1 {
2  *****************************************************************************
3   This file is part of the Lazarus Component Library (LCL)
5   See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL.txt, included in this distribution,
6   for details about the license.
7  *****************************************************************************
9   Author: Jesus Reyes Aguilar
10 }
11 unit PostScriptUnicode;
13 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
15 interface
17 uses
18   Classes, SysUtils, Math,
19   // LazUtils
20   Maps;
22 type
23   TUnicodeBlock = record
24     Ini, Fin, PSCount: Integer;
25   end;
27   PGlyph = ^TGlyph;
28   TGlyph = record
29     Code: Word;
30     Name: string[21];
31   end;
33 // TODO: modify GlyphsArr sorted by Name
34 {$i glyphlist.inc}
36 type
38   { TPsUnicode }
40   TPsUnicode = class
41   private
42     FFontSize: Integer;
43     FFontStyle: Integer;
44     FGlyphs: TMap;
45     FBlocks: array of TUnicodeBlock;
46     FEncodings: array of Integer;
47     FOutLst, FBaseFonts,FEncodedFonts,FUsedFonts: TStringList;
48     FLastFontIndex: Integer;
49     FFont: string;
50     procedure CountPSChars;
51     procedure CreateGlyphMap;
52     procedure CreateUniCodeBlocks;
FindEncodingIndexnull53     function FindEncodingIndex(ABlock: Integer): Integer;
IndexOfFontnull54     function IndexOfFont(AFontName:string; AFontSize,AFontStyle,ABlock:Integer): Integer;
SelectFontnull55     function SelectFont(AFontName:string; AFontSize,AFontStyle,ABlock:Integer): string;
56     procedure ReportBlockEncoding(i:Integer);
57     procedure SetFont(const AValue: string);
58     procedure SetFontSize(const AValue: Integer);
59     procedure SetFontStyle(const AValue: Integer);
60   public
61     constructor create;
62     destructor destroy; override;
63     procedure OutputString(S:string);
BlockFornull64     function BlockFor(var w: word):integer;
65     procedure ResetLastFont;
UnicodeToGlyphnull66     function UnicodeToGlyph(w: word): string;
67     property Font: string read FFont write SetFont;
68     property FontSize: Integer read FFontSize write SetFontSize;
69     property FOntStyle: Integer read FFontStyle write SetFontStyle;
70     property OutLst: TStringlist read FOutLst write FOutLst;
71   end;
73 implementation
Octalnull75 function Octal(c : byte) : string;
76 begin
77   result := '\' +
78     char( ord('0') + (c div 64) ) +
79     char( ord('0') + (c mod 64) div 8 ) +
80     Char( ord('0') + (c mod 8 ) );
81 end;
83 { TPsUnicode }
85 procedure TPsUnicode.CreateGlyphMap;
86 var
87   i: word;
88 begin
90   if FGlyphs<>nil then
91     exit;
93   FGlyphs := TMap.Create(itu2, SizeOf(word));
94   for i:=0 to GLYPHCOUNT-1 do
95     FGlyphs.Add(GlyphsArr[i].Code, i);
97   CountPSChars;
98 end;
100 procedure TPsUnicode.CreateUniCodeBlocks;
101   procedure AddBlock(Ini,Fin:Integer);
102   var
103     i: Integer;
104   begin
105     i := Length(FBlocks);
106     SetLength(FBlocks, i+1);
107     FBlocks[i].Ini:=Ini;
108     FBlocks[i].Fin:=Fin;
109   end;
110 begin
111   if Length(FBlocks)>0 then
112     exit;
113   //(^([A-Z0-9 \-]+)*).U\+([A-F0-9]+).U\+([A-F0-9]+)
114   //  AddBlock\(\$$3,\$$4); // $1
116   // Following two blocks are merged into one
117   //AddBlock($0000,$007F); // Basic Latin	(128)
118   //AddBlock($0080,$00FF); // Latin-1 Supplement	(128)
119   AddBlock($0000,$00FF); // Basic Latin + Latin1 sup (256)
121   AddBlock($0100,$017F); // Latin Extended-A	(128)
122   AddBlock($0180,$024F); // Latin Extended-B	(208)
123   AddBlock($0250,$02AF); // IPA Extensions	(96)
124   AddBlock($02B0,$02FF); // Spacing Modifier Letters	(80)
125   AddBlock($0300,$036F); // Combining Diacritical Marks	(112)
126   AddBlock($0370,$03FF); // Greek and Coptic	(134)
127   AddBlock($0400,$04FF); // Cyrillic	(256)
128   AddBlock($0500,$052F); // Cyrillic Supplement	(36)
129   AddBlock($0530,$058F); // Armenian	(86)
130   AddBlock($0590,$05FF); // Hebrew	(87)
131   AddBlock($0600,$06FF); // Arabic	(250)
132   AddBlock($0700,$074F); // Syriac	(77)
133   AddBlock($0750,$077F); // Arabic Supplement	(48)
134   AddBlock($0780,$07BF); // Thaana	(50)
135   AddBlock($07C0,$07FF); // NKo	(59)
136   AddBlock($0900,$097F); // Devanagari	(112)
137   AddBlock($0980,$09FF); // Bengali	(91)
138   AddBlock($0A00,$0A7F); // Gurmukhi	(79)
139   AddBlock($0A80,$0AFF); // Gujarati	(83)
140   AddBlock($0B00,$0B7F); // Oriya	(84)
141   AddBlock($0B80,$0BFF); // Tamil	(72)
142   AddBlock($0C00,$0C7F); // Telugu	(93)
143   AddBlock($0C80,$0CFF); // Kannada	(86)
144   AddBlock($0D00,$0D7F); // Malayalam	(95)
145   AddBlock($0D80,$0DFF); // Sinhala	(80)
146   AddBlock($0E00,$0E7F); // Thai	(87)
147   AddBlock($0E80,$0EFF); // Lao	(65)
148   AddBlock($0F00,$0FFF); // Tibetan	(201)
149   AddBlock($1000,$109F); // Myanmar	(156)
150   AddBlock($10A0,$10FF); // Georgian	(83)
151   AddBlock($1100,$11FF); // Hangul Jamo	(240)
152   AddBlock($1200,$137F); // Ethiopic	(356)
153   AddBlock($1380,$139F); // Ethiopic Supplement	(26)
154   AddBlock($13A0,$13FF); // Cherokee	(85)
155   AddBlock($1400,$167F); // Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics	(630)
156   AddBlock($1680,$169F); // Ogham	(29)
157   AddBlock($16A0,$16FF); // Runic	(81)
158   AddBlock($1700,$171F); // Tagalog	(20)
159   AddBlock($1720,$173F); // Hanunoo	(23)
160   AddBlock($1740,$175F); // Buhid	(20)
161   AddBlock($1760,$177F); // Tagbanwa	(18)
162   AddBlock($1780,$17FF); // Khmer	(114)
163   AddBlock($1800,$18AF); // Mongolian	(156)
164   AddBlock($1900,$194F); // Limbu	(66)
165   AddBlock($1950,$197F); // Tai Le	(35)
166   AddBlock($1980,$19DF); // New Tai Lue	(80)
167   AddBlock($19E0,$19FF); // Khmer Symbols	(32)
168   AddBlock($1A00,$1A1F); // Buginese	(30)
169   AddBlock($1B00,$1B7F); // Balinese	(121)
170   AddBlock($1B80,$1BBF); // Sundanese	(55)
171   AddBlock($1C00,$1C4F); // Lepcha	(74)
172   AddBlock($1C50,$1C7F); // Ol Chiki	(48)
173   AddBlock($1D00,$1D7F); // Phonetic Extensions	(128)
174   AddBlock($1D80,$1DBF); // Phonetic Extensions Supplement	(64)
175   AddBlock($1DC0,$1DFF); // Combining Diacritical Marks Supplement	(41)
176   AddBlock($1E00,$1EFF); // Latin Extended Additional	(256)
177   AddBlock($1F00,$1FFF); // Greek Extended	(233)
178   AddBlock($2000,$206F); // General Punctuation	(107)
179   AddBlock($2070,$209F); // Superscripts and Subscripts	(34)
180   AddBlock($20A0,$20CF); // Currency Symbols	(22)
181   AddBlock($20D0,$20FF); // Combining Diacritical Marks for Symbols	(33)
182   AddBlock($2100,$214F); // Letterlike Symbols	(80)
183   AddBlock($2150,$218F); // Number Forms	(54)
184   AddBlock($2190,$21FF); // Arrows	(112)
185   AddBlock($2200,$22FF); // Mathematical Operators	(256)
186   AddBlock($2300,$23FF); // Miscellaneous Technical	(232)
187   AddBlock($2400,$243F); // Control Pictures	(39)
188   AddBlock($2440,$245F); // Optical Character Recognition	(11)
189   AddBlock($2460,$24FF); // Enclosed Alphanumerics	(160)
190   AddBlock($2500,$257F); // Box Drawing	(128)
191   AddBlock($2580,$259F); // Block Elements	(32)
192   AddBlock($25A0,$25FF); // Geometric Shapes	(96)
193   AddBlock($2600,$26FF); // Miscellaneous Symbols	(191)
194   AddBlock($2700,$27BF); // Dingbats	(174)
195   AddBlock($27C0,$27EF); // Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A	(44)
196   AddBlock($27F0,$27FF); // Supplemental Arrows-A	(16)
197   AddBlock($2800,$28FF); // Braille Patterns	(256)
198   AddBlock($2900,$297F); // Supplemental Arrows-B	(128)
199   AddBlock($2980,$29FF); // Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B	(128)
200   AddBlock($2A00,$2AFF); // Supplemental Mathematical Operators	(256)
201   AddBlock($2B00,$2BFF); // Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows	(82)
202   AddBlock($2C00,$2C5F); // Glagolitic	(94)
203   AddBlock($2C60,$2C7F); // Latin Extended-C	(29)
204   AddBlock($2C80,$2CFF); // Coptic	(114)
205   AddBlock($2D00,$2D2F); // Georgian Supplement	(38)
206   AddBlock($2D30,$2D7F); // Tifinagh	(55)
207   AddBlock($2D80,$2DDF); // Ethiopic Extended	(79)
208   AddBlock($2DE0,$2DFF); // Cyrillic Extended-A	(32)
209   AddBlock($2E00,$2E7F); // Supplemental Punctuation	(49)
210   AddBlock($2E80,$2EFF); // CJK Radicals Supplement	(115)
211   AddBlock($2F00,$2FDF); // Kangxi Radicals	(214)
212   AddBlock($2FF0,$2FFF); // Ideographic Description Characters	(12)
213   AddBlock($3000,$303F); // CJK Symbols and Punctuation	(64)
214   AddBlock($3040,$309F); // Hiragana	(93)
215   AddBlock($30A0,$30FF); // Katakana	(96)
216   AddBlock($3100,$312F); // Bopomofo	(41)
217   AddBlock($3130,$318F); // Hangul Compatibility Jamo	(94)
218   AddBlock($3190,$319F); // Kanbun	(16)
219   AddBlock($31A0,$31BF); // Bopomofo Extended	(24)
220   AddBlock($31C0,$31EF); // CJK Strokes	(36)
221   AddBlock($31F0,$31FF); // Katakana Phonetic Extensions	(16)
222   AddBlock($3200,$32FF); // Enclosed CJK Letters and Months	(242)
223   AddBlock($3300,$33FF); // CJK Compatibility	(256)
224   AddBlock($3400,$4DBF); // CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A	(2)
225   AddBlock($4DC0,$4DFF); // Yijing Hexagram Symbols	(64)
226   AddBlock($4E00,$9FFF); // CJK Unified Ideographs	(2)
227   AddBlock($A000,$A48F); // Yi Syllables	(1165)
228   AddBlock($A490,$A4CF); // Yi Radicals	(55)
229   AddBlock($A500,$A63F); // Vai	(300)
230   AddBlock($A640,$A69F); // Cyrillic Extended-B	(78)
231   AddBlock($A700,$A71F); // Modifier Tone Letters	(32)
232   AddBlock($A720,$A7FF); // Latin Extended-D	(114)
233   AddBlock($A800,$A82F); // Syloti Nagri	(44)
234   AddBlock($A840,$A87F); // Phags-pa	(56)
235   AddBlock($A880,$A8DF); // Saurashtra	(81)
236   AddBlock($A900,$A92F); // Kayah Li	(48)
237   AddBlock($A930,$A95F); // Rejang	(37)
238   AddBlock($AA00,$AA5F); // Cham	(83)
239   AddBlock($AC00,$D7AF); // Hangul Syllables	(2)
240   AddBlock($D800,$DB7F); // High Surrogates	(2)
241   AddBlock($DB80,$DBFF); // High Private Use Surrogates	(2)
242   AddBlock($DC00,$DFFF); // Low Surrogates	(2)
243   AddBlock($E000,$F8FF); // Private Use Area	(2)
244   AddBlock($F900,$FAFF); // CJK Compatibility Ideographs	(467)
245   AddBlock($FB00,$FB4F); // Alphabetic Presentation Forms	(58)
246   AddBlock($FB50,$FDFF); // Arabic Presentation Forms-A	(595)
247   AddBlock($FE00,$FE0F); // Variation Selectors	(16)
248   AddBlock($FE10,$FE1F); // Vertical Forms	(10)
249   AddBlock($FE20,$FE2F); // Combining Half Marks	(7)
250   AddBlock($FE30,$FE4F); // CJK Compatibility Forms	(32)
251   AddBlock($FE50,$FE6F); // Small Form Variants	(26)
252   AddBlock($FE70,$FEFF); // Arabic Presentation Forms-B	(141)
253   AddBlock($FF00,$FFEF); // Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms	(225)
254   AddBlock($FFF0,$FFFF); // Specials	(5)
256   // next blocks are outside BMP
257   //AddBlock($10000,$1007F); // Linear B Syllabary	(88)
258   //AddBlock($10080,$100FF); // Linear B Ideograms	(123)
259   //AddBlock($10100,$1013F); // Aegean Numbers	(57)
260   //AddBlock($10140,$1018F); // Ancient Greek Numbers	(75)
261   //AddBlock($10190,$101CF); // Ancient Symbols	(12)
262   //AddBlock($101D0,$101FF); // Phaistos Disc	(46)
263   //AddBlock($10280,$1029F); // Lycian	(29)
264   //AddBlock($102A0,$102DF); // Carian	(49)
265   //AddBlock($10300,$1032F); // Old Italic	(35)
266   //AddBlock($10330,$1034F); // Gothic	(27)
267   //AddBlock($10380,$1039F); // Ugaritic	(31)
268   //AddBlock($103A0,$103DF); // Old Persian	(50)
269   //AddBlock($10400,$1044F); // Deseret	(80)
270   //AddBlock($10450,$1047F); // Shavian	(48)
271   //AddBlock($10480,$104AF); // Osmanya	(40)
272   //AddBlock($10800,$1083F); // Cypriot Syllabary	(55)
273   //AddBlock($10900,$1091F); // Phoenician	(27)
274   //AddBlock($10920,$1093F); // Lydian	(27)
275   //AddBlock($10A00,$10A5F); // Kharoshthi	(65)
276   //AddBlock($12000,$123FF); // Cuneiform	(879)
277   //AddBlock($12400,$1247F); // Cuneiform Numbers and Punctuation	(103)
278   //AddBlock($1D000,$1D0FF); // Byzantine Musical Symbols	(246)
279   //AddBlock($1D100,$1D1FF); // Musical Symbols	(220)
280   //AddBlock($1D200,$1D24F); // Ancient Greek Musical Notation	(70)
281   //AddBlock($1D300,$1D35F); // Tai Xuan Jing Symbols	(87)
282   //AddBlock($1D360,$1D37F); // Counting Rod Numerals	(18)
283   //AddBlock($1D400,$1D7FF); // Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols	(996)
284   //AddBlock($1F000,$1F02F); // Mahjong Tiles	(44)
285   //AddBlock($1F030,$1F09F); // Domino Tiles	(100)
286   //AddBlock($20000,$2A6DF); // CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B	(2)
287   //AddBlock($2F800,$2FA1F); // CJK Compatibility Ideographs Supplement	(542)
288   //AddBlock($E0000,$E007F); // Tags	(97)
289   //AddBlock($E0100,$E01EF); // Variation Selectors Supplement	(240)
290   //AddBlock($F0000,$FFFFF); // Supplementary Private Use Area-A	(2)
291   //AddBlock($100000,$10FFFF); // Supplementary Private Use Area-B	(2)
292 end;
294 constructor TPsUnicode.create;
295 begin
296   inherited create;
297   FBaseFonts := TStringList.Create;
298   FEncodedFonts := TStringList.Create;
299   FUsedFonts := TStringList.Create;
300   FLastFontIndex := -1;
301   FFontSize := 12;
302 end;
304 destructor TPsUnicode.destroy;
305 begin
306   FUsedFonts.Free;
307   FEncodedFonts.Free;
308   FBaseFonts.Free;
309   FGlyphs.Free;
310   inherited destroy;
311 end;
313 procedure TPsUnicode.OutputString(S: string);
314 var
316   UStr: UnicodeString;
317 {$ELSE}
318   UStr: WideString;
319 {$ENDIF}
320   w: word;
321   i, b: Integer;
322   c: char;
323   SubStr,FontStr: string;
324   FontIndex: Integer;
326   procedure EmitSubStr;
327   begin
328     if SubStr<>'' then begin
329       OutLst.Add(FontStr + '('+SubStr+') show');
330     end;
331     SubStr := '';
332     FontStr := '';
333   end;
335 begin
337   CreateUnicodeBlocks;
338   CreateGlyphMap;
340   UStr := UTF8Decode(S);
341   SubStr := '';
342   for i:=1 to Length(UStr) do begin
344     w := word(UStr[i]);
345     b := BlockFor(w);
347     FontIndex := IndexOfFont(Font, FontSize, FontStyle, b);
348     if (FontIndex<0) or (FontIndex<>FLastFontIndex) then begin
349       EmitSubStr;
350       FontStr := SelectFont(Font, FontSize, FontStyle, b);
351     end;
353     c := Char(Byte(w-FBlocks[b].Ini));
354     if c in  [#0..#31,'(',')','\'] then
355       SubStr := SubStr + Octal(ord(c))
356     else
357       SubStr := SubStr + c;
358   end;
360   EmitSubStr;
361 end;
363 procedure TPsUnicode.CountPSChars;
364 var
365   Id: Word;
366   i,j: Integer;
367 begin
368   for i:=0 to Length(FBlocks)-1 do begin
369     FBlocks[i].PSCount:=0;
370     for j:=FBlocks[i].Ini to FBlocks[i].Fin do begin
371       Id := word(j);
372       if FGlyphs.HasId(Id) then
373         Inc(FBlocks[i].PSCount);
374     end;
375   end;
376 end;
BlockFornull378 function TPsUnicode.BlockFor(var w: word): integer;
379 var
380   i: Integer;
381 begin
382   CreateUnicodeBlocks;
383   for i:=0 to Length(FBlocks)-1 do begin
384     if FBlocks[i].PSCount=0 then
385       continue;
386     if w<FBlocks[i].Ini then
387       break
388     else
389     if w<=FBlocks[i].Fin then begin
390       result := i;
391       exit;
392     end;
393   end;
394   result := 0;
395   w := 32;
396 end;
TPsUnicode.FindEncodingIndexnull398 function TPsUnicode.FindEncodingIndex(ABlock: Integer): Integer;
399 var
400   i: Integer;
401 begin
402   result := -1;
403   for i:=0 to Length(FEncodings)-1 do
404     if FEncodings[i]=ABlock then begin
405       result := i;
406       break;
407     end;
408 end;
IndexOfFontnull410 function TPsUnicode.IndexOfFont(AFontName: string; AFontSize, AFontStyle,
411   ABlock: Integer): Integer;
412 var
413   BaseName: string;
414 begin
415   Result := FindEncodingIndex(ABlock);
416   if Result<0 then
417     exit;
419   Result := FBaseFonts.IndexOf(AFontName);
420   if Result<0 then
421     exit;
423   BaseName := 'F'+IntToStr(Result)+IntToStr(ABlock);
424   Result := FEncodedFonts.IndexOf(BaseName);
425   if Result<0 then
426       exit;
428   Result := FUsedFonts.IndexOf(BaseName+IntToStr(AFontSize)+IntToStr(AFontStyle));
429 end;
TPsUnicode.SelectFontnull431 function TPsUnicode.SelectFont(AFontName: string; AFontSize, AFontStyle,
432   ABlock: Integer): string;
433 var
434   i,EncIndx: Integer;
435   EncFont,EncScaledFont: string;
436 begin
438   EncIndx := FindEncodingIndex(ABlock);
439   if EncIndx<0 then begin
440     // add new encoding array
441     EncIndx := Length(FEncodings);
442     Setlength(FEncodings, EncIndx+1);
443     FEncodings[EncIndx] := ABlock;
445     // emit encoding array
446     OutLst.Add(format('/Arr%d    %% %.4x-%.4x',[ABlock,FBLocks[ABlock].ini,FBLocks[ABlock].fin]));
447     OutLst.Add('[');
448     ReportBlockEncoding(ABlock);
449     OutLst.Add('] def');
450     OutLst.Add('');;
451   end;
453   // NewFontName [NewEncodingArray] /FontName RE
454   i := FBaseFonts.IndexOf(AFontName);
455   if i<0 then
456     i := FBaseFonts.Add(AFontName);
458   EncFont :='F'+IntToStr(i)+IntToStr(ABlock);
459   i := FEncodedFonts.IndexOf(EncFont);
460   if i<0 then begin
461     i := FEncodedFonts.Add(EncFont);
462     OutLst.Add('');;
463     OutLst.Add( format('/%s Arr%d /%s RE',[EncFont,ABlock,AFontName]));
464   end;
466   // if it's first font use, scale and define it, else just invoke it
467   EncScaledFont := format('%s%d%d',[EncFont,AFontSize,AFontStyle]);
468   i := FUsedFonts.IndexOf(EncScaledFont);
469   if i<0 then begin
470     i := FUsedFonts.Add(EncScaledFont);
471     OutLst.Add(format('/%s { /%s %d selectfont } bind def',
472       [EncScaledFont,EncFont,AFontSize]));
473     OutLst.Add('');
474   end;
475   if FLastFontIndex<>i then begin
476     FLastFontIndex := i;
477     Result := EncScaledFont + ' ';
478   end else
479     Result := '';
480 end;
482 procedure TPsUnicode.ReportBlockEncoding(i: Integer);
483 var
484   b,g,j: Integer;
485   Id,GlypIndx: Word;
486   S: string;
487   n: Integer;
488 begin
489   CreateGlyphMap;
490   n := FBlocks[i].Fin-FBlocks[i].Ini+1;
491   g := FBlocks[i].Ini;
492   S := '';
493   for b:=1 to ceil(n/256) do begin
494     for j:=0 to 255 do begin
495       Id := Word(g);
496       if (g<=FBlocks[i].Fin) and FGlyphs.HasID(Id) then begin
497         FGlyphs.GetData(Id, GlypIndx);
498         S := S + '/'+GlyphsArr[GlypIndx].Name+' ';
499       end else
500         S := S + '/uni'+IntToHex(Id,4)+' ';
501       if (j+1) mod 8 = 0 then begin
502         OutLst.Add(S);
503         S := '';
504       end;
505       inc(g);
506     end;
507     break; // TODO: handle only first 256 chars on blocks with too many chars
508   end;
509   if s<>'' then
510     OutLst.Add(S);
511 end;
513 procedure TPsUnicode.SetFont(const AValue: string);
514 begin
515   if AValue='' then
516     FFont := 'Times-Roman'
517   else
518     FFont := AValue;
519 end;
521 procedure TPsUnicode.SetFontSize(const AValue: Integer);
522 begin
523   if FFontSize>0 then
524     FFontSize := AValue;
525 end;
527 procedure TPsUnicode.SetFontStyle(const AValue: Integer);
528 begin
529   if FFontStyle<0 then
530     FFontStyle := 0
531   else
532     FFontStyle := AValue;
533 end;
535 procedure TPsUnicode.ResetLastFont;
536 begin
537   FLastFontIndex:=-1;
538 end;
UnicodeToGlyphnull540 function TPsUnicode.UnicodeToGlyph(w: word): string;
541 var
542   i: word;
543 begin
544   CreateGlyphMap;
546   if FGlyphs.GetData(w, i) then
547     result := GlyphsArr[i].Name
548   else
549     result := '';
550 end;
552 end.