2#' Hausman Test for Panel Models
4#' Specification test for panel models.
6#' The Hausman test (sometimes also called Durbin--Wu--Hausman test)
7#' is based on the difference of the vectors of coefficients of two
8#' different models.  The `panelmodel` method computes the original
9#' version of the test based on a quadratic form
10#' \insertCite{HAUS:78}{plm}. The `formula` method, if
11#' `method="chisq"` (default), computes the original version of the
12#' test based on a quadratic form; if `method="aux"` then the
13#' auxiliary-regression-based version in Wooldridge (2010,
14#' Sec. 10.7.3.) is computed instead \insertCite{@WOOL:10 Sec.10.7.3}{plm}.
15#' Only the latter can be robustified by specifying a robust
16#' covariance estimator as a function through the argument `vcov` (see
17#' **Examples**).
19#' The equivalent tests in the **one-way** case using a between
20#' model (either "within vs. between" or "random vs. between")
21#' \insertCite{@see @HAUS:TAYL:81 or @BALT:13 Sec.4.3}{plm} can also
22#' be performed by `phtest`, but only for `test = "chisq"`, not for
23#' the regression-based test. NB: These equivalent tests using the
24#' between model do not extend to the two-ways case.  There are,
25#' however, some other equivalent tests,
26#' \insertCite{@see @KANG:85 or @BALT:13 Sec.4.3.7}{plm},
27#' but those are unsupported by `phtest`.
29#' @aliases phtest
30#' @param x an object of class `"panelmodel"` or `"formula"`,
31#' @param x2 an object of class `"panelmodel"`,
32#' @param model a character vector containing the names of two models
33#' (length(model) must be 2),
34#' @param data a `data.frame`,
35#' @param method one of `"chisq"` or `"aux"`,
36#' @param index an optional vector of index variables,
37#' @param vcov an optional covariance function,
38#' @param \dots further arguments to be passed on. For the formula method,
39#' place argument `effect` here to compare, e.g., twoway models
40#' (`effect = "twoways"`) Note: Argument `effect` is not respected in
41#' the panelmodel method.
42#' @return An object of class `"htest"`.
43#' @export
44#' @author Yves Croissant, Giovanni Millo
45#' @references
47#' \insertRef{HAUS:78}{plm}
49#' \insertRef{HAUS:TAYL:81}{plm}
51#' \insertRef{KANG:85}{plm}
53#' \insertRef{WOOL:10}{plm}
55#' \insertRef{BALT:13}{plm}
57#' @keywords htest
58#' @examples
60#' data("Gasoline", package = "plm")
61#' form <- lgaspcar ~ lincomep + lrpmg + lcarpcap
62#' wi <- plm(form, data = Gasoline, model = "within")
63#' re <- plm(form, data = Gasoline, model = "random")
64#' phtest(wi, re)
65#' phtest(form, data = Gasoline)
66#' phtest(form, data = Gasoline, method = "aux")
68#' # robust Hausman test (regression-based)
69#' phtest(form, data = Gasoline, method = "aux", vcov = vcovHC)
71#' # robust Hausman test with vcov supplied as a
72#' # function and additional parameters
73#' phtest(form, data = Gasoline, method = "aux",
74#'   vcov = function(x) vcovHC(x, method="white2", type="HC3"))
76phtest <- function(x,...){
77  UseMethod("phtest")
80#' @rdname phtest
81#' @export
82phtest.formula <- function(x, data, model = c("within", "random"),
83                            method = c("chisq", "aux"),
84                            index = NULL, vcov = NULL, ...) {
85  # TODO: No argument 'effect' here, maybe introduce?
86  #     it gets evaluated due to the eval() call for method="chisq"
87  #     and since rev. 305 due to extraction from dots (...) in method="aux" as a quick fix
88  #    If introduced as argument, change doc accordingly (currently, effect arg is mentioned in ...)
90    if (length(model) != 2) stop("two models should be indicated in argument 'model'")
91    for (i in 1:2){
92        model.name <- model[i]
93        if(!(model.name %in% names(model.plm.list))){
94            stop("model must be one of ", oneof(model.plm.list))
95        }
96    }
97    switch(match.arg(method),
98           chisq={
99               cl <- match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)
100               cl$model <- model[1L]
101               names(cl)[2L] <- "formula"
102               m <- match(plm.arg, names(cl), 0L)
103               cl <- cl[c(1L, m)]
104               cl[[1L]] <- as.name("plm")
105               plm.model.1 <- eval(cl, parent.frame())
106               plm.model.2 <- update(plm.model.1, model = model[2L])
107               return(phtest(plm.model.1, plm.model.2))
108           },
109           aux={
110               ## some interface checks here
111               if (model[1L] != "within") {
112                   stop("Please supply 'within' as first model type")
113               }
115               if (!is.null(vcov) && !is.function(vcov)) stop("argument 'vcov' needs to be a function")
117               ## set pdata.frame
118               if (!inherits(data, "pdata.frame")) data <- pdata.frame(data, index = index) #, ...)
120               row.names(data) <- NULL # reset rownames of original data set (->numbers rownames in clean sequence) to make rownames
121                                       # comparable for later comparison to obs used in estimation of models (get rid of NA values)
122                                       # [needed because pmodel.response() and model.matrix() do not retain fancy rownames, but rownames]
124               # rev. 305: quick and dirty fix for missing effect argument in function
125               # signature for formula interface/test="aux": see if effect is in dots and extract
126                  dots <- list(...)
127                  # print(dots) # DEBUG printing
128                  effect <- if(!is.null(dots$effect)) dots$effect else NULL
129               # calculate FE and RE model
131               fe_mod <- plm(formula = x, data = data, model = model[1L], effect = effect)
132               re_mod <- plm(formula = x, data = data, model = model[2L], effect = effect)
134                ## DEBUG printing:
135                 # print(effect)
136                 # print(model)
137                 # print(paste0("mod1: ", describe(fe_mod, "effect")))
138                 # print(paste0("mod2: ", describe(re_mod, "effect")))
139                 # print(fe_mod)
140                 # print(re_mod)
141               reY <- pmodel.response(re_mod)
142#               reX <- model.matrix(re_mod)[ , -1, drop = FALSE] # intercept not needed; drop=F needed to prevent matrix
143#               feX <- model.matrix(fe_mod, cstcovar.rm = TRUE)  # from degenerating to vector if only one regressor
144               reX <- model.matrix(re_mod, cstcovar.rm = "intercept")
145               feX <- model.matrix(fe_mod, cstcovar.rm = "all")
147               dimnames(feX)[[2L]] <- paste(dimnames(feX)[[2L]], "tilde", sep=".")
148               ## estimated models could have fewer obs (due dropping of NAs) compared to the original data
149               ## => match original data and observations used in estimated models
150               ## routine adapted from lmtest::bptest
151               commonrownames <- intersect(intersect(intersect(row.names(data), names(reY)), row.names(reX)), row.names(feX))
152               if (!(all(c(row.names(data) %in% commonrownames, commonrownames %in% row.names(data))))) {
153                 data <- data[commonrownames, ]
154                 reY  <- reY[commonrownames]
155                 reX  <- reX[commonrownames, ]
156                 feX  <- feX[commonrownames, ]
157               }
159               # Tests of correct matching of obs (just for safety ...)
160               if (!all.equal(length(reY), nrow(data), nrow(reX), nrow(feX)))
161                  stop("number of cases/observations do not match, most likely due to NAs in \"data\"")
162                if (any(c(is.na(names(reY)), is.na(row.names(data)), is.na(row.names(reX)), is.na(row.names(feX)))))
163                    stop("one (or more) rowname(s) is (are) NA")
164                if (!all.equal(names(reY), row.names(data), row.names(reX), row.names(feX)))
165                  stop("row.names of cases/observations do not match, most likely due to NAs in \"data\"")
167               ## fetch indices here, check pdata
168               ## construct data set and formula for auxiliary regression
169               data <- pdata.frame(cbind(index(data), reY, reX, feX))
170               auxfm <- as.formula(paste("reY~",
171                                         paste(dimnames(reX)[[2L]],
172                                               collapse="+"), "+",
173                                         paste(dimnames(feX)[[2L]],
174                                               collapse="+"), sep=""))
175               auxmod <- plm(formula = auxfm, data = data, model = "pooling")
176               nvars <- dim(feX)[[2L]]
177               R <- diag(1, nvars)
178               r <- rep(0, nvars) # here just for clarity of illustration
179               omega0 <- vcov(auxmod)[(nvars+2):(nvars*2+1),
180                                      (nvars+2):(nvars*2+1)]
181               Rbr <- R %*% coef(auxmod)[(nvars+2):(nvars*2+1)] - r
183               h2t <- as.numeric(crossprod(Rbr, solve(omega0, Rbr)))
184               ph2t <- pchisq(h2t, df = nvars, lower.tail = FALSE)
186               df <- nvars
187               names(df) <- "df"
188               names(h2t) <- "chisq"
190               if (!is.null(vcov)) {
191                   vcov <- paste(", vcov: ",
192                                  paste(deparse(substitute(vcov))),
193                                  sep="")
194               }
196               haus2 <- list(statistic   = h2t,
197                             p.value     = ph2t,
198                             parameter   = df,
199                             method      = paste("Regression-based Hausman test",
200                                                  vcov, sep=""),
201                             alternative = "one model is inconsistent",
202                             data.name   = paste(deparse(substitute(x))))
203               class(haus2) <- "htest"
204               return(haus2)
205           })
208#' @rdname phtest
209#' @export
210phtest.panelmodel <- function(x, x2, ...){
211  coef.wi <- coef(x)
212  coef.re <- coef(x2)
213  vcov.wi <- vcov(x)
214  vcov.re <- vcov(x2)
215  names.wi <- names(coef.wi)
216  names.re <- names(coef.re)
217  common_coef_names <- names.re[names.re %in% names.wi]
218  coef.h <- common_coef_names[!(common_coef_names %in% "(Intercept)")] # drop intercept if included (relevant when between model input)
219  if(length(coef.h) == 0L) stop("no common coefficients in models")
220  dbeta <- coef.wi[coef.h] - coef.re[coef.h]
221  df <- length(dbeta)
222  dvcov <- vcov.wi[coef.h, coef.h] - vcov.re[coef.h, coef.h]
224  #### BEGIN cater for equivalent test within vs. between
225    # Baltagi (2013), Sec. 4.3, pp. 77, 81
226    modx  <- describe(x,  what = "model")
227    modx2 <- describe(x2, what = "model")
228    effx  <- describe(x,  what = "effect")
229    effx2 <- describe(x2, what = "effect")
231    # Tests with between model do not extend to two-ways case -> give error
232    # There are, however, some equiv. tests with the individual/time between
233    # model, but let's not support them (see Kang (1985), Baltagi (2013), Sec. 4.3.7)
234    if (   (modx  == "between" || modx2 == "between")
235        && (effx == "twoways" || effx2 == "twoways")) stop("tests with between model in twoways case not supported")
237    # in case of one-way within vs. between (m3 in Baltagi (2013), pp. 77, 81)
238    # the variances need to be added (not subtracted like in the other cases)
239    if (   (modx  == "within" && modx2 == "between")
240        || (modx2 == "within" && modx  == "between")) {
241      dvcov <- vcov.wi[coef.h, coef.h] + vcov.re[coef.h, coef.h]
242    }
243  #### END cater for equivalent tests with between model
245  stat <- as.numeric(abs(t(dbeta) %*% solve(dvcov) %*% dbeta))
246  pval <- pchisq(stat, df = df, lower.tail = FALSE)
247  names(stat) <- "chisq"
248  parameter <- df
249  names(parameter) <- "df"
250  alternative <- "one model is inconsistent"
252  ## DEBUG printing:
253     # print(paste0("mod1: ", describe(x,  "effect")))
254     # print(paste0("mod2: ", describe(x2, "effect")))
256  res <- list(statistic    = stat,
257              p.value      = pval,
258              parameter    = parameter,
259              method       = "Hausman Test",
260              data.name    = data.name(x),
261              alternative  = alternative)
262  class(res) <- "htest"
263  return(res)
266############## plmtest() ############################################
267# For a concise overview with original references, see
268# Baltagi (2013), Econometric Analysis of Panel Data, 5th edition, pp. 68-76 (balanced), pp. 200-203 (unbalanced).
270# balanced (original) version of Breusch-Pagan test:
271#     T.S. Breusch & A.R. Pagan (1979),
272#       A Simple Test for Heteroscedasticity and Random Coefficient Variation,
273#       Econometrica 47, pp. 1287-1294
275# unbalanced version:
276#     Baltagi/Li (1990),
277#       A lagrange multiplier test for the error components model with incomplete panels,
278#       Econometric Reviews, 9, pp. 103-107,
281# pchibarsq: helper function: "p-function" for mixed chisq (also called chi-bar-squared)
282# used in plmtest(., type = "ghm"), see Baltagi (2013), pp. 71-72, 74, 88, 202-203, 209
284# a reference for the distribution seems to be
285# Dykstra, R./El Barmi, H., Chi-Bar-Square Distributions, in: Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences,
286# DOI: 10.1002/0471667196.ess0265.pub2
287pchibarsq <- function(q, df, weights, lower.tail = TRUE, ... ) {
288  # NB: other parameters in dots (...): not checked if valid! (ncp, log, ...)
289  res <- sum(weights * pchisq(q, df = df, lower.tail = lower.tail, ...))
290  return(res)
296#' Lagrange FF Multiplier Tests for Panel Models
298#' Test of individual and/or time effects for panel models.
300#' These Lagrange multiplier tests use only the residuals of the
301#' pooling model.  The first argument of this function may be either a
302#' pooling model of class `plm` or an object of class `formula`
303#' describing the model. For inputted within (fixed effects) or random
304#' effects models, the corresponding pooling model is calculated
305#' internally first as the tests are based on the residuals of the
306#' pooling model.
308#' The `"bp"` test for unbalanced panels was derived in
309#' \insertCite{BALT:LI:90;textual}{plm}
310#' (1990), the `"kw"` test for unbalanced panels in
311#' \insertCite{BALT:CHAN:LI:98;textual}{plm}.
313#' The `"ghm"` test and the `"kw"` test were extended to two-way
314#' effects in \insertCite{BALT:CHAN:LI:92;textual}{plm}.
316#' For a concise overview of all these statistics see
317#' \insertCite{BALT:03;textual}{plm}, Sec. 4.2, pp. 68--76 (for balanced
318#' panels) and Sec. 9.5, pp. 200--203 (for unbalanced panels).
320#' @aliases plmtest
321#' @param x an object of class `"plm"` or a formula of class
322#'     `"formula"`,
323#' @param data a `data.frame`,
324#' @param effect a character string indicating which effects are
325#'     tested: individual effects (`"individual"`), time effects
326#'     (`"time"`) or both (`"twoways"`),
327#' @param type a character string indicating the test to be performed:
329#' - `"honda"` (default) for \insertCite{HOND:85;textual}{plm},
330#' - `"bp"` for \insertCite{BREU:PAGA:80;textual}{plm},
331#' - `"kw"` for \insertCite{KING:WU:97;textual}{plm}, or
332#' - `"ghm"` for \insertCite{GOUR:HOLL:MONF:82;textual}{plm} for
333#'     unbalanced panel data sets, the respective unbalanced version
334#'     of the tests are computed,
336#' @param \dots further arguments passed to `plmtest`.
337#' @return An object of class `"htest"`.
338#' @note For the King-Wu statistics (`"kw"`), the oneway statistics
339#'     (`"individual"` and `"time"`) coincide with the respective
340#'     Honda statistics (`"honda"`); twoway statistics of `"kw"` and
341#'     `"honda"` differ.
342#' @export
343#' @author Yves Croissant (initial implementation), Kevin Tappe
344#'     (generalization to unbalanced panels)
345#' @seealso [pFtest()] for individual and/or time effects tests based
346#'     on the within model.
347#' @references
349#' \insertRef{BALT:13}{plm}
351#' \insertRef{BALT:LI:90}{plm}
353#' \insertRef{BALT:CHAN:LI:92}{plm}
355#' \insertRef{BALT:CHAN:LI:98}{plm}
357#' \insertRef{BREU:PAGA:80}{plm}
359#' \insertRef{GOUR:HOLL:MONF:82}{plm}
361#' \insertRef{HOND:85}{plm}
363#' \insertRef{KING:WU:97}{plm}
365#' @keywords htest
366#' @examples
368#' data("Grunfeld", package = "plm")
369#' g <- plm(inv ~ value + capital, data = Grunfeld, model = "pooling")
370#' plmtest(g)
371#' plmtest(g, effect="time")
372#' plmtest(inv ~ value + capital, data = Grunfeld, type = "honda")
373#' plmtest(inv ~ value + capital, data = Grunfeld, type = "bp")
374#' plmtest(inv ~ value + capital, data = Grunfeld, type = "bp",  effect = "twoways")
375#' plmtest(inv ~ value + capital, data = Grunfeld, type = "ghm", effect = "twoways")
376#' plmtest(inv ~ value + capital, data = Grunfeld, type = "kw",  effect = "twoways")
378#' Grunfeld_unbal <- Grunfeld[1:(nrow(Grunfeld)-1), ] # create an unbalanced panel data set
379#' g_unbal <- plm(inv ~ value + capital, data = Grunfeld_unbal, model = "pooling")
380#' plmtest(g_unbal) # unbalanced version of test is indicated in output
382plmtest <- function(x, ...){
383  UseMethod("plmtest")
386#' @rdname plmtest
387#' @export
388plmtest.plm <- function(x,
389                        effect = c("individual", "time", "twoways"),
390                        type = c("honda", "bp", "ghm", "kw"),
391                        ...) {
393  effect <- match.arg(effect)
394  type <- match.arg(type)
395  if (describe(x, "model") != "pooling") x <- update(x, model = "pooling")
396  pdim <- pdim(x)
397  n <- pdim$nT$n
398  T <- pdim$nT$T
399  N_obs <- pdim$nT$N
400  balanced <- pdim$balanced
401  index <- unclass(attr(model.frame(x), "index")) # unclass for speed
402  id <- index[[1L]]
403  time <- index[[2L]]
404  T_i <- pdim$Tint$Ti
405  N_t <- pdim$Tint$nt
406  res <- resid(x)
408  ### calc of parts of test statistic ##
409  # calc. is done w/o using matrix calculation, see, e.g., Baltagi/Li (1990), p. 106
410  CP.res <- crossprod(res)
411  A1 <- as.numeric(crossprod(tapply(res, id,   sum)) / CP.res - 1) # == A1 <- sum(tapply(res,id,sum)^2)   / sum(res^2) - 1
412  A2 <- as.numeric(crossprod(tapply(res, time, sum)) / CP.res - 1) # == A2 <- sum(tapply(res,time,sum)^2) / sum(res^2) - 1
414  M11 <- sum(T_i ^ 2)
415  M22 <- sum(N_t ^ 2)
417  LM1 <- N_obs * (1 / sqrt(2 * (M11 - N_obs))) * A1 # == sqrt( (((N_obs)^2) / 2) * ( A1^2 / (M11 - N_obs)) ) [except sign due to positive sqrt]
418  LM2 <- N_obs * (1 / sqrt(2 * (M22 - N_obs))) * A2 # == sqrt( (((N_obs)^2) / 2) * ( A2^2 / (M22 - N_obs)) ) [except sign due to positive sqrt]
419  ### END calc of parts of test statistic ##
422  if (effect != "twoways"){
423    # oneway
424    if (!type %in% c("honda", "bp", "kw"))
425      stop("type must be one of \"honda\", \"bp\" or \"kw\" for a one way model") # kw oneway coincides with honda
427    stat <- if(effect == "individual") LM1 else LM2
428    stat <- switch(type,
429                     honda = c(normal = stat),
430                     bp    = c(chisq  = stat ^ 2),
431                     kw    = c(normal = stat))
433    parameter <- switch(type,
434                          honda = NULL,
435                          bp = c(df = 1), # df = 1 in the oneway case (Baltagi (2013), p. 70)
436                          kw = NULL)
438    pval <- switch(type,
439                     honda = pnorm(stat, lower.tail = FALSE), # honda oneway ~ N(0,1), alternative is one-sided (Baltagi (2013), p. 71/202)
440                     bp    = pchisq(stat, df = parameter, lower.tail = FALSE), # df = 1 in the one-way case, alternative is two-sided (Baltagi (2013), p. 70/201)
441                     kw    = pnorm(stat, lower.tail = FALSE)) # kw oneway ~ N(0,1), alternative is one-sided (Baltagi (2013), p. 71/202)
442    # END oneway
443  }
444  else { # twoways
445    stat <- switch(type,
446                   honda = c(normal = (LM1 + LM2) / sqrt(2)),
447                   bp    = c(chisq = LM1 ^ 2 + LM2 ^ 2),
448                   kw    = c(normal = (sqrt(M11 - N_obs) / sqrt(M11 + M22 - 2 * N_obs)) * LM1 +
449                                 (sqrt(M22 - N_obs) / sqrt(M11 + M22 - 2 * N_obs)) * LM2),
450                   ghm   = c(chibarsq = max(0, LM1) ^ 2 + max(0, LM2) ^ 2))
452    parameter <- switch(type,
453                          honda = NULL,
454                          bp    = c(df = 2), # df = 2 in the twoway case (Baltagi (2013), p. 70/201)
455                          kw    = NULL,
456                          ghm   = c(df0 = 0L, df1 = 1L, df2 = 2L, w0 = 1/4, w1 = 1/2, w2 = 1/4)) # chibarsquared (mixed chisq) has several dfs and weights (Baltagi (2013), p. 72/202)
458    pval <- switch(type,
459                     honda = pnorm(stat, lower.tail = FALSE), # honda two-ways ~ N(0,1), alternative is one-sided (Baltagi (2013), p. 71/202)
460                     bp    = pchisq(stat, df = parameter, lower.tail = FALSE),  # is df = 2 in the twoway case, alternative is two-sided (Baltagi (2013), p. 70/201)
461                     kw    = pnorm(stat, lower.tail = FALSE), # kw twoways ~ N(0,1), alternative is one-sided (Baltagi (2013), p. 71/202)
462                     ghm   = pchibarsq(stat, df = c(0L, 1L, 2L), weights = c(1/4, 1/2, 1/4), lower.tail = FALSE)) # mixed chisq (also called chi-bar-square), see Baltagi (2013), pp. 71-72, 74, 88, 202-203, 209
463  } # END twoways
465  method.type <- switch(type,
466                          honda  = "Honda",
467                          bp     = "Breusch-Pagan",
468                          ghm    = "Gourieroux, Holly and Monfort",
469                          kw     = "King and Wu")
471  method.effect <- switch(effect,
472                            id      = "individual effects",
473                            time    = "time effects",
474                            twoways = "two-ways effects")
476  balanced.type <- if(balanced) "balanced" else "unbalanced"
478  method <- paste("Lagrange Multiplier Test - ", method.effect,
479                  " (", method.type, ") for ", balanced.type, " panels", sep="")
481  if (type %in% c("honda", "kw")) {
482    RVAL <- list(statistic = stat,
483                 p.value   = pval,
484                 method    = method,
485                 data.name = data.name(x))
486  }
487  else { # bp, ghm
488    RVAL <- list(statistic = stat,
489                 p.value   = pval,
490                 method    = method,
491                 parameter = parameter,
492                 data.name = data.name(x))
493  }
495  RVAL$alternative <- "significant effects" # TODO: maybe distinguish b/w one-sided and two-sided alternatives?
496                                            #       (bp: two-sided alt.; all others: one-sided alt.?)
498  class(RVAL) <- "htest"
499  return(RVAL)
502#' @rdname plmtest
503#' @export
504plmtest.formula <- function(x, data, ...,
505                            effect = c("individual", "time", "twoways"),
506                            type = c("honda", "bp", "ghm", "kw")) {
508  cl <- match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)
509  cl$model <- "pooling" # plmtest is performed on the pooling model...
510  cl$effect <- NULL     # ... and pooling model has no argument effect...
511  cl$type <- NULL       # ... and no argument type => see below: pass on args effect and type to plmtest.plm()
512  names(cl)[2L] <- "formula"
513  m <- match(plm.arg, names(cl), 0L)
514  cl <- cl[c(1L, m)]
515  cl[[1L]] <- as.name("plm")
516  plm.model <- eval(cl, parent.frame())
517  plmtest(plm.model, effect = effect, type = type) # pass on args effect and type to plmtest.plm()
521#' F Test for Individual and/or Time Effects
523#' Test of individual and/or time effects based on the comparison of the
524#' `within` and the `pooling` model.
526#' For the `plm` method, the argument of this function is two `plm`
527#' objects, the first being a within model, the second a pooling
528#' model. The effects tested are either individual, time or twoways,
529#' depending on the effects introduced in the within model.
531#' @aliases pFtest
532#' @param x an object of class `"plm"` or of class `"formula"`,
533#' @param z an object of class `"plm"`,
534#' @param data a `data.frame`,
535#' @param \dots further arguments.
536#' @return An object of class `"htest"`.
537#' @export
538#' @author Yves Croissant
539#' @seealso [plmtest()] for Lagrange multiplier tests of individuals
540#'     and/or time effects.
541#' @keywords htest
542#' @examples
544#' data("Grunfeld", package="plm")
545#' gp <- plm(inv ~ value + capital, data = Grunfeld, model = "pooling")
546#' gi <- plm(inv ~ value + capital, data = Grunfeld,
547#'           effect = "individual", model = "within")
548#' gt <- plm(inv ~ value + capital, data = Grunfeld,
549#'           effect = "time", model = "within")
550#' gd <- plm(inv ~ value + capital, data = Grunfeld,
551#'           effect = "twoways", model = "within")
552#' pFtest(gi, gp)
553#' pFtest(gt, gp)
554#' pFtest(gd, gp)
555#' pFtest(inv ~ value + capital, data = Grunfeld, effect = "twoways")
557pFtest <- function(x, ...){
558  UseMethod("pFtest")
561#' @rdname pFtest
562#' @export
563pFtest.formula <- function(x, data, ...){
564  cl <- match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)
565  cl$model <- "within"
566  names(cl)[2L] <- "formula"
567  m <- match(plm.arg,names(cl), 0L)
568  cl <- cl[c(1L, m)]
569  cl[[1L]] <- as.name("plm")
570  plm.within <- eval(cl,parent.frame())
571  plm.pooling <- update(plm.within, model = "pooling")
572  pFtest(plm.within, plm.pooling, ...)
575#' @rdname pFtest
576#' @export
577pFtest.plm <- function(x, z, ...){
578  within <- x
579  pooling <- z
580  ## leave this interface check commented because pkg AER (reverse dependency) has examples that
581  ## use pFtest(within_twoway, within_time)
582  # if (! (describe(x, "model") == "within" && describe(z, "model") == "pooling"))
583  #  stop("the two arguments should be a 'within' and a 'pooling' model (in this order)")
585  effect <- describe(x, "effect")
586  df1 <- df.residual(pooling)-df.residual(within)
587  df2 <- df.residual(within)
588  ssrp <- as.numeric(crossprod(residuals(pooling)))
589  ssrw <- as.numeric(crossprod(residuals(within)))
590  stat <- (ssrp-ssrw)/ssrw/df1*df2
591  names(stat) <- "F"
592  parameter <- c(df1, df2)
593  names(parameter) <- c("df1", "df2")
594  pval <- pf(stat, df1, df2, lower.tail = FALSE)
595  alternative <- "significant effects"
596  res <- list(statistic   = stat,
597              p.value     = pval,
598              method      = paste("F test for ", effect, " effects", sep=""),
599              parameter   = parameter,
600              data.name   = data.name(x),
601              alternative = alternative)
602  class(res) <- "htest"
603  res
606############## pwaldtest() ############################################
607# pwaldtest is used in summary.plm, summary.pht, summary.pgmm to compute the
608# Chi-square or F statistic, but can be used as a stand-alone test of
609# joint significance of all slopes
611# Short intro (but see associated help file)
612# arg 'vcov' non-NULL => the robust tests are carried out
613# arg df2adj == TRUE does finite-sample/cluster adjustment for F tests's df2
614# args .df1, .df2 are only there if user wants to do overwriting of dfs (user has final say)
616# Chi-sq test for IV models as in Wooldridge (1990), A note on the Lagrange multiplier and F-statistics for two stage least
617#                                                    squares regressions, Economics Letters 34: 151-155.
619#' Wald-style Chi-square Test and F Test
621#' Wald-style Chi-square test and F test of slope coefficients being
622#' zero jointly, including robust versions of the tests.
625#' `pwaldtest` can be used stand--alone with a plm object, a pvcm object,
626#' and a pgmm object (for pvcm objects only the 'random' type is valid and no
627#' further arguments are processed; for pgmm objects only arguments `param`
628#' and `vcov` are valid). It is also used in
629#' [summary.plm()] to produce the F statistic and the Chi-square
630#' statistic for the joint test of coefficients and in [summary.pgmm()].
632#' `pwaldtest` performs the test if the slope coefficients of a panel
633#' regression are jointly zero. It does not perform general purpose
634#' Wald-style tests (for those, see [lmtest::waldtest()] (from package
635#' \CRANpkg{lmtest}) or [car::linearHypothesis()] (from package
636#' \CRANpkg{car})).
638#' If a user specified variance-covariance matrix/function is given in
639#' argument `vcov`, the robust version of the tests are carried out.
640#' In that case, if the F test is requested (`test = "F"`) and no
641#' overwriting of the second degrees of freedom parameter is given (by
642#' supplying argument (`.df2`)), the adjustment of the second degrees
643#' of freedom parameter is performed by default. The second degrees of
644#' freedom parameter is adjusted to be the number of unique elements
645#' of the cluster variable - 1, e. g., the number of individuals minus 1.
646#' For the degrees of freedom adjustment of the F test in general,
647#' see e. g. \insertCite{CAME:MILL:15;textual}{plm}, section VII;
648#' \insertCite{ANDR:GOLS:SCMI:13}{plm}, pp. 126, footnote 4.
650#' The degrees of freedom adjustment requires the vcov object supplied
651#' or created by a supplied function to carry an attribute called
652#' "cluster" with a known clustering described as a character (for now
653#' this could be either `"group"` or `"time"`). The vcovXX functions
654#' of the package \pkg{plm} provide such an attribute for their
655#' returned variance--covariance matrices. No adjustment is done for
656#' unknown descriptions given in the attribute "cluster" or when the
657#' attribute "cluster" is not present. Robust vcov objects/functions
658#' from package \CRANpkg{clubSandwich} work as inputs to `pwaldtest`'s
659#' F test because a they are translated internally to match the needs
660#' described above.
662#' @aliases pwaldtest
663#' @param x an estimated model of which the coefficients should be
664#'     tested (usually of class `"plm"`/`"pvcm"`/`"pgmm"`)`,
665#' @param test a character, indicating the test to be performed, may
666#'     be either `"Chisq"` or `"F"` for the Wald-style
667#'     Chi-square test or F test, respectively,
668#' @param vcov `NULL` by default; a `matrix` giving a
669#'     variance--covariance matrix or a function which computes such;
670#'     if supplied (non `NULL`), the test is carried out using
671#'     the variance--covariance matrix indicated resulting in a robust
672#'     test,
673#' @param df2adj logical, only relevant for `test = "F"`,
674#'     indicating whether the adjustment for clustered standard errors
675#'     for the second degrees of freedom parameter should be performed
676#'     (see **Details**, also for further requirements regarding
677#'     the variance--covariance matrix in `vcov` for the
678#'     adjustment to be performed),
679#' @param .df1 a numeric, used if one wants to overwrite the first
680#'     degrees of freedom parameter in the performed test (usually not
681#'     used),
682#' @param .df2 a numeric, used if one wants to overwrite the second
683#'     degrees of freedom parameter for the F test (usually not used),
684#' @param param (for pgmm method only): select the parameters to be tested:
685#'     `"coef"`, `"time"`, or `"all"``.
686#' @param \dots further arguments (currently none).
687#' @return An object of class `"htest"`, except for pvcm's within model for which
688#'         a data.frame with results of the Wald chi-square tests and F tests per
689#'         regression is returned.
690#' @export
691#' @author Yves Croissant (initial implementation) and Kevin Tappe
692#'     (extensions: vcov argument and F test's df2 adjustment)
693#' @seealso
695#' [vcovHC()] for an example of the vcovXX functions, a robust
696#' estimation for the variance--covariance matrix; [summary.plm()]
697#' @references
699#' \insertRef{WOOL:10}{plm}
701#' \insertRef{ANDR:GOLS:SCMI:13}{plm}
703#' \insertRef{CAME:MILL:15}{plm}
705#' @keywords htest
706#' @examples
708#' data("Grunfeld", package = "plm")
709#' mod_fe <- plm(inv ~ value + capital, data = Grunfeld, model = "within")
710#' mod_re <- plm(inv ~ value + capital, data = Grunfeld, model = "random")
711#' pwaldtest(mod_fe, test = "F")
712#' pwaldtest(mod_re, test = "Chisq")
714#' # with robust vcov (matrix, function)
715#' pwaldtest(mod_fe, vcov = vcovHC(mod_fe))
716#' pwaldtest(mod_fe, vcov = function(x) vcovHC(x, type = "HC3"))
718#' pwaldtest(mod_fe, vcov = vcovHC(mod_fe), df2adj = FALSE) # w/o df2 adjustment
720#' # example without attribute "cluster" in the vcov
721#' vcov_mat <- vcovHC(mod_fe)
722#' attr(vcov_mat, "cluster") <- NULL  # remove attribute
723#' pwaldtest(mod_fe, vcov = vcov_mat) # no df2 adjustment performed
726pwaldtest <- function(x, ...) {
727  UseMethod("pwaldtest")
730#' @rdname pwaldtest
731#' @export
732pwaldtest.plm <- function(x, test = c("Chisq", "F"), vcov = NULL,
733                          df2adj = (test == "F" && !is.null(vcov) && missing(.df2)), .df1, .df2, ...) {
734  model <- describe(x, "model")
735  test <- match.arg(test)
736  df1 <- if(model == "within") length(coef(x)) else { length(coef(x)) - has.intercept(x) }
737  df2 <- df.residual(x)
738#  tss <- tss(x)        # not good for models without intercept
739#  ssr <- deviance(x)   # -- " --
740  vcov_arg <- vcov
741  int <- "(Intercept)"
742  coefs_wo_int <- coef(x)[!(names(coef(x)) %in% int)]
743  if(!length(coefs_wo_int)) stop(paste("No non-intercept regressors in input model 'x',",
744                                       "cannot perform Wald joint significance test"))
745  # sanity check
746  if (df2adj == TRUE && (is.null(vcov_arg) || test != "F")) {
747    stop("df2adj == TRUE sensible only for robust F test, i.e., test == \"F\" and !is.null(vcov) and missing(.df2)")
748  }
750  # if robust test: prepare robust vcov
751  if (!is.null(vcov_arg)) {
752    if (is.matrix(vcov_arg))   rvcov <- rvcov_orig <- vcov_arg
753    if (is.function(vcov_arg)) rvcov <- rvcov_orig <- vcov_arg(x)
755    rvcov_name <- paste0(", vcov: ", paste0(deparse(substitute(vcov)))) # save "name" for later
757    if (int %in% names(coef(x))) { # drop intercept, if present
758      rvcov <- rvcov_orig[!rownames(rvcov_orig) %in% int, !colnames(rvcov_orig) %in% int]
759      attr(rvcov, which = "cluster") <- attr(rvcov_orig, which = "cluster") # restore dropped 'cluster' attribute
760    }
761    # if robust F test: by default, do finite-sample adjustment for df2
762    if (df2adj == TRUE && test == "F") {
763      # determine the variable that the clustering is done on by
764      # attribute "cluster" in the vcov (matrix object)
765      # if only one member in cluster: fall back to original df2
766      if (!is.null(attr(rvcov, which = "cluster"))) {
768        # if supplied vcov is from package "clubSandwich": translate attr "cluster" to fit our code
769        # (use rvcov_orig here for the test as the above dropping of the intercept drops the special classes of rvcov)
770        if (inherits(rvcov_orig, "vcovCR")) rvcov <- trans_clubSandwich_vcov(CSvcov = rvcov, index = attr(model.frame(x), "index"))
772        cluster <- attr(rvcov, which = "cluster")
773        pdim <- pdim(x)
774        df2 <- switch(cluster,
775                      group = { if(pdim$nT$n == 1L) df2 else (pdim$nT$n - 1L) },
776                      time  = { if(pdim$nT$T == 1L) df2 else (pdim$nT$T - 1L) },
777                      # TODO: what about double clustering? vcovDC? vcovDC identifies itself as attr(obj, "cluster")="group-time")
778                      # default:
779                      { # warning("unknown/not implemented clustering, no df2 adjustment for finite-samples")
780                        df2}
781        )
782      } else {
783        # no information on clustering found, do not adjust df2
784        # (other options would be: assume cluster = "group", or fall-back to non robust statistics (set vcov_arg <- NULL))
785        warning("no attribute 'cluster' in robust vcov found, no finite-sample adjustment for df2") # assuming cluster = \"group\"")
786        # df2 <- as.integer(pdim(x)$nT$n - 1) # assume cluster = "group"
787      }
788    }
789  }
791  # final say: overwrite Dfs if especially supplied
792  if (!missing(.df1)) df1 <- .df1
793  if (!missing(.df2)) df2 <- .df2
795  if (test == "Chisq"){
796    # perform non-robust chisq test
797    if (is.null(vcov_arg)) {
798      stat <- as.numeric(crossprod(solve(vcov(x)[names(coefs_wo_int), names(coefs_wo_int)], coefs_wo_int), coefs_wo_int))
799#     stat < - (tss-ssr)/(ssr/df2) # does not produce correct results for unbalanced RE models and (un)balanced IV models
800      names(stat) <- "Chisq"
801      pval <- pchisq(stat, df = df1, lower.tail = FALSE)
802      parameter <- c(df = df1)
803      method <- "Wald test for joint significance"
804    } else {
805      # perform robust chisq test
806      stat <- as.numeric(crossprod(solve(rvcov, coefs_wo_int), coefs_wo_int))
807      names(stat) <- "Chisq"
808      pval <- pchisq(stat, df = df1, lower.tail = FALSE)
809      parameter <- c(df = df1)
810      method <- paste0("Wald test for joint significance (robust)", rvcov_name)
811    }
812  }
813  if (test == "F"){
814    if(length(formula(x))[2L] > 1L) stop("test = \"F\" not sensible for IV models")
815    if (is.null(vcov_arg)) {
816      # perform "normal" F test
817      stat <- as.numeric(crossprod(solve(vcov(x)[names(coefs_wo_int), names(coefs_wo_int)], coefs_wo_int), coefs_wo_int)) / df1
818#      stat <- (tss-ssr)/ssr*df2/df1 # does not produce correct results for unbalanced RE models
819      names(stat) <- "F"
820      pval <- pf(stat, df1 = df1, df2 = df2, lower.tail = FALSE)
821      parameter <- c(df1 = df1, df2 = df2)
822      method <- "F test for joint significance"
823    } else {
824      # perform robust F test
825      stat <- as.numeric(crossprod(solve(rvcov, coefs_wo_int), coefs_wo_int) / df1)
826      names(stat) <- "F"
827      pval <- pf(stat, df1 = df1, df2 = df2, lower.tail = FALSE)
828      parameter <- c(df1 = df1, df2 = df2)
829      method  <- paste0("F test for joint significance (robust)", rvcov_name)
830    }
831  }
832  res <- list(data.name = data.name(x),
833              statistic = stat,
834              parameter = parameter,
835              p.value   = pval,
836              method    = method,
837              alternative = "at least one coefficient is not null"
838  )
839  class(res) <- "htest"
840  return(res)
843#' @rdname pwaldtest
844#' @export
845pwaldtest.pvcm <- function(x, ...) {
846  model <- describe(x, "model")
847  effect <- describe(x, "effect")
849  coefs.no.int <- !names(x$coefficients) %in% "(Intercept)" # logical with non-intercept regressors set to TRUE
850  if(!length(names(x$coefficients)[coefs.no.int])) {
851    # error informatively if only-intercept model (no other regressors)
852    stop(paste("No non-intercept regressors in model(s) of input 'x',",
853               "cannot perform Wald joint significance test(s)"))
854  }
856  if(model == "within") {
857    # for the within case, simply return a data.frame with all test results
858    # of single estimations (per individual or per time period)
860    ii <- switch(effect, "individual" = 1L, "time" = 2L)
861    residl <- split(x$residuals, unclass(index(x))[[ii]])
863    # vcovs and coefficients w/o intercept
864    vcovl <- lapply(x$vcov, function(x) x[coefs.no.int, coefs.no.int])
865    coefl <- as.list(data.frame(t(x$coefficients[ , coefs.no.int, drop = FALSE])))
866    df1 <- ncol(x$coefficients[ , coefs.no.int, drop = FALSE]) # ncol is same df1 for all models (as all models estimate the same coefs)
867    df2 <- lengths(residl) - ncol(x$coefficients) # (any intercept is subtracted)
869    statChisqs <- mapply(FUN = function(v, c) as.numeric(crossprod(solve(v, c), c)),
870                     vcovl, coefl)
871    statFs <- statChisqs / df1
873    pstatChisqs <- pchisq(statChisqs, df = df1, lower.tail = FALSE)
874    pstatFs <- pf(statFs, df1 = df1, df2 = df2, lower.tail = FALSE)
876    stats.pvcm.within <- as.data.frame(cbind("Chisq"    = statChisqs,
877                                             "p(chisq)" = pstatChisqs,
878                                             "F"        = statFs,
879                                             "p(F)"     = pstatFs,
880                                             "df1"      = rep(df1, length(residl)),
881                                             "df2"      = df2))
882    # early return
883    return(stats.pvcm.within)
884  }
886  ## case: model == "random"
887  coefs_wo_int <- x$coefficients[coefs.no.int]
888  stat <- as.numeric(crossprod(solve(vcov(x)[coefs.no.int, coefs.no.int], coefs_wo_int), coefs_wo_int))
889  names(stat) <- "Chisq"
890  df1 <- length(coefs_wo_int)
891  pval <- pchisq(stat, df = df1, lower.tail = FALSE)
892  parameter <- c(df = df1)
893  method <- "Wald test for joint significance"
895  res <- list(data.name = data.name(x),
896              statistic = stat,
897              parameter = parameter,
898              p.value   = pval,
899              method    = method,
900              alternative = "at least one coefficient is not null"
901  )
902  class(res) <- "htest"
903  return(res)
907#' @rdname pwaldtest
908#' @export
909pwaldtest.pgmm <- function(x, param = c("coef", "time", "all"), vcov = NULL, ...) {
910  param <- match.arg(param)
911  vcov_supplied <- !is.null(vcov)
912  myvcov <- vcov
913  if (is.null(vcov)) vv <- vcov(x)
914  else if (is.function(vcov)) vv <- myvcov(x)
915  else vv <- myvcov
917  model <- describe(x, "model")
918  effect <- describe(x, "effect")
919  if (param == "time" && effect == "individual") stop("no time dummies in this model")
920  transformation <- describe(x, "transformation")
921  if (model == "onestep") coefficients <- x$coefficients
922  else coefficients <- x$coefficients[[2L]]
923  Ktot <- length(coefficients)
924  Kt <- length(x$args$namest)
926  switch(param,
927         "time" = {
928           start <- Ktot - Kt + if(transformation == "ld") 2 else 1
929           end <- Ktot
930         },
931         "coef" = {
932           start <- 1
933           end <- if (effect == "twoways") Ktot - Kt else Ktot
934         },
935         "all" = {
936           start <- 1
937           end <- Ktot
938         })
939  coef <- coefficients[start:end]
940  vv <- vv[start:end, start:end]
941  stat <- as.numeric(crossprod(coef, crossprod(solve(vv), coef)))
942  names(stat) <- "chisq"
943  parameter <- length(coef)
944  names(parameter) <- "df"
945  pval <- pchisq(stat, df = parameter, lower.tail = FALSE)
946  method <- "Wald test for joint significance"
947  if (vcov_supplied) {
948    rvcov_name <- paste0(", vcov: ", paste0(deparse(substitute(vcov))))
949    method <- paste0(method, " (robust)", rvcov_name)
950  }
951  wald.pgmm <- list(statistic = stat,
952                    p.value   = pval,
953                    parameter = parameter,
954                    method    = method,
955                    alternative = "at least one coefficient is not null",
956                    data.name = data.name(x))
957  class(wald.pgmm) <- "htest"
958  return(wald.pgmm)
961pwaldtest.default <- function(x, ...) {
962  pwaldtest.plm(x, ...)
966# trans_clubSandwich_vcov: helper function for pwaldtest()
967# translate vcov object from package clubSandwich so it is suitable for summary.plm, plm's pwaldtest.
968# Attribute "cluster" in clubSandwich's vcov objects contains the cluster variable itself.
969# plm's vcov object also has attribute "cluster" but it contains a character as
970# information about the cluster dimension (either "group" or "time")
972# inputs:
973#   * CSvcov: a vcov as returned by clubSandwich's vcovCR function [class c("vcovCR", "clubSandwich")]
974#   * index: the index belonging to a plm object/model
975# return value:
976#   * modified CSvcov (substituted attribute "cluster" with suitable character or NULL)
977trans_clubSandwich_vcov <- function(CSvcov, index) {
978  clustervar <- attr(CSvcov, "cluster")
979  if (!is.null(clustervar)) {
980    if (isTRUE(all.equal(index[[1L]], clustervar))) {
981      attr(CSvcov, "cluster") <- "group"
982      return(CSvcov)
983    }
984    if (isTRUE(all.equal(index[[2L]], clustervar))) {
985      attr(CSvcov, "cluster") <- "time"
986      return(CSvcov)
987    } else {
988      attr(CSvcov, "cluster") <- NULL
989      return(CSvcov)
990    }
991  }
992  warning("no attribute \"cluster\" found in supplied vcov object")
993  return(CSvcov)
998#' Test of Poolability
1000#' A Chow test for the poolability of the data.
1002#' `pooltest` is a *F* test of stability (or Chow test) for the
1003#' coefficients of a panel model. For argument `x`, the estimated
1004#' `plm` object should be a `"pooling"` model or a `"within"` model
1005#' (the default); intercepts are assumed to be identical in the first
1006#' case and different in the second case.
1008#' @aliases pooltest
1009#' @param x an object of class `"plm"` for the plm method; an object of
1010#' class `"formula"` for the formula interface,
1011#' @param z an object of class `"pvcm"` obtained with
1012#' `model="within"`,
1013#' @param data a `data.frame`,
1014#' @param \dots further arguments passed to plm.
1015#' @return An object of class `"htest"`.
1016#' @export
1017#' @author Yves Croissant
1018#' @keywords htest
1019#' @examples
1021#' data("Gasoline", package = "plm")
1022#' form <- lgaspcar ~ lincomep + lrpmg + lcarpcap
1023#' gasw <- plm(form, data = Gasoline, model = "within")
1024#' gasp <- plm(form, data = Gasoline, model = "pooling")
1025#' gasnp <- pvcm(form, data = Gasoline, model = "within")
1026#' pooltest(gasw, gasnp)
1027#' pooltest(gasp, gasnp)
1029#' pooltest(form, data = Gasoline, effect = "individual", model = "within")
1030#' pooltest(form, data = Gasoline, effect = "individual", model = "pooling")
1032pooltest <- function(x,...){
1033  UseMethod("pooltest")
1037#' @rdname pooltest
1038#' @export
1039pooltest.plm <- function(x, z, ...){
1040  rss <- deviance(x)
1041  uss <- as.numeric(crossprod(residuals(z)))
1042  dlr <- df.residual(x)
1043  dlu <- df.residual(z)
1044  df1 <- dlr - dlu
1045  df2 <- dlu
1046  stat <- (rss-uss)/uss*df2/df1
1047  pval <- pf(stat, df1 = df1, df2 = df2, lower.tail = FALSE)
1048  parameter <- c(df1 = df1, df2 = df2)
1049  names(stat) <- "F"
1050  res <- list(statistic   = stat,
1051              parameter   = parameter,
1052              p.value     = pval,
1053              data.name   = data.name(x),
1054              alternative = "unstability",
1055              method      = "F statistic")
1056  class(res) <- "htest"
1057  res
1060#' @rdname pooltest
1061#' @export
1062pooltest.formula <- function(x, data, ...){
1063  cl <- match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)
1064  cl[[1L]] <- as.name("plm")
1065  names(cl)[[2L]] <- "formula"
1066  if (is.null(cl$effect)) cl$effect <- "individual"
1067  plm.model <- eval(cl, parent.frame())
1069  cl[[1L]] <- as.name("pvcm")
1070  names(cl)[[2L]] <- "formula"
1071  if (is.null(cl$effect)) cl$effect <- "individual"
1072  cl$model <- "within"
1073  pvcm.model <- eval(cl, parent.frame())
1075  pooltest(plm.model, pvcm.model)