterPath_isEmpty(QPainterPathH handle);
66 C_EXPORT void QPainterPath_toReversed(QPainterPathH handle, QPainterPathH retval);
67 C_EXPORT void QPainterPath_toFillPolygon(QPainterPathH handle, QPolygonFH retval, const QMatrixH matrix);
68 C_EXPORT void QPainterPath_toFillPolygon2(QPainterPathH handle, QPolygonFH retval, const QTransformH matrix);
69 C_EXPORT int QPainterPath_elementCount(QPainterPathH handle);
70 C_EXPORT void QPainterPath_setElementPositionAt(QPainterPathH handle, int i, qreal x, qreal y);
71 C_EXPORT qreal QPainterPath_length(QPainterPathH handle);
72 C_EXPORT qreal QPainterPath_percentAtLength(QPainterPathH handle, qreal t);
73 C_EXPORT void QPainterPath_pointAtPercent(QPainterPathH handle, PQtPointF retval, qreal t);
74 C_EXPORT qreal QPainterPath_angleAtPercent(QPainterPathH handle, qreal t);
75 C_EXPORT qreal QPainterPath_slopeAtPercent(QPainterPathH handle, qreal t);
76 C_EXPORT bool QPainterPath_intersects2(QPainterPathH handle, const QPainterPathH p);
77 C_EXPORT bool QPainterPath_contains3(QPainterPathH handle, const QPainterPathH p);
78 C_EXPORT void QPainterPath_united(QPainterPathH handle, QPainterPathH retval, const QPainterPathH r);
79 C_EXPORT void QPainterPath_intersected(QPainterPathH handle, QPainterPathH retval, const QPainterPathH r);
80 C_EXPORT void QPainterPath_subtracted(QPainterPathH handle, QPainterPathH retval, const QPainterPathH r);
81 C_EXPORT void QPainterPath_subtractedInverted(QPainterPathH handle, QPainterPathH retval, const QPainterPathH r);
82 C_EXPORT void QPainterPath_simplified(QPainterPathH handle, QPainterPathH retval);
83 C_EXPORT QPainterPathStrokerH QPainterPathStroker_Create();
84 C_EXPORT void QPainterPathStroker_Destroy(QPainterPathStrokerH handle);
85 C_EXPORT void QPainterPathStroker_setWidth(QPainterPathStrokerH handle, qreal width);
86 C_EXPORT qreal QPainterPathStroker_width(QPainterPathStrokerH handle);
87 C_EXPORT void QPainterPathStroker_setCapStyle(QPainterPathStrokerH handle, Qt::PenCapStyle style);
88 C_EXPORT Qt::PenCapStyle QPainterPathStroker_capStyle(QPainterPathStrokerH handle);
89 C_EXPORT void QPainterPathStroker_setJoinStyle(QPainterPathStrokerH handle, Qt::PenJoinStyle style);
90 C_EXPORT Qt::PenJoinStyle QPainterPathStroker_joinStyle(QPainterPathStrokerH handle);
91 C_EXPORT void QPainterPathStroker_setMiterLimit(QPainterPathStrokerH handle, qreal length);
92 C_EXPORT qreal QPainterPathStroker_miterLimit(QPainterPathStrokerH handle);
93 C_EXPORT void QPainterPathStroker_setCurveThreshold(QPainterPathStrokerH handle, qreal threshold);
94 C_EXPORT qreal QPainterPathStroker_curveThreshold(QPainterPathStrokerH handle);
95 C_EXPORT void QPainterPathStroker_setDashPattern(QPainterPathStrokerH handle, Qt::PenStyle AnonParam1);
96 C_EXPORT void QPainterPathStroker_setDashPattern2(QPainterPathStrokerH handle, PQRealArray dashPattern);
97 C_EXPORT void QPainterPathStroker_dashPattern(QPainterPathStrokerH handle, PQRealArray retval);
98 C_EXPORT void QPainterPathStroker_setDashOffset(QPainterPathStrokerH handle, qreal offset);
99 C_EXPORT qreal QPainterPathStroker_dashOffset(QPainterPathStrokerH handle);
100 C_EXPORT void QPainterPathStroker_createStroke(QPainterPathStrokerH handle, QPainterPathH retval, const QPainterPathH path);
102 #endif