2Alternate speed volume = Alternate speed volume
3Audio backend = API de áudio (requer reiniciar)
4Audio Error = Audio Error
5AudioBufferingForBluetooth = Bluetooth-friendly buffer (slower)
6Auto = Auto
7Device = Device
8Disabled = Disabled
9DSound (compatible) = DSound (compatível)
10Enable Sound = Activar som
11Global volume = Global volume
12Microphone = Microphone
13Microphone Device = Microphone device
14Mute = Mute
15Reverb volume = Reverb volume
16Use new audio devices automatically = Use new audio devices automatically
17Use global volume = Use global volume
18WASAPI (fast) = WASAPI (rápido)
21Analog Axis Sensitivity = Analog axis sensitivity
22Analog Binding = Analog Binding
23Analog Limiter = Limitador do analógico
24Analog Mapper High End = Mapeamento max do analógico (sensibilidade dos eixos)
25Analog Mapper Low End = Mapeamento min do analógico (zona não coberta inversa)
26Analog Mapper Mode = Modo de mapamento do analógico
27Analog Settings = Analog Settings
28Analog Stick = Analógico
29Analog Style = Analog Style
30AnalogLimiter Tip = When the analog limiter button is pressed
31Auto = Auto
32Auto-centering analog stick = Auto-centralização do analógico
33Auto-hide buttons after seconds = Auto-hide buttons after seconds
34Auto-rotation speed = Auto-rotation speed
35Auto-switch = Auto-switch
36Base tilt position = Base tilt position
37Binds = Binds
38Button Binding = Button Binding
39Button Opacity = Opacidade dos botões
40Button style = Estilo dos botões
41Calibrate Analog Stick = Calibrate Analog Stick
42Calibrate D-Pad = Calibrar D-Pad
43Calibrated = Calibrated
44Calibration = Calibração
45Circular stick input = Circular stick input
46Classic = Clássico
47Combo Key Setting = Combo key setting
48Combo Key Setup = Combo key setup
49Confine Mouse = Trap mouse within window/display area
50Control Mapping = Mapeamento dos Controlos
51Custom Key Setting = Custom Key Setting
52Customize = Customize
53Customize Touch Controls = Editar disposição dos controlos de toque...
54Customize tilt = Personalizar inclinação...
55D-PAD = D-Pad
56Deadzone radius = Raio não coberto
57DInput Analog Settings = Configurações do analógico DInput
58Disable D-Pad diagonals (4-way touch) = Desactivar diagonais do D-Pad (4 direcções)
59Disable diagonal input = Disable diagonal input
60Double tap = Double tap
61Enable gesture control = Enable gesture control
62Enable standard shortcut keys = Enable standard shortcut keys
63Gesture = Gesture
64Gesture mapping = Gesture mapping
65Glowing borders = Glowing borders
66HapticFeedback = Resposta háptica (vibração)
67Hide touch analog stick background circle = Hide touch analog stick background circle
68Icon = Icon
69Ignore gamepads when not focused = Ignorar controladores quando não focado
70Ignore Windows Key = Ignorar a tecla Windows
71Invert Axes = Inverter eixos
72Invert Tilt along X axis = Inverter inclinação no eixo X
73Invert Tilt along Y axis = Inverter inclinação no eixo Y
74Keep this button pressed when right analog is pressed = Keep this button pressed when right analog is pressed
75Keyboard = Configurações do teclado
76L/R Trigger Buttons = L/R trigger buttons
77Landscape = Panorâmico
78Landscape Auto = Landscape auto
79Landscape Reversed = Panorâmico invertido
80Low end radius = Low end radius
81Mouse = Mouse settings
82Mouse sensitivity = Mouse sensitivity
83Mouse smoothing = Mouse smoothing
84MouseControl Tip = You can now map mouse in control mapping screen by pressing the 'M' icon.
85None (Disabled) = Nenhum (desactivado)
86Off = Desligado
87OnScreen = Controlos no ecrã
88Portrait = Retrato
89Portrait Reversed = Retrato invertido
90PSP Action Buttons = Botões de acção da PSP
91Raw input = Raw input
92Reset to defaults = Reset to defaults
93Screen aligned to ground = Screen aligned to ground
94Screen at right angle to ground = Screen at right angle to ground
95Screen Rotation = Rotação do ecrã
96seconds, 0 : off = seconds, 0 = off
97Sensitivity (scale) = Sensitivity (scale)
98Sensitivity = Sensibilidade
99Shape = Shape
100Show right analog = Show right analog
101Show Touch Pause Menu Button = Mostrar botão de menu de pausa
102Swipe = Swipe
103Swipe sensitivity = Swipe sensitivity
104Swipe smoothing = Swipe smoothing
105Thin borders = Bordas finas
106Tilt Base Radius = Tilt base radius
107Tilt Input Type = Tipo de input de inclinação
108Tilt Sensitivity along X axis = Sensibilidade da inclinação no eixo X
109Tilt Sensitivity along Y axis = Sensibilidade da inclinação no eixo Y
110To Calibrate = Para calibrar, mantenha o dispositivo numa superfície plana e pressione "Calibrar".
111Toggle mode = Toggle mode
112Touch Control Visibility = Touch control visibility
113Use custom right analog = Use custom right analog
114Use Mouse Control = Use mouse control
115Visibility = Visib.
116Visible = Visible
117X = X
118X + Y = X + Y
119XInput Analog Settings = Configurações de analógico XInput
120Y = Y
123Cheats = Cheats
124Edit Cheat File = Editar ficheiro de cheats
125Enable/Disable All = Activar/Desactivar todos os Cheats
126Import Cheats = Importar de cheat.db
127Options = Opções
128Refresh Rate = Taxa de refrescamento
131# If your language does not show well with the default font, you can use Font to specify a different one.
132# Just add it to your language's ini file and uncomment it (remove the # by Font).
133#Font = Trebuchet MS
134About PPSSPP... = &About PPSSPP...
135Auto = &Auto
136Auto Max Quality = Auto Max &Quality
137Backend = Rendering &Backend (Restarts PPSSPP)
138Bicubic = &Bicubic
139Break = Break
140Break on Load = Break on load
141Buffered Rendering = &Buffered Rendering
142Buy Gold = Buy &Gold
143Control Mapping... = C&ontrol Mapping...
144Debugging = &Debug
145Deposterize = &Deposterize
146Direct3D9 = &Direct3D9
147Direct3D11 = Direct3D &11
148Disassembly = &Disassembly...
149Discord = Discord
150Display Layout Editor = Display layout editor...
151Display Rotation = Display rotation
152Dump Next Frame to Log = D&ump Next Frame to Log
153Emulation = &Emulation
154Enable Chat = Enable chat
155Enable Cheats = Enable &Cheats
156Enable Sound = Enable S&ound
157Exit = E&xit
158Extract File... = E&xtract File...
159File = &File
160Frame Skipping = &Frame skipping
161Frame Skipping Type = Frame skipping type
162Fullscreen = Fu&llscreen
163Game Settings = &Game Settings
164GE Debugger... = GE Debugge&r...
165GitHub = Git&Hub
166Hardware Transform = &Hardware Transform
167Help = &Help
168Hybrid = &Hybrid
169Hybrid + Bicubic = H&ybrid + Bicubic
170Ignore Illegal Reads/Writes = &Ignore Illegal Reads/Writes
171Ignore Windows Key = Ignore Windows Key
172Keep PPSSPP On Top = &Keep PPSSPP on Top
173Landscape = Landscape
174Landscape reversed = Landscape reversed
175Language... = La&nguage...
176Linear = &Linear
177Load = &Load...
178Load .sym File... = Lo&ad .sym File...
179Load Map File... = Load &Map File...
180Load State = L&oad State
181Load State File... = &Load State File...
182Log Console = &Log Console
183Memory View... = Memory &View...
184More Settings... = &More Settings...
185Nearest = &Nearest
186Non-Buffered Rendering = &Skip buffer effects (non-buffered, faster)
187Off = &Off
188Open Chat = Open Chat
189Open Directory... = Open &Directory...
190Open from MS:/PSP/GAME... = O&pen from MS:/PSP/GAME...
191Open Memory Stick = Open &Memory Stick
192Open New Instance = Open new instance
193OpenGL = &OpenGL
194Pause = &Pause
195Pause When Not Focused = &Pause When Not Focused
196Portrait = Portrait
197Portrait reversed = Portrait reversed
198Postprocessing Shader = Postprocessin&g Shader
199PPSSPP Forums = PPSSPP &Forums
200Record = &Record
201Record Audio = Record &audio
202Record Display = Record &display
203Rendering Mode = Rendering M&ode
204Rendering Resolution = &Rendering Resolution
205Reset = R&eset
206Reset Symbol Table = Reset S&ymbol Table
207Run = &Run
208Save .sym File... = Sav&e .sym File...
209Save Map File... = &Save Map File...
210Save State = S&ave State
211Save State File... = &Save State File...
212Savestate Slot = Saves&tate Slot
213Screen Scaling Filter = Scr&een Scaling Filter
214Show Debug Statistics = Show Debu&g Statistics
215Show FPS Counter = Show &FPS Counter
216Skip Number of Frames = Skip number of frames
217Skip Percent of FPS = Skip percent of FPS
218Stop = &Stop
219Switch UMD = Switch UMD
220Take Screenshot = &Take Screenshot
221Texture Filtering = Te&xture Filtering
222Texture Scaling = &Texture Scaling
223Use Lossless Video Codec (FFV1) = &Use lossless video codec (FFV1)
224Use output buffer for video = Use output buffer for video
225Vertex Cache = &Vertex Cache
226VSync = VS&ync
227Vulkan = Vulkan
228Window Size = &Window Size
229www.ppsspp.org = Visit www.&ppsspp.org
230xBRZ = &xBRZ
233Allocator Viewer = Allocator viewer (Vulkan)
234Allow remote debugger = Allow remote debugger
235Backspace = Backspace
236Block address = Endereço do bloco
237By Address = Por endereço
238Copy savestates to memstick root = Copy save states to Memory Stick root
239Create/Open textures.ini file for current game = Create/Open textures.ini file for current game
240Current = Actual
241Dev Tools = Development tools
242DevMenu = DevMenu
243Disabled JIT functionality = Disabled JIT functionality
244Draw Frametimes Graph = Draw frametimes graph
245Dump Decrypted Eboot = Despejar o EBOOT.BIN desencriptado no arranque do jogo
246Dump Frame GPU Commands = Despejar comandos de fotogramas do GPU
247Enable driver bug workarounds = Enable driver bug workarounds
248Enable Logging = Activar log de depuração
249Enter address = Introduzir endereço
250FPU = FPU
251Framedump tests = Framedump tests
252Frame Profiler = Frame profiler
253GPU Driver Test = GPU driver test
254GPU Profile = GPU profile
255Jit Compare = Comparar jit
256JIT debug tools = JIT debug tools
257Language = Linguagem
258Load language ini = Carregar ini de linguagem
259Log Dropped Frame Statistics = Log dropped frame statistics
260Log Level = Nível de log
261Log View = Vista de log
262Logging Channels = Canais de log
263Next = Próximo
264No block = Nenhum bloco
265Prev = Anterior
266Random = Aleatório
267Replace textures = Replace textures
268Reset = Reset
269Reset limited logging = Reset limited logging
270RestoreDefaultSettings = Tem a certeza que deseja restaurar todas as configurações para as suas pre-definições?\nOs mapeamentos de controlos não serão revertidos.\n\nNão poderá reverter esta acção.\nPor favor reinicie o PPSSPP para as modificações terem efeito.
271RestoreGameDefaultSettings = Tem a certeza que deseja restaurar as configurações\nespecíficas do jogo para as pre-definições do PPSSPP?
272Resume = Resume
273Run CPU Tests = Executar testes de CPU
274Save language ini = Gravar ini de linguagem
275Save new textures = Save new textures
276Shader Viewer = Shader viewer
277Show Developer Menu = Mostrar menu do programador
278Show on-screen messages = Show on-screen messages
279Stats = Estatísticas
280System Information = Informação do sistema
281Texture Replacement = Texture replacement
282Toggle Audio Debug = Alternar depuração de áudio
283Toggle Freeze = Alternar congelamento
284Touchscreen Test = Touchscreen test
288* PSP res = * PSP res
289Active = Active
290Back = Voltar
291Cancel = Cancelar
292Center = Center
293ChangingGPUBackends = Alterar a API de GPU requer que o PPSSPP reinicie.\nReiniciar agora?
294ChangingInflightFrames = Changing graphics command buffering requires PPSSPP to restart. Restart now?
295Channel: = Channel:
296Choose PPSSPP save folder = Escolher pasta de gravação do PPSSPP
297Confirm Overwrite = Deseja substituir estes dados?
298Confirm Save = Deseja gravar estes dados?
299ConfirmLoad = Carregar estes dados?
300ConnectingAP = Connecting to the access point.\nPlease wait...
301ConnectingPleaseWait = Connecting.\nPlease wait...
302ConnectionName = Connection name
303Corrupted Data = Corrupted data
304Delete = Apagar
305Delete all = Apagar tudo
306Delete completed = Apagado com sucesso!
307DeleteConfirm = Estes dados de gravação serão apagados. Tem a certeza que quer continuar?
308DeleteConfirmAll = Tem a certeza que deseja apagar\ntodos os seus dados gravados deste jogo?
309DeleteConfirmGame = Tem a certeza que deseja apagar\neste jogo? Não poderá reverter esta acção.
310DeleteConfirmGameConfig = Tem a certeza que deseja\napagar as configurações para este jogo?
311DeleteFailed = Erro ao apagar dados.
312Deleting = A apagar, aguarde...
313Disable All = Disable all
314Dumps = Dumps
315Edit = Edit
316Enable All = Enable all
317Enter = Aceitar
318Filter = Filter
319Finish = Terminar
320GE Frame Dumps = GE Frame Dumps
321Grid = Grid
322Inactive = Inactive
323InternalError = An internal error has occurred.
324Load = Carregar
325Load completed = Carregado com sucesso!
326Loading = A carregar
327LoadingFailed = Erro ao carregar dados.
328Move = Mover
329Network Connection = Ligação de rede
330NEW DATA = Novos dados
331No = Não
332ObtainingIP = Obtaining IP address.\nPlease wait...
333OK = OK
334Old savedata detected = Dados gravados antigos detectados
335Options = Options
336Reset = Reiniciar
337Resize = Redimensionar
338Retry = Tentar novamente
339Save = Gravar
340Save completed = Gravação concluída
341Saving = A gravar jogo, aguarde...
342SavingFailed = Erro ao gravar dados.
343Search = Search
344Select = Seleccionar
345Shift = Shift
346Skip = Skip
347Snap = Snap
348Space = Espaço
350Submit = Submeter
351Supported = Supported
352There is no data = Não há dados
353Toggle All = Marcar todos
354Toggle List = Toggle list
355Unsupported = Unsupported
356When you save, it will load on a PSP, but not an older PPSSPP = Quando gravar, os dados vão carregar numa PSP, mas não num PPSSPP antigo.
357When you save, it will not work on outdated PSP Firmware anymore = When you save, it will not work on outdated PSP firmware anymore
358Yes = Sim
359Zoom = Zoom
3627z file detected (Require 7-Zip) = file is compressed (7z).\nPlease decompress first (try 7-Zip or WinRAR).
363A PSP game couldn't be found on the disc. = A PSP game couldn't be found on the disc.
364Cannot boot ELF located outside mountRoot. = Cannot boot ELF located outside mountRoot.
365Could not save screenshot file = Could not save screenshot file.
366D3D9or11 = Direct3D 9? (or "no" for Direct3D 11)
367D3D11CompilerMissing = D3DCompiler_47.dll not found. Please install. Or press Yes to try again using Direct3D 9 instead.
368D3D11InitializationError = Direct3D 11 initialization error
369D3D11Missing = Your operating system version does not include D3D11. Please run Windows Update.\n\nPress Yes to try again using Direct3D 9 instead.
370D3D11NotSupported = Your GPU does not appear to support Direct3D 11.\n\nWould you like to try again using Direct3D 9 instead?
371Disk full while writing data = Disk full while writing data.
372ELF file truncated - can't load = ELF file truncated - can't load
373Error loading file = Could not load game.
374Error reading file = error reading file.
375Failed initializing CPU/Memory = Failed initializing CPU or memory
376Failed to identify file = failed to identify file.
377Failed to load executable: = Failed to load executable:
378File corrupt = File corrupt
379Game disc read error - ISO corrupt = Game disc read error: ISO corrupt.
380GenericAllStartupError = PPSSPP failed to start up with any graphics backend. Try upgrading your graphics and other drivers.
381GenericBackendSwitchCrash = PPSSPP crashed while starting.\n\nThis usually means a graphics driver problem. Try upgrading your graphics drivers.\n\nGraphics backend has been switched:
382GenericDirect3D9Error = Failed initializing graphics. Try upgrading your graphics drivers and DirectX 9 runtime.\n\nWould you like to try switching to OpenGL?\n\nError message:
383GenericGraphicsError = Graphics Error
384GenericOpenGLError = Failed initializing graphics. Try upgrading your graphics drivers.\n\nWould you like to try switching to DirectX 9?\n\nError message:
385GenericVulkanError = Failed initializing graphics. Try upgrading your graphics drivers.\n\nWould you like to try switching to OpenGL?\n\nError message:
386InsufficientOpenGLDriver = Insufficient OpenGL driver support detected!\n\nYour GPU reports that it does not support OpenGL 2.0. Would you like to try using DirectX instead?\n\nDirectX is currently compatible with less games, but on your GPU it may be the only choice.\n\nVisit the forums at https://forums.ppsspp.org for more information.\n\n
387Just a directory. = just a directory.
388Missing key = Missing key
389MsgErrorCode = Error code:
390MsgErrorSavedataDataBroken = Save data was corrupt.
391MsgErrorSavedataMSFull = Memory Stick full. Check your storage space.
392MsgErrorSavedataNoData = Warning: no save data was found.
393MsgErrorSavedataNoMS = Memory Stick not inserted.
394No EBOOT.PBP, misidentified game = no EBOOT.PBP, misidentified game.
395Not a valid disc image. = Not a valid disc image.
396OpenGLDriverError = OpenGL driver error
397PPSSPP doesn't support UMD Music. = PPSSPP doesn't support UMD Music.
398PPSSPP doesn't support UMD Video. = PPSSPP doesn't support UMD Video.
399PPSSPP plays PSP games, not PlayStation 1 or 2 games. = PPSSPP plays PSP games, not PlayStation 1 or 2 games.
400PPSSPPDoesNotSupportInternet = PPSSPP currently does not support connecting to the Internet for DLC, PSN, or game updates.
401PS1 EBOOTs are not supported by PPSSPP. = PS1 EBOOTs are not supported by PPSSPP.
402PSX game image detected. = File is a MODE2 image. PPSSPP doesn't support PS1 games.
403RAR file detected (Require UnRAR) = file is compressed (RAR).\nPlease decompress first (try UnRAR).
404RAR file detected (Require WINRAR) = file is compressed (RAR).\nPlease decompress first (try WinRAR).
405Running slow: try frameskip, sound is choppy when slow = Running slow: try frameskip, sound is choppy when slow
406Running slow: Try turning off Software Rendering = Running slow: try turning off "software rendering"
407Save encryption failed. This save won't work on real PSP = Save encryption failed. This save won't work on real PSP
408textures.ini filenames may not be cross-platform = "textures.ini" filenames may not be cross-platform.
409This is a saved state, not a game. = This is a saved state, not a game.
410This is save data, not a game. = This is save data, not a game.
411Unable to create cheat file, disk may be full = Unable to create cheat file, disk may be full.
412Unable to initialize rendering engine. = Unable to initialize rendering engine.
413Unable to write savedata, disk may be full = Unable to write savedata, disk may be full.
414Warning: Video memory FULL, reducing upscaling and switching to slow caching mode = Warning: Video memory FULL, reducing upscaling and switching to slow caching mode.
415Warning: Video memory FULL, switching to slow caching mode = Warning: Video memory FULL, switching to slow caching mode.
416ZIP file detected (Require UnRAR) = file is compressed (ZIP).\nPlease decompress first (try UnRAR).
417ZIP file detected (Require WINRAR) = file is compressed (ZIP).\nPlease decompress first (try WinRAR).
420Asia = Asia
421Calculate CRC = Calculate CRC
422ConfirmDelete = Eliminar
423Create Game Config = Criar configuração do jogo
424Create Shortcut = Criar atalho
425Delete Game = Eliminar jogo
426Delete Game Config = Eliminar configuração do jogo
427Delete Save Data = Eliminar dados gravados
428Europe = Europe
429Game = Jogo
430Game Settings = Configurações do jogo
431Homebrew = Homebrew
432Hong Kong = Hong Kong
433InstallData = Instalação de dados
434Japan = Japan
435Korea = Korea
436MB = MB
437One moment please... = One moment please...
438Play = Jogar
439Remove From Recent = Remover de "Recentes"
440SaveData = Dados gravados
441Setting Background = Setting background
442Show In Folder = Mostrar na pasta
443USA = USA
444Use UI background = Use UI background
447% of the void = % of the void
448% of viewport = % of viewport
449%, 0:unlimited = %, 0 = unlimited
450(supersampling) = (supersampling)
451(upscaling) = (upscaling)
4521x PSP = 1× PSP
4532x = 2×
4542x PSP = 2× PSP
4553x = 3×
4563x PSP = 3× PSP
4574x = 4×
4584x PSP = 4× PSP
4595x = 5×
4605x PSP = 5× PSP
4616x PSP = 6× PSP
4627x PSP = 7× PSP
4638x = 8×
4648x PSP = 8× PSP
4659x PSP = 9× PSP
46610x PSP = 10× PSP
46716x = 16×
468Aggressive = Aggressive
469Alternative Speed = Alternative speed (in %, 0 = unlimited)
470Alternative Speed 2 = Alternative speed 2 (in %, 0 = unlimited)
471Anisotropic Filtering = Anisotropic filtering
472Auto = Auto
473Auto (1:1) = Auto (1:1)
474Auto (same as Rendering) = Auto (same as rendering resolution)
475Auto FrameSkip = Auto frameskip
476Auto Max Quality = Auto Max Quality
477Auto Scaling = Auto scaling
478Backend = Backend
479Balanced = Balanced
480Bicubic = Bicubic
481BlockTransfer Tip = Some games require this to be On for correct graphics
482BlockTransferRequired = Warning: This game requires "simulate block transfer effects" to be set to On.
483Both = Both
484Buffer graphics commands (faster, input lag) = Buffer graphics commands (faster, input lag)
485Buffered Rendering = Renderizar buffers
486BufferedRenderingRequired = Warning: This game requires "rendering mode" to be set to "buffered".
487Camera = Camera
488Camera Device = Camera device
489Cardboard Screen Size = Screen size (in % of the viewport)
490Cardboard Screen X Shift = X shift (in % of the blank space)
491Cardboard Screen Y Shift = Y shift (in % of the blank space)
492Cardboard VR Settings = Google Cardboard VR settings
493Cheats = Cheats
494Clear Speedhack = Clear framebuffers on first use (speed hack)
495ClearSpeedhack Tip = Sometimes faster (mostly on mobile devices), may cause glitches
496CPU Core = CPU core
497Debugging = Debugging
498DefaultCPUClockRequired = Warning: This game requires the CPU clock to be set to default.
499Deposterize = Deposterize
500Deposterize Tip = Fixes visual banding glitches in upscaled textures
501Device = Device
502Direct3D 9 = Direct3D 9
503Direct3D 11 = Direct3D 11
504Disable slower effects (speedup) = Disable slower effects (speedup)
505Disabled = Disabled
506Display layout editor = Display layout editor
507Display Resolution (HW scaler) = Display resolution (HW scaler)
508Dump next frame to log = Dump next frame to log
509Enable Cardboard VR = Enable Cardboard VR
510FPS = FPS
511Frame Rate Control = Framerate control
512Frame Skipping = Saltar fotogramas
513Frame Skipping Type = Frame skipping type
514FullScreen = Fullscreen
515Hack Settings = Hack settings (may cause glitches)
516Hardware Tessellation = Hardware tessellation
517Hardware Transform = Transformação por Hardware
518hardware transform error - falling back to software = Hardware transform error, falling back to software
519HardwareTessellation Tip = Uses hardware to make curves
520High = High
521Hybrid = Hybrid
522Hybrid + Bicubic = Hybrid + Bicubic
523Ignore camera notch when centering = Ignore camera notch when centering
524Internal Resolution = Internal resolution
525Lazy texture caching = Lazy texture caching (speedup)
526Linear = Linear
527Low = Low
528LowCurves = Spline/Bezier curves quality
529LowCurves Tip = Only used by some games, controls smoothness of curves
530Lower resolution for effects (reduces artifacts) = Lower resolution for effects (reduces artifacts)
531Manual Scaling = Manual scaling
532Medium = Medium
533Mode = Mode
534Must Restart = You must restart PPSSPP for this change to take effect.
535Native device resolution = Native device resolution
536Nearest = Nearest
537No buffer = No buffer
538Non-Buffered Rendering = Skip buffer effects (non-buffered, faster)
539None = None
540Number of Frames = Number of frames
541Off = Off
542OpenGL = OpenGL
543Overlay Information = Overlay information
544Partial Stretch = Partial stretch
545Percent of FPS = Percent of FPS
546Performance = Performance
547Postprocessing effect = Postprocessing effects
548Postprocessing Shader = Postprocessing shader
549Recreate Activity = Recreate activity
550Render duplicate frames to 60hz = Render duplicate frames to 60 Hz
551RenderDuplicateFrames Tip = Can make framerate smoother in games that run at lower framerates
552Rendering Mode = Rendering mode
553Rendering Resolution = Rendering resolution
554RenderingMode NonBuffered Tip = Faster, but nothing may draw in some games
555Retain changed textures = Retain changed textures (sometimes slower)
556RetainChangedTextures Tip = Makes many games slower, but some games a lot faster
557Rotation = Rotation
558Safe = Safe
559Screen layout = Screen layout
560Screen Scaling Filter = Screen scaling filter
561Show Debug Statistics = Show debug statistics
562Show FPS Counter = Show FPS counter
563Simulate Block Transfer = Simulate block transfer effects
564SoftGPU Tip = Currently VERY slow
565Software Rendering = Software rendering (experimental)
566Software Skinning = Software skinning
567SoftwareSkinning Tip = Combine skinned model draws on the CPU, faster in most games
568Speed = Speed
569Stretching = Stretching
570Texture Filter = Texture filtering
571Texture Filtering = Texture filtering
572Texture Scaling = Texture scaling
573Texture Shader = Texture shader
574Turn off Hardware Tessellation - unsupported = Turn off "hardware tessellation": unsupported
575Unlimited = Unlimited
576Up to 1 = Up to 1
577Up to 2 = Up to 2
578Upscale Level = Upscale level
579Upscale Type = Upscale type
580UpscaleLevel Tip = CPU heavy - some scaling may be delayed to avoid stutter
581Use all displays = Use all displays
582Vertex Cache = Vertex Cache
583VertexCache Tip = Faster, but may cause temporary flicker
584VSync = VSync
585Vulkan = Vulkan
586Window Size = Window size
587xBRZ = xBRZ
590Delete ZIP file = Delete ZIP file
591Install = Install
592Install game from ZIP file? = Install game from ZIP file?
593Install textures from ZIP file? = Install textures from ZIP file?
594Installed! = Installed!
595Texture pack doesn't support install = Texture pack doesn't support install
596Zip archive corrupt = ZIP archive corrupt
597Zip file does not contain PSP software = ZIP file does not contain PSP software
600Autoconfigure = Auto configure
601Autoconfigure for device = Autoconfigure for device
602Bind All = Bind All
603Clear All = Clear all
604Default All = Restore defaults
605Map a new key for = Map a new key for
606Map Key = Map key
607Map Mouse = Map mouse
608Replace = Replace
609Show PSP = Show PSP
610Test Analogs = Test analogs
611You can press ESC to cancel. = You can press Esc to cancel.
614Browse = Browse...
615Buy PPSSPP Gold = Buy PPSSPP Gold
616Choose folder = Choose folder
617Credits = Créditos
618PPSSPP Homebrew Store = PPSSPP Homebrew Store
619Exit = Sair
620Game Settings = Settings
621Games = Games
622Give PPSSPP permission to access storage = Give PPSSPP permission to access storage
623Homebrew & Demos = Homebrew && Demos
624How to get games = How can I get games?
625How to get homebrew & demos = How can I get homebrew && demos?
626Load = Carregar
627Loading... = Loading...
628PinPath = Pin
629PPSSPP can't load games or save right now = PPSSPP can't load games or save right now
630Recent = Recente
631SavesAreTemporary = PPSSPP is saving in temporary storage
632SavesAreTemporaryGuidance = Extract PPSSPP somewhere to save permanently
633SavesAreTemporaryIgnore = Ignore warning
634UnpinPath = Unpin
635UseBrowseOrLoad = Use Browse to choose a folder, or Load to choose a file.
636www.ppsspp.org = www.ppsspp.org
639Audio = Áudio
640Controls = Controlos
641Graphics = Gráficos
642Networking = Networking
643System = Sistema
644Tools = Tools
647Alt speed 1 = Alt speed 1
648Alt speed 2 = Alt speed 2
649An.Down = Analog Down
650An.Left = Analog Left
651An.Right = Analog Right
652An.Up = Analog Up
653Analog limiter = Analog limiter
654Analog Stick = Analog stick
655Audio/Video Recording = Audio/Video recording
656Auto Analog Rotation (CCW) = Auto analog rotation (CCW)
657Auto Analog Rotation (CW) = Auto analog rotation (CW)
658AxisSwap = Axis swap
659Circle = Circle
660Cross = Cross
661Custom 1 = Custom 1
662Custom 10 = Custom 10
663Custom 2 = Custom 2
664Custom 3 = Custom 3
665Custom 4 = Custom 4
666Custom 5 = Custom 5
667Custom 6 = Custom 6
668Custom 7 = Custom 7
669Custom 8 = Custom 8
670Custom 9 = Custom 9
671D-pad down = D-pad down
672D-pad left = D-pad left
673D-pad right = D-pad right
674D-pad up = D-pad up
675DevMenu = DevMenu
676Double tap button = Double tap button
677Down = Dpad Down
678Dpad = Dpad
679Frame Advance = Frame advance
680Hold = Hold
681Home = Home
682L = L
683Left = Dpad Left
684Load State = Load State
685Mute toggle = Mute toggle
686Next Slot = Next Slot
687None = None
688Note = Note
689OpenChat = Open chat
690Pause = Pause
691R = R
692RapidFire = Rapid-fire
693Record = Record
694Remote hold = Remote hold
695Rewind = Rewind
696Right = Dpad Right
697Right Analog Stick = Right Analog Stick
698RightAn.Down = RightAn.Down
699RightAn.Left = RightAn.Left
700RightAn.Right = RightAn.Right
701RightAn.Up = RightAn.Up
702Rotate Analog (CCW) = Rotate analog (CCW)
703Rotate Analog (CW) = Rotate analog (CW)
704Save State = Save State
705Screen = Screen
706Screenshot = Screenshot
707Select = Select
708SpeedToggle = Speed toggle
709Square = Square
710Start = Start
711Swipe Down = Swipe Down
712Swipe Left = Swipe Left
713Swipe Right = Swipe Right
714Swipe Up = Swipe Up
715tap to customize = tap to customize
716Texture Dumping = Texture dumping
717Texture Replacement = Texture replacement
718Toggle Fullscreen = Toggle fullscreen
719Toggle mode = Toggle mode
720Triangle = Triangle
721Fast-forward = Fast-forward
722Up = Dpad Up
723Vol + = Vol +
724Vol - = Vol -
725Wlan = WLAN
728Already contains PSP data = Already contains PSP data
729Create or Choose a PSP folder = Create or Choose a PSP folder
730Current = Current
731DataCanBeShared = Data can be shared between PPSSPP regular/Gold
732DataCannotBeShared = Data CANNOT be shared between PPSSPP regular/Gold!
733DataWillBeLostOnUninstall = Warning! Data will be lost when you uninstall PPSSPP!
734DataWillStay = Data will stay even if you uninstall PPSSPP.
735Done! = Done!
736EasyUSBAccess = Easy USB access
737Failed to move some files! = Failed to move some files!
738Failed to save config = Failed to save config
739Free space = Free space
740Manually specify PSP folder = Manually specify PSP folder
741MemoryStickDescription = Choose where to keep PSP data (Memory Stick)
742Move Data = Move Data
743Selected PSP Data Folder = Selected PSP Data Folder
744No data will be changed = No data will be changed
745PPSSPP will restart after the change = PPSSPP will restart after the change
746Skip for now = Skip for now
747Starting move... = Starting move...
748That folder doesn't work as a memstick folder. = That folder doesn't work as a memstick folder.
749USBAccessThrough = USB access through Android/data/org.ppsspp.ppsspp/files
750USBAccessThroughGold = USB access through Android/data/org.ppsspp.ppssppgold/files
751Use App Private Data = Use App Private Data
752Use PSP folder at root of storage = Use PSP folder at root of storage
753Welcome to PPSSPP! = Welcome to PPSSPP!
754WhatsThis = What's this?
757AdHoc Server = Ad hoc server
758AdhocServer Failed to Bind Port = Ad hoc server failed to bind port
759AM: Data from Unknown Port = AM: Data from Unknown Port
760Auto = Auto
761Bottom Center = Bottom center
762Bottom Left = Bottom left
763Bottom Right = Bottom right
764Center Left = Center left
765Center Right = Center right
766Change Mac Address = Change MAC address
767Change proAdhocServer Address = Change PRO ad hoc server IP address (localhost = multiple instances)
768Chat = Chat
769Chat Button Position = Chat button position
770Chat Here = Chat here
771Chat message = Chat message
772Chat Screen Position = Chat screen position
773Disconnected from AdhocServer = Disconnected from ad hoc server
774DNS Error Resolving = DNS error resolving
775Enable built-in PRO Adhoc Server = Enable built-in PRO ad hoc server
776Enable network chat = Enable network chat
777Enable networking = Enable networking/WLAN (beta, may break games)
778Enable UPnP = Enable UPnP (need a few seconds to detect)
779EnableQuickChat = Enable quick chat
780Enter a new PSP nickname = Enter a new PSP nickname
781Enter Quick Chat 1 = Enter quick chat 1
782Enter Quick Chat 2 = Enter quick chat 2
783Enter Quick Chat 3 = Enter quick chat 3
784Enter Quick Chat 4 = Enter quick chat 4
785Enter Quick Chat 5 = Enter quick chat 5
786Error = Error
787Failed to Bind Localhost IP = Failed to bind localhost IP
788Failed to Bind Port = Failed to bind port
789Failed to connect to Adhoc Server = Failed to connect to ad hoc server
790Forced First Connect = Forced first connect (faster connect)
791GM: Data from Unknown Port = GM: Data from Unknown Port
792Hostname = Hostname
793Invalid IP or hostname = Invalid IP or hostname
794Minimum Timeout = Minimum timeout (override in ms, 0 = default)
795Misc = Miscellaneous (default = PSP compatibility)
796Network Initialized = Network initialized
797None = None
798Please change your Port Offset = Please change your port offset
799Port offset = Port offset(0 = PSP compatibility)
800PPSSPP Ad-Hoc Wiki Page = PPSSPP Ad-Hoc Wiki Page
801proAdhocServer Address: = Ad hoc server address:
802Quick Chat 1 = Quick chat 1
803Quick Chat 2 = Quick chat 2
804Quick Chat 3 = Quick chat 3
805Quick Chat 4 = Quick chat 4
806Quick Chat 5 = Quick chat 5
807QuickChat = Quick chat
808Send = Send
809Send Discord Presence information = Send Discord "Rich Presence" information
810TCP No Delay = TCP No Delay (faster TCP)
811Top Center = Top center
812Top Left = Top left
813Top Right = Top right
814Unable to find UPnP device = Unable to find UPnP device
815UPnP (port-forwarding) = UPnP (port forwarding)
816UPnP need to be reinitialized = UPnP need to be reinitialized
817UPnP use original port = UPnP use original port (enabled = PSP compatibility)
818Validating address... = Validating address...
819WLAN Channel = WLAN channel
820You're in Offline Mode, go to lobby or online hall = You're in offline mode, go to lobby or online hall
823Cheats = Cheats
824Continue = Continuar
825Create Game Config = Create game config
826Delete Game Config = Delete game config
827Exit to menu = Exit to menu
828Game Settings = Game settings
829Load State = Carregar Estado
830Rewind = Rewind
831Save State = Salvar Estado
832Settings = Configurações
833Switch UMD = Switch UMD
834Undo last load = Undo last load
835Undo last save = Undo last save
838(duplicated setting, previous slider will be used) = (duplicated setting, previous slider will be used)
8394xHqGLSL = 4×HQ GLSL
8405xBR = 5xBR
8415xBR-lv2 = 5xBR-lv2
842AAColor = AA-Color
843Amount = Amount
844Black border = Black border
845Bloom = Bloom
846Brightness = Brightness
847Cartoon = Cartoon
848ColorCorrection = Color correction
849Contrast = Contrast
850CRT = CRT scanlines
851FXAA = FXAA Antialiasing
852Gamma = Gamma
853Grayscale = Grayscale
854Intensity = Intensity
855InverseColors = Inverse Colors
856Natural = Natural Colors
857NaturalA = Natural Colors (no blur)
858Off = Off
859Power = Power
860PSPColor = PSP color
861Saturation = Saturation
862Scanlines = Scanlines (CRT)
863Sharpen = Sharpen
864SSAA(Gauss) = Supersampling AA (Gauss)
865Tex4xBRZ = 4xBRZ
867UpscaleSpline36 = Spline36 Upscaler
868VideoSmoothingAA = VideoSmoothingAA
869Vignette = Vignette
872all the forum mods = all the forum mods
873build server = build server
874Buy Gold = Buy Gold
875check = Also check out Dolphin, the best Wii/GC emu around:
876CheckOutPPSSPP = Check out PPSSPP, the awesome PSP emulator: https://www.ppsspp.org/
877contributors = Contributors:
878created = Created by
879Discord = Discord
880info1 = PPSSPP is intended for educational purposes only.
881info2 = Please make sure that you own the rights to any games
882info3 = you play by owning the UMD or by buying the digital
883info4 = download from the PSN store on your real PSP.
884info5 = PSP is a trademark by Sony, Inc.
885iOS builds = iOS builds
886license = Free software under GPL 2.0+
887list = compatibility lists, forums, and development info
888PPSSPP Forums = PPSSPP Forums
889Privacy Policy = Privacy policy
890Share PPSSPP = Share PPSSPP
891specialthanks = Special thanks to:
892specialthanksKeithGalocy = at NVIDIA (hardware, advice)
893specialthanksMaxim = for his amazing Atrac3+ decoder work
894testing = testing
895this translation by = this translation by:
896title = A fast and portable PSP emulator
897tools = Free tools used:
898# Add translators or contributors who translated PPSSPP into your language here.
899# Add translators1-6 for up to 6 lines of translator credits.
900# Leave extra lines blank. 4 contributors per line seems to look best.
901translators1 =
902translators2 =
903translators3 =
904translators4 =
905translators5 =
906translators6 =
907Twitter @PPSSPP_emu = Twitter @PPSSPP_emu
908website = Check out the website:
909written = Written in C++ for speed and portability
912Browse Games = Browse games
913Local Server Port = Local server port
914Manual Mode Client = Manual mode client
915Remote disc streaming = Remote disc streaming
916Remote Port = Remote port
917Remote Server = Remote server
918Remote Subdirectory = Remote subdirectory
919RemoteISODesc = Games in your recent list will be shared
920RemoteISOLoading = Connected, loading game list...
921RemoteISOScanning = Scanning... Click "share games" on your server device
922RemoteISOScanningTimeout = Scanning... check your desktop's firewall settings
923RemoteISOWifi = Note: Connect both devices to the same Wi-Fi network
924RemoteISOWinFirewall = WARNING: Windows Firewall is blocking sharing
925Settings = Settings
926Share Games (Server) = Share games (server)
927Share on PPSSPP startup = Share on PPSSPP startup
928Stop Sharing = Stop sharing
929Stopping.. = Stopping...
932Bad = Bad
933FeedbackCRCCalculating = Disc CRC: Calculating...
934FeedbackCRCValue = Disc CRC: [VALUE]
935FeedbackDelayInfo = Your data is being submitted in the background.
936FeedbackDesc = How's the emulation? Let us and the community know!
937FeedbackDisabled = Compatibility server reports must be enabled.
938FeedbackIncludeCRC = Note: Battery will be used to send a disc CRC
939FeedbackIncludeScreen = Include a screenshot
940FeedbackSubmitDone = Your data has been submitted.
941FeedbackSubmitFail = Could not submit data to server. Try updating PPSSPP.
942FeedbackThanks = Thanks for your feedback!
943Gameplay = Gameplay
944Graphics = Graphics
945Great = Great
946In-game = In-game
947In-game Description = Gets into gameplay, but too buggy to complete
948Menu/Intro = Menu/Intro
949Menu/Intro Description = Can't get into the game itself
950Nothing = Nothing
951Nothing Description = Completely broken
952OK = OK
953Open Browser = Open browser
954Overall = Overall
955Perfect = Perfect
956Perfect Description = Flawless emulation for the entire game - great!
957Plays = Plays
958Plays Description = Fully playable but might be with glitches
959ReportButton = Report feedback
960Show disc CRC = Show disc CRC
961Speed = Speed
962Submit Feedback = Submit feedback
963SuggestionConfig = See reports on website for good settings.
964SuggestionCPUSpeed0 = Disable locked CPU speed setting.
965SuggestionDowngrade = Downgrade to an older PPSSPP version (please report this bug).
966SuggestionsFound = Other users have reported better results. Tap "View Feedback" for more detail.
967SuggestionsNone = This game isn't working for other users too.
968SuggestionsWaiting = Submitting and checking other users feedback...
969SuggestionUpgrade = Upgrade to a newer PPSSPP build.
970SuggestionVerifyDisc = Check your ISO is a good copy of your disc.
971Unselected Overall Description = How well does this game emulate?
972View Feedback = View all feedbacks
975Date = Date
976Filename = Filename
977No screenshot = No screenshot
978None yet. Things will appear here after you save. = None yet. Things will appear here after you save.
979Nothing matching '%1' was found. = Nothing matching '%1' was found.
980Save Data = Save data
981Save States = Save states
982Savedata Manager = Savedata manager
983Showing matches for '%1'. = Showing matches for '%1'.
984Size = Size
987Cardboard VR OFF = Cardboard VR off
988Chainfire3DWarning = WARNING: Chainfire3D detected, may cause problems.
989Failed to load state = Failed to load state
990Failed to save state = Failed to save state
991fixed = Speed: alternate
992GLToolsWarning = WARNING: GLTools detected, may cause problems.
993In menu = In menu
994Load savestate failed = Load savestate failed
995Loaded State = State loaded
996Loaded. Game may refuse to save over different savedata. = Loaded. Game may refuse to save over different savedata.
997Loaded. Game may refuse to save over newer savedata. = Loaded. Game may refuse to save over newer savedata.
998Loaded. Save in game, restart, and load for less bugs. = Loaded. Save in game, restart, and load for less bugs.
999LoadStateDoesntExist = Failed to load state: Savestate doesn't exist!
1000LoadStateWrongVersion = Failed to load state: Savestate is for an older version of PPSSPP!
1001norewind = No rewind save states available.
1002Playing = Playing
1003PressESC = Press ESC to open the pause menu.
1004replaceTextures_false = Textures no longer are being replaced.
1005replaceTextures_true = Texture replacement is enabled.
1006Save State Failed = Failed to save state!
1007Saved State = State saved
1008saveNewTextures_false = Texture saving was disabled.
1009saveNewTextures_true = Textures will now be saved to your storage.
1010SpeedCustom2 = Speed: alternate 2
1011standard = Speed: standard
1012State load undone = State load undone
1013Untitled PSP game = Untitled PSP game
1016Already Installed = Já instalado
1017Connection Error = Erro de conexão
1018Install = Instalar
1019Launch Game = Lançar jogo
1020Loading... = A carregar...
1021MB = MB
1022Size = Tamanho
1023Uninstall = Desinstalar
1026%d (%d per core, %d cores) = %d (%d per core, %d cores)
1027%d bytes = %d bytes
1028(none detected) = (none detected)
10293D API = 3D API
1030ABI = ABI
1031API Version = API version
1032Audio Information = Audio information
1033Board = Board
1034Build Config = Build config
1035Build Configuration = Build Configuration
1036Built by = Built by
1037Core Context = Core context
1038Cores = Cores
1039CPU Extensions = CPU extensions
1040CPU Information = CPU information
1041CPU Name = Name
1042D3DCompiler Version = D3DCompiler version
1043Debug = Debug
1044Debugger Present = Debugger present
1045Device Info = Device info
1046Directories = Directories
1047Display Information = Display information
1048Driver Version = Driver version
1049EGL Extensions = EGL extensions
1050Frames per buffer = Frames per buffer
1051GPU Information = GPU information
1052High precision float range = High precision float range
1053High precision int range = High precision int range
1054Lang/Region = Lang/Region
1055Memory Page Size = Memory page size
1056Native Resolution = Native resolution
1057OGL Extensions = OGL extensions
1058OpenGL ES 2.0 Extensions = OpenGL ES 2.0 extensions
1059OpenGL ES 3.0 Extensions = OpenGL ES 3.0 extensions
1060OpenGL Extensions = OpenGL extensions
1061Optimal frames per buffer = Optimal frames per buffer
1062Optimal sample rate = Optimal sample rate
1063OS Information = OS information
1064PPSSPP build = PPSSPP build
1065Refresh rate = Refresh rate
1066Release = Release
1067RW/RX exclusive = RW/RX exclusive
1068Sample rate = Sample rate
1069Shading Language = Shading language
1070Storage = Storage
1071Sustained perf mode = Sustained perf mode
1072System Information = System information
1073System Name = Name
1074System Version = System version
1075Threads = Threads
1076Vendor = Vendor
1077Vendor (detected) = Vendor (detected)
1078Version Information = Version information
1079Vulkan Extensions = Vulkan extensions
1080Vulkan Features = Vulkan features
1083(broken) = (broken)
108412HR = 12HR
108524HR = 24HR
1086Auto = Auto
1087Auto Load Savestate = Auto load savestate
1088AVI Dump started. = AVI dump started
1089AVI Dump stopped. = AVI dump stopped
1090Cache ISO in RAM = Carregar toda a ISO em RAM
1091Change CPU Clock = Alterar relógio emulado do CPU da PSP (unstable)
1092Error: load undo state is from a different game = Error: load undo state is from a different game
1093Failed to load state for load undo. Error in the file system. = Failed to load state for load undo. Error in the file system.
1094Floating symbols = Floating symbols
1095Memory Stick folder = Memory Stick folder
1096Memory Stick size = Memory Stick size
1097Change Nickname = Alterar alcunha
1098ChangingMemstickPath = Save games, save states, and other data will not be copied to this folder.\n\nChange the Memory Stick folder?
1099ChangingMemstickPathInvalid = That path couldn't be used to save Memory Stick files.
1100ChangingMemstickPathNotExists = That folder doesn't exist yet.\n\nSave games, save states, and other data will not be copied to this folder.\n\nCreate a new Memory Stick folder?
1101Cheats = Cheats
1102Clear Recent = Clear "Recent"
1103Clear Recent Games List = Limpar lista de jogos recentes
1104Clear UI background = Clear UI background
1105Confirmation Button = Botão de confirmação
1106Date Format = Formato da data
1107Day Light Saving = Horário de verão
1109Decrease size = Decrease size
1110Developer Tools = Ferramentas de programador
1111Display Extra Info = Display extra info
1112Display Games on a grid = Display "Games" on a grid
1113Display Homebrew on a grid = Display "Homebrew && Demos" on a grid
1114Display Recent on a grid = Display "Recent" on a grid
1115Dynarec (JIT) = Dynarec (JIT)
1116Emulation = Emulação
1117Enable Cheats = Activar cheats
1118Enable Compatibility Server Reports = Enviar de relatórios de compatibilidade para o servidor
1119Failed to load state. Error in the file system. = Erro ao carregar estado. Erro no sistema de ficheiros.
1120Failed to save state. Error in the file system. = Failed to save state. Error in the file system.
1121Fast (lag on slow storage) = Rápido (latência em armaz. lento)
1122Fast Memory = Memória rápida
1123Force real clock sync (slower, less lag) = Forçar sinc. com relógio real (lento, menos latência)
1124frames, 0:off = frames, 0 = off
1125Games list settings = Games list settings
1126General = Geral
1127Grid icon size = Grid icon size
1128Help the PPSSPP team = Ajude a equipa do PPSSPP
1129Host (bugs, less lag) = Anfitrião (bugs, menos latência)
1130I/O on thread (experimental) = I/O on thread (experimental)
1131Ignore bad memory accesses = Ignore bad memory accesses
1132Increase size = Increase size
1133Interpreter = Interpreter
1134IO timing method = Método de timing de I/O
1135IR Interpreter = IR interpreter
1136Memory Stick Folder = Memory Stick folder
1137Memory Stick inserted = Memory Stick inserted
1138MHz, 0:default = MHz, 0 = default
1140Moving background = Moving background
1141Newest Save = Newest save
1142No animation = No animation
1143Not a PSP game = Não é um jogo de PSP
1144Off = Off
1145Oldest Save = Oldest save
1146Path does not exist! = Path does not exist!
1147PSP Memory Stick = PSP Memory Stick
1148PSP Model = Modelo da PSP
1149PSP Settings = Configurações da PSP
1150PSP-1000 = PSP-1000
1151PSP-2000/3000 = PSP-2000/3000
1152Recent games = Recent games
1153Record Audio = Record audio
1154Record Display = Record display
1155Reset Recording on Save/Load State = Reset recording on Save/Load state
1156Restore Default Settings = Restaurar configurações por omissão da PPSSPP
1157Rewind Snapshot Frequency = Frequência de snapshots de rebobinação (mem hog)
1158Save path in installed.txt = Gravar caminho em installed.txt
1159Save path in My Documents = Gravar caminho em Meus Documentos
1160Savestate Slot = Espaço de gravações de estado
1161Savestate slot backups = Savestate slot backups
1162Screenshots as PNG = Gravar capturas de ecrã no formato PNG
1163Set UI background... = Set UI background...
1164Show ID = Show ID
1165Show region flag = Show region flag
1166Simulate UMD delays = Simular atrasos do UMD
1167Slot 1 = Slot 1
1168Slot 2 = Slot 2
1169Slot 3 = Slot 3
1170Slot 4 = Slot 4
1171Slot 5 = Slot 5
1172Storage full = Armazenamento cheio
1173Sustained performance mode = Sustained performance mode
1174Time Format = Formato da hora
1175UI = Interface de usuário
1176UI background animation = UI background animation
1177UI Sound = UI sound
1178undo %c = backup %c
1179USB = USB
1180Use Lossless Video Codec (FFV1) = Use lossless video codec (FFV1)
1181Use O to confirm = Usar O para confirmar
1182Use output buffer (with overlay) for recording = Use output buffer (with overlay) for recording
1183Use system native keyboard = Use system native keyboard
1184Use X to confirm = Usar X para confirmar
1185VersionCheck = Verificar actualizações do PPSSPP
1186WARNING: Android battery save mode is on = WARNING: Android battery save mode is On
1187WARNING: Battery save mode is on = WARNING: Battery save mode is on
1188Waves = Waves
1192Details = Details
1193Dismiss = Ignorar
1194Download = Descarregar
1195New version of PPSSPP available = Está disponível uma nova versão do PPSSPP