1 /* SHARED.H     (c) Copyright Greg Smith, 2002-2009                  */
2 /*              Shared Device Server header file                     */
4 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------
5  * Shared device support           (c)Copyright Greg Smith, 2002-2009
6  *
7  * Shared device support allows multiple Hercules instances to share
8  * devices.  The device will be `local' to one instance and `remote'
9  * to all other instances.  The local instance is the  * `server' for
10  * that device and the remote instance is the `client'.  You do not
11  * have to IPL an operating system on the device server.  Any number
12  * of Hercules instances can act as a server in a Hercplex ;-)
13  *
14  * To use a device on a remote system, instead of specifying a file
15  * name on the device config statement, you specify
16  *
17  *     ip_address_or_name:port:devnum
18  *
19  * For example:
20  *
21  *     0100 3350 localhost:3990:0100
22  *
23  * which says there is a device server on the local host listening
24  * on port 3990 and we want to use its 0100 device as 0100.  The
25  * default port is 3990 and the default remote device number is the
26  * local device number.  So we could say
27  *
28  *     0100 3350 localhost
29  *
30  * instead, providing we don't actually have a file `localhost'.
31  * Interestingly, the instance on the local host listening on 3990
32  * could have a statement
33  *
34  *     0100 3350
35  *
36  * which means that instance in turn will use device 0200 on the
37  * server at listening on port 3990.  The original
38  * instance will have to `hop' thru the second instance to get
39  * to the real device.
40  *
41  * Device sharing can be `split' between multiple instances.
42  * For example, suppose instance A has
43  *
44  *     SHRDPORT 3990
45  *     0100 3350 localhost:3991
46  *     0101 3350 mvscat
47  *
48  * and instance B has
49  *
50  *     SHRDPORT 3991
51  *     0100 3350 mvsres
52  *     0101 3350 localhost
53  *
54  * Then each instance acts as both a client and as a server.
55  *
56  * When `SHRDPORT' is specified, thread `shared_server' is started
57  * at the end of Hercules initialization.  In the example above,
58  * neither Hercules instance can initialize their devices until the
59  * server is started on each system.  In this case, the device trying
60  * to access a server gets the `connecting' bit set on in the DEVBLK
61  * and the device still needs to initialize.  After the shared server
62  * is started, a thread is attached for each device that is connecting
63  * to complete the connection (which is the device init handler).
64  *
66  *
67  * There are (at least) two approaches to sharing devices.  One is to
68  * execute the channel program on the server system.   The server will
69  * need to request from the client system information such as the ccw
70  * and the data to be written, and will need to send to the client
71  * data that has been read and status information.  The second is to
72  * execute the channel program on the client system.  Here the client
73  * system makes requests to the server system to read and write data.
74  *
75  * The second approach is currently implemented.  The first approach
76  * arguably emulates `more correctly'.  However, an advantage of the
77  * implemented approach is that it is easier because only the
78  * client sends requests and only the server sends responses.
79  *
80  * Both client and server have a DEVBLK structure for the device.
81  * Absurdly, perhaps, in originally designing an implementation for
82  * shared devices it was not clear what type of process should be the
83  * server.  It was a quantum leap forward to realize that it could
84  * just be another hercules instance.
85  *
87  * (If this section is as boring for you to read as it was for me
88  *  to write then please skip to the next section ;-)
89  *
90  * The client sends an 8 byte request header and maybe some data:
91  *
92  * +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
93  * | cmd |flag |  devnum   |    id     |   length  |
94  * +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
95  *
96  *             <-------- length --------->
97  *             +----- .  .  .  .  . -----+
98  *             |          data           |
99  *             +----- .  .  .  .  . -----+
100  *
101  * `cmd' identifies the client request.  The requests are:
102  *
103  * 0xe0  CONNECT        Connect to the server.  This requires
104  *                      the server to allocate resources to
105  *                      support the connection.  Typically issued
106  *                      during device initialization or after being
107  *                      disconnected after a network error or timeout.
108  * 0xe1  DISCONNECT     Disconnect from the server.  The server
109  *                      can now release the allocated resources
110  *                      for the connection.  Typically issued during
111  *                      device close or detach.
112  * 0xe2  START          Start a channel program on the device.
113  *                      If the device is busy or reserved by
114  *                      another system then wait until the device
115  *                      is available unless the NOWAIT flag bit
116  *                      is set, then return a BUSY code.  Once
117  *                      START succeeds then the device is unavailable
118  *                      until the END request.
119  * 0xe3  END            Channel program has ended.  Any waiters
120  *                      for the device can now retry.
121  * 0xe4  RESUME         Similar to START except a suspended
122  *                      channel program has resumed.
123  * 0xe5  SUSPEND        Similar to END except a channel program
124  *                      has suspended itself.  If the channel
125  *                      program is not resumed then the END
126  *                      request is *not* issued.
127  * 0xe6  RESERVE        Makes the device unavailable to any other
128  *                      system until a RELEASE request is issued.
129  *                      *Must* be issued within the scope of START/END.
130  * 0xe7  RELEASE        Makes the device available to other systems
131  *                      after the next END request.
132  *                      *Must* be issued within the scope of
133  *                      START/END.
134  * 0xe8  READ           Read from a device.  A 4-byte `record'
135  *                      identifier is specified in the request
136  *                      data to identify what data to read in the
137  *                      device context.
138  *                      *Must* be issued within the scope of START/END.
139  * 0xe9  WRITE          Write to a device. A 2-byte `offset' and
140  *                      a 4-byte `record' is specified in the request
141  *                      data, followed by the data to be written.
142  *                      `record' identifies what data is to be written
143  *                      in the device context and `offset' and `length'
144  *                      identify what to update in `record'.
145  *                      *Must* be issued within the scope of START/END.
146  * 0xea  SENSE          Retrieves the sense information after an i/o
147  *                      error has occurred on the server side.  This
148  *                      is typically issued within the scope of the
149  *                      channel program having the error.  Client side
150  *                      sense or concurrent sense will then pick up the
151  *                      sense data relevant to the i/o error.
152  *                      *Must* be issued within the scope of START/END.
153  * 0xeb  QUERY          Obtain device information, typically during
154  *                      device initialization.
155  * 0xec  COMPRESS       Negotiate compression parameters.  Notifies the
156  *                      server what compression algorithms are supported
157  *                      by the client and whether or not data sent back
158  *                      and forth from the client or server should be
159  *                      compressed or not.  Typically issued after CONNECT.
160  *                      *NOTE* This action should actually be SETOPT or
161  *                      some such; it was just easier to code a COMPRESS
162  *                      specific SETOPT (less code).
163  *
164  * `flag' qualifies the client request and varies by the request.
165  *
166  * 0x80  NOWAIT         For START, if the device is unavailable then
167  *                      return BUSY instead of waiting for the device.
168  * 0x40  QUERY          Identifies the QUERY request:
169  * 0x41  DEVCHAR            Device characteristics data
170  * 0x42  DEVID              Device identifier data
171  * 0x43  DEVUSED            Hi used track/block (for dasdcopy)
172  * 0x48  CKDCYLS            Number cylinders for CKD device
173  * 0x4c  FBAORIGIN          Origin block for FBA
174  * 0x4d  FBANUMBLK          Number of FBA blocks
175  * 0x4e  FBABLKSIZ          Size of an FBA block
176  * 0x3x  COMP           For WRITE, data is compressed at offset `x':
177  * 0x2x  BZIP2              using bzip2
178  * 0x1x  LIBZ               using zlib
179  * 0xxy                 For COMPRESS, identifies the compression
180  *                      algorithms supported by the client (0x2y for bzip2,
181  *                      0x1y for zlib, 0x3y for both) and the zlib compression
182  *                      parameter `y' for sending otherwise uncompressed data
183  *                      back and forth.  If `y' is zero (default) then no
184  *                      uncompressed data is compressed between client & server.
185  *
186  * `devnum' identifies the device by number on the server instance.
187  *                     The device number may be different than the
188  *                     device number on the client instance.
189  * `id' identifies the client to the server.  Each client has a unique
190  *                     positive (non-zero) identifier.  For the initial
191  *                     CONNECT request `id' is zero.  After a successful
192  *                     CONNECT, the server returns in the response header
193  *                     the identifier to be used for all other requests
194  *                     (including subsequent CONNECT requests).  This is
195  *                     saved in dev->rmtid.
196  * `length' specifies the length of the data following the request header.
197  *                     Currently length is non-zero for READ/WRITE requests.
198  *
199  * The server sends an 8 byte response header and maybe some data:
200  *
201  * +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
202  * |code |stat |  devnum   |    id     |  length   |
203  * +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
204  *
205  *             <-------- length --------->
206  *             +----- .  .  .  .  . -----+
207  *             |          data           |
208  *             +----- .  .  .  .  . -----+
209  *
210  * `code' indicates the response to the request.  OK (0x00) indicates
211  *                     success however other codes also indicate success
212  *                     but qualified in some manner:
213  * 0x80  ERROR         An error occurred.  The server provides an error
214  *                     message in the data section.
215  * 0x40  IOERR         An i/o error occurred during a READ/WRITE
216  *                     request.  The status byte has the `unitstat'
217  *                     data.  This should signal the client to issue the
218  *                     SENSE request to obtain the current sense data.
219  * 0x20  BUSY          Device was not available for a START request and
220  *                     the NOWAIT flag bit was turned on.
221  * 0x10  COMP          Data returned is compressed.  The status byte
222  *                     indicates how the data is compressed (zlib or
223  *                     bzip2) and at what offset the compressed data
224  *                     starts (0 .. 15).  This bit is only turned on
225  *                     when both the `code' and `status' bytes would
226  *                     otherwise be zero.
227  * 0x08  PURGE         START request was issued by the client.  A list
228  *                     of `records' to be purged from local cache is
229  *                     returned.  These are `records' that have been
230  *                     updated since the last START/END request from
231  *                     the client by other systems.  Each record identifier
232  *                     is a 4-byte field in the data segment.  The number
233  *                     of records then is `length'/4.  If the number of
234  *                     records exceeds a threshold (16) then `length'
235  *                     will be zero indicating that the client should
236  *                     purge all locally cached records for the device.
237  *
238  * `stat' contains status information as a result of the request.
239  *                     For READ/WRITE requests this contains the `unitstat'
240  *                     information if an IOERR occurred.
241  *
242  * `devnum' specifies the server device number
243  *
244  * `id' specifies the system identifier for the request.
245  *
246  * `length' is the size of the data returned.
247  *
248  *
249  * CACHING
250  *
251  * Cached records (eg CKD tracks or FBA blocks) are kept independently on
252  * both the client and server sides.  Whenever the client issues a START
253  * request to initiate a channel program the server will return a list
254  * of records to purge from the client's cache that have been updated by
255  * other clients since the last START request.  If the list is too large
256  * the server will indicate that the client should purge all records for
257  * the device.
258  *
260  *
261  * Data that would normally be transferred uncompressed between client
262  * and host can optionally be compressed by specifying the `comp='
263  * keyword on the device configuration statement or attach command.
264  * For example
265  *
266  *     0100 3350 comp=3
267  *
268  * The value of the `comp=' keyword is the zlib compression parameter
269  * which should be a number between 1 .. 9.  A value closer to 1 means
270  * less compression but less processor time to perform the compression.
271  * A value closer to 9 means the data is compressed more but more processor
272  * time is required.
273  *
274  * If the server is on `localhost' then you should not specify `comp='.
275  * Otherwise you are just stealing processor time to do compression/
276  * uncompression from hercules.  If the server is on a local network
277  * then I would recommend specifying a low value such as 1, 2 or 3.
278  * We are on a curve here, trying to trade cpu cycles for network traffic
279  * to derive an optimal throughput.
280  *
281  * If the devices on the server are compressed devices (eg CCKD or CFBA)
282  * then the `records' (eg. track images or block groups) may be transferred
283  * compressed regardless of the `comp=' setting.  This depends on whether
284  * the client supports the compression type (zlib or bzip2) of the record
285  * on the server and whether the record is actually compressed in the
286  * server cache.
287  *
288  * For example:
289  *
290  * Suppose on the client that you execute one or more channel programs
291  * to read a record on a ckd track, update a record on the same track,
292  * and then read another (or the same) record on the track.
293  *
294  * For the first read the server will read the track image and
295  * pass it to the client as it was originally compressed in the file.
296  * To update a portion of the track image the server must uncompress
297  * the track image so data in it can be updated.  When the client next
298  * reads from the track image, the track image is uncompressed.
299  *
300  * Specifying `comp=' means that uncompressed data sent to the client
301  * will be compressed.  If the data to be sent to the client is already
302  * compressed then the data is sent as is, unless the client has indicated
303  * that it does not support that compression algorithm.
304  *
305  *
306  * TODO
307  *
308  *  1.  More doc (sorry, I got winded)
309  *  2.  Delays observed during short transfers (redrive select ?)
310  *  3.  Better server side behaviour due to disconnect
311  *  3.  etc.
312  *
313  *
314  *-------------------------------------------------------------------*/
316 #ifndef _HERCULES_SHARED_H
317 #define _HERCULES_SHARED_H 1
319 #include "hercules.h"
322 #ifndef _SHARED_C_
323 #ifndef _HDASD_DLL_
325 #else   /* _HDASD_DLL_ */
326 #define SHR_DLL_IMPORT extern
327 #endif  /* _HDASD_DLL_ */
328 #else
330 #endif
334 #undef FBA_SHARED
336   /*
337    * Differing version levels are not compatible
338    * Differing release levels are compatible
339    */
341 #define SHARED_VERSION              0   /* Version level  (0 .. 15)  */
342 #define SHARED_RELEASE              1   /* Release level  (0 .. 15)  */
344 #define SHARED_MAX_SYS              8   /* Max number connections    */
345 typedef char SHRD_TRACE[128];           /* Trace entry               */
347 #include "hercules.h"
349 /* Requests                                                          */
350 #define SHRD_CONNECT             0xe0   /* Connect                   */
351 #define SHRD_DISCONNECT          0xe1   /* Disconnect                */
352 #define SHRD_START               0xe2   /* Start channel program     */
353 #define SHRD_END                 0xe3   /* End channel program       */
354 #define SHRD_RESUME              0xe4   /* Resume channel program    */
355 #define SHRD_SUSPEND             0xe5   /* Suspend channel program   */
356 #define SHRD_RESERVE             0xe6   /* Reserve                   */
357 #define SHRD_RELEASE             0xe7   /* Release                   */
358 #define SHRD_READ                0xe8   /* Read data                 */
359 #define SHRD_WRITE               0xe9   /* Write data                */
360 #define SHRD_SENSE               0xea   /* Sense                     */
361 #define SHRD_QUERY               0xeb   /* Query                     */
362 #define SHRD_COMPRESS            0xec   /* Compress request          */
364 /* Response codes                                                    */
365 #define SHRD_OK                  0x00   /* Success                   */
366 #define SHRD_ERROR               0x80   /* Failure                   */
367 #define SHRD_IOERR               0x40   /* I/O error                 */
368 #define SHRD_BUSY                0x20   /* Resource is busy          */
369 #define SHRD_COMP                0x10   /* Data is compressed        */
370 #define SHRD_PURGE               0x08   /* Purge list provided       */
372 #define SHRD_ERROR_INVALID       0xf0   /* Invalid request           */
373 #define SHRD_ERROR_BADVERS       0xf1   /* Version mismatch          */
374 #define SHRD_ERROR_NOTINIT       0xf2   /* Device not initialized    */
375 #define SHRD_ERROR_NOTCONN       0xf3   /* Not connected to device   */
376 #define SHRD_ERROR_NOTAVAIL      0xf4   /* No available SHRD         */
377 #define SHRD_ERROR_NOMEM         0xf5   /* Out of memory             */
378 #define SHRD_ERROR_NOTACTIVE     0xf6   /* Not device owner          */
379 #define SHRD_ERROR_NODEVICE      0xf7   /* No such device            */
380 #define SHRD_ERROR_CONNECTED     0xf8   /* Already connected         */
382 /* Flags                                                             */
383 #define SHRD_NOWAIT              0x80   /* Don't wait if busy        */
384 #define SHRD_QUERY_REQUEST       0x40   /* Query request             */
385 #define SHRD_COMP_MASK           0x30   /* Mask to detect compression*/
386 #define SHRD_COMP_OFF            0x0f   /* Offset to compressed data */
387 #define SHRD_COMP_MAX_OFF          15   /* Max offset allowed        */
388 #define SHRD_LIBZ                0x01   /* Compressed using zlib     */
389 #define SHRD_BZIP2               0x02   /* Compressed using bzip2    */
391 /* Query Types                                                       */
392 #define SHRD_DEVCHAR             0x41   /* Device characteristics    */
393 #define SHRD_DEVID               0x42   /* Device identifier         */
394 #define SHRD_USED                0x43   /* Device usage              */
395 #define SHRD_CKDCYLS             0x48   /* CKD number cylinders      */
396 #define SHRD_FBAORIGIN           0x4c   /* FBA origin                */
397 #define SHRD_FBANUMBLK           0x4d   /* FBA number blocks         */
398 #define SHRD_FBABLKSIZ           0x4e   /* FBA block size            */
400 /* Constraints                                                       */
401 #define SHARED_DEFAULT_PORT      3990   /* Default shared port       */
402 #define SHARED_PURGE_MAX           16   /* Max size of purge list    */
403 #define SHARED_MAX_MSGLEN         255   /* Max message length        */
404 #define SHARED_TIMEOUT            120   /* Disconnect timeout (sec)  */
405 #define SHARED_FORCE_TIMEOUT      300   /* Force disconnect (sec)    */
406 #define SHARED_SELECT_WAIT         10   /* Select timeout (sec)      */
407 #define SHARED_COMPRESS_MINLEN    512   /* Min length for compression*/
409 struct SHRD {
410         int     id;                     /* Identifier                */
411         int     fd;                     /* Socket                    */
412         char   *ipaddr;                 /* IP addr of connected peer */
413         time_t  time;                   /* Time last request         */
414         int     release;                /* Client release level      */
415         int     comp;                   /* Compression parameter     */
416         int     comps;                  /* Compression supported     */
417         int     pending:1,              /* 1=Request pending         */
418                 waiting:1,              /* 1=Waiting for device      */
419                 havehdr:1,              /* 1=Header already read     */
420                 disconnect:1;           /* 1=Disconnect device       */
421         DBLWRD  hdr;                    /* Header                    */
422         int     purgen;                 /* Number purge entries      */
423         FWORD   purge[SHARED_PURGE_MAX];/* Purge list                */
424 };
426 typedef struct _SHRD_HDR {
427         BYTE    cmd;                    /* 0 Command                 */
428         BYTE    code;                   /* 1 Flags and Codes         */
429         U16     devnum;                 /* 2 Device number           */
430         U16     id;                     /* 4 Identifier              */
431         U16     len;                    /* 6 Data length             */
432 } SHRD_HDR;
433 /* Size must be 8 bytes */
434 #define SHRD_HDR_SIZE sizeof(DBLWRD)
436 #define SHRD_SET_HDR(_buf, _cmd, _code, _devnum, _len, _id) \
437 do { \
438   SHRD_HDR *shdr = (SHRD_HDR *)(_buf); \
439   shdr->cmd = (_cmd); \
440   shdr->code = (_code); \
441   store_hw (&shdr->devnum, (_devnum)); \
442   store_hw (&shdr->len, (_len)); \
443   store_hw (&shdr->id, (_id)); \
444 } while (0)
446 #define SHRD_GET_HDR(_buf, _cmd, _code, _devnum, _len, _id) \
447 do { \
448   SHRD_HDR *shdr = (SHRD_HDR *)(_buf); \
449   (_cmd) = shdr->cmd; \
450   (_code) = shdr->code; \
451   (_devnum) = (U16)fetch_hw (&shdr->devnum); \
452   (_len) = (int)fetch_hw (&shdr->len); \
453   (_id) = (int)fetch_hw (&shdr->id); \
454 } while (0)
456 int    shared_update_notify (DEVBLK *dev, int block);
457 int    shared_ckd_init (DEVBLK *dev, int argc, char *argv[] );
458 int    shared_fba_init (DEVBLK *dev, int argc, char *argv[] );
459 SHR_DLL_IMPORT void  *shared_server (void *arg);
460 SHR_DLL_IMPORT int    shared_cmd(int argc, char *argv[], char *cmdline);
462 #ifdef _SHARED_C_
463 static int     shared_ckd_close ( DEVBLK *dev );
464 static int     shared_fba_close (DEVBLK *dev);
465 static void    shared_start(DEVBLK *dev);
466 static void    shared_end (DEVBLK *dev);
467 static int     shared_ckd_read (DEVBLK *dev, int trk, BYTE *unitstat);
468 static int     shared_ckd_write (DEVBLK *dev, int trk, int off,
469                       BYTE *buf, int len, BYTE *unitstat);
470 static int     shared_ckd_trklen (DEVBLK *dev, BYTE *buf);
472 #if defined(FBA_SHARED)
473 static int     shared_fba_read (DEVBLK *dev, int blkgrp, BYTE *unitstat);
474 static int     shared_fba_write (DEVBLK *dev, int blkgrp, int off,
475                       BYTE *buf, int len, BYTE *unitstat);
476 static int     shared_fba_blkgrp_len (DEVBLK *dev, int blkgrp);
477 #endif
479 static int     shared_used (DEVBLK *dev);
480 static void    shared_reserve (DEVBLK *dev);
481 static void    shared_release (DEVBLK *dev);
482 static int     clientWrite (DEVBLK *dev, int block);
483 static void    clientPurge (DEVBLK *dev, int n, void *buf);
484 static int     clientPurgescan (int *answer, int ix, int i, void *data);
485 static int     clientConnect (DEVBLK *dev, int retry);
486 static int     clientRequest (DEVBLK *dev, BYTE *buf, int len, int cmd,
487                       int flags, int *code, int *status);
488 static int     clientSend (DEVBLK *dev, BYTE *hdr, BYTE *buf, int buflen);
489 static int     clientRecv (DEVBLK *dev, BYTE *hdr, BYTE *buf, int buflen);
490 static int     recvData(int sock, BYTE *hdr, BYTE *buf, int buflen, int server);
491 static void    serverRequest (DEVBLK *dev, int ix, BYTE *hdr, BYTE *buf);
492 static int     serverLocate (DEVBLK *dev, int id, int *avail);
493 static int     serverId (DEVBLK *dev);
494 static int     serverError (DEVBLK *dev, int ix, int code, int status,
495                       char *msg);
496 static int     serverSend (DEVBLK *dev, int ix, BYTE *hdr, BYTE *buf,
497                       int buflen);
498 static int     serverDisconnectable (DEVBLK *dev, int ix);
499 static void    serverDisconnect (DEVBLK *dev, int ix);
500 static char   *clientip (int sock);
501 static DEVBLK *findDevice (U16 devnum);
502 static void   *serverConnect (int *psock);
503 static void    shrdtrc (DEVBLK *dev, char *msg, ...);
504 #endif /* _SHARED_C_ */
506 #endif /* _HERCULES_SHARED_H */