1 /*
2  * Copyright 2016-2021 Robert Konrad
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 /*
18  * At your option, you may choose to accept this material under either:
19  *  1. The Apache License, Version 2.0, found at <http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0>, or
20  *  2. The MIT License, found at <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.
21  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT.
22  */
24 #ifndef SPIRV_HLSL_HPP
25 #define SPIRV_HLSL_HPP
27 #include "spirv_glsl.hpp"
28 #include <utility>
31 {
32 // Interface which remaps vertex inputs to a fixed semantic name to make linking easier.
33 struct HLSLVertexAttributeRemap
34 {
35 	uint32_t location;
36 	std::string semantic;
37 };
38 // Specifying a root constant (d3d12) or push constant range (vulkan).
39 //
40 // `start` and `end` denotes the range of the root constant in bytes.
41 // Both values need to be multiple of 4.
42 struct RootConstants
43 {
44 	uint32_t start;
45 	uint32_t end;
47 	uint32_t binding;
48 	uint32_t space;
49 };
51 // For finer control, decorations may be removed from specific resources instead with unset_decoration().
52 enum HLSLBindingFlagBits
53 {
56 	// Push constant (root constant) resources will be declared as CBVs (b-space) without a register() declaration.
57 	// A register will be automatically assigned by the D3D compiler, but must therefore be reflected in D3D-land.
58 	// Push constants do not normally have a DecorationBinding set, but if they do, this can be used to ignore it.
61 	// cbuffer resources will be declared as CBVs (b-space) without a register() declaration.
62 	// A register will be automatically assigned, but must be reflected in D3D-land.
65 	// All SRVs (t-space) will be declared without a register() declaration.
68 	// All UAVs (u-space) will be declared without a register() declaration.
71 	// All samplers (s-space) will be declared without a register() declaration.
74 	// No resources will be declared with register().
75 	HLSL_BINDING_AUTO_ALL = 0x7fffffff
76 };
77 using HLSLBindingFlags = uint32_t;
79 // By matching stage, desc_set and binding for a SPIR-V resource,
80 // register bindings are set based on whether the HLSL resource is a
81 // CBV, UAV, SRV or Sampler. A single binding in SPIR-V might contain multiple
82 // resource types, e.g. COMBINED_IMAGE_SAMPLER, and SRV/Sampler bindings will be used respectively.
83 // On SM 5.0 and lower, register_space is ignored.
84 //
85 // To remap a push constant block which does not have any desc_set/binding associated with it,
86 // use ResourceBindingPushConstant{DescriptorSet,Binding} as values for desc_set/binding.
87 // For deeper control of push constants, set_root_constant_layouts() can be used instead.
88 struct HLSLResourceBinding
89 {
90 	spv::ExecutionModel stage = spv::ExecutionModelMax;
91 	uint32_t desc_set = 0;
92 	uint32_t binding = 0;
94 	struct Binding
95 	{
96 		uint32_t register_space = 0;
97 		uint32_t register_binding = 0;
98 	} cbv, uav, srv, sampler;
99 };
101 class CompilerHLSL : public CompilerGLSL
102 {
103 public:
104 	struct Options
105 	{
106 		uint32_t shader_model = 30; // TODO: map ps_4_0_level_9_0,... somehow
108 		// Allows the PointSize builtin, and ignores it, as PointSize is not supported in HLSL.
109 		bool point_size_compat = false;
111 		// Allows the PointCoord builtin, returns float2(0.5, 0.5), as PointCoord is not supported in HLSL.
112 		bool point_coord_compat = false;
114 		// If true, the backend will assume that VertexIndex and InstanceIndex will need to apply
115 		// a base offset, and you will need to fill in a cbuffer with offsets.
116 		// Set to false if you know you will never use base instance or base vertex
117 		// functionality as it might remove an internal cbuffer.
118 		bool support_nonzero_base_vertex_base_instance = false;
120 		// Forces a storage buffer to always be declared as UAV, even if the readonly decoration is used.
121 		// By default, a readonly storage buffer will be declared as ByteAddressBuffer (SRV) instead.
122 		// Alternatively, use set_hlsl_force_storage_buffer_as_uav to specify individually.
123 		bool force_storage_buffer_as_uav = false;
125 		// Forces any storage image type marked as NonWritable to be considered an SRV instead.
126 		// For this to work with function call parameters, NonWritable must be considered to be part of the type system
127 		// so that NonWritable image arguments are also translated to Texture rather than RWTexture.
128 		bool nonwritable_uav_texture_as_srv = false;
130 		// Enables native 16-bit types. Needs SM 6.2.
131 		// Uses half/int16_t/uint16_t instead of min16* types.
132 		// Also adds support for 16-bit load-store from (RW)ByteAddressBuffer.
133 		bool enable_16bit_types = false;
135 		// If matrices are used as IO variables, flatten the attribute declaration to use
136 		// TEXCOORD{N,N+1,N+2,...} rather than TEXCOORDN_{0,1,2,3}.
137 		// If add_vertex_attribute_remap is used and this feature is used,
138 		// the semantic name will be queried once per active location.
139 		bool flatten_matrix_vertex_input_semantics = false;
140 	};
CompilerHLSL(std::vector<uint32_t> spirv_)142 	explicit CompilerHLSL(std::vector<uint32_t> spirv_)
143 	    : CompilerGLSL(std::move(spirv_))
144 	{
145 	}
CompilerHLSL(const uint32_t * ir_,size_t size)147 	CompilerHLSL(const uint32_t *ir_, size_t size)
148 	    : CompilerGLSL(ir_, size)
149 	{
150 	}
CompilerHLSL(const ParsedIR & ir_)152 	explicit CompilerHLSL(const ParsedIR &ir_)
153 	    : CompilerGLSL(ir_)
154 	{
155 	}
CompilerHLSL(ParsedIR && ir_)157 	explicit CompilerHLSL(ParsedIR &&ir_)
158 	    : CompilerGLSL(std::move(ir_))
159 	{
160 	}
get_hlsl_options() const162 	const Options &get_hlsl_options() const
163 	{
164 		return hlsl_options;
165 	}
set_hlsl_options(const Options & opts)167 	void set_hlsl_options(const Options &opts)
168 	{
169 		hlsl_options = opts;
170 	}
172 	// Optionally specify a custom root constant layout.
173 	//
174 	// Push constants ranges will be split up according to the
175 	// layout specified.
176 	void set_root_constant_layouts(std::vector<RootConstants> layout);
178 	// Compiles and remaps vertex attributes at specific locations to a fixed semantic.
179 	// The default is TEXCOORD# where # denotes location.
180 	// Matrices are unrolled to vectors with notation ${SEMANTIC}_#, where # denotes row.
181 	// $SEMANTIC is either TEXCOORD# or a semantic name specified here.
182 	void add_vertex_attribute_remap(const HLSLVertexAttributeRemap &vertex_attributes);
183 	std::string compile() override;
185 	// This is a special HLSL workaround for the NumWorkGroups builtin.
186 	// This does not exist in HLSL, so the calling application must create a dummy cbuffer in
187 	// which the application will store this builtin.
188 	// The cbuffer layout will be:
189 	// cbuffer SPIRV_Cross_NumWorkgroups : register(b#, space#) { uint3 SPIRV_Cross_NumWorkgroups_count; };
190 	// This must be called before compile().
191 	// The function returns 0 if NumWorkGroups builtin is not statically used in the shader from the current entry point.
192 	// If non-zero, this returns the variable ID of a cbuffer which corresponds to
193 	// the cbuffer declared above. By default, no binding or descriptor set decoration is set,
194 	// so the calling application should declare explicit bindings on this ID before calling compile().
195 	VariableID remap_num_workgroups_builtin();
197 	// Controls how resource bindings are declared in the output HLSL.
198 	void set_resource_binding_flags(HLSLBindingFlags flags);
200 	// resource is a resource binding to indicate the HLSL CBV, SRV, UAV or sampler binding
201 	// to use for a particular SPIR-V description set
202 	// and binding. If resource bindings are provided,
203 	// is_hlsl_resource_binding_used() will return true after calling ::compile() if
204 	// the set/binding combination was used by the HLSL code.
205 	void add_hlsl_resource_binding(const HLSLResourceBinding &resource);
206 	bool is_hlsl_resource_binding_used(spv::ExecutionModel model, uint32_t set, uint32_t binding) const;
208 	// Controls which storage buffer bindings will be forced to be declared as UAVs.
209 	void set_hlsl_force_storage_buffer_as_uav(uint32_t desc_set, uint32_t binding);
211 private:
212 	std::string type_to_glsl(const SPIRType &type, uint32_t id = 0) override;
213 	std::string image_type_hlsl(const SPIRType &type, uint32_t id);
214 	std::string image_type_hlsl_modern(const SPIRType &type, uint32_t id);
215 	std::string image_type_hlsl_legacy(const SPIRType &type, uint32_t id);
216 	void emit_function_prototype(SPIRFunction &func, const Bitset &return_flags) override;
217 	void emit_hlsl_entry_point();
218 	void emit_header() override;
219 	void emit_resources();
220 	void declare_undefined_values() override;
221 	void emit_interface_block_globally(const SPIRVariable &type);
222 	void emit_interface_block_in_struct(const SPIRVariable &type, std::unordered_set<uint32_t> &active_locations);
223 	void emit_builtin_inputs_in_struct();
224 	void emit_builtin_outputs_in_struct();
225 	void emit_texture_op(const Instruction &i, bool sparse) override;
226 	void emit_instruction(const Instruction &instruction) override;
227 	void emit_glsl_op(uint32_t result_type, uint32_t result_id, uint32_t op, const uint32_t *args,
228 	                  uint32_t count) override;
229 	void emit_buffer_block(const SPIRVariable &type) override;
230 	void emit_push_constant_block(const SPIRVariable &var) override;
231 	void emit_uniform(const SPIRVariable &var) override;
232 	void emit_modern_uniform(const SPIRVariable &var);
233 	void emit_legacy_uniform(const SPIRVariable &var);
234 	void emit_specialization_constants_and_structs();
235 	void emit_composite_constants();
236 	void emit_fixup() override;
237 	std::string builtin_to_glsl(spv::BuiltIn builtin, spv::StorageClass storage) override;
238 	std::string layout_for_member(const SPIRType &type, uint32_t index) override;
239 	std::string to_interpolation_qualifiers(const Bitset &flags) override;
240 	std::string bitcast_glsl_op(const SPIRType &result_type, const SPIRType &argument_type) override;
241 	bool emit_complex_bitcast(uint32_t result_type, uint32_t id, uint32_t op0) override;
242 	std::string to_func_call_arg(const SPIRFunction::Parameter &arg, uint32_t id) override;
243 	std::string to_sampler_expression(uint32_t id);
244 	std::string to_resource_binding(const SPIRVariable &var);
245 	std::string to_resource_binding_sampler(const SPIRVariable &var);
246 	std::string to_resource_register(HLSLBindingFlagBits flag, char space, uint32_t binding, uint32_t set);
247 	std::string to_initializer_expression(const SPIRVariable &var) override;
248 	void emit_sampled_image_op(uint32_t result_type, uint32_t result_id, uint32_t image_id, uint32_t samp_id) override;
249 	void emit_access_chain(const Instruction &instruction);
250 	void emit_load(const Instruction &instruction);
251 	void read_access_chain(std::string *expr, const std::string &lhs, const SPIRAccessChain &chain);
252 	void read_access_chain_struct(const std::string &lhs, const SPIRAccessChain &chain);
253 	void read_access_chain_array(const std::string &lhs, const SPIRAccessChain &chain);
254 	void write_access_chain(const SPIRAccessChain &chain, uint32_t value, const SmallVector<uint32_t> &composite_chain);
255 	void write_access_chain_struct(const SPIRAccessChain &chain, uint32_t value,
256 	                               const SmallVector<uint32_t> &composite_chain);
257 	void write_access_chain_array(const SPIRAccessChain &chain, uint32_t value,
258 	                              const SmallVector<uint32_t> &composite_chain);
259 	std::string write_access_chain_value(uint32_t value, const SmallVector<uint32_t> &composite_chain, bool enclose);
260 	void emit_store(const Instruction &instruction);
261 	void emit_atomic(const uint32_t *ops, uint32_t length, spv::Op op);
262 	void emit_subgroup_op(const Instruction &i) override;
263 	void emit_block_hints(const SPIRBlock &block) override;
265 	void emit_struct_member(const SPIRType &type, uint32_t member_type_id, uint32_t index, const std::string &qualifier,
266 	                        uint32_t base_offset = 0) override;
268 	const char *to_storage_qualifiers_glsl(const SPIRVariable &var) override;
269 	void replace_illegal_names() override;
271 	bool is_hlsl_force_storage_buffer_as_uav(ID id) const;
273 	Options hlsl_options;
275 	// TODO: Refactor this to be more similar to MSL, maybe have some common system in place?
276 	bool requires_op_fmod = false;
277 	bool requires_fp16_packing = false;
278 	bool requires_uint2_packing = false;
279 	bool requires_explicit_fp16_packing = false;
280 	bool requires_unorm8_packing = false;
281 	bool requires_snorm8_packing = false;
282 	bool requires_unorm16_packing = false;
283 	bool requires_snorm16_packing = false;
284 	bool requires_bitfield_insert = false;
285 	bool requires_bitfield_extract = false;
286 	bool requires_inverse_2x2 = false;
287 	bool requires_inverse_3x3 = false;
288 	bool requires_inverse_4x4 = false;
289 	bool requires_scalar_reflect = false;
290 	bool requires_scalar_refract = false;
291 	bool requires_scalar_faceforward = false;
293 	struct TextureSizeVariants
294 	{
295 		// MSVC 2013 workaround.
TextureSizeVariantsSPIRV_CROSS_NAMESPACE::CompilerHLSL::TextureSizeVariants296 		TextureSizeVariants()
297 		{
298 			srv = 0;
299 			for (auto &unorm : uav)
300 				for (auto &u : unorm)
301 					u = 0;
302 		}
303 		uint64_t srv;
304 		uint64_t uav[3][4];
305 	} required_texture_size_variants;
307 	void require_texture_query_variant(uint32_t var_id);
308 	void emit_texture_size_variants(uint64_t variant_mask, const char *vecsize_qualifier, bool uav,
309 	                                const char *type_qualifier);
311 	enum TextureQueryVariantDim
312 	{
313 		Query1D = 0,
314 		Query1DArray,
315 		Query2D,
316 		Query2DArray,
317 		Query3D,
318 		QueryBuffer,
319 		QueryCube,
320 		QueryCubeArray,
321 		Query2DMS,
322 		Query2DMSArray,
323 		QueryDimCount
324 	};
326 	enum TextureQueryVariantType
327 	{
328 		QueryTypeFloat = 0,
329 		QueryTypeInt = 16,
330 		QueryTypeUInt = 32,
331 		QueryTypeCount = 3
332 	};
334 	enum BitcastType
335 	{
336 		TypeNormal,
337 		TypePackUint2x32,
338 		TypeUnpackUint64
339 	};
341 	BitcastType get_bitcast_type(uint32_t result_type, uint32_t op0);
343 	void emit_builtin_variables();
344 	bool require_output = false;
345 	bool require_input = false;
346 	SmallVector<HLSLVertexAttributeRemap> remap_vertex_attributes;
348 	uint32_t type_to_consumed_locations(const SPIRType &type) const;
350 	void emit_io_block(const SPIRVariable &var);
351 	std::string to_semantic(uint32_t location, spv::ExecutionModel em, spv::StorageClass sc);
353 	uint32_t num_workgroups_builtin = 0;
354 	HLSLBindingFlags resource_binding_flags = 0;
356 	// Custom root constant layout, which should be emitted
357 	// when translating push constant ranges.
358 	std::vector<RootConstants> root_constants_layout;
360 	void validate_shader_model();
362 	std::string get_unique_identifier();
363 	uint32_t unique_identifier_count = 0;
365 	std::unordered_map<StageSetBinding, std::pair<HLSLResourceBinding, bool>, InternalHasher> resource_bindings;
366 	void remap_hlsl_resource_binding(HLSLBindingFlagBits type, uint32_t &desc_set, uint32_t &binding);
368 	std::unordered_set<SetBindingPair, InternalHasher> force_uav_buffer_bindings;
370 	// Returns true for BuiltInSampleMask because gl_SampleMask[] is an array in SPIR-V, but SV_Coverage is a scalar in HLSL.
371 	bool builtin_translates_to_nonarray(spv::BuiltIn builtin) const override;
372 };
373 } // namespace SPIRV_CROSS_NAMESPACE
375 #endif