1# This Makefile has two purposes:
2# 1. Starting the compilation of Vim for Unix.
3# 2. Creating the various distribution files.
7# 1. Starting the compilation of Vim for Unix.
9# Using this Makefile without an argument will compile Vim for Unix.
10# "make install" is also possible.
12# NOTE: If this doesn't work properly, first change directory to "src" and use
13# the Makefile there:
14#	cd src
15#	make [arguments]
16# Noticed on AIX systems when using this Makefile: Trying to run "cproto" or
17# something else after Vim has been compiled.  Don't know why...
18# Noticed on OS/390 Unix: Restarts configure.
20# The first (default) target is "first".  This will result in running
21# "make first", so that the target from "src/auto/config.mk" is picked
22# up properly when config didn't run yet.  Doing "make all" before configure
23# has run can result in compiling with $(CC) empty.
26	@if test ! -f src/auto/config.mk; then \
27		cp src/config.mk.dist src/auto/config.mk; \
28	fi
29	@echo "Starting make in the src directory."
30	@echo "If there are problems, cd to the src directory and run make there"
31	cd src && $(MAKE) $@
33# Some make programs use the last target for the $@ default; put the other
34# targets separately to always let $@ expand to "first" by default.
35all install uninstall tools config configure reconfig proto depend lint tags types test scripttests testtiny test_libvterm unittests testclean clean distclean:
36	@if test ! -f src/auto/config.mk; then \
37		cp src/config.mk.dist src/auto/config.mk; \
38	fi
39	@echo "Starting make in the src directory."
40	@echo "If there are problems, cd to the src directory and run make there"
41	cd src && $(MAKE) $@
42	@# When the target is "test" also run the indent tests.
43	@if test "$@" = "test"; then \
44		$(MAKE) indenttest; \
45	fi
46	@# When the target is "clean" also clean for the indent tests.
47	@if test "$@" = "clean" -o "$@" = "distclean" -o "$@" = "testclean"; then \
48		cd runtime/indent && \
49			$(MAKE) clean; \
50	fi
52# Executable used for running the indent tests.
53VIM_FOR_INDENTTEST = ../../src/vim
56	cd runtime/indent && \
57		$(MAKE) clean && \
62# 2. Creating the various distribution files.
65# unixall	vim-#.#.tar.bz2		All runtime files and sources, for Unix
67# html		vim##html.zip		HTML docs
69# dossrc	vim##src.zip		sources for MS-DOS
70# dosrt		vim##rt.zip		runtime for MS-DOS
71# dosbin	vim##w32.zip		binary for Win32
72#		gvim##.zip		binary for GUI Win32
73#		gvim##ole.zip		OLE exe for Win32 GUI
76# amisrc	vim##src.tgz		sources for Amiga
77# amirt		vim##rt.tgz		runtime for Amiga
78# amibin	vim##bin.tgz		binary for Amiga
80# farsi		farsi##.zip		Farsi fonts
82#    All output files are created in the "dist" directory.  Existing files are
83#    overwritten!
84#    To do all this you need the Unix archive and compiled binaries.
85#    Before creating an archive first delete all backup files, *.orig, etc.
87MAJOR = 8
88MINOR = 2
90# CHECKLIST for creating a new version:
92# - Update Vim version number.  For a test version in: src/version.h,
93#   READMEdir/Contents, MAJOR/MINOR above, VIMMAJOR and VIMMINOR in
94#   src/Makefile, README.txt, README.md, src/README.md, READMEdir/README*.txt,
95#   runtime/doc/*.txt and make nsis/gvim_version.nsh.
96#   For a minor/major version: src/GvimExt/GvimExt.reg, src/vim.def,
97#   src/vim.manifest.
98# - Compile Vim with GTK, Perl, Python, Python3, TCL, Ruby, Lua, Cscope and
99#   "huge" features.  Add MZscheme if you can make it work.
100#   Use "make reconfig" after selecting the configure arguments.
101# - With these features: "make proto" (requires cproto and Motif installed;
102#   ignore warnings for missing include files, fix problems for syntax errors).
103# - With these features: "make depend" (works best with gcc).
104# - If you have a lint program: "make lint" and check the output (ignore GTK
105#   warnings).
106# - If you have valgrind, enable it in src/testdir/Makefile and run "make
107#   test".  Enable EXITFREE, disable GUI, scheme and tcl to avoid false alarms.
108#   Check the valgrind output.
109# - Adjust the date and other info in src/version.h.
110# - Correct included_patches[] in src/version.c.
111# - Check for missing entries in runtime/makemenu.vim (with checkmenu script).
112# - Check for missing options in runtime/optwin.vim et al. (with check.vim).
113# - Do "make menu" to update the runtime/synmenu.vim file.
114# - Add remarks for changes to runtime/doc/version8.txt.
115# - Check that runtime/doc/help.txt doesn't contain entries in "LOCAL
116#   ADDITIONS".
117# - In runtime/doc run "make" and "make html" to check for errors.
118# - Check if src/Makefile, src/testdir/Makefile and src/feature.h don't contain
119#   any personal preferences or the changes mentioned above.
120# - Check file protections to be "644" for text and "755" for executables (run
121#   the "check" script).
122# - Check compiling on Amiga, MS-DOS and MS-Windows.
123# - Delete all *~, *.sw?, *.orig, *.rej files
124# - "make unixall", "make html"
125# - Make diff files against the previous release: "makediff7 7.1 7.2"
127# Amiga: (OBSOLETE, Amiga files are no longer distributed)
128# - "make amisrc", move the archive to the Amiga and compile:
129#   "make -f Make_manx.mak" (will use "big" features by default).
130# - Run the tests: "make -f Make_manx.mak test"
131# - Place the executables Vim and Xxd in this directory (set the executable
132#   flag).
133# - "make amirt", "make amibin".
135# MS-Windows:
136# - Run make on Unix to update the ".mo" files.
137# - Get 32 bit libintl-8.dll, libiconv-2.dll and libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll. E.g. from
138#   https://mlocati.github.io/gettext-iconv-windows/ .
139#   Use the "shared-32.zip file and extract the archive to get the files.
140#   Put them in the gettext32 directory, "make dosrt" uses them.
141# - Get 64 bit libintl-8.dll and libiconv-2.dll. E.g. from
142#   https://mlocati.github.io/gettext-iconv-windows/ .
143#   Use the "shared-64.zip file and extract the archive to get the files.
144#   Put them in the gettext64 directory, "make dosrt" uses them.
145# - > make dossrc
146#   > make dosrt
147#   Unpack dist/vim##rt.zip and dist/vim##src.zip on an MS-Windows PC.
148#   This creates the directory vim/vim82 and puts all files in there.
149# Win32 console version build:
150# - See src/INSTALLpc.txt for installing the compiler and SDK.
151# - Set environment for Visual C++ 2015:
152#   > cd src
153#   > msvc2015.bat
154# - Build the console binary:
155#   > nmake -f Make_mvc.mak
156# - Run the tests and check the output:
157#   > nmake -f Make_mvc.mak testclean
158#   > nmake -f Make_mvc.mak test
159# - Rename (using ../tools/rename.bat):
160#           vim.exe to vimw32.exe
161#           tee/tee.exe to teew32.exe
162#           xxd/xxd.exe to xxdw32.exe
163#           vim.pdb to vimw32.pdb
164#           install.exe to installw32.exe
165#           uninstall.exe to uninstallw32.exe
166# Win32 GUI version build:
167# - > cd src
168#   > nmake -f Make_mvc.mak GUI=yes
169# - Run the tests and check the output:
170#   > nmake -f Make_mvc.mak testclean
171#   > nmake -f Make_mvc.mak testgvim
172# - move "gvim.exe" to here (otherwise the OLE version will overwrite it).
173# - Move gvim.pdb to here.
174# - Copy "GvimExt/gvimext.dll" to here.
175# - Delete vimrun.exe, install.exe and uninstall.exe.
176# Win32 GUI version with OLE, PERL, Ruby, TCL, PYTHON and dynamic IME:
177# - Install the interfaces you want, see src/INSTALLpc.txt
178#   Adjust bigvim.bat to match the version of each interface you want.
179# - Build:
180#   > cd src
181#   > bigvim.bat
182# - Run the tests:
183#   > nmake -f Make_mvc.mak testclean
184#   > nmake -f Make_mvc.mak testgvim
185#   - check the output.
186# - Rename "gvim.exe" to "gvim_ole.exe".
187# - Rename gvim.pdb to "gvim_ole.pdb".
188# - Delete install.exe and uninstall.exe.
189# Create the archives:
190# - Copy all the "*.exe" files to where this Makefile is.
191# - Copy all the "*.pdb" files to where this Makefile is.
192# - in this directory:
193#   > make dosbin
194# NSIS self installing exe:
195# - To get NSIS see http://nsis.sourceforge.net
196# - Make sure gvim_ole.exe, vimw32.exe, installw32.exe,
197#   uninstallw32.exe, teew32.exe and xxdw32.exe have been build as mentioned
198#   above.
199# - copy these files (get them from a binary archive or build them):
200#	gvimext.dll in src/GvimExt
201#	gvimext64.dll in src/GvimExt
202#	VisVim.dll in src/VisVim
203#   Note: VisVim needs to be build with MSVC 5, newer versions don't work.
204#   gvimext64.dll can be obtained from:
205#   https://github.com/vim/vim-win32-installer/releases
206#	It is part of gvim_8.2.*_x64.zip as vim/vim82/GvimExt/gvimext64.dll.
207# - Make sure there is a diff.exe two levels up (get it from a previous Vim
208#   version).  Also put winpty32.dll and winpty-agent.exe there.
209# - go to ../nsis and do:
210#   > unzip icons.zip
211#   > makensis gvim.nsi  (takes a few minutes).
212#      ignore warning for libwinpthread-1.dll
213# - Copy gvim##.exe to the dist directory.
215# 64 bit builds (these are not in the normal distribution, the 32 bit build
216# works just fine on 64 bit systems).
217# Like the console and GUI version, but first run vcvars64.bat or
218#   "..\VC\vcvarsall.bat x86_amd64".
219# - Build the console version:
220#   > nmake -f Make_mvc.mak
221# - Build the GUI version:
222#   > nmake -f Make_mvc.mak GUI=yes
223# - Build the OLE version with interfaces:
224#   > bigvim64.bat
227# OBSOLETE systems: You can build these if you have an appropriate system.
229# 16 bit DOS version: You need to get a very old version of Vim, for several
230# years even the tiny build is too big to fit in DOS memory.
232# 32 bit DOS version: Support was removed in 7.4.1399.  When syncing to before
233# that it probably won't build.
235# Win32s GUI version: Support was removed in patch 7.4.1364.
237# OS/2 support was removed in patch 7.4.1008.  If you want to give it a try
238# sync to before that and check the old version of this Makefile for
239# instructions.
241VIMVER	= vim-$(MAJOR).$(MINOR)
246# Vim used for conversion from "unix" to "dos"
247VIM	= vim
249# How to include Filelist depends on the version of "make" you have.
250# If the current choice doesn't work, try the other one.
252include Filelist
253#.include "Filelist"
256# All output is put in the "dist" directory.
258	mkdir dist
260# Clean up some files to avoid they are included.
261# Copy README files to the top directory.
263	if test -f runtime/doc/uganda.nsis.txt; then \
264		rm runtime/doc/uganda.nsis.txt; fi
265	for name in $(IN_README_DIR); do \
266	  cp READMEdir/"$$name" .; \
267	  done
269# For the zip files we need to create a file with the comment line
271	mkdir dist/comment
273COMMENT_RT = comment/$(VERSION)-rt
274COMMENT_W32 = comment/$(VERSION)-bin-w32
275COMMENT_GVIM = comment/$(VERSION)-bin-gvim
276COMMENT_OLE = comment/$(VERSION)-bin-ole
277COMMENT_SRC = comment/$(VERSION)-src
278COMMENT_HTML = comment/$(VERSION)-html
279COMMENT_FARSI = comment/$(VERSION)-farsi
281dist/$(COMMENT_RT): dist/comment
282	echo "Vim - Vi IMproved - v$(VDOT) runtime files for MS-DOS and MS-Windows" > dist/$(COMMENT_RT)
284dist/$(COMMENT_W32): dist/comment
285	echo "Vim - Vi IMproved - v$(VDOT) binaries for MS-Windows NT/95" > dist/$(COMMENT_W32)
287dist/$(COMMENT_GVIM): dist/comment
288	echo "Vim - Vi IMproved - v$(VDOT) GUI binaries for MS-Windows NT/95" > dist/$(COMMENT_GVIM)
290dist/$(COMMENT_OLE): dist/comment
291	echo "Vim - Vi IMproved - v$(VDOT) MS-Windows GUI binaries with OLE support" > dist/$(COMMENT_OLE)
293dist/$(COMMENT_SRC): dist/comment
294	echo "Vim - Vi IMproved - v$(VDOT) sources for MS-DOS and MS-Windows" > dist/$(COMMENT_SRC)
296dist/$(COMMENT_HTML): dist/comment
297	echo "Vim - Vi IMproved - v$(VDOT) documentation in HTML" > dist/$(COMMENT_HTML)
299dist/$(COMMENT_FARSI): dist/comment
300	echo "Vim - Vi IMproved - v$(VDOT) Farsi language files" > dist/$(COMMENT_FARSI)
302unixall: dist prepare
303	-rm -f dist/$(VIMVER).tar.bz2
304	-rm -rf dist/$(VIMRTDIR)
305	mkdir dist/$(VIMRTDIR)
306	tar cf - \
307		$(RT_ALL) \
308		$(RT_ALL_BIN) \
309		$(RT_UNIX) \
310		$(RT_UNIX_DOS_BIN) \
311		$(RT_SCRIPTS) \
312		$(LANG_GEN) \
313		$(LANG_GEN_BIN) \
314		$(SRC_ALL) \
315		$(SRC_UNIX) \
316		$(SRC_DOS_UNIX) \
317		$(EXTRA) \
318		$(LANG_SRC) \
319		| (cd dist/$(VIMRTDIR); tar xf -)
320	-rm $(IN_README_DIR)
321# Need to use a "distclean" config.mk file
322# Note: this file is not included in the repository to avoid problems, but it's
323# OK to put it in the archive.
324	cp -f src/config.mk.dist dist/$(VIMRTDIR)/src/auto/config.mk
325# Create an empty config.h file, make dependencies require it
326	touch dist/$(VIMRTDIR)/src/auto/config.h
327# Make sure configure is newer than config.mk to force it to be generated
328	touch dist/$(VIMRTDIR)/src/configure
329# Make sure ja.sjis.po is newer than ja.po to avoid it being regenerated.
330# Same for cs.cp1250.po, pl.cp1250.po and sk.cp1250.po.
331	touch dist/$(VIMRTDIR)/src/po/ja.sjis.po
332	touch dist/$(VIMRTDIR)/src/po/cs.cp1250.po
333	touch dist/$(VIMRTDIR)/src/po/pl.cp1250.po
334	touch dist/$(VIMRTDIR)/src/po/sk.cp1250.po
335	touch dist/$(VIMRTDIR)/src/po/zh_CN.cp936.po
336	touch dist/$(VIMRTDIR)/src/po/ru.cp1251.po
337	touch dist/$(VIMRTDIR)/src/po/uk.cp1251.po
338# Create the archive.
339	cd dist && tar cf $(VIMVER).tar $(VIMRTDIR)
340	bzip2 dist/$(VIMVER).tar
342# Amiga runtime - OBSOLETE
343amirt: dist prepare
344	-rm -f dist/vim$(VERSION)rt.tar.gz
345	-rm -rf dist/Vim
346	mkdir dist/Vim
347	mkdir dist/Vim/$(VIMRTDIR)
348	tar cf - \
349		$(ROOT_AMI) \
350		$(RT_ALL) \
351		$(RT_ALL_BIN) \
352		$(RT_SCRIPTS) \
353		$(RT_AMI) \
354		$(RT_NO_UNIX) \
355		$(RT_AMI_DOS) \
356		| (cd dist/Vim/$(VIMRTDIR); tar xf -)
357	-rm $(IN_README_DIR)
358	mv dist/Vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/vimdir.info dist/Vim.info
359	mv dist/Vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/runtime.info dist/Vim/$(VIMRTDIR).info
360	mv dist/Vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/runtime/* dist/Vim/$(VIMRTDIR)
361	rmdir dist/Vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/runtime
362	cd dist && tar cf vim$(VERSION)rt.tar Vim Vim.info
363	gzip -9 dist/vim$(VERSION)rt.tar
364	mv dist/vim$(VERSION)rt.tar.gz dist/vim$(VERSION)rt.tgz
366# Amiga binaries - OBSOLETE
367amibin: dist prepare
368	-rm -f dist/vim$(VERSION)bin.tar.gz
369	-rm -rf dist/Vim
370	mkdir dist/Vim
371	mkdir dist/Vim/$(VIMRTDIR)
372	tar cf - \
373		$(ROOT_AMI) \
374		$(BIN_AMI) \
375		Vim \
376		Xxd \
377		| (cd dist/Vim/$(VIMRTDIR); tar xf -)
378	-rm $(IN_README_DIR)
379	mv dist/Vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/vimdir.info dist/Vim.info
380	mv dist/Vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/runtime.info dist/Vim/$(VIMRTDIR).info
381	cd dist && tar cf vim$(VERSION)bin.tar Vim Vim.info
382	gzip -9 dist/vim$(VERSION)bin.tar
383	mv dist/vim$(VERSION)bin.tar.gz dist/vim$(VERSION)bin.tgz
385# Amiga sources - OBSOLETE
386amisrc: dist prepare
387	-rm -f dist/vim$(VERSION)src.tar.gz
388	-rm -rf dist/Vim
389	mkdir dist/Vim
390	mkdir dist/Vim/$(VIMRTDIR)
391	tar cf - \
392		$(ROOT_AMI) \
393		$(SRC_ALL) \
394		$(SRC_AMI) \
395		$(SRC_AMI_DOS) \
396		| (cd dist/Vim/$(VIMRTDIR); tar xf -)
397	-rm $(IN_README_DIR)
398	mv dist/Vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/vimdir.info dist/Vim.info
399	mv dist/Vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/runtime.info dist/Vim/$(VIMRTDIR).info
400	cd dist && tar cf vim$(VERSION)src.tar Vim Vim.info
401	gzip -9 dist/vim$(VERSION)src.tar
402	mv dist/vim$(VERSION)src.tar.gz dist/vim$(VERSION)src.tgz
404no_title.vim: Makefile
405	echo "set notitle noicon nocp nomodeline viminfo=" >no_title.vim
407# MS-DOS sources
408dossrc: dist no_title.vim dist/$(COMMENT_SRC) \
409	runtime/doc/uganda.nsis.txt \
410	nsis/gvim_version.nsh
411	-rm -rf dist/vim$(VERSION)src.zip
412	-rm -rf dist/vim
413	mkdir dist/vim
414	mkdir dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)
415	tar cf - \
416		$(SRC_ALL) \
417		$(SRC_DOS) \
418		$(SRC_AMI_DOS) \
419		$(SRC_DOS_UNIX) \
420		runtime/doc/uganda.nsis.txt \
421		nsis/gvim_version.nsh \
422		| (cd dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR); tar xf -)
423	mv dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/runtime/* dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)
424	rmdir dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/runtime
425	# This file needs to be in dos fileformat for NSIS.
426	$(VIM) -e -X -u no_title.vim -c ":set tx|wq" dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/doc/uganda.nsis.txt
427	tar cf - \
428		$(SRC_DOS_BIN) \
429		| (cd dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR); tar xf -)
430	cd dist && zip -9 -rD -z vim$(VERSION)src.zip vim <$(COMMENT_SRC)
432runtime/doc/uganda.nsis.txt: runtime/doc/uganda.txt
433	cd runtime/doc && $(MAKE) uganda.nsis.txt
435nsis/gvim_version.nsh: Makefile
436	echo "# Generated from Makefile: define the version numbers" > $@
437	echo "!ifndef __GVIM_VER__NSH__"  >> $@
438	echo "!define __GVIM_VER__NSH__"  >> $@
439	echo "!define VER_MAJOR $(MAJOR)" >> $@
440	echo "!define VER_MINOR $(MINOR)" >> $@
441	echo "!endif" >> $@
443dosrt: dist dist/$(COMMENT_RT) dosrt_files
444	-rm -rf dist/vim$(VERSION)rt.zip
445	cd dist && zip -9 -rD -z vim$(VERSION)rt.zip vim <$(COMMENT_RT)
447# Split in two parts to avoid an "argument list too long" error.
448# We no longer convert the files from unix to dos fileformat.
449dosrt_files: dist prepare no_title.vim
450	-rm -rf dist/vim
451	mkdir dist/vim
452	mkdir dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)
453	mkdir dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/lang
454	cd src && MAKEMO=yes $(MAKE) languages
455	tar cf - \
456		$(RT_ALL) \
457		| (cd dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR); tar xf -)
458	tar cf - \
459		$(RT_SCRIPTS) \
460		$(RT_DOS) \
461		$(RT_NO_UNIX) \
462		$(RT_AMI_DOS) \
463		$(LANG_GEN) \
464		| (cd dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR); tar xf -)
465	tar cf - \
466		$(RT_UNIX_DOS_BIN) \
467		$(RT_ALL_BIN) \
468		$(RT_DOS_BIN) \
469		$(LANG_GEN_BIN) \
470		| (cd dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR); tar xf -)
471	-rm $(IN_README_DIR)
472	mv dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/runtime/* dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)
473	rmdir dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/runtime
474# Add the message translations.  Trick: skip ja.mo/ja.euc-jp.mo and use
475# ja.sjis.mo instead.  Same for cs.mo / cs.cp1250.mo, pl.mo / pl.cp1250.mo,
476# sk.mo / sk.cp1250.mo, zh_CN.mo / zh_CN.cp936.mo, uk.mo / uk.cp1251.mo and
477# ru.mo / ru.cp1251.mo.
478	for i in $(LANG_DOS); do \
479	      if test "$$i" != "src/po/ja.mo" -a "$$i" != "src/po/ja.euc-jp.mo" -a "$$i" != "src/po/pl.mo" -a "$$i" != "src/po/cs.mo" -a "$$i" != "src/po/sk.mo" -a "$$i" != "src/po/zh_CN.mo" -a "$$i" != "src/po/ru.mo" -a "$$i" != "src/po/uk.mo"; then \
480		n=`echo $$i | sed -e "s+src/po/\([-a-zA-Z0-9_]*\(.UTF-8\)*\)\(.sjis\)*\(.cp1250\)*\(.cp1251\)*\(.cp936\)*.mo+\1+"`; \
481		mkdir dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/lang/$$n; \
482		mkdir dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/lang/$$n/LC_MESSAGES; \
483		cp $$i dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/lang/$$n/LC_MESSAGES/vim.mo; \
484	      fi \
485	    done
486	mkdir dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/gettext32
487	cp gettext32/libintl-8.dll dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/gettext32/
488	cp gettext32/libiconv-2.dll dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/gettext32/
489	cp gettext32/libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/gettext32/
490	mkdir dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/gettext64
491	cp gettext64/libintl-8.dll dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/gettext64/
492	cp gettext64/libiconv-2.dll dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/gettext64/
495# Used before uploading.  Don't delete the AAPDIR/sign files!
496runtime_unix2dos: dosrt_files
497	-rm -rf `find runtime/dos -type f -print | sed -e /AAPDIR/d`
498	cd dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR); tar cf - * \
499		| (cd ../../../runtime/dos; tar xf -)
501dosbin: prepare dosbin_gvim dosbin_w32 dosbin_ole $(DOSBIN_S)
502	-rm $(IN_README_DIR)
504# make Win32 gvim
505dosbin_gvim: dist no_title.vim dist/$(COMMENT_GVIM)
506	-rm -rf dist/gvim$(VERSION).zip
507	-rm -rf dist/vim
508	mkdir dist/vim
509	mkdir dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)
510	tar cf - \
511		$(BIN_DOS) \
512		| (cd dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR); tar xf -)
513	cp gvim.exe dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/gvim.exe
514	cp teew32.exe dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/tee.exe
515	cp xxdw32.exe dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/xxd.exe
516	cp vimrun.exe dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/vimrun.exe
517	cp installw32.exe dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/install.exe
518	cp uninstallw32.exe dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/uninstall.exe
519	mkdir dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/GvimExt32
520	cp gvimext.dll dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/GvimExt32/gvimext.dll
521	mkdir dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/GvimExt64
522	cp gvimext64.dll dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/GvimExt64/gvimext.dll
523	cd dist && zip -9 -rD -z gvim$(VERSION).zip vim <$(COMMENT_GVIM)
524	cp gvim.pdb dist/gvim$(VERSION).pdb
526# make Win32 console
527dosbin_w32: dist no_title.vim dist/$(COMMENT_W32)
528	-rm -rf dist/vim$(VERSION)w32.zip
529	-rm -rf dist/vim
530	mkdir dist/vim
531	mkdir dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)
532	tar cf - \
533		$(BIN_DOS) \
534		| (cd dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR); tar xf -)
535	cp vimw32.exe dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/vim.exe
536	cp teew32.exe dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/tee.exe
537	cp xxdw32.exe dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/xxd.exe
538	cp installw32.exe dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/install.exe
539	cp uninstallw32.exe dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/uninstall.exe
540	cd dist && zip -9 -rD -z vim$(VERSION)w32.zip vim <$(COMMENT_W32)
541	cp vimw32.pdb dist/vim$(VERSION)w32.pdb
543# make Win32 gvim with OLE
544dosbin_ole: dist no_title.vim dist/$(COMMENT_OLE)
545	-rm -rf dist/gvim$(VERSION)ole.zip
546	-rm -rf dist/vim
547	mkdir dist/vim
548	mkdir dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)
549	tar cf - \
550		$(BIN_DOS) \
551		| (cd dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR); tar xf -)
552	cp gvim_ole.exe dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/gvim.exe
553	cp teew32.exe dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/tee.exe
554	cp xxdw32.exe dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/xxd.exe
555	cp vimrun.exe dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/vimrun.exe
556	cp installw32.exe dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/install.exe
557	cp uninstallw32.exe dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/uninstall.exe
558	cp gvimext.dll dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/gvimext.dll
559	cp README_ole.txt dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)
560	cp src/VisVim/VisVim.dll dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)/VisVim.dll
561	cp src/VisVim/README_VisVim.txt dist/vim/$(VIMRTDIR)
562	cd dist && zip -9 -rD -z gvim$(VERSION)ole.zip vim <$(COMMENT_OLE)
563	cp gvim_ole.pdb dist/gvim$(VERSION)ole.pdb
565html: dist dist/$(COMMENT_HTML)
566	-rm -rf dist/vim$(VERSION)html.zip
567	cd runtime/doc && zip -9 -z ../../dist/vim$(VERSION)html.zip *.html <../../dist/$(COMMENT_HTML)
569farsi: dist dist/$(COMMENT_FARSI)
570	-rm -f dist/farsi$(VERSION).zip
571	zip -9 -rD -z dist/farsi$(VERSION).zip farsi < dist/$(COMMENT_FARSI)