2* This file contains the THE Language Definition for Javascript, combined with basic HTML
5  respect
7  c
9  function ( blank default alt 4
11  [a-zA-Z_$] [a-zA-Z0-9_]
13  single backslash
14  double backslash
16  paired /* */ nonest
17  paired <!-- --> nonest
18  line // any
20  tag < >
21  reference & ;
23  delimiter : firstnonblank
25  ( )
26  { }
27  [ ]
29  abstract
30  apply
31  arity
32  Array
33  boolean
34  break
35  byte
36  call
37  callee
38  caller
39  case
40  catch
41  char
42  class
43  className
44  compile
45  concat
46  const
47  continue
48  debugger
49  default
50  delete
51  do
52  double
53  else
54  enum
55  exec
56  export
57  extends
58  false alt 2
59  final
60  finally
61  float
62  for
63  function alt 1
64  global
65  goto
66  if
67  ignoreCase
68  implements
69  import
70  in
71  innerHTML
72  int
73  interface
74  Infinity alt 4
75  java
76  JavaArray
77  JavaClass
78  JavaObject
79  JavaPackage
80  index
81  input
82  label
83  lastIndex
84  lastMatch
85  lastParen
86  leftContext
87  instanceof
88  italics
89  link
90  long
91  match
92  multiline
93  Math
94  NaN alt 4
95  native
96  netscape
97  new
98  null
99  Number
100  Object
101  package
102  Packages
103  parse
104  pop
105  private
106  protected
107  public
108  push
109  RegExp
110  replace
111  return
112  rightContext
113  search
114  shift
115  short
116  source
117  splice
118  slice
119  small
120  static
121  strike
122  String
123  sub
124  super
125  sup
126  switch
127  synchronized
128  test
129  this
130  throw
131  throws
132  transient
133  true alt 2
134  try
135  typeof
136  var alt 3
137  undefined alt 4
138  unshift
139  unwatch
140  void
141  volatile
142  watch
143  while
144  with
146* Properties - all have ALT 7
148  form alt 7
149  value alt 7
151* ECMA-262 Object Properties
153  arguments alt 7
154  constructor alt 7
155  E alt 7
156  length alt 7
157  LN10 alt 7
158  LN2 alt 7
159  LOG10E alt 7
160  LOG2E alt 7
161  MAX_VALUE alt 7
162  MIN_VALUE alt 7
164  PI alt 7
166  prototype alt 7
167  SQRT1_2 alt 7
168  SQRT2 alt 7
170  alert
171  escape
172  eval
173  isFinite
174  isNaN
175  number
176  parsefloat
177  parseint
178  string
179  unescape
181* form object methods
183  click
184  change
185  blur
186  focus
188* ECMA-262 Object Methods
190  abs
191  acos
192  asin
193  atan
194  atan2
195  atend
196  ceil
197  charAt
198  charCodeAt
199  cos
200  Date
201  exp
202  floor
203  fromCharCode
204  getDate
205  getDay
206  getFullYear
207  getHours
208  getMilliseconds
209  getMinutes
210  getMonth
211  getSeconds
212  getTime
213  getTimezoneOffset
214  getUTCDate
215  getUTCDay
216  getUTCFullYear
217  getUTCHours
218  getUTCMilliseconds
219  getUTCMinutes
220  getUTCMonth
221  getUTCSeconds
222  getYear
223  indexOf
224  item
225  join
226  lastIndexOf
227  log
228  max
229  min
230  movefirst
231  movenext
232  parse
233  parseFloat
234  parseInt
235  pow
236  random
237  reverse
238  round
239  setDate
240  setFullYear
241  setHours
242  setMilliseconds
243  setMinutes
244  setMonth
245  setSeconds
246  setTime
247  setUTCDate
248  setUTCFullYear
249  setUTCHours
250  setUTCMilliseconds
251  setUTCMinutes
252  setUTCMonth
253  setUTCSeconds
254  setUTCTime
255  setyear
256  sin
257  sort
258  split
259  sqrt
260  substr
261  substring
262  sun
263  tan
264  toGMTString
265  toLocaleString
266  toLowerCase
267  toSource
268  toString
269  toUpperCase
270  toUTCString
271  UTC
272  valueOf