6  <tmdoc-title|Welcome to GNU <TeXmacs>>
8  <section|How to get started>
10  If you are new to <TeXmacs>, then you might first want to get some
11  information on how to read the documentation. Click
12  <hlink|here|../../main/start/man-conventions.en.tm> with your mouse in
13  order to learn more about the conventions which are used throughout the
14  documentation. You may search for words in the documentation by pressing
15  <no-break><shortcut|(interactive docgrep-in-doc)>. Another important thing
16  you might want to do is to <hlink|configure|../../main/config/man-configuration.en.tm>
17  <TeXmacs> so that it will suit your needs best.
19  <section|Information for general users>
21  <\itemize>
22    <item>In the <hlink|<menu|Help|Manual>|../../main/man-manual.en.tm> menu,
23    you find the main documentation about how to use <TeXmacs>. The manual is
24    quite complete, but not very detailed.
26    <item>In the <hlink|<menu|Help|Reference
27    guide>|../../main/man-reference.en.tm> menu, you find more detailed
28    documentation about the <TeXmacs> format, its primitives and environment
29    variables, and the standard style files.
31    <item>In the <hlink|<menu|Help|Tutorial>|../../tutorial/tut-tutorial.en.tm>
32    menu, we have started a <TeXmacs> tutorial. The tutorial is mainly
33    intended for beginners, but the later chapters should also be useful for
34    more experienced users. Unfortunately, the tutorial is not very complete
35    yet.
37    <item>The <hlink|<menu|Help|About>|../../about/about.en.tm> menu contains
38    more information about <TeXmacs>, like information about its
39    <hlink|authors|../../about/authors/authors.en.tm>, how to <hlink|contact
40    us|../../about/authors/contact.en.tm>, and
41    <hlink|changes|../../about/changes/changes.en.tm> in different versions
42    of the program.
44    <item>Documentation in the form of full books is also available in
45    <menu|Help|full manuals>. In fact, you may compile such books yourself
46    from any help page using <menu|Help|full manuals|Compile book>. This may
47    take a few minutes though.
48  </itemize>
50  <section|Contribute to <TeXmacs>>
52  One great thing about free software is that you may adapt the software to
53  fit your own needs and share your experiences with others. In fact, this
54  turns out to be far easier than most people think. Therefore you might wish
55  to learn more about how to <hlink|contribute|../../about/contribute/contribute.en.tm>
56  to the <TeXmacs> project. You can also make a
57  <hlink|donation|../../about/contribute/material/donations.en.tm> to us.
59  If you want to contribute to <TeXmacs>, or if you want to adapt the program
60  for some particular purpose, then you will find more useful information in
61  the <hlink|<menu|Help|Help us>|../contribute/contribute.en.tm> and
62  <hlink|<menu|Help|Projects>|../projects/projects.en.tm> menus. In
63  <hlink|<menu|Help|Interfacing>|../../devel/plugin/plugin.en.tm> it is
64  explained how to interface <TeXmacs> with other systems. A part of the
65  source code has also been documented in <hlink|<menu|Help|Source
66  code>|../../devel/source/source.en.tm>.
68  <tmdoc-copyright|1998--2002|Joris van der Hoeven>
70  <tmdoc-license|Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
71  document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1
72  or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no
73  Invariant Sections, with no Front-Cover Texts, and with no Back-Cover
74  Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free
75  Documentation License".>