1 #ifndef _IPXE_PARSEOPT_H
2 #define _IPXE_PARSEOPT_H
4 /** @file
5  *
6  * Command line option parsing
7  *
8  */
12 #include <stdint.h>
13 #include <stddef.h>
14 #include <ipxe/settings.h>
16 struct net_device;
17 struct net_device_configurator;
18 struct menu;
19 struct parameters;
21 /** A command-line option descriptor */
22 struct option_descriptor {
23 	/** Long option name, if any */
24 	const char *longopt;
25 	/** Short option name */
26 	char shortopt;
27 	/** Argument requirement (as for @c struct @c option) */
28 	uint8_t has_arg;
29 	/** Offset of field within options structure */
30 	uint16_t offset;
31 	/** Parse option
32 	 *
33 	 * @v text		Option text
34 	 * @v value		Option value to fill in
35 	 * @ret rc		Return status code
36 	 */
37 	int ( * parse ) ( char *text, void *value );
38 };
40 /**
41  * Construct option parser
42  *
43  * @v _struct		Options structure type
44  * @v _field		Field within options structure
45  * @v _parse		Field type-specific option parser
46  * @ret _parse		Generic option parser
47  */
48 #define OPTION_PARSER( _struct, _field, _parse )			      \
49 	( ( int ( * ) ( char *text, void *value ) )			      \
50 	  ( ( ( ( typeof ( _parse ) * ) NULL ) ==			      \
51 	      ( ( int ( * ) ( char *text,				      \
52 			      typeof ( ( ( _struct * ) NULL )->_field ) * ) ) \
53 		NULL ) ) ? _parse : _parse ) )
55 /**
56  * Construct option descriptor
57  *
58  * @v _longopt		Long option name, if any
59  * @v _shortopt		Short option name, if any
60  * @v _has_arg		Argument requirement
61  * @v _struct		Options structure type
62  * @v _field		Field within options structure
63  * @v _parse		Field type-specific option parser
64  * @ret _option		Option descriptor
65  */
66 #define OPTION_DESC( _longopt, _shortopt, _has_arg, _struct, _field, _parse ) \
67 	{								      \
68 		.longopt = _longopt,					      \
69 		.shortopt = _shortopt,					      \
70 		.has_arg = _has_arg,					      \
71 		.offset = offsetof ( _struct, _field ),			      \
72 		.parse = OPTION_PARSER ( _struct, _field, _parse ),	      \
73 	}
75 /** A command descriptor */
76 struct command_descriptor {
77 	/** Option descriptors */
78 	struct option_descriptor *options;
79 	/** Number of option descriptors */
80 	uint8_t num_options;
81 	/** Length of option structure */
82 	uint8_t len;
83 	/** Minimum number of non-option arguments */
84 	uint8_t min_args;
85 	/** Maximum number of non-option arguments */
86 	uint8_t max_args;
87 	/** Command usage
88 	 *
89 	 * This excludes the literal "Usage:" and the command name,
90 	 * which will be prepended automatically.
91 	 */
92 	const char *usage;
93 };
95 /** No maximum number of arguments */
96 #define MAX_ARGUMENTS 0xff
98 /**
99  * Construct command descriptor
100  *
101  * @v _struct		Options structure type
102  * @v _options		Option descriptor array
103  * @v _check_args	Remaining argument checker
104  * @v _usage		Command usage
105  * @ret _command	Command descriptor
106  */
107 #define COMMAND_DESC( _struct, _options, _min_args, _max_args, _usage )	      \
108 	{								      \
109 		.options = ( ( ( ( typeof ( _options[0] ) * ) NULL ) ==	      \
110 			       ( ( struct option_descriptor * ) NULL ) ) ?    \
111 			     _options : _options ),			      \
112 		.num_options = ( sizeof ( _options ) /			      \
113 				 sizeof ( _options[0] ) ),		      \
114 		.len = sizeof ( _struct ),				      \
115 		.min_args = _min_args,					      \
116 		.max_args = _max_args,					      \
117 		.usage = _usage,					      \
118 	 }
120 /** A parsed named setting */
121 struct named_setting {
122 	/** Settings block */
123 	struct settings *settings;
124 	/** Setting */
125 	struct setting setting;
126 };
128 extern int parse_string ( char *text, char **value );
129 extern int parse_integer ( char *text, unsigned int *value );
130 extern int parse_timeout ( char *text, unsigned long *value );
131 extern int parse_netdev ( char *text, struct net_device **netdev );
132 extern int
133 parse_netdev_configurator ( char *text,
134 			    struct net_device_configurator **configurator );
135 extern int parse_menu ( char *text, struct menu **menu );
136 extern int parse_flag ( char *text __unused, int *flag );
137 extern int parse_key ( char *text, unsigned int *key );
138 extern int parse_settings ( char *text, struct settings **settings );
139 extern int parse_setting ( char *text, struct named_setting *setting,
140 			   get_child_settings_t get_child );
141 extern int parse_existing_setting ( char *text, struct named_setting *setting );
142 extern int parse_autovivified_setting ( char *text,
143 					struct named_setting *setting );
144 extern int parse_parameters ( char *text, struct parameters **params );
145 extern void print_usage ( struct command_descriptor *cmd, char **argv );
146 extern int reparse_options ( int argc, char **argv,
147 			     struct command_descriptor *cmd, void *opts );
148 extern int parse_options ( int argc, char **argv,
149 			   struct command_descriptor *cmd, void *opts );
151 #endif /* _IPXE_PARSEOPT_H */