1 /**
2  * @file IxOsal.h
3  *
4  * @brief Top include file for OSAL
5  *
6  *
7  * @par
8  * IXP400 SW Release version 2.0
9  *
10  * -- Copyright Notice --
11  *
12  * @par
13  * Copyright 2001-2005, Intel Corporation.
14  * All rights reserved.
15  *
16  * @par
17  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
18  * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
19  * are met:
20  * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
21  *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
22  * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
23  *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
24  *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
25  * 3. Neither the name of the Intel Corporation nor the names of its contributors
26  *    may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
27  *    without specific prior written permission.
28  *
29  * @par
41  *
42  * @par
43  * -- End of Copyright Notice --
44  */
46 #ifndef IxOsal_H
47 #define IxOsal_H
49 /* Basic types */
50 #include "IxOsalTypes.h"
52 /* Include assert */
53 #include "IxOsalAssert.h"
55 /*
56  * Config header gives users option to choose IO MEM
57  * and buffer management modules
58  */
60 #include "IxOsalConfig.h"
62 /*
63  * Symbol file needed by some OS.
64  */
65 #include "IxOsalUtilitySymbols.h"
67 /* OS-specific header */
68 #include "IxOsalOs.h"
71 /**
72  * @defgroup IxOsal Operating System Abstraction Layer (IxOsal) API
73  *
74  * @brief This service provides a thin layer of OS dependency services.
75  *
76  * This file contains the API to the functions which are some what OS dependant and would
77  * require porting to a particular OS.
78  * A primary focus of the component development is to make them as OS independent as possible.
79  * All other components should abstract their OS dependency to this module.
80  * Services overview
81  *	-# Data types, constants, defines
82  *	-# Interrupts
83  *              - bind interrupts to handlers
84  *              - unbind interrupts from handlers
85  *             	- disables all interrupts
86  *              - enables all interrupts
87  *              - selectively disables interrupts
88  *              - enables an interrupt level
89  *              - disables an interrupt level
90  *      -# Memory
91  *              - allocates memory
92  *              - frees memory
93  *              - copies memory zones
94  *              - fills a memory zone
95  *              - allocates cache-safe memory
96  *              - frees cache-safe memory
97  *              - physical to virtual address translation
98  *              - virtual to physical address translation
99  *              - cache to memory flush
100  *              - cache line invalidate
101  *      -# Threads
102  *              - creates a new thread
103  *              - starts a newly created thread
104  *              - kills an existing thread
105  *              - exits a running thread
106  *              - sets the priority of an existing thread
107  *              - suspends thread execution
108  *              - resumes thread execution
109  *      -# IPC
110  *              - creates a message queue
111  *              - deletes a message queue
112  *              - sends a message to a message queue
113  *              - receives a message from a message queue
114  *      -# Thread Synchronisation
115  *              - initializes a mutex
116  *              - locks a mutex
117  *              - unlocks a mutex
118  *              - non-blocking attempt to lock a mutex
119  *              - destroys a mutex object
120  *              - initializes a fast mutex
121  *              - non-blocking attempt to lock a fast mutex
122  *              - unlocks a fast mutex
123  *              - destroys a fast mutex object
124  *              - initializes a semaphore
125  *              - posts to (increments) a semaphore
126  *              - waits on (decrements) a semaphore
127  *              - non-blocking wait on semaphore
128  *              - gets semaphore value
129  *              - destroys a semaphore object
130  *              - yields execution of current thread
131  *      -# Time functions
132  *              - yielding sleep for a number of milliseconds
133  *              - busy sleep for a number of microseconds
134  *              - value of the timestamp counter
135  *              - resolution of the timestamp counter
136  *              - system clock rate, in ticks
137  *              - current system time
138  *              - converts ixOsalTimeVal into ticks
139  *              - converts ticks into ixOsalTimeVal
140  *              - converts ixOsalTimeVal to milliseconds
141  *              - converts milliseconds to IxOsalTimeval
142  *              - "equal" comparison for IxOsalTimeval
143  *              - "less than" comparison for IxOsalTimeval
144  *              - "greater than" comparison for IxOsalTimeval
145  *              - "add" operator for IxOsalTimeval
146  *              - "subtract" operator for IxOsalTimeval
147  *      -# Logging
148  *              - sets the current logging verbosity level
149  *              - interrupt-safe logging function
150  *      -# Timer services
151  *              - schedules a repeating timer
152  *              - schedules a single-shot timer
153  *              - cancels a running timer
154  *              - displays all the running timers
155  *      -# Optional Modules
156  *              - Buffer management module
157  *              - I/O memory and endianess support module
158  *
159  * @{
160  */
163 /*
164  * Prototypes
165  */
167 /* ==========================  Interrupts  ================================
168  *
169  */
171 /**
172  * @ingroup IxOsal
173  *
174  * @brief Binds an interrupt handler to an interrupt level
175  *
176  * @param irqLevel (in)   - interrupt level
177  * @param irqHandler (in) - interrupt handler
178  * @param parameter (in)  - custom parameter to be passed to the
179  *                          interrupt handler
180  *
181  * Binds an interrupt handler to an interrupt level. The operation will
182  * fail if the wrong level is selected, if the handler is NULL, or if the
183  * interrupt is already bound. This functions binds the specified C
184  * routine to an interrupt level. When called, the "parameter" value will
185  * be passed to the routine.
186  *
187  * Reentrant: no
188  * IRQ safe:  no
189  *
190  * @return IX_SUCCESS if the operation succeeded or IX_FAIL otherwise
191  */
192 PUBLIC IX_STATUS ixOsalIrqBind (UINT32 irqLevel,
193 				IxOsalVoidFnVoidPtr irqHandler,
194 				void *parameter);
196 /**
197  * @ingroup IxOsal
198  *
199  * @brief Unbinds an interrupt handler from an interrupt level
200  *
201  * @param irqLevel (in)   - interrupt level
202  *
203  * Unbinds the selected interrupt level from any previously registered
204  * handler
205  *
206  * @li Reentrant: no
207  * @li IRQ safe:  no
208  *
209  * @return IX_SUCCESS if the operation succeeded or IX_FAIL otherwise
210  */
211 PUBLIC IX_STATUS ixOsalIrqUnbind (UINT32 irqLevel);
214 /**
215  * @ingroup IxOsal
216  *
217  * @brief Disables all interrupts
218  *
219  * @param - none
220  *
221  * Disables all the interrupts and prevents tasks scheduling
222  *
223  * @li Reentrant: no
224  * @li IRQ safe:  yes
225  *
226  * @return interrupt enable status prior to locking
227  */
228 PUBLIC UINT32 ixOsalIrqLock (void);
230 /**
231  * @ingroup IxOsal
232  *
233  * @brief Enables all interrupts
234  *
235  * @param irqEnable (in) - interrupt enable status, prior to interrupt
236  *                         locking
237  *
238  * Enables the interrupts and task scheduling, cancelling the effect
239  * of ixOsalIrqLock()
240  *
241  * @li Reentrant: no
242  * @li IRQ safe:  yes
243  *
244  * @return IX_SUCCESS if the operation succeeded or IX_FAIL otherwise
245  */
246 PUBLIC void ixOsalIrqUnlock (UINT32 irqEnable);
248 /**
249  * @ingroup IxOsal
250  *
251  * @brief Selectively disables interrupts
252  *
253  * @param irqLevel � new interrupt level
254  *
255  * Disables the interrupts below the specified interrupt level
256  *
257  * @li Reentrant: no
258  * @li IRQ safe:  yes
259  *
260  * @note Depending on the implementation this function can disable all
261  *       the interrupts
262  *
263  * @return previous interrupt level
264  */
265 PUBLIC UINT32 ixOsalIrqLevelSet (UINT32 irqLevel);
267 /**
268  * @ingroup IxOsal
269  *
270  * @brief Enables an interrupt level
271  *
272  * @param irqLevel � interrupt level to enable
273  *
274  * Enables the specified interrupt level
275  *
276  * @li Reentrant: no
277  * @li IRQ safe:  yes
278  *
279  * @return - none
280  */
281 PUBLIC void ixOsalIrqEnable (UINT32 irqLevel);
283 /**
284  * @ingroup IxOsal
285  *
286  * @brief Disables an interrupt level
287  *
288  * @param irqLevel � interrupt level to disable
289  *
290  * Disables the specified interrupt level
291  *
292  * @li Reentrant: no
293  * @li IRQ safe:  yes
294  *
295  * @return - none
296  */
297 PUBLIC void ixOsalIrqDisable (UINT32 irqLevel);
300 /* =============================  Memory  =================================
301  *
302  */
304 /**
305  * @ingroup IxOsal
306  *
307  * @brief Allocates memory
308  *
309  * @param size - memory size to allocate, in bytes
310  *
311  * Allocates a memory zone of a given size
312  *
313  * @li Reentrant: no
314  * @li IRQ safe:  no
315  *
316  * @return Pointer to the allocated zone or NULL if the allocation failed
317  */
318 PUBLIC void *ixOsalMemAlloc (UINT32 size);
320 /**
321  * @ingroup IxOsal
322  *
323  * @brief Frees memory
324  *
325  * @param ptr - pointer to the memory zone
326  *
327  * Frees a previously allocated memory zone
328  *
329  * @li Reentrant: no
330  * @li IRQ safe:  no
331  *
332  * @return - none
333  */
334 PUBLIC void ixOsalMemFree (void *ptr);
336 /**
337  * @ingroup IxOsal
338  *
339  * @brief Copies memory zones
340  *
341  * @param dest  - destination memory zone
342  * @param src   - source memory zone
343  * @param count - number of bytes to copy
344  *
345  * Copies count bytes from the source memory zone pointed by src into the
346  * memory zone pointed by dest.
347  *
348  * @li Reentrant: no
349  * @li IRQ safe:  yes
350  *
351  * @return Pointer to the destination memory zone
352  */
353 PUBLIC void *ixOsalMemCopy (void *dest, void *src, UINT32 count);
355 /**
356  * @ingroup IxOsal
357  *
358  * @brief Fills a memory zone
359  *
360  * @param ptr - pointer to the memory zone
361  * @param filler - byte to fill the memory zone with
362  * @param count - number of bytes to fill
363  *
364  * Fills a memory zone with a given constant byte
365  *
366  * @li Reentrant: no
367  * @li IRQ safe:  yes
368  *
369  * @return Pointer to the memory zone
370  */
371 PUBLIC void *ixOsalMemSet (void *ptr, UINT8 filler, UINT32 count);
373 /**
374  * @ingroup IxOsal
375  *
376  * @brief Allocates cache-safe memory
377  *
378  * @param size - size, in bytes, of the allocated zone
379  *
380  * Allocates a cache-safe memory zone of at least "size" bytes and returns
381  * the pointer to the memory zone. This memory zone, depending on the
382  * platform, is either uncached or aligned on a cache line boundary to make
383  * the CACHE_FLUSH and CACHE_INVALIDATE macros safe to use. The memory
384  * allocated with this function MUST be freed with ixOsalCacheDmaFree(),
385  * otherwise memory corruption can occur.
386  *
387  * @li Reentrant: no
388  * @li IRQ safe:  no
389  *
390  * @return Pointer to the memory zone or NULL if allocation failed
391  *
392  * @note It is important to note that cache coherence is maintained in
393  * software by using the IX_OSAL_CACHE_FLUSH and IX_OSAL_CACHE_INVALIDATE
394  * macros to maintain consistency between cache and external memory.
395  */
396 PUBLIC void *ixOsalCacheDmaMalloc (UINT32 size);
398 /* Macros for ixOsalCacheDmaMalloc*/
399 #define IX_OSAL_CACHE_DMA_MALLOC(size) ixOsalCacheDmaMalloc(size)
401 /**
402  * @ingroup IxOsal
403  *
404  * @brief Frees cache-safe memory
405  *
406  * @param ptr   - pointer to the memory zone
407  *
408  * Frees a memory zone previously allocated with ixOsalCacheDmaMalloc()
409  *
410  * @li Reentrant: no
411  * @li IRQ safe:  no
412  *
413  * @return - none
414  */
415 PUBLIC void ixOsalCacheDmaFree (void *ptr);
417 #define IX_OSAL_CACHE_DMA_FREE(ptr)		ixOsalCacheDmaFree(ptr)
419 /**
420  * @ingroup IxOsal
421  *
422  * @brief physical to virtual address translation
423  *
424  * @param physAddr - physical address
425  *
426  * Converts a physical address into its equivalent MMU-mapped virtual address
427  *
428  * @li Reentrant: no
429  * @li IRQ safe:  yes
430  *
431  * @return Corresponding virtual address, as UINT32
432  */
433 #define IX_OSAL_MMU_PHYS_TO_VIRT(physAddr) \
434     IX_OSAL_OS_MMU_PHYS_TO_VIRT(physAddr)
437 /**
438  * @ingroup IxOsal
439  *
440  * @brief virtual to physical address translation
441  *
442  * @param virtAddr - virtual address
443  *
444  * Converts a virtual address into its equivalent MMU-mapped physical address
445  *
446  * @li Reentrant: no
447  * @li IRQ safe:  yes
448  *
449  * @return Corresponding physical address, as UINT32
450  */
451 #define IX_OSAL_MMU_VIRT_TO_PHYS(virtAddr)  \
452     IX_OSAL_OS_MMU_VIRT_TO_PHYS(virtAddr)
456 /**
457  * @ingroup IxOsal
458  *
459  * @brief cache to memory flush
460  *
461  * @param addr - memory address to flush from cache
462  * @param size - number of bytes to flush (rounded up to a cache line)
463  *
464  * Flushes the cached value of the memory zone pointed by "addr" into memory,
465  * rounding up to a cache line. Use before the zone is to be read by a
466  * processing unit which is not cache coherent with the main CPU.
467  *
468  * @li Reentrant: no
469  * @li IRQ safe:  yes
470  *
471  * @return - none
472  */
473 #define IX_OSAL_CACHE_FLUSH(addr, size)  IX_OSAL_OS_CACHE_FLUSH(addr, size)
477 /**
478  * @ingroup IxOsal
479  *
480  * @brief cache line invalidate
481  *
482  * @param addr - memory address to invalidate in cache
483  * @param size - number of bytes to invalidate (rounded up to a cache line)
484  *
485  * Invalidates the cached value of the memory zone pointed by "addr",
486  * rounding up to a cache line. Use before reading the zone from the main
487  * CPU, if the zone has been updated by a processing unit which is not cache
488  * coherent with the main CPU.
489  *
490  * @li Reentrant: no
491  * @li IRQ safe:  yes
492  *
493  * @return - none
494  */
495 #define IX_OSAL_CACHE_INVALIDATE(addr, size)  IX_OSAL_OS_CACHE_INVALIDATE(addr, size)
498 /* =============================  Threads  =================================
499  *
500  */
502 /**
503  * @ingroup IxOsal
504  *
505  * @brief Creates a new thread
506  *
507  * @param thread - handle of the thread to be created
508  * @param threadAttr - pointer to a thread attribute object
509  * @param startRoutine - thread entry point
510  * @param arg - argument given to the thread
511  *
512  * Creates a thread given a thread handle and a thread attribute object. The
513  * same thread attribute object can be used to create separate threads. "NULL"
514  * can be specified as the attribute, in which case the default values will
515  * be used. The thread needs to be explicitly started using ixOsalThreadStart().
516  *
517  * @li Reentrant: no
518  * @li IRQ safe:  no
519  *
520  * @return - IX_SUCCESS/IX_FAIL
521  */
522 PUBLIC IX_STATUS ixOsalThreadCreate (IxOsalThread * thread,
523 				     IxOsalThreadAttr * threadAttr,
524 				     IxOsalVoidFnVoidPtr startRoutine,
525 				     void *arg);
527 /**
528  * @ingroup IxOsal
529  *
530  * @brief Starts a newly created thread
531  *
532  * @param thread - handle of the thread to be started
533  *
534  * Starts a thread given its thread handle. This function is to be called
535  * only once, following the thread initialization.
536  *
537  * @li Reentrant: no
538  * @li IRQ safe:  no
539  *
540  * @return - IX_SUCCESS/IX_FAIL
541  */
542 PUBLIC IX_STATUS ixOsalThreadStart (IxOsalThread * thread);
544 /**
545  * @ingroup IxOsal
546  *
547  * @brief Kills an existing thread
548  *
549  * @param thread - handle of the thread to be killed
550  *
551  * Kills a thread given its thread handle.
552  *
553  * @li Reentrant: no
554  * @li IRQ safe:  no
555  *
556  * @note It is not possible to kill threads in Linux kernel mode. This
557  * function will only send a SIGTERM signal, and it is the responsibility
558  * of the thread to check for the presence of this signal with
559  * signal_pending().
560  *
561  * @return -  IX_SUCCESS/IX_FAIL
562  */
563 PUBLIC IX_STATUS ixOsalThreadKill (IxOsalThread * thread);
565 /**
566  * @ingroup IxOsal
567  *
568  * @brief Exits a running thread
569  *
570  * Terminates the calling thread
571  *
572  * @li Reentrant: no
573  * @li IRQ safe:  no
574  *
575  * @return - This function never returns
576  */
577 PUBLIC void ixOsalThreadExit (void);
579 /**
580  * @ingroup IxOsal
581  *
582  * @brief Sets the priority of an existing thread
583  *
584  * @param thread - handle of the thread
585  * @param priority - new priority, between 0 and 255 (0 being the highest)
586  *
587  * Sets the thread priority
588  *
589  * @li Reentrant: no
590  * @li IRQ safe:  no
591  *
592  * @return - IX_SUCCESS/IX_FAIL
593  */
594 PUBLIC IX_STATUS ixOsalThreadPrioritySet (IxOsalThread * thread,
595 					  UINT32 priority);
597 /**
598  * @ingroup IxOsal
599  *
600  * @brief Suspends thread execution
601  *
602  * @param thread - handle of the thread
603  *
604  * Suspends the thread execution
605  *
606  * @li Reentrant: no
607  * @li IRQ safe:  no
608  *
609  * @return - IX_SUCCESS/IX_FAIL
610  */
611 PUBLIC IX_STATUS ixOsalThreadSuspend (IxOsalThread * thread);
613 /**
614  * @ingroup IxOsal
615  *
616  * @brief Resumes thread execution
617  *
618  * @param thread - handle of the thread
619  *
620  * Resumes the thread execution
621  *
622  * @li Reentrant: no
623  * @li IRQ safe:  no
624  *
625  * @return - IX_SUCCESS/IX_FAIL
626  */
627 PUBLIC IX_STATUS ixOsalThreadResume (IxOsalThread * thread);
630 /* =======================  Message Queues (IPC) ==========================
631  *
632  */
634 /**
635  * @ingroup IxOsal
636  *
637  * @brief Creates a message queue
638  *
639  * @param queue - queue handle
640  * @param msgCount - maximum number of messages to hold in the queue
641  * @param msgLen - maximum length of each message, in bytes
642  *
643  * Creates a message queue of msgCount messages, each containing msgLen bytes
644  *
645  * @li Reentrant: no
646  * @li IRQ safe:  no
647  *
648  * @return - IX_SUCCESS/IX_FAIL
649  */
650 PUBLIC IX_STATUS ixOsalMessageQueueCreate (IxOsalMessageQueue * queue,
651 					   UINT32 msgCount, UINT32 msgLen);
653 /**
654  * @ingroup IxOsal
655  *
656  * @brief Deletes a message queue
657  *
658  * @param queue - queue handle
659  *
660  * Deletes a message queue
661  *
662  * @li Reentrant: no
663  * @li IRQ safe:  no
664  *
665  * @return - IX_SUCCESS/IX_FAIL
666  */
667 PUBLIC IX_STATUS ixOsalMessageQueueDelete (IxOsalMessageQueue * queue);
669 /**
670  * @ingroup IxOsal
671  *
672  * @brief Sends a message to a message queue
673  *
674  * @param queue - queue handle
675  * @param message - message to send
676  *
677  * Sends a message to the message queue. The message will be copied (at the
678  * configured size of the message) into the queue.
679  *
680  * @li Reentrant: yes
681  * @li IRQ safe:  yes
682  *
683  * @return - IX_SUCCESS/IX_FAIL
684  */
685 PUBLIC IX_STATUS ixOsalMessageQueueSend (IxOsalMessageQueue * queue,
686 					 UINT8 * message);
688 /**
689  * @ingroup IxOsal
690  *
691  * @brief Receives a message from a message queue
692  *
693  * @param queue - queue handle
694  * @param message - pointer to where the message should be copied to
695  *
696  * Retrieves the first message from the message queue
697  *
698  * @li Reentrant: yes
699  * @li IRQ safe:  yes
700  *
701  * @return - IX_SUCCESS/IX_FAIL
702  */
703 PUBLIC IX_STATUS ixOsalMessageQueueReceive (IxOsalMessageQueue * queue,
704 					    UINT8 * message);
707 /* =======================  Thread Synchronisation ========================
708  *
709  */
711 /**
712  * @ingroup IxOsal
713  *
714  * @brief initializes a mutex
715  *
716  * @param mutex - mutex handle
717  *
718  * Initializes a mutex object
719  *
720  * @li Reentrant: no
721  * @li IRQ safe:  no
722  *
723  * @return - IX_SUCCESS/IX_FAIL
724  */
725 PUBLIC IX_STATUS ixOsalMutexInit (IxOsalMutex * mutex);
727 /**
728  * @ingroup IxOsal
729  *
730  * @brief locks a mutex
731  *
732  * @param mutex - mutex handle
733  * @param timeout - timeout in ms; IX_OSAL_WAIT_FOREVER (-1) to wait forever
734  *                  or IX_OSAL_WAIT_NONE to return immediately
735  *
736  * Locks a mutex object
737  *
738  * @li Reentrant: yes
739  * @li IRQ safe:  no
740  *
741  * @return - IX_SUCCESS/IX_FAIL
742  */
743 PUBLIC IX_STATUS ixOsalMutexLock (IxOsalMutex * mutex, INT32 timeout);
745 /**
746  * @ingroup IxOsal
747  *
748  * @brief Unlocks a mutex
749  *
750  * @param mutex - mutex handle
751  *
752  * Unlocks a mutex object
753  *
754  * @li Reentrant: yes
755  * @li IRQ safe:  yes
756  *
757  * @return - IX_SUCCESS/IX_FAIL
758  */
759 PUBLIC IX_STATUS ixOsalMutexUnlock (IxOsalMutex * mutex);
761 /**
762  * @ingroup IxOsal
763  *
764  * @brief Non-blocking attempt to lock a mutex
765  *
766  * @param mutex - mutex handle
767  *
768  * Attempts to lock a mutex object, returning immediately with IX_SUCCESS if
769  * the lock was successful or IX_FAIL if the lock failed
770  *
771  * @li Reentrant: yes
772  * @li IRQ safe:  no
773  *
774  * @return - IX_SUCCESS/IX_FAIL
775  */
776 PUBLIC IX_STATUS ixOsalMutexTryLock (IxOsalMutex * mutex);
778 /**
779  * @ingroup IxOsal
780  *
781  * @brief Destroys a mutex object
782  *
783  * @param mutex - mutex handle
784  * @param
785  *
786  * Destroys a mutex object; the caller should ensure that no thread is
787  * blocked on this mutex
788  *
789  * @li Reentrant: no
790  * @li IRQ safe:  no
791  *
792  * @return - IX_SUCCESS/IX_FAIL
793  */
794 PUBLIC IX_STATUS ixOsalMutexDestroy (IxOsalMutex * mutex);
796 /**
797  * @ingroup IxOsal
798  *
799  * @brief Initializes a fast mutex
800  *
801  * @param mutex - fast mutex handle
802  *
803  * Initializes a fast mutex object
804  *
805  * @li Reentrant: yes
806  * @li IRQ safe:  yes
807  *
808  * @return - IX_SUCCESS/IX_FAIL
809  */
810 PUBLIC IX_STATUS ixOsalFastMutexInit (IxOsalFastMutex * mutex);
812 /**
813  * @ingroup IxOsal
814  *
815  * @brief Non-blocking attempt to lock a fast mutex
816  *
817  * @param mutex - fast mutex handle
818  *
819  * Attempts to lock a fast mutex object, returning immediately with
820  * IX_SUCCESS if the lock was successful or IX_FAIL if the lock failed
821  *
822  * @li Reentrant: yes
823  * @li IRQ safe:  yes
824  *
825  * @return - IX_SUCCESS/IX_FAIL
826  */
827 PUBLIC IX_STATUS ixOsalFastMutexTryLock (IxOsalFastMutex * mutex);
829 /**
830  * @ingroup IxOsal
831  *
832  * @brief Unlocks a fast mutex
833  *
834  * @param mutex - fast mutex handle
835  *
836  * Unlocks a fast mutex object
837  *
838  * @li Reentrant: yes
839  * @li IRQ safe:  yes
840  *
841  * @return - IX_SUCCESS/IX_FAIL
842  */
843 PUBLIC IX_STATUS ixOsalFastMutexUnlock (IxOsalFastMutex * mutex);
845 /**
846  * @ingroup IxOsal
847  *
848  * @brief Destroys a fast mutex object
849  *
850  * @param mutex - fast mutex handle
851  *
852  * Destroys a fast mutex object
853  *
854  * @li Reentrant: yes
855  * @li IRQ safe:  yes
856  *
857  * @return - IX_SUCCESS/IX_FAIL
858  */
859 PUBLIC IX_STATUS ixOsalFastMutexDestroy (IxOsalFastMutex * mutex);
861 /**
862  * @ingroup IxOsal
863  *
864  * @brief Initializes a semaphore
865  *
866  * @param semaphore - semaphore handle
867  * @param value - initial semaphore value
868  *
869  * Initializes a semaphore object
870  *
871  * @li Reentrant: no
872  * @li IRQ safe:  no
873  *
874  * @return - IX_SUCCESS/IX_FAIL
875  */
876 PUBLIC IX_STATUS ixOsalSemaphoreInit (IxOsalSemaphore * semaphore,
877 				      UINT32 value);
879 /**
880  * @ingroup IxOsal
881  *
882  * @brief Posts to (increments) a semaphore
883  *
884  * @param semaphore - semaphore handle
885  *
886  * Increments a semaphore object
887  *
888  * @li Reentrant: no
889  * @li IRQ safe:  yes
890  *
891  * @return - IX_SUCCESS/IX_FAIL
892  */
893 PUBLIC IX_STATUS ixOsalSemaphorePost (IxOsalSemaphore * semaphore);
895 /**
896  * @ingroup IxOsal
897  *
898  * @brief Waits on (decrements) a semaphore
899  *
900  * @param semaphore - semaphore handle
901  * @param timeout - timeout, in ms; IX_OSAL_WAIT_FOREVER (-1) if the thread
902  * is to block indefinitely or IX_OSAL_WAIT_NONE (0) if the thread is to
903  * return immediately even if the call fails
904  *
905  * Decrements a semaphore, blocking if the semaphore is
906  * unavailable (value is 0).
907  *
908  * @li Reentrant: no
909  * @li IRQ safe:  no
910  *
911  * @return - IX_SUCCESS/IX_FAIL
912  */
913 PUBLIC IX_STATUS ixOsalSemaphoreWait (IxOsalSemaphore * semaphore,
914 				      INT32 timeout);
916 /**
917  * @ingroup IxOsal
918  *
919  * @brief Non-blocking wait on semaphore
920  *
921  * @param semaphore - semaphore handle
922  *
923  * Decrements a semaphore, not blocking the calling thread if the semaphore
924  * is unavailable
925  *
926  * @li Reentrant: no
927  * @li IRQ safe:  no
928  *
929  * @return - IX_SUCCESS/IX_FAIL
930  */
931 PUBLIC IX_STATUS ixOsalSemaphoreTryWait (IxOsalSemaphore * semaphore);
933 /**
934  * @ingroup IxOsal
935  *
936  * @brief Gets semaphore value
937  *
938  * @param semaphore - semaphore handle
939  * @param value - location to store the semaphore value
940  *
941  * Retrieves the current value of a semaphore object
942  *
943  * @li Reentrant: no
944  * @li IRQ safe:  no
945  *
946  * @return - IX_SUCCESS/IX_FAIL
947  */
948 PUBLIC IX_STATUS ixOsalSemaphoreGetValue (IxOsalSemaphore * semaphore,
949 					  UINT32 * value);
951 /**
952  * @ingroup IxOsal
953  *
954  * @brief Destroys a semaphore object
955  *
956  * @param semaphore - semaphore handle
957  *
958  * Destroys a semaphore object; the caller should ensure that no thread is
959  * blocked on this semaphore
960  *
961  * @li Reentrant: no
962  * @li IRQ safe:  no
963  *
964  * @return - IX_SUCCESS/IX_FAIL
965  */
966 PUBLIC IX_STATUS ixOsalSemaphoreDestroy (IxOsalSemaphore * semaphore);
968 /**
969  * @ingroup IxOsal
970  *
971  * @brief Yields execution of current thread
972  *
973  * Yields the execution of the current thread
974  *
975  * @li Reentrant: no
976  * @li IRQ safe:  no
977  *
978  * @return - none
979  */
980 PUBLIC void ixOsalYield (void);
983 /* ========================== Time functions  ===========================
984  *
985  */
987 /**
988  * @ingroup IxOsal
989  *
990  * @brief Yielding sleep for a number of milliseconds
991  *
992  * @param milliseconds - number of milliseconds to sleep
993  *
994  * The calling thread will sleep for the specified number of milliseconds.
995  * This sleep is yielding, hence other tasks will be scheduled by the
996  * operating system during the sleep period. Calling this function with an
997  * argument of 0 will place the thread at the end of the current scheduling
998  * loop.
999  *
1000  * @li Reentrant: no
1001  * @li IRQ safe:  no
1002  *
1003  * @return - none
1004  */
1005 PUBLIC void ixOsalSleep (UINT32 milliseconds);
1007 /**
1008  * @ingroup IxOsal
1009  *
1010  * @brief Busy sleep for a number of microseconds
1011  *
1012  * @param microseconds - number of microseconds to sleep
1013  *
1014  * Sleeps for the specified number of microseconds, without explicitly
1015  * yielding thread execution to the OS scheduler
1016  *
1017  * @li Reentrant: yes
1018  * @li IRQ safe:  yes
1019  *
1020  * @return - none
1021  */
1022 PUBLIC void ixOsalBusySleep (UINT32 microseconds);
1024 /**
1025  * @ingroup IxOsal
1026  *
1027  * @brief XXX
1028  *
1029  * Retrieves the current timestamp
1030  *
1031  * @li Reentrant: yes
1032  * @li IRQ safe:  yes
1033  *
1034  * @return - The current timestamp
1035  *
1036  * @note The implementation of this function is platform-specific. Not
1037  * all the platforms provide a high-resolution timestamp counter.
1038  */
1039 PUBLIC UINT32 ixOsalTimestampGet (void);
1041 /**
1042  * @ingroup IxOsal
1043  *
1044  * @brief Resolution of the timestamp counter
1045  *
1046  * Retrieves the resolution (frequency) of the timestamp counter.
1047  *
1048  * @li Reentrant: yes
1049  * @li IRQ safe:  yes
1050  *
1051  * @return - The resolution of the timestamp counter
1052  *
1053  * @note The implementation of this function is platform-specific. Not all
1054  * the platforms provide a high-resolution timestamp counter.
1055  */
1056 PUBLIC UINT32 ixOsalTimestampResolutionGet (void);
1058 /**
1059  * @ingroup IxOsal
1060  *
1061  * @brief System clock rate, in ticks
1062  *
1063  * Retrieves the resolution (number of ticks per second) of the system clock
1064  *
1065  * @li Reentrant: no
1066  * @li IRQ safe:  no
1067  *
1068  * @return - The system clock rate
1069  *
1070  * @note The implementation of this function is platform and OS-specific.
1071  * The system clock rate is not always available - e.g. Linux does not
1072  * provide this information in user mode
1073  */
1074 PUBLIC UINT32 ixOsalSysClockRateGet (void);
1076 /**
1077  * @ingroup IxOsal
1078  *
1079  * @brief Current system time
1080  *
1081  * @param tv - pointer to an IxOsalTimeval structure to store the current
1082  *             time in
1083  *
1084  * Retrieves the current system time (real-time)
1085  *
1086  * @li Reentrant: no
1087  * @li IRQ safe:  no
1088  *
1089  * @return - none
1090  *
1091  * @note The implementation of this function is platform-specific. Not all
1092  * platforms have a real-time clock.
1093  */
1094 PUBLIC void ixOsalTimeGet (IxOsalTimeval * tv);
1098 /* Internal function to convert timer val to ticks.
1099  * NOTE - This should not be called by the user.
1100  * Use the macro IX_OSAL_TIMEVAL_TO_TICKS
1101  * OS-independent, implemented in framework.
1102  */
1103 PUBLIC UINT32 ixOsalTimevalToTicks (IxOsalTimeval tv);
1106 /**
1107  * @ingroup IxOsal
1108  *
1109  * @brief Converts ixOsalTimeVal into ticks
1110  *
1111  * @param tv - an IxOsalTimeval structure
1112  *
1113  * Converts an IxOsalTimeval structure into OS ticks
1114  *
1115  * @li Reentrant: yes
1116  * @li IRQ safe:  yes
1117  *
1118  * @return - Corresponding number of ticks
1119  *
1120  * Note: This function is OS-independent. Implemented by core.
1121  */
1122 #define IX_OSAL_TIMEVAL_TO_TICKS(tv)  ixOsalTimevalToTicks(tv)
1126 /* Internal function to convert ticks to timer val
1127  * NOTE - This should not be called by the user.
1128  * Use the macro IX_OSAL_TICKS_TO_TIMEVAL
1129  */
1131 PUBLIC void ixOsalTicksToTimeval (UINT32 ticks, IxOsalTimeval * pTv);
1134 /**
1135  * @ingroup IxOsal
1136  *
1137  * @brief Converts ticks into ixOsalTimeVal
1138  *
1139  * @param ticks - number of ticks
1140  * @param pTv - pointer to the destination structure
1141  *
1142  * Converts the specified number of ticks into an IxOsalTimeval structure
1143  *
1144  * @li Reentrant: yes
1145  * @li IRQ safe:  yes
1146  *
1147  * @return - Corresponding IxOsalTimeval structure
1148  * Note: This function is OS-independent. Implemented by core.
1149  */
1150 #define IX_OSAL_TICKS_TO_TIMEVAL(ticks, pTv)  \
1151     ixOsalTicksToTimeval(ticks, pTv)
1156 /**
1157  * @ingroup IxOsal
1158  *
1159  * @brief Converts ixOsalTimeVal to milliseconds
1160  *
1161  * @param tv - IxOsalTimeval structure to convert
1162  *
1163  * Converts an IxOsalTimeval structure into milliseconds
1164  *
1165  * @li Reentrant: yes
1166  * @li IRQ safe:  yes
1167  *
1168  * @return - Corresponding number of milliseconds
1169  * Note: This function is OS-independent. Implemented by core.
1170  */
1171 #define IX_OSAL_TIMEVAL_TO_MS(tv)     ((tv.secs * 1000) + (tv.nsecs / 1000000))
1174 /**
1175  * @ingroup IxOsal
1176  *
1177  * @brief Converts milliseconds to IxOsalTimeval
1178  *
1179  * @param milliseconds - number of milliseconds to convert
1180  * @param pTv - pointer to the destination structure
1181  *
1182  * Converts a millisecond value into an IxOsalTimeval structure
1183  *
1184  * @li Reentrant: yes
1185  * @li IRQ safe:  yes
1186  *
1187  * @return - Corresponding IxOsalTimeval structure
1188  * Note: This function is OS-independent. Implemented by core.
1189  */
1190 #define IX_OSAL_MS_TO_TIMEVAL(milliseconds, pTv)  \
1191    	    ((IxOsalTimeval *) pTv)->secs = milliseconds / 1000;			  \
1192         ((IxOsalTimeval *) pTv)->nsecs = (milliseconds % 1000) * 1000000
1195 /**
1196  * @ingroup IxOsal
1197  *
1198  * @brief "equal" comparison for IxOsalTimeval
1199  *
1200  * @param tvA, tvB - IxOsalTimeval structures to compare
1201  *
1202  * Compares two IxOsalTimeval structures for equality
1203  *
1204  * @li Reentrant: yes
1205  * @li IRQ safe:  yes
1206  *
1207  * @return - TRUE if the structures are equal
1208  *         - FALSE otherwise
1209  * Note: This function is OS-independant
1210  */
1211 #define IX_OSAL_TIME_EQ(tvA, tvB)        \
1212         ((tvA).secs == (tvB).secs && (tvA).nsecs == (tvB).nsecs)
1215 /**
1216  * @ingroup IxOsal
1217  *
1218  * @brief "less than" comparison for IxOsalTimeval
1219  *
1220  * @param tvA, tvB - IxOsalTimeval structures to compare
1221  *
1222  * Compares two IxOsalTimeval structures to determine if the first one is
1223  * less than the second one
1224  *
1225  * @li Reentrant: yes
1226  * @li IRQ safe:  yes
1227  *
1228  * @return - TRUE if tvA < tvB
1229  *         - FALSE otherwise
1230  * Note: This function is OS-independent. Implemented by core.
1231  */
1232 #define IX_OSAL_TIME_LT(tvA,tvB) \
1233         ((tvA).secs  < (tvB).secs ||	\
1234         ((tvA).secs == (tvB).secs && (tvA).nsecs < (tvB).nsecs))
1237 /**
1238  * @ingroup IxOsal
1239  *
1240  * @brief "greater than" comparison for IxOsalTimeval
1241  *
1242  * @param tvA, tvB - IxOsalTimeval structures to compare
1243  *
1244  * Compares two IxOsalTimeval structures to determine if the first one is
1245  * greater than the second one
1246  *
1247  * @li Reentrant: yes
1248  * @li IRQ safe:  yes
1249  *
1250  * @return - TRUE if tvA > tvB
1251  *         - FALSE  otherwise
1252  * Note: This function is OS-independent.
1253  */
1254 #define IX_OSAL_TIME_GT(tvA, tvB)  \
1255         ((tvA).secs  > (tvB).secs ||	\
1256         ((tvA).secs == (tvB).secs && (tvA).nsecs > (tvB).nsecs))
1259 /**
1260  * @ingroup IxOsal
1261  *
1262  * @brief "add" operator for IxOsalTimeval
1263  *
1264  * @param tvA, tvB - IxOsalTimeval structures to add
1265  *
1266  * Adds the second IxOsalTimevalStruct to the first one (equivalent to
1267  * tvA += tvB)
1268  *
1269  * @li Reentrant: yes
1270  * @li IRQ safe:  yes
1271  *
1272  * @return - none
1273  * Note: This function is OS-independent.
1274  */
1275 #define IX_OSAL_TIME_ADD(tvA, tvB)  \
1276         (tvA).secs += (tvB).secs;   \
1277         (tvA).nsecs += (tvB).nsecs; \
1278         if ((tvA).nsecs >= IX_OSAL_BILLION) \
1279     	{ \
1280         (tvA).secs++; \
1281         (tvA).nsecs -= IX_OSAL_BILLION; }
1284 /**
1285  * @ingroup IxOsal
1286  *
1287  * @brief "subtract" operator for IxOsalTimeval
1288  *
1289  * @param tvA, tvB - IxOsalTimeval structures to subtract
1290  *
1291  * Subtracts the second IxOsalTimevalStruct from the first one (equivalent
1292  * to tvA -= tvB)
1293  *
1294  * @li Reentrant: yes
1295  * @li IRQ safe:  yes
1296  *
1297  * @return - none
1298  * Note: This function is OS-independent. Implemented by core.
1299  */
1300 #define IX_OSAL_TIME_SUB(tvA, tvB)   \
1301         if ((tvA).nsecs >= (tvB).nsecs) \
1302         { \
1303           (tvA).secs -= (tvB).secs; \
1304           (tvA).nsecs -= (tvB).nsecs; \
1305         } \
1306         else \
1307         { \
1308           (tvA).secs -= ((tvB).secs + 1); \
1309           (tvA).nsecs += IX_OSAL_BILLION - (tvB).nsecs; \
1310         }
1313 /* ============================= Logging  ==============================
1314  *
1315  */
1317 /**
1318  * @ingroup IxOsal
1319  *
1320  * @brief Interrupt-safe logging function
1321  *
1322  * @param level - identifier prefix for the message
1323  * @param device - output device
1324  * @param format - message format, in a printf format
1325  * @param ... - up to 6 arguments to be printed
1326  *
1327  * IRQ-safe logging function, similar to printf. Accepts up to 6 arguments
1328  * to print (excluding the level, device and the format). This function will
1329  * actually display the message only if the level is lower than the current
1330  * verbosity level or if the IX_OSAL_LOG_USER level is used. An output device
1331  * must be specified (see IxOsalTypes.h).
1332  *
1333  * @li Reentrant: yes
1334  * @li IRQ safe:  yes
1335  *
1336  * @return - Beside the exceptions documented in the note below, the returned
1337  * value is the number of printed characters, or -1 if the parameters are
1338  * incorrect (NULL format, unknown output device)
1339  *
1340  * @note The exceptions to the return value are:
1341  * VxWorks: The return value is 32 if the specified level is 1 and 64
1342  * if the specified level is greater than 1 and less or equal than 9.
1343  * WinCE: If compiled for EBOOT then the return value is always 0.
1344  *
1345  * @note The given print format should take into account the specified
1346  * output device. IX_OSAL_STDOUT supports all the usual print formats,
1347  * however a custom hex display specified by IX_OSAL_HEX would support
1348  * only a fixed number of hexadecimal digits.
1349  */
1350 PUBLIC INT32 ixOsalLog (IxOsalLogLevel level,
1351 			IxOsalLogDevice device,
1352 			char *format,
1353 			int arg1,
1354 			int arg2, int arg3, int arg4, int arg5, int arg6);
1356 /**
1357  * @ingroup IxOsal
1358  *
1359  * @brief sets the current logging verbosity level
1360  *
1361  * @param level - new log verbosity level
1362  *
1363  * Sets the log verbosity level. The default value is IX_OSAL_LOG_ERROR.
1364  *
1365  * @li Reentrant: yes
1366  * @li IRQ safe:  yes
1367  *
1368  * @return - Old log verbosity level
1369  */
1370 PUBLIC UINT32 ixOsalLogLevelSet (UINT32 level);
1373 /* ============================= Logging  ==============================
1374  *
1375  */
1377 /**
1378  * @ingroup IxOsal
1379  *
1380  * @brief Schedules a repeating timer
1381  *
1382  * @param timer - handle of the timer object
1383  * @param period - timer trigger period, in milliseconds
1384  * @param priority - timer priority (0 being the highest)
1385  * @param callback - user callback to invoke when the timer triggers
1386  * @param param - custom parameter passed to the callback
1387  *
1388  * Schedules a timer to be called every period milliseconds. The timer
1389  * will invoke the specified callback function possibly in interrupt
1390  * context, passing the given parameter. If several timers trigger at the
1391  * same time contention issues are dealt according to the specified timer
1392  * priorities.
1393  *
1394  * @li Reentrant: no
1395  * @li IRQ safe:  no
1396  *
1397  * @return - IX_SUCCESS/IX_FAIL
1398  */
1399 PUBLIC IX_STATUS ixOsalRepeatingTimerSchedule (IxOsalTimer * timer,
1400 					       UINT32 period,
1401 					       UINT32 priority,
1402 					       IxOsalVoidFnVoidPtr callback,
1403 					       void *param);
1405 /**
1406  * @ingroup IxOsal
1407  *
1408  * @brief Schedules a single-shot timer
1409  *
1410  * @param timer - handle of the timer object
1411  * @param period - timer trigger period, in milliseconds
1412  * @param priority - timer priority (0 being the highest)
1413  * @param callback - user callback to invoke when the timer triggers
1414  * @param param - custom parameter passed to the callback
1415  *
1416  * Schedules a timer to be called after period milliseconds. The timer
1417  * will cease to function past its first trigger. The timer will invoke
1418  * the specified callback function, possibly in interrupt context, passing
1419  * the given parameter. If several timers trigger at the same time contention
1420  * issues are dealt according to the specified timer priorities.
1421  *
1422  * @li Reentrant: no
1423  * @li IRQ safe:  no
1424  *
1425  * @return - IX_SUCCESS/IX_FAIL
1426  */
1428 ixOsalSingleShotTimerSchedule (IxOsalTimer * timer,
1429 			       UINT32 period,
1430 			       UINT32 priority,
1431 			       IxOsalVoidFnVoidPtr callback, void *param);
1433 /**
1434  * @ingroup IxOsal
1435  *
1436  * @brief Cancels a running timer
1437  *
1438  * @param timer - handle of the timer object
1439  *
1440  * Cancels a single-shot or repeating timer.
1441  *
1442  * @li Reentrant: no
1443  * @li IRQ safe:  yes
1444  *
1445  * @return - IX_SUCCESS/IX_FAIL
1446  */
1447 PUBLIC IX_STATUS ixOsalTimerCancel (IxOsalTimer * timer);
1449 /**
1450  * @ingroup IxOsal
1451  *
1452  * @brief displays all the running timers
1453  *
1454  * Displays a list with all the running timers and their parameters (handle,
1455  * period, type, priority, callback and user parameter)
1456  *
1457  * @li Reentrant: no
1458  * @li IRQ safe:  no
1459  *
1460  * @return - none
1461  */
1462 PUBLIC void ixOsalTimersShow (void);
1465 /* ============================= Version  ==============================
1466  *
1467  */
1469 /**
1470  * @ingroup IxOsal
1471  *
1472  * @brief provides the name of the Operating System running
1473  *
1474  * @param osName - Pointer to a NULL-terminated string of characters
1475  * that holds the name of the OS running.
1476  * This is both an input and an ouput parameter
1477  * @param maxSize - Input parameter that defines the maximum number of
1478  * bytes that can be stored in osName
1479  *
1480  * Returns a string of characters that describe the Operating System name
1481  *
1482  * @li Reentrant: yes
1483  * @li IRQ safe:  yes
1484  *
1485  * return - IX_SUCCESS for successful retrieval
1486  *        - IX_FAIL if (osType == NULL | maxSize =< 0)
1487  */
1488 PUBLIC IX_STATUS ixOsalOsNameGet (INT8* osName, INT32 maxSize);
1490 /**
1491  * @ingroup IxOsal
1492  *
1493  * @brief provides the version of the Operating System running
1494  *
1495  * @param osVersion - Pointer to a NULL terminated string of characters
1496  * that holds the version of the OS running.
1497  * This is both an input and an ouput parameter
1498  * @param maxSize - Input parameter that defines the maximum number of
1499  * bytes that can be stored in osVersion
1500  *
1501  * Returns a string of characters that describe the Operating System's version
1502  *
1503  * @li Reentrant: yes
1504  * @li IRQ safe:  yes
1505  *
1506  * return - IX_SUCCESS for successful retrieval
1507  *        - IX_FAIL if (osVersion == NULL | maxSize =< 0)
1508  */
1509 PUBLIC IX_STATUS ixOsalOsVersionGet(INT8* osVersion, INT32 maxSize);
1513 /**
1514  * @} IxOsal
1515  */
1517 #endif /* IxOsal_H */