2Begin VB.Form MainForm
3   Caption         =   "LibDsk test app"
4   ClientHeight    =   5868
5   ClientLeft      =   48
6   ClientTop       =   288
7   ClientWidth     =   9984
8   LinkTopic       =   "Form1"
9   ScaleHeight     =   5868
10   ScaleWidth      =   9984
11   StartUpPosition =   3  'Windows Default
12   Begin VB.CommandButton btnDskForm
13      Caption         =   "Format"
14      Height          =   732
15      Left            =   3240
16      TabIndex        =   12
17      Top             =   5040
18      Width           =   1452
19   End
20   Begin VB.ComboBox cbFormat
21      Height          =   288
22      Left            =   5880
23      Style           =   2  'Dropdown List
24      TabIndex        =   9
25      Top             =   2280
26      Width           =   3852
27   End
28   Begin VB.CommandButton btnDsktrans
29      Caption         =   "Copy"
30      Height          =   732
31      Left            =   1680
32      TabIndex        =   11
33      Top             =   5040
34      Width           =   1452
35   End
36   Begin VB.TextBox tbRetries
37      Height          =   288
38      Left            =   2280
39      TabIndex        =   8
40      Text            =   "1"
41      Top             =   2280
42      Width           =   1212
43   End
44   Begin VB.Frame Frame2
45      Caption         =   "Target"
46      Height          =   2052
47      Left            =   5040
48      TabIndex        =   18
49      Top             =   120
50      Width           =   4692
51      Begin VB.ComboBox cbTargetFilename
52         Height          =   288
53         Left            =   1440
54         TabIndex        =   4
55         Top             =   360
56         Width           =   2652
57      End
58      Begin VB.CommandButton btnTargetBrowse
59         Caption         =   "..."
60         Height          =   252
61         Left            =   4200
62         TabIndex        =   5
63         Top             =   360
64         Width           =   252
65      End
66      Begin VB.ComboBox cbTargetDriver
67         Height          =   288
68         Left            =   1440
69         Style           =   2  'Dropdown List
70         TabIndex        =   6
71         Top             =   720
72         Width           =   2652
73      End
74      Begin VB.ComboBox cbTargetCompression
75         Height          =   288
76         Left            =   1440
77         Style           =   2  'Dropdown List
78         TabIndex        =   7
79         Top             =   1080
80         Width           =   2652
81      End
82      Begin VB.Label Label3
83         Alignment       =   1  'Right Justify
84         Caption         =   "Filename"
85         Height          =   252
86         Left            =   120
87         TabIndex        =   21
88         Top             =   360
89         Width           =   1212
90      End
91      Begin VB.Label Label2
92         Alignment       =   1  'Right Justify
93         Caption         =   "Driver"
94         Height          =   252
95         Left            =   240
96         TabIndex        =   20
97         Top             =   720
98         Width           =   1092
99      End
100      Begin VB.Label Label1
101         Alignment       =   1  'Right Justify
102         Caption         =   "Compression"
103         Height          =   252
104         Left            =   120
105         TabIndex        =   19
106         Top             =   1080
107         Width           =   1212
108      End
109   End
110   Begin VB.CommandButton btnDskID
111      Caption         =   "Identify"
112      Height          =   732
113      Left            =   120
114      TabIndex        =   10
115      Top             =   5040
116      Width           =   1452
117   End
118   Begin VB.ListBox lbResults
119      BeginProperty Font
120         Name            =   "Lucida Console"
121         Size            =   7.8
122         Charset         =   0
123         Weight          =   400
124         Underline       =   0   'False
125         Italic          =   0   'False
126         Strikethrough   =   0   'False
127      EndProperty
128      Height          =   2076
129      Left            =   120
130      TabIndex        =   14
131      Top             =   2640
132      Width           =   9612
133   End
134   Begin VB.Frame Frame1
135      Caption         =   "Source"
136      Height          =   2052
137      Left            =   120
138      TabIndex        =   13
139      Top             =   120
140      Width           =   4692
141      Begin VB.ComboBox cbCompression
142         Height          =   288
143         Left            =   1440
144         Style           =   2  'Dropdown List
145         TabIndex        =   3
146         Top             =   1080
147         Width           =   2652
148      End
149      Begin VB.ComboBox cbDriver
150         Height          =   288
151         Left            =   1440
152         Style           =   2  'Dropdown List
153         TabIndex        =   2
154         Top             =   720
155         Width           =   2652
156      End
157      Begin VB.CommandButton btnSourceBrowse
158         Caption         =   "..."
159         Height          =   252
160         Left            =   4200
161         TabIndex        =   1
162         Top             =   360
163         Width           =   252
164      End
165      Begin VB.ComboBox cbSourceFilename
166         Height          =   288
167         Left            =   1440
168         TabIndex        =   0
169         Top             =   360
170         Width           =   2652
171      End
172      Begin VB.Label labelCompression
173         Alignment       =   1  'Right Justify
174         Caption         =   "Compression"
175         Height          =   252
176         Left            =   120
177         TabIndex        =   17
178         Top             =   1080
179         Width           =   1212
180      End
181      Begin VB.Label labelDriver
182         Alignment       =   1  'Right Justify
183         Caption         =   "Driver"
184         Height          =   252
185         Left            =   240
186         TabIndex        =   16
187         Top             =   720
188         Width           =   1092
189      End
190      Begin VB.Label labelSourceFilename
191         Alignment       =   1  'Right Justify
192         Caption         =   "Filename"
193         Height          =   252
194         Left            =   120
195         TabIndex        =   15
196         Top             =   360
197         Width           =   1212
198      End
199   End
200   Begin VB.Label lblProgress
201      Height          =   492
202      Left            =   4800
203      TabIndex        =   25
204      Top             =   5160
205      Width           =   4932
206   End
207   Begin VB.Label Label5
208      Alignment       =   1  'Right Justify
209      Caption         =   "Override format:"
210      Height          =   252
211      Left            =   3720
212      TabIndex        =   24
213      Top             =   2280
214      Width           =   2052
215   End
216   Begin VB.Label Label4
217      Alignment       =   1  'Right Justify
218      Caption         =   "Retries in case of error"
219      Height          =   252
220      Left            =   240
221      TabIndex        =   23
222      Top             =   2280
223      Width           =   1932
224   End
225   Begin VB.Label lblReport
226      Alignment       =   2  'Center
227      Height          =   252
228      Left            =   120
229      TabIndex        =   22
230      Top             =   4800
231      Width           =   9612
232   End
234Attribute VB_Name = "MainForm"
235Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
236Attribute VB_Creatable = False
237Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
238Attribute VB_Exposed = False
240' *                                                                         *
241' *    LIBDSK: General floppy and diskimage access library                  *
242' *    Copyright (C) 2005  John Elliott <seasip.webmaster@gmail.com>            *
243' *                                                                         *
244' *   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or         *
245' *    modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public          *
246' *    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either         *
247' *    version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.     *
248' *                                                                         *
249' *    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,      *
250' *    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of       *
252' *    Library General Public License for more details.                     *
253' *                                                                         *
254' *    You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public    *
255' *    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free           *
256' *    Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,      *
257' *    MA 02111-1307, USA                                                   *
258' *                                                                         *
259' ***************************************************************************/
262' DSKtools is an example LibDsk client, written in VB, and roughly equivalent
263' to a limited clone of dskform/dskid/dsktrans. There is no error handling;
264' this is example code, not production quality.
267' Implementation of the "Reporter" callback
268Implements LIBDSK.reporter
271Public Sub Reporter_report(ByVal s As String)
272    lblReport.Caption = s
273End Sub
275Public Sub Reporter_endreport()
276    lblReport.Caption = ""
277End Sub
282' VB versions of DSKID, DSKTRANS, DSKFORM
284Private Sub btnDskID_Click()
285    Dim Lib As LIBDSK.Library
286    Dim dsk As LIBDSK.Disk
287    Dim geom As LIBDSK.Geometry
288    Set Lib = New LIBDSK.Library
289    Lib.reporter = Me
291    Let driver = cbDriver.Text
292    If (driver = "(Auto Detect)") Then
293        Let driver = ""
294    End If
295    Let compress = cbCompression.Text
296    If (compress = "(Auto Detect)") Then
297        Let compress = ""
298    End If
300    Set dsk = Lib.open(cbSourceFilename.Text, _
301        driver, compress)
302    dsk.retries = Val(tbRetries.Text)
303    ' XXX Set forcehead
304    Set geom = dsk.get_geometry()
305    Let compress = dsk.compdesc
306    Let driver = dsk.drvdesc
307    Let comment = dsk.comment
308    lbResults.Clear
310    lbResults.AddItem ("Driver:        " + driver)
311    If compress <> "" Then
312        lbResults.AddItem ("Compression:   " + compress)
313    End If
314    If (geom.fm = 0) Then
315        recmode = "MFM"
316    Else
317        recmode = "FM"
318    End If
320    lbResults.AddItem ("Sidedness:    " + Str(geom.Sidedness))
321    lbResults.AddItem ("Cylinders:    " + Str(geom.cylinders))
322    lbResults.AddItem ("Heads:        " + Str(geom.heads))
323    lbResults.AddItem ("Sectors:      " + Str(geom.sectors))
324    lbResults.AddItem ("First sector: " + Str(geom.secbase))
325    lbResults.AddItem ("Sector size:  " + Str(geom.secsize))
326    lbResults.AddItem ("Data rate:    " + Str(geom.DataRate))
327    lbResults.AddItem ("Record mode:  " + recmode)
328    lbResults.AddItem ("R/W gap:      0x" + Hex(geom.rwgap))
329    lbResults.AddItem ("Format gap:   0x" + Hex(geom.fmtgap))
330    Let Status = dsk.drive_status(geom, 0)
331    lbResults.AddItem ("Status:       " + Str(Status))
332    If comment <> "" Then
333        lbResults.AddItem ("Comment:      " + comment)
334    End If
335End Sub
337Private Sub btnDsktrans_Click()
338    Dim Lib As LIBDSK.Library
339    Dim source As LIBDSK.Disk
340    Dim target As LIBDSK.Disk
341    Dim geom As LIBDSK.Geometry
342    Dim geom2 As LIBDSK.Geometry
343    Set Lib = New LIBDSK.Library
344    Lib.reporter = Me
346    Let driver = cbDriver.Text
347    If (driver = "(Auto Detect)") Then
348        Let driver = ""
349    End If
350    Let compress = cbCompression.Text
351    If (compress = "(Auto Detect)") Then
352        Let compress = ""
353    End If
355    Let tdriver = cbTargetDriver.Text
356    If (tdriver = "(Auto Detect)") Then
357        Let tdriver = ""
358    End If
359    Let tcompress = cbTargetCompression.Text
360    If (tcompress = "(None)") Then
361        Let tcompress = ""
362    End If
364    Set source = Lib.open(cbSourceFilename.Text, driver, compress)
365    Set target = Lib.Create(cbTargetFilename.Text, tdriver, tcompress)
366    source.retries = Val(tbRetries.Text)
367    target.retries = Val(tbRetries.Text)
369    If cbFormat.Text = "(Auto Detect)" Then
370        Set geom = source.get_geometry()
371    Else
372        For n = 0 To Lib.stdformat_count - 1
373            Set geom2 = Lib.stdformat(n, name, (desc))
374            If (cbFormat.Text = name + ":" + desc) Then
375                Set geom = geom2
376            End If
377        Next n
378    End If
379    For cylinder = 0 To geom.cylinders - 1
380        For head = 0 To geom.heads - 1
381            Call target.apform(geom, cylinder, head, 229)
382            For sector = 0 To geom.sectors - 1
383                lblProgress.Caption = "Cylinder " + Str(cylinder) + " Head " + Str(head) + " Sector " + Str(sector + geom.secbase)
384                buf = source.pread(geom, cylinder, head, sector + geom.secbase)
385                Call target.pwrite(geom, buf, cylinder, head, sector + geom.secbase)
386            Next sector
387        Next head
388    Next cylinder
389End Sub
392Private Sub btnDskForm_Click()
393    Dim Lib As LIBDSK.Library
394    Dim target As LIBDSK.Disk
395    Dim geom As LIBDSK.Geometry
396    Dim geom2 As LIBDSK.Geometry
397    Set Lib = New LIBDSK.Library
398    Lib.reporter = Me
400    Let tdriver = cbTargetDriver.Text
401    If (tdriver = "(Auto Detect)") Then
402        Let tdriver = ""
403    End If
404    Let tcompress = cbTargetCompression.Text
405    If (tcompress = "(None)") Then
406        Let tcompress = ""
407    End If
409    Set target = Lib.Create(cbTargetFilename.Text, tdriver, tcompress)
410    target.retries = Val(tbRetries.Text)
412    If cbFormat.Text = "(Auto Detect)" Then
413        Set geom = source.get_geometry()
414    Else
415        For n = 0 To Lib.stdformat_count - 1
416            Set geom2 = Lib.stdformat(n, name, (desc))
417            If (cbFormat.Text = name + ":" + desc) Then
418                Set geom = geom2
419            End If
420        Next n
421    End If
422    For cylinder = 0 To geom.cylinders - 1
423        For head = 0 To geom.heads - 1
424            Call target.apform(geom, cylinder, head, 229)
425        Next head
426    Next cylinder
427    ' Real Dskform would now write the boot sector, but we don't bother
428End Sub
433Private Sub btnSourceBrowse_Click()
434    Dim cd As MSComDlg.CommonDialog
436    Set cd = New MSComDlg.CommonDialog
437    cd.FileName = cbSourceFilename.Text
438    cd.MaxFileSize = 2048   ' Set as appropriate
439    cd.Flags = cdlOFNExplorer
440    Call cd.ShowOpen
441    cbSourceFilename.Text = cd.FileName
442End Sub
444Private Sub btnTargetBrowse_Click()
445    Dim cd As MSComDlg.CommonDialog
447    Set cd = New MSComDlg.CommonDialog
448    cd.FileName = cbSourceFilename.Text
449    cd.MaxFileSize = 2048   ' Set as appropriate
450    cd.Flags = cdlOFNExplorer
451    Call cd.ShowOpen
452    cbSourceFilename.Text = cd.FileName
454End Sub
457' Initialise the lists of drive types, compression types and formats.
459Private Sub Form_Load()
460    Dim Lib As LIBDSK.Library
461    Set Lib = New LIBDSK.Library
462    Dim s As String
463    Dim name As String
464    Dim desc As String
466    cbSourceFilename.AddItem ("A:")
467    cbSourceFilename.AddItem ("B:")
468    cbTargetFilename.AddItem ("A:")
469    cbTargetFilename.AddItem ("B:")
471    cbDriver.AddItem ("(Auto Detect)")
472    cbCompression.AddItem ("(Auto Detect)")
473    cbTargetCompression.AddItem ("(None)")
474    Let n = 0
475    While Lib.type_enum(n, s) <> False
476        cbDriver.AddItem (s)
477        cbTargetDriver.AddItem (s)
478        n = n + 1
479    Wend
480    Let n = 0
481    While Lib.comp_enum(n, s) <> False
482        cbCompression.AddItem (s)
483        cbTargetCompression.AddItem (s)
484        n = n + 1
485    Wend
486    cbDriver.ListIndex = 0
487    cbCompression.ListIndex = 0
488    cbTargetDriver.ListIndex = 0
489    cbTargetCompression.ListIndex = 0
491    cbFormat.AddItem ("(Auto Detect)")
492    For n = 0 To Lib.stdformat_count - 1
493        Call Lib.stdformat(n, name, desc)
494        cbFormat.AddItem (name + ":" + desc)
495    Next n
496    cbFormat.ListIndex = 0
497    Lib.reporter = Me
498End Sub