1 /**
2  * @file  SFMT.c
3  * @brief SIMD oriented Fast Mersenne Twister(SFMT)
4  *
5  * @author Mutsuo Saito (Hiroshima University)
6  * @author Makoto Matsumoto (Hiroshima University)
7  *
8  * Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Mutsuo Saito, Makoto Matsumoto and Hiroshima
9  * University.
10  * Copyright (C) 2012 Mutsuo Saito, Makoto Matsumoto, Hiroshima
11  * University and The University of Tokyo.
12  * Copyright (C) 2013 Mutsuo Saito, Makoto Matsumoto and Hiroshima
13  * University.
14  * All rights reserved.
15  *
16  * The 3-clause BSD License is applied to this software, see
17  * LICENSE.txt
18  */
20 #if defined(__cplusplus)
21 extern "C" {
22 #endif
24 #include <string.h>
25 #include <assert.h>
26 #include "SFMT.h"
27 #include "SFMT-params.h"
28 #include "SFMT-common.h"
30 #if defined(__BIG_ENDIAN__) && !defined(__amd64) && !defined(BIG_ENDIAN64)
31 #define BIG_ENDIAN64 1
32 #endif
33 #if defined(HAVE_ALTIVEC) && !defined(BIG_ENDIAN64)
34 #define BIG_ENDIAN64 1
35 #endif
36 #if defined(ONLY64) && !defined(BIG_ENDIAN64)
37   #if defined(__GNUC__)
38     #error "-DONLY64 must be specified with -DBIG_ENDIAN64"
39   #endif
40 #undef ONLY64
41 #endif
43 /**
44  * parameters used by sse2.
45  */
46 static const w128_t sse2_param_mask = {{SFMT_MSK1, SFMT_MSK2,
47                                         SFMT_MSK3, SFMT_MSK4}};
48 /*----------------
50   ----------------*/
51 inline static int idxof(int i);
52 inline static void gen_rand_array(sfmt_t * sfmt, w128_t *array, int size);
53 inline static uint32_t func1(uint32_t x);
54 inline static uint32_t func2(uint32_t x);
55 static void period_certification(sfmt_t * sfmt);
56 #if defined(BIG_ENDIAN64) && !defined(ONLY64)
57 inline static void swap(w128_t *array, int size);
58 #endif
60 #if defined(HAVE_ALTIVEC)
61   #include "SFMT-alti.h"
62 #elif defined(HAVE_SSE2)
63   #if defined(_MSC_VER)
64     #include "SFMT-sse2-msc.h"
65   #else
66     #include "SFMT-sse2.h"
67   #endif
68 #endif
70 /**
71  * This function simulate a 64-bit index of LITTLE ENDIAN
72  * in BIG ENDIAN machine.
73  */
74 #ifdef ONLY64
75 inline static int idxof(int i) {
76     return i ^ 1;
77 }
78 #else
79 inline static int idxof(int i) {
80     return i;
81 }
82 #endif
84 #if (!defined(HAVE_ALTIVEC)) && (!defined(HAVE_SSE2))
85 /**
86  * This function fills the user-specified array with pseudorandom
87  * integers.
88  *
89  * @param sfmt SFMT internal state
90  * @param array an 128-bit array to be filled by pseudorandom numbers.
91  * @param size number of 128-bit pseudorandom numbers to be generated.
92  */
93 inline static void gen_rand_array(sfmt_t * sfmt, w128_t *array, int size) {
94     int i, j;
95     w128_t *r1, *r2;
97     r1 = &sfmt->state[SFMT_N - 2];
98     r2 = &sfmt->state[SFMT_N - 1];
99     for (i = 0; i < SFMT_N - SFMT_POS1; i++) {
100         do_recursion(&array[i], &sfmt->state[i], &sfmt->state[i + SFMT_POS1], r1, r2);
101         r1 = r2;
102         r2 = &array[i];
103     }
104     for (; i < SFMT_N; i++) {
105         do_recursion(&array[i], &sfmt->state[i],
106                      &array[i + SFMT_POS1 - SFMT_N], r1, r2);
107         r1 = r2;
108         r2 = &array[i];
109     }
110     for (; i < size - SFMT_N; i++) {
111         do_recursion(&array[i], &array[i - SFMT_N],
112                      &array[i + SFMT_POS1 - SFMT_N], r1, r2);
113         r1 = r2;
114         r2 = &array[i];
115     }
116     for (j = 0; j < 2 * SFMT_N - size; j++) {
117         sfmt->state[j] = array[j + size - SFMT_N];
118     }
119     for (; i < size; i++, j++) {
120         do_recursion(&array[i], &array[i - SFMT_N],
121                      &array[i + SFMT_POS1 - SFMT_N], r1, r2);
122         r1 = r2;
123         r2 = &array[i];
124         sfmt->state[j] = array[i];
125     }
126 }
127 #endif
129 #if defined(BIG_ENDIAN64) && !defined(ONLY64) && !defined(HAVE_ALTIVEC)
130 inline static void swap(w128_t *array, int size) {
131     int i;
132     uint32_t x, y;
134     for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
135         x = array[i].u[0];
136         y = array[i].u[2];
137         array[i].u[0] = array[i].u[1];
138         array[i].u[2] = array[i].u[3];
139         array[i].u[1] = x;
140         array[i].u[3] = y;
141     }
142 }
143 #endif
144 /**
145  * This function represents a function used in the initialization
146  * by init_by_array
147  * @param x 32-bit integer
148  * @return 32-bit integer
149  */
150 static uint32_t func1(uint32_t x) {
151     return (x ^ (x >> 27)) * (uint32_t)1664525UL;
152 }
154 /**
155  * This function represents a function used in the initialization
156  * by init_by_array
157  * @param x 32-bit integer
158  * @return 32-bit integer
159  */
160 static uint32_t func2(uint32_t x) {
161     return (x ^ (x >> 27)) * (uint32_t)1566083941UL;
162 }
164 /**
165  * This function certificate the period of 2^{MEXP}
166  * @param sfmt SFMT internal state
167  */
168 static void period_certification(sfmt_t * sfmt) {
169     int inner = 0;
170     int i, j;
171     uint32_t work;
172     uint32_t *psfmt32 = &sfmt->state[0].u[0];
173     const uint32_t parity[4] = {SFMT_PARITY1, SFMT_PARITY2,
174                                 SFMT_PARITY3, SFMT_PARITY4};
176     for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
177         inner ^= psfmt32[idxof(i)] & parity[i];
178     for (i = 16; i > 0; i >>= 1)
179         inner ^= inner >> i;
180     inner &= 1;
181     /* check OK */
182     if (inner == 1) {
183         return;
184     }
185     /* check NG, and modification */
186     for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
187         work = 1;
188         for (j = 0; j < 32; j++) {
189             if ((work & parity[i]) != 0) {
190                 psfmt32[idxof(i)] ^= work;
191                 return;
192             }
193             work = work << 1;
194         }
195     }
196 }
198 /*----------------
200   ----------------*/
201 #define UNUSED_VARIABLE(x) (void)(x)
202 /**
203  * This function returns the identification string.
204  * The string shows the word size, the Mersenne exponent,
205  * and all parameters of this generator.
206  * @param sfmt SFMT internal state
207  */
208 const char *sfmt_get_idstring(sfmt_t * sfmt) {
209     UNUSED_VARIABLE(sfmt);
210     return SFMT_IDSTR;
211 }
213 /**
214  * This function returns the minimum size of array used for \b
215  * fill_array32() function.
216  * @param sfmt SFMT internal state
217  * @return minimum size of array used for fill_array32() function.
218  */
219 int sfmt_get_min_array_size32(sfmt_t * sfmt) {
220     UNUSED_VARIABLE(sfmt);
221     return SFMT_N32;
222 }
224 /**
225  * This function returns the minimum size of array used for \b
226  * fill_array64() function.
227  * @param sfmt SFMT internal state
228  * @return minimum size of array used for fill_array64() function.
229  */
230 int sfmt_get_min_array_size64(sfmt_t * sfmt) {
231     UNUSED_VARIABLE(sfmt);
232     return SFMT_N64;
233 }
235 #if !defined(HAVE_SSE2) && !defined(HAVE_ALTIVEC)
236 /**
237  * This function fills the internal state array with pseudorandom
238  * integers.
239  * @param sfmt SFMT internal state
240  */
241 void sfmt_gen_rand_all(sfmt_t * sfmt) {
242     int i;
243     w128_t *r1, *r2;
245     r1 = &sfmt->state[SFMT_N - 2];
246     r2 = &sfmt->state[SFMT_N - 1];
247     for (i = 0; i < SFMT_N - SFMT_POS1; i++) {
248         do_recursion(&sfmt->state[i], &sfmt->state[i],
249                      &sfmt->state[i + SFMT_POS1], r1, r2);
250         r1 = r2;
251         r2 = &sfmt->state[i];
252     }
253     for (; i < SFMT_N; i++) {
254         do_recursion(&sfmt->state[i], &sfmt->state[i],
255                      &sfmt->state[i + SFMT_POS1 - SFMT_N], r1, r2);
256         r1 = r2;
257         r2 = &sfmt->state[i];
258     }
259 }
260 #endif
262 #ifndef ONLY64
263 /**
264  * This function generates pseudorandom 32-bit integers in the
265  * specified array[] by one call. The number of pseudorandom integers
266  * is specified by the argument size, which must be at least 624 and a
267  * multiple of four.  The generation by this function is much faster
268  * than the following gen_rand function.
269  *
270  * For initialization, init_gen_rand or init_by_array must be called
271  * before the first call of this function. This function can not be
272  * used after calling gen_rand function, without initialization.
273  *
274  * @param sfmt SFMT internal state
275  * @param array an array where pseudorandom 32-bit integers are filled
276  * by this function.  The pointer to the array must be \b "aligned"
277  * (namely, must be a multiple of 16) in the SIMD version, since it
278  * refers to the address of a 128-bit integer.  In the standard C
279  * version, the pointer is arbitrary.
280  *
281  * @param size the number of 32-bit pseudorandom integers to be
282  * generated.  size must be a multiple of 4, and greater than or equal
283  * to (MEXP / 128 + 1) * 4.
284  *
285  * @note \b memalign or \b posix_memalign is available to get aligned
286  * memory. Mac OSX doesn't have these functions, but \b malloc of OSX
287  * returns the pointer to the aligned memory block.
288  */
289 void sfmt_fill_array32(sfmt_t * sfmt, uint32_t *array, int size) {
290     assert(sfmt->idx == SFMT_N32);
291     assert(size % 4 == 0);
292     assert(size >= SFMT_N32);
294     gen_rand_array(sfmt, (w128_t *)array, size / 4);
295     sfmt->idx = SFMT_N32;
296 }
297 #endif
299 /**
300  * This function generates pseudorandom 64-bit integers in the
301  * specified array[] by one call. The number of pseudorandom integers
302  * is specified by the argument size, which must be at least 312 and a
303  * multiple of two.  The generation by this function is much faster
304  * than the following gen_rand function.
305  *
306  * @param sfmt SFMT internal state
307  * For initialization, init_gen_rand or init_by_array must be called
308  * before the first call of this function. This function can not be
309  * used after calling gen_rand function, without initialization.
310  *
311  * @param array an array where pseudorandom 64-bit integers are filled
312  * by this function.  The pointer to the array must be "aligned"
313  * (namely, must be a multiple of 16) in the SIMD version, since it
314  * refers to the address of a 128-bit integer.  In the standard C
315  * version, the pointer is arbitrary.
316  *
317  * @param size the number of 64-bit pseudorandom integers to be
318  * generated.  size must be a multiple of 2, and greater than or equal
319  * to (MEXP / 128 + 1) * 2
320  *
321  * @note \b memalign or \b posix_memalign is available to get aligned
322  * memory. Mac OSX doesn't have these functions, but \b malloc of OSX
323  * returns the pointer to the aligned memory block.
324  */
325 void sfmt_fill_array64(sfmt_t * sfmt, uint64_t *array, int size) {
326     assert(sfmt->idx == SFMT_N32);
327     assert(size % 2 == 0);
328     assert(size >= SFMT_N64);
330     gen_rand_array(sfmt, (w128_t *)array, size / 2);
331     sfmt->idx = SFMT_N32;
333 #if defined(BIG_ENDIAN64) && !defined(ONLY64)
334     swap((w128_t *)array, size /2);
335 #endif
336 }
338 /**
339  * This function initializes the internal state array with a 32-bit
340  * integer seed.
341  *
342  * @param sfmt SFMT internal state
343  * @param seed a 32-bit integer used as the seed.
344  */
345 void sfmt_init_gen_rand(sfmt_t * sfmt, uint32_t seed) {
346     int i;
348     uint32_t *psfmt32 = &sfmt->state[0].u[0];
350     psfmt32[idxof(0)] = seed;
351     for (i = 1; i < SFMT_N32; i++) {
352         psfmt32[idxof(i)] = 1812433253UL * (psfmt32[idxof(i - 1)]
353                                             ^ (psfmt32[idxof(i - 1)] >> 30))
354             + i;
355     }
356     sfmt->idx = SFMT_N32;
357     period_certification(sfmt);
358 }
360 /**
361  * This function initializes the internal state array,
362  * with an array of 32-bit integers used as the seeds
363  * @param sfmt SFMT internal state
364  * @param init_key the array of 32-bit integers, used as a seed.
365  * @param key_length the length of init_key.
366  */
367 void sfmt_init_by_array(sfmt_t * sfmt, uint32_t *init_key, int key_length) {
368     int i, j, count;
369     uint32_t r;
370     int lag;
371     int mid;
372     int size = SFMT_N * 4;
373     uint32_t *psfmt32 = &sfmt->state[0].u[0];
375     if (size >= 623) {
376         lag = 11;
377     } else if (size >= 68) {
378         lag = 7;
379     } else if (size >= 39) {
380         lag = 5;
381     } else {
382         lag = 3;
383     }
384     mid = (size - lag) / 2;
386     memset(sfmt, 0x8b, sizeof(sfmt_t));
387     if (key_length + 1 > SFMT_N32) {
388         count = key_length + 1;
389     } else {
390         count = SFMT_N32;
391     }
392     r = func1(psfmt32[idxof(0)] ^ psfmt32[idxof(mid)]
393               ^ psfmt32[idxof(SFMT_N32 - 1)]);
394     psfmt32[idxof(mid)] += r;
395     r += key_length;
396     psfmt32[idxof(mid + lag)] += r;
397     psfmt32[idxof(0)] = r;
399     count--;
400     for (i = 1, j = 0; (j < count) && (j < key_length); j++) {
401         r = func1(psfmt32[idxof(i)] ^ psfmt32[idxof((i + mid) % SFMT_N32)]
402                   ^ psfmt32[idxof((i + SFMT_N32 - 1) % SFMT_N32)]);
403         psfmt32[idxof((i + mid) % SFMT_N32)] += r;
404         r += init_key[j] + i;
405         psfmt32[idxof((i + mid + lag) % SFMT_N32)] += r;
406         psfmt32[idxof(i)] = r;
407         i = (i + 1) % SFMT_N32;
408     }
409     for (; j < count; j++) {
410         r = func1(psfmt32[idxof(i)] ^ psfmt32[idxof((i + mid) % SFMT_N32)]
411                   ^ psfmt32[idxof((i + SFMT_N32 - 1) % SFMT_N32)]);
412         psfmt32[idxof((i + mid) % SFMT_N32)] += r;
413         r += i;
414         psfmt32[idxof((i + mid + lag) % SFMT_N32)] += r;
415         psfmt32[idxof(i)] = r;
416         i = (i + 1) % SFMT_N32;
417     }
418     for (j = 0; j < SFMT_N32; j++) {
419         r = func2(psfmt32[idxof(i)] + psfmt32[idxof((i + mid) % SFMT_N32)]
420                   + psfmt32[idxof((i + SFMT_N32 - 1) % SFMT_N32)]);
421         psfmt32[idxof((i + mid) % SFMT_N32)] ^= r;
422         r -= i;
423         psfmt32[idxof((i + mid + lag) % SFMT_N32)] ^= r;
424         psfmt32[idxof(i)] = r;
425         i = (i + 1) % SFMT_N32;
426     }
428     sfmt->idx = SFMT_N32;
429     period_certification(sfmt);
430 }
431 #if defined(__cplusplus)
432 }
433 #endif