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Name Date Size #Lines LOC


Build_overview.mdH A D29-Apr-20214.2 KiB10577

Contributing.mdH A D29-Apr-20211.2 KiB2622

Debugging.mdH A D29-Apr-20214.2 KiB11282

Developer_Documentation.mdH A D29-Apr-2021996 2619

Developer_links.mdH A D29-Apr-20211.5 KiB8746

Download.mdH A D29-Apr-2021711 2819

Execution_and_code_flow.mdH A D29-Apr-20218 KiB179147

Linking_overview.mdH A D29-Apr-20217.5 KiB161134

Mailinglist.mdH A D29-Apr-2021544 1511

Memory_Model.mdH A D29-Apr-202111.5 KiB254206

READMEH A D29-Apr-2021230 64

Releases.mdH A D29-Apr-202115.3 KiB512387

Runtime_config.mdH A D29-Apr-202111.1 KiB194155

SeaBIOS.mdH A D29-Apr-2021767 1813

SeaVGABIOS.mdH A D29-Apr-20211.6 KiB4032

developer-certificate-of-originH A D29-Apr-20211.4 KiB3828


1This directory contains SeaBIOS documentation as found on the SeaBIOS
2wiki.  All the files in this directory (with the exclusion of this
3README file) correspond to a page on the wiki.
5The documentation files use markdown syntax.