1 {
2  /***************************************************************************
3                               lazcanvas.pas
4                               ---------------
6  ***************************************************************************/
8  *****************************************************************************
9   This file is part of the Lazarus Component Library (LCL)
11   See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL.txt, included in this distribution,
12   for details about the license.
13  *****************************************************************************
15   Author: Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho
17   Abstract:
18     Classes and functions for extending TFPImageCanvas to support more stretching
19     filters and to support all features from the LCL TCanvas
21     TLazCanvas also fixes various small problems and incompatibilities between
22     TFPImageCanvas versions, making the interface smoother for its users
24   Dont use anything from the LCL here as this unit should be kept strictly independent
25   only LCLProc for DebugLn is allowed, but only during debuging
26 }
27 unit LazCanvas;
29 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
30 { $define lazcanvas_debug}
31 { $define lazcanvas_profiling}
32 {$ifndef Darwin}// Strangely the new fast copy crashes in Mac OS X in apps with sub-controls
33   {$define lazcanvas_new_fast_copy}
34 {$endif}
36 interface
38 uses
39   // RTL
40   Classes, SysUtils, contnrs, Math,
41   // FCL-Image
42   fpimgcanv, fpcanvas, fpimage, clipping, pixtools, fppixlcanv,
43   // LCL
44   IntfGraphics, LazRegions
45   {$if defined(lazcanvas_debug) or defined(lazcanvas_profiling)}
46   , LazSysUtils, LCLProc
47   {$endif}
48   ;
50 type
52   TLazCanvasImageFormat = (
53     clfOther,
54     clfRGB16_R5G6B5,
55     clfRGB24, clfRGB24UpsideDown, clfBGR24,
56     clfBGRA32, clfRGBA32, clfARGB32);
58   { TFPSharpInterpolation }
60   // This does a very sharp and square interpolation for stretching,
61   // similar to StretchBlt from the Windows API
62   TFPSharpInterpolation = class (TFPCustomInterpolation)
63   protected
64     procedure Execute (x,y,w,h : integer); override;
65   end;
67   { TLazCanvasState }
69   TLazCanvasState = class
70   public
71     Brush: TFPCustomBrush;
72     Pen: TFPCustomPen;
73     Font: TFPCustomFont;
74     BaseWindowOrg: TPoint;
75     WindowOrg: TPoint;
76     Clipping: Boolean;
77     ClipRegion: TFPCustomRegion;
78     destructor Destroy; override;
79   end;
81   { TLazCanvas }
83   TLazCanvas = class(TFPImageCanvas)
84   private
85     FAssignedBrush: TFPCustomBrush;
86     FAssignedFont: TFPCustomFont;
87     FAssignedPen: TFPCustomPen;
88     FBaseWindowOrg: TPoint;
89     {$if defined(ver2_6)}
90     FLazClipRegion: TFPCustomRegion;
91     {$endif}
92     FWindowOrg: TPoint; // already in absolute coords with BaseWindowOrg summed up
93     GraphicStateList: TFPList; // TLazCanvasState
GetAssignedBrushnull94     function GetAssignedBrush: TFPCustomBrush;
GetAssignedPennull95     function GetAssignedPen: TFPCustomPen;
GetAssignedFontnull96     function GetAssignedFont: TFPCustomFont;
GetWindowOrgnull97     function GetWindowOrg: TPoint;
98     procedure SetWindowOrg(AValue: TPoint);
99   protected
100     procedure SetColor (x,y:integer; const AValue:TFPColor); override;
DoCreateDefaultFontnull101     function DoCreateDefaultFont : TFPCustomFont; override;
102     // Routines broken/unimplemented/incompatible in FPC
103     procedure DoRectangle (const Bounds:TRect); override;
104     procedure DoRectangleFill (const Bounds:TRect); override;
105     procedure DoPolygonFill (const points:array of TPoint); override;
106     // Routines which don't work with out extended clipping in TFPImageCanvas
107     procedure DoLine (x1,y1,x2,y2:integer); override;
108     // Other abstract routines that need implementation
109     procedure DoCopyRect(x,y:integer; canvas:TFPCustomCanvas; Const SourceRect:TRect); override;
110     procedure DoDraw(x,y:integer; const AImage: TFPCustomImage); override;
111   public
112     HasNoImage: Boolean;
113     NativeDC: PtrInt; // Utilized by LCL-CustomDrawn
114     ExtraFontData: TObject; // Utilized by LCL-CustomDrawn
115     ImageFormat: TLazCanvasImageFormat; // Utilized by LCL-CustomDrawn for speeding up drawing
116     SelectedBitmap: TObject; // Utilized by LCL-CustomDrawn, type TCDBitmap
117     constructor create (AnImage : TFPCustomImage);
118     destructor destroy; override;
119     procedure SetLazClipRegion(ARegion: TLazRegion);
120     // Canvas states list
121     function SaveState: Integer;
122     procedure RestoreState(AIndex: Integer);
123     // A simple operation to bring the Canvas in the default LCL TCanvas state
124     procedure ResetCanvasState;
125     // Alpha blending operations
126     procedure AlphaBlend(ASource: TLazCanvas;
127       const ADestX, ADestY, ASourceX, ASourceY, ASourceWidth, ASourceHeight: Integer);
128     procedure AlphaBlendIgnoringDestPixels(ASource: TLazCanvas;
129       const ADestX, ADestY, ASourceX, ASourceY, ASourceWidth, ASourceHeight: Integer);
130     procedure AlphaBlend_Image(ASource: TFPCustomImage;
131       const ADestX, ADestY, ASourceX, ASourceY, ASourceWidth, ASourceHeight: Integer);
132     procedure DoDrawImage(x,y:integer; const AImage: TFPCustomImage);
133     procedure CanvasCopyRect(ASource: TFPCustomCanvas;
134       const ADestX, ADestY, ASourceX, ASourceY, ASourceWidth, ASourceHeight: Integer);
135     // Fills the entire drawing with a color
136     // AIgnoreClippingAndWindowOrg speeds up the drawing a lot, but it is dangerous,
137     // don't use it unless you know what you are doing!
138     procedure FillColor(AColor: TFPColor; AIgnoreClippingAndWindowOrg: Boolean = False);
139     // Utilized by LCLIntf.SelectObject and by RestoreState
140     // This needed to be added because Pen/Brush.Assign raises exceptions
141     procedure AssignPenData(APen: TFPCustomPen);
142     procedure AssignBrushData(ABrush: TFPCustomBrush);
143     procedure AssignFontData(AFont: TFPCustomFont);
144     // These properties are utilized to implement LCLIntf.SelectObject
145     // to keep track of which brush handle was assigned to this canvas
146     // They are not utilized by TLazCanvas itself
147     property AssignedPen: TFPCustomPen read GetAssignedPen write FAssignedPen;
148     property AssignedBrush: TFPCustomBrush read GetAssignedBrush write FAssignedBrush;
149     property AssignedFont: TFPCustomFont read GetAssignedFont write FAssignedFont;
150     //
151     // SetWindowOrg operations will be relative to BaseWindowOrg,
152     // This is very useful for implementing the non-native wincontrol,
153     // because operations of SetWindowOrg inside a non-native wincontrol will be
154     // based upon the BaseWindowOrg which is set relative to the Form canvas
155     property BaseWindowOrg: TPoint read FBaseWindowOrg write FBaseWindowOrg;
156     {$if defined(ver2_6)}
157     property ClipRegion: TFPCustomRegion read FLazClipRegion write FLazClipRegion;
158     {$endif}
159     property WindowOrg: TPoint read GetWindowOrg write SetWindowOrg;
160   end;
162 implementation
164 { TLazCanvasState }
166 destructor TLazCanvasState.Destroy;
167 begin
168   if Brush <> nil then Brush.Free;
169   if Pen <> nil then Pen.Free;
170   inherited Destroy;
171 end;
173 { TLazCanvas }
TLazCanvas.GetAssignedBrushnull175 function TLazCanvas.GetAssignedBrush: TFPCustomBrush;
176 begin
177   if FAssignedBrush = nil then
178     Result := TFPEmptyBrush.Create
179   else
180     Result := FAssignedBrush;
181 end;
GetAssignedPennull183 function TLazCanvas.GetAssignedPen: TFPCustomPen;
184 begin
185   if FAssignedPen = nil then
186     Result := TFPEmptyPen.Create
187   else
188     Result := FAssignedPen;
189 end;
GetAssignedFontnull191 function TLazCanvas.GetAssignedFont: TFPCustomFont;
192 begin
193   if FAssignedFont = nil then
194     Result := TFPEmptyFont.Create
195   else
196     Result := FAssignedFont;
197 end;
TLazCanvas.GetWindowOrgnull199 function TLazCanvas.GetWindowOrg: TPoint;
200 begin
201   Result := Point(FWindowOrg.X-FBaseWindowOrg.X, FWindowOrg.Y-FBaseWindowOrg.Y)
202 end;
204 procedure TLazCanvas.SetWindowOrg(AValue: TPoint);
205 begin
206   FWindowOrg.X := AValue.X+FBaseWindowOrg.X;
207   FWindowOrg.Y := AValue.Y+FBaseWindowOrg.Y;
208   {$ifdef lazcanvas_debug}
209   DebugLn(Format('[TLazCanvas.SetWindowOrg] AValue=%d,%d BaseWindowOrg=%d,%d', [AValue.X, AValue.Y, FBaseWindowOrg.X, FBaseWindowOrg.y]));
210   {$endif}
211 end;
213 procedure TLazCanvas.SetColor(x, y: integer; const AValue: TFPColor);
214 var
215   lx, ly: Integer;
216 begin
217   lx := x + FWindowOrg.X;
218   ly := y + FWindowOrg.Y;
219   {$if defined(ver2_6)}
220   if Clipping and (not FLazClipRegion.IsPointInRegion(lx, ly)) then
221     Exit;
222   if (lx >= 0) and (lx < width) and (ly >= 0) and (ly < height) then
223       Image.Colors[lx,ly] := AValue;
224   {$else}
225   if Clipping and (not FClipRegion.IsPointInRegion(lx, ly)) then
226     Exit;
227   if (lx >= 0) and (lx < width) and (ly >= 0) and (ly < height) then
228       FImage.Colors[lx,ly] := AValue;
229   {$endif}
230 end;
TLazCanvas.DoCreateDefaultFontnull232 function TLazCanvas.DoCreateDefaultFont: TFPCustomFont;
233 begin
234   result := TFPEmptyFont.Create;
235   Result.Size := 0; // To allow it to use the default platform size
236   Result.FPColor := colBlack;
237 end;
239 // The coordinates utilized by DoRectangle in fcl-image are not TCanvas compatible
240 // so we reimplement it here
241 procedure TLazCanvas.DoRectangle (const Bounds:TRect);
242 var pattern : longword;
244   procedure CheckLine (x1,y1, x2,y2 : integer);
245   begin
246 //    if clipping then
247 //      CheckLineClipping (ClipRect, x1,y1, x2,y2);
248     if x1 >= 0 then
249       DrawSolidLine (self, x1,y1, x2,y2, Pen.FPColor)
250   end;
252   procedure CheckPLine (x1,y1, x2,y2 : integer);
253   begin
254 //    if clipping then
255 //      CheckLineClipping (ClipRect, x1,y1, x2,y2);
256     if x1 >= 0 then
257       DrawPatternLine (self, x1,y1, x2,y2, pattern, Pen.FPColor)
258   end;
260 var b : TRect;
261     r : integer;
263 begin
264   b := bounds;
265   b.right := b.Right-1;
266   b.bottom := b.bottom-1;
267   if pen.style = psSolid then
268     for r := 1 to pen.width do
269     begin
270       CheckLine (b.left,b.top,b.left,b.bottom);
271       CheckLine (b.left,b.bottom,b.right,b.bottom);
272       CheckLine (b.right,b.bottom,b.right,b.top);
273       CheckLine (b.right,b.top,b.left,b.top);
274       DecRect (b);
275     end
276   else if pen.style <> psClear then
277   begin
278     if pen.style = psPattern then
279       pattern := Pen.pattern
280     else
281       pattern := PenPatterns[pen.style];
282     CheckPLine (b.left,b.top,b.left,b.bottom);
283     CheckPLine (b.left,b.bottom,b.right,b.bottom);
284     CheckPLine (b.right,b.bottom,b.right,b.top);
285     CheckPLine (b.right,b.top,b.left,b.top);
286   end;
287 end;
289 procedure TLazCanvas.DoRectangleFill(const Bounds: TRect);
290 var
291   b : TRect;
292 begin
293   b := Bounds;
294   SortRect (b);
296   // Optimize when filling everything
297   if (b.Left = 0) and (b.Top = 0) and (b.Right = Width) and (b.Bottom = Height)
298      and (Brush.Style = bsSolid) and (FWindowOrg.X = 0) and (FWindowOrg.Y = 0)
299      and ((Clipping=False) {or cliprect=entire area}) then
300   begin
301     FillColor(Brush.FPColor, True);
302     Exit;
303   end;
305   case Brush.style of
306     bsSolid : FillRectangleColor (self, b.left,b.top, b.right,b.bottom);
307     bsPattern : FillRectanglePattern (self, b.left,b.top, b.right,b.bottom, brush.pattern);
308     bsImage :
309       if assigned (brush.image) then
310         if RelativeBrushImage then
311           FillRectangleImageRel (self, b.left,b.top, b.right,b.bottom, brush.image)
312         else
313           FillRectangleImage (self, b.left,b.top, b.right,b.bottom, brush.image)
314       else
315         raise PixelCanvasException.Create (sErrNoImage);
316     bsBDiagonal : FillRectangleHashDiagonal (self, b, HashWidth);
317     bsFDiagonal : FillRectangleHashBackDiagonal (self, b, HashWidth);
318     bsCross :
319       begin
320       FillRectangleHashHorizontal (self, b, HashWidth);
321       FillRectangleHashVertical (self, b, HashWidth);
322       end;
323     bsDiagCross :
324       begin
325       FillRectangleHashDiagonal (self, b, HashWidth);
326       FillRectangleHashBackDiagonal (self, b, HashWidth);
327       end;
328     bsHorizontal : FillRectangleHashHorizontal (self, b, HashWidth);
329     bsVertical : FillRectangleHashVertical (self, b, HashWidth);
330   end;
331 end;
333 // unimplemented in FPC
334 // algorithm explained here: http://alienryderflex.com/polygon_fill/
335 procedure TLazCanvas.DoPolygonFill(const points: array of TPoint);
336 var
337   lBoundingBox: TRect;
338   x, y, i: integer;
339   // faster version
340   nodes, j, swap, polyCorners: Integer;
341   nodeX: array of Integer;
342 begin
343   if Brush.Style = bsClear then Exit;
345   // Find the Bounding Box of the Polygon
346   lBoundingBox := Rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
347   for i := low(Points) to High(Points) do
348   begin
349     lBoundingBox.Left := Min(Points[i].X, lBoundingBox.Left);
350     lBoundingBox.Top := Min(Points[i].Y, lBoundingBox.Top);
351     lBoundingBox.Right := Max(Points[i].X, lBoundingBox.Right);
352     lBoundingBox.Bottom := Max(Points[i].Y, lBoundingBox.Bottom);
353   end;
355   // good but very slow polygon fill function
356   {// Now scan all points using IsPointInPolygon
357   for x := lBoundingBox.Left to lBoundingBox.Right do
358     for y := lBoundingBox.Top to lBoundingBox.Bottom do
359     begin
360       if IsPointInPolygon(X, Y, Points) then SetColor(X, Y, Brush.FPColor);
361     end;
362   Exit;
363   }
365   //  Loop through the rows of the image.
366   polyCorners := Length(points);
367   for y := lBoundingBox.Top to lBoundingBox.Bottom do
368   begin
369     //  Build a list of nodes.
370     nodes := 0;
371     j := polyCorners-1;
372     for i := 0 to polyCorners-1 do
373     begin
374       if (points[i].Y < y) and (points[j].Y >= y) or
375       (points[j].Y < y) and (points[i].Y >= Y) then
376       begin
377         SetLength(nodeX, nodes+1);
378         nodeX[nodes] := Round(points[i].X + (y-points[i].Y) / (points[j].Y-points[i].Y) * (points[j].X-points[i].X));
379         Inc(nodes);
380       end;
381       j := i;
382     end;
384     //  Sort the nodes, via a simple “Bubble” sort.
385     i := 0;
386     while (i<nodes-1) do
387     begin
388       if (nodeX[i]>nodeX[i+1]) then
389       begin
390         swap := nodeX[i];
391         nodeX[i] := nodeX[i+1];
392         nodeX[i+1] := swap;
393         if (i <> 0) then Dec(i);
394       end
395       else
396         Inc(i);
397     end;
399     //  Fill the pixels between node pairs.
400     i := 0;
401     while i<nodes do
402     begin
403       if   (nodeX[i  ] >= lBoundingBox.Right) then break;
404       if   (nodeX[i+1] > lBoundingBox.Left) then
405       begin
406         if (nodeX[i  ] < lBoundingBox.Left) then nodeX[i] := lBoundingBox.Left;
407         if (nodeX[i+1] > lBoundingBox.Right) then nodeX[i+1] := lBoundingBox.Right;
408         for X := nodeX[i] to nodeX[i+1]-1 do
409           SetColor(X, Y, Brush.FPColor);
410       end;
412       i := i + 2;
413     end;
414   end;
415 end;
417 procedure TLazCanvas.DoLine(x1, y1, x2, y2: integer);
418   procedure DrawOneLine (xx1,yy1, xx2,yy2:integer);
419   begin
420     if Clipping then
421       CheckLineClipping (ClipRect, xx1,yy1, xx2,yy2);
422     DrawSolidLine (self, xx1,yy1, xx2,yy2, Pen.FPColor);
423   end;
425   procedure SolidThickLine;
426   var w1, w2, r : integer;
427       MoreHor : boolean;
428   begin
429     // determine lines above and under
430     w1 := pen.width div 2;
431     w2 := w1;
432     if w1+w2 = pen.width then
433       dec (w1);
434     // determine slanting
435     MoreHor := (abs(x2-x1) < abs(y2-y1));
436     if MoreHor then
437       begin  // add lines left/right
438       for r := 1 to w1 do
439         DrawOneLine (x1-r,y1, x2-r,y2);
440       for r := 1 to w2 do
441         DrawOneLine (x1+r,y1, x2+r,y2);
442       end
443     else
444       begin  // add lines above/under
445       for r := 1 to w1 do
446         DrawOneLine (x1,y1-r, x2,y2-r);
447       for r := 1 to w2 do
448         DrawOneLine (x1,y1+r, x2,y2+r);
449       end;
450   end;
452 begin
453 { We can are not clip here because we clip in each drawn pixel
454   or introduce a more complex algorithm to take into account lazregions
455   if Clipping then
456     CheckLineClipping (ClipRect, x1,y1, x2,y2);}
457   case Pen.style of
458     psSolid :
459       begin
460       DrawSolidLine (self, x1,y1, x2,y2, Pen.FPColor);
461       if pen.width > 1 then
462         SolidThickLine;
463       end;
464     psPattern:
465       DrawPatternLine (self, x1,y1, x2,y2, pen.pattern);
466       // Patterned lines have width always at 1
467     psDash, psDot, psDashDot, psDashDotDot :
468       DrawPatternLine (self, x1,y1, x2,y2, PenPatterns[Pen.Style]);
469   end;
470 end;
472 procedure TLazCanvas.DoCopyRect(x, y: integer; canvas: TFPCustomCanvas;
473   const SourceRect: TRect);
474 begin
475   CanvasCopyRect(canvas, X, Y, SourceRect.Left, SourceRect.Top,
476     SourceRect.right-SourceRect.Left, SourceRect.Bottom-SourceRect.Top);
477 end;
479 procedure TLazCanvas.DoDraw(x, y: integer; const AImage: TFPCustomImage);
480 begin
481   AlphaBlend_Image(AImage, X, Y, 0, 0, AImage.Width, AImage.Height);
482 end;
484 constructor TLazCanvas.create(AnImage: TFPCustomImage);
485 begin
486   inherited Create(AnImage);
487   GraphicStateList := TFPList.Create;
488   HasNoImage := AnImage = nil;
489 end;
491 destructor TLazCanvas.destroy;
492 begin
493   GraphicStateList.Free;
494   if FAssignedBrush <> nil then FAssignedBrush.Free;
495   if FAssignedPen <> nil then FAssignedPen.Free;
496   inherited destroy;
497 end;
499 procedure TLazCanvas.SetLazClipRegion(ARegion: TLazRegion);
500 begin
501   Clipping := True;
502   {$if defined(ver2_6)}
503   ClipRect := TLazRegionRect(ARegion.Parts.Items[0]).Rect;
504   FLazClipRegion := ARegion;
505   {$else}
506   ClipRegion := ARegion;
507   {$endif}
508 end;
TLazCanvas.SaveStatenull510 function TLazCanvas.SaveState: Integer;
511 var
512   lState: TLazCanvasState;
513 begin
514   lState := TLazCanvasState.Create;
516   lState.Brush := Brush.CopyBrush;
517   lState.Pen := Pen.CopyPen;
518   lState.Font := Font.CopyFont;
519   lState.BaseWindowOrg := BaseWindowOrg;
520   lState.WindowOrg := WindowOrg;
521   lState.Clipping := Clipping;
523   Result := GraphicStateList.Add(lState);
524 end;
526 // if AIndex is positive, it represents the wished saved dc instance
527 // if AIndex is negative, it's a relative number from last pushed state
528 procedure TLazCanvas.RestoreState(AIndex: Integer);
529 var
530   lState: TLazCanvasState;
531 begin
532   if AIndex < 0 then AIndex := AIndex + GraphicStateList.Count;
533   lState := TLazCanvasState(GraphicStateList.Items[AIndex]);
534   GraphicStateList.Delete(AIndex);
535   if lState = nil then Exit;
537   AssignPenData(lState.Pen);
538   AssignBrushData(lState.Brush);
539   AssignFontData(lState.Font);
540   BaseWindowOrg := lState.BaseWindowOrg;
541   WindowOrg := lState.WindowOrg;
542   Clipping := lState.Clipping;
544   lState.Free;
545 end;
547 procedure TLazCanvas.ResetCanvasState;
548 begin
549   Pen.FPColor := colBlack;
550   Pen.Style := psSolid;
552   Brush.FPColor := colWhite;
553   Brush.Style := bsSolid;
554 end;
556 procedure TLazCanvas.AlphaBlend(ASource: TLazCanvas;
557   const ADestX, ADestY, ASourceX, ASourceY, ASourceWidth, ASourceHeight: Integer);
558 var
559   x, y, CurDestX, CurDestY, CurSrcX, CurSrcY: Integer;
560   MaskValue, InvMaskValue: Word;
561   CurColor, SrcColor: TFPColor;
562   lDrawWidth, lDrawHeight: Integer;
563 begin
564   // Take care not to draw outside the destination area
565   lDrawWidth := Min(Self.Width - ADestX, ASource.Width - ASourceX);
566   lDrawHeight := Min(Self.Height - ADestY, ASource.Height - ASourceY);
567   lDrawWidth := Min(lDrawWidth, ASourceWidth);
568   lDrawHeight := Min(lDrawHeight, ASourceHeight);
569   //DebugLn(Format('[TLazCanvas.AlphaBlend] lDrawWidth=%d lDrawHeight=%d',
570   //  [lDrawWidth, lDrawHeight]));
571   for y := 0 to lDrawHeight - 1 do
572   begin
573     for x := 0 to lDrawWidth - 1 do
574     begin
575       CurDestX := ADestX + x;
576       CurDestY := ADestY + y;
577       CurSrcX := ASourceX + x;
578       CurSrcY := ASourceY + y;
580       // Never draw outside the destination
581       if (CurDestX < 0) or (CurDestY < 0) then Continue;
583       MaskValue := ASource.Colors[CurSrcX, CurSrcY].alpha;
584       InvMaskValue := $FFFF - MaskValue;
586       if MaskValue = $FFFF then
587       begin
588         Self.Colors[CurDestX, CurDestY] := ASource.Colors[CurSrcX, CurSrcY];
589       end
590       else if MaskValue > $00 then
591       begin
592         CurColor := Self.Colors[CurDestX, CurDestY];
593         SrcColor := ASource.Colors[CurSrcX, CurSrcY];
595         CurColor.Red := Round(
596           CurColor.Red * InvMaskValue / $FFFF +
597           SrcColor.Red * MaskValue / $FFFF);
599         CurColor.Green := Round(
600           CurColor.Green * InvMaskValue / $FFFF +
601           SrcColor.Green * MaskValue / $FFFF);
603         CurColor.Blue := Round(
604           CurColor.Blue * InvMaskValue / $FFFF +
605           SrcColor.Blue * MaskValue / $FFFF);
607         CurColor.alpha := alphaOpaque;
609         {DebugLn(Format('Alpha blending pixels Old=%d %d Src=%d %d New=%d %d alpha=%d',
610           [Self.Colors[CurDestX, CurDestY].Red, Self.Colors[CurDestX, CurDestY].Green,
611            SrcColor.Red, SrcColor.Green,
612            CurColor.Red, CurColor.Green,
613            MaskValue
614            ]));}
616         Self.Colors[CurDestX, CurDestY] := CurColor;
617       end;
618     end;
619   end;
620 end;
622 // This is a safer version in case one doesnt trust the destination pixels
623 // It will draw as if the target area contained opaque white
624 procedure TLazCanvas.AlphaBlendIgnoringDestPixels(ASource: TLazCanvas;
625   const ADestX, ADestY, ASourceX, ASourceY, ASourceWidth, ASourceHeight: Integer
626   );
627 var
628   x, y, CurDestX, CurDestY, CurSrcX, CurSrcY: Integer;
629   MaskValue, InvMaskValue: Word;
630   CurColor, SrcColor: TFPColor;
631   lDrawWidth, lDrawHeight: Integer;
632 begin
633   // Take care not to draw outside the destination area
634   lDrawWidth := Min(Self.Width - ADestX, ASource.Width - ASourceX);
635   lDrawHeight := Min(Self.Height - ADestY, ASource.Height - ASourceY);
636   lDrawWidth := Min(lDrawWidth, ASourceWidth);
637   lDrawHeight := Min(lDrawHeight, ASourceHeight);
638   //DebugLn(Format('[TLazCanvas.AlphaBlendIgnoringDestPixels] lDrawWidth=%d lDrawHeight=%d',
639     //[lDrawWidth, lDrawHeight]));
640   for y := 0 to lDrawHeight - 1 do
641   begin
642     for x := 0 to lDrawWidth - 1 do
643     begin
644       CurDestX := ADestX + x;
645       CurDestY := ADestY + y;
646       CurSrcX := ASourceX + x;
647       CurSrcY := ASourceY + y;
649       // Never draw outside the destination
650       if (CurDestX < 0) or (CurDestY < 0) then Continue;
652       MaskValue := ASource.Colors[CurSrcX, CurSrcY].alpha;
653       InvMaskValue := $FFFF - MaskValue;
655       if MaskValue = $FFFF then
656       begin
657         Self.Colors[CurDestX, CurDestY] := ASource.Colors[CurSrcX, CurSrcY];
658       end
659       // Theorically it should be > 0 but we make a filter here to exclude low-alpha pixels
660       // because those cause small white pixels in the image
661       else if MaskValue > $4000 then
662       begin
663         SrcColor := ASource.Colors[CurSrcX, CurSrcY];
665         CurColor.Red := InvMaskValue + (SrcColor.Red * MaskValue) div $FFFF;
666         CurColor.Green := InvMaskValue + (SrcColor.Green * MaskValue) div $FFFF;
667         CurColor.Blue := InvMaskValue + (SrcColor.Blue * MaskValue) div $FFFF;
668         CurColor.alpha := alphaOpaque;
670         Self.Colors[CurDestX, CurDestY] := CurColor;
671       end;
672     end;
673   end;
674 end;
676 procedure TLazCanvas.AlphaBlend_Image(ASource: TFPCustomImage; const ADestX,
677   ADestY, ASourceX, ASourceY, ASourceWidth, ASourceHeight: Integer);
678 var
679   SrcCanvas: TLazCanvas;
680 begin
681   SrcCanvas := TLazCanvas.Create(ASource);
682   try
683     AlphaBlend(SrcCanvas, ADestX, ADestY,
684       ASourceX, ASourceY, ASourceWidth, ASourceHeight);
685   finally
686     SrcCanvas.Free;
687   end;
688 end;
690 procedure TLazCanvas.DoDrawImage(x, y: integer; const AImage: TFPCustomImage);
691 begin
692   DoDraw(x, y, AImage);
693 end;
695 procedure TLazCanvas.CanvasCopyRect(ASource: TFPCustomCanvas; const ADestX, ADestY,
696   ASourceX, ASourceY, ASourceWidth, ASourceHeight: Integer);
697 var
698   ALazSource: TLazCanvas absolute ASource;
699   x, y, CurDestX, CurDestY, CurSrcX, CurSrcY: Integer;
700   lDrawWidth, lDrawHeight: Integer;
701   lColor: TFPColor;
702   {$IFDEF lazcanvas_profiling}
703   lTimeStart: TDateTime;
704   {$ENDIF}
705   {$ifdef lazcanvas_new_fast_copy}
706   lScanlineSrc, lScanlineDest: PByte;
707   lBytesPerPixel: Byte;
708   {$ENDIF}
709 begin
710   {$IFDEF lazcanvas_profiling}
711   lTimeStart := NowUTC();
712   {$ENDIF}
714   // Take care not to draw outside the source and also not outside the destination area
715   lDrawWidth := Min(Self.Width - ADestX - FWindowOrg.X, ASource.Width - ASourceX);
716   lDrawHeight := Min(Self.Height - ADestY - FWindowOrg.Y, ASource.Height - ASourceY);
717   lDrawWidth := Min(lDrawWidth, ASourceWidth);
718   lDrawHeight := Min(lDrawHeight, ASourceHeight);
720   {$ifdef lazcanvas_new_fast_copy}
721   // If the formats match, make a fast copy of the data itself, without pixel conversion
722   if (ASource is TLazCanvas) and
723      (Image is TLazIntfImage) and (ALazSource.Image is TLazIntfImage) and
724      (ImageFormat in [clfRGB24, clfRGB24UpsideDown, clfBGR24, clfBGRA32, clfRGBA32, clfARGB32]) and
725      (ImageFormat = ALazSource.ImageFormat) then
726   begin
727     case ImageFormat of
728       clfRGB24, clfRGB24UpsideDown, clfBGR24: lBytesPerPixel := 3;
729       clfBGRA32, clfRGBA32, clfARGB32: lBytesPerPixel := 4;
730     else
731       lBytesPerPixel := 4;
732     end;
734     for y := 0 to lDrawHeight - 1 do
735     begin
736       CurDestY := ADestY + y + FWindowOrg.Y;
737       if CurDestY >= Height then Continue;
738       CurSrcY := ASourceY + y;
740       lScanlineSrc := TLazIntfImage(ALazSource.Image).GetDataLineStart(CurSrcY);
741       lScanlineDest := TLazIntfImage(Image).GetDataLineStart(CurDestY);
742       if (lScanlineSrc = nil) or (lScanlineDest = nil) then Break;
743       Inc(lScanlineSrc, (ASourceX)*lBytesPerPixel);
744       Inc(lScanlineDest, (ADestX + FWindowOrg.X)*lBytesPerPixel);
746       move(lScanlineSrc^, lScanlineDest^, lBytesPerPixel * lDrawWidth);
747     end;
748   end
749   // General case of copying
750   else
751   {$endif}
752   begin
753     for y := 0 to lDrawHeight - 1 do
754     begin
755       for x := 0 to lDrawWidth - 1 do
756       begin
757         CurDestX := ADestX + x;
758         CurDestY := ADestY + y;
759         CurSrcX := ASourceX + x;
760         CurSrcY := ASourceY + y;
762         // Never draw outside the destination
763         if (CurDestX < 0) or (CurDestY < 0) then Continue;
765         lColor := ASource.Colors[CurSrcX, CurSrcY];
766         Self.Colors[CurDestX, CurDestY] := lColor;
767       end;
768     end;
769   end;
771   {$IFDEF lazcanvas_profiling}
772   DebugLn(Format('[TLazCanvas.CanvasCopyRect] Paint duration: %d ms', [DateTimeToTimeStamp(NowUTC() - lTimeStart).Time]));
773   {$ENDIF}
774 end;
776 procedure TLazCanvas.FillColor(AColor: TFPColor;
777   AIgnoreClippingAndWindowOrg: Boolean);
778 var
779   x, y: Integer;
780 begin
781   if AIgnoreClippingAndWindowOrg then
782   begin
783     if Image is TLazIntfImage then
784       TLazIntfImage(Image).FillPixels(AColor)
785     else
786      for y := 0 to Height-1 do
787       for x := 0 to Width-1 do
788         Image.Colors[x, y] := AColor;
789   end
790   else
791   begin
792     for y := 0 to Height-1 do
793       for x := 0 to Width-1 do
794         SetColor(x, y, AColor);
795   end;
796 end;
798 procedure TLazCanvas.AssignPenData(APen: TFPCustomPen);
799 begin
800   if APen = nil then Exit;
801   Pen.FPColor := APen.FPColor;
802   Pen.Style := APen.Style;
803   Pen.Width := APen.Width;
804 end;
806 procedure TLazCanvas.AssignBrushData(ABrush: TFPCustomBrush);
807 begin
808   if ABrush = nil then Exit;
809   Brush.FPColor := ABrush.FPColor;
810   Brush.Style := ABrush.Style;
811 end;
813 procedure TLazCanvas.AssignFontData(AFont: TFPCustomFont);
814 begin
815   if AFont = nil then Exit;
816   Font.FPColor := AFont.FPColor;
817   Font.Name := AFont.Name;
818   Font.Size := AFont.Size;
819   Font.Bold := AFont.Bold;
820   Font.Italic := AFont.Italic;
821   Font.Underline := AFont.Underline;
822   {$IF (FPC_FULLVERSION<=20600)}
823   Font.{%H-}StrikeTrough := AFont.{%H-}StrikeTrough; //old version with typo
824   {$ELSE}
825   Font.StrikeThrough := AFont.StrikeThrough;
826   {$ENDIF}
827 end;
829 { TFPWindowsSharpInterpolation }
831 procedure TFPSharpInterpolation.Execute(x, y, w, h: integer);
832 // paint Image on Canvas at x,y,w*h
833 var
834   srcx, srcy: Integer; // current coordinates in the source image
835   dx, dy, dw, dh: Integer; // current coordinates in the destination canvas
836   lWidth, lHeight: Integer; // Image size
837   lColor: TFPColor;
838 begin
839   if (w<=0) or (h<=0) or (image.Width=0) or (image.Height=0) then
840     exit;
842   lWidth := Image.Width-1;
843   lHeight := Image.Height-1;
844   dw := w - 1;
845   dh := h - 1;
847   for dx := 0 to w-1 do
848    for dy := 0 to h-1 do
849    begin
850      srcx := Round((dx / dw) * lWidth);
851      srcy := Round((dy / dh) * lHeight);
852      lColor := Image.Colors[srcx, srcy];
853      Canvas.Colors[dx+x, dy+y] := lColor;
854    end;
855 end;
857 end.