1 // Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com
7 #include "xfa/fxfa/app/xfa_ffimage.h"
9 #include "xfa/fxfa/app/xfa_ffdraw.h"
10 #include "xfa/fxfa/include/xfa_ffapp.h"
11 #include "xfa/fxfa/include/xfa_ffdoc.h"
12 #include "xfa/fxfa/include/xfa_ffpageview.h"
13 #include "xfa/fxfa/include/xfa_ffwidget.h"
CXFA_FFImage(CXFA_FFPageView * pPageView,CXFA_WidgetAcc * pDataAcc)15 CXFA_FFImage::CXFA_FFImage(CXFA_FFPageView* pPageView, CXFA_WidgetAcc* pDataAcc)
16     : CXFA_FFDraw(pPageView, pDataAcc) {}
~CXFA_FFImage()17 CXFA_FFImage::~CXFA_FFImage() {
18   CXFA_FFImage::UnloadWidget();
19 }
IsLoaded()20 FX_BOOL CXFA_FFImage::IsLoaded() {
21   return !!GetDataAcc()->GetImageImage();
22 }
LoadWidget()23 FX_BOOL CXFA_FFImage::LoadWidget() {
24   if (GetDataAcc()->GetImageImage()) {
25     return TRUE;
26   }
27   GetDataAcc()->LoadImageImage();
28   return CXFA_FFDraw::LoadWidget();
29 }
UnloadWidget()30 void CXFA_FFImage::UnloadWidget() {
31   GetDataAcc()->SetImageImage(nullptr);
32 }
RenderWidget(CFX_Graphics * pGS,CFX_Matrix * pMatrix,uint32_t dwStatus)33 void CXFA_FFImage::RenderWidget(CFX_Graphics* pGS,
34                                 CFX_Matrix* pMatrix,
35                                 uint32_t dwStatus) {
36   if (!IsMatchVisibleStatus(dwStatus)) {
37     return;
38   }
39   CFX_Matrix mtRotate;
40   GetRotateMatrix(mtRotate);
41   if (pMatrix) {
42     mtRotate.Concat(*pMatrix);
43   }
44   CXFA_FFWidget::RenderWidget(pGS, &mtRotate, dwStatus);
45   if (CFX_DIBitmap* pDIBitmap = GetDataAcc()->GetImageImage()) {
46     CFX_RectF rtImage;
47     GetRectWithoutRotate(rtImage);
48     if (CXFA_Margin mgWidget = m_pDataAcc->GetMargin()) {
49       XFA_RectWidthoutMargin(rtImage, mgWidget);
50     }
51     int32_t iHorzAlign = XFA_ATTRIBUTEENUM_Left;
52     int32_t iVertAlign = XFA_ATTRIBUTEENUM_Top;
53     if (CXFA_Para para = m_pDataAcc->GetPara()) {
54       iHorzAlign = para.GetHorizontalAlign();
55       iVertAlign = para.GetVerticalAlign();
56     }
57     CXFA_Value value = m_pDataAcc->GetFormValue();
58     CXFA_Image imageObj = value.GetImage();
59     int32_t iAspect = imageObj.GetAspect();
60     int32_t iImageXDpi = 0;
61     int32_t iImageYDpi = 0;
62     m_pDataAcc->GetImageDpi(iImageXDpi, iImageYDpi);
63     XFA_DrawImage(pGS, rtImage, &mtRotate, pDIBitmap, iAspect, iImageXDpi,
64                   iImageYDpi, iHorzAlign, iVertAlign);
65   }
66 }