1 {
2  /***************************************************************************
3                             postscriptprinter.pas
4                             ---------------------
6                                Printer object
7                      Initial Revision  : Mon Nov 05 2002
9  ***************************************************************************/
11  *****************************************************************************
12   This file is part of the Lazarus Component Library (LCL)
14   See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL.txt, included in this distribution,
15   for details about the license.
16  *****************************************************************************
18   Author: Tony Maro
19 }
21 unit PostScriptPrinter;
23 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
25 interface
27 uses
28   Classes, SysUtils, LCLProc, Graphics, GraphMath, LCLIntf, Forms;
30   // uses lcllinux or winapi for RGB conversions and FORMS for application object
32   {
33    Defines a special canvas type object and override drawing methods to make
34    the postscript code...
36    Defines a TPSPattern object that handles creation of patterns to be used
37    in fills and paints
39    TPostScript manages a list of patterns and inserts the definitions into the
40    postscript code and manages when they are changed
42    A pattern definition can access pattern definitions within the same
43    postscript object, as long as the TPSPattern object pointer is placed into
44    the canvas pen/brush at the time the new pattern is made
45   }
47 type
48   TPostScript = class;
50   TPSPaintType = (ptColored, ptUncolored);
51   TPSTileType = (ttConstant, ttNoDistortion, ttFast);
52   TPostScriptCanvas = class; // forward reference
54   { Remember, modifying a pattern affects that pattern for the ENTIRE document! }
55   TPSPattern = class(TObject)
56   private
57     FOldName: String;
58     FOnChange: TNotifyEvent;
59     FBBox: TRect;
60     FCanvas: TPostScriptCanvas;
61     FName: String;
62     FPaintType: TPSPaintType;
63     FPostScript: TStringList;
64     FTilingType: TPSTileType;
65     FXStep: Real;
66     FYStep: Real;
GetpostScriptnull67     function GetpostScript: TStringList;
68     procedure SetBBox(const AValue: TRect);
69     procedure SetName(const AValue: String);
70     procedure SetPaintType(const AValue: TPSPaintType);
71     procedure SetTilingType(const AValue: TPSTileType);
72     procedure SetXStep(const AValue: Real);
73     procedure SetYStep(const AValue: Real);
74   protected
75   public
76     constructor Create;
77     destructor Destroy; override;
78     procedure Changed;
79     property BBox: TRect read FBBox write SetBBox;
80     property PaintType: TPSPaintType read FPaintType write SetPaintType;
81     property TilingType: TPSTileType read FTilingType write SetTilingType;
82     property XStep: Real read FXStep write SetXStep;
83     property YStep: Real read FYStep write SetYStep;
84     property Name: String read FName write SetName;
85     property Canvas: TPostScriptCanvas read FCanvas;
86     property GetPS: TStringList read GetPostscript;
87     property OldName: string read FOldName write FOldName; // used when notifying that name Changed
88     property OnChange: TNotifyEvent read FOnChange write FOnChange;
89   end;
90   PPSPattern = ^TPSPattern; // used for array
92   { basic pen object - modify later for better splitting of brush object }
93   TPSObject = class(TObject)
94   private
95     FOnChange: TNotifyEvent;
96   protected
97     procedure Changed; virtual;
98     procedure Lock;
99     procedure UnLock;
100   public
101     property OnChange: TNotifyEvent read FOnChange write FOnChange;
102   end;
104   { Pen and brush object both right now...}
105   TPSPen = class(TPSObject)
106   private
107     FColor: TColor;
108     FPattern: TPSPattern;
109     FWidth: Real;
110     procedure SetPattern(const AValue: TPSPattern);
111   protected
112     procedure SetColor(Value : TColor);
113     procedure Setwidth(value : Real);
114   public
115     constructor Create;
116     destructor Destroy; override;
117     procedure Assign(Source: TPSPen);
118     property Color: TColor read FColor write SetColor;
119     property Pattern: TPSPattern read FPattern write SetPattern;
120     property Width: Real read FWidth write SetWidth;
AsStringnull121     function AsString: String;
122   end;
125   { Custom canvas-like object that handles postscript code }
126   TPostScriptCanvas = class(TObject)
127   private
128     FBrush: TPSPen;
129     FFontFace: String;
130     FFontSize: Integer;
131     FHeight: Integer;
132     FLineSpacing: Integer;
133     FColor: TColor; // canvas color - implement later
134     FPen: TPSPen;
135     LastX: Integer;
136     LastY: Integer;
137     FPostScript: TStringList;
GetColornull138     function GetColor: TColor;
139     procedure SetBrush(const AValue: TPSPen);
140     procedure SetColor(const AValue: TColor);
141     procedure SetFontFace(const AValue: String);
142     procedure SetFontSize(const AValue: Integer);
143     procedure SetPen(const AValue: TPSPen);
TranslateYnull144     function TranslateY(Ycoord: Integer): Integer; // Y axis is backwards in postscript
145     procedure AddFill;
146     procedure ResetPos; // reset back to last moveto location
147     procedure PenChanged(Sender: TObject);
148   public
149     MPostScript: TPostScript;
150     constructor Create(APostScript: TPostScript);
151     destructor Destroy; override;
152     procedure Clear;
153     property PostScript: TStringList read FPostScript write FPostScript;
154     property FontFace: String read FFontFace write SetFontFace;
155     property FontSize: Integer read FFontSize write SetFontSize;
156     property LineSpacing: Integer read FLineSpacing write FLineSpacing;
157     procedure MoveTo(X1,Y1 : Integer);
158     procedure LineTo(X1,Y1 : Integer);
159     procedure Line(X1,Y1,X2,Y2 : Integer);
160     procedure Rectangle(X1,Y1,X2,Y2 : Integer);
161     procedure Rectangle(const Rect: TRect);
162     procedure Polyline(Points: PPoint; NumPts: Integer);
163     procedure Ellipse(x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer);
164     procedure Ellipse(const Rect: TRect);
165     procedure RadialPie(x,y,width,mheight,angle1,angle2 : Integer);
166     //procedure Pie(x,y,width,height,SX,SY,EX,EY : Integer);
167     procedure Writeln(const AString: String);
168     procedure TextOut(X,Y: Integer; const Text: String);
169     //procedure Chord(x,y,width,height,angle1,angle2 : Integer);
170     //procedure Chord(x,y,width,height,SX,SY,EX,EY : Integer);
171     //procedure PolyBezier(Points: PPoint; NumPts: Integer;
172     //                     Filled: boolean{$IFNDEF VER1_0} = False{$ENDIF};
173     //                     Continuous: boolean{$IFNDEF VER1_0} = False{$ENDIF});
174     //procedure PolyBezier(const Points: array of TPoint;
175     //                     Filled: boolean{$IFNDEF VER1_0} = False{$ENDIF};
176     //                     Continuous: boolean{$IFNDEF VER1_0} = False{$ENDIF});
177     //procedure PolyBezier(const Points: array of TPoint);
178     //procedure Polygon(const Points: array of TPoint;
179     //                  Winding: Boolean{$IFNDEF VER1_0} = False{$ENDIF};
180     //                  StartIndex: Integer{$IFNDEF VER1_0} = 0{$ENDIF};
181     //                  NumPts: Integer {$IFNDEF VER1_0} = -1{$ENDIF});
182     //procedure Polygon(Points: PPoint; NumPts: Integer;
183     //                  Winding: boolean{$IFNDEF VER1_0} = False{$ENDIF});
184     //procedure Polygon(const Points: array of TPoint);
185     //procedure FillRect(const Rect : TRect);
186     //procedure FloodFill(X, Y: Integer; FillColor: TColor; FillStyle: TFillStyle);
187     //procedure RoundRect(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Integer; RX,RY : Integer);
188     //procedure RoundRect(const Rect : TRect; RX,RY : Integer);
189     property Height: Integer read FHeight write FHeight; // set so we can translate Y coords
190     property Color: TColor read GetColor write SetColor;
191     property Pen: TPSPen read FPen write SetPen;
192     property Brush: TPSPen read FBrush write SetBrush;
193   end;
195   { Encapsulates ALL the postscript and uses the TPostScriptCanvas object for a single page }
196   TPostScript = class(TObject)
197   private
198     FCanvas: TPostScriptCanvas;
199     FHeight: Integer;
200     FLineSpacing: Integer;
201     FPageNumber: Integer;
202     FTitle: String;
203     FWidth: Integer;
204     FDocument: TStringList;
205     Patterns: PPSPattern;   // array of pointers to pattern objects
206     NumPatterns: Integer; // number of patterns in array
207     procedure SetHeight(const AValue: Integer);
208     procedure SetLineSpacing(const AValue: Integer);
209     procedure SetTitle(const AValue: String);
210     procedure SetWidth(const AValue: Integer);
211     procedure GrabCanvas;
212     procedure UpdateBoundingBox;
213     procedure PatternChanged(Sender: TObject);
214     procedure InsertPattern(APattern: TPSPattern); // adds the pattern to the postscript
215     procedure RemovePattern(APattern: TPSPattern); // remove the pattern from the postscript
216   public
217     constructor Create;
218     destructor Destroy; override;
219     procedure AddPattern(APSPattern: TPSPattern);
FindPatternnull220     function FindPattern(AName: String): TPSPattern;
DelPatternnull221     function DelPattern(AName: String): Boolean;
NewPatternnull222     function NewPattern(AName: String): TPSPattern;
223     property Canvas: TPostScriptCanvas read FCanvas;
224     property Height: Integer read FHeight write SetHeight;
225     property Width: Integer read FWidth write SetWidth;
226     property Document: TStringList read FDocument;
227     property PageNumber: Integer read FPageNumber;
228     property Title: String read FTitle write SetTitle;
229     property LineSpacing: Integer read FLineSpacing write SetLineSpacing;
230     procedure BeginDoc;
231     procedure NewPage;
232     procedure EndDoc;
233   end;
236 implementation
239 { TPostScriptCanvas ----------------------------------------------------------}
241 { Y coords in postscript are backwards... }
TranslateYnull242 function TPostScriptCanvas.TranslateY(Ycoord: Integer): Integer;
243 begin
244   Result := FHeight - Ycoord;
245 end;
247 { Adds a fill finishing line to any path we desire to fill }
248 procedure TPostScriptCanvas.AddFill;
249 begin
250   FPostScript.Add('gsave '+FBrush.AsString+' fill grestore');
251 end;
253 { Sets the current font face}
254 procedure TPostScriptCanvas.SetFontFace(const AValue: String);
255 var
256    MyString: String;
257 begin
258   if FFontFace=AValue then exit;
259   if pos(' ',AValue) > 0 then
260   FFontFace := '('+AValue+')'
261   else FFontFace:=AValue;
263   MyString := '/'+FFontFace+' '+IntToStr(FFontSize)+' selectfont';
264   // set the pen info
266   FPostScript.Add(MyString);
267 end;
GetColornull270 function TPostScriptCanvas.GetColor: TColor;
271 begin
272   Result := FColor;
273 end;
275 procedure TPostScriptCanvas.SetBrush(const AValue: TPSPen);
276 begin
277   if FBrush=AValue then exit;
278   FBrush:=AValue;
279 end;
281 procedure TPostScriptCanvas.SetColor(const AValue: TColor);
282 begin
283   FColor := AValue;
284 end;
286 procedure TPostScriptCanvas.SetFontSize(const AValue: Integer);
287 begin
288   if FFontSize=AValue then exit;
289   FFontSize:=AValue;
290   FPostScript.Add('/'+FFontFace+' '+IntToStr(AValue)+' selectfont');
291 end;
293 procedure TPostScriptCanvas.SetPen(const AValue: TPSPen);
294 begin
295   // change to ASSIGN method?
296   if FPen=AValue then exit;
297   FPen:=AValue;
298 end;
301 { Return to last moveto location }
302 procedure TPostScriptCanvas.ResetPos;
303 begin
304   // any routines that you specify a start location when calling such as
305   // textout, ellipse, etc. should not affect the default cursor location.
307   FPostScript.Add(IntToStr(LastX)+' '+IntToStr(TranslateY(LastY))+' moveto');
308 end;
310 { This is called when drawing pen is Changed but NOT when brush changes }
311 procedure TPostScriptCanvas.PenChanged(Sender: TObject);
312 begin
313   if FPostScript[FPostScript.Count-2] = '%%PEN' then begin
314         // last operation was a pen, so delete it
315         FPostScript.Delete(FPostScript.Count-1);
316         FPostScript.Delete(FPostScript.Count-1);
317   end;
318   FPostScript.Add('%%PEN');
319   FPostScript.Add(FPen.AsString);
320 end;
322 constructor TPostScriptCanvas.Create(APostScript: TPostScript);
323 begin
324   MPostScript := APostScript;
326   FPostScript := TStringList.Create;
327   FHeight := 792; // length of page in points at 72 ppi
329   // Choose a standard font in case the user doesn't
330   FFontFace := 'AvantGarde-Book';
331   SetFontSize(10);
333   if Assigned(MPostScript) then begin
334         FLineSpacing := MPostScript.LineSpacing;
335   end;
337   FPen := TPSPen.Create;
338   FPen.Width := 1;
339   FPen.Color := 0;
340   FPen.OnChange := @PenChanged;
342   FBrush := TPSPen.Create;
343   FBrush.Width := 1;
344   FBrush.Color := -1;
345   // don't notify us that the brush Changed...
346 end;
348 destructor TPostScriptCanvas.Destroy;
349 begin
350   FPostScript.Free;
351   FPen.Free;
352   FBrush.Free;
353   inherited Destroy;
354 end;
356 { Clear the postscript canvas AND the graphic canvas (Add later) }
357 procedure TPostScriptCanvas.clear;
358 begin
359   // clear the canvas for the next page
360   FPostScript.Clear;
361   // Choose a standard font in case the user doesn't
362   FPostScript.Add('/AvantGarde-Book findfont');
363   FPostScript.Add('10 scalefont');
364   FPostScript.Add('setfont');
366   // also clear the canvas itself if we plan to embed the bitmap into
367   // the postscript
369   // also grab the latest canvas height just in case it's Changed
370   FHeight := 792;
371   if Assigned(MPostScript) then FHeight := MPostScript.Height;
372 end;
374 { Move draw location }
375 procedure TPostScriptCanvas.MoveTo(X1, Y1: Integer);
376 var
377    Y: Integer;
378 begin
379   Y := TranslateY(Y1);
380   FPostScript.Add(IntToStr(X1)+' '+IntToStr(Y)+' moveto');
381   LastX := X1;
382   LastY := Y1;
383 end;
385 { Draw a line from current location to these coords }
386 procedure TPostScriptCanvas.LineTo(X1, Y1: Integer);
387 var
388    Y: Integer;
389 begin
390   Y := TranslateY(Y1);
391   FPostScript.Add(IntToStr(X1)+' '+IntToStr(Y)+' lineto');
392   LastX := X1;
393   LastY := Y1;
394 end;
396 procedure TPostScriptCanvas.Line(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Integer);
397 var
398    Y12, Y22: Integer;
399 begin
400   Y12 := TranslateY(Y1);
401   Y22 := TranslateY(Y2);
403   FPostScript.Add('newpath '+IntToStr(X1)+' '+IntToStr(Y12)+' moveto '+
404         IntToStr(X2)+' '+IntToStr(Y22)+' lineto closepath stroke');
406   // go back to last moveto position
407   ResetPos;
408 end;
410 procedure TPostScriptCanvas.Rectangle(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Integer);
411 var
412    Y12, Y22: Integer;
413 begin
414   Y12 := TranslateY(Y1);
415   Y22 := TranslateY(Y2);
417   FPostScript.Add('stroke newpath');
418   FPostScript.Add(IntToStr(X1)+' '+IntToStr(Y12)+' moveto');
419   FPostScript.Add(IntToStr(X2)+' '+IntToStr(Y12)+' lineto');
420   FPostScript.Add(IntToStr(X2)+' '+IntToStr(Y22)+' lineto');
421   FPostScript.Add(IntToStr(X1)+' '+IntToStr(Y22)+' lineto');
422   FPostScript.Add('closepath');
423   if FBrush.Color > -1 then AddFill;
424   FPostScript.Add('stroke');
425   ResetPos;
426 end;
428 { Draw a rectangle }
429 procedure TPostScriptCanvas.Rectangle(const Rect: TRect);
430 var
431    Y12, Y22: Integer;
432 begin
433   Y12 := TranslateY(Rect.Top);
434   Y22 := TranslateY(Rect.Bottom);
436   FPostScript.Add('stroke newpath');
437   FPostScript.Add(IntToStr(Rect.Left)+' '+IntToStr(Y12)+' moveto');
438   FPostScript.Add(IntToStr(Rect.Right)+' '+IntToStr(Y12)+' lineto');
439   FPostScript.Add(IntToStr(Rect.Right)+' '+IntToStr(Y22)+' lineto');
440   FPostScript.Add(IntToStr(Rect.Left)+' '+IntToStr(Y22)+' lineto');
441   FPostScript.Add('closepath');
442   if FBrush.Color > -1 then AddFill;
443   FPostScript.Add('stroke');
444   ResetPos;
445 end;
447 { Draw a series of lines }
448 procedure TPostScriptCanvas.Polyline(Points: PPoint; NumPts: Integer);
449 var
450   i : Longint;
451 begin
452   If (NumPts <= 1) or (Points = nil) then exit;
454   MoveTo(Points[0].X, Points[0].Y);
455   For i := 1 to NumPts - 1 do
456     LineTo(Points[i].X, Points[i].Y);
458   ResetPos;
459 end;
461 { This was a pain to figure out... }
462 procedure TPostScriptCanvas.Ellipse(x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer);
463 var
464    radius: Integer;
465    YRatio: Real;
466    centerX, centerY: Integer;
467 begin
468      // set radius to half the width
469   radius := (x2 - x1) div 2;
471      //calculate ratios
472   if radius <1 then exit; // do nothing
473   YRatio := real(Y2 - Y1) / (X2-X1);
475      // find center
476   CenterX := ((X2 - X1) div 2) + X1;
477   CenterY := ((Y2 - Y1) div 2) + Y1;
479   FPostScript.Add('newpath '+IntToStr(CenterX)+' '+IntToStr(TranslateY(CenterY))+' translate');
481      // move to edge
482   FPostScript.Add(IntToStr(radius)+' 0 moveto');
484      // now draw it
485   FPostScript.Add('gsave 1 '+format('%.3f',[YRatio])+' scale');
486   FPostScript.Add('0 0 '+IntToStr(radius)+' 0 360 arc');
487   if FBrush.Color > -1 then AddFill;
489      // reset scale for drawing line thickness so it doesn't warp
490   YRatio := 1 / YRatio;
491   FPostScript.Add('1 '+format('%.2f',[YRatio])+' scale stroke grestore');
493      // move origin back
494   FPostScript.Add(IntToStr(-CenterX)+' '+IntToStr(-TranslateY(CenterY))+' translate closepath stroke');
495   ResetPos;
496 end;
498 procedure TPostScriptCanvas.Ellipse(const Rect: TRect);
499 begin
500   self.Ellipse(Rect.Left, Rect.Top, Rect.Right, Rect.Bottom);
501 end;
503 procedure TPostScriptCanvas.RadialPie(x, y, width, mheight, angle1, angle2: Integer);
504 begin
505   // set zero at center
506   FPostScript.Add('newpath '+IntToStr(X)+' '+IntToStr(TranslateY(Y))+' translate');
508   // scale it
509   FPostScript.Add('gsave '+IntToStr(width)+' '+IntToStr(mheight)+' scale');
510   //FPostScript.Add('gsave 1 1 scale');
512   // draw line to edge
513   FPostScript.Add('0 0 moveto');
514   FPostScript.Add('0 0 1 '+IntToStr(angle1)+' '+IntToStr(angle2)+' arc closepath');
516   if FBrush.Color > -1 then AddFill;
518   // reset scale so we don't change the line thickness
519   // adding 0.01 to compensate for scaling error - there may be a deeper problem here...
520   FPostScript.Add(format('%.6f',[(real(1) / X)+0.01])+' '+format('%.6f',[(real(1) / Y)+0.01])+' scale stroke grestore');
522   // close out and return origin
523   FPostScript.Add(IntToStr(-X)+' '+IntToStr(-TranslateY(Y))+' translate closepath stroke');
525   ResetPos;
526 end;
528 { Writes text with a carriage return }
529 procedure TPostScriptCanvas.Writeln(const AString: String);
530 begin
531   TextOut(LastX, LastY, AString);
532   LastY := LastY+FFontSize+FLineSpacing;
533   MoveTo(LastX, LastY);
534 end;
537 { Output text, restoring draw location }
538 procedure TPostScriptCanvas.TextOut(X, Y: Integer; const Text: String);
539 var
540   Y1: Integer;
541 begin
542   Y1 := TranslateY(Y);
543   FPostScript.Add(IntToStr(X)+' '+IntToStr(Y1)+' moveto');
544   FPostScript.Add('('+Text+') show');
545   ResetPos; // move back to last moveto location
546 end;
548 { TPostScript -------------------------------------------------------------- }
550 procedure TPostScript.SetHeight(const AValue: Integer);
551 begin
552   if FHeight=AValue then exit;
553   FHeight:=AValue;
554   UpdateBoundingBox;
555   // filter down to the canvas height property
556   if assigned(FCanvas) then FCanvas.Height := FHeight;
557 end;
559 procedure TPostScript.SetLineSpacing(const AValue: Integer);
560 begin
561   if FLineSpacing=AValue then exit;
562   FLineSpacing:=AValue;
563   // filter down to the canvas
564   if assigned(FCanvas) then FCanvas.LineSpacing := AValue;
565 end;
567 procedure TPostScript.SetTitle(const AValue: String);
568 begin
569   if FTitle=AValue then exit;
570   FTitle:=AValue;
572   // need to not hard-link these...
573   FDocument[3] := '%%Title: '+AValue;
574 end;
576 procedure TPostScript.SetWidth(const AValue: Integer);
577 begin
578   if FWidth=AValue then exit;
579   FWidth:=AValue;
580   UpdateBoundingBox;
581 end;
583 { Places the current canvas object into the document }
584 procedure TPostScript.GrabCanvas;
585 var
586    I: Integer;
587 begin
588   // internally calls this at the end of a page...
590   I := 0;
591   while I < FCanvas.PostScript.Count do begin
592            Document.Add(FCanvas.PostScript[I]);
593            I := I+1;
594   end;
595 end;
597 { Take our sizes and change the boundingbox line }
598 procedure TPostScript.UpdateBoundingBox;
599 begin
600   // need to not hard-link this to line 1
601   FDocument[1] := '%%BoundingBox: 0 0 '+IntToStr(FWidth)+' '+IntToStr(FHeight);
602 end;
604 { Pattern Changed so update the postscript code }
605 procedure TPostScript.PatternChanged(Sender: TObject);
606 begin
607   // called anytime a pattern changes.  Update the postscript code.
608   // look for and delete the current postscript code for this pattern
609   // then paste the pattern back into the code before the first page
610   RemovePattern(Sender As TPSPattern);
611   InsertPattern(Sender As TPSPattern);
612 end;
614 { Places a pattern definition into the bottom of the header in postscript }
615 procedure TPostScript.InsertPattern(APattern: TPSPattern);
616 var
617   I, J: Integer;
618   MyStrings: TStringList;
619 begin
620   I := 0;
621   if FDocument.Count < 1 then begin
622         // added pattern when no postscript exists - this shouldn't happen
623         raise exception.create('Pattern inserted with no postscript existing');
624         exit;
625   end;
627   for I := 0 to FDocument.count - 1 do begin
628          if (FDocument[I] = '%%Page: 1 1') then begin
629             // found it!
630             // insert into just before that
631             MyStrings := APattern.GetPS;
632             for J := 0 to MyStrings.Count - 1 do begin
633                 FDocument.Insert(I-1+J, MyStrings[j]);
634             end;
635             exit;
636          end;
637   end;
638 end;
640 {Remove a pattern from the postscript code }
641 procedure TPostScript.RemovePattern(APattern: TPSPattern);
642 var
643   I: Integer;
644   MyName: String;
645 begin
646   // this does NOT destroy the object, just removes from postscript
648   if APattern.OldName <> '' then MyName := APattern.OldName
649   else MyName := APattern.name;
651   I := 0;
652   if FDocument.Count < 1 then begin
653         // added pattern when no postscript exists - this shouldn't happen
654         raise exception.create('Pattern removed with no postscript existing');
655         exit;
656   end;
658   for I := 0 to FDocument.Count - 1 do begin
659          if (FDocument[I] = '%% PATTERN '+MyName) then begin
660             // found it...
661             // delete until gone
662             while I < FDocument.Count - 1 do begin
663                   // stay within our limites
664                   if (FDocument[I] = '%% END PATTERN '+MyName) then begin
665                      FDocument.Delete(I);
666                      APattern.oldName := '';
667                      exit;
668                   end else FDocument.Delete(I);
669             end;
670          end;
671   end;
672 end;
674 constructor TPostScript.Create;
675 begin
676   inherited create;
678   FDocument := TStringList.Create;
680      // Set some defaults
681   FHeight := 792; // 11 inches at 72 dpi
682   FWidth := 612; // 8 1/2 inches at 72 dpi
683   FCanvas := TPostScriptCanvas.Create(Self);
685   FDocument.Clear;
686   FDocument.Add('%!PS-Adobe-3.0');
687   FDocument.Add('%%BoundingBox: 0 0 612 792');
688   FDocument.Add('%%Creator: '+Application.ExeName);
689   FDocument.Add('%%Title: '+FTitle);
690   FDocument.Add('%%Pages: (atend)');
691   FDocument.Add('%%PageOrder: Ascend');
693      // Choose a standard font in case the user doesn't
694   FDocument.Add('/AvantGarde-Book findfont');
695   FDocument.Add('10 scalefont');
696   FDocument.Add('setfont');
698      // start our first page
699   FPageNumber := 1;
700   FDocument.Add('%%Page: 1 1'); // I'm still not sure why u put the page # twice
701   FDocument.Add('newpath');
703 end;
705 destructor TPostScript.Destroy;
706 var
707    I: Integer;
708 begin
710   FCanvas.Free;
711   FDocument.Free;
713   // destroy the patterns
714   if NumPatterns > 0 then begin
715   for I := 0 to NuMPatterns-1 do begin
716          Patterns[i].Free;
717   end;
718   end;
720   // free the pattern pointer memory
721   Reallocmem(Patterns, 0);
723   inherited Destroy;
725 end;
727 { Add a pattern to the array }
728 procedure TPostScript.AddPattern(APSPattern: TPSPattern);
729 begin
730   // does NOT create the pattern, just insert in the array of patterns
732   NumPatterns := NumPatterns+1;
734   reallocmem(Patterns, sizeof(TPSPattern) * NumPatterns);
736   Patterns[NumPatterns-1] := APSPattern;
737 end;
739 { Find a pattern object by it's name }
FindPatternnull740 function TPostScript.FindPattern(AName: String): TPSPattern;
741 var
742    I: Integer;
743 begin
744   Result := nil;
745   if NumPatterns < 1 then exit;
746   for I := 0 to NumPatterns-1 do begin
747          if Patterns[I].Name = AName then begin
748             result := Patterns[i];
749             exit;
750          end;
751   end;
752 end;
DelPatternnull754 function TPostScript.DelPattern(AName: String): Boolean;
755 begin
756   {$IFNDEF DisableChecks}
757   if AName<>'' then
758     DebugLn('[TPostScript.DelPattern] ToDo ');
759   {$ENDIF}
761   // can't do that yet...
762   Result:=false;
763 end;
765 { Create a new pattern and inserts it into the array for safe keeping }
NewPatternnull766 function TPostScript.NewPattern(AName: String): TPSPattern;
767 var
768    MyPattern: TPSPattern;
769 begin
770   MyPattern := TPSPattern.Create;
771   AddPattern(MyPattern);
772   MyPattern.Name := AName;
773   MyPattern.OnChange := @PatternChanged;
774   MyPattern.OldName := '';
776      // Add this to the postscript now...
778   InsertPattern(MyPattern);
779   result := MyPattern;
780 end;
782 { Start a new document }
783 procedure TPostScript.BeginDoc;
784 var
785    I: Integer;
786 begin
787   FCanvas.Clear;
788   FDocument.Clear;
790   // destroy the patterns
791   if NumPatterns > 0 then
792   begin
793     for I := 0 to NuMPatterns-1 do
794     begin
795       Patterns[i].Free;
796       Patterns[i]:=nil;
797     end;
798     NumPatterns:=0;
799   end;
801   // free the pattern pointer memory
802   Reallocmem(Patterns, 0);
804   FDocument.Add('%!PS-Adobe-3.0');
805   FDocument.Add('%%BoundingBox: 0 0 612 792');
806   FDocument.Add('%%Creator: '+Application.ExeName);
807   FDocument.Add('%%Title: '+FTitle);
808   FDocument.Add('%%Pages: (atend)');
809   FDocument.Add('%%PageOrder: Ascend');
811   // Choose a standard font in case the user doesn't
812   FDocument.Add('/AvantGarde-Book findfont');
813   FDocument.Add('10 scalefont');
814   FDocument.Add('setfont');
816   // start our first page
817   FPageNumber := 1;
818   FDocument.Add('%%Page: 1 1'); // I'm still not sure why u put the page # twice
819   FDocument.Add('newpath');
821   UpdateBoundingBox;
822 end;
824 { Copy current page into the postscript and start a new one }
825 procedure TPostScript.NewPage;
826 begin
827   // dump the current page into our postscript first
828   GrabCanvas;
830   // put end page definition...
831   FDocument.Add('stroke');
832   FDocument.Add('showpage');
833   FPageNumber := FPageNumber+1;
834   // start new page definition...
835   FDocument.Add('%%Page: '+IntToStr(FPageNumber)+' '+IntToStr(FPageNumber));
836   FDocument.Add('newpath');
837   FCanvas.Clear;
838 end;
840 { Finish off the document }
841 procedure TPostScript.EndDoc;
842 begin
843      // dump the canvas into the postscript code
844   GrabCanvas;
846      // Start printing the document after closing out the pages
847   FDocument.Add('stroke');
848   FDocument.Add('showpage');
849   FDocument.Add('%%Pages: '+IntToStr(FPageNumber));
851      // okay, the postscript is all ready, so dump it to the text file
852      // or to the printer
853   FPageNumber := 0;
854 end;
856 { TPSObject }
858 procedure TPSObject.Changed;
859 begin
860   if Assigned(FOnChange) then FOnChange(Self);
861 end;
863 procedure TPSObject.Lock;
864 begin
866 end;
868 procedure TPSObject.UnLock;
869 begin
871 end;
873 { TPSPen }
875 procedure TPSPen.SetPattern(const AValue: TPSPattern);
876 begin
877   if FPattern=AValue then exit;
878   FPattern:=AValue;
879   Changed;
880 end;
883 procedure TPSPen.SetColor(Value: TColor);
884 begin
885   FColor := Value;
886   Changed;
887 end;
889 procedure TPSPen.Setwidth(value: Real);
890 begin
891   FWidth := Value;
892   Changed;
893 end;
895 constructor TPSPen.Create;
896 begin
897   FPattern := nil;
898 end;
900 destructor TPSPen.Destroy;
901 begin
902   // Do NOT free the pattern object from here...
903   inherited Destroy;
904 end;
906 procedure TPSPen.Assign(Source: TPSPen);
907 begin
908   if source = nil then exit;
910   FWidth := Source.Width;
911   FColor := Source.Color;
912   FPattern := Source.Pattern;
913 end;
915 { Return the pen definition as a postscript string }
AsStringnull916 function TPSPen.AsString: String;
917 var
918    MyOut: String;
919 begin
920   MyOut := '';
922      // set all the features of this pen...
923   if FPattern <> nil then begin
924         // we have a pattern
925         // uh... let's make it work for both colored and uncolored patterns
926         // first for colored:
928         if FPattern.PaintType = ptColored then
929             MyOut := '/Pattern setcolorspace '+FPattern.Name+' setcolor '
930         else begin
931              // now for uncolored, use color from pen
932              MyOut := '[/Pattern /DeviceRGB] setcolorspace '+IntToStr(GetRValue(FColor))+' '+IntToStr(GetGValue(FColor))+' '+
933            IntToStr(GetBValue(FColor))+' '+FPattern.Name+' setcolor ';
934         end;
936   end else // no pattern do this:
937           MyOut := IntToStr(GetRValue(FColor))+' '+IntToStr(GetGValue(FColor))+' '+
938            IntToStr(GetBValue(FColor))+' setrgbcolor ';
940   MyOut := MyOut + format('%f',[FWidth])+' setlinewidth ';
941   Result := MyOut;
942 end;
944 { TPSPattern }
946 { Returns the pattern definition as postscript }
GetpostScriptnull947 function TPSPattern.GetpostScript: TStringList;
948 var
949    I: Integer;
950 begin
951      // If nothing in the canvas, error
952   if FCanvas.Postscript.Count < 1 then begin
953         raise exception.create('Empty pattern');
954         exit;
955   end;
957   FPostScript.Clear;
958   With FPostScript do begin
959           Add('%% PATTERN '+FName);
960           Add('/'+FName+'proto 12 dict def '+FName+'proto begin');
961           Add('/PatternType 1 def');
962           case FPaintType of
963                ptColored: Add('/PaintType 1 def');
964                ptUncolored: Add('/PaintType 2 def');
965           end;
966           case FTilingType of
967                ttConstant: Add('/TilingType 1 def');
968                ttNoDistortion: Add('/TilingType 2 def');
969                ttFast: Add('/TilingType 3 def');
970           end;
971           Add('/BBox ['+IntToStr(FBBox.Left)+' '+IntToStr(FBBox.Top)+' '+IntToStr(FBBox.Right)+' '+IntToStr(FBBox.Bottom)+'] def');
972           Add('/XStep '+format('%f',[FXStep])+' def');
973           Add('/YStep '+format('%f',[FYstep])+' def');
974           Add('/PaintProc { begin');
976           // insert the canvas
977           for I := 0 to FCanvas.PostScript.Count - 1 do begin
978               Add(FCanvas.PostScript[I]);
979           end;
981           // Add support for custom matrix later
982           Add('end } def end '+FName+'proto [1 0 0 1 0 0] makepattern /'+FName+' exch def');
983           Add('%% END PATTERN '+FName);
984   end;
985   Result := FPostScript;
986 end;
988 procedure TPSPattern.SetBBox(const AValue: TRect);
989 begin
990   if FBBox=AValue then exit;
991   FBBox:=AValue;
992   //FCanvas.Width := FBBox.Right - FBBox.Left;
993   FCanvas.Height := FBBox.Bottom - FBBox.Top;
994   Changed;
995 end;
997 procedure TPSPattern.SetName(const AValue: String);
998 begin
999   FOldName := FName;
1000   if FName=AValue then exit;
1001   FName:=AValue;
1002   Changed;
1003 end;
1005 procedure TPSPattern.Changed;
1006 begin
1007   if Assigned(FOnChange) then FOnChange(Self);
1008 end;
1010 procedure TPSPattern.SetPaintType(const AValue: TPSPaintType);
1011 begin
1012   if FPaintType=AValue then exit;
1013   FPaintType:=AValue;
1014   Changed;
1015 end;
1017 procedure TPSPattern.SetTilingType(const AValue: TPSTileType);
1018 begin
1019   if FTilingType=AValue then exit;
1020   FTilingType:=AValue;
1021   Changed;
1022 end;
1024 procedure TPSPattern.SetXStep(const AValue: Real);
1025 begin
1026   if FXStep=AValue then exit;
1027   FXStep:=AValue;
1028   Changed;
1029 end;
1031 procedure TPSPattern.SetYStep(const AValue: Real);
1032 begin
1033   if FYStep=AValue then exit;
1034   FYStep:=AValue;
1035   Changed;
1036 end;
1038 constructor TPSPattern.Create;
1039 begin
1040   FPostScript := TStringList.Create;
1041   FPaintType := ptColored;
1042   FTilingType := ttConstant;
1043   FCanvas := TPostScriptCanvas.Create(nil);
1044   FName := 'Pattern1';
1045 end;
1047 destructor TPSPattern.Destroy;
1048 begin
1049   FPostScript.Free;
1050   FCanvas.Free;
1051   inherited Destroy;
1052 end;
1054 end.