1 /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
2 /*
3  * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
4  *
5  * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7  * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
8  *
9  * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
10  *
11  *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
12  *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
13  *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
14  *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
15  *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
16  *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
17  *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
18  */
20 /** @HTML */
25 #include <sal/config.h>
27 #include <memory>
28 #include <vector>
30 #include <jvmfwk/jvmfwkdllapi.hxx>
31 #include <rtl/byteseq.hxx>
32 #include <rtl/ustring.hxx>
33 #include <jni.h>
35 /** @file
36     <p>This library can operate in two modes, application mode and direct mode.</p>
39     <h2>Application Mode</h2>
40     In application mode the Java related settings are stored in files.
41     There are currently three files which need to be accessed. They are determined
42     by bootstrap parameters:</p>
43     <dl>
45     <dd>contains vendor and version information about JREs as well as the
46     location of plugin-libraries which are responsible for providing information
47     about these JREs as well as starting the VMs.</dd>
48     <dt>UNO_JAVA_JFW_USER_DATA</dt>
49     <dd>The file contains settings for a particular user. One can use the macro
50     $SYSUSERCONFIG in the URL which expands to a directory where the user's data are
51     kept. On UNIX this would be the home directory and on Windows some sub-directory
52     of the &quot;Documents and Settings&quot; folder.The content of this file is an
53     implementation detail and may change in the future.</dd>
54     <dt>UNO_JAVA_JFW_SHARED_DATA</dt>
55     <dd>The file contains settings valid for all users. If a user changes a setting
56     then it takes precedence over the setting from UNO_JAVA_JFW_SHARED_DATA.
57     The content of this file is an implementation detail and may change in the future.</dd>
58     </dl>
60     <p>The values for these parameters must be file URLs and include the file name, for
61     example:<br>
62     file:///d:/MyApp/javavendors.xml<br>
63     All files are XML files and must have the extension .xml.</p>
64     <p>
65     Modifying the shared settings is currently not supported by the framework. To provide
66     Java settings for all users one can run OOo and change the settings in the
67     options dialog. These settings are made persistent in the UNO_JAVA_JFW_USER_DATA.
68     The file can then be copied into the base installation.
69     Other users will use automatically these data but can override the settings in
70     the options dialog. This mechanism may change in the future.
71     </p>
72     <p>If shared Java settings are not supported by an application then it is not
73     necessary to specify the bootstrap parameter <code>UNO_JAVA_JFW_SHARED_DATA</code>.
74     </p>
76     <p>Setting the class path used by a Java VM should not be necessary. The locations
77     of Jar files should be known by a class loader. If a jar file depends on another
78     jar file then it can be referenced in the manifest file of the first jar. However,
79     a user may add jars to the class path by using this API. If it becomes necessary
80     to add files to the class path which is to be used by all users then one can use
81     the bootstrap parameter UNO_JAVA_JFW_CLASSPATH_URLS. The value contains of file URLs
82     which must be separated by spaces.</p>
85     <h2>Direct Mode</h2>
87     <p>The direct mode is intended for a scenario where no configuration files
88     are available and a Java VM  shall be run. That is,
89     the files containing the user and shared settings are not specified by the
90     bootstrap parameters UNO_JAVA_JFW_SHARED_DATA and UNO_JAVA_JFW_USER_DATA.
91     For example, tools, such as regcomp, may use this  framework in a build
92     environment. Then one would want to use settings which have been specified
93     by the build environment. The framework would automatically use the
94     current settings when they change in the environment.
95     </p>
97     <p> Here are examples how regcomp could be invoked using bootstrap parameters:
98     </p>
99     <p>
100     regcomp -env:UNO_JAVA_JFW_JREHOME=file:///d:/j2re1.4.2
101     -env:&quot;UNO_JAVA_JFW_CLASSPATH=d:\\solver\\bin\\classes.jar;d:\\solver\\bin\\jurt.jar&quot;
102     -register...
103     </p>
104     <p>If UNO_JAVA_JFW_VENDOR_SETTINGS is not set then a plugin library must be specified. For example:</p>
105     <p>
106     regcomp -env:UNO_JAVA_JFW_JREHOME=file:///d:/j2re1.4.2
107     -env:&quot;UNO_JAVA_JFW_CLASSPATH=d:\\solver\\bin\\classes.jar;d:\\solver\\bin\\jurt.jar&quot;
108     -register...
109     </p>
110     <p>Additional parameters for the Java VM can be provided. For every parameter
111     a separate bootstrap parameter must be specified. The names are
112     <code>UNO_JAVA_JFW_PARAMETER_X</code>, where X is 1,2, .. n. For example:</p>
113     <p>
114     regcomp -env:UNO_JAVA_JFW_PARAMETER_1=-Xdebug
115     -env:UNO_JAVA_JFW_PARAMETER_2=-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,address=8100
116     -env:UNO_JAVA_JFW_JREHOME=file:///d:/j2re1.4.2
117     -env:&quot;UNO_JAVA_JFW_CLASSPATH=d:\\solver\\bin\\classes.jar;d:\\solver\\bin\\jurt.jar&quot;
118     -register...</p>
119     <p>
120     Here is a complete list of the bootstrap parameter for the direct mode:
121     </p>
122     <dl>
123     <dt>UNO_JAVA_JFW_JREHOME</dt>
124     <dd>Specifies a file URL to a JRE installation.It must ALWAYS be specified
125     in direct mode</dd>
126     <dt>UNO_JAVA_JFW_ENV_JREHOME</dt>
127     <dd>Setting this parameter, for example to &quot;1&quot; or &quot;true&quot;,
128     causes the framework to use the environment variable JAVA_HOME. It is expected
129     that JAVA_HOME contains a system path rather than a file URL. This parameter
130     and UNO_JAVA_JFW_JREHOME are mutually exclusive</dd>
131     <dt>UNO_JAVA_JFW_CLASSPATH</dt>
132     <dd>Contains the class path which is to be used by the VM. Special character,
133     such as '\','{','}','$' must be preceded with '\'. See documentation about the
134     bootstrap parameter.</dd>
136     <dd>Setting this parameter,for example to &quot;1&quot; or &quot;true&quot;,
137     causes the framework to use the
138     environment variable CLASSPATH. If this variable and UNO_JAVA_JFW_CLASSPATH are
139     set then the class path is composed from UNO_JAVA_JFW_CLASSPATH and the environment
140     variable CLASSPATH.</dd>
141     <dt>UNO_JAVA_JFW_PARAMETER_X</dt>
142     <dd>Specifies a parameter for the Java VM. The X is replaced by
143     non-negative natural numbers starting with 1.</dd>
144     </dl>
146     <p>A note about bootstrap parameters. The implementation of the bootstrap
147     parameter mechanism interprets the characters '\', '$', '{', '}' as
148     escape characters. That's why the Windows path contain double back-slashes.
149     One should also take into account that a console may have also special
150     escape characters.</p>
152     <h2>What mode is used</h2>
153     <p>
154     The default mode is application mode. If at least one bootstrap parameter
155     for the direct mode is provided then direct mode is used. </p>
157     <p>
158     All settings made by this API are done for the current user if not
159     mentioned differently.</p>
161     <h2>Other bootstrap variables</h2>
162     <dl>
164     <dd>This is an unofficial variable which was introduced to workaround external issues.
165     It may be removed in the future. By setting it to 1, the framework will not try to
166     find out if the system is configured to use accessibility tools or if a JRE has an
167     accessible bridge installed</dd>
169     <dd>This is an unofficial variable which was introduced to workaround external issues.
170     It may be removed in the future. By setting it to 1, the framework will override a
171     platform's desire not to probe each java backend to determine if it has an accessibility
172     bridge installed. If the JFW_PLUGIN_DO_NOT_CHECK_ACCESSIBILITY is set this variable has
173     no effect, and is Unix specific.</dd>
174     </dl>
175 */
177 /** indicates that a JRE has an accessibility bridge installed.
178     <p>
179     The flag is used with JavaInfo::nFeatures.</p>
180  */
182 /** indicates that there must be an environment set up before the Java process
183     runs.
184     <p>Therefore, when a Java is selected in OO then the office must be
185     restarted, so that the changes can take effect.</p>
186  */
189 /** error codes which are returned by functions of this API.
190  */
191 enum javaFrameworkError
192 {
193     JFW_E_NONE,
194     JFW_E_ERROR,
195     JFW_E_NO_SELECT,
206 };
208 /** an instance of this struct represents an installation of a Java
209     Runtime Environment (JRE).
211     <p>
212     Instances of this struct are created by the plug-in libraries which are used by
213     this framework (jvmfwk/vendorplugin.h).</p>
214  */
215 struct JavaInfo
216 {
217     /** contains the vendor.
219         <p>string must be the same as the one obtained from the
220         Java system property <code>java.vendor</code>.
221         </p>
222      */
223     OUString sVendor;
224     /** contains the file URL to the installation directory.
225     */
226     OUString sLocation;
227     /** contains the version of this Java distribution.
229         <p>The version string  must adhere to the rules
230         about how a version string has to be formed. These rules may
231         be vendor-dependent. Essentially the strings must syntactically
232         equal the Java system property <code>java.version</code>.
233         </p>
234     */
235     OUString sVersion;
236     /** indicates supported special features.
238         <p>For example, <code>JFW_FEATURE_ACCESSBRIDGE</code> indicates that
239         assistive technology tools are supported.</p>
240      */
241     sal_uInt64 nFeatures;
242     /** indicates requirements for running the java runtime.
244         <p>For example, it may be necessary to prepare the environment before
245         the runtime is created. That could mean, setting the
246         <code>LD_LIBRARY_PATH</code>
247         when <code>nRequirements</code> contains the flag
248         <code>JFW_REQUIRE_NEEDRESTART</code></p>
249      */
250     sal_uInt64 nRequirements;
251     /** contains data needed for the creation of the java runtime.
253         <p>There is no rule about the format and content of the sequence's
254         values. The plug-in libraries can put all data, necessary for
255         starting the java runtime into this sequence. </p>
256      */
257     rtl::ByteSequence arVendorData;
258 };
260 /** compares two <code>JavaInfo</code> objects for equality.
262    <p>Two <code>JavaInfo</code> objects are said to be equal if the contained
263    members of the first <code>JavaInfo</code> are equal to their counterparts
264    in the second <code>JavaInfo</code> object. The equality of the
265    <code>OUString</code> members is determined
266    by <code>operator ==</code>.
267    Similarly the equality of the <code>rtl::ByteSequence</code> is
268    also determined by a comparison
269    function (see <code>rtl::ByteSequence::operator ==</code>). </p>
270    <p>
271    Both argument pointers  must be valid.</p>
272    @param pInfoA
273    the first argument.
274    @param pInfoB
275    the second argument which is compared with the first.
276    @return
277    true - both object represent the same JRE.</br>
278    false - the objects represent different JREs
279  */
280 JVMFWK_DLLPUBLIC bool jfw_areEqualJavaInfo(
281     JavaInfo const * pInfoA,JavaInfo const * pInfoB);
283 /** determines if a Java Virtual Machine is already running.
285     <p>As long as the office and the JREs only support one
286     Virtual Machine per process the Java settings, particularly the
287     selected Java, are not effective immediately after changing when
288     a VM has already been running. That is, if a JRE A was used to start
289     a VM and then a JRE B is selected, then JRE B will only be used
290     after a restart of the office.</p>
291     <p>
292     By determining if a VM is running, the user can be presented a message,
293     that the changed setting may not be effective immediately.</p>
295     @return
296     true iff a VM is running.
297 */
298 JVMFWK_DLLPUBLIC bool jfw_isVMRunning();
300 /** detects a suitable JRE and configures the framework to use it.
302     <p>Which JREs can be used is determined by the file javavendors.xml,
303     which contains version requirements.</p>
304     <p>
305     JREs can be provided by different vendors.
306     The function obtains information about JRE installations and checks if
307     there is one among them that supports
308     a set of features (currently only accessibility is possible). If none was
309     found then it also uses a list of paths, which have been registered
310     by <code>jfw_addJRELocation</code>
311     to find JREs. Found JREs are examined in the same way.</p>
312     <p>
313     A JRE installation is only selected if it meets the version requirements.
314     Information about the selected JRE are made persistent so that
315     subsequent calls to <code>jfw_getSelectedJRE</code> returns this
316     information.</p>
317     <p>
318     While determining a proper JRE this function takes into account if a
319     user requires support for assistive technology tools. If user
320     need that support they have to set up their system accordingly.</p>
321     <p>
322     If the JAVA_HOME environment variable is set, this function prefers
323     the JRE which the variable refers to over other JREs.
324     If JAVA_HOME is not set or does not refer to a suitable JRE,
325     the PATH environment variable is inspected and the respective JREs
326     are checked for their suitability next.</p>
327     <p>
328     When support for assistive technology is required, then the
329     <code>JavaInfo</code> objects,
330     which are provided by the <code>getJavaInfo</code> functions, are
331     examined for a suitable JRE.
332     That is, the <code>JavaInfo</code> object that refers to the JRE referred to
333     by JAVA_HOME is examined. If it does not have the flag
334     <code>JFW_FEATURE_ACCESSBRIDGE</code> in the member <code>nFeatures</code>
335     then the <JavaInfo></code> objects that are related to the PATH variable
336     are examined.
337     If no suitable <code>JavaInfo</code> object is found, all <code>JavaInfo</code>
338     objects - representing Java installations on the system -, are examined.
339     As long as no <code>JavaInfo</code> object has the flag
340     <code>JFW_FEATURE_ACCESSBRIDGE</code> in the member <code>nFeatures</code>, more
341     <code>JavaInfo</code> objects are examined.
342     This goes on until a <code>JavaInfo</code> object was found which
343     represents a suitable JRE. Or no such <code>JavaInfo</code> object was found.
344     In that case the first <code>JavaInfo</code> object that was detected
345     by the algorithm described above is used to determine the JRE which is to be used.</p>
346     <p>
347     If there is no need for the support of assistive technology tools then
348     the first <code>JavaInfo</code> object that is detected by the algorithm
349     as described above is used.</p>
351     @param pInfo
352     [out] a <code>JavaInfo</code> pointer, representing the selected JRE.
353     The <code>JavaInfo</code> is for informational purposes only. It is not
354     necessary to call <code>jfw_setSelectedJRE</code> afterwards.<br/>
355     <code>pInfo</code>can be NULL.
357     @return
358     JFW_E_NONE function ran successfully.<br/>
359     JFW_E_ERROR an error occurred. <br/>
360     JFW_E_NO_JAVA_FOUND no JRE was found that meets the requirements.</br>
361     JFW_E_DIRECT_MODE the function cannot be used in this mode. </br>
362     JFW_E_CONFIGURATION mode was not properly set or their prerequisites
363     were not met.
364  */
365 JVMFWK_DLLPUBLIC javaFrameworkError jfw_findAndSelectJRE(std::unique_ptr<JavaInfo> *pInfo);
367 /** provides information about all available JRE installations.
369     <p>The function determines dynamically what JREs are available. It uses
370     the plug-in libraries to provide lists of available <code>JavaInfo</code>
371     objects where each object represents a JRE (see vendorplugin.h,
372     getAllJavaInfos). It also uses a list of paths, which have been registered
373     by <code>jfw_addJRELocation</code>.
374     It is checked if the path still contains a valid JRE and if so the respective
375     <code>JavaInfo</code> object will be appended to the array unless there is
376     already an equal object.</p>
378     @param parInfo
379     [out] on returns it contains a vector of <code>JavaInfo</code> pointers.
381     @return
382     JFW_E_NONE function ran successfully.<br/>
383     JFW_E_ERROR an error occurred. <br/>
384     JFW_E_CONFIGURATION mode was not properly set or their prerequisites
385     were not met.
386 */
387 JVMFWK_DLLPUBLIC javaFrameworkError jfw_findAllJREs(
388     std::vector<std::unique_ptr<JavaInfo>> *parInfo);
390 /** determines if a path points to a Java installation.
392    <p>If the path belongs to a JRE installation then it returns the
393    respective <code>JavaInfo</code> object. The function uses the
394    <code>getJavaInfoByPath</code> function of the plug-ins to obtain the
395    <code>JavaInfo</code> object. Only if the JRE found at the specified location
396    meets the version requirements as specified in the javavendors.xml file a
397    <code>JavaInfo</code> object is returned.<br/>
398    <p>
399    The functions only checks if a JRE exists but does not modify any settings.
400    To make the found JRE the &quot;selected JRE&quot; one has
401    to call <code>jfw_setSelectedJRE</code>.</p>
403    @param pPath
404    [in] a file URL to a directory.
405    @param ppInfo
406    [out] the <code>JavaInfo</code> object which represents a JRE found at the
407    location specified by <code>pPath</code>
409    @return
410    JFW_E_NONE function ran successfully.<br/>
411    JFW_E_ERROR an error occurred. <br/>
412    JFW_E_CONFIGURATION mode was not properly set or their prerequisites
413    were not met.</br>
414    JFW_E_NOT_RECOGNIZED neither plug-in library could detect a JRE. <br/>
415    JFW_E_FAILED_VERSION a JRE was detected but if failed the version
416    requirements as determined by the javavendors.xml
417  */
418 JVMFWK_DLLPUBLIC javaFrameworkError jfw_getJavaInfoByPath(
419     OUString const & pPath, std::unique_ptr<JavaInfo> *ppInfo);
422 /** starts a Java Virtual Machine (JVM).
424     <p>The function uses the current settings to start a JVM. The actual
425     start-up code, however, is provided by the plug-in libraries. The setting
426     of the &quot;selected Java&quot; contains the information as to what vendor
427     the respective JRE comes from. In the javavendors.xml there is a mapping of
428     vendor names to the respective plug-in libraries.</p>
429     <p>
430     The function ultimately calls <code>startJavaVirtualMachine</code> from
431     the plug-in library.</p>
432     <p>
433     The <code>arOptions</code>
434     argument contains start arguments which are passed in JavaVMOption structures
435     to the VM during its creation. These
436     could be things, such as language settings, proxy settings or any other
437     properties which shall be obtainable by
438     <code>java.lang.System.getProperties</code>. One can also pass options which
439     have a certain meaning to the runtime behaviour such as -ea or -X... However,
440     one must be sure that these options can be interpreted by the VM.<br/>
441     The class path cannot be set this way. The class path is internally composed by
442     the paths to archives in a certain directory, which is preconfigured in
443     the internal data store and the respective user setting (see
444     <code>jfw_setUserClassPath</code>.</p>
445     <p>
446     If a JRE was selected at runtime which was different from the previous
447     setting and that JRE needs a prepared environment, for example an adapted
448     <code>LD_LIBRARY_PATH</code> environment variable, then the VM will not be
449     created and JFW_E_NEED_RESTART error is returned. If a VM is already running
450     then a JFW_E_RUNNING_JVM is returned.</p>
452     @param pInfo
453     [in] optional pointer to a specific JRE; must be caller-freed if not NULL
454     @param arOptions
455     [in] the vector containing additional start arguments.
456     @param ppVM
457     [out] the <code>JavaVM</code> pointer.
458     @param ppEnv
459     [out] the <code>JNIenv</code> pointer.
461     @return
462     JFW_E_NONE function ran successfully.<br/>
463     JFW_E_ERROR an error occurred. <br/>
464     JFW_E_CONFIGURATION mode was not properly set or their prerequisites
465     were not met.</br>
466     JFW_E_JAVA_DISABLED the use of Java is currently disabled. <br/>
467     JFW_E_NO_SELECT there is no JRE selected yet. <br/>
468     JFW_E_RUNNIN_JVM there is already a VM running.<br/>
469     JFW_E_INVALID_SETTINGS the javavendors.xml has been changed and no
470     JRE has been selected afterwards. <br/>
471     JFW_E_NEED_RESTART in the current process a different JRE has been selected
472     which needs a prepared environment, which has to be done before the office
473     process. Therefore the new JRE may not be used until the office was restarted.<br/>
474     JFW_E_NEED_RESTART is also returned when Java was disabled at the beginning and
475     then the user enabled it. If then the selected  JRE has the requirement
476     JFW_REQUIRE_NEEDRESTART then this error is returned. </br>
477     JFW_E_VM_CREATION_FAILED the creation of the JVM failed. The creation is performed
478     by a plug-in library and not by this API.
479     JFW_E_FAILED_VERSION the &quot;Default Mode&quot; is active. The JRE determined by
480     <code>JAVA_HOME</code>does not meet the version requirements.
481  */
482 JVMFWK_DLLPUBLIC javaFrameworkError jfw_startVM(
483     JavaInfo const * pInfo, std::vector<OUString> const & arOptions,
484     JavaVM ** ppVM, JNIEnv ** ppEnv);
486 /** determines the JRE that is to be used.
488     <p>When calling <code>jfw_startVM</code> then a VM is started from
489     the JRE that is determined by this function.<br/>
490     It is not verified if the JRE represented by the <code>JavaInfo</code>
491     argument meets the requirements as specified by the javavendors.xml file.
492     However, usually one obtains the <code>JavaInfo</code> object from the
493     functions <code>jfw_findAllJREs</code> or <code>jfw_getJavaInfoByPath</code>,
494     which do verify the JREs and pass out only <code>JavaInfo</code> objects
495     which comply with the version requirements.</p>
496     <p>
497     If <code>pInfo</code> is NULL then the meaning is that no JRE will be
498     selected. <code>jfw_startVM</code> will then return
499     <code>JFW_E_NO_SELECT</code>.</p>
501     @param pInfo
502       [in] pointer to <code>JavaInfo</code> structure, containing data about a
503       JRE. The caller must still free <code>pInfo</code>.
505     @return
506     JFW_E_NONE function ran successfully.<br/>
507     JFW_E_ERROR An error occurred.<br/>
508     JFW_E_CONFIGURATION mode was not properly set or their prerequisites
509     were not met.<br/>
510     JFW_E_DIRECT_MODE the function cannot be used in this mode.
511  */
512 JVMFWK_DLLPUBLIC javaFrameworkError jfw_setSelectedJRE(JavaInfo const *pInfo);
515 /** provides information about the JRE that is to be used.
517     <p>If no JRE is currently selected then <code>ppInfo</code> will contain
518     NULL on return.</br>
519     If the value of the element <updated> in the javavendors.xml file was
520     changed since the time when the last Java was selected then this
521     function returns <code>JFW_E_INVALID_SETTINGS</code>. This could happen during
522     a product patch. Then new version requirements may be introduced, so that
523     the currently selected JRE may not meet these requirements anymore.
524     </p>
525     <p>In direct mode the function returns information about a JRE that was
526     set by the bootstrap parameter UNO_JAVA_JFW_JREHOME.
527     </p>
528     @param ppInfo
529     [out] on return it contains a pointer to a <code>JavaInfo</code> object
530     that represents the currently selected JRE. When <code>*ppInfo</code> is not
531     NULL then the function sets the pointer.
533     @return
534     JFW_E_NONE function ran successfully.<br/>
535     JFW_E_CONFIGURATION mode was not properly set or their prerequisites
536     were not met.<br/>
537     JFW_E_INVALID_SETTINGS the javavendors.xml has been changed and no
538     JRE has been selected afterwards. <br/>
539  */
540 JVMFWK_DLLPUBLIC javaFrameworkError jfw_getSelectedJRE(std::unique_ptr<JavaInfo> *ppInfo);
543 /** determines if Java can be used.
545    <p>If <code>bEnabled</code> is <code>false</code> then a call
546    to jfw_startVM will result in an error with the errorcode
547    <code>JFW_E_JAVA_DISABLED</code></p>
549    @param bEnabled
550    [in] use of Java enabled/disabled.
552    @return
553    JFW_E_NONE function ran successfully.<br/>
554    JFW_E_ERROR An error occurred.<br/>
555    JFW_E_CONFIGURATION mode was not properly set or their prerequisites
556     were not met.<br/>
557    JFW_E_DIRECT_MODE the function cannot be used in this mode.
558  */
559 JVMFWK_DLLPUBLIC javaFrameworkError jfw_setEnabled(bool bEnabled);
561 /** provides the information if Java can be used.
563     <p>That is if the user enabled or disabled the use of Java.
564     </p>
566    @return
567    JFW_E_NONE function ran successfully.<br/>
568    JFW_E_ERROR An error occurred.<br/>
569    JFW_E_CONFIGURATION mode was not properly set or their prerequisites
570     were not met.<br/>
571     JFW_E_DIRECT_MODE the function cannot be used in this mode.
572  */
573 JVMFWK_DLLPUBLIC javaFrameworkError jfw_getEnabled(bool *pbEnabled);
575 /** determines parameters which are passed to VM during its creation.
577     <p>The strings must be exactly as they are passed on the command line.
578     For example, one could pass<br/>
579     -Xdebug <br/>
580     -Xrunjdw:transport=dt_socket,server=y,address=8000<br/>
581     in order to enable debugging support.
582     </p>
584     @param arParameters
585     [in] contains the arguments.
587     @return
588     JFW_E_NONE function ran successfully.<br/>
589     JFW_E_ERROR An error occurred.<br/>
590     JFW_E_CONFIGURATION mode was not properly set or their prerequisites
591     were not met.<br/>
592     JFW_E_DIRECT_MODE the function cannot be used in this mode.
593  */
594 JVMFWK_DLLPUBLIC javaFrameworkError jfw_setVMParameters(
595     std::vector<OUString> const & arArgs);
597 /** obtains the currently used start parameters.
599     @param parParameters
600     [out] on returns contains a pointer to the array of the start arguments.
602     @return
603     JFW_E_NONE function ran successfully.<br/>
604     JFW_E_ERROR An error occurred.<br/>
605     JFW_E_CONFIGURATION mode was not properly set or their prerequisites
606     were not met.<br/>
607     JFW_E_DIRECT_MODE the function cannot be used in this mode.
608  */
609 JVMFWK_DLLPUBLIC javaFrameworkError jfw_getVMParameters(
610     std::vector<OUString> * parParameters);
612 /** sets the user class path.
614    <p>When the VM is started then it is passed the class path. The
615    class path also contains the user class path set by this function.
616    The paths contained in <code>pCP</code> must be separated with a
617    system dependent path separator.</p>
619    @param pCP
620    [in] the user class path.
622    @return
623    JFW_E_NONE function ran successfully.<br/>
624    JFW_E_ERROR An error occurred.<br/>
625    JFW_E_CONFIGURATION mode was not properly set or their prerequisites
626     were not met.<br/>
627    JFW_E_DIRECT_MODE the function cannot be used in this mode.
628  */
629 JVMFWK_DLLPUBLIC javaFrameworkError jfw_setUserClassPath(OUString const  & pCP);
630 /** provides the value of the current user class path.
632    <p>The function returns an empty string if no user class path is set.
633    </p>
635    @param ppCP
636    [out] contains the user class path on return.
638    @return
639    JFW_E_NONE function ran successfully.<br/>
640    JFW_E_ERROR An error occurred.<br/>
641    JFW_E_CONFIGURATION mode was not properly set or their prerequisites
642     were not met.<br/>
643    JFW_E_DIRECT_MODE the function cannot be used in this mode.
644  */
645 JVMFWK_DLLPUBLIC javaFrameworkError jfw_getUserClassPath(OUString * ppCP);
647 /** saves the location of a JRE.
649     <p>When <code>jfw_findAllJREs</code> is called then the paths added by this
650     function are evaluated. If the location still represents a
651     JRE then a <code>JavaInfo</code> object is created which is returned along
652     with all other <code>JavaInfo</code> objects by
653     <code>jfw_findAllJREs</code>. If the location
654     cannot be recognized then the location string is ignored. </p>
655     <p>
656     A validation if <code>sLocation</code> points to a JRE is not
657     performed. To do that one has to use <code>jfw_getJavaInfoByPath</code>.
658     </p>
659     <p>
660     Adding a path that is already stored causes no error.</p>
662     @param sLocation
663     [in] file URL to a directory which contains a JRE.
665     @return
666     JFW_E_NONE function ran successfully.<br/>
667     JFW_E_ERROR An error occurred.<br/>
668     JFW_E_CONFIGURATION mode was not properly set or their prerequisites
669     were not met.<br/>
670     JFW_E_DIRECT_MODE the function cannot be used in this mode.
671  */
672 JVMFWK_DLLPUBLIC javaFrameworkError jfw_addJRELocation(
673     OUString const & sLocation);
675 /** checks if the installation of the jre still exists.
677     This function checks if the JRE described by pInfo still
678     exists. The check must be very quick because it is called by javaldx
679     (Linux, Solaris) at start up.
681     @param pInfo
682         [in]  the JavaInfo object with information about the JRE.
683     @param pp_exist
684         [out] the parameter is set to either true or false. The value is
685         only valid if the function returns JFW_E_NONE.
687    @return
688     JFW_E_NONE the function ran successfully.</br>
689     JFW_E_ERROR an error occurred during execution.</br>
690  */
691 JVMFWK_DLLPUBLIC javaFrameworkError jfw_existJRE(const JavaInfo *pInfo, bool *exist);
694 /** locks this API so that it cannot be used by other threads.
696     <p>If a different thread called this function before then the
697     current call is blocked until the other thread has called
698     <code>jfw_unlock()</code>. The function should be called if one
699     needs an exact snapshot of the current settings. Then the settings
700     are retrieved one by one without risk that the settings may be changed
701     by a different thread. Similarity if one needs to make settings which
702     should become effective at the same time then <code>jfw_lock</code>
703     should be called. That is, <code>jfw_startVM</code> which uses the
704     settings cannot be called before all settings have be made.</p>
705     <p>
706     The only functions which is not effected by <code>jfw_lock</code> is
707     <code>jfw_areEqualJavaInfo</code>.
708  */
709 JVMFWK_DLLPUBLIC void jfw_lock();
711 /** unlocks this API.
713     <p>This function is called after <code>jfw_lock</code>. It allows other
714     threads to use this API concurrently.</p>
715 */
716 JVMFWK_DLLPUBLIC void jfw_unlock();
718 #endif
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