1 unit LazDialogs;
3 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
5 interface
7 uses
8   // RTL
9   Classes, SysUtils, math,
10   // LCL
11   Graphics, Forms, ShellCtrls, Buttons, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, FileCtrl, ComCtrls,
12   Dialogs, ButtonPanel, LCLStrConsts, FileUtil, Controls;
14 type
15   TLazFileDialogKind = (
16     ldkOpenDesktop, ldkSaveDesktop, ldkOpenPDA, ldkSavePDA, ldkSelectDirectory);
18   { TLazarusFileDialogForm }
20   TLazarusFileDialogForm = class(TForm)
21   private
22     FKind: TLazFileDialogKind;
23     procedure SetFilter(AFilter: string);
24   public
25     // User interface
26     ButtonPanel: TButtonPanel;
27     ShellTreeView: TShellTreeView;
28     ShellListView: TShellListView;
29     SaveEdit: TEdit;
30     FilterComboBox: TFilterComboBox;
31     // input/output
32     FileName: string;
33     Filter: string;
34     InitialDir: string;
35     Title: string;
36     //
37     constructor CreateNew(AOwner: TComponent; Num: Integer = 0); override;
38     procedure Initialize(AKind: TLazFileDialogKind);
39     procedure HandleOkClick(ASender: TObject);
40     procedure HandleCancelClick(ASender: TObject);
41     procedure HandleCloseQuery(Sender : TObject; var CanClose : boolean);
42     procedure HandleEditChange(ASender: TObject);
43     procedure HandleSelectItem(Sender: TObject;
44      Item: TListItem; Selected: Boolean);
45     procedure HandleTreeViewSelectionChanged(ASender: TObject);
46   end;
48   { TLazOpenDialog }
50   TLazOpenDialog = class(TOpenDialog)
51   protected
52     FForm: TLazarusFileDialogForm;
53     class procedure WSRegisterClass; override;
DoExecutenull54     function DoExecute: boolean; override;
55     procedure DoInitialize; virtual;
56   public
57     constructor Create(TheOwner: TComponent); override;
58   end;
60   { TLazSaveDialog }
62   TLazSaveDialog = class(TLazOpenDialog)
63   protected
64     procedure DoInitialize; override;
65   end;
67   { TLazSelectDirectoryDialog }
69   TLazSelectDirectoryDialog = class(TLazOpenDialog)
70   protected
71     procedure DoInitialize; override;
72   end;
74   { TLazMessageDialog }
75   TLazMessageDialog = class(TForm)
76   private
77     Image1: TImage;
78     Label1: TLabel; // we need a TLabel to be able to resize it properly
79     btnList: array [0..11] of TBitBtn;
80     NumButtons: Integer;
81   public
82     constructor CreateNew(TheOwner: TComponent; Num: Integer = 0); override;
83   end;
LazMessageDlgnull85 function LazMessageDlg(const aCaption, aMsg: string; DlgType: TMsgDlgType;
86   Buttons: TMsgDlgButtons; HelpCtx: Longint): Integer;
LazMessageDlgnull87 function LazMessageDlg(const aMsg: string; DlgType: TMsgDlgType;
88   Buttons: TMsgDlgButtons; HelpCtx: Longint): Integer;
90 implementation
92 var
93   { Declared here for the time being to make it possibly work with LCLCustodrawn}
94   LazMessageDialog: TLazMessageDialog;
96 { TLazarusFileDialogForm }
98 procedure TLazarusFileDialogForm.SetFilter(AFilter: string);
99 begin
100   if AFilter = '' then
101     FilterComboBox.Filter := Format(rsAllFiles,[GetAllFilesMask, GetAllFilesMask,''])
102   else
103     FilterComboBox.Filter := AFilter;
104 end;
106 {
107   The size of the window is determined only when creating the
108   handle, so any reference to TForm.Width and TForm.Height
109   here doesnt correspond to the final value.
110 }
111 constructor TLazarusFileDialogForm.CreateNew(AOwner: TComponent; Num: Integer = 0);
112 begin
113   inherited CreateNew(AOwner, Num);
115   Self.Position := poScreenCenter;
116 end;
118 procedure TLazarusFileDialogForm.Initialize(AKind: TLazFileDialogKind);
119 begin
120   FKind := AKind;
122   ButtonPanel := TButtonPanel.Create(Self);
123   ButtonPanel.Parent := Self;
124   ButtonPanel.Left := 0;
125   ButtonPanel.Height := 20;
126   ButtonPanel.Top := Height - ButtonPanel.Height;
127   ButtonPanel.Width := Width;
128   ButtonPanel.Align := alBottom;
129   ButtonPanel.ShowButtons := [pbOK, pbCancel];
130   ButtonPanel.OKButton.OnClick := @HandleOkClick;
131   ButtonPanel.CancelButton.OnClick := @HandleCancelClick;
133   if AKind in [ldkOpenDesktop, ldkSaveDesktop, ldkOpenPDA, ldkSavePDA] then
134   begin
135     // Add the ShellTreeView to the dialog
136     ShellTreeView := TShellTreeView.Create(Self);
137     ShellTreeView.Parent := Self;
138     ShellTreeView.Left := 0;
139     ShellTreeView.Top := 0;
140     ShellTreeView.Width := Width;
141     ShellTreeView.Height := 100;
142     ShellTreeView.Align := alTop;
144     // Add the ShellListView to the dialog
145     ShellListView := TShellListView.Create(Self);
146     ShellListView.Parent := Self;
147     ShellListView.Left := 0;
148     ShellListView.Top := ShellTreeView.Height;
149     ShellListView.Width := Width;
150     ShellListView.Height := Height - ShellTreeView.Height - ButtonPanel.Height;
151     ShellListView.Align := alClient;
152     ShellListView.ShellTreeView := ShellTreeView;
153     ShellListView.ScrollBars := ssVertical;
154     ShellListView.OnSelectItem := @HandleSelectItem;
156     // TEdit for save dialog
157     if AKind in [ldkSaveDesktop, ldkSavePDA] then
158     begin
159       SaveEdit := TEdit.Create(Self);
160       SaveEdit.Parent := Self;
161       SaveEdit.Left := 0;
162       SaveEdit.Height := 20;
163       SaveEdit.Top := Height - ButtonPanel.Height - SaveEdit.Height;
164       SaveEdit.Width := Width;
165       SaveEdit.Align := alBottom;
166       SaveEdit.Text := SysUtils.ExtractFileName(FileName);
167       SaveEdit.OnChange := @HandleEditChange;
168     end;
170     // TFilterComboBox
171     FilterComboBox := TFilterComboBox.Create(Self);
172     FilterComboBox.Parent := Self;
173     FilterComboBox.Left := 0;
174     FilterComboBox.Height := 20;
175     FilterComboBox.Top := Height - ButtonPanel.Height - FilterComboBox.Height;
176     if SaveEdit <> nil then
177       FilterComboBox.Top := FilterComboBox.Top - SaveEdit.Height;
178     FilterComboBox.Width := Width;
179     FilterComboBox.Align := alBottom;
180     SetFilter(Filter);
181     FilterComboBox.ShellListView := ShellListView;
183     // In the save dialog it is enabled when there is a text in the TEdit
184     if AKind in [ldkSaveDesktop, ldkSavePDA] then
185       ButtonPanel.OKButton.Enabled := SaveEdit.Text <> ''
186     // In a TOpenDialog the Ok button is only enabled when a file is selected
187     else
188       ButtonPanel.OkButton.Enabled := False;
189   end
190   else if FKind = ldkSelectDirectory then
191   begin
192     // Add the ShellTreeView to the dialog
193     ShellTreeView := TShellTreeView.Create(Self);
194     ShellTreeView.Parent := Self;
195     ShellTreeView.Left := 0;
196     ShellTreeView.Top := 0;
197     ShellTreeView.Align := alClient;
198     ShellTreeView.OnSelectionChanged := @HandleTreeViewSelectionChanged;
200     ButtonPanel.OKButton.Enabled := False;
201   end;
203   // Form events
204   OnCloseQuery := @HandleCloseQuery;
205 end;
207 // The Ok button code should be only a simple mrOk,
208 // because there is the dialog Ok button, which will
209 // always be active and will set the ModalResult to mrOk
210 // so the code needs to affect it too, and this can be
211 // done in CloseQuery
212 procedure TLazarusFileDialogForm.HandleOkClick(ASender: TObject);
213 begin
214   ModalResult := mrOk;
215 end;
217 procedure TLazarusFileDialogForm.HandleCancelClick(ASender: TObject);
218 begin
219   ModalResult := mrCancel;
220 end;
222 procedure TLazarusFileDialogForm.HandleCloseQuery(Sender: TObject;
223   var CanClose: boolean);
224 begin
225   if ModalResult = mrCancel then
226   begin
227     CanClose := True;
228     Exit;
229   end;
231   CanClose := False;
233   if FKind in [ldkSaveDesktop, ldkSavePDA] then
234   begin
235     if SaveEdit.Text = '' then Exit;
237     FileName := ShellTreeView.GetPathFromNode(ShellTreeView.Selected);
238     FileName := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(FileName);
239     FileName := FileName + SaveEdit.Text;
240     CanClose := True;
241   end
242   else if FKind in [ldkOpenDesktop, ldkOpenPDA] then
243   begin
244     if ShellListView.Selected = nil then Exit;
246     FileName := ShellListView.GetPathFromItem(ShellListView.Selected);
247     CanClose := True;
248   end
249   else
250   begin
251     if ShellTreeView.Selected = nil then Exit;
253     FileName := ShellTreeView.GetPathFromNode(ShellTreeView.Selected);
254     CanClose := True;
255   end;
256 end;
258 procedure TLazarusFileDialogForm.HandleEditChange(ASender: TObject);
259 begin
260   ButtonPanel.OkButton.Enabled := SaveEdit.Text <> '';
261 end;
263 procedure TLazarusFileDialogForm.HandleSelectItem(Sender: TObject;
264   Item: TListItem; Selected: Boolean);
265 begin
266   // Selecting an item changes the filename in the TEdit
267   // in save dialogs
268   if (FKind in [ldkSaveDesktop, ldkSavePDA]) and Selected then
269   begin
270     SaveEdit.Text := Item.Caption;
271   end
272   // In the OpenDialog the state of the Ok button is dependent
273   // on the selection of an item
274   else
275   begin
276     ButtonPanel.OkButton.Enabled := Selected;
277   end;
278 end;
280 // Used only in the TLazSelectDirectoryDialog
281 procedure TLazarusFileDialogForm.HandleTreeViewSelectionChanged(ASender: TObject);
282 begin
283   ButtonPanel.OKButton.Enabled := True;
284 end;
286 { TLazOpenDialog }
288 class procedure TLazOpenDialog.WSRegisterClass;
289 begin
290   // Do nothing, because this dialog doesn't require a WS implementation
291 end;
DoExecutenull293 function TLazOpenDialog.DoExecute: boolean;
294 begin
295   Result := FForm.ShowModal <> mrCancel;
296   FileName := FForm.FileName;
297 end;
299 procedure TLazOpenDialog.DoInitialize;
300 begin
301   FForm.Initialize(ldkOpenDesktop);
302 end;
304 constructor TLazOpenDialog.Create(TheOwner: TComponent);
305 begin
306   inherited Create(TheOwner);
307   FForm := TLazarusFileDialogForm.CreateNew(Self);
308   FForm.FileName := FileName;
309   FForm.Filter := Filter;
310   FForm.Title := Title;
311   DoInitialize;
312   FForm.Hide;
313 end;
315 { TLazSaveDialog }
317 procedure TLazSaveDialog.DoInitialize;
318 begin
319   FForm.Initialize(ldkSaveDesktop);
320 end;
322 { TLazSelectDirectoryDialog }
324 procedure TLazSelectDirectoryDialog.DoInitialize;
325 begin
326   FForm.Initialize(ldkSelectDirectory);
327 end;
328 { Dialog Functions }
330 function LazMessageDlg(const aCaption, aMsg: string; DlgType: TMsgDlgType;
331   Buttons: TMsgDlgButtons; HelpCtx: Longint): Integer;
332 Var
333   I: Integer;
334   textWidth: Integer;
335   ButtonPos: Integer;
336   RequiredWidth: Integer;
337   BlankRight: Integer; // blank space at the right of last button
338 begin
339   {$ifdef LCLCustomdrawn} if not assigned(LazMessageDialog) then {$endif}
340   LazMessageDialog:= TLazMessageDialog.CreateNew(Application);
341   with LazMessageDialog do begin
342     Label1.Caption:= aMsg;
343     Label1.Parent:= LazMessageDialog;
344     {Select Image (and Caption) from DlgType}
345     case DlgType of
346       mtWarning: begin
347         Caption:= rsMtWarning;
348         image1.Picture.LoadFromResourceName(hInstance, 'dialog_warning', TPortableNetworkGraphic);
349       end;
350       mtError: begin
351         Caption:= rsMtError;
352         image1.Picture.LoadFromResourceName(hInstance, 'dialog_error', TPortableNetworkGraphic);
353       end;
354       mtConfirmation: begin
355         Caption:= rsMtConfirmation;
356         image1.Picture.LoadFromResourceName(hInstance, 'dialog_confirmation', TPortableNetworkGraphic);
357       end;
358       mtInformation: begin
359         Caption:= rsMtInformation;
360         image1.Picture.LoadFromResourceName(hInstance, 'dialog_information', TPortableNetworkGraphic);
361       end;
362       mtCustom: begin
363         Caption:= ApplicationName;
364         Image1.Width:= 8;
365         Image1.Hide;
366       end;
367     end;
368     Image1.Parent := LazMessageDialog;
370     if aCaption <> '' then  //A custom dialog caption has been required
371       Caption:= aCaption;
372     Label1.Left:= Image1.Left + Image1.Width + 8;
374     {Select Buttons from Buttons}
375     if (Buttons = []) or (Buttons = [mbHelp]) then
376       Buttons:= Buttons + [mbOK]; // the dialog must provide a modal result
377     NumButtons:= 0;
378     { The order of Buttons is the same as in Qt - Totally different from GTK2}
379     if mbHelp in Buttons then begin
380       btnList[NumButtons] := TBitBtn.Create(LazMessageDialog);
381       btnList[NumButtons].Parent := LazMessageDialog;
382       btnList[NumButtons].Kind:= bkHelp;
383       inc(NumButtons);
384     end;
385     if mbYes in Buttons then begin
386       btnList[NumButtons] := TBitBtn.Create(LazMessageDialog);
387       btnList[NumButtons].Parent := LazMessageDialog;
388       btnList[NumButtons].Kind:= bkYes;
389       inc(NumButtons);
390     end;
391     if mbYesToAll in Buttons then begin
392       btnList[NumButtons] := TBitBtn.Create(LazMessageDialog);
393       btnList[NumButtons].Parent := LazMessageDialog;
394       btnList[NumButtons].Kind:= bkYesToAll;
395       inc(NumButtons);
396     end;
397     if mbNo in Buttons then begin
398       btnList[NumButtons] := TBitBtn.Create(LazMessageDialog);
399       btnList[NumButtons].Parent := LazMessageDialog;
400       btnList[NumButtons].Kind:= bkNo;
401       inc(NumButtons);
402     end;
403     if mbNoToAll in Buttons then begin
404       btnList[NumButtons] := TBitBtn.Create(LazMessageDialog);
405       btnList[NumButtons].Parent := LazMessageDialog;
406       btnList[NumButtons].Kind:= bkNoToAll;
407       inc(NumButtons);
408     end;
409     if mbAll in Buttons then begin
410       btnList[NumButtons] := TBitBtn.Create(LazMessageDialog);
411       btnList[NumButtons].Parent := LazMessageDialog;
412       btnList[NumButtons].Kind:= bkAll;
413       inc(NumButtons);
414     end;
415     if mbOK in Buttons then begin
416       btnList[NumButtons] := TBitBtn.Create(LazMessageDialog);
417       btnList[NumButtons].Parent := LazMessageDialog;
418       btnList[NumButtons].Kind:= bkOK;
419       inc(NumButtons);
420     end;
421     if mbRetry in Buttons then begin
422       btnList[NumButtons] := TBitBtn.Create(LazMessageDialog);
423       btnList[NumButtons].Parent := LazMessageDialog;
424       btnList[NumButtons].Kind:= bkRetry;
425       inc(NumButtons);
426     end;
427     if mbIgnore in Buttons then begin
428       btnList[NumButtons] := TBitBtn.Create(LazMessageDialog);
429       btnList[NumButtons].Parent := LazMessageDialog;
430       btnList[NumButtons].Kind:= bkIgnore;
431       inc(NumButtons);
432     end;
433     if mbCancel in Buttons then begin
434       btnList[NumButtons] := TBitBtn.Create(LazMessageDialog);
435       btnList[NumButtons].Parent := LazMessageDialog;
436       btnList[NumButtons].Kind:= bkCancel;
437       inc(NumButtons);
438     end;
439     if mbAbort in Buttons then begin
440       btnList[NumButtons] := TBitBtn.Create(LazMessageDialog);
441       btnList[NumButtons].Parent := LazMessageDialog;
442       btnList[NumButtons].Kind:= bkAbort;
443       inc(NumButtons);
444     end;
445     if mbClose in Buttons then begin
446       btnList[NumButtons] := TBitBtn.Create(LazMessageDialog);
447       btnList[NumButtons].Parent := LazMessageDialog;
448       btnList[NumButtons].Kind:= bkClose;
449       inc(NumButtons);
450     end;
452     ButtonPos:= Image1.Left;
453     for I:= 0 to NumButtons -1 do begin
454       btnList[I].Constraints.MinHeight:= 25;
455       btnList[I].Constraints.MinWidth:= 75;
456       btnList[I].Left:= ButtonPos;
457       btnList[I].Top:= Image1.Top + Image1.Height + 10;
458       {next line is required because even if Auyosize is true,
459        width property is changed only when the button is
460        painted. Either we wait (but Application.ProcessMessages is not enough)
461        or we force the actual width. We may safely use form canvas, because our
462        components inherit the font from the form (ParentFont = true by default)}
463       btnList[I].Width:= LazMessageDialog.Canvas.TextExtent(btnList[I].Caption).cx
464       + btnList[I].Glyph.Width + 20;
466       btnList[I].Visible:= True;
467       ButtonPos:= ButtonPos + btnList[I].Width + 8;
468     end;
470   { See comment above for width property. Static Text apparently doesn't behave
471   properly when Text is changed at run time. The width is set as appropriate, but
472   the text is written only up to the previous width. Therefore we must use a TLabel}
473   textWidth:= LazMessageDialog.Canvas.TextExtent(Label1.Caption).cx;
475   Label1.Width:= textWidth;
476   textWidth:= label1.Left + label1.Width;
477   RequiredWidth:= Max(textWidth,ButtonPos);
478   Width := RequiredWidth + 10;
479   Height:= btnList[0].Top + btnList[0].Height + 10;
480   // now let's move our buttons to the right side of dialog, if appropriate
481   BlankRight:= Width - ButtonPos;
482   if BlankRight > 10 then
483     for I:= 0 to NumButtons-1 do btnList[I].Left:= btnList[I].Left+BlankRight ;
484   end;
485   result := LazMessageDialog.ShowModal;
486   {$ifndef LCLCustomdrawn}LazMessageDialog.Release;{$endif}
487 end;
489 function LazMessageDlg(const aMsg: string; DlgType: TMsgDlgType;
490   Buttons: TMsgDlgButtons; HelpCtx: Longint): Integer;
491 begin
492   result := LazMessageDlg('',aMsg,DlgType,Buttons,HelpCtx);
493 end;
495 { TLazMessageDialog }
497 constructor TLazMessageDialog.CreateNew(TheOwner: TComponent; Num: Integer = 0);
498 begin
499   inherited CreateNew(TheOwner);
500   FormStyle:= fsStayOnTop;
501   Position:= poMainFormCenter;
502   Image1 := TImage.Create(Self);
503   Image1.Top:= 10;
504   Image1.Left:= 10;
505   Image1.Width:= 48;
506   Image1.Height:= 48;
507   Label1 := TLabel.Create(Self);
508   Label1.Top:= Image1.Top;
509   Label1.Left:= Image1.Left + Image1.Width + 10;
510   Label1.Caption:= 'Label1';
511   Width:= Image1.Width + Label1.Width + 20;
512   Height:= Image1.Height + 20;
513 end;
516 end.