1 /******************************************************************************
2  *                               FREXXWARE
3  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4  *
5  * Project: Frexx C Preprocessor
6  * $Source: /home/user/start/cpp/RCS/cpp.h,v $
7  * $Revision: 1.3 $
8  * $Date: 1993/12/06 13:51:20 $
9  * $Author: start $
10  * $State: Exp $
11  * $Locker: start $
12  *
13  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
14  * $Log: cpp.h,v $
15  * Revision 1.3  1993/12/06  13:51:20  start
16  * A lot of new stuff (too much to mention)
17  *
18  * Revision 1.2  1993/11/11  07:16:39  start
19  * New stuff
20  *
21  * Revision 1.2  1993/11/11  07:16:39  start
22  * New stuff
23  *
24  * Revision 1.1  1993/11/03  09:15:59  start
25  * Initial revision
26  *
27  *
28  *****************************************************************************/
30 /*
31  *	I n t e r n a l   D e f i n i t i o n s    f o r   C P P
32  *
33  * In general, definitions in this file should not be changed.
34  */
36 #include <stdio.h>
37 #include <stdlib.h>
38 #include <string.h>
40 #ifndef fpp_toupper
41 #define fpp_toupper(c) ((c) + ('A' - 'a'))
42 #endif /* no fpp_toupper */
43 #ifndef fpp_tolower
44 #define fpp_tolower(c) ((c) + ('a' - 'A'))
45 #endif /* no fpp_tolower */
47 #ifndef FPP_TRUE
48 #define FPP_TRUE		1
49 #define FPP_FALSE		0
50 #endif
51 #ifndef EOS
52 /*
53  * This is predefined in Decus C
54  */
55 #define EOS		'\0'            /* End of string                */
56 #endif
57 #define EOF_CHAR	0		/* Returned by fpp_get() on eof     */
58 #define NULLST		((char *) NULL) /* Pointer to nowhere (linted)  */
59 #define DEF_NOARGS	(-1)            /* #define foo vs #define foo() */
61 /*
62  * The following may need to change if the host system doesn't use ASCII.
63  */
64 #define QUOTE_PARM	0x1C		/* Magic quoting operator	*/
65 #define DEF_MAGIC	0x1D		/* Magic for #defines		*/
66 #define TOK_SEP 	0x1E		/* Token concatenation delim.	*/
67 #define COM_SEP 	0x1F		/* Magic comment separator	*/
69 /*
70  * Note -- in Ascii, the following will map macro formals onto DEL + the
71  * C1 control character region (decimal 128 .. (128 + PAR_MAC)) which will
72  * be ok as long as PAR_MAC is less than 33).  Note that the last PAR_MAC
73  * value is reserved for string substitution.
74  */
76 #define MAC_PARM	0x7F		/* Macro formals start here	*/
77 #ifndef OS9
78 #if (PAR_MAC >= 33)
79 #error	"assertion fails -- PAR_MAC isn't less than 33"
81 #endif
82 #endif
83 #define LASTPARM	(PAR_MAC - 1)
85 /*
86  * Character type codes.
87  */
89 #define INV		0		/* Invalid, must be zero	*/
90 #define OP_EOE		INV		/* End of expression		*/
91 #define DIG		1		/* Digit			*/
92 #define LET		2		/* Identifier start		*/
94 #define OP_ADD		3
95 #define OP_SUB		4
96 #define OP_MUL		5
97 #define OP_DIV		6
98 #define OP_MOD		7
99 #define OP_ASL		8
100 #define OP_ASR		9
101 #define OP_AND		10		/* &, not &&			*/
102 #define OP_OR		11		/* |, not ||			*/
103 #define OP_XOR		12
104 #define OP_EQ		13
105 #define OP_NE		14
106 #define OP_LT		15
107 #define OP_LE		16
108 #define OP_GE		17
109 #define OP_GT		18
110 #define OP_ANA		19		/* &&				*/
111 #define OP_ORO		20		/* ||				*/
112 #define OP_QUE		21		/* ?				*/
113 #define OP_COL		22		/* :				*/
114 #define OP_CMA		23		/* , (relevant?)                */
115 #define LAST_BINOP	OP_CMA		/* Last binary operand		*/
116 /*
117  * The following are unary.
118  */
119 #define FIRST_UNOP	OP_PLU		/* First Unary operand		*/
120 #define OP_PLU		24		/* + (draft ANSI standard)      */
121 #define OP_NEG		25		/* -				*/
122 #define OP_COM		26		/* ~				*/
123 #define OP_NOT		27		/* !				*/
124 #define LAST_UNOP	OP_NOT
125 #define OP_LPA		28		/* (                            */
126 #define OP_RPA		29		/* )				*/
127 #define OP_END		30		/* End of expression marker	*/
128 #define OP_MAX		(OP_END + 1)    /* Number of operators          */
129 #define OP_FAIL 	(OP_END + 1)    /* For error returns            */
131 /*
132  * The following are for lexical scanning only.
133  */
135 #define QUO		65		/* Both flavors of quotation	*/
136 #define DOT		66		/* . might start a number	*/
137 #define SPA		67		/* Space and tab		*/
138 #define BSH		68		/* Just a backslash		*/
139 #define END		69		/* EOF				*/
141 /*
142  * These bits are set in ifstack[]
143  */
144 #define WAS_COMPILING	1		/* FPP_TRUE if compile set at entry */
145 #define ELSE_SEEN	2		/* FPP_TRUE when #else processed	*/
146 #define FPP_TRUE_SEEN	4		/* FPP_TRUE when #if FPP_TRUE processed */
148 /*
149  * Define bits for the basic types and their adjectives
150  */
152 #define T_CHAR		  1
153 #define T_INT		  2
154 #define T_FLOAT 	  4
155 #define T_DOUBLE	  8
156 #define T_SHORT 	 16
157 #define T_LONG		 32
158 #define T_SIGNED	 64
159 #define T_UNSIGNED	128
160 #define T_PTR		256		/* Pointer			*/
161 #define T_FPTR		512		/* Pointer to functions 	*/
163 /*
164  * The DEFBUF structure stores information about #defined
165  * macros.  Note that the defbuf->repl information is always
166  * in malloc storage.
167  */
169 typedef struct defbuf {
170 	struct defbuf	*link;		/* Next define in chain */
171 	char		*repl;		/* -> replacement	*/
172 	int		hash;		/* Symbol table hash	*/
173 	int		nargs;		/* For define(args)     */
174 	char		name[1];	/* #define name 	*/
175 } DEFBUF;
177 /*
178  * The FILEINFO structure stores information about open files
179  * and macros being expanded.
180  */
182 typedef struct fileinfo {
183 	char		*bptr;		/* Buffer pointer	*/
184 	int		line;		/* for include or macro */
185 	FILE		*fp;		/* File if non-null	*/
186 	struct fileinfo *parent;	/* Link to includer	*/
187 	char		*filename;	/* File/macro name	*/
188 	char		*progname;	/* From #line statement */
189 	unsigned int	unrecur;	/* For macro recursion	*/
190 	char		buffer[1];	/* current input line	*/
193 /*
194  * The SIZES structure is used to store the values for #if sizeof
195  */
197 typedef struct sizes {
198     short	bits;			/* If this bit is set,		*/
199     short	size;			/* this is the datum size value */
200     short	psize;			/* this is the pointer size	*/
201 } SIZES;
202 /*
203  * nomacarg is a built-in #define on Decus C.
204  */
206 #ifdef	nomacarg
207 #define cput		generate		/* cput concatenates tokens	*/
208 #else
210 #define cput(c)         { if (c != TOK_SEP && c != COM_SEP) putchar(c); }
211 #else
212 #define cput(c)         { if (c != TOK_SEP) putchar(c); }
213 #endif
214 #endif
216 #ifndef nomacarg
217 #define streq(s1, s2)   (strcmp(s1, s2) == 0)
218 #endif
220 /*
221  * Note: IO_NORMAL and IO_ERROR are defined in the Decus C stdio.h file
222  */
223 #ifndef IO_NORMAL
224 #define IO_NORMAL	0
225 #endif
226 #ifndef IO_ERROR
227 #define IO_ERROR	1
228 #endif
230 /*
231  * Externs
232  */
234 #include "fpp.h"    /* structs and defines */
235 #include "cppadd.h" /* Added prototypes for ANSI complience! */
237 #ifdef AMIGA
238 #include <dos.h>
239 extern int _OSERR;
240 #endif
242 extern char	type[]; 		/* Character classifier 	*/
244 #define compiling global->ifstack[0]
245 #if	DEBUG
246 extern int	debug;			/* Debug level			*/
247 #endif
248 extern SIZES	size_table[];		/* For #if sizeof sizes 	*/
250 #define MAX_SPACE_SIZE 512 /* maximum number of whitespaces possible
251                               to remember */