1 static char manual_content[] = "\
2 Hu-Go! Quickstart\n\
3 \n\
4 [mail:zeograd@zeograd.com||Zeograd]\n\
5 \n\
6 Table of Contents\n\
7 \n\
8 Introduction\n\
9 Keyboard mapping\n\
10     Games keys\n\
11     Special keys\n\
12 Supported formats\n\
13 Options\n\
14     Graphics\n\
15     Paths\n\
16     CD emulation\n\
17     Sound\n\
18     Netplay\n\
19 \n\
20 \n\
21 \n\
22  Introduction\n\
23 \n\
24 This document briefly describes how to play pc engine \n\
25 games with Hu-Go!. More detailled explanations can be \n\
26 found in the other thematic document in the same \n\
27 directory as this one.\n\
28 \n\
29 Hu-Go! can be launched without argument to start with a \n\
30 gtk interface in which you can change options and start \n\
31 roms and cds. You can also start it giving as argument \n\
32 the name of the .pce file to run.\n\
33 \n\
34  Keyboard mapping\n\
35 \n\
36  Games keys\n\
37 \n\
38 By default, the keyboard is mapped like this :\n\
39 \n\
40 up up arrow\n\
41 \n\
42 down down arrow\n\
43 \n\
44 left left arrow\n\
45 \n\
46 right right arrow\n\
47 \n\
48 II button Alt key\n\
49 \n\
50 I button Space key\n\
51 \n\
52 select Tab key\n\
53 \n\
54 run Return key\n\
55 \n\
56 auto II X key\n\
57 \n\
58 auto I C key\n\
59 \n\
60  Special keys\n\
61 \n\
62 Toggle fullscreen F9 key\n\
63 \n\
64 Quit F12 key / ESC key\n\
65 \n\
66 Save current game state F6 key\n\
67 \n\
68 Load current game state F7 key\n\
69 \n\
70  Supported formats\n\
71 \n\
72 You can use the \"load rom\" button to load rom as .pce \n\
73 files, or cd as .iso files. The \"load cd\" button is used \n\
74 to play real pc engine cds.\n\
75 \n\
76  Options\n\
77 \n\
78 Options control how the game are rendered. They are \n\
79 stored in an .ini file which is generated from the gtk \n\
80 interface (prefered) or edited with a text editor. Most \n\
81 options can be overriden with command line options.\n\
82 \n\
83  Graphics\n\
84 \n\
85  Start games in fullsceen mode : When game are started, \n\
86   they are in fullscreen mode.\n\
87 \n\
88  Maintain pce aspect ratio in fullscreen mode : When in \n\
89   fullscreen mode, keep the same ratio for screen \n\
90   dimention than the one of the original game, else use \n\
91   the maximum available space even if it means that \n\
92   proportions are messed.\n\
93 \n\
94  Emulate television size [Not yet implemented] : Drop \n\
95   the rendering of lines outside the 224 lines of the \n\
96   middle of the screen. When using games on tv, those \n\
97   are generally outside the visible area.\n\
98 \n\
99  Window zoom factor : Zoom factor when in windowed mode.\n\
100 \n\
101  Prefered full screen size : Size of the fullscreen \n\
102   mode. You can switch to it with F9 key.\n\
103 \n\
104  Hardware acceleration when available : Try to use the \n\
105   super fast hardware rendering mode. It is not \n\
106   available on older machines, and will simply use the \n\
107   classical mode in this case.\n\
108 \n\
109  Hardware graphic format : Change this value to \n\
110   something else than Autodetect if colors are screwed \n\
111   when using the hardware acceleration.\n\
112 \n\
113  Paths\n\
114 \n\
115  CD system filename : Path to the cd system rom to be \n\
116   used for launching cd or isos.\n\
117 \n\
118  Default rom directory : Directory in which to begin \n\
119   browsing roms.\n\
120 \n\
121  CD emulation\n\
122 \n\
123  Soft bios emulation mode : Do not try to emulate cd \n\
124   bios calls at high level, hence slowing the cd \n\
125   emulation but raising the compatibility.\n\
126 \n\
127  CD path [Unused for windows] : Path to the cd rom \n\
128   device, e.g. /dev/hdd.\n\
129 \n\
130  Enable arcade card mode [Still in progress] : Enable \n\
131   arcade card emulation.\n\
132 \n\
133  Sound\n\
134 \n\
135  Use stereo sound : Enable stereo sound rendering.\n\
136 \n\
137  Output frequency : Frequency of sound rendering. If \n\
138   your card doesn't support the given frequency, Hu-Go! \n\
139   will pick the nearest supported one.\n\
140 \n\
141  Buffer size : Size of the buffer sound. You can double \n\
142   or half it if the sound is choppy. 256, 512 or 1024 \n\
143   should fit most machines. It must be a power of 2.\n\
144 \n\
145  Netplay\n\
146 \n\
147  Netplay mode : \"Local mode\" disables netplay support \n\
148   while \"LAN netplay\" enables it using the LAN protocol \n\
149   and \"INTERNET netplay\" enabled it using the Internet protocol.\n\
150 \n\
151  Server hostname [Unused when in local mode] : Hostname \n\
152   of the machine running the Hu-Go! netplay server. It \n\
153   doesn't support ip for now.\n\
154 \n\
155  Server port [Unused when in local mode] : Port on \n\
156   which the Hu-Go netplay server is listening.\n\
157 \n\
158  Slot X [Unused when in local mode] : Number of the \n\
159   local input to export for netplay. \"None\" should be \n\
160   used for the last entries. Typical configuration is \"\n\
161   Slot 1 : Player 1\" and remainings to \"None\"\n\
162 ";