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AUTHORSH A D13-Jan-2012465 1814

COPYINGH A D13-Jan-201222.1 KiB444364

FAQH A D13-Jan-20125.4 KiB128104

INSTALLH A D13-Jan-20129 KiB230175

Makefile.amH A D13-Jan-2012201 64

Makefile.inH A D13-Jan-201226.4 KiB816725

Makefile.winH A D13-Jan-20127.8 KiB178119

NEWSH A D13-Jan-201213.7 KiB313277

READMEH A D13-Jan-20126 KiB139111

README.GP2XH A D13-Jan-20123.2 KiB7860

TODOH A D13-Jan-20123.2 KiB9486

aclocal.m4H A D13-Jan-201242.2 KiB1,1971,078

config.guessH A D13-Jan-201240.5 KiB1,3921,197

config.h.inH A D13-Jan-20125.5 KiB230158

config.subH A D13-Jan-201229.3 KiB1,4901,349

config.win32H A D13-Jan-2012280 139

configureH A D03-May-2022213.1 KiB7,5846,233

configure.inH A D13-Jan-20129 KiB303262

depcompH A D01-Jan-19700

devcpp_premake.makH A D13-Jan-2012500 2213

gngeo.1H A D13-Jan-20127.9 KiB240222

gngeo32.devH A D13-Jan-20127.8 KiB534482

gngeo32_private.rcH A D13-Jan-2012126 63

gngeorc.gp2xH A D13-Jan-20122.9 KiB146113

install-shH A D13-Jan-20126.2 KiB277169

missingH A D13-Jan-201210 KiB337263

mkinstalldirsH A D13-Jan-20121.9 KiB11285

romrcH A D13-Jan-2012270 KiB12,78612,291

sample_gngeorcH A D13-Jan-20123.2 KiB136104

stamp-h.inH A D13-Jan-201210 21


1GNGEO : A NeoGeo emulator for linux (and maybe some other unix)
4	Gngeo is build arround many different block with various licence.
5	The original code is released under the GPLV2 with this special exeption:
7		As a special exception, You have
8		the permission to link the code of this program with
9		independent modules,regardless of the license terms of these
10		independent modules, and to copy and distribute the resulting
11		executable under terms of your choice, provided that you also
12		meet, for each linked independent module, the terms and conditions
13		of the license of that module. An independent module is a module
14		which is not derived from or based on Gngeo. If you modify
15		this library, you may extend this exception to your version of the
16		library, but you are not obligated to do so.  If you do not wish
17		to do so, delete this exception statement from your version.
19	Gngeo could not exist without the Mame project, and some code come
20	directly from it (the ym2610 for example). As you may know, the Mame
21	licence forbid commercial use, and as a conscequence, commercial use
22	of gngeo (as a whole) is also forbided. This is the same with Cyclone,
23	Drz80, Raze and Starscream.
26	SDL-1.2.x and the libz
27	optional: nasm 0.98 for i386 asm optimisation
28	You will also need a neogeo BIOS
31	./configure && make
32	then 'make install' as root
34	The configure script will detect the presence of nasm, and
35	choose the different CPU core in consequence. You can force
36	the use of one cpu core with the following configure switch:
37	 --with-m68kcore=[cyclone|starscream|gen68k]
38	 --with-z80core=[drz80|raze|mamez80]
40    cyclone is written in arm assembler (default on arm target)
41    starscream is written in x86 assembler (default on x86 target if nasm is found)
42    gen68k is written in portable C (default in every other case)
44    drz80 is written in arm assembler (default on arm target)
45    raze is written in x86 assembler (default on x86 target if nasm is found)
46    mamez80 is written in portable C  (default in every other case)
48	To disable completly i386 assembler on x86
49	 --disable-i386
52	To build gngeo in a crosscompilation environement, use the folowing
53	./configure --build=i686-pc-linux-gnu --host=[HOST] --with-sdl-prefix=[Path to your corsscompiled SDL] CFLAGS=-I[PATH to the default include dir of your crosscompil env]
56	You can start a game with the folowing command:
57	# gngeo game
58	where game is the mame name of the rom, for example mslug for Metal Slug
60Usage: gngeo [OPTION]... ROMSET
61Emulate the NeoGeo rom designed by ROMSET
63      --68kclock=x           Overclock the 68k by x% (-x% for underclk)
64      --autoframeskip        Enable auto frameskip
65      --bench                Draw x frames, then quit and show average fps
66  -B, --biospath=PATH        Tell gngeo where your neogeo bios is
67  -b, --blitter=Blitter      Use the specified blitter (help for a list)
68      --country=...          Set the contry to japan, asia, usa or europe
69  -D, --debug                Start with inline debuger
70  -e, --effect=Effetc        Use the specified effect (help for a list)
71      --forcepc              Force the PC to a correct value at startup
72  -f, --fullscreen           Start gngeo in fullscreen
73  -d, --gngeo.dat=PATH       Tell gngeo where his ressource file is
74  -h, --help                 Print this help and exit
75  -H, --hwsurface            Use hardware surface for the screen
76  -I, --interpolation        Merge the last frame and the current
77      --joystick             Enable joystick support
78  -l, --listgame             Show all the game available in the romrc
79      --libglpath=PATH       Path to your libGL.so
80  -P, --pal                  Use PAL timing (buggy)
81      --p1control=...        Player1 control configutation
82      --p2control=...        Player2 control configutation
83      --p1hotkey0=...        Player1 Hotkey 0 configuration
84      --p1hotkey1=...        Player1 Hotkey 1 configuration
85      --p1hotkey2=...        Player1 Hotkey 2 configuration
86      --p1hotkey3=...        Player1 Hotkey 3 configuration
87      --p2hotkey0=...        Player2 Hotkey 0 configuration
88      --p2hotkey1=...        Player2 Hotkey 1 configuration
89      --p2hotkey2=...        Player2 Hotkey 2 configuration
90      --p2hotkey3=...        Player2 Hotkey 3 configuration
91  -r, --raster               Enable the raster interrupt
92  -i, --rompath=PATH         Tell gngeo where your roms are
93      --sound                Enable sound
94      --showfps              Show FPS at startup
95      --sleepidle            Sleep when idle
96      --screen320            Use 320x224 output screen (instead 304x224)
97      --system=...           Set the system to home, arcade or unibios
98      --scale=X              Scale the resolution by X
99      --samplerate=RATE      Set the sample rate to RATE
100  -t, --transpack=Transpack  Use the specified transparency pack
101  -v, --version              Show version and exit
102      --z80clock=x           Overclock the Z80 by x% (-x% for underclk)
104All boolean options can be disabled with --no-OPTION
105(Ex: --no-sound turn sound off)
109	All configuration can be done in $HOME/.gngeo/gngeorc
110	a sample file is provide : sample_gngeorc
111	Every option are also accessible on the command line.
112	Per game configuration is also possible in $HOME/.gngeo/game.rc
114	By default, gngeo search bios and games in
115	$prefix/share/gngeo/ (the game must be in a zip file, the bios not)
118	GGF:      The first frontend available for gngeo. It's written in Java, support
119	          game preview, very detailled game description and support many gngeo options.
120	          - License: GPL
121	          - Homepage:
123	XGngeo:   Written in python with GTK2. Support internationalization, game preview,
124	          and many configuration possibility, including a key configurator.
125	          - License: GPL
126		  - Homepage: http://choplair.tuxfamily.org/
128	gngeogui: A new frontend written in Perl with libgtk-perl. Support game preview, and
129	          nearly all the gngeo options.
130	          - License: GPL
131	          - Homepage:


2Here is the port of gngeo to the GP2X.
4Compilation from source:
5# ./configure --host=arm-open2x-linux --enable-gp2x=yes --with-sdl-prefix=[Path to your gp2x SDL] --disable-sdltest
6# make
8With open2x, I build gngeo with the folowing commande line
9# ./configure --build=i686-pc-linux-gnu --host=arm-open2x-linux --enable-gp2x=yes --with-sdl-prefix=/opt/open2x/gcc-4.1.1-glibc-2.3.6 CFLAGS=-I/opt/open2x/gcc-4.1.1-glibc-2.3.6/include
11TODO: Almost everything bellow this line is outdated.
14- Just unzip the dist in a dir call gngeo or whatever
15- Put a neogeo bios unjzipped in the roms dir. You should have the folowing files:
16  vs-bios.rom, usa_2slt.bin, asia-s3.rom, sp-s2.sp1, sfix.sfx and 000-lo.lo
17  If you want to play in AES mode, you will need also aes-bios.bin
18  If you want to use the universal bios, you will need uni-bios.rom
20- Put your favorites roms in the roms folder
21- Edit the conf/gngeorc if you want.
22- Optional: Install Rage2x, a nice frontend dedicated to gngeo http://archive.gp2x.de/cgi-bin/cfiles.cgi?0,0,0,0,5,1294
24- If you don't use Rage2x, launch gngeo by chossing gngeo2x from the games menu.
25While in the game select screen, push Y to enable sound (see the bottom of the screen)
27- If you have Rage2x, just launch it ;) You can configure almost everything by pressing Select
29Jostick configuration:
31Quit: R and StickPush
32BIOS: L and StickPush (do not work with the universal bios)
34Neogeo             | GP2X
36Start              : Start
37Insert Coin/select : Select
38A                  : X
39B                  : B
40C                  : A
41D                  : Y
42Macro 1            : L
43Macro 2            : R
44Stick              : Stick :)
46BIG ROM Support:
47**** NEW ****
48Gngeo 0.6.10 can now automaticaly dump the gfx file if the selected roms is to large to fit in memory.
49You just have to select a game in Selector, then gngeo will create the needed gfx file and exit. Just re-launch
50the game to enjoy it.
51Dumping gfx is a very slooowww process, so be patient :)
53Old method (still valid):
54Gngeo 0.6.7 add Big roms support on the gp2x. The principe is simply to mmap a special dump file and use
55it as gfx memory. This file have to be created on your box before.
56I'm pleasently surprised by the result. On my modest SD, games like rbff1 are playable. A fast SD is still
58Please note that newer (encrypted) roms support is very limited in gngeo. But some hacked one made for
59NeoRageX work.
61Here is a little tutorial to enable big rom support.
62- The first things to do is to compile the dumpgfx utilitie for your platform. A version is available for linux. Help is wanted to port it on other platform (especialy MacOS & Windows)
63 .  Untar the dumpgfx.tgz available in the source package of gngeo,
64    or here http://m.peponas.free.fr/gngeo/download/dumpgfx.tgz
65 .  go to the dumpgfx dir
66 .  Compilation is a simple "gcc *.c -o dumpgfx -lz"
67- Now, Create a dump with "./dumpgfx games.zip" where games.zip is the game you want to dump.
68- A .gfx should have been created
69- Copy this gfx file in the gngeo's roms dir on your sdcard
70- Don't forget to copy the rom too ;)
71- Now you can launch the rom as usually, and enjoy.
74Compatibility/issue :
75- Check the wiki for a good compatibility list: http://wiki.gp2x.org/wiki/GnGeo2x
77That's all folk