1 {  $Id: pairsplitter.pas 61929 2019-09-26 17:25:46Z martin $  }
2 {
3  /***************************************************************************
4                              pairsplitter.pas
5                              ----------------
6                         Component Library Controls
9  ***************************************************************************/
11  *****************************************************************************
12   This file is part of the Lazarus Component Library (LCL)
14   See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL.txt, included in this distribution,
15   for details about the license.
16  *****************************************************************************
18   Author: Mattias Gaertner
20   Abstract:
21     TPairSplitter component. A component with two TPairSplitterSide children.
22     Both child components can contain other components and the children are
23     divided by a splitter which can be dragged by the user.
24 }
25 unit PairSplitter;
27 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
29 interface
31 uses
32   Types, Classes, SysUtils,
33   // LazUtils
34   LazTracer,
35   // LCL
36   LCLType, LCLIntf, LMessages, Graphics, Controls, ExtCtrls;
38 type
39   TCustomPairSplitter = class;
41   { TPairSplitterSide }
43   TPairSplitterSide = class(TWinControl)
44   private
45     fCreatedBySplitter: boolean;
GetSplitternull46     function GetSplitter: TCustomPairSplitter;
47   protected
48     class procedure WSRegisterClass; override;
49     procedure SetParent(AParent: TWinControl); override;
50     procedure WMPaint(var PaintMessage: TLMPaint); message LM_PAINT;
51     procedure Paint; virtual;
52     property Align;
53     property Anchors;
54   public
55     constructor Create(TheOwner: TComponent); override;
56     destructor Destroy; override;
57   public
58     property Splitter: TCustomPairSplitter read GetSplitter;
59     property Visible;
60     property Left;
61     property Top;
62     property Width;
63     property Height;
64   published
65     property ChildSizing;
66     property ClientWidth;
67     property ClientHeight;
68     property Constraints;
69     property Cursor;
70     property Enabled;
71     property OnMouseDown;
72     property OnMouseEnter;
73     property OnMouseLeave;
74     property OnMouseMove;
75     property OnMouseUp;
76     property OnMouseWheel;
77     property OnMouseWheelDown;
78     property OnMouseWheelUp;
79     property OnResize;
80     property ShowHint;
81     property ParentShowHint;
82     property PopupMenu;
83   end;
85   { TCustomPairSplitter }
87   TPairSplitterType = (
88     pstHorizontal,
89     pstVertical
90     );
92   TCustomPairSplitter = class(TWinControl)
93   private
94     FPosition: integer;
95     FSides: array[0..1] of TPairSplitterSide;
96     FSplitterType: TPairSplitterType;
97     FDoNotCreateSides: boolean;
98     FLoadCursor: TCursor;
GetPositionnull99     function GetPosition: integer;
GetSidesnull100     function GetSides(Index: integer): TPairSplitterSide;
101     procedure SetPosition(const AValue: integer);
102     procedure SetSplitterType(const AValue: TPairSplitterType);
103     procedure AddSide(ASide: TPairSplitterSide);
104     procedure RemoveSide(ASide: TPairSplitterSide);
105   protected
106     class procedure WSRegisterClass; override;
GetCursornull107     function GetCursor: TCursor; override;
108     procedure SetCursor(Value: TCursor); override;
GetControlClassDefaultSizenull109     class function GetControlClassDefaultSize: TSize; override;
110   public
111     constructor Create(TheOwner: TComponent); override;
112     destructor Destroy; override;
113     procedure CreateWnd; override;
114     procedure UpdatePosition;
115     procedure CreateSides;
116     procedure Loaded; override;
ChildClassAllowednull117     function ChildClassAllowed(ChildClass: TClass): boolean; override;
118   public
119     property Cursor default crHSplit;
120     property Sides[Index: integer]: TPairSplitterSide read GetSides;
121     property SplitterType: TPairSplitterType read FSplitterType
122                                     write SetSplitterType default pstHorizontal;
123     property Position: integer read GetPosition write SetPosition;
124   end;
127   { TPairSplitter }
129   TPairSplitter = class(TCustomPairSplitter)
130   published
131     property Align;
132     property Anchors;
133     property BorderSpacing;
134     property Constraints;
135     property Color;
136     property Cursor;
137     property Enabled;
138     property OnMouseDown;
139     property OnMouseEnter;
140     property OnMouseLeave;
141     property OnMouseMove;
142     property OnMouseUp;
143     property OnMouseWheel;
144     property OnMouseWheelDown;
145     property OnMouseWheelUp;
146     property OnResize;
147     property OnChangeBounds;
148     property ParentShowHint;
149     property PopupMenu;
150     property Position;
151     property ShowHint;
152     property SplitterType;
153     property Visible;
154   end;
156 procedure Register;
158 implementation
160 uses
161   WSPairSplitter;
163 procedure Register;
164 begin
165   RegisterComponents('Additional',[TPairSplitter]);
166   RegisterNoIcon([TPairSplitterSide]);
167 end;
169 { TPairSplitterSide }
GetSplitternull171 function TPairSplitterSide.GetSplitter: TCustomPairSplitter;
172 begin
173   if (Parent<>nil) and (Parent is TCustomPairSplitter) then
174     Result:=TCustomPairSplitter(Parent)
175   else
176     Result:=nil;
177 end;
179 class procedure TPairSplitterSide.WSRegisterClass;
180 begin
181   inherited WSRegisterClass;
182   RegisterPairSplitterSide;
183 end;
185 procedure TPairSplitterSide.SetParent(AParent: TWinControl);
186 var
187   ASplitter: TCustomPairSplitter;
188   DeletingSplitter: Boolean;
189 begin
190   CheckNewParent(AParent);
191   // remove from side list of old parent
192   ASplitter := Splitter;
193   if ASplitter <> nil then begin
194     ASplitter.RemoveSide(Self);
195     DeletingSplitter := (csDestroying in ASplitter.ComponentState) or DesignerDeleting;
196   end
197   else
198     DeletingSplitter := False;
200   inherited SetParent(AParent);
202   if not DeletingSplitter then begin
203     // add to side list of new parent
204     ASplitter:=Splitter;
205     if ASplitter <> nil then
206       ASplitter.AddSide(Self);
207   end;
208 end;
210 procedure TPairSplitterSide.WMPaint(var PaintMessage: TLMPaint);
211 begin
212   if (csDestroying in ComponentState) or (not HandleAllocated) then
213     Exit;
214   Include(FControlState, csCustomPaint);
215   inherited WMPaint(PaintMessage);
216   Paint;
217   Exclude(FControlState, csCustomPaint);
218 end;
220 procedure TPairSplitterSide.Paint;
221 var
222   ACanvas: TControlCanvas;
223 begin
224   if csDesigning in ComponentState then
225   begin
226     ACanvas := TControlCanvas.Create;
227     with ACanvas do
228     begin
229       Control := Self;
230       Pen.Style := psDash;
231       Frame(0,0,Width-1,Height-1);
232       Free;
233     end;
234   end;
235 end;
237 constructor TPairSplitterSide.Create(TheOwner: TComponent);
238 begin
239   inherited Create(TheOwner);
240   FCompStyle := csPairSplitterSide;
241   ControlStyle := ControlStyle + [csAcceptsControls];
242 end;
244 destructor TPairSplitterSide.Destroy;
245 begin
246   inherited Destroy;
247 end;
249 { TCustomPairSplitter }
TCustomPairSplitter.GetSidesnull251 function TCustomPairSplitter.GetSides(Index: integer): TPairSplitterSide;
252 begin
253   if (Index < 0) or (Index > 1) then
254     RaiseGDBException('TCustomPairSplitter.GetSides: Index out of bounds');
255   Result := FSides[Index];
256 end;
GetPositionnull258 function TCustomPairSplitter.GetPosition: integer;
259 begin
260   if HandleAllocated and (not (csLoading in ComponentState)) then
261     UpdatePosition;
262   Result := FPosition;
263 end;
265 procedure TCustomPairSplitter.SetPosition(const AValue: integer);
266 begin
267   if (FPosition = AValue) and
268     (TWSCustomPairSplitterClass(WidgetSetClass).GetPosition(Self) = FPosition)
269   then
270     Exit;
272   FPosition := AValue;
273   if FPosition < 0 then
274     FPosition := 0;
275   if HandleAllocated and (not (csLoading in ComponentState)) then
276     TWSCustomPairSplitterClass(WidgetSetClass).SetPosition(Self, FPosition);
277 end;
279 procedure TCustomPairSplitter.SetSplitterType(const AValue: TPairSplitterType);
280 const
281   DefaultCursors: array[TPairSplitterType] of TCursor =
282   (
283 { pstHorizontal } crHSplit,
284 { pstVertical   } crVSplit
285   );
286 begin
287   if FSplitterType = AValue then
288     Exit;
290   if Cursor = DefaultCursors[FSplitterType] then
291     Cursor := DefaultCursors[AValue];
293   FSplitterType := AValue;
295   // TODO: Remove RecreateWnd
296   if HandleAllocated then
297     RecreateWnd(Self);
298 end;
300 procedure TCustomPairSplitter.AddSide(ASide: TPairSplitterSide);
301 var
302   i: Integer;
303 begin
304   if ASide = nil then
305     Exit;
306   i := Low(FSides);
307   repeat
308     if FSides[i] = ASide then
309       Exit;
310     if FSides[i] =nil then
311     begin
312       FSides[i] := ASide;
313       if HandleAllocated then
314         TWSCustomPairSplitterClass(WidgetSetClass).AddSide(Self, ASide, i);
315       break;
316     end;
317     inc(i);
318     if i > High(FSides) then
319     RaiseGDBException('TCustomPairSplitter.AddSide no free side left');
320   until False;
321 end;
323 procedure TCustomPairSplitter.RemoveSide(ASide: TPairSplitterSide);
324 var
325   i: Integer;
326 begin
327   if ASide = nil then
328     Exit;
329   for i := Low(FSides) to High(FSides) do
330     if FSides[i]=ASide then
331     begin
332       if HandleAllocated and ASide.HandleAllocated then
333         TWSCustomPairSplitterClass(WidgetSetClass).RemoveSide(Self, ASide, i);
334       FSides[i] := nil;
335     end;
336   // if the user deletes a side at designtime, autocreate a new one
337   if (ComponentState * [csDesigning,csDestroying] = [csDesigning])
338   and not DesignerDeleting then
339     CreateSides;
340 end;
342 class procedure TCustomPairSplitter.WSRegisterClass;
343 begin
344   inherited WSRegisterClass;
345   RegisterCustomPairSplitter;
346 end;
GetCursornull348 function TCustomPairSplitter.GetCursor: TCursor;
349 begin
350   // Paul Ishenin: I do not know another method to tell internal splitter about
351   // cursor changes
353   // if widgetset class do not want to get cursor (has no internal splitter) then
354   // use default lcl handler
355   if not TWSCustomPairSplitterClass(WidgetSetClass).GetSplitterCursor(Self, Result) then
356     Result := inherited GetCursor;
357 end;
359 procedure TCustomPairSplitter.SetCursor(Value: TCursor);
360 begin
361   FLoadCursor := Value;
362   if not HandleAllocated then
363     Exit;
364   // if widgetset class do not want to set cursor (has no internal splitter) then
365   // use default lcl handler
366   if not TWSCustomPairSplitterClass(WidgetSetClass).SetSplitterCursor(Self, Value) then
367     inherited SetCursor(Value);
368 end;
TCustomPairSplitter.GetControlClassDefaultSizenull370 class function TCustomPairSplitter.GetControlClassDefaultSize: TSize;
371 begin
372   Result.CX := 90;
373   Result.CY := 90;
374 end;
376 constructor TCustomPairSplitter.Create(TheOwner: TComponent);
377 begin
378   inherited Create(TheOwner);
379   FCompStyle := csPairSplitter;
380   ControlStyle := ControlStyle - [csAcceptsControls];
381   FSplitterType := pstHorizontal;
382   Cursor := crHSplit;
383   with GetControlClassDefaultSize do
384     SetInitialBounds(0, 0, CX, CY);
385   FPosition:=45;
386   if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
387     CreateSides;
388 end;
390 destructor TCustomPairSplitter.Destroy;
391 var
392   i: Integer;
393 begin
394   // destroy the sides
395   fDoNotCreateSides:=true;
396   for i:=Low(FSides) to High(FSides) do
397     if (FSides[i]<>nil) and (FSides[i].fCreatedBySplitter) then
398       FSides[i].Free;
399   inherited Destroy;
400 end;
402 procedure TCustomPairSplitter.CreateWnd;
403 var
404   i: Integer;
405   APosition: Integer;
406 begin
407   CreateSides;
408   inherited CreateWnd;
409   for i := Low(FSides) to High(FSides) do
410     if FSides[i] <> nil then
411       TWSCustomPairSplitterClass(WidgetSetClass).AddSide(Self, FSides[i], i);
412   APosition := FPosition;
413   TWSCustomPairSplitterClass(WidgetSetClass).SetPosition(Self, APosition);
414   SetCursor(FLoadCursor);
415   if not (csLoading in ComponentState) then
416     FPosition := APosition;
417 end;
419 procedure TCustomPairSplitter.UpdatePosition;
420 var
421   CurPosition: Integer;
422 begin
423   if HandleAllocated then
424   begin
425     CurPosition := -1;
426     TWSCustomPairSplitterClass(WidgetSetClass).SetPosition(Self, CurPosition);
427     FPosition := CurPosition;
428   end;
429 end;
431 procedure TCustomPairSplitter.CreateSides;
432 var
433   ASide: TPairSplitterSide;
434   i: Integer;
435 begin
436   if fDoNotCreateSides or (csDestroying in ComponentState)
437   or (csLoading in ComponentState)
438   or ((Owner<>nil) and (csLoading in Owner.ComponentState)) then exit;
439   // create the missing side controls
440   for i := Low(FSides) to High(FSides) do
441     if FSides[i]=nil then
442     begin
443       // For streaming it is important that the side controls are owned by
444       // the owner of the splitter
445       ASide:=TPairSplitterSide.Create(Owner);
446       ASide.fCreatedBySplitter:=true;
447       ASide.Parent:=Self;
448     end;
449 end;
451 procedure TCustomPairSplitter.Loaded;
452 begin
453   inherited Loaded;
454   CreateSides;
455   if HandleAllocated then
456     TWSCustomPairSplitterClass(WidgetSetClass).SetPosition(Self, FPosition);
457 end;
ChildClassAllowednull459 function TCustomPairSplitter.ChildClassAllowed(ChildClass: TClass): boolean;
460 begin
461   Result := ChildClass.InheritsFrom(TPairSplitterSide) or
462             ChildClass.InheritsFrom(TSplitter);
463 end;
465 end.