1  /*
2   * UAE - The Un*x Amiga Emulator
3   *
4   * routines to handle compressed file automatically
5   *
6   * (c) 1996 Samuel Devulder
7   */
9 #ifndef UAE_ZFILE_H
10 #define UAE_ZFILE_H
12 #include "uae/types.h"
13 #ifdef FSUAE
14 #include <stddef.h>
15 #endif
17 struct zfile;
18 struct zvolume;
19 struct zdirectory;
21 #define FS_DIRECTORY 0
22 #define FS_ARCHIVE 1
23 #define FS_CDFS 2
25 struct fs_dirhandle
26 {
27 	int fstype;
28 	union {
29 		struct zdirectory *zd;
30 		struct my_opendir_s *od;
31 		struct cd_opendir_s *isod;
32 	};
33 };
34 struct fs_filehandle
35 {
36 	int fstype;
37 	union {
38 		struct zfile *zf;
39 		struct my_openfile_s *of;
40 		struct cd_openfile_s *isof;
41 	};
42 };
44 typedef int (*zfile_callback)(struct zfile*, void*);
46 extern struct zfile *zfile_fopen (const TCHAR *, const TCHAR *, int mask);
47 extern struct zfile *zfile_fopen (const TCHAR *, const TCHAR *);
48 extern struct zfile *zfile_fopen (const TCHAR *, const TCHAR *, int mask, int index);
49 extern struct zfile *zfile_fopen_empty (struct zfile*, const TCHAR *name, uae_u64 size);
50 extern struct zfile *zfile_fopen_empty (struct zfile*, const TCHAR *name);
51 extern struct zfile *zfile_fopen_data (const TCHAR *name, uae_u64 size, const uae_u8 *data);
52 extern struct zfile *zfile_fopen_load_zfile (struct zfile *f);
53 extern uae_u8 *zfile_load_data (const TCHAR *name, const uae_u8 *data,int datalen, int *outlen);
54 extern uae_u8 *zfile_load_file(const TCHAR *name, int *outlen);
55 extern struct zfile *zfile_fopen_parent (struct zfile*, const TCHAR*, uae_u64 offset, uae_u64 size);
57 extern int zfile_exists (const TCHAR *name);
58 extern void zfile_fclose (struct zfile *);
59 extern uae_s64 zfile_fseek (struct zfile *z, uae_s64 offset, int mode);
60 extern uae_s64 zfile_ftell (struct zfile *z);
61 extern uae_s64 zfile_size (struct zfile *z);
62 extern size_t zfile_fread  (void *b, size_t l1, size_t l2, struct zfile *z);
63 extern size_t zfile_fwrite  (const void *b, size_t l1, size_t l2, struct zfile *z);
64 extern TCHAR *zfile_fgets (TCHAR *s, int size, struct zfile *z);
65 extern char *zfile_fgetsa (char *s, int size, struct zfile *z);
66 extern size_t zfile_fputs (struct zfile *z, const TCHAR *s);
67 extern int zfile_getc (struct zfile *z);
68 extern int zfile_putc (int c, struct zfile *z);
69 extern int zfile_ferror (struct zfile *z);
70 extern uae_u8 *zfile_getdata (struct zfile *z, uae_s64 offset, int len);
71 extern void zfile_exit (void);
72 extern int execute_command (TCHAR *);
73 extern int zfile_iscompressed (struct zfile *z);
74 extern int zfile_zcompress (struct zfile *dst, void *src, int size);
75 extern int zfile_zuncompress (void *dst, int dstsize, struct zfile *src, int srcsize);
76 extern int zfile_gettype (struct zfile *z);
77 extern int zfile_zopen (const TCHAR *name, zfile_callback zc, void *user);
78 extern TCHAR *zfile_getname (struct zfile *f);
79 extern TCHAR *zfile_getoriginalname (struct zfile *f);
80 extern TCHAR *zfile_getfilename (struct zfile *f);
81 extern uae_u32 zfile_crc32 (struct zfile *f);
82 extern struct zfile *zfile_dup (struct zfile *f);
83 extern struct zfile *zfile_gunzip (struct zfile *z);
84 extern int zfile_is_diskimage (const TCHAR *name);
85 extern int iszip (struct zfile *z);
86 extern int zfile_convertimage (const TCHAR *src, const TCHAR *dst);
87 extern struct zfile *zuncompress (struct znode*, struct zfile *z, int dodefault, int mask, int *retcode, int index);
88 extern void zfile_seterror (const TCHAR *format, ...);
89 extern TCHAR *zfile_geterror (void);
90 extern int zfile_truncate (struct zfile *z, uae_s64 size);
92 #define ZFD_NONE 0
93 #define ZFD_ARCHIVE 1 //zip/lha..
94 #define ZFD_ADF 2 //adf as a filesystem
95 #define ZFD_HD 4 //rdb/hdf
96 #define ZFD_UNPACK 8 //gzip,dms
97 #define ZFD_RAWDISK 16  //fdi->adf,ipf->adf etc..
98 #define ZFD_CD 32 //cue/iso, cue has priority over iso
99 #define ZFD_DISKHISTORY 0x100 //allow diskhistory (if disk image)
100 #define ZFD_CHECKONLY 0x200 //file exists checkc
101 #define ZFD_DELAYEDOPEN 0x400 //do not unpack, just get metadata
102 #define ZFD_NORECURSE 0x10000 // do not recurse archives
104 #define ZFD_ALL 0x0000ffff
106 #define ZFD_RAWDISK_AMIGA 0x10000
107 #define ZFD_RAWDISK_PC 0x200000
109 #define ZFILE_UNKNOWN 0
111 #define ZFILE_DISKIMAGE 2
112 #define ZFILE_ROM 3
113 #define ZFILE_KEY 4
114 #define ZFILE_HDF 5
115 #define ZFILE_STATEFILE 6
116 #define ZFILE_NVR 7
117 #define ZFILE_HDFRDB 8
118 #define ZFILE_CDIMAGE 9
120 extern const TCHAR *uae_archive_extensions[];
121 extern const TCHAR *uae_ignoreextensions[];
122 extern const TCHAR *uae_diskimageextensions[];
124 extern struct zvolume *zfile_fopen_archive (const TCHAR *filename);
125 extern struct zvolume *zfile_fopen_archive (const TCHAR *filename, int flags);
126 extern struct zvolume *zfile_fopen_archive_root (const TCHAR *filename, int flags);
127 extern void zfile_fclose_archive (struct zvolume *zv);
128 extern int zfile_fs_usage_archive (const TCHAR *path, const TCHAR *disk, struct fs_usage *fsp);
129 extern int zfile_stat_archive (const TCHAR *path, struct mystat *statbuf);
130 extern struct zdirectory *zfile_opendir_archive (const TCHAR *path);
131 extern struct zdirectory *zfile_opendir_archive (const TCHAR *path, int flags);
132 extern void zfile_closedir_archive (struct zdirectory *);
133 extern int zfile_readdir_archive (struct zdirectory *, TCHAR*);
134 extern int zfile_readdir_archive (struct zdirectory *, TCHAR*, bool fullpath);
135 extern struct zfile *zfile_readdir_archive_open (struct zdirectory *zd, const TCHAR *mode);
136 extern void zfile_resetdir_archive (struct zdirectory *);
137 extern int zfile_fill_file_attrs_archive (const TCHAR *path, int *isdir, int *flags, TCHAR **comment);
138 extern uae_s64 zfile_lseek_archive (struct zfile *d, uae_s64 offset, int whence);
139 extern uae_s64 zfile_fsize_archive (struct zfile *d);
140 extern unsigned int zfile_read_archive (struct zfile *d, void *b, unsigned int size);
141 extern void zfile_close_archive (struct zfile *d);
142 extern struct zfile *zfile_open_archive (const TCHAR *path, int flags);
143 extern int zfile_exists_archive (const TCHAR *path, const TCHAR *rel);
144 extern bool zfile_needwrite (struct zfile*);
146 struct mytimeval
147 {
148 	uae_s64 tv_sec;
149 	uae_s32 tv_usec;
150 };
152 struct mystat
153 {
154 	uae_s64 size;
155 	uae_u32 mode;
156 	struct mytimeval mtime;
157 };
158 extern void timeval_to_amiga (struct mytimeval *tv, int* days, int* mins, int* ticks, int tickcount);
159 extern void amiga_to_timeval (struct mytimeval *tv, int days, int mins, int ticks, int tickcount);
161 #endif /* UAE_ZFILE_H */