1 {
2  /***************************************************************************
3                             LCLTaskDialog.pas
4                             -----------------
6  Implement TaskDialog window (native on Vista/Seven, emulated on XP).
7  This unit was originally a part of the freeware Synopse mORMot framework,
8  licensed under a MPL/GPL/LGPL tri-license; version 1.19.
9  It has been relicensed with permission from Arnaud Bouchez, the original
10  author, and all contributors.
12  The original name is SynTaskDialog.pas
14  ***************************************************************************/
16  *****************************************************************************
17   This file is part of the Lazarus Component Library (LCL)
19   See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL.txt, included in this distribution,
20   for details about the license.
21  *****************************************************************************
22 }
25 unit LCLTaskDialog;
27 {
28     This file is part of Synopse framework.
30     Synopse framework. Copyright (C) 2016 Arnaud Bouchez
31       Synopse Informatique - http://synopse.info
33   *** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
34   Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
36   The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
37   1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
38   the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
39   http://www.mozilla.org/MPL
41   Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
42   WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
43   for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
45   The Original Code is Synopse framework.
47   The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Arnaud Bouchez.
49   Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2016
50   the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
52   Contributor(s):
53   - Ulrich Gerhardt
54   - Ondrej Pokorny (reddwarf)
56   Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
57   either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
58   the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
59   in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
60   of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
61   under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
62   use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
63   decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
64   and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
65   the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
66   the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
68   ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
70   Version 1.13
71   - initial release
73   Version 1.15
74   - new tdfQueryMasked function to display * in the tdfQuery editor field
76   Version 1.16
77   - fixed issue when changing the current application with Alt+Tab - see
78     http://synopse.info/fossil/tktview?name=01395e5932
79   - fixed compiler error when using the unit with runtime packages enabled
80     (known compiler issue about string resources, referenced as E2201)
81   - default modal dialog parent changed into any current active form
82   - added tdfQueryFieldFocused optional flag to focus the input field component
83   - some aesthetical rendering changes and code clean-up (e.g. no temporary
84     form necessary), thanks to uligerhardt proposals
86   Version 1.18
87   - fixed label height display when long text is wrapped on several lines
88   - bottom buttons use better looking TButton component
89   - bottom buttons won't trim expected shortcut definition, in emulated mode
90   - added OnButtonClicked property and associated SetElementText() method
91   - now compiles and run in Win64 platform (Delphi XE2+)
93   Version 1.19 (Ondrej Pokorny)
94   - added Lazarus support (native on Windows Vista+, emulated on all other
95     platforms - Windows, Linux and OSX tested)
96   - added external translation function for the emulated dialog
97    (TaskDialog_Translate)
98   - tdfAllowDialogCancellation handled in emulated dialog:
99     - if not set: Alt+F4 is blocked
100     - if set: Esc is allowed
101   - tdfPositionRelativeToWindow handled in emulated dialog
102   - platform-independent icons are from www.iconsdb.com:
103     Icon license:
104       This icon is provided as CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain
105       Dedication.
106       You can copy, modify, use, distribute this icon, even for commercial
107       purposes, all without asking permission with no attribution required,
108       but always appreciated.
109   - Maybe To-Do: High DPI-aware emulated dialog + icons
110   - Just a remark: native dialogs don't work in non-unicode applications
111     (Delphi 7 etc.) because the TaskDialogIndirect is not available for
112     non-unicode applications (Windows limitation)
113     http://msgroups.net/microsoft.public.vc.mfc/getprocaddress-ansi-unicode/571937
115   Version 1.20 (Ondrej Pokorny)
116   - include this unit as LCLTaskDialog.pas into the LCL
117   - remove Delphi specific code
118   - remove CC0 icons, use LCL icons instead
120   (The version information shouldn't be continued.)
122 }
124 interface
128 uses
129   LCLType, LCLStrConsts, LCLIntf,
131   Windows, CommCtrl, Messages,
132   {$ENDIF}
133   LResources, Classes, SysUtils,
134   Menus, Graphics, Forms, Controls, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, Buttons;
137 var
138   /// is filled once in the initialization block below
139   // - you can set this reference to nil to force Delphi dialogs even
140   // on Vista/Seven (e.g. make sense if TaskDialogBiggerButtons=true)
Confignull141   TaskDialogIndirect: function(AConfig: pointer; Res: PInteger;
142     ResRadio: PInteger; VerifyFlag: PBOOL): HRESULT; stdcall;
143 {$ENDIF}
144 type
145   /// the standard kind of common buttons handled by the Task Dialog
146   TCommonButton = (
147     cbOK, cbYes, cbNo, cbCancel, cbRetry, cbClose);
149   /// set of standard kind of common buttons handled by the Task Dialog
150   TCommonButtons = set of TCommonButton;
152   /// the available main icons for the Task Dialog
153   TTaskDialogIcon = (
154     tiBlank, tiWarning, tiQuestion, tiError, tiInformation, tiNotUsed, tiShield);
156   /// the available footer icons for the Task Dialog
157   TTaskDialogFooterIcon = (
158     tfiBlank, tfiWarning, tfiQuestion, tfiError, tfiInformation, tfiShield);
160   /// the available configuration flags for the Task Dialog
161   // - most are standard TDF_* flags used for Vista/Seven native API
162   // (see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb787473(v=vs.85).aspx
163   // for TASKDIALOG_FLAGS)
164   // - tdfQuery and tdfQueryMasked are custom flags, implemented in pure Delphi
165   // code to handle input query
166   // - our emulation code will handle only tdfUseCommandLinks,
167   // tdfUseCommandLinksNoIcon, and tdfQuery options
168   TTaskDialogFlag = (
169     tdfEnableHyperLinks, tdfUseHIconMain, tdfUseHIconFooter,
170     tdfAllowDialogCancellation, tdfUseCommandLinks, tdfUseCommandLinksNoIcon,
171     tdfExpandFooterArea, tdfExpandByDefault, tdfVerificationFlagChecked,
172     tdfShowProgressBar, tdfShowMarqueeProgressBar, tdfCallbackTimer,
173     tdfPositionRelativeToWindow, tdfRtlLayout, tdfNoDefaultRadioButton,
174     tdfCanBeMinimized, tdfQuery, tdfQueryMasked, tdfQueryFieldFocused);
176   /// set of available configuration flags for the Task Dialog
177   TTaskDialogFlags = set of TTaskDialogFlag;
179   PTaskDialog = ^TTaskDialog;
181   /// this callback will be triggerred when a task dialog button is clicked
182   // - to prevent the task dialog from closing, the application must set
183   // ACanClose to FALSE, otherwise the task dialog is closed and the button
184   // ID is returned via the original TTaskDialog.Execute() result
185   TTaskDialogButtonClickedEvent = procedure(Sender: PTaskDialog;
186     AButtonID: integer; var ACanClose: Boolean) of object;
188   /// the visual components of this Task Dialog
189   // - map low-level TDE_CONTENT...TDE_MAIN_INSTRUCTION constants and
190   // the query editor and checkbox
191   // - tdeEdit is for the query editor
192   // - tdeVerif is for the checkbox
193   TTaskDialogElement = (
194     tdeContent, tdeExpandedInfo, tdeFooter, tdeMainInstruction,
195     tdeEdit, tdeVerif);
197   /// the actual form class used for emulation
198   TEmulatedTaskDialog = class(TForm)
199   protected
200     procedure HandleEmulatedButtonClicked(Sender: TObject);
201   public
202     procedure KeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); override;
204     constructor CreateNew(AOwner: TComponent; Num: Integer = 0); override;
205   public
206     /// the Task Dialog structure which created the form
207     Owner: PTaskDialog;
208     /// the labels corresponding to the Task Dialog main elements
209     Element: array[tdeContent..tdeMainInstruction] of TLabel;
210     /// the Task Dialog selection list
211     Combo: TComboBox;
212     /// the Task Dialog optional query editor
213     Edit: TEdit;
214     /// the Task Dialog optional checkbox
215     Verif: TCheckBox;
216   end;
218   /// structure for low-level access to the task dialog implementation
219   // - points either to the HWND handle of the new TaskDialog API
220   // or to the emulation dialog
221   TTaskDialogImplementation = record
222     OnButtonClicked: TTaskDialogButtonClickedEvent;
223     case Emulated: Boolean of
224       False: (Wnd: HWND);
225       True:  (Form: TEmulatedTaskDialog);
226   end;
228   /// implements a TaskDialog
229   // - will use the new TaskDialog API under Vista/Seven, and emulate it with
230   // pure Delphi code and standard themed VCL components under XP or 2K
231   // - create a TTaskDialog object/record on the stack will initialize all
232   // its string parameters to '' (it's a SHAME that since Delphi 2009, objects
233   // are not initialized any more: we have to define this type as object before
234   // Delphi 2009, and as record starting with Delphi 2009)
235   // - set the appropriate string parameters, then call Execute() with all
236   // additional parameters
237   // - RadioRes/SelectionRes/VerifyChecked will be used to reflect the state
238   // after dialog execution
239   // - here is a typical usage:
240   // !var Task: TTaskDialog;
241   // !begin
242   // !  Task.Inst := 'Saving application settings';
243   // !  Task.Content := 'This is the content';
244   // !  Task.Radios := 'Store settings in registry'#10'Store settings in XML file';
245   // !  Task.Verify := 'Do no ask for this setting next time';
246   // !  Task.VerifyChecked := true;
247   // !  Task.Footer := 'XML file is perhaps a better choice';
248   // !  Task.Execute([],0,[],tiQuestion,tfiInformation,200);
249   // !  ShowMessage(IntToStr(Task.RadioRes)); // 200=Registry, 201=XML
250   // !  if Task.VerifyChecked then
251   // !    ShowMessage(Task.Verify);
252   // !end;
253   TTaskDialog = record
254     /// the main title of the dialog window
255     // - if left void, the title of the application main form is used
256     Title: string;
257     /// the main instruction (first line on top of window)
258     // - any '\n' will be converted into a line feed
259     // - if left void, the text is taken from the current dialog icon kind
260     Inst: string;
261     /// the dialog's primary content content text
262     // - any '\n' will be converted into a line feed
263     Content: string;
264     /// a #13#10 or #10 separated list of custom buttons
265     // - they will be identified with an ID number starting at 100
266     // - by default, the buttons will be created at the dialog bottom, just
267     // like the common buttons
268     // - if tdfUseCommandLinks flag is set, the custom buttons will be created
269     // as big button in the middle of the dialog window; in this case, any
270     // '\n' will be converted as note text (shown with smaller text under native
271     // Vista/Seven TaskDialog, or as popup hint within Delphi emulation)
272     Buttons: string;
273     /// a #13#10 or #10 separated list of custom radio buttons
274     // - they will be identified with an ID number starting at 200
275     // - aRadioDef parameter can be set to define the default selected value
276     // - '\n' will be converted as note text (shown with smaller text under
277     // native Vista/Seven TaskDialog, or as popup hint within Delphi emulation)
278     Radios: string;
279     /// the expanded information content text
280     // - any '\n' will be converted into a line feed
281     // - the Delphi emulation will always show the Info content (there is no
282     // collapse/expand button)
283     Info: string;
284     /// the button caption to be displayed when the information is collapsed
285     // - not used under XP: the Delphi emulation will always show the Info content
286     InfoExpanded: string;
287     /// the button caption to be displayed when the information is expanded
288     // - not used under XP: the Delphi emulation will always show the Info content
289     InfoCollapse: string;
290     /// the footer content text
291     // - any '\n' will be converted into a line feed
292     Footer: string;
293     /// the text of the bottom most optional checkbox
294     Verify: string;
295     /// a #13#10 or #10 separated list of items to be selected
296     // - if set, a Combo Box will be displayed to select
297     // - if tdfQuery is in the flags, the combo box will be in edition mode,
298     // and the user will be able to edit the Query text or fill the field
299     // with one item of the selection
300     // - this selection is not handled via the Vista/Seven TaskDialog, but
301     // with our Delphi emulation code (via a TComboBox)
302     Selection: string;
303     /// some text to be edited
304     // - if tdfQuery is in the flags, will contain the default query text
305     // - if Selection is set, the
306     Query: string;
307     /// the selected radio item
308     // - first is numeroted 0
309     RadioRes: integer;
310     /// after execution, contains the selected item from the Selection list
311     SelectionRes: integer;
312     /// reflect the the bottom most optional checkbox state
313     // - if Verify is not '', should be set before execution
314     // - after execution, will contain the final checkbox state
315     VerifyChecked: Boolean;
316     /// low-level access to the task dialog implementation
317     Dialog: TTaskDialogImplementation;
319     /// launch the TaskDialog form
320     // - some common buttons can be set via aCommonButtons
321     // - in emulation mode, aFlags will handle only tdfUseCommandLinks,
322     // tdfUseCommandLinksNoIcon, and tdfQuery options
323     // - will return 0 on error, or the Button ID (e.g. mrOk for the OK button
324     // or 100 for the first custom button defined in Buttons string)
325     // - if Buttons was defined, aButtonDef can set the selected Button ID
326     // - if Radios was defined, aRadioDef can set the selected Radio ID
327     // - aDialogIcon and aFooterIcon are used to specify the displayed icons
328     // - aWidth can be used to force a custom form width (in pixels)
329     // - aParent can be set to any HWND - by default, Application.DialogHandle
330     // - if aNonNative is TRUE, the Delphi emulation code will always be used
331     // - aEmulateClassicStyle can be set to enforce conformity with the non themed
332     // user interface - see @http://synopse.info/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=2867#p2867
333     // - aOnButtonClicked can be set to a callback triggerred when a button is
334     // clicked
Executenull335     function Execute(aCommonButtons: TCommonButtons=[];
336       aButtonDef: integer=0; aFlags: TTaskDialogFlags=[];
337       aDialogIcon: TTaskDialogIcon=tiInformation;
338       {%H-}aFooterIcon: TTaskDialogFooterIcon=tfiWarning;
339       aRadioDef: integer=0; aWidth: integer=0; aParent: HWND=0;
340       {%H-}aNonNative: boolean=false; aEmulateClassicStyle: boolean = false;
341       aOnButtonClicked: TTaskDialogButtonClickedEvent=nil): integer;
343     /// allow a OnButtonClicked callback to change the Task Dialog main elements
344     // - note that tdeVerif could be modified only in emulation mode, since
345     // the API does not give any runtime access to the checkbox caption
346     // - other elements will work in both emulated and native modes
347     procedure SetElementText(element: TTaskDialogElement; const Text: string);
348   end;
350   /// a wrapper around the TTaskDialog.Execute method
351   // - used to provide a "flat" access to task dialog parameters
352   TTaskDialogEx = record
353     /// the associated main TTaskDialog instance
354     Base: TTaskDialog;
355     /// some common buttons to be displayed
356     CommonButtons: TCommonButtons;
357     /// the default button ID
358     ButtonDef: integer;
359     /// the associated configuration flags for this Task Dialog
360     // - in emulation mode, aFlags will handle only tdfUseCommandLinks,
361     // tdfUseCommandLinksNoIcon, and tdfQuery options
362     Flags: TTaskDialogFlags;
363     /// used to specify the dialog icon
364     DialogIcon: TTaskDialogIcon;
365     /// used to specify the footer icon
366     FooterIcon: TTaskDialogFooterIcon;
367     /// the default radio button ID
368     RadioDef: integer;
369     /// can be used to force a custom form width (in pixels)
370     Width: integer;
371     /// if TRUE, the Delphi emulation code will always be used
372     NonNative: boolean;
373     /// can be used to enforce conformity with the non themed user interface
374     EmulateClassicStyle: boolean;
375     /// this event handler will be fired on a button dialog click
376     OnButtonClicked: TTaskDialogButtonClickedEvent;
377     /// will initialize the dialog parameters
378     // - can be used to display some information with less parameters:
379     // !var TaskEx: TTaskDialogEx;
380     // !  ...
381     // !  TaskEx.Init;
382     // !  TaskEx.Base.Title := 'Task Dialog Test';
383     // !  TaskEx.Base.Inst := 'Callback Test';
384     // !  TaskEx.Execute;
385     procedure Init;
386     /// main (and unique) method showing the dialog itself
387     // - is in fact a wrapper around the TTaskDialog.Execute method
Executenull388     function Execute(aParent: HWND=0): integer;
389   end;
391 /// return the text without the '&' characters within
UnAmpnull392 function UnAmp(const s: string): string;
394 var
395   /// a default Task Dialog wrapper instance
396   // - can be used to display some information with less parameters, just
397   // like the TTaskDialogEx.Init method:
398   // !var TaskEx: TTaskDialogEx;
399   // !  ...
400   // !  TaskEx := DefaultTaskDialog;
401   // !  TaskEx.Base.Title := 'Task Dialog Test';
402   // !  TaskEx.Base.Inst := 'Callback Test';
403   // !  TaskEx.Execute;
404   DefaultTaskDialog: TTaskDialogEx = (
405     DialogIcon: {%H-}tiInformation;
406     FooterIcon: tfiWarning{%H-});
fornull408 //function for translating the captions
409 type
410   TTaskDialogTranslate = function(const aString: string): string;
411 var
412   TaskDialog_Translate: TTaskDialogTranslate;
414   /// will map a default font, according to the available
415   // - if Calibri is installed, will use it
416   // - will fall back to Tahoma otherwise
DefaultFontnull417 function DefaultFont: TFont;
419 implementation
421 var
422   LDefaultFont: TFont;
DefaultFontnull424 function DefaultFont: TFont;
425 begin
426   if LDefaultFont<>nil then
427     Exit(LDefaultFont);
428   LDefaultFont := TFont.Create;
429   LDefaultFont.Name := 'default';
430   LDefaultFont.Style := [];
431   LDefaultFont.Size := 10;
432   Result := LDefaultFont;
435   if Screen.Fonts.IndexOf('Calibri')>=0 then begin
436     LDefaultFont.Size := 11;
437     LDefaultFont.Name := 'Calibri';
438   end else begin
439     if Screen.Fonts.IndexOf('Tahoma')>=0 then
440       LDefaultFont.Name := 'Tahoma'
441     else
442       LDefaultFont.Name := 'Arial';
443   end;
444   {$ENDIF}
445 end;
447 const
448   TD_BTNMOD: array[TCommonButton] of Integer = (
449     mrOk, mrYes, mrNo, mrCancel, mrRetry, mrClose);
TD_BTNSnull451 function TD_BTNS(button: TCommonButton): pointer;
452 begin
453   case button of
454     cbOK:     result := @rsMbOK;
455     cbYes:    result := @rsMbYes;
456     cbNo:     result := @rsMbNo;
457     cbCancel: result := @rsMbCancel;
458     cbRetry:  result := @rsMbRetry;
459     cbClose:  result := @rsMbClose;
460         else  result := nil;
461   end;
462 end;
TD_Transnull464 function TD_Trans(const aString: string): string;
465 begin
466   if Assigned(TaskDialog_Translate) then
467     Result := TaskDialog_Translate(aString)
468   else
469     Result := aString;
470 end;
UnAmpnull472 function UnAmp(const s: string): string;
StripHotkeynull473   function StripHotkey(const Text: string): string;
474   var
475     I: Integer;
476   begin
477     Result := Text;
478     I := 1;
479     while I <= Length(Result) do
480     begin
481       if Result[I] = cHotkeyPrefix then
482         if SysLocale.FarEast and
483           ((I > 1) and (Length(Result)-I >= 2) and
484            (Result[I-1] = '(') and (Result[I+2] = ')')) then
485           Delete(Result, I-1, 4)
486         else
487           Delete(Result, I, 1);
488       Inc(I);
489     end;
490   end;
491 begin
492   Result := StripHotkey(s);
493 end;
496 const
497   LAZ_ICONS: array[TTaskDialogIcon] of string = (
498     '', 'dialog_warning', 'dialog_confirmation', 'dialog_error', 'dialog_information', '', 'dialog_shield');
499   LAZ_FOOTERICONS: array[TTaskDialogFooterIcon] of string = (
500     '', 'dialog_warning', 'dialog_confirmation', 'dialog_error', 'dialog_information', 'dialog_shield');
502 const
504   IDI_HAND = MakeIntResource(32513);
506   IDI_QUESTION = MakeIntResource(32514);
508   IDI_EXCLAMATION = MakeIntResource(32515);
510   IDI_ASTERISK = MakeIntResource(32516);
512   IDI_WINLOGO = MakeIntResource(32517);
520   TD_ICONS: array[TTaskDialogIcon] of integer = (
521     17, 84, 99, 98, 81, 0, 78);
522   TD_FOOTERICONS: array[TTaskDialogFooterIcon] of integer = (
523     17, 84, 99, 98, 65533, 65532);
524   WIN_ICONS: array[TTaskDialogIcon] of PChar = (
526   WIN_FOOTERICONS: array[TTaskDialogFooterIcon] of PChar = (
IconMessagenull530 function IconMessage(Icon: TTaskDialogIcon): string;
531 begin
532   case Icon of
533     tiWarning:   result := rsMtWarning;
534     tiQuestion:  result := rsMtConfirmation;
535     tiError:     result := rsMtError;
536     tiInformation, tiShield: result := rsMtInformation;
537     else result := '';
538   end;
539   result := TD_Trans(result);
540 end;
543 procedure InitComCtl6;
544 var OSVersionInfo: TOSVersionInfo;
545 begin
546   OSVersionInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize := sizeof(OSVersionInfo);
547   GetVersionEx(OSVersionInfo);
548   if OSVersionInfo.dwMajorVersion<6 then
549     @TaskDialogIndirect := nil else
550     @TaskDialogIndirect := GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle(comctl32),'TaskDialogIndirect');
551 end;
552 {$ENDIF}
554 type
555   /// internal type used for Unicode string storage
556   WS = WideString;
_WSnull558 function _WS(const aString: string): WS;
559 begin
560   Result := UTF8Decode(aString);
561 end;
CRnull563 function CR(const aText: string): string;
564 begin
565   if pos('\n', aText) = 0 then
566     result := aText else
567     result := StringReplace(aText, '\n', #10, [rfReplaceAll]);
568 end;
571 { TTaskDialog }
574 type
575   // see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb787473
577   TTASKDIALOG_BUTTON = packed record
578     nButtonID: integer;
579     pszButtonText: PWideChar;
580   end;
582   TTASKDIALOGCONFIG = packed record
583     cbSize: integer;
584     hwndParent: HWND;
585     hInstance: THandle;
586     dwFlags: cardinal;
587     dwCommonButtons: cardinal;
588     pszWindowTitle: PWideChar;
589     hMainIcon: HICON;
590     pszMainInstruction: PWideChar;
591     pszContent: PWideChar;
592     cButtons: integer;
593     pButtons: PTASKDIALOG_BUTTON;
594     nDefaultButton: integer;
595     cRadioButtons: integer;
596     pRadioButtons: PTASKDIALOG_BUTTON;
597     nDefaultRadioButton: integer;
598     pszVerificationText: PWideChar;
599     pszExpandedInformation: PWideChar;
600     pszExpandedControlText: PWideChar;
601     pszCollapsedControlText: PWideChar;
602     hFooterIcon: HICON;
603     pszFooter: PWideChar;
604     pfCallback: pointer;
605     lpCallbackData: pointer;
606     cxWidth: integer;
607   end;
609 const
610   TDN_BUTTON_CLICKED = 2; // wParam = Button ID
TaskDialogCallbackProcnull613 function TaskDialogCallbackProc(hwnd: HWND; uNotification: UINT;
614   wParam: WPARAM; {%H-}lParam: LPARAM; dwRefData: pointer): HRESULT; stdcall;
615 var ptd: PTaskDialog absolute dwRefData;
616     CanClose: Boolean;
617 begin
618   ptd^.Dialog.Wnd := hwnd;
619   Result := S_OK;
620   case uNotification of
622     if Assigned(ptd^.Dialog.OnButtonClicked) then begin
623       CanClose := True;
624       ptd^.Dialog.OnButtonClicked(ptd,wParam,CanClose);
625       if not CanClose then
626         Result := S_FALSE;
627     end;
628   end;
629 end;
630 {$ENDIF}
TTaskDialog.Executenull632 function TTaskDialog.Execute(aCommonButtons: TCommonButtons;
633   aButtonDef: integer; aFlags: TTaskDialogFlags;
634   aDialogIcon: TTaskDialogIcon; aFooterIcon: TTaskDialogFooterIcon;
635   aRadioDef, aWidth: integer; aParent: HWND; aNonNative: boolean;
636   aEmulateClassicStyle: boolean; aOnButtonClicked: TTaskDialogButtonClickedEvent): integer;
GetNextStringLineToWSnull637 function GetNextStringLineToWS(var P: PChar): WS;
638 var S: PChar;
639     tmp: string;
640 begin
641   if P=nil then
642     result := '' else begin
643     S := P;
644     while S[0]>=' ' do
645       inc(S);
646     SetString(tmp,P,S-P);
647     result := _WS(CR(tmp));
648     while (S^<>#0) and (S^<' ') do inc(S); // ignore e.g. #13 or #10
649     if S^<>#0 then
650       P := S else
651       P := nil;
652   end;
653 end;
654 var aHint: string;
NoCRnull655 function NoCR(const aText: string): string;
656 var i: integer;
657 begin
658   result := aText;
659   aHint := '';
660   i := pos('\n',result);
661   if i>0 then begin
662     aHint := CR(copy(result,i+2,maxInt));
663     SetLength(result,i-1);
664   end;
665 end;
Nnull666 function N(const aText: string): WS;
667 begin
668   if aText='' then
669     result := '' else
670     result := _WS(CR(aText));
671 end;
673 var RU: array of Ws;
674     RUCount: integer;
675     But: array of TTASKDIALOG_BUTTON;
676 procedure AddRU(Text: string; var n: integer; firstID: integer);
677 var P: PChar;
678 begin
679   if Text='' then
680     exit;
681   Text := SysUtils.trim(Text);
682   P := @Text[1]; // '\n' handling in GetNextStringLineToWS(P) will change P^
683   while P<>nil do begin
684     if length(RU)<=RUCount then begin
685       SetLength(RU,RUCount+16);
686       SetLength(But,RUCount+16);
687     end;
688     RU[RUCount] := GetNextStringLineToWS(P);
689     with But[RUCount] do begin
690       nButtonID := n+firstID;
691       pszButtonText := PWideChar(RU[RUCount]);
692     end;
693     inc(n);
694     inc(RUCount);
695   end;
696 end;
697 {$ENDIF}
698 var
701     {$ENDIF}
702     Pic: TPortableNetworkGraphic;
703     Ico: TIcon;
704     Bmp: TBitmap;
705     i, X, Y, XB, IconBorder, FontHeight: integer;
706     Par: TWinControl;
707     Panel: TPanel;
708     CurrTabOrder: TTabOrder;
709     Image: TImage;
710     List: TStrings;
711     B: TCommonButton;
712     CommandLink: TBitBtn;
713     Rad: array of TRadioButton;
AddLabelnull714 function AddLabel(Text: string; BigFont: boolean): TLabel;
715 var R: TRect;
716     W: integer;
717 begin
718   result := TLabel.Create(Dialog.Form);
719   result.Parent := Par;
720   result.WordWrap := true;
721   if BigFont then begin
722     if aEmulateClassicStyle then begin
723       result.Font.Height := FontHeight-2;
724       result.Font.Style := [fsBold]
725     end else begin
726       result.Font.Height := FontHeight-4;
727       result.Font.Color := $B00000;
728     end;
729   end else
730     result.Font.Height := FontHeight;
731   Text := CR(Text);
732   result.AutoSize := false;
733   R.Left := 0;
734   R.Top := 0;
735   W := aWidth-X-8;
736   R.Right := W;
737   R.Bottom := result.Height;
738   DrawText(result.Canvas.Handle,PChar(Text),Length(Text),R,DT_CALCRECT or DT_WORDBREAK);//lazarus does not return box height on OSX (Lazarus bug), the height is stored in the rect in all cases, so we don't need to use the result
740   result.SetBounds(X,Y,W,R.Bottom);
741   result.Caption := Text;
742   inc(Y,R.Bottom+16);
743 end;
744 procedure AddBevel;
745 var BX: integer;
746 begin
747   with TBevel.Create(Dialog.Form) do begin
748     Parent := Par;
749     if (Image<>nil) and (Y<Image.Top+Image.Height) then
750       BX := X else
751       BX := 2;
752     SetBounds(BX,Y,aWidth-BX-2,2);
753   end;
754   inc(Y,16);
755 end;
756 function AddButton(const s: string; ModalResult: integer): TButton;
757 var WB: integer;
758 begin
759   WB := Dialog.Form.Canvas.TextWidth(s)+52;
760   dec(XB,WB);
761   if XB<X shr 1 then begin
762     XB := aWidth-WB;
763     inc(Y,32);
764   end;
765   result := TButton.Create(Dialog.Form);
766   result.Parent := Par;
767     if aEmulateClassicStyle then
768       result.SetBounds(XB,Y,WB-10,22) else
769       result.SetBounds(XB,Y,WB-12,28);
770   result.Caption := s;
771   result.ModalResult := ModalResult;
772   result.TabOrder := CurrTabOrder;
773   result.OnClick := Dialog.Form.HandleEmulatedButtonClicked;
774   case ModalResult of
775     mrOk: begin
776       result.Default := true;
777       if aCommonButtons=[cbOk] then
778         result.Cancel := true;
779     end;
780     mrCancel: result.Cancel := true;
781   end;
782   if ModalResult=aButtonDef then
783     Dialog.Form.ActiveControl := result;
784 end;
785 var
786   PngImg: TPortableNetworkGraphic;
787   IconHandle: HICON;
788 begin
789   if (byte(aCommonButtons)=0) and (Buttons='') then begin
790     aCommonButtons := [cbOk];
791     if aButtonDef=0 then
792       aButtonDef := mrOk;
793   end;
794   if Title='' then
795     if Application.MainForm=nil then
796       Title := Application.Title else
797       Title := Application.MainForm.Caption;
798   if Inst='' then
799     Inst := IconMessage(aDialogIcon);
800   if aParent=0 then
801     if Screen.ActiveCustomForm<>nil then
802       aParent := Screen.ActiveCustomForm.Handle else
803       aParent := 0;
804   Dialog.OnButtonClicked := aOnButtonClicked;
805   {$ifdef MSWINDOWS}
806   if Assigned(TaskDialogIndirect) and not aNonNative and
807      not (tdfQuery in aFlags) and (Selection='') then begin
808     Dialog.Emulated := False;
809     // use Vista/Seven TaskDialog implementation (not tdfQuery nor Selection)
810     FillChar(Config{%H-},sizeof(Config),0);
811     Config.cbSize := sizeof(Config);
812     Config.hwndParent := aParent;
813     Config.pszWindowTitle := PWideChar(N(Title));
814     Config.pszMainInstruction := PWideChar(N(Inst));
815     Config.pszContent := PWideChar(N(Content));
816     RUCount := 0;
817     AddRU(Buttons,Config.cButtons,100);
818     AddRU(Radios,Config.cRadioButtons,200);
819     if Config.cButtons>0 then
820       Config.pButtons := @But[0];
821     if Config.cRadioButtons>0 then
822       Config.pRadioButtons := @But[Config.cButtons];
823     Config.pszVerificationText := PWideChar(N(Verify));
824     Config.pszExpandedInformation := PWideChar(N(Info));
825     Config.pszExpandedControlText := PWideChar(N(InfoExpanded));
826     Config.pszCollapsedControlText := PWideChar(N(InfoCollapse));
827     Config.pszFooter := PWideChar(N(Footer));
828     Config.dwCommonButtons := byte(aCommonButtons);
829     if (Verify<>'') and VerifyChecked then
830       include(aFlags,tdfVerificationFlagChecked);
831     if (Config.cButtons=0) and (aCommonButtons=[cbOk]) then
832       Include(aFlags,tdfAllowDialogCancellation); // just OK -> Esc/Alt+F4 close
833     Config.dwFlags := integer(aFlags);
834     Config.hMainIcon := TD_ICONS[aDialogIcon];
835     Config.hFooterIcon := TD_FOOTERICONS[aFooterIcon];
836     Config.nDefaultButton := aButtonDef;
837     Config.nDefaultRadioButton := aRadioDef;
838     Config.cxWidth := aWidth;
839     Config.pfCallback := @TaskDialogCallbackProc;
840     Config.lpCallbackData := @self;
841     if TaskDialogIndirect(@Config,@result,@RadioRes,@VerifyChecked)=S_OK then
842       exit; // error (mostly invalid argument) -> execute the VCL emulation
843   end;
844   {$endif MSWINDOWS}
845   // use our native (naive?) Delphi implementation
846   Dialog.Emulated := true;
847   Dialog.Form := TEmulatedTaskDialog.CreateNew(Application);
848   try
849     Dialog.Form.Owner := @Self;
850     // initialize form properties
851     Dialog.Form.BorderStyle := bsDialog;
852     if tdfAllowDialogCancellation in aFlags then
853       Dialog.Form.BorderIcons := [biSystemMenu]
854     else
855       Dialog.Form.BorderIcons := [];
856     if tdfPositionRelativeToWindow in aFlags then
857       Dialog.Form.Position := poOwnerFormCenter
858     else
859       Dialog.Form.Position := poScreenCenter;
860     if not aEmulateClassicStyle then
861       Dialog.Form.Font := DefaultFont;
862     FontHeight := Dialog.Form.Font.Height;
863     if FontHeight = 0 then
864       FontHeight := Screen.SystemFont.Height;
865     if aWidth=0 then begin
866       aWidth := Dialog.Form.Canvas.TextWidth(Inst);
867       if (aWidth>300) or (Dialog.Form.Canvas.TextWidth(Content)>300) or
868          (length(Buttons)>40) then
869         aWidth := 480 else
870         aWidth := 420;
871     end;
872     Dialog.Form.ClientWidth := aWidth;
873     Dialog.Form.Height := 200;
874     Dialog.Form.Caption := Title;
875     // create a white panel for the main dialog part
876     Panel := TPanel.Create(Dialog.Form);
877     Panel.Parent := Dialog.Form;
878     Panel.Align := alTop;
879     Panel.BorderStyle := bsNone;
880     Panel.BevelOuter := bvNone;
881     if not aEmulateClassicStyle then begin
882       Panel.Color := clWhite;
883     end;
884     Par := Panel;
885     // handle main dialog icon
886     if aEmulateClassicStyle then
887       IconBorder := 10 else
888       IconBorder := 24;
890      if (LAZ_ICONS[aDialogIcon]<>'') {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS}or (WIN_ICONS[aDialogIcon]<>nil){$ENDIF} then
891      begin
892       Image := TImage.Create(Dialog.Form);
893       Image.Parent := Par;
894       {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS}
895       if WIN_ICONS[aDialogIcon]<>nil then
896         IconHandle := LoadIcon(0,WIN_ICONS[aDialogIcon])
897       else
898         IconHandle := 0;
899       {$ELSE}
900       IconHandle := 0;
901       {$ENDIF}
902       if IconHandle<>0 then
903         Image.Picture.Icon.Handle := IconHandle
904       else if LAZ_ICONS[aDialogIcon]<>'' then
905       begin
906         Pic := TPortableNetworkGraphic.Create;
907         try
908           Pic.LoadFromResourceName(HINSTANCE, LAZ_ICONS[aDialogIcon]);
909           Image.Picture.Assign(Pic);
910         finally
911           Pic.Free;
912         end;
913       end;
914       Image.SetBounds(IconBorder,IconBorder,Image.Picture.Icon.Width,Image.Picture.Icon.Height);
915       X := Image.Width+IconBorder*2;
916       Y := Image.Top;
917       if aEmulateClassicStyle then
918         inc(Y, 8);
919     end else
920     begin
921       Image := nil;
922       if not aEmulateClassicStyle then
923         IconBorder := IconBorder*2;
924       X := IconBorder;
925       Y := IconBorder;
926     end;
927     // add main texts (Instruction, Content, Information)
928     Dialog.Form.Element[tdeMainInstruction] := AddLabel(Inst,true);
929     Dialog.Form.Element[tdeContent] := AddLabel(Content, false);
930     if Info<>'' then
931       // no information collapse/expand yet: it's always expanded
932       Dialog.Form.Element[tdeExpandedInfo] := AddLabel(Info,false);
933     // add command links buttons
934     if (tdfUseCommandLinks in aFlags) and (Buttons<>'') then
935       with TStringList.Create do
936       try
937         inc(Y,8);
938         Text := SysUtils.trim(Buttons);
939         for i := 0 to Count-1 do begin
940           CommandLink := TBitBtn.Create(Dialog.Form);
941           with CommandLink do begin
942             Parent := Par;
943             Font.Height := FontHeight-3;
944             if aEmulateClassicStyle then
945               SetBounds(X,Y,aWidth-10-X,40) else
946               SetBounds(X,Y,aWidth-16-X,40);
947             Caption := NoCR(Strings[i]);
948             if aHint<>'' then begin
949               ShowHint := true;
950               Hint := aHint; // note shown as Hint
951             end;
952             inc(Y,Height+2);
953             ModalResult := i+100;
954             OnClick := Dialog.Form.HandleEmulatedButtonClicked;
955             if ModalResult=aButtonDef then
956               Dialog.Form.ActiveControl := CommandLink;
957             if aEmulateClassicStyle then begin
958               Font.Height := FontHeight - 2;
959               Font.Style := [fsBold]
960             end;
961             if aEmulateClassicStyle then begin
962               Margin := 7;
963               Spacing := 7;
964             end else begin
965               Margin := 24;
966               Spacing := 10;
967             end;
968             if not (tdfUseCommandLinksNoIcon in aFlags) then
969             begin
970               PngImg := TPortableNetworkGraphic.Create;
971               try
972                 PngImg.LoadFromResourceName(HINSTANCE, 'btn_arrowright');
973                 Glyph.Assign(PngImg);
974               finally
975                 PngImg.Free;
976               end;
977             end;
978           end;
979         end;
980         inc(Y,24);
981       finally
982         Free;
983       end;
984     // add radio buttons
985     if Radios<>'' then
986       with TStringList.Create do
987       try
988         Text := SysUtils.trim(Radios);
989         SetLength(Rad,Count);
990         for i := 0 to Count-1 do begin
991           Rad[i] := TRadioButton.Create(Dialog.Form);
992           with Rad[i] do begin
993             Parent := Par;
994             SetBounds(X+16,Y,aWidth-32-X,6-FontHeight);
995             Caption := NoCR(Strings[i]);
996             if aHint<>'' then begin
997               ShowHint := true;
998               Hint := aHint; // note shown as Hint
999             end;
1000             inc(Y,Height);
1001             if (i=0) or (i+200=aRadioDef) then
1002               Checked := true;
1003           end;
1004         end;
1005         inc(Y,24);
1006       finally
1007         Free;
1008       end;
1009     // add selection list or query editor
1010     if Selection<>'' then begin
1011       List := TStringList.Create;
1012       try
1013         Dialog.Form.Combo := TComboBox.Create(Dialog.Form);
1014         with Dialog.Form.Combo do begin
1015           Parent := Par;
1016           SetBounds(X,Y,aWidth-32-X,22);
1017           if tdfQuery in aFlags then
1018             Style := csDropDown else
1019             Style := csDropDownList;
1020           List.Text := trim(Selection);
1021           Items.Assign(List);
1022           ItemIndex := List.IndexOf(Query);
1023           if (ItemIndex=-1) and (Style=csDropDown) then
1024             Text := Query;
1025           if tdfQueryFieldFocused in aFlags then
1026             Dialog.Form.ActiveControl := Dialog.Form.Combo;
1027         end;
1028         inc(Y,42);
1029       finally
1030         List.Free;
1031       end;
1032     end else
1033       if tdfQuery in aFlags then begin
1034         Dialog.Form.Edit := TEdit.Create(Dialog.Form);
1035         with Dialog.Form.Edit do begin
1036           Parent := Par;
1037           SetBounds(X,Y,aWidth-16-X,22);
1038           Text := Query;
1039           if tdfQueryMasked in aFlags then
1040             PasswordChar := '*';
1041         end;
1042         if tdfQueryFieldFocused in aFlags then
1043           Dialog.Form.ActiveControl := Dialog.Form.Edit;
1044         inc(Y,42);
1045       end;
1046     // from now we won't add components to the white panel, but to the form
1047     Panel.Height := Y;
1048     Par := Dialog.Form;
1049     // add buttons and verification checkbox
1050     if (byte(aCommonButtons)<>0) or (Verify<>'') or
1051        ((Buttons<>'') and not (tdfUseCommandLinks in aFlags)) then begin
1052       CurrTabOrder := Panel.TabOrder;
1053       inc(Y, 16);
1054       XB := aWidth;
1055       if not (tdfUseCommandLinks in aFlags) then
1056         with TStringList.Create do
1057         try
1058           Text := SysUtils.trim(Buttons);
1059           for i := Count-1 downto 0 do
1060             AddButton(Strings[i],i+100);
1061         finally
1062           Free;
1063         end;
1064       for B := high(B) downto low(B) do
1065         if B in aCommonButtons then
1066           AddButton(TD_Trans(LoadResString(TD_BTNS(B))), TD_BTNMOD[B]);
1067       if Verify<>'' then begin
1068         Dialog.Form.Verif := TCheckBox.Create(Dialog.Form);
1069         with Dialog.Form.Verif do begin
1070           Parent := Par;
1071           if X+16+Dialog.Form.Canvas.TextWidth(Verify)>XB then begin
1072             inc(Y,32);
1073             XB := aWidth;
1074           end;
1075           SetBounds(X,Y,XB-X,24);
1076           Caption := Verify;
1077           Checked := VerifyChecked;
1078         end;
1079       end;
1080       inc(Y,36);
1081     end else
1082       XB := 0;
1083     // add footer text with optional icon
1084     if Footer<>'' then begin
1085       if XB<>0 then
1086         AddBevel else
1087         inc(Y,16);
1088       if (LAZ_FOOTERICONS[aFooterIcon]<>'') {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS}or (WIN_FOOTERICONS[aFooterIcon]<>nil){$ENDIF} then
1089       begin
1090         Image := TImage.Create(Dialog.Form);
1091         Image.Parent := Par;
1092         Pic := nil;
1093         Ico := nil;
1094         Bmp := TBitmap.Create;
1095         try
1096           Bmp.Transparent := true;
1097           {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS}
1098           if WIN_FOOTERICONS[aFooterIcon]<>nil then
1099           begin
1100             IconHandle := LoadIcon(0,WIN_FOOTERICONS[aFooterIcon]);
1101             if IconHandle<>0 then
1102             begin
1103               Ico := TIcon.Create;
1104               Ico.Handle := IconHandle;
1105               Bmp.Width := Ico.Width shr 1;
1106               Bmp.Height := Ico.Height shr 1;
1107             end;
1108           end;
1109           {$ENDIF}
1110           if (Ico=nil) and (LAZ_FOOTERICONS[aFooterIcon]<>'') then
1111           begin
1112             Pic := TPortableNetworkGraphic.Create;
1113             Pic.LoadFromResourceName(HINSTANCE, LAZ_FOOTERICONS[aFooterIcon]);
1114             Bmp.Width := Pic.Width shr 1;
1115             Bmp.Height := Pic.Height shr 1;
1116           end;
1117           if (Ico<>nil) or (Pic<>nil) then
1118           begin
1119             Bmp.Canvas.Brush.Color := Dialog.Form.Color;
1120             if Bmp.Canvas.Brush.Color = clDefault then
1121               Bmp.Canvas.Brush.Color := clBtnFace;
1122             Bmp.Canvas.FillRect(Rect(0, 0, Bmp.Width, Bmp.Height));
1123             if Pic<>nil then
1124               Bmp.Canvas.StretchDraw(Rect(0, 0, Bmp.Width, Bmp.Height), Pic)
1125             else
1126             begin
1127               {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS}
1128               DrawIconEx(Bmp.Canvas.Handle,0,0,Ico.Handle,Bmp.Width,Bmp.Height,0,
1129                 Bmp.Canvas.Brush.{%H-}Handle,DI_NORMAL);
1130               {$ENDIF}
1131             end;
1132             Image.Picture.Bitmap := Bmp;
1133             Image.SetBounds(24,Y,Bmp.Width,Bmp.Height);
1134             X := 40+Bmp.Width;
1135           end;
1136         finally
1137           Bmp.Free;
1138           Pic.Free;
1139           Ico.Free;
1140         end;
1141       end else
1142       begin
1143         X := 24;
1144       end;
1145       Dialog.Form.Element[tdeFooter] := AddLabel(Footer,false);
1146     end;
1147     // display the form
1148     Dialog.Form.ClientHeight := Y;
1150     //set form parent
1151     if aParent <> 0 then
1152       for I := 0 to Screen.CustomFormCount-1 do
1153         if Screen.CustomForms[I].Handle = aParent then
1154         begin
1155           Dialog.Form.PopupParent := Screen.CustomForms[I];
1156           Break;
1157         end;
1158     if not Assigned(Dialog.Form.PopupParent) then
1159       Dialog.Form.PopupParent := Screen.ActiveCustomForm;
1160     if Assigned(Dialog.Form.PopupParent) then
1161       Dialog.Form.PopupMode := pmExplicit;
1163     // retrieve the results
1164     result := Dialog.Form.ShowModal;
1165     if Dialog.Form.Combo<>nil then begin
1166       SelectionRes := Dialog.Form.Combo.ItemIndex;
1167       Query := Dialog.Form.Combo.Text;
1168     end else
1169     if Dialog.Form.Edit<>nil then
1170       Query := Dialog.Form.Edit.Text;
1171     if Dialog.Form.Verif<>nil then
1172       VerifyChecked := Dialog.Form.Verif.Checked;
1173     RadioRes := 0;
1174     for i := 0 to high(Rad) do
1175       if Rad[i].Checked then
1176         RadioRes := i+200;
1177   finally
1178     FreeAndNil(Dialog.Form);
1179   end;
1180 end;
1182 procedure TTaskDialog.SetElementText(element: TTaskDialogElement; const Text: string);
1184 const // wParam = element (TASKDIALOG_ELEMENTS), lParam = new element text (LPCWSTR)
1186 {$ENDIF}
1187 begin
1188   case element of
1189   tdeContent..tdeMainInstruction:
1190     if Dialog.Emulated then
1191       Dialog.Form.Element[element].Caption := CR(Text)
1193     else
1194       SendMessageW(Dialog.Wnd,TDM_UPDATE_ELEMENT_TEXT,ord(element),
1195         {%H-}NativeInt(PWideChar(_WS(Text))))
1196     {$ENDIF};
1197   tdeEdit:
1198     if Dialog.Emulated then
1199       Dialog.Form.Edit.Text := Text; // only in emulation
1200   tdeVerif:
1201     if Dialog.Emulated then
1202       Dialog.Form.Verif.Caption := Text
1203   end;
1204 end;
1207 { TEmulatedTaskDialog }
1209 constructor TEmulatedTaskDialog.CreateNew(AOwner: TComponent; Num: Integer);
1210 begin
1211   inherited CreateNew(AOwner, Num);
1213   KeyPreview := True;
1214 end;
1216 procedure TEmulatedTaskDialog.HandleEmulatedButtonClicked(Sender: TObject);
1217 var btn: TButton absolute Sender;
1218     CanClose: Boolean;
1219 begin
1220   if Assigned(Owner) and Assigned(Owner.Dialog.OnButtonClicked) then begin
1221     CanClose := true;
1222     Owner.Dialog.OnButtonClicked(Owner,btn.ModalResult,CanClose);
1223     if not CanClose then
1224       ModalResult := mrNone;
1225   end;
1226 end;
1228 procedure TEmulatedTaskDialog.KeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
1229 begin
1230   if (biSystemMenu in BorderIcons) then//is Alt+F4/Esc cancellation allowed?
1231   begin//yes -> cancel on ESC
1232     if Key = VK_ESCAPE then
1233       Close;
1234   end else
1235   begin//no -> block Alt+F4
1236     if (Key = VK_F4) and (ssAlt in Shift) then//IMPORTANT: native task dialog blocks Alt+F4 to close the dialog -> we have to block it as well
1237       Key := 0;
1238   end;
1240   inherited KeyDown(Key, Shift);
1241 end;
1244 { TTaskDialogEx }
1246 procedure TTaskDialogEx.Init;
1247 begin
1248   self := DefaultTaskDialog;
1249 end;
Executenull1251 function TTaskDialogEx.Execute(aParent: HWND): integer;
1252 begin
1253   Result := Base.Execute(CommonButtons, ButtonDef, Flags, DialogIcon, FooterIcon,
1254     RadioDef, Width, aParent, NonNative, EmulateClassicStyle, OnButtonClicked);
1255 end;
1257 initialization
1259   InitComCtl6;
1260   {$ENDIF}
1261   assert(ord(tdfCanBeMinimized)=15);
1263 finalization
1264   LDefaultFont.Free;
1266 end.