1" Tests for various functions.
3source shared.vim
4source check.vim
5source term_util.vim
6source screendump.vim
7source vim9.vim
9" Must be done first, since the alternate buffer must be unset.
10func Test_00_bufexists()
11  call assert_equal(0, bufexists('does_not_exist'))
12  call assert_equal(1, bufexists(bufnr('%')))
13  call assert_equal(0, bufexists(0))
14  new Xfoo
15  let bn = bufnr('%')
16  call assert_equal(1, bufexists(bn))
17  call assert_equal(1, bufexists('Xfoo'))
18  call assert_equal(1, bufexists(getcwd() . '/Xfoo'))
19  call assert_equal(1, bufexists(0))
20  bw
21  call assert_equal(0, bufexists(bn))
22  call assert_equal(0, bufexists('Xfoo'))
25func Test_has()
26  call assert_equal(1, has('eval'))
27  call assert_equal(1, has('eval', 1))
29  if has('unix')
30    call assert_equal(1, or(has('ttyin'), 1))
31    call assert_equal(0, and(has('ttyout'), 0))
32    call assert_equal(1, has('multi_byte_encoding'))
33  endif
34  call assert_equal(1, has('vcon', 1))
35  call assert_equal(1, has('mouse_gpm_enabled', 1))
37  call assert_equal(0, has('nonexistent'))
38  call assert_equal(0, has('nonexistent', 1))
40  " Will we ever have patch 9999?
41  let ver = 'patch-' .. v:version / 100 .. '.' .. v:version % 100 .. '.9999'
42  call assert_equal(0, has(ver))
45func Test_empty()
46  call assert_equal(1, empty(''))
47  call assert_equal(0, empty('a'))
49  call assert_equal(1, empty(0))
50  call assert_equal(1, empty(-0))
51  call assert_equal(0, empty(1))
52  call assert_equal(0, empty(-1))
54  if has('float')
55    call assert_equal(1, empty(0.0))
56    call assert_equal(1, empty(-0.0))
57    call assert_equal(0, empty(1.0))
58    call assert_equal(0, empty(-1.0))
59    call assert_equal(0, empty(1.0/0.0))
60    call assert_equal(0, empty(0.0/0.0))
61  endif
63  call assert_equal(1, empty([]))
64  call assert_equal(0, empty(['a']))
66  call assert_equal(1, empty({}))
67  call assert_equal(0, empty({'a':1}))
69  call assert_equal(1, empty(v:null))
70  call assert_equal(1, empty(v:none))
71  call assert_equal(1, empty(v:false))
72  call assert_equal(0, empty(v:true))
74  if has('channel')
75    call assert_equal(1, empty(test_null_channel()))
76  endif
77  if has('job')
78    call assert_equal(1, empty(test_null_job()))
79  endif
81  call assert_equal(0, empty(function('Test_empty')))
82  call assert_equal(0, empty(function('Test_empty', [0])))
84  call assert_fails("call empty(test_void())", 'E685:')
85  call assert_fails("call empty(test_unknown())", 'E685:')
88func Test_test_void()
89  call assert_fails('echo 1 == test_void()', 'E1031:')
90  if has('float')
91    call assert_fails('echo 1.0 == test_void()', 'E1031:')
92  endif
93  call assert_fails('let x = json_encode(test_void())', 'E685:')
94  call assert_fails('let x = copy(test_void())', 'E685:')
95  call assert_fails('let x = copy([test_void()])', 'E1031:')
98func Test_islocked()
99  call assert_fails('call islocked(99)', 'E475:')
100  call assert_fails('call islocked("s: x")', 'E488:')
103func Test_len()
104  call assert_equal(1, len(0))
105  call assert_equal(2, len(12))
107  call assert_equal(0, len(''))
108  call assert_equal(2, len('ab'))
110  call assert_equal(0, len([]))
111  call assert_equal(0, len(test_null_list()))
112  call assert_equal(2, len([2, 1]))
114  call assert_equal(0, len({}))
115  call assert_equal(0, len(test_null_dict()))
116  call assert_equal(2, len({'a': 1, 'b': 2}))
118  call assert_fails('call len(v:none)', 'E701:')
119  call assert_fails('call len({-> 0})', 'E701:')
122func Test_max()
123  call assert_equal(0, max([]))
124  call assert_equal(2, max([2]))
125  call assert_equal(2, max([1, 2]))
126  call assert_equal(2, max([1, 2, v:null]))
128  call assert_equal(0, max({}))
129  call assert_equal(2, max({'a':1, 'b':2}))
131  call assert_fails('call max(1)', 'E712:')
132  call assert_fails('call max(v:none)', 'E712:')
134  " check we only get one error
135  call assert_fails('call max([#{}, [1]])', ['E728:', 'E728:'])
136  call assert_fails('call max(#{a: {}, b: [1]})', ['E728:', 'E728:'])
139func Test_min()
140  call assert_equal(0, min([]))
141  call assert_equal(2, min([2]))
142  call assert_equal(1, min([1, 2]))
143  call assert_equal(0, min([1, 2, v:null]))
145  call assert_equal(0, min({}))
146  call assert_equal(1, min({'a':1, 'b':2}))
148  call assert_fails('call min(1)', 'E712:')
149  call assert_fails('call min(v:none)', 'E712:')
150  call assert_fails('call min([1, {}])', 'E728:')
152  " check we only get one error
153  call assert_fails('call min([[1], #{}])', ['E745:', 'E745:'])
154  call assert_fails('call min(#{a: [1], b: #{}})', ['E745:', 'E745:'])
157func Test_strwidth()
158  for aw in ['single', 'double']
159    exe 'set ambiwidth=' . aw
160    call assert_equal(0, strwidth(''))
161    call assert_equal(1, strwidth("\t"))
162    call assert_equal(3, strwidth('Vim'))
163    call assert_equal(4, strwidth(1234))
164    call assert_equal(5, strwidth(-1234))
166    call assert_equal(2, strwidth('��'))
167    call assert_equal(17, strwidth('Eĥoŝanĝo ĉiuĵaŭde'))
168    call assert_equal((aw == 'single') ? 6 : 7, strwidth('Straße'))
170    call assert_fails('call strwidth({->0})', 'E729:')
171    call assert_fails('call strwidth([])', 'E730:')
172    call assert_fails('call strwidth({})', 'E731:')
173  endfor
175  if has('float')
176    call assert_equal(3, strwidth(1.2))
177    call CheckDefAndScriptFailure2(['echo strwidth(1.2)'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got float', 'E1174: String required for argument 1')
178  endif
180  set ambiwidth&
183func Test_str2nr()
184  call assert_equal(0, str2nr(''))
185  call assert_equal(1, str2nr('1'))
186  call assert_equal(1, str2nr(' 1 '))
188  call assert_equal(1, str2nr('+1'))
189  call assert_equal(1, str2nr('+ 1'))
190  call assert_equal(1, str2nr(' + 1 '))
192  call assert_equal(-1, str2nr('-1'))
193  call assert_equal(-1, str2nr('- 1'))
194  call assert_equal(-1, str2nr(' - 1 '))
196  call assert_equal(123456789, str2nr('123456789'))
197  call assert_equal(-123456789, str2nr('-123456789'))
199  call assert_equal(5, str2nr('101', 2))
200  call assert_equal(5, '0b101'->str2nr(2))
201  call assert_equal(5, str2nr('0B101', 2))
202  call assert_equal(-5, str2nr('-101', 2))
203  call assert_equal(-5, str2nr('-0b101', 2))
204  call assert_equal(-5, str2nr('-0B101', 2))
206  call assert_equal(65, str2nr('101', 8))
207  call assert_equal(65, str2nr('0101', 8))
208  call assert_equal(-65, str2nr('-101', 8))
209  call assert_equal(-65, str2nr('-0101', 8))
210  call assert_equal(65, str2nr('0o101', 8))
211  call assert_equal(65, str2nr('0O0101', 8))
212  call assert_equal(-65, str2nr('-0O101', 8))
213  call assert_equal(-65, str2nr('-0o0101', 8))
215  call assert_equal(11259375, str2nr('abcdef', 16))
216  call assert_equal(11259375, str2nr('ABCDEF', 16))
217  call assert_equal(-11259375, str2nr('-ABCDEF', 16))
218  call assert_equal(11259375, str2nr('0xabcdef', 16))
219  call assert_equal(11259375, str2nr('0Xabcdef', 16))
220  call assert_equal(11259375, str2nr('0XABCDEF', 16))
221  call assert_equal(-11259375, str2nr('-0xABCDEF', 16))
223  call assert_equal(1, str2nr("1'000'000", 10, 0))
224  call assert_equal(256, str2nr("1'0000'0000", 2, 1))
225  call assert_equal(262144, str2nr("1'000'000", 8, 1))
226  call assert_equal(1000000, str2nr("1'000'000", 10, 1))
227  call assert_equal(1000, str2nr("1'000''000", 10, 1))
228  call assert_equal(65536, str2nr("1'00'00", 16, 1))
230  call assert_equal(0, str2nr('0x10'))
231  call assert_equal(0, str2nr('0b10'))
232  call assert_equal(0, str2nr('0o10'))
233  call assert_equal(1, str2nr('12', 2))
234  call assert_equal(1, str2nr('18', 8))
235  call assert_equal(1, str2nr('1g', 16))
237  call assert_equal(0, str2nr(v:null))
238  call assert_equal(0, str2nr(v:none))
240  call assert_fails('call str2nr([])', 'E730:')
241  call assert_fails('call str2nr({->2})', 'E729:')
242  if has('float')
243    call assert_equal(1, str2nr(1.2))
244    call CheckDefAndScriptFailure2(['echo str2nr(1.2)'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got float', 'E1174: String required for argument 1')
245  endif
246  call assert_fails('call str2nr(10, [])', 'E745:')
249func Test_strftime()
250  CheckFunction strftime
252  " Format of strftime() depends on system. We assume
253  " that basic formats tested here are available and
254  " identical on all systems which support strftime().
255  "
256  " The 2nd parameter of strftime() is a local time, so the output day
257  " of strftime() can be 17 or 18, depending on timezone.
258  call assert_match('^2017-01-1[78]$', strftime('%Y-%m-%d', 1484695512))
259  "
260  call assert_match('^\d\d\d\d-\(0\d\|1[012]\)-\([012]\d\|3[01]\) \([01]\d\|2[0-3]\):[0-5]\d:\([0-5]\d\|60\)$', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'->strftime())
262  call assert_fails('call strftime([])', 'E730:')
263  call assert_fails('call strftime("%Y", [])', 'E745:')
265  " Check that the time changes after we change the timezone
266  " Save previous timezone value, if any
267  if exists('$TZ')
268    let tz = $TZ
269  endif
271  " Force EST and then UTC, save the current hour (24-hour clock) for each
272  let $TZ = 'EST' | let est = strftime('%H')
273  let $TZ = 'UTC' | let utc = strftime('%H')
275  " Those hours should be two bytes long, and should not be the same; if they
276  " are, a tzset(3) call may have failed somewhere
277  call assert_equal(strlen(est), 2)
278  call assert_equal(strlen(utc), 2)
279  " TODO: this fails on MS-Windows
280  if has('unix')
281    call assert_notequal(est, utc)
282  endif
284  " If we cached a timezone value, put it back, otherwise clear it
285  if exists('tz')
286    let $TZ = tz
287  else
288    unlet $TZ
289  endif
292func Test_strptime()
293  CheckFunction strptime
295  if exists('$TZ')
296    let tz = $TZ
297  endif
298  let $TZ = 'UTC'
300  call assert_equal(1484653763, strptime('%Y-%m-%d %T', '2017-01-17 11:49:23'))
302  " Force DST and check that it's considered
303  let $TZ = 'WINTER0SUMMER,J1,J365'
304  call assert_equal(1484653763 - 3600, strptime('%Y-%m-%d %T', '2017-01-17 11:49:23'))
306  call assert_fails('call strptime()', 'E119:')
307  call assert_fails('call strptime("xxx")', 'E119:')
308  call assert_equal(0, strptime("%Y", ''))
309  call assert_equal(0, strptime("%Y", "xxx"))
311  if exists('tz')
312    let $TZ = tz
313  else
314    unlet $TZ
315  endif
318func Test_resolve_unix()
319  CheckUnix
321  " Xlink1 -> Xlink2
322  " Xlink2 -> Xlink3
323  silent !ln -s -f Xlink2 Xlink1
324  silent !ln -s -f Xlink3 Xlink2
325  call assert_equal('Xlink3', resolve('Xlink1'))
326  call assert_equal('./Xlink3', resolve('./Xlink1'))
327  call assert_equal('Xlink3/', resolve('Xlink2/'))
328  " FIXME: these tests result in things like "Xlink2/" instead of "Xlink3/"?!
329  "call assert_equal('Xlink3/', resolve('Xlink1/'))
330  "call assert_equal('./Xlink3/', resolve('./Xlink1/'))
331  "call assert_equal(getcwd() . '/Xlink3/', resolve(getcwd() . '/Xlink1/'))
332  call assert_equal(getcwd() . '/Xlink3', resolve(getcwd() . '/Xlink1'))
334  " Test resolve() with a symlink cycle.
335  " Xlink1 -> Xlink2
336  " Xlink2 -> Xlink3
337  " Xlink3 -> Xlink1
338  silent !ln -s -f Xlink1 Xlink3
339  call assert_fails('call resolve("Xlink1")',   'E655:')
340  call assert_fails('call resolve("./Xlink1")', 'E655:')
341  call assert_fails('call resolve("Xlink2")',   'E655:')
342  call assert_fails('call resolve("Xlink3")',   'E655:')
343  call delete('Xlink1')
344  call delete('Xlink2')
345  call delete('Xlink3')
347  silent !ln -s -f Xdir//Xfile Xlink
348  call assert_equal('Xdir/Xfile', resolve('Xlink'))
349  call delete('Xlink')
351  silent !ln -s -f Xlink2/ Xlink1
352  call assert_equal('Xlink2', 'Xlink1'->resolve())
353  call assert_equal('Xlink2/', resolve('Xlink1/'))
354  call delete('Xlink1')
356  silent !ln -s -f ./Xlink2 Xlink1
357  call assert_equal('Xlink2', resolve('Xlink1'))
358  call assert_equal('./Xlink2', resolve('./Xlink1'))
359  call delete('Xlink1')
361  call assert_equal('/', resolve('/'))
364func s:normalize_fname(fname)
365  let ret = substitute(a:fname, '\', '/', 'g')
366  let ret = substitute(ret, '//', '/', 'g')
367  return ret->tolower()
370func Test_resolve_win32()
371  CheckMSWindows
373  " test for shortcut file
374  if executable('cscript')
375    new Xfile
376    wq
377    let lines =<< trim END
378	Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
379	Set ws = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
380	Set shortcut = ws.CreateShortcut("Xlink.lnk")
381	shortcut.TargetPath = fs.BuildPath(ws.CurrentDirectory, "Xfile")
382	shortcut.Save
383    END
384    call writefile(lines, 'link.vbs')
385    silent !cscript link.vbs
386    call delete('link.vbs')
387    call assert_equal(s:normalize_fname(getcwd() . '\Xfile'), s:normalize_fname(resolve('./Xlink.lnk')))
388    call delete('Xfile')
390    call assert_equal(s:normalize_fname(getcwd() . '\Xfile'), s:normalize_fname(resolve('./Xlink.lnk')))
391    call delete('Xlink.lnk')
392  else
393    echomsg 'skipped test for shortcut file'
394  endif
396  " remove files
397  call delete('Xlink')
398  call delete('Xdir', 'd')
399  call delete('Xfile')
401  " test for symbolic link to a file
402  new Xfile
403  wq
404  call assert_equal('Xfile', resolve('Xfile'))
405  silent !mklink Xlink Xfile
406  if !v:shell_error
407    call assert_equal(s:normalize_fname(getcwd() . '\Xfile'), s:normalize_fname(resolve('./Xlink')))
408    call delete('Xlink')
409  else
410    echomsg 'skipped test for symbolic link to a file'
411  endif
412  call delete('Xfile')
414  " test for junction to a directory
415  call mkdir('Xdir')
416  silent !mklink /J Xlink Xdir
417  if !v:shell_error
418    call assert_equal(s:normalize_fname(getcwd() . '\Xdir'), s:normalize_fname(resolve(getcwd() . '/Xlink')))
420    call delete('Xdir', 'd')
422    " test for junction already removed
423    call assert_equal(s:normalize_fname(getcwd() . '\Xlink'), s:normalize_fname(resolve(getcwd() . '/Xlink')))
424    call delete('Xlink')
425  else
426    echomsg 'skipped test for junction to a directory'
427    call delete('Xdir', 'd')
428  endif
430  " test for symbolic link to a directory
431  call mkdir('Xdir')
432  silent !mklink /D Xlink Xdir
433  if !v:shell_error
434    call assert_equal(s:normalize_fname(getcwd() . '\Xdir'), s:normalize_fname(resolve(getcwd() . '/Xlink')))
436    call delete('Xdir', 'd')
438    " test for symbolic link already removed
439    call assert_equal(s:normalize_fname(getcwd() . '\Xlink'), s:normalize_fname(resolve(getcwd() . '/Xlink')))
440    call delete('Xlink')
441  else
442    echomsg 'skipped test for symbolic link to a directory'
443    call delete('Xdir', 'd')
444  endif
446  " test for buffer name
447  new Xfile
448  wq
449  silent !mklink Xlink Xfile
450  if !v:shell_error
451    edit Xlink
452    call assert_equal('Xlink', bufname('%'))
453    call delete('Xlink')
454    bw!
455  else
456    echomsg 'skipped test for buffer name'
457  endif
458  call delete('Xfile')
460  " test for reparse point
461  call mkdir('Xdir')
462  call assert_equal('Xdir', resolve('Xdir'))
463  silent !mklink /D Xdirlink Xdir
464  if !v:shell_error
465    w Xdir/text.txt
466    call assert_equal('Xdir/text.txt', resolve('Xdir/text.txt'))
467    call assert_equal(s:normalize_fname(getcwd() . '\Xdir\text.txt'), s:normalize_fname(resolve('Xdirlink\text.txt')))
468    call assert_equal(s:normalize_fname(getcwd() . '\Xdir'), s:normalize_fname(resolve('Xdirlink')))
469    call delete('Xdirlink')
470  else
471    echomsg 'skipped test for reparse point'
472  endif
474  call delete('Xdir', 'rf')
477func Test_simplify()
478  call assert_equal('',            simplify(''))
479  call assert_equal('/',           simplify('/'))
480  call assert_equal('/',           simplify('/.'))
481  call assert_equal('/',           simplify('/..'))
482  call assert_equal('/...',        simplify('/...'))
483  call assert_equal('//path',      simplify('//path'))
484  if has('unix')
485    call assert_equal('/path',       simplify('///path'))
486    call assert_equal('/path',       simplify('////path'))
487  endif
489  call assert_equal('./dir/file',  './dir/file'->simplify())
490  call assert_equal('./dir/file',  simplify('.///dir//file'))
491  call assert_equal('./dir/file',  simplify('./dir/./file'))
492  call assert_equal('./file',      simplify('./dir/../file'))
493  call assert_equal('../dir/file', simplify('dir/../../dir/file'))
494  call assert_equal('./file',      simplify('dir/.././file'))
495  call assert_equal('../dir',      simplify('./../dir'))
496  call assert_equal('..',          simplify('../testdir/..'))
497  call mkdir('Xdir')
498  call assert_equal('.',           simplify('Xdir/../.'))
499  call delete('Xdir', 'd')
501  call assert_fails('call simplify({->0})', 'E729:')
502  call assert_fails('call simplify([])', 'E730:')
503  call assert_fails('call simplify({})', 'E731:')
504  if has('float')
505    call assert_equal('1.2', simplify(1.2))
506    call CheckDefAndScriptFailure2(['echo simplify(1.2)'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got float', 'E1174: String required for argument 1')
507  endif
510func Test_pathshorten()
511  call assert_equal('', pathshorten(''))
512  call assert_equal('foo', pathshorten('foo'))
513  call assert_equal('/foo', '/foo'->pathshorten())
514  call assert_equal('f/', pathshorten('foo/'))
515  call assert_equal('f/bar', pathshorten('foo/bar'))
516  call assert_equal('f/b/foobar', 'foo/bar/foobar'->pathshorten())
517  call assert_equal('/f/b/foobar', pathshorten('/foo/bar/foobar'))
518  call assert_equal('.f/bar', pathshorten('.foo/bar'))
519  call assert_equal('~f/bar', pathshorten('~foo/bar'))
520  call assert_equal('~.f/bar', pathshorten('~.foo/bar'))
521  call assert_equal('.~f/bar', pathshorten('.~foo/bar'))
522  call assert_equal('~/f/bar', pathshorten('~/foo/bar'))
523  call assert_fails('call pathshorten([])', 'E730:')
525  " test pathshorten with optional variable to set preferred size of shortening
526  call assert_equal('', pathshorten('', 2))
527  call assert_equal('foo', pathshorten('foo', 2))
528  call assert_equal('/foo', pathshorten('/foo', 2))
529  call assert_equal('fo/', pathshorten('foo/', 2))
530  call assert_equal('fo/bar', pathshorten('foo/bar', 2))
531  call assert_equal('fo/ba/foobar', pathshorten('foo/bar/foobar', 2))
532  call assert_equal('/fo/ba/foobar', pathshorten('/foo/bar/foobar', 2))
533  call assert_equal('.fo/bar', pathshorten('.foo/bar', 2))
534  call assert_equal('~fo/bar', pathshorten('~foo/bar', 2))
535  call assert_equal('~.fo/bar', pathshorten('~.foo/bar', 2))
536  call assert_equal('.~fo/bar', pathshorten('.~foo/bar', 2))
537  call assert_equal('~/fo/bar', pathshorten('~/foo/bar', 2))
538  call assert_fails('call pathshorten([],2)', 'E730:')
539  call assert_notequal('~/fo/bar', pathshorten('~/foo/bar', 3))
540  call assert_equal('~/foo/bar', pathshorten('~/foo/bar', 3))
541  call assert_equal('~/f/bar', pathshorten('~/foo/bar', 0))
544func Test_strpart()
545  call assert_equal('de', strpart('abcdefg', 3, 2))
546  call assert_equal('ab', strpart('abcdefg', -2, 4))
547  call assert_equal('abcdefg', 'abcdefg'->strpart(-2))
548  call assert_equal('fg', strpart('abcdefg', 5, 4))
549  call assert_equal('defg', strpart('abcdefg', 3))
550  call assert_equal('', strpart('abcdefg', 10))
551  call assert_fails("let s=strpart('abcdef', [])", 'E745:')
553  call assert_equal('lép', strpart('éléphant', 2, 4))
554  call assert_equal('léphant', strpart('éléphant', 2))
556  call assert_equal('é', strpart('éléphant', 0, 1, 1))
557  call assert_equal('ép', strpart('éléphant', 3, 2, v:true))
558  call assert_equal('ó', strpart('cómposed', 1, 1, 1))
561func Test_tolower()
562  call assert_equal("", tolower(""))
564  " Test with all printable ASCII characters.
565  call assert_equal(' !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~',
566          \ tolower(' !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~'))
568  " Test with a few uppercase diacritics.
569  call assert_equal("aàáâãäåāăąǎǟǡả", tolower("AÀÁÂÃÄÅĀĂĄǍǞǠẢ"))
570  call assert_equal("bḃḇ", tolower("BḂḆ"))
571  call assert_equal("cçćĉċč", tolower("CÇĆĈĊČ"))
572  call assert_equal("dďđḋḏḑ", tolower("DĎĐḊḎḐ"))
573  call assert_equal("eèéêëēĕėęěẻẽ", tolower("EÈÉÊËĒĔĖĘĚẺẼ"))
574  call assert_equal("fḟ ", tolower("FḞ "))
575  call assert_equal("gĝğġģǥǧǵḡ", tolower("GĜĞĠĢǤǦǴḠ"))
576  call assert_equal("hĥħḣḧḩ", tolower("HĤĦḢḦḨ"))
577  call assert_equal("iìíîïĩīĭįiǐỉ", tolower("IÌÍÎÏĨĪĬĮİǏỈ"))
578  call assert_equal("jĵ", tolower("JĴ"))
579  call assert_equal("kķǩḱḵ", tolower("KĶǨḰḴ"))
580  call assert_equal("lĺļľŀłḻ", tolower("LĹĻĽĿŁḺ"))
581  call assert_equal("mḿṁ", tolower("MḾṀ"))
582  call assert_equal("nñńņňṅṉ", tolower("NÑŃŅŇṄṈ"))
583  call assert_equal("oòóôõöøōŏőơǒǫǭỏ", tolower("OÒÓÔÕÖØŌŎŐƠǑǪǬỎ"))
584  call assert_equal("pṕṗ", tolower("PṔṖ"))
585  call assert_equal("q", tolower("Q"))
586  call assert_equal("rŕŗřṙṟ", tolower("RŔŖŘṘṞ"))
587  call assert_equal("sśŝşšṡ", tolower("SŚŜŞŠṠ"))
588  call assert_equal("tţťŧṫṯ", tolower("TŢŤŦṪṮ"))
589  call assert_equal("uùúûüũūŭůűųưǔủ", tolower("UÙÚÛÜŨŪŬŮŰŲƯǓỦ"))
590  call assert_equal("vṽ", tolower("VṼ"))
591  call assert_equal("wŵẁẃẅẇ", tolower("WŴẀẂẄẆ"))
592  call assert_equal("xẋẍ", tolower("XẊẌ"))
593  call assert_equal("yýŷÿẏỳỷỹ", tolower("YÝŶŸẎỲỶỸ"))
594  call assert_equal("zźżžƶẑẕ", tolower("ZŹŻŽƵẐẔ"))
596  " Test with a few lowercase diacritics, which should remain unchanged.
597  call assert_equal("aàáâãäåāăąǎǟǡả", tolower("aàáâãäåāăąǎǟǡả"))
598  call assert_equal("bḃḇ", tolower("bḃḇ"))
599  call assert_equal("cçćĉċč", tolower("cçćĉċč"))
600  call assert_equal("dďđḋḏḑ", tolower("dďđḋḏḑ"))
601  call assert_equal("eèéêëēĕėęěẻẽ", tolower("eèéêëēĕėęěẻẽ"))
602  call assert_equal("fḟ", tolower("fḟ"))
603  call assert_equal("gĝğġģǥǧǵḡ", tolower("gĝğġģǥǧǵḡ"))
604  call assert_equal("hĥħḣḧḩẖ", tolower("hĥħḣḧḩẖ"))
605  call assert_equal("iìíîïĩīĭįǐỉ", tolower("iìíîïĩīĭįǐỉ"))
606  call assert_equal("jĵǰ", tolower("jĵǰ"))
607  call assert_equal("kķǩḱḵ", tolower("kķǩḱḵ"))
608  call assert_equal("lĺļľŀłḻ", tolower("lĺļľŀłḻ"))
609  call assert_equal("mḿṁ ", tolower("mḿṁ "))
610  call assert_equal("nñńņňʼnṅṉ", tolower("nñńņňʼnṅṉ"))
611  call assert_equal("oòóôõöøōŏőơǒǫǭỏ", tolower("oòóôõöøōŏőơǒǫǭỏ"))
612  call assert_equal("pṕṗ", tolower("pṕṗ"))
613  call assert_equal("q", tolower("q"))
614  call assert_equal("rŕŗřṙṟ", tolower("rŕŗřṙṟ"))
615  call assert_equal("sśŝşšṡ", tolower("sśŝşšṡ"))
616  call assert_equal("tţťŧṫṯẗ", tolower("tţťŧṫṯẗ"))
617  call assert_equal("uùúûüũūŭůűųưǔủ", tolower("uùúûüũūŭůűųưǔủ"))
618  call assert_equal("vṽ", tolower("vṽ"))
619  call assert_equal("wŵẁẃẅẇẘ", tolower("wŵẁẃẅẇẘ"))
620  call assert_equal("ẋẍ", tolower("ẋẍ"))
621  call assert_equal("yýÿŷẏẙỳỷỹ", tolower("yýÿŷẏẙỳỷỹ"))
622  call assert_equal("zźżžƶẑẕ", tolower("zźżžƶẑẕ"))
624  " According to https://twitter.com/jifa/status/625776454479970304
625  " Ⱥ (U+023A) and Ⱦ (U+023E) are the *only* code points to increase
626  " in length (2 to 3 bytes) when lowercased. So let's test them.
627  call assert_equal("ⱥ ⱦ", tolower("Ⱥ Ⱦ"))
629  " This call to tolower with invalid utf8 sequence used to cause access to
630  " invalid memory.
631  call tolower("\xC0\x80\xC0")
632  call tolower("123\xC0\x80\xC0")
634  " Test in latin1 encoding
635  let save_enc = &encoding
636  set encoding=latin1
637  call assert_equal("abc", tolower("ABC"))
638  let &encoding = save_enc
641func Test_toupper()
642  call assert_equal("", toupper(""))
644  " Test with all printable ASCII characters.
645  call assert_equal(' !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ{|}~',
646          \ toupper(' !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~'))
648  " Test with a few lowercase diacritics.
649  call assert_equal("AÀÁÂÃÄÅĀĂĄǍǞǠẢ", "aàáâãäåāăąǎǟǡả"->toupper())
650  call assert_equal("BḂḆ", toupper("bḃḇ"))
651  call assert_equal("CÇĆĈĊČ", toupper("cçćĉċč"))
652  call assert_equal("DĎĐḊḎḐ", toupper("dďđḋḏḑ"))
653  call assert_equal("EÈÉÊËĒĔĖĘĚẺẼ", toupper("eèéêëēĕėęěẻẽ"))
654  call assert_equal("FḞ", toupper("fḟ"))
655  call assert_equal("GĜĞĠĢǤǦǴḠ", toupper("gĝğġģǥǧǵḡ"))
656  call assert_equal("HĤĦḢḦḨẖ", toupper("hĥħḣḧḩẖ"))
657  call assert_equal("IÌÍÎÏĨĪĬĮǏỈ", toupper("iìíîïĩīĭįǐỉ"))
658  call assert_equal("JĴǰ", toupper("jĵǰ"))
659  call assert_equal("KĶǨḰḴ", toupper("kķǩḱḵ"))
660  call assert_equal("LĹĻĽĿŁḺ", toupper("lĺļľŀłḻ"))
661  call assert_equal("MḾṀ ", toupper("mḿṁ "))
662  call assert_equal("NÑŃŅŇʼnṄṈ", toupper("nñńņňʼnṅṉ"))
663  call assert_equal("OÒÓÔÕÖØŌŎŐƠǑǪǬỎ", toupper("oòóôõöøōŏőơǒǫǭỏ"))
664  call assert_equal("PṔṖ", toupper("pṕṗ"))
665  call assert_equal("Q", toupper("q"))
666  call assert_equal("RŔŖŘṘṞ", toupper("rŕŗřṙṟ"))
667  call assert_equal("SŚŜŞŠṠ", toupper("sśŝşšṡ"))
668  call assert_equal("TŢŤŦṪṮẗ", toupper("tţťŧṫṯẗ"))
669  call assert_equal("UÙÚÛÜŨŪŬŮŰŲƯǓỦ", toupper("uùúûüũūŭůűųưǔủ"))
670  call assert_equal("VṼ", toupper("vṽ"))
671  call assert_equal("WŴẀẂẄẆẘ", toupper("wŵẁẃẅẇẘ"))
672  call assert_equal("ẊẌ", toupper("ẋẍ"))
673  call assert_equal("YÝŸŶẎẙỲỶỸ", toupper("yýÿŷẏẙỳỷỹ"))
674  call assert_equal("ZŹŻŽƵẐẔ", toupper("zźżžƶẑẕ"))
676  " Test that uppercase diacritics, which should remain unchanged.
677  call assert_equal("AÀÁÂÃÄÅĀĂĄǍǞǠẢ", toupper("AÀÁÂÃÄÅĀĂĄǍǞǠẢ"))
678  call assert_equal("BḂḆ", toupper("BḂḆ"))
679  call assert_equal("CÇĆĈĊČ", toupper("CÇĆĈĊČ"))
680  call assert_equal("DĎĐḊḎḐ", toupper("DĎĐḊḎḐ"))
681  call assert_equal("EÈÉÊËĒĔĖĘĚẺẼ", toupper("EÈÉÊËĒĔĖĘĚẺẼ"))
682  call assert_equal("FḞ ", toupper("FḞ "))
683  call assert_equal("GĜĞĠĢǤǦǴḠ", toupper("GĜĞĠĢǤǦǴḠ"))
684  call assert_equal("HĤĦḢḦḨ", toupper("HĤĦḢḦḨ"))
685  call assert_equal("IÌÍÎÏĨĪĬĮİǏỈ", toupper("IÌÍÎÏĨĪĬĮİǏỈ"))
686  call assert_equal("JĴ", toupper("JĴ"))
687  call assert_equal("KĶǨḰḴ", toupper("KĶǨḰḴ"))
688  call assert_equal("LĹĻĽĿŁḺ", toupper("LĹĻĽĿŁḺ"))
689  call assert_equal("MḾṀ", toupper("MḾṀ"))
690  call assert_equal("NÑŃŅŇṄṈ", toupper("NÑŃŅŇṄṈ"))
691  call assert_equal("OÒÓÔÕÖØŌŎŐƠǑǪǬỎ", toupper("OÒÓÔÕÖØŌŎŐƠǑǪǬỎ"))
692  call assert_equal("PṔṖ", toupper("PṔṖ"))
693  call assert_equal("Q", toupper("Q"))
694  call assert_equal("RŔŖŘṘṞ", toupper("RŔŖŘṘṞ"))
695  call assert_equal("SŚŜŞŠṠ", toupper("SŚŜŞŠṠ"))
696  call assert_equal("TŢŤŦṪṮ", toupper("TŢŤŦṪṮ"))
697  call assert_equal("UÙÚÛÜŨŪŬŮŰŲƯǓỦ", toupper("UÙÚÛÜŨŪŬŮŰŲƯǓỦ"))
698  call assert_equal("VṼ", toupper("VṼ"))
699  call assert_equal("WŴẀẂẄẆ", toupper("WŴẀẂẄẆ"))
700  call assert_equal("XẊẌ", toupper("XẊẌ"))
701  call assert_equal("YÝŶŸẎỲỶỸ", toupper("YÝŶŸẎỲỶỸ"))
702  call assert_equal("ZŹŻŽƵẐẔ", toupper("ZŹŻŽƵẐẔ"))
704  call assert_equal("Ⱥ Ⱦ", toupper("ⱥ ⱦ"))
706  " This call to toupper with invalid utf8 sequence used to cause access to
707  " invalid memory.
708  call toupper("\xC0\x80\xC0")
709  call toupper("123\xC0\x80\xC0")
711  " Test in latin1 encoding
712  let save_enc = &encoding
713  set encoding=latin1
714  call assert_equal("ABC", toupper("abc"))
715  let &encoding = save_enc
718func Test_tr()
719  call assert_equal('foo', tr('bar', 'bar', 'foo'))
720  call assert_equal('zxy', 'cab'->tr('abc', 'xyz'))
721  call assert_fails("let s=tr([], 'abc', 'def')", 'E730:')
722  call assert_fails("let s=tr('abc', [], 'def')", 'E730:')
723  call assert_fails("let s=tr('abc', 'abc', [])", 'E730:')
724  call assert_fails("let s=tr('abcd', 'abcd', 'def')", 'E475:')
725  set encoding=latin1
726  call assert_fails("let s=tr('abcd', 'abcd', 'def')", 'E475:')
727  call assert_equal('hEllO', tr('hello', 'eo', 'EO'))
728  call assert_equal('hello', tr('hello', 'xy', 'ab'))
729  call assert_fails('call tr("abc", "123", "₁₂")', 'E475:')
730  set encoding=utf8
733" Tests for the mode() function
734let current_modes = ''
735func Save_mode()
736  let g:current_modes = mode(0) . '-' . mode(1)
737  return ''
740" Test for the mode() function
741func Test_mode()
742  new
743  call append(0, ["Blue Ball Black", "Brown Band Bowl", ""])
745  " Only complete from the current buffer.
746  set complete=.
748  inoremap <F2> <C-R>=Save_mode()<CR>
749  xnoremap <F2> <Cmd>call Save_mode()<CR>
751  normal! 3G
752  exe "normal i\<F2>\<Esc>"
753  call assert_equal('i-i', g:current_modes)
754  " i_CTRL-P: Multiple matches
755  exe "normal i\<C-G>uBa\<C-P>\<F2>\<Esc>u"
756  call assert_equal('i-ic', g:current_modes)
757  " i_CTRL-P: Single match
758  exe "normal iBro\<C-P>\<F2>\<Esc>u"
759  call assert_equal('i-ic', g:current_modes)
760  " i_CTRL-X
761  exe "normal iBa\<C-X>\<F2>\<Esc>u"
762  call assert_equal('i-ix', g:current_modes)
763  " i_CTRL-X CTRL-P: Multiple matches
764  exe "normal iBa\<C-X>\<C-P>\<F2>\<Esc>u"
765  call assert_equal('i-ic', g:current_modes)
766  " i_CTRL-X CTRL-P: Single match
767  exe "normal iBro\<C-X>\<C-P>\<F2>\<Esc>u"
768  call assert_equal('i-ic', g:current_modes)
769  " i_CTRL-X CTRL-P + CTRL-P: Single match
770  exe "normal iBro\<C-X>\<C-P>\<C-P>\<F2>\<Esc>u"
771  call assert_equal('i-ic', g:current_modes)
772  " i_CTRL-X CTRL-L: Multiple matches
773  exe "normal i\<C-X>\<C-L>\<F2>\<Esc>u"
774  call assert_equal('i-ic', g:current_modes)
775  " i_CTRL-X CTRL-L: Single match
776  exe "normal iBlu\<C-X>\<C-L>\<F2>\<Esc>u"
777  call assert_equal('i-ic', g:current_modes)
778  " i_CTRL-P: No match
779  exe "normal iCom\<C-P>\<F2>\<Esc>u"
780  call assert_equal('i-ic', g:current_modes)
781  " i_CTRL-X CTRL-P: No match
782  exe "normal iCom\<C-X>\<C-P>\<F2>\<Esc>u"
783  call assert_equal('i-ic', g:current_modes)
784  " i_CTRL-X CTRL-L: No match
785  exe "normal iabc\<C-X>\<C-L>\<F2>\<Esc>u"
786  call assert_equal('i-ic', g:current_modes)
788  exe "normal R\<F2>\<Esc>"
789  call assert_equal('R-R', g:current_modes)
790  " R_CTRL-P: Multiple matches
791  exe "normal RBa\<C-P>\<F2>\<Esc>u"
792  call assert_equal('R-Rc', g:current_modes)
793  " R_CTRL-P: Single match
794  exe "normal RBro\<C-P>\<F2>\<Esc>u"
795  call assert_equal('R-Rc', g:current_modes)
796  " R_CTRL-X
797  exe "normal RBa\<C-X>\<F2>\<Esc>u"
798  call assert_equal('R-Rx', g:current_modes)
799  " R_CTRL-X CTRL-P: Multiple matches
800  exe "normal RBa\<C-X>\<C-P>\<F2>\<Esc>u"
801  call assert_equal('R-Rc', g:current_modes)
802  " R_CTRL-X CTRL-P: Single match
803  exe "normal RBro\<C-X>\<C-P>\<F2>\<Esc>u"
804  call assert_equal('R-Rc', g:current_modes)
805  " R_CTRL-X CTRL-P + CTRL-P: Single match
806  exe "normal RBro\<C-X>\<C-P>\<C-P>\<F2>\<Esc>u"
807  call assert_equal('R-Rc', g:current_modes)
808  " R_CTRL-X CTRL-L: Multiple matches
809  exe "normal R\<C-X>\<C-L>\<F2>\<Esc>u"
810  call assert_equal('R-Rc', g:current_modes)
811  " R_CTRL-X CTRL-L: Single match
812  exe "normal RBlu\<C-X>\<C-L>\<F2>\<Esc>u"
813  call assert_equal('R-Rc', g:current_modes)
814  " R_CTRL-P: No match
815  exe "normal RCom\<C-P>\<F2>\<Esc>u"
816  call assert_equal('R-Rc', g:current_modes)
817  " R_CTRL-X CTRL-P: No match
818  exe "normal RCom\<C-X>\<C-P>\<F2>\<Esc>u"
819  call assert_equal('R-Rc', g:current_modes)
820  " R_CTRL-X CTRL-L: No match
821  exe "normal Rabc\<C-X>\<C-L>\<F2>\<Esc>u"
822  call assert_equal('R-Rc', g:current_modes)
824  exe "normal gR\<F2>\<Esc>"
825  call assert_equal('R-Rv', g:current_modes)
826  " gR_CTRL-P: Multiple matches
827  exe "normal gRBa\<C-P>\<F2>\<Esc>u"
828  call assert_equal('R-Rvc', g:current_modes)
829  " gR_CTRL-P: Single match
830  exe "normal gRBro\<C-P>\<F2>\<Esc>u"
831  call assert_equal('R-Rvc', g:current_modes)
832  " gR_CTRL-X
833  exe "normal gRBa\<C-X>\<F2>\<Esc>u"
834  call assert_equal('R-Rvx', g:current_modes)
835  " gR_CTRL-X CTRL-P: Multiple matches
836  exe "normal gRBa\<C-X>\<C-P>\<F2>\<Esc>u"
837  call assert_equal('R-Rvc', g:current_modes)
838  " gR_CTRL-X CTRL-P: Single match
839  exe "normal gRBro\<C-X>\<C-P>\<F2>\<Esc>u"
840  call assert_equal('R-Rvc', g:current_modes)
841  " gR_CTRL-X CTRL-P + CTRL-P: Single match
842  exe "normal gRBro\<C-X>\<C-P>\<C-P>\<F2>\<Esc>u"
843  call assert_equal('R-Rvc', g:current_modes)
844  " gR_CTRL-X CTRL-L: Multiple matches
845  exe "normal gR\<C-X>\<C-L>\<F2>\<Esc>u"
846  call assert_equal('R-Rvc', g:current_modes)
847  " gR_CTRL-X CTRL-L: Single match
848  exe "normal gRBlu\<C-X>\<C-L>\<F2>\<Esc>u"
849  call assert_equal('R-Rvc', g:current_modes)
850  " gR_CTRL-P: No match
851  exe "normal gRCom\<C-P>\<F2>\<Esc>u"
852  call assert_equal('R-Rvc', g:current_modes)
853  " gR_CTRL-X CTRL-P: No match
854  exe "normal gRCom\<C-X>\<C-P>\<F2>\<Esc>u"
855  call assert_equal('R-Rvc', g:current_modes)
856  " gR_CTRL-X CTRL-L: No match
857  exe "normal gRabc\<C-X>\<C-L>\<F2>\<Esc>u"
858  call assert_equal('R-Rvc', g:current_modes)
860  call assert_equal('n', 0->mode())
861  call assert_equal('n', 1->mode())
863  " i_CTRL-O
864  exe "normal i\<C-O>:call Save_mode()\<Cr>\<Esc>"
865  call assert_equal("n-niI", g:current_modes)
867  " R_CTRL-O
868  exe "normal R\<C-O>:call Save_mode()\<Cr>\<Esc>"
869  call assert_equal("n-niR", g:current_modes)
871  " gR_CTRL-O
872  exe "normal gR\<C-O>:call Save_mode()\<Cr>\<Esc>"
873  call assert_equal("n-niV", g:current_modes)
875  " How to test operator-pending mode?
877  call feedkeys("v", 'xt')
878  call assert_equal('v', mode())
879  call assert_equal('v', mode(1))
880  call feedkeys("\<Esc>V", 'xt')
881  call assert_equal('V', mode())
882  call assert_equal('V', mode(1))
883  call feedkeys("\<Esc>\<C-V>", 'xt')
884  call assert_equal("\<C-V>", mode())
885  call assert_equal("\<C-V>", mode(1))
886  call feedkeys("\<Esc>", 'xt')
888  call feedkeys("gh", 'xt')
889  call assert_equal('s', mode())
890  call assert_equal('s', mode(1))
891  call feedkeys("\<Esc>gH", 'xt')
892  call assert_equal('S', mode())
893  call assert_equal('S', mode(1))
894  call feedkeys("\<Esc>g\<C-H>", 'xt')
895  call assert_equal("\<C-S>", mode())
896  call assert_equal("\<C-S>", mode(1))
897  call feedkeys("\<Esc>", 'xt')
899  " v_CTRL-O
900  exe "normal gh\<C-O>\<F2>\<Esc>"
901  call assert_equal("v-vs", g:current_modes)
902  exe "normal gH\<C-O>\<F2>\<Esc>"
903  call assert_equal("V-Vs", g:current_modes)
904  exe "normal g\<C-H>\<C-O>\<F2>\<Esc>"
905  call assert_equal("\<C-V>-\<C-V>s", g:current_modes)
907  call feedkeys(":echo \<C-R>=Save_mode()\<C-U>\<CR>", 'xt')
908  call assert_equal('c-c', g:current_modes)
909  call feedkeys("gQecho \<C-R>=Save_mode()\<CR>\<CR>vi\<CR>", 'xt')
910  call assert_equal('c-cv', g:current_modes)
911  call feedkeys("Qcall Save_mode()\<CR>vi\<CR>", 'xt')
912  call assert_equal('c-ce', g:current_modes)
913  " How to test Ex mode?
915  " Test mode in operatorfunc (it used to be Operator-pending).
916  set operatorfunc=OperatorFunc
917  function OperatorFunc(_)
918    call Save_mode()
919  endfunction
920  execute "normal! g@l\<Esc>"
921  call assert_equal('n-n', g:current_modes)
922  execute "normal! i\<C-o>g@l\<Esc>"
923  call assert_equal('n-niI', g:current_modes)
924  execute "normal! R\<C-o>g@l\<Esc>"
925  call assert_equal('n-niR', g:current_modes)
926  execute "normal! gR\<C-o>g@l\<Esc>"
927  call assert_equal('n-niV', g:current_modes)
929  if has('terminal')
930    term
931    call feedkeys("\<C-W>N", 'xt')
932    call assert_equal('n', mode())
933    call assert_equal('nt', mode(1))
934    call feedkeys("aexit\<CR>", 'xt')
935  endif
937  bwipe!
938  iunmap <F2>
939  xunmap <F2>
940  set complete&
941  set operatorfunc&
942  delfunction OperatorFunc
945" Test for append()
946func Test_append()
947  enew!
948  split
949  call append(0, ["foo"])
950  call append(1, [])
951  call append(1, test_null_list())
952  call assert_equal(['foo', ''], getline(1, '$'))
953  split
954  only
955  undo
956  undo
958  " Using $ instead of '$' must give an error
959  call assert_fails("call append($, 'foobar')", 'E116:')
962" Test for setline()
963func Test_setline()
964  new
965  call setline(0, ["foo"])
966  call setline(0, [])
967  call setline(0, test_null_list())
968  call setline(1, ["bar"])
969  call setline(1, [])
970  call setline(1, test_null_list())
971  call setline(2, [])
972  call setline(2, test_null_list())
973  call setline(3, [])
974  call setline(3, test_null_list())
975  call setline(2, ["baz"])
976  call assert_equal(['bar', 'baz'], getline(1, '$'))
977  close!
980func Test_getbufvar()
981  let bnr = bufnr('%')
982  let b:var_num = '1234'
983  let def_num = '5678'
984  call assert_equal('1234', getbufvar(bnr, 'var_num'))
985  call assert_equal('1234', getbufvar(bnr, 'var_num', def_num))
987  let bd = getbufvar(bnr, '')
988  call assert_equal('1234', bd['var_num'])
989  call assert_true(exists("bd['changedtick']"))
990  call assert_equal(2, len(bd))
992  let bd2 = getbufvar(bnr, '', def_num)
993  call assert_equal(bd, bd2)
995  unlet b:var_num
996  call assert_equal(def_num, getbufvar(bnr, 'var_num', def_num))
997  call assert_equal('', getbufvar(bnr, 'var_num'))
999  let bd = getbufvar(bnr, '')
1000  call assert_equal(1, len(bd))
1001  let bd = getbufvar(bnr, '',def_num)
1002  call assert_equal(1, len(bd))
1004  call assert_equal('', getbufvar(9999, ''))
1005  call assert_equal(def_num, getbufvar(9999, '', def_num))
1006  unlet def_num
1008  call assert_equal(0, getbufvar(bnr, '&autoindent'))
1009  call assert_equal(0, getbufvar(bnr, '&autoindent', 1))
1011  " Set and get a buffer-local variable
1012  call setbufvar(bnr, 'bufvar_test', ['one', 'two'])
1013  call assert_equal(['one', 'two'], getbufvar(bnr, 'bufvar_test'))
1015  " Open new window with forced option values
1016  set fileformats=unix,dos
1017  new ++ff=dos ++bin ++enc=iso-8859-2
1018  call assert_equal('dos', getbufvar(bufnr('%'), '&fileformat'))
1019  call assert_equal(1, getbufvar(bufnr('%'), '&bin'))
1020  call assert_equal('iso-8859-2', getbufvar(bufnr('%'), '&fenc'))
1021  close
1023  " Get the b: dict.
1024  let b:testvar = 'one'
1025  new
1026  let b:testvar = 'two'
1027  let thebuf = bufnr()
1028  wincmd w
1029  call assert_equal('two', getbufvar(thebuf, 'testvar'))
1030  call assert_equal('two', getbufvar(thebuf, '').testvar)
1031  bwipe!
1033  set fileformats&
1036func Test_last_buffer_nr()
1037  call assert_equal(bufnr('$'), last_buffer_nr())
1040func Test_stridx()
1041  call assert_equal(-1, stridx('', 'l'))
1042  call assert_equal(0,  stridx('', ''))
1043  call assert_equal(0,  'hello'->stridx(''))
1044  call assert_equal(-1, stridx('hello', 'L'))
1045  call assert_equal(2,  stridx('hello', 'l', -1))
1046  call assert_equal(2,  stridx('hello', 'l', 0))
1047  call assert_equal(2,  'hello'->stridx('l', 1))
1048  call assert_equal(3,  stridx('hello', 'l', 3))
1049  call assert_equal(-1, stridx('hello', 'l', 4))
1050  call assert_equal(-1, stridx('hello', 'l', 10))
1051  call assert_equal(2,  stridx('hello', 'll'))
1052  call assert_equal(-1, stridx('hello', 'hello world'))
1053  call assert_fails("let n=stridx('hello', [])", 'E730:')
1054  call assert_fails("let n=stridx([], 'l')", 'E730:')
1057func Test_strridx()
1058  call assert_equal(-1, strridx('', 'l'))
1059  call assert_equal(0,  strridx('', ''))
1060  call assert_equal(5,  strridx('hello', ''))
1061  call assert_equal(-1, strridx('hello', 'L'))
1062  call assert_equal(3,  'hello'->strridx('l'))
1063  call assert_equal(3,  strridx('hello', 'l', 10))
1064  call assert_equal(3,  strridx('hello', 'l', 3))
1065  call assert_equal(2,  strridx('hello', 'l', 2))
1066  call assert_equal(-1, strridx('hello', 'l', 1))
1067  call assert_equal(-1, strridx('hello', 'l', 0))
1068  call assert_equal(-1, strridx('hello', 'l', -1))
1069  call assert_equal(2,  strridx('hello', 'll'))
1070  call assert_equal(-1, strridx('hello', 'hello world'))
1071  call assert_fails("let n=strridx('hello', [])", 'E730:')
1072  call assert_fails("let n=strridx([], 'l')", 'E730:')
1075func Test_match_func()
1076  call assert_equal(4,  match('testing', 'ing'))
1077  call assert_equal(4,  'testing'->match('ing', 2))
1078  call assert_equal(-1, match('testing', 'ing', 5))
1079  call assert_equal(-1, match('testing', 'ing', 8))
1080  call assert_equal(1, match(['vim', 'testing', 'execute'], 'ing'))
1081  call assert_equal(-1, match(['vim', 'testing', 'execute'], 'img'))
1082  call assert_fails("let x=match('vim', [])", 'E730:')
1083  call assert_equal(3, match(['a', 'b', 'c', 'a'], 'a', 1))
1084  call assert_equal(-1, match(['a', 'b', 'c', 'a'], 'a', 5))
1085  call assert_equal(4,  match('testing', 'ing', -1))
1086  call assert_fails("let x=match('testing', 'ing', 0, [])", 'E745:')
1087  call assert_equal(-1, match(test_null_list(), 2))
1088  call assert_equal(-1, match('abc', '\\%('))
1091func Test_matchend()
1092  call assert_equal(7,  matchend('testing', 'ing'))
1093  call assert_equal(7,  'testing'->matchend('ing', 2))
1094  call assert_equal(-1, matchend('testing', 'ing', 5))
1095  call assert_equal(-1, matchend('testing', 'ing', 8))
1096  call assert_equal(match(['vim', 'testing', 'execute'], 'ing'), matchend(['vim', 'testing', 'execute'], 'ing'))
1097  call assert_equal(match(['vim', 'testing', 'execute'], 'img'), matchend(['vim', 'testing', 'execute'], 'img'))
1100func Test_matchlist()
1101  call assert_equal(['acd', 'a', '', 'c', 'd', '', '', '', '', ''],  matchlist('acd', '\(a\)\?\(b\)\?\(c\)\?\(.*\)'))
1102  call assert_equal(['d', '', '', '', 'd', '', '', '', '', ''],  'acd'->matchlist('\(a\)\?\(b\)\?\(c\)\?\(.*\)', 2))
1103  call assert_equal([],  matchlist('acd', '\(a\)\?\(b\)\?\(c\)\?\(.*\)', 4))
1106func Test_matchstr()
1107  call assert_equal('ing',  matchstr('testing', 'ing'))
1108  call assert_equal('ing',  'testing'->matchstr('ing', 2))
1109  call assert_equal('', matchstr('testing', 'ing', 5))
1110  call assert_equal('', matchstr('testing', 'ing', 8))
1111  call assert_equal('testing', matchstr(['vim', 'testing', 'execute'], 'ing'))
1112  call assert_equal('', matchstr(['vim', 'testing', 'execute'], 'img'))
1115func Test_matchstrpos()
1116  call assert_equal(['ing', 4, 7], matchstrpos('testing', 'ing'))
1117  call assert_equal(['ing', 4, 7], 'testing'->matchstrpos('ing', 2))
1118  call assert_equal(['', -1, -1], matchstrpos('testing', 'ing', 5))
1119  call assert_equal(['', -1, -1], matchstrpos('testing', 'ing', 8))
1120  call assert_equal(['ing', 1, 4, 7], matchstrpos(['vim', 'testing', 'execute'], 'ing'))
1121  call assert_equal(['', -1, -1, -1], matchstrpos(['vim', 'testing', 'execute'], 'img'))
1122  call assert_equal(['', -1, -1], matchstrpos(test_null_list(), '\a'))
1125func Test_nextnonblank_prevnonblank()
1126  new
1136  call assert_equal(0, nextnonblank(-1))
1137  call assert_equal(0, nextnonblank(0))
1138  call assert_equal(1, nextnonblank(1))
1139  call assert_equal(4, 2->nextnonblank())
1140  call assert_equal(4, nextnonblank(3))
1141  call assert_equal(4, nextnonblank(4))
1142  call assert_equal(6, nextnonblank(5))
1143  call assert_equal(6, nextnonblank(6))
1144  call assert_equal(7, nextnonblank(7))
1145  call assert_equal(0, 8->nextnonblank())
1147  call assert_equal(0, prevnonblank(-1))
1148  call assert_equal(0, prevnonblank(0))
1149  call assert_equal(1, 1->prevnonblank())
1150  call assert_equal(1, prevnonblank(2))
1151  call assert_equal(1, prevnonblank(3))
1152  call assert_equal(4, prevnonblank(4))
1153  call assert_equal(4, 5->prevnonblank())
1154  call assert_equal(6, prevnonblank(6))
1155  call assert_equal(7, prevnonblank(7))
1156  call assert_equal(0, prevnonblank(8))
1157  bw!
1160func Test_byte2line_line2byte()
1161  new
1162  set endofline
1163  call setline(1, ['a', 'bc', 'd'])
1165  set fileformat=unix
1166  call assert_equal([-1, -1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, -1],
1167  \                 map(range(-1, 8), 'byte2line(v:val)'))
1168  call assert_equal([-1, -1, 1, 3, 6, 8, -1],
1169  \                 map(range(-1, 5), 'line2byte(v:val)'))
1171  set fileformat=mac
1172  call assert_equal([-1, -1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, -1],
1173  \                 map(range(-1, 8), 'v:val->byte2line()'))
1174  call assert_equal([-1, -1, 1, 3, 6, 8, -1],
1175  \                 map(range(-1, 5), 'v:val->line2byte()'))
1177  set fileformat=dos
1178  call assert_equal([-1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, -1],
1179  \                 map(range(-1, 11), 'byte2line(v:val)'))
1180  call assert_equal([-1, -1, 1, 4, 8, 11, -1],
1181  \                 map(range(-1, 5), 'line2byte(v:val)'))
1183  bw!
1184  set noendofline nofixendofline
1185  normal a-
1186  for ff in ["unix", "mac", "dos"]
1187    let &fileformat = ff
1188    call assert_equal(1, line2byte(1))
1189    call assert_equal(2, line2byte(2))  " line2byte(line("$") + 1) is the buffer size plus one (as per :help line2byte).
1190  endfor
1192  set endofline& fixendofline& fileformat&
1193  bw!
1196" Test for byteidx() and byteidxcomp() functions
1197func Test_byteidx()
1198  let a = '.é.' " one char of two bytes
1199  call assert_equal(0, byteidx(a, 0))
1200  call assert_equal(0, byteidxcomp(a, 0))
1201  call assert_equal(1, byteidx(a, 1))
1202  call assert_equal(1, byteidxcomp(a, 1))
1203  call assert_equal(3, byteidx(a, 2))
1204  call assert_equal(3, byteidxcomp(a, 2))
1205  call assert_equal(4, byteidx(a, 3))
1206  call assert_equal(4, byteidxcomp(a, 3))
1207  call assert_equal(-1, byteidx(a, 4))
1208  call assert_equal(-1, byteidxcomp(a, 4))
1210  let b = '.é.' " normal e with composing char
1211  call assert_equal(0, b->byteidx(0))
1212  call assert_equal(1, b->byteidx(1))
1213  call assert_equal(4, b->byteidx(2))
1214  call assert_equal(5, b->byteidx(3))
1215  call assert_equal(-1, b->byteidx(4))
1216  call assert_fails("call byteidx([], 0)", 'E730:')
1218  call assert_equal(0, b->byteidxcomp(0))
1219  call assert_equal(1, b->byteidxcomp(1))
1220  call assert_equal(2, b->byteidxcomp(2))
1221  call assert_equal(4, b->byteidxcomp(3))
1222  call assert_equal(5, b->byteidxcomp(4))
1223  call assert_equal(-1, b->byteidxcomp(5))
1224  call assert_fails("call byteidxcomp([], 0)", 'E730:')
1227" Test for charidx()
1228func Test_charidx()
1229  let a = 'xáb́y'
1230  call assert_equal(0, charidx(a, 0))
1231  call assert_equal(1, charidx(a, 3))
1232  call assert_equal(2, charidx(a, 4))
1233  call assert_equal(3, charidx(a, 7))
1234  call assert_equal(-1, charidx(a, 8))
1235  call assert_equal(-1, charidx(a, -1))
1236  call assert_equal(-1, charidx('', 0))
1237  call assert_equal(-1, charidx(test_null_string(), 0))
1239  " count composing characters
1240  call assert_equal(0, charidx(a, 0, 1))
1241  call assert_equal(2, charidx(a, 2, 1))
1242  call assert_equal(3, charidx(a, 4, 1))
1243  call assert_equal(5, charidx(a, 7, 1))
1244  call assert_equal(-1, charidx(a, 8, 1))
1245  call assert_equal(-1, charidx('', 0, 1))
1247  call assert_fails('let x = charidx([], 1)', 'E474:')
1248  call assert_fails('let x = charidx("abc", [])', 'E474:')
1249  call assert_fails('let x = charidx("abc", 1, [])', 'E474:')
1250  call assert_fails('let x = charidx("abc", 1, -1)', 'E1023:')
1251  call assert_fails('let x = charidx("abc", 1, 2)', 'E1023:')
1254func Test_count()
1255  let l = ['a', 'a', 'A', 'b']
1256  call assert_equal(2, count(l, 'a'))
1257  call assert_equal(1, count(l, 'A'))
1258  call assert_equal(1, count(l, 'b'))
1259  call assert_equal(0, count(l, 'B'))
1261  call assert_equal(2, count(l, 'a', 0))
1262  call assert_equal(1, count(l, 'A', 0))
1263  call assert_equal(1, count(l, 'b', 0))
1264  call assert_equal(0, count(l, 'B', 0))
1266  call assert_equal(3, count(l, 'a', 1))
1267  call assert_equal(3, count(l, 'A', 1))
1268  call assert_equal(1, count(l, 'b', 1))
1269  call assert_equal(1, count(l, 'B', 1))
1270  call assert_equal(0, count(l, 'c', 1))
1272  call assert_equal(1, count(l, 'a', 0, 1))
1273  call assert_equal(2, count(l, 'a', 1, 1))
1274  call assert_fails('call count(l, "a", 0, 10)', 'E684:')
1275  call assert_fails('call count(l, "a", [])', 'E745:')
1277  let d = {1: 'a', 2: 'a', 3: 'A', 4: 'b'}
1278  call assert_equal(2, count(d, 'a'))
1279  call assert_equal(1, count(d, 'A'))
1280  call assert_equal(1, count(d, 'b'))
1281  call assert_equal(0, count(d, 'B'))
1283  call assert_equal(2, count(d, 'a', 0))
1284  call assert_equal(1, count(d, 'A', 0))
1285  call assert_equal(1, count(d, 'b', 0))
1286  call assert_equal(0, count(d, 'B', 0))
1288  call assert_equal(3, count(d, 'a', 1))
1289  call assert_equal(3, count(d, 'A', 1))
1290  call assert_equal(1, count(d, 'b', 1))
1291  call assert_equal(1, count(d, 'B', 1))
1292  call assert_equal(0, count(d, 'c', 1))
1294  call assert_fails('call count(d, "a", 0, 1)', 'E474:')
1296  call assert_equal(0, count("foo", "bar"))
1297  call assert_equal(1, count("foo", "oo"))
1298  call assert_equal(2, count("foo", "o"))
1299  call assert_equal(0, count("foo", "O"))
1300  call assert_equal(2, count("foo", "O", 1))
1301  call assert_equal(2, count("fooooo", "oo"))
1302  call assert_equal(0, count("foo", ""))
1304  call assert_fails('call count(0, 0)', 'E712:')
1307func Test_changenr()
1308  new Xchangenr
1309  call assert_equal(0, changenr())
1310  norm ifoo
1311  call assert_equal(1, changenr())
1312  set undolevels=10
1313  norm Sbar
1314  call assert_equal(2, changenr())
1315  undo
1316  call assert_equal(1, changenr())
1317  redo
1318  call assert_equal(2, changenr())
1319  bw!
1320  set undolevels&
1323func Test_filewritable()
1324  new Xfilewritable
1325  write!
1326  call assert_equal(1, filewritable('Xfilewritable'))
1328  call assert_notequal(0, setfperm('Xfilewritable', 'r--r-----'))
1329  call assert_equal(0, filewritable('Xfilewritable'))
1331  call assert_notequal(0, setfperm('Xfilewritable', 'rw-r-----'))
1332  call assert_equal(1, 'Xfilewritable'->filewritable())
1334  call assert_equal(0, filewritable('doesnotexist'))
1336  call mkdir('Xdir')
1337  call assert_equal(2, filewritable('Xdir'))
1338  call delete('Xdir', 'd')
1340  call delete('Xfilewritable')
1341  bw!
1344func Test_Executable()
1345  if has('win32')
1346    call assert_equal(1, executable('notepad'))
1347    call assert_equal(1, 'notepad.exe'->executable())
1348    call assert_equal(0, executable('notepad.exe.exe'))
1349    call assert_equal(0, executable('shell32.dll'))
1350    call assert_equal(0, executable('win.ini'))
1352    " get "notepad" path and remove the leading drive and sep. (ex. 'C:\')
1353    let notepadcmd = exepath('notepad.exe')
1354    let driveroot = notepadcmd[:2]
1355    let notepadcmd = notepadcmd[3:]
1356    new
1357    " check that the relative path works in /
1358    execute 'lcd' driveroot
1359    call assert_equal(1, executable(notepadcmd))
1360    call assert_equal(driveroot .. notepadcmd, notepadcmd->exepath())
1361    bwipe
1363    " create "notepad.bat"
1364    call mkdir('Xdir')
1365    let notepadbat = fnamemodify('Xdir/notepad.bat', ':p')
1366    call writefile([], notepadbat)
1367    new
1368    " check that the path and the pathext order is valid
1369    lcd Xdir
1370    let [pathext, $PATHEXT] = [$PATHEXT, '.com;.exe;.bat;.cmd']
1371    call assert_equal(notepadbat, exepath('notepad'))
1372    let $PATHEXT = pathext
1373    bwipe
1374    eval 'Xdir'->delete('rf')
1375  elseif has('unix')
1376    call assert_equal(1, 'cat'->executable())
1377    call assert_equal(0, executable('nodogshere'))
1379    " get "cat" path and remove the leading /
1380    let catcmd = exepath('cat')[1:]
1381    new
1382    " check that the relative path works in /
1383    lcd /
1384    call assert_equal(1, executable(catcmd))
1385    let result = catcmd->exepath()
1386    " when using chroot looking for sbin/cat can return bin/cat, that is OK
1387    if catcmd =~ '\<sbin\>' && result =~ '\<bin\>'
1388      call assert_equal('/' .. substitute(catcmd, '\<sbin\>', 'bin', ''), result)
1389    else
1390      " /bin/cat and /usr/bin/cat may be hard linked, we could get either
1391      let result = substitute(result, '/usr/bin/cat', '/bin/cat', '')
1392      let catcmd = substitute(catcmd, 'usr/bin/cat', 'bin/cat', '')
1393      call assert_equal('/' .. catcmd, result)
1394    endif
1395    bwipe
1396  else
1397    throw 'Skipped: does not work on this platform'
1398  endif
1401func Test_executable_longname()
1402  CheckMSWindows
1404  " Create a temporary .bat file with 205 characters in the name.
1405  " Maximum length of a filename (including the path) on MS-Windows is 259
1406  " characters.
1407  " See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/fileio/maximum-file-path-limitation
1408  let len = 259 - getcwd()->len() - 6
1409  if len > 200
1410    let len = 200
1411  endif
1413  let fname = 'X' . repeat('あ', len) . '.bat'
1414  call writefile([], fname)
1415  call assert_equal(1, executable(fname))
1416  call delete(fname)
1419func Test_hostname()
1420  let hostname_vim = hostname()
1421  if has('unix')
1422    let hostname_system = systemlist('uname -n')[0]
1423    call assert_equal(hostname_vim, hostname_system)
1424  endif
1427func Test_getpid()
1428  " getpid() always returns the same value within a vim instance.
1429  call assert_equal(getpid(), getpid())
1430  if has('unix')
1431    call assert_equal(systemlist('echo $PPID')[0], string(getpid()))
1432  endif
1435func Test_hlexists()
1436  call assert_equal(0, hlexists('does_not_exist'))
1437  call assert_equal(0, 'Number'->hlexists())
1438  call assert_equal(0, highlight_exists('does_not_exist'))
1439  call assert_equal(0, highlight_exists('Number'))
1440  syntax on
1441  call assert_equal(0, hlexists('does_not_exist'))
1442  call assert_equal(1, hlexists('Number'))
1443  call assert_equal(0, highlight_exists('does_not_exist'))
1444  call assert_equal(1, highlight_exists('Number'))
1445  syntax off
1448" Test for the col() function
1449func Test_col()
1450  new
1451  call setline(1, 'abcdef')
1452  norm gg4|mx6|mY2|
1453  call assert_equal(2, col('.'))
1454  call assert_equal(7, col('$'))
1455  call assert_equal(2, col('v'))
1456  call assert_equal(4, col("'x"))
1457  call assert_equal(6, col("'Y"))
1458  call assert_equal(2, [1, 2]->col())
1459  call assert_equal(7, col([1, '$']))
1461  call assert_equal(0, col(''))
1462  call assert_equal(0, col('x'))
1463  call assert_equal(0, col([2, '$']))
1464  call assert_equal(0, col([1, 100]))
1465  call assert_equal(0, col([1]))
1466  call assert_equal(0, col(test_null_list()))
1467  call assert_fails('let c = col({})', 'E731:')
1469  " test for getting the visual start column
1470  func T()
1471    let g:Vcol = col('v')
1472    return ''
1473  endfunc
1474  let g:Vcol = 0
1475  xmap <expr> <F2> T()
1476  exe "normal gg3|ve\<F2>"
1477  call assert_equal(3, g:Vcol)
1478  xunmap <F2>
1479  delfunc T
1481  " Test for the visual line start and end marks '< and '>
1482  call setline(1, ['one', 'one two', 'one two three'])
1483  "normal! ggVG
1484  call feedkeys("ggVG\<Esc>", 'xt')
1485  call assert_equal(1, col("'<"))
1486  call assert_equal(14, col("'>"))
1487  " Delete the last line of the visually selected region
1488  $d
1489  call assert_notequal(14, col("'>"))
1491  " Test with 'virtualedit'
1492  set virtualedit=all
1493  call cursor(1, 10)
1494  call assert_equal(4, col('.'))
1495  set virtualedit&
1497  bw!
1500" Test for input()
1501func Test_input_func()
1502  " Test for prompt with multiple lines
1503  redir => v
1504  call feedkeys(":let c = input(\"A\\nB\\nC\\n? \")\<CR>B\<CR>", 'xt')
1505  redir END
1506  call assert_equal("B", c)
1507  call assert_equal(['A', 'B', 'C'], split(v, "\n"))
1509  " Test for default value
1510  call feedkeys(":let c = input('color? ', 'red')\<CR>\<CR>", 'xt')
1511  call assert_equal('red', c)
1513  " Test for completion at the input prompt
1514  func! Tcomplete(arglead, cmdline, pos)
1515    return "item1\nitem2\nitem3"
1516  endfunc
1517  call feedkeys(":let c = input('Q? ', '', 'custom,Tcomplete')\<CR>"
1518        \ .. "\<C-A>\<CR>", 'xt')
1519  delfunc Tcomplete
1520  call assert_equal('item1 item2 item3', c)
1522  " Test for using special characters as default input
1523  call feedkeys(":let c = input('name? ', \"x\\<BS>y\")\<CR>\<CR>", 'xt')
1524  call assert_equal('y', c)
1526  " Test for using <CR> as default input
1527  call feedkeys(":let c = input('name? ', \"\\<CR>\")\<CR>x\<CR>", 'xt')
1528  call assert_equal(' x', c)
1530  call assert_fails("call input('F:', '', 'invalid')", 'E180:')
1531  call assert_fails("call input('F:', '', [])", 'E730:')
1534" Test for the inputdialog() function
1535func Test_inputdialog()
1536  set timeout timeoutlen=10
1537  if has('gui_running')
1538    call assert_fails('let v=inputdialog([], "xx")', 'E730:')
1539    call assert_fails('let v=inputdialog("Q", [])', 'E730:')
1540  else
1541    call feedkeys(":let v=inputdialog('Q:', 'xx', 'yy')\<CR>\<CR>", 'xt')
1542    call assert_equal('xx', v)
1543    call feedkeys(":let v=inputdialog('Q:', 'xx', 'yy')\<CR>\<Esc>", 'xt')
1544    call assert_equal('yy', v)
1545  endif
1546  set timeout& timeoutlen&
1549" Test for inputlist()
1550func Test_inputlist()
1551  call feedkeys(":let c = inputlist(['Select color:', '1. red', '2. green', '3. blue'])\<cr>1\<cr>", 'tx')
1552  call assert_equal(1, c)
1553  call feedkeys(":let c = ['Select color:', '1. red', '2. green', '3. blue']->inputlist()\<cr>2\<cr>", 'tx')
1554  call assert_equal(2, c)
1555  call feedkeys(":let c = inputlist(['Select color:', '1. red', '2. green', '3. blue'])\<cr>3\<cr>", 'tx')
1556  call assert_equal(3, c)
1558  " CR to cancel
1559  call feedkeys(":let c = inputlist(['Select color:', '1. red', '2. green', '3. blue'])\<cr>\<cr>", 'tx')
1560  call assert_equal(0, c)
1562  " Esc to cancel
1563  call feedkeys(":let c = inputlist(['Select color:', '1. red', '2. green', '3. blue'])\<cr>\<Esc>", 'tx')
1564  call assert_equal(0, c)
1566  " q to cancel
1567  call feedkeys(":let c = inputlist(['Select color:', '1. red', '2. green', '3. blue'])\<cr>q", 'tx')
1568  call assert_equal(0, c)
1570  " Cancel after inputting a number
1571  call feedkeys(":let c = inputlist(['Select color:', '1. red', '2. green', '3. blue'])\<cr>5q", 'tx')
1572  call assert_equal(0, c)
1574  " Use backspace to delete characters in the prompt
1575  call feedkeys(":let c = inputlist(['Select color:', '1. red', '2. green', '3. blue'])\<cr>1\<BS>3\<BS>2\<cr>", 'tx')
1576  call assert_equal(2, c)
1578  " Use mouse to make a selection
1579  call test_setmouse(&lines - 3, 2)
1580  call feedkeys(":let c = inputlist(['Select color:', '1. red', '2. green', '3. blue'])\<cr>\<LeftMouse>", 'tx')
1581  call assert_equal(1, c)
1582  " Mouse click outside of the list
1583  call test_setmouse(&lines - 6, 2)
1584  call feedkeys(":let c = inputlist(['Select color:', '1. red', '2. green', '3. blue'])\<cr>\<LeftMouse>", 'tx')
1585  call assert_equal(-2, c)
1587  call assert_fails('call inputlist("")', 'E686:')
1588  call assert_fails('call inputlist(test_null_list())', 'E686:')
1591func Test_balloon_show()
1592  CheckFeature balloon_eval
1594  " This won't do anything but must not crash either.
1595  call balloon_show('hi!')
1596  if !has('gui_running')
1597    call balloon_show(range(3))
1598    call balloon_show([])
1599  endif
1602func Test_setbufvar_options()
1603  " This tests that aucmd_prepbuf() and aucmd_restbuf() properly restore the
1604  " window layout.
1605  call assert_equal(1, winnr('$'))
1606  split dummy_preview
1607  resize 2
1608  set winfixheight winfixwidth
1609  let prev_id = win_getid()
1611  wincmd j
1612  let wh = winheight(0)
1613  let dummy_buf = bufnr('dummy_buf1', v:true)
1614  call setbufvar(dummy_buf, '&buftype', 'nofile')
1615  execute 'belowright vertical split #' . dummy_buf
1616  call assert_equal(wh, winheight(0))
1617  let dum1_id = win_getid()
1619  wincmd h
1620  let wh = winheight(0)
1621  let dummy_buf = bufnr('dummy_buf2', v:true)
1622  eval 'nofile'->setbufvar(dummy_buf, '&buftype')
1623  execute 'belowright vertical split #' . dummy_buf
1624  call assert_equal(wh, winheight(0))
1626  bwipe!
1627  call win_gotoid(prev_id)
1628  bwipe!
1629  call win_gotoid(dum1_id)
1630  bwipe!
1633func Test_redo_in_nested_functions()
1634  nnoremap g. :set opfunc=Operator<CR>g@
1635  function Operator( type, ... )
1636     let @x = 'XXX'
1637     execute 'normal! g`[' . (a:type ==# 'line' ? 'V' : 'v') . 'g`]' . '"xp'
1638  endfunction
1640  function! Apply()
1641      5,6normal! .
1642  endfunction
1644  new
1645  call setline(1, repeat(['some "quoted" text', 'more "quoted" text'], 3))
1646  1normal g.i"
1647  call assert_equal('some "XXX" text', getline(1))
1648  3,4normal .
1649  call assert_equal('some "XXX" text', getline(3))
1650  call assert_equal('more "XXX" text', getline(4))
1651  call Apply()
1652  call assert_equal('some "XXX" text', getline(5))
1653  call assert_equal('more "XXX" text', getline(6))
1654  bwipe!
1656  nunmap g.
1657  delfunc Operator
1658  delfunc Apply
1661func Test_trim()
1662  call assert_equal("Testing", trim("  \t\r\r\x0BTesting  \t\n\r\n\t\x0B\x0B"))
1663  call assert_equal("Testing", "  \t  \r\r\n\n\x0BTesting  \t\n\r\n\t\x0B\x0B"->trim())
1664  call assert_equal("RESERVE", trim("xyz \twwRESERVEzyww \t\t", " wxyz\t"))
1665  call assert_equal("wRE    \tSERVEzyww", trim("wRE    \tSERVEzyww"))
1666  call assert_equal("abcd\t     xxxx   tail", trim(" \tabcd\t     xxxx   tail"))
1667  call assert_equal("\tabcd\t     xxxx   tail", trim(" \tabcd\t     xxxx   tail", " "))
1668  call assert_equal(" \tabcd\t     xxxx   tail", trim(" \tabcd\t     xxxx   tail", "abx"))
1669  call assert_equal("RESERVE", trim("你RESERVE好", "你好"))
1670  call assert_equal("您R E SER V E早", trim("你好您R E SER V E早好你你", "你好"))
1671  call assert_equal("你好您R E SER V E早好你你", trim(" \n\r\r   你好您R E SER V E早好你你    \t  \x0B", ))
1672  call assert_equal("您R E SER V E早好你你    \t  \x0B", trim("    你好您R E SER V E早好你你    \t  \x0B", " 你好"))
1673  call assert_equal("您R E SER V E早好你你    \t  \x0B", trim("    tteesstttt你好您R E SER V E早好你你    \t  \x0B ttestt", " 你好tes"))
1674  call assert_equal("您R E SER V E早好你你    \t  \x0B", trim("    tteesstttt你好您R E SER V E早好你你    \t  \x0B ttestt", "   你你你好好好tttsses"))
1675  call assert_equal("留下", trim("这些些不要这些留下这些", "这些不要"))
1676  call assert_equal("", trim("", ""))
1677  call assert_equal("a", trim("a", ""))
1678  call assert_equal("", trim("", "a"))
1680  call assert_equal("vim", trim("  vim  ", " ", 0))
1681  call assert_equal("vim  ", trim("  vim  ", " ", 1))
1682  call assert_equal("  vim", trim("  vim  ", " ", 2))
1683  call assert_fails('eval trim("  vim  ", " ", [])', 'E745:')
1684  call assert_fails('eval trim("  vim  ", " ", -1)', 'E475:')
1685  call assert_fails('eval trim("  vim  ", " ", 3)', 'E475:')
1686  call assert_fails('eval trim("  vim  ", 0)', 'E475:')
1688  let chars = join(map(range(1, 0x20) + [0xa0], {n -> n->nr2char()}), '')
1689  call assert_equal("x", trim(chars . "x" . chars))
1691  call assert_fails('let c=trim([])', 'E730:')
1694" Test for reg_recording() and reg_executing()
1695func Test_reg_executing_and_recording()
1696  let s:reg_stat = ''
1697  func s:save_reg_stat()
1698    let s:reg_stat = reg_recording() . ':' . reg_executing()
1699    return ''
1700  endfunc
1702  new
1703  call s:save_reg_stat()
1704  call assert_equal(':', s:reg_stat)
1705  call feedkeys("qa\"=s:save_reg_stat()\<CR>pq", 'xt')
1706  call assert_equal('a:', s:reg_stat)
1707  call feedkeys("@a", 'xt')
1708  call assert_equal(':a', s:reg_stat)
1709  call feedkeys("qb@aq", 'xt')
1710  call assert_equal('b:a', s:reg_stat)
1711  call feedkeys("q\"\"=s:save_reg_stat()\<CR>pq", 'xt')
1712  call assert_equal('":', s:reg_stat)
1714  " :normal command saves and restores reg_executing
1715  let s:reg_stat = ''
1716  let @q = ":call TestFunc()\<CR>:call s:save_reg_stat()\<CR>"
1717  func TestFunc() abort
1718    normal! ia
1719  endfunc
1720  call feedkeys("@q", 'xt')
1721  call assert_equal(':q', s:reg_stat)
1722  delfunc TestFunc
1724  " getchar() command saves and restores reg_executing
1725  map W :call TestFunc()<CR>
1726  let @q = "W"
1727  let g:typed = ''
1728  let g:regs = []
1729  func TestFunc() abort
1730    let g:regs += [reg_executing()]
1731    let g:typed = getchar(0)
1732    let g:regs += [reg_executing()]
1733  endfunc
1734  call feedkeys("@qy", 'xt')
1735  call assert_equal(char2nr("y"), g:typed)
1736  call assert_equal(['q', 'q'], g:regs)
1737  delfunc TestFunc
1738  unmap W
1739  unlet g:typed
1740  unlet g:regs
1742  " input() command saves and restores reg_executing
1743  map W :call TestFunc()<CR>
1744  let @q = "W"
1745  let g:typed = ''
1746  let g:regs = []
1747  func TestFunc() abort
1748    let g:regs += [reg_executing()]
1749    let g:typed = '?'->input()
1750    let g:regs += [reg_executing()]
1751  endfunc
1752  call feedkeys("@qy\<CR>", 'xt')
1753  call assert_equal("y", g:typed)
1754  call assert_equal(['q', 'q'], g:regs)
1755  delfunc TestFunc
1756  unmap W
1757  unlet g:typed
1758  unlet g:regs
1760  bwipe!
1761  delfunc s:save_reg_stat
1762  unlet s:reg_stat
1765func Test_inputsecret()
1766  map W :call TestFunc()<CR>
1767  let @q = "W"
1768  let g:typed1 = ''
1769  let g:typed2 = ''
1770  let g:regs = []
1771  func TestFunc() abort
1772    let g:typed1 = '?'->inputsecret()
1773    let g:typed2 = inputsecret('password: ')
1774  endfunc
1775  call feedkeys("@qsomething\<CR>else\<CR>", 'xt')
1776  call assert_equal("something", g:typed1)
1777  call assert_equal("else", g:typed2)
1778  delfunc TestFunc
1779  unmap W
1780  unlet g:typed1
1781  unlet g:typed2
1784func Test_getchar()
1785  call feedkeys('a', '')
1786  call assert_equal(char2nr('a'), getchar())
1787  call assert_equal(0, getchar(0))
1788  call assert_equal(0, getchar(1))
1790  call feedkeys('a', '')
1791  call assert_equal('a', getcharstr())
1792  call assert_equal('', getcharstr(0))
1793  call assert_equal('', getcharstr(1))
1795  call setline(1, 'xxxx')
1796  call test_setmouse(1, 3)
1797  let v:mouse_win = 9
1798  let v:mouse_winid = 9
1799  let v:mouse_lnum = 9
1800  let v:mouse_col = 9
1801  call feedkeys("\<S-LeftMouse>", '')
1802  call assert_equal("\<S-LeftMouse>", getchar())
1803  call assert_equal(1, v:mouse_win)
1804  call assert_equal(win_getid(1), v:mouse_winid)
1805  call assert_equal(1, v:mouse_lnum)
1806  call assert_equal(3, v:mouse_col)
1807  enew!
1810func Test_libcall_libcallnr()
1811  CheckFeature libcall
1813  if has('win32')
1814    let libc = 'msvcrt.dll'
1815  elseif has('mac')
1816    let libc = 'libSystem.B.dylib'
1817  elseif executable('ldd')
1818    let libc = matchstr(split(system('ldd ' . GetVimProg())), '/libc\.so\>')
1819  endif
1820  if get(l:, 'libc', '') ==# ''
1821    " On Unix, libc.so can be in various places.
1822    if has('linux')
1823      " There is not documented but regarding the 1st argument of glibc's
1824      " dlopen an empty string and nullptr are equivalent, so using an empty
1825      " string for the 1st argument of libcall allows to call functions.
1826      let libc = ''
1827    elseif has('sun')
1828      " Set the path to libc.so according to the architecture.
1829      let test_bits = system('file ' . GetVimProg())
1830      let test_arch = system('uname -p')
1831      if test_bits =~ '64-bit' && test_arch =~ 'sparc'
1832        let libc = '/usr/lib/sparcv9/libc.so'
1833      elseif test_bits =~ '64-bit' && test_arch =~ 'i386'
1834        let libc = '/usr/lib/amd64/libc.so'
1835      else
1836        let libc = '/usr/lib/libc.so'
1837      endif
1838    else
1839      " Unfortunately skip this test until a good way is found.
1840      return
1841    endif
1842  endif
1844  if has('win32')
1845    call assert_equal($USERPROFILE, 'USERPROFILE'->libcall(libc, 'getenv'))
1846  else
1847    call assert_equal($HOME, 'HOME'->libcall(libc, 'getenv'))
1848  endif
1850  " If function returns NULL, libcall() should return an empty string.
1851  call assert_equal('', libcall(libc, 'getenv', 'X_ENV_DOES_NOT_EXIT'))
1853  " Test libcallnr() with string and integer argument.
1854  call assert_equal(4, 'abcd'->libcallnr(libc, 'strlen'))
1855  call assert_equal(char2nr('A'), char2nr('a')->libcallnr(libc, 'toupper'))
1857  call assert_fails("call libcall(libc, 'Xdoesnotexist_', '')", ['', 'E364:'])
1858  call assert_fails("call libcallnr(libc, 'Xdoesnotexist_', '')", ['', 'E364:'])
1860  call assert_fails("call libcall('Xdoesnotexist_', 'getenv', 'HOME')", ['', 'E364:'])
1861  call assert_fails("call libcallnr('Xdoesnotexist_', 'strlen', 'abcd')", ['', 'E364:'])
1864sandbox function Fsandbox()
1865  normal ix
1868func Test_func_sandbox()
1869  sandbox let F = {-> 'hello'}
1870  call assert_equal('hello', F())
1872  sandbox let F = {-> "normal ix\<Esc>"->execute()}
1873  call assert_fails('call F()', 'E48:')
1874  unlet F
1876  call assert_fails('call Fsandbox()', 'E48:')
1877  delfunc Fsandbox
1879  " From a sandbox try to set a predefined variable (which cannot be modified
1880  " from a sandbox)
1881  call assert_fails('sandbox let v:lnum = 10', 'E794:')
1884func EditAnotherFile()
1885  let word = expand('<cword>')
1886  edit Xfuncrange2
1889func Test_func_range_with_edit()
1890  " Define a function that edits another buffer, then call it with a range that
1891  " is invalid in that buffer.
1892  call writefile(['just one line'], 'Xfuncrange2')
1893  new
1894  eval 10->range()->setline(1)
1895  write Xfuncrange1
1896  call assert_fails('5,8call EditAnotherFile()', 'E16:')
1898  call delete('Xfuncrange1')
1899  call delete('Xfuncrange2')
1900  bwipe!
1903func Test_func_exists_on_reload()
1904  call writefile(['func ExistingFunction()', 'echo "yes"', 'endfunc'], 'Xfuncexists')
1905  call assert_equal(0, exists('*ExistingFunction'))
1906  source Xfuncexists
1907  call assert_equal(1, '*ExistingFunction'->exists())
1908  " Redefining a function when reloading a script is OK.
1909  source Xfuncexists
1910  call assert_equal(1, exists('*ExistingFunction'))
1912  " But redefining in another script is not OK.
1913  call writefile(['func ExistingFunction()', 'echo "yes"', 'endfunc'], 'Xfuncexists2')
1914  call assert_fails('source Xfuncexists2', 'E122:')
1916  " Defining a new function from the cmdline should fail if the function is
1917  " already defined
1918  call assert_fails('call feedkeys(":func ExistingFunction()\<CR>", "xt")', 'E122:')
1920  delfunc ExistingFunction
1921  call assert_equal(0, exists('*ExistingFunction'))
1922  call writefile([
1923	\ 'func ExistingFunction()', 'echo "yes"', 'endfunc',
1924	\ 'func ExistingFunction()', 'echo "no"', 'endfunc',
1925	\ ], 'Xfuncexists')
1926  call assert_fails('source Xfuncexists', 'E122:')
1927  call assert_equal(1, exists('*ExistingFunction'))
1929  call delete('Xfuncexists2')
1930  call delete('Xfuncexists')
1931  delfunc ExistingFunction
1934" Test confirm({msg} [, {choices} [, {default} [, {type}]]])
1935func Test_confirm()
1936  CheckUnix
1937  CheckNotGui
1939  call feedkeys('o', 'L')
1940  let a = confirm('Press O to proceed')
1941  call assert_equal(1, a)
1943  call feedkeys('y', 'L')
1944  let a = 'Are you sure?'->confirm("&Yes\n&No")
1945  call assert_equal(1, a)
1947  call feedkeys('n', 'L')
1948  let a = confirm('Are you sure?', "&Yes\n&No")
1949  call assert_equal(2, a)
1951  " confirm() should return 0 when pressing CTRL-C.
1952  call feedkeys("\<C-C>", 'L')
1953  let a = confirm('Are you sure?', "&Yes\n&No")
1954  call assert_equal(0, a)
1956  " <Esc> requires another character to avoid it being seen as the start of an
1957  " escape sequence.  Zero should be harmless.
1958  eval "\<Esc>0"->feedkeys('L')
1959  let a = confirm('Are you sure?', "&Yes\n&No")
1960  call assert_equal(0, a)
1962  " Default choice is returned when pressing <CR>.
1963  call feedkeys("\<CR>", 'L')
1964  let a = confirm('Are you sure?', "&Yes\n&No")
1965  call assert_equal(1, a)
1967  call feedkeys("\<CR>", 'L')
1968  let a = confirm('Are you sure?', "&Yes\n&No", 2)
1969  call assert_equal(2, a)
1971  call feedkeys("\<CR>", 'L')
1972  let a = confirm('Are you sure?', "&Yes\n&No", 0)
1973  call assert_equal(0, a)
1975  " Test with the {type} 4th argument
1976  for type in ['Error', 'Question', 'Info', 'Warning', 'Generic']
1977    call feedkeys('y', 'L')
1978    let a = confirm('Are you sure?', "&Yes\n&No\n", 1, type)
1979    call assert_equal(1, a)
1980  endfor
1982  call assert_fails('call confirm([])', 'E730:')
1983  call assert_fails('call confirm("Are you sure?", [])', 'E730:')
1984  call assert_fails('call confirm("Are you sure?", "&Yes\n&No\n", [])', 'E745:')
1985  call assert_fails('call confirm("Are you sure?", "&Yes\n&No\n", 0, [])', 'E730:')
1988func Test_platform_name()
1989  " The system matches at most only one name.
1990  let names = ['amiga', 'bsd', 'hpux', 'linux', 'mac', 'qnx', 'sun', 'vms', 'win32', 'win32unix']
1991  call assert_inrange(0, 1, len(filter(copy(names), 'has(v:val)')))
1993  " Is Unix?
1994  call assert_equal(has('bsd'), has('bsd') && has('unix'))
1995  call assert_equal(has('hpux'), has('hpux') && has('unix'))
1996  call assert_equal(has('linux'), has('linux') && has('unix'))
1997  call assert_equal(has('mac'), has('mac') && has('unix'))
1998  call assert_equal(has('qnx'), has('qnx') && has('unix'))
1999  call assert_equal(has('sun'), has('sun') && has('unix'))
2000  call assert_equal(has('win32'), has('win32') && !has('unix'))
2001  call assert_equal(has('win32unix'), has('win32unix') && has('unix'))
2003  if has('unix') && executable('uname')
2004    let uname = system('uname')
2005    " GNU userland on BSD kernels (e.g., GNU/kFreeBSD) don't have BSD defined
2006    call assert_equal(uname =~? '\%(GNU/k\w\+\)\@<!BSD\|DragonFly', has('bsd'))
2007    call assert_equal(uname =~? 'HP-UX', has('hpux'))
2008    call assert_equal(uname =~? 'Linux', has('linux'))
2009    call assert_equal(uname =~? 'Darwin', has('mac'))
2010    call assert_equal(uname =~? 'QNX', has('qnx'))
2011    call assert_equal(uname =~? 'SunOS', has('sun'))
2012    call assert_equal(uname =~? 'CYGWIN\|MSYS', has('win32unix'))
2013  endif
2016func Test_readdir()
2017  call mkdir('Xdir')
2018  call writefile([], 'Xdir/foo.txt')
2019  call writefile([], 'Xdir/bar.txt')
2020  call mkdir('Xdir/dir')
2022  " All results
2023  let files = readdir('Xdir')
2024  call assert_equal(['bar.txt', 'dir', 'foo.txt'], sort(files))
2026  " Only results containing "f"
2027  let files = 'Xdir'->readdir({ x -> stridx(x, 'f') != -1 })
2028  call assert_equal(['foo.txt'], sort(files))
2030  " Only .txt files
2031  let files = readdir('Xdir', { x -> x =~ '.txt$' })
2032  call assert_equal(['bar.txt', 'foo.txt'], sort(files))
2034  " Only .txt files with string
2035  let files = readdir('Xdir', 'v:val =~ ".txt$"')
2036  call assert_equal(['bar.txt', 'foo.txt'], sort(files))
2038  " Limit to 1 result.
2039  let l = []
2040  let files = readdir('Xdir', {x -> len(add(l, x)) == 2 ? -1 : 1})
2041  call assert_equal(1, len(files))
2043  " Nested readdir() must not crash
2044  let files = readdir('Xdir', 'readdir("Xdir", "1") != []')
2045  call sort(files)->assert_equal(['bar.txt', 'dir', 'foo.txt'])
2047  eval 'Xdir'->delete('rf')
2050func Test_readdirex()
2051  call mkdir('Xdir')
2052  call writefile(['foo'], 'Xdir/foo.txt')
2053  call writefile(['barbar'], 'Xdir/bar.txt')
2054  call mkdir('Xdir/dir')
2056  " All results
2057  let files = readdirex('Xdir')->map({-> v:val.name})
2058  call assert_equal(['bar.txt', 'dir', 'foo.txt'], sort(files))
2059  let sizes = readdirex('Xdir')->map({-> v:val.size})
2060  call assert_equal([0, 4, 7], sort(sizes))
2062  " Only results containing "f"
2063  let files = 'Xdir'->readdirex({ e -> stridx(e.name, 'f') != -1 })
2064			  \ ->map({-> v:val.name})
2065  call assert_equal(['foo.txt'], sort(files))
2067  " Only .txt files
2068  let files = readdirex('Xdir', { e -> e.name =~ '.txt$' })
2069			  \ ->map({-> v:val.name})
2070  call assert_equal(['bar.txt', 'foo.txt'], sort(files))
2072  " Only .txt files with string
2073  let files = readdirex('Xdir', 'v:val.name =~ ".txt$"')
2074			  \ ->map({-> v:val.name})
2075  call assert_equal(['bar.txt', 'foo.txt'], sort(files))
2077  " Limit to 1 result.
2078  let l = []
2079  let files = readdirex('Xdir', {e -> len(add(l, e.name)) == 2 ? -1 : 1})
2080			  \ ->map({-> v:val.name})
2081  call assert_equal(1, len(files))
2083  " Nested readdirex() must not crash
2084  let files = readdirex('Xdir', 'readdirex("Xdir", "1") != []')
2085			  \ ->map({-> v:val.name})
2086  call sort(files)->assert_equal(['bar.txt', 'dir', 'foo.txt'])
2088  " report broken link correctly
2089  if has("unix")
2090    call writefile([], 'Xdir/abc.txt')
2091    call system("ln -s Xdir/abc.txt Xdir/link")
2092    call delete('Xdir/abc.txt')
2093    let files = readdirex('Xdir', 'readdirex("Xdir", "1") != []')
2094			  \ ->map({-> v:val.name .. '_' .. v:val.type})
2095    call sort(files)->assert_equal(
2096        \ ['bar.txt_file', 'dir_dir', 'foo.txt_file', 'link_link'])
2097  endif
2098  eval 'Xdir'->delete('rf')
2100  call assert_fails('call readdirex("doesnotexist")', 'E484:')
2103func Test_readdirex_sort()
2104  CheckUnix
2105  " Skip tests on Mac OS X and Cygwin (does not allow several files with different casing)
2106  if has("osxdarwin") || has("osx") || has("macunix") || has("win32unix")
2107    throw 'Skipped: Test_readdirex_sort on systems that do not allow this using the default filesystem'
2108  endif
2109  let _collate = v:collate
2110  call mkdir('Xdir2')
2111  call writefile(['1'], 'Xdir2/README.txt')
2112  call writefile(['2'], 'Xdir2/Readme.txt')
2113  call writefile(['3'], 'Xdir2/readme.txt')
2115  " 1) default
2116  let files = readdirex('Xdir2')->map({-> v:val.name})
2117  let default = copy(files)
2118  call assert_equal(['README.txt', 'Readme.txt', 'readme.txt'], files, 'sort using default')
2120  " 2) no sorting
2121  let files = readdirex('Xdir2', 1, #{sort: 'none'})->map({-> v:val.name})
2122  let unsorted = copy(files)
2123  call assert_equal(['README.txt', 'Readme.txt', 'readme.txt'], sort(files), 'unsorted')
2124  call assert_fails("call readdirex('Xdir2', 1, #{slort: 'none'})", 'E857: Dictionary key "sort" required')
2126  " 3) sort by case (same as default)
2127  let files = readdirex('Xdir2', 1, #{sort: 'case'})->map({-> v:val.name})
2128  call assert_equal(default, files, 'sort by case')
2130  " 4) sort by ignoring case
2131  let files = readdirex('Xdir2', 1, #{sort: 'icase'})->map({-> v:val.name})
2132  call assert_equal(unsorted->sort('i'), files, 'sort by icase')
2134  " 5) Default Collation
2135  let collate = v:collate
2136  lang collate C
2137  let files = readdirex('Xdir2', 1, #{sort: 'collate'})->map({-> v:val.name})
2138  call assert_equal(['README.txt', 'Readme.txt', 'readme.txt'], files, 'sort by C collation')
2140  " 6) Collation de_DE
2141  " Switch locale, this may not work on the CI system, if the locale isn't
2142  " available
2143  try
2144    lang collate de_DE
2145    let files = readdirex('Xdir2', 1, #{sort: 'collate'})->map({-> v:val.name})
2146    call assert_equal(['readme.txt', 'Readme.txt', 'README.txt'], files, 'sort by de_DE collation')
2147  catch
2148    throw 'Skipped: de_DE collation is not available'
2150  finally
2151    exe 'lang collate' collate
2152    eval 'Xdir2'->delete('rf')
2153  endtry
2156func Test_readdir_sort()
2157  " some more cases for testing sorting for readdirex
2158  let dir = 'Xdir3'
2159  call mkdir(dir)
2160  call writefile(['1'], dir .. '/README.txt')
2161  call writefile(['2'], dir .. '/Readm.txt')
2162  call writefile(['3'], dir .. '/read.txt')
2163  call writefile(['4'], dir .. '/Z.txt')
2164  call writefile(['5'], dir .. '/a.txt')
2165  call writefile(['6'], dir .. '/b.txt')
2167  " 1) default
2168  let files = readdir(dir)
2169  let default = copy(files)
2170  call assert_equal(default->sort(), files, 'sort using default')
2172  " 2) sort by case (same as default)
2173  let files = readdir(dir, '1', #{sort: 'case'})
2174  call assert_equal(default, files, 'sort using default')
2176  " 3) sort by ignoring case
2177  let files = readdir(dir, '1', #{sort: 'icase'})
2178  call assert_equal(default->sort('i'), files, 'sort by ignoring case')
2180  " 4) collation
2181  let collate = v:collate
2182  lang collate C
2183  let files = readdir(dir, 1, #{sort: 'collate'})
2184  call assert_equal(default->sort(), files, 'sort by C collation')
2185  exe "lang collate" collate
2187  " 5) Errors
2188  call assert_fails('call readdir(dir, 1, 1)', 'E715:')
2189  call assert_fails('call readdir(dir, 1, #{sorta: 1})')
2190  call assert_fails('call readdirex(dir, 1, #{sorta: 1})')
2192  " 6) ignore other values in dict
2193  let files = readdir(dir, '1', #{sort: 'c'})
2194  call assert_equal(default, files, 'sort using default2')
2196  " Cleanup
2197  exe "lang collate" collate
2199  eval dir->delete('rf')
2202func Test_delete_rf()
2203  call mkdir('Xdir')
2204  call writefile([], 'Xdir/foo.txt')
2205  call writefile([], 'Xdir/bar.txt')
2206  call mkdir('Xdir/[a-1]')  " issue #696
2207  call writefile([], 'Xdir/[a-1]/foo.txt')
2208  call writefile([], 'Xdir/[a-1]/bar.txt')
2209  call assert_true(filereadable('Xdir/foo.txt'))
2210  call assert_true('Xdir/[a-1]/foo.txt'->filereadable())
2212  call assert_equal(0, delete('Xdir', 'rf'))
2213  call assert_false(filereadable('Xdir/foo.txt'))
2214  call assert_false(filereadable('Xdir/[a-1]/foo.txt'))
2217func Test_call()
2218  call assert_equal(3, call('len', [123]))
2219  call assert_equal(3, 'len'->call([123]))
2220  call assert_fails("call call('len', 123)", 'E714:')
2221  call assert_equal(0, call('', []))
2222  call assert_equal(0, call('len', test_null_list()))
2224  function Mylen() dict
2225     return len(self.data)
2226  endfunction
2227  let mydict = {'data': [0, 1, 2, 3], 'len': function("Mylen")}
2228  eval mydict.len->call([], mydict)->assert_equal(4)
2229  call assert_fails("call call('Mylen', [], 0)", 'E715:')
2230  call assert_fails('call foo', 'E107:')
2232  " These once caused a crash.
2233  call call(test_null_function(), [])
2234  call call(test_null_partial(), [])
2235  call assert_fails('call test_null_function()()', 'E1192:')
2236  call assert_fails('call test_null_partial()()', 'E117:')
2239func Test_char2nr()
2240  call assert_equal(12354, char2nr('あ', 1))
2241  call assert_equal(120, 'x'->char2nr())
2242  set encoding=latin1
2243  call assert_equal(120, 'x'->char2nr())
2244  set encoding=utf-8
2247func Test_charclass()
2248  call assert_equal(0, charclass(' '))
2249  call assert_equal(1, charclass('.'))
2250  call assert_equal(2, charclass('x'))
2251  call assert_equal(3, charclass("\u203c"))
2252  " this used to crash vim
2253  call assert_equal(0, "xxx"[-1]->charclass())
2256func Test_eventhandler()
2257  call assert_equal(0, eventhandler())
2260func Test_bufadd_bufload()
2261  call assert_equal(0, bufexists('someName'))
2262  let buf = bufadd('someName')
2263  call assert_notequal(0, buf)
2264  call assert_equal(1, bufexists('someName'))
2265  call assert_equal(0, getbufvar(buf, '&buflisted'))
2266  call assert_equal(0, bufloaded(buf))
2267  call bufload(buf)
2268  call assert_equal(1, bufloaded(buf))
2269  call assert_equal([''], getbufline(buf, 1, '$'))
2271  let curbuf = bufnr('')
2272  eval ['some', 'text']->writefile('XotherName')
2273  let buf = 'XotherName'->bufadd()
2274  call assert_notequal(0, buf)
2275  eval 'XotherName'->bufexists()->assert_equal(1)
2276  call assert_equal(0, getbufvar(buf, '&buflisted'))
2277  call assert_equal(0, bufloaded(buf))
2278  eval buf->bufload()
2279  call assert_equal(1, bufloaded(buf))
2280  call assert_equal(['some', 'text'], getbufline(buf, 1, '$'))
2281  call assert_equal(curbuf, bufnr(''))
2283  let buf1 = bufadd('')
2284  let buf2 = bufadd('')
2285  call assert_notequal(0, buf1)
2286  call assert_notequal(0, buf2)
2287  call assert_notequal(buf1, buf2)
2288  call assert_equal(1, bufexists(buf1))
2289  call assert_equal(1, bufexists(buf2))
2290  call assert_equal(0, bufloaded(buf1))
2291  exe 'bwipe ' .. buf1
2292  call assert_equal(0, bufexists(buf1))
2293  call assert_equal(1, bufexists(buf2))
2294  exe 'bwipe ' .. buf2
2295  call assert_equal(0, bufexists(buf2))
2297  bwipe someName
2298  bwipe XotherName
2299  call assert_equal(0, bufexists('someName'))
2300  call delete('XotherName')
2303func Test_state()
2304  CheckRunVimInTerminal
2305  let g:test_is_flaky = 1
2307  let getstate = ":echo 'state: ' .. g:state .. '; mode: ' .. g:mode\<CR>"
2309  let lines =<< trim END
2310	call setline(1, ['one', 'two', 'three'])
2311	map ;; gg
2312	set complete=.
2313	func RunTimer()
2314	  call timer_start(10, {id -> execute('let g:state = state()') .. execute('let g:mode = mode()')})
2315	endfunc
2316	au Filetype foobar let g:state = state()|let g:mode = mode()
2317  END
2318  call writefile(lines, 'XState')
2319  let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S XState', #{rows: 6})
2321  " Using a ":" command Vim is busy, thus "S" is returned
2322  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":echo 'state: ' .. state() .. '; mode: ' .. mode()\<CR>")
2323  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('state: S; mode: n', term_getline(buf, 6))}, 1000)
2324  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":\<CR>")
2326  " Using a timer callback
2327  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":call RunTimer()\<CR>")
2328  call TermWait(buf, 25)
2329  call term_sendkeys(buf, getstate)
2330  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('state: c; mode: n', term_getline(buf, 6))}, 1000)
2332  " Halfway a mapping
2333  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":call RunTimer()\<CR>;")
2334  call TermWait(buf, 25)
2335  call term_sendkeys(buf, ";")
2336  call term_sendkeys(buf, getstate)
2337  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('state: mSc; mode: n', term_getline(buf, 6))}, 1000)
2339  " Insert mode completion (bit slower on Mac)
2340  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":call RunTimer()\<CR>Got\<C-N>")
2341  call TermWait(buf, 25)
2342  call term_sendkeys(buf, "\<Esc>")
2343  call term_sendkeys(buf, getstate)
2344  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('state: aSc; mode: i', term_getline(buf, 6))}, 1000)
2346  " Autocommand executing
2347  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":set filetype=foobar\<CR>")
2348  call TermWait(buf, 25)
2349  call term_sendkeys(buf, getstate)
2350  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('state: xS; mode: n', term_getline(buf, 6))}, 1000)
2352  " Todo: "w" - waiting for ch_evalexpr()
2354  " messages scrolled
2355  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":call RunTimer()\<CR>:echo \"one\\ntwo\\nthree\"\<CR>")
2356  call TermWait(buf, 25)
2357  call term_sendkeys(buf, "\<CR>")
2358  call term_sendkeys(buf, getstate)
2359  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('state: Scs; mode: r', term_getline(buf, 6))}, 1000)
2361  call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
2362  call delete('XState')
2365func Test_range()
2366  " destructuring
2367  let [x, y] = range(2)
2368  call assert_equal([0, 1], [x, y])
2370  " index
2371  call assert_equal(4, range(1, 10)[3])
2373  " add()
2374  call assert_equal([0, 1, 2, 3], add(range(3), 3))
2375  call assert_equal([0, 1, 2, [0, 1, 2]], add([0, 1, 2], range(3)))
2376  call assert_equal([0, 1, 2, [0, 1, 2]], add(range(3), range(3)))
2378  " append()
2379  new
2380  call append('.', range(5))
2381  call assert_equal(['', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4'], getline(1, '$'))
2382  bwipe!
2384  " appendbufline()
2385  new
2386  call appendbufline(bufnr(''), '.', range(5))
2387  call assert_equal(['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', ''], getline(1, '$'))
2388  bwipe!
2390  " call()
2391  func TwoArgs(a, b)
2392    return [a:a, a:b]
2393  endfunc
2394  call assert_equal([0, 1], call('TwoArgs', range(2)))
2396  " col()
2397  new
2398  call setline(1, ['foo', 'bar'])
2399  call assert_equal(2, col(range(1, 2)))
2400  bwipe!
2402  " complete()
2403  execute "normal! a\<C-r>=[complete(col('.'), range(10)), ''][1]\<CR>"
2404  " complete_info()
2405  execute "normal! a\<C-r>=[complete(col('.'), range(10)), ''][1]\<CR>\<C-r>=[complete_info(range(5)), ''][1]\<CR>"
2407  " copy()
2408  call assert_equal([1, 2, 3], copy(range(1, 3)))
2410  " count()
2411  call assert_equal(0, count(range(0), 3))
2412  call assert_equal(0, count(range(2), 3))
2413  call assert_equal(1, count(range(5), 3))
2415  " cursor()
2416  new
2417  call setline(1, ['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc'])
2418  call cursor(range(1, 2))
2419  call assert_equal([2, 1], [col('.'), line('.')])
2420  bwipe!
2422  " deepcopy()
2423  call assert_equal([1, 2, 3], deepcopy(range(1, 3)))
2425  " empty()
2426  call assert_true(empty(range(0)))
2427  call assert_false(empty(range(2)))
2429  " execute()
2430  new
2431  call setline(1, ['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc'])
2432  call execute(range(3))
2433  call assert_equal(2, line('.'))
2434  bwipe!
2436  " extend()
2437  call assert_equal([1, 2, 3, 4], extend([1], range(2, 4)))
2438  call assert_equal([1, 2, 3, 4], extend(range(1, 1), range(2, 4)))
2439  call assert_equal([1, 2, 3, 4], extend(range(1, 1), [2, 3, 4]))
2441  " filter()
2442  call assert_equal([1, 3], filter(range(5), 'v:val % 2'))
2443  call assert_equal([1, 5, 7, 11, 13], filter(filter(range(15), 'v:val % 2'), 'v:val % 3'))
2445  " funcref()
2446  call assert_equal([0, 1], funcref('TwoArgs', range(2))())
2448  " function()
2449  call assert_equal([0, 1], function('TwoArgs', range(2))())
2451  " garbagecollect()
2452  let thelist = [1, range(2), 3]
2453  let otherlist = range(3)
2454  call test_garbagecollect_now()
2456  " get()
2457  call assert_equal(4, get(range(1, 10), 3))
2458  call assert_equal(-1, get(range(1, 10), 42, -1))
2460  " index()
2461  call assert_equal(1, index(range(1, 5), 2))
2462  call assert_fails("echo index([1, 2], 1, [])", 'E745:')
2464  " inputlist()
2465  call feedkeys(":let result = inputlist(range(10))\<CR>1\<CR>", 'x')
2466  call assert_equal(1, result)
2467  call feedkeys(":let result = inputlist(range(3, 10))\<CR>1\<CR>", 'x')
2468  call assert_equal(1, result)
2470  " insert()
2471  call assert_equal([42, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], insert(range(1, 5), 42))
2472  call assert_equal([42, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], insert(range(1, 5), 42, 0))
2473  call assert_equal([1, 42, 2, 3, 4, 5], insert(range(1, 5), 42, 1))
2474  call assert_equal([1, 2, 3, 4, 42, 5], insert(range(1, 5), 42, 4))
2475  call assert_equal([1, 2, 3, 4, 42, 5], insert(range(1, 5), 42, -1))
2476  call assert_equal([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 42], insert(range(1, 5), 42, 5))
2478  " join()
2479  call assert_equal('0 1 2 3 4', join(range(5)))
2481  " json_encode()
2482  call assert_equal('[0,1,2,3]', json_encode(range(4)))
2484  " len()
2485  call assert_equal(0, len(range(0)))
2486  call assert_equal(2, len(range(2)))
2487  call assert_equal(5, len(range(0, 12, 3)))
2488  call assert_equal(4, len(range(3, 0, -1)))
2490  " list2str()
2491  call assert_equal('ABC', list2str(range(65, 67)))
2492  call assert_fails('let s = list2str(5)', 'E474:')
2494  " lock()
2495  let thelist = range(5)
2496  lockvar thelist
2498  " map()
2499  call assert_equal([0, 2, 4, 6, 8], map(range(5), 'v:val * 2'))
2500  call assert_equal([3, 5, 7, 9, 11], map(map(range(5), 'v:val * 2'), 'v:val + 3'))
2501  call assert_equal([2, 6], map(filter(range(5), 'v:val % 2'), 'v:val * 2'))
2502  call assert_equal([2, 4, 8], filter(map(range(5), 'v:val * 2'), 'v:val % 3'))
2504  " match()
2505  call assert_equal(3, match(range(5), 3))
2507  " matchaddpos()
2508  highlight MyGreenGroup ctermbg=green guibg=green
2509  call matchaddpos('MyGreenGroup', range(line('.'), line('.')))
2511  " matchend()
2512  call assert_equal(4, matchend(range(5), '4'))
2513  call assert_equal(3, matchend(range(1, 5), '4'))
2514  call assert_equal(-1, matchend(range(1, 5), '42'))
2516  " matchstrpos()
2517  call assert_equal(['4', 4, 0, 1], matchstrpos(range(5), '4'))
2518  call assert_equal(['4', 3, 0, 1], matchstrpos(range(1, 5), '4'))
2519  call assert_equal(['', -1, -1, -1], matchstrpos(range(1, 5), '42'))
2521  " max() reverse()
2522  call assert_equal(0, max(range(0)))
2523  call assert_equal(0, max(range(10, 9)))
2524  call assert_equal(9, max(range(10)))
2525  call assert_equal(18, max(range(0, 20, 3)))
2526  call assert_equal(20, max(range(20, 0, -3)))
2527  call assert_equal(99999, max(range(100000)))
2528  call assert_equal(99999, max(range(99999, 0, -1)))
2529  call assert_equal(99999, max(reverse(range(100000))))
2530  call assert_equal(99999, max(reverse(range(99999, 0, -1))))
2532  " min() reverse()
2533  call assert_equal(0, min(range(0)))
2534  call assert_equal(0, min(range(10, 9)))
2535  call assert_equal(5, min(range(5, 10)))
2536  call assert_equal(5, min(range(5, 10, 3)))
2537  call assert_equal(2, min(range(20, 0, -3)))
2538  call assert_equal(0, min(range(100000)))
2539  call assert_equal(0, min(range(99999, 0, -1)))
2540  call assert_equal(0, min(reverse(range(100000))))
2541  call assert_equal(0, min(reverse(range(99999, 0, -1))))
2543  " remove()
2544  call assert_equal(1, remove(range(1, 10), 0))
2545  call assert_equal(2, remove(range(1, 10), 1))
2546  call assert_equal(9, remove(range(1, 10), 8))
2547  call assert_equal(10, remove(range(1, 10), 9))
2548  call assert_equal(10, remove(range(1, 10), -1))
2549  call assert_equal([3, 4, 5], remove(range(1, 10), 2, 4))
2551  " repeat()
2552  call assert_equal([0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2], repeat(range(3), 2))
2553  call assert_equal([0, 1, 2], repeat(range(3), 1))
2554  call assert_equal([], repeat(range(3), 0))
2555  call assert_equal([], repeat(range(5, 4), 2))
2556  call assert_equal([], repeat(range(5, 4), 0))
2558  " reverse()
2559  call assert_equal([2, 1, 0], reverse(range(3)))
2560  call assert_equal([0, 1, 2, 3], reverse(range(3, 0, -1)))
2561  call assert_equal([9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0], reverse(range(10)))
2562  call assert_equal([20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10], reverse(range(10, 20)))
2563  call assert_equal([16, 13, 10], reverse(range(10, 18, 3)))
2564  call assert_equal([19, 16, 13, 10], reverse(range(10, 19, 3)))
2565  call assert_equal([19, 16, 13, 10], reverse(range(10, 20, 3)))
2566  call assert_equal([11, 14, 17, 20], reverse(range(20, 10, -3)))
2567  call assert_equal([], reverse(range(0)))
2569  " TODO: setpos()
2570  " new
2571  " call setline(1, repeat([''], bufnr('')))
2572  " call setline(bufnr('') + 1, repeat('x', bufnr('') * 2 + 6))
2573  " call setpos('x', range(bufnr(''), bufnr('') + 3))
2574  " bwipe!
2576  " setreg()
2577  call setreg('a', range(3))
2578  call assert_equal("0\n1\n2\n", getreg('a'))
2580  " settagstack()
2581  call settagstack(1, #{items : range(4)})
2583  " sign_define()
2584  call assert_fails("call sign_define(range(5))", "E715:")
2585  call assert_fails("call sign_placelist(range(5))", "E715:")
2587  " sign_undefine()
2588  call assert_fails("call sign_undefine(range(5))", "E908:")
2590  " sign_unplacelist()
2591  call assert_fails("call sign_unplacelist(range(5))", "E715:")
2593  " sort()
2594  call assert_equal([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], sort(range(5, 0, -1)))
2596  " string()
2597  call assert_equal('[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]', string(range(5)))
2599  " taglist() with 'tagfunc'
2600  func TagFunc(pattern, flags, info)
2601    return range(10)
2602  endfunc
2603  set tagfunc=TagFunc
2604  call assert_fails("call taglist('asdf')", 'E987:')
2605  set tagfunc=
2607  " term_start()
2608  if has('terminal') && has('termguicolors')
2609    call assert_fails('call term_start(range(3, 4))', 'E474:')
2610    let g:terminal_ansi_colors = range(16)
2611    if has('win32')
2612      let cmd = "cmd /c dir"
2613    else
2614      let cmd = "ls"
2615    endif
2616    call assert_fails('call term_start("' .. cmd .. '", #{term_finish: "close"})', 'E475:')
2617    unlet g:terminal_ansi_colors
2618  endif
2620  " type()
2621  call assert_equal(v:t_list, type(range(5)))
2623  " uniq()
2624  call assert_equal([0, 1, 2, 3, 4], uniq(range(5)))
2626  " errors
2627  call assert_fails('let x=range(2, 8, 0)', 'E726:')
2628  call assert_fails('let x=range(3, 1)', 'E727:')
2629  call assert_fails('let x=range(1, 3, -2)', 'E727:')
2630  call assert_fails('let x=range([])', 'E745:')
2631  call assert_fails('let x=range(1, [])', 'E745:')
2632  call assert_fails('let x=range(1, 4, [])', 'E745:')
2635func Test_echoraw()
2636  CheckScreendump
2638  " Normally used for escape codes, but let's test with a CR.
2639  let lines =<< trim END
2640    call echoraw("hello\<CR>x")
2641  END
2642  call writefile(lines, 'XTest_echoraw')
2643  let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S XTest_echoraw', {'rows': 5, 'cols': 40})
2644  call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_functions_echoraw', {})
2646  " clean up
2647  call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
2648  call delete('XTest_echoraw')
2651" Test for echo highlighting
2652func Test_echohl()
2653  echohl Search
2654  echo 'Vim'
2655  call assert_equal('Vim', Screenline(&lines))
2656  " TODO: How to check the highlight group used by echohl?
2657  " ScreenAttrs() returns all zeros.
2658  echohl None
2661" Test for the eval() function
2662func Test_eval()
2663  call assert_fails("call eval('5 a')", 'E488:')
2666" Test for the nr2char() function
2667func Test_nr2char()
2668  set encoding=latin1
2669  call assert_equal('@', nr2char(64))
2670  set encoding=utf8
2671  call assert_equal('a', nr2char(97, 1))
2672  call assert_equal('a', nr2char(97, 0))
2674  call assert_equal("\x80\xfc\b\xf4\x80\xfeX\x80\xfeX\x80\xfeX", eval('"\<M-' .. nr2char(0x100000) .. '>"'))
2675  call assert_equal("\x80\xfc\b\xfd\x80\xfeX\x80\xfeX\x80\xfeX\x80\xfeX\x80\xfeX", eval('"\<M-' .. nr2char(0x40000000) .. '>"'))
2678" Test for screenattr(), screenchar() and screenchars() functions
2679func Test_screen_functions()
2680  call assert_equal(-1, screenattr(-1, -1))
2681  call assert_equal(-1, screenchar(-1, -1))
2682  call assert_equal([], screenchars(-1, -1))
2685" Test for getcurpos() and setpos()
2686func Test_getcurpos_setpos()
2687  new
2688  call setline(1, ['012345678', '012345678'])
2689  normal gg6l
2690  let sp = getcurpos()
2691  normal 0
2692  call setpos('.', sp)
2693  normal jyl
2694  call assert_equal('6', @")
2695  call assert_equal(-1, setpos('.', test_null_list()))
2696  call assert_equal(-1, setpos('.', {}))
2698  let winid = win_getid()
2699  normal G$
2700  let pos = getcurpos()
2701  wincmd w
2702  call assert_equal(pos, getcurpos(winid))
2704  wincmd w
2705  close!
2707  call assert_equal(getcurpos(), getcurpos(0))
2708  call assert_equal([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], getcurpos(-1))
2709  call assert_equal([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], getcurpos(1999))
2712" Test for glob()
2713func Test_glob()
2714  call assert_equal('', glob(test_null_string()))
2715  call assert_equal('', globpath(test_null_string(), test_null_string()))
2716  call assert_fails("let x = globpath(&rtp, 'syntax/c.vim', [])", 'E745:')
2718  call writefile([], 'Xglob1')
2719  call writefile([], 'XGLOB2')
2720  set wildignorecase
2721  " Sort output of glob() otherwise we end up with different
2722  " ordering depending on whether file system is case-sensitive.
2723  call assert_equal(['XGLOB2', 'Xglob1'], sort(glob('Xglob[12]', 0, 1)))
2724  set wildignorecase&
2726  call delete('Xglob1')
2727  call delete('XGLOB2')
2729  call assert_fails("call glob('*', 0, {})", 'E728:')
2732" Test for browse()
2733func Test_browse()
2734  CheckFeature browse
2735  call assert_fails('call browse([], "open", "x", "a.c")', 'E745:')
2738" Test for browsedir()
2739func Test_browsedir()
2740  CheckFeature browse
2741  call assert_fails('call browsedir("open", [])', 'E730:')
2744func HasDefault(msg = 'msg')
2745  return a:msg
2748func Test_default_arg_value()
2749  call assert_equal('msg', HasDefault())
2752" Test for gettext()
2753func Test_gettext()
2754  call assert_fails('call gettext(1)', 'E475:')
2757func Test_builtin_check()
2758  call assert_fails('let g:["trim"] = {x -> " " .. x}', 'E704:')
2759  call assert_fails('let g:.trim = {x -> " " .. x}', 'E704:')
2760  call assert_fails('let l:["trim"] = {x -> " " .. x}', 'E704:')
2761  call assert_fails('let l:.trim = {x -> " " .. x}', 'E704:')
2762  let lines =<< trim END
2763    vim9script
2764    var s:trim = (x) => " " .. x
2765  END
2766  call CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E704:')
2768  call assert_fails('call extend(g:, #{foo: { -> "foo" }})', 'E704:')
2769  let g:bar = 123
2770  call extend(g:, #{bar: { -> "foo" }}, "keep")
2771  call assert_fails('call extend(g:, #{bar: { -> "foo" }}, "force")', 'E704:')
2775" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab