1efp <- function(formula, data = list(),
2                type = c("Rec-CUSUM", "OLS-CUSUM", "Rec-MOSUM", "OLS-MOSUM",
3                "RE", "ME", "Score-CUSUM", "Score-MOSUM", "fluctuation"),
4                h = 0.15, dynamic = FALSE, rescale = TRUE, lrvar = FALSE, vcov = NULL)
6    if(!inherits(formula, "formula")) {
7      mt <- terms(formula)
8      X <- if(is.matrix(formula$x))
9             formula$x
10           else model.matrix(mt, model.frame(formula))
11      y <- if(is.vector(formula$y))
12             formula$y
13           else model.response(model.frame(formula))
14    } else {
15      mf <- model.frame(formula, data = data)
16      mt <- attr(mf, "terms")
17      y <- model.response(mf)
18      X <- model.matrix(formula, data = data)
19    }
21    lmfit <- function(x, y, ...) {
22      rval <- lm.fit(x, y, ...)
23      rval$terms <- mt
24      rval$x <- x
25      class(rval) <- "lm"
26      return(rval)
27    }
29    lrvartype <- if(is.character(lrvar)) lrvar else "Andrews"
30    sdev <- if(identical(lrvar, FALSE)) {
31        function(x, df = NULL) {
32            if(is.null(df)) df <- length(x) - 1
33	    sd(x) * sqrt((length(x) - 1)/df)
34        }
35    } else {
36        function(x, df = NULL) {
37	    s <- sqrt(sandwich::lrvar(x, type = lrvartype) * length(x))
38	    if(!is.null(df)) s <- s * sqrt(length(x)/df)
39	    return(s)
40	}
41    }
43    n <- nrow(X)
44    if(dynamic)
45    {
46      Xnames <- colnames(X)
47      X <- cbind(y[1:(n-1)],X[2:n,])
48      colnames(X) <- c("lag", Xnames)
49      y <- y[-1]
50      n <- n-1
51    }
52    k <- ncol(X)
53    type <- match.arg(type)
54    if(type == "fluctuation") type <- "RE"
56    retval <- list(process = NULL,
57                   type = type,
58                   nreg = k,
59                   nobs = n,
60                   call = match.call(),
61                   formula = formula,
62                   par = NULL,
63                   type.name = NULL,
64                   lim.process = NULL,
65                   coef = NULL,
66                   Q12 = NULL,
67                   datatsp = NULL,
68		   rescale = rescale)
70    orig.y <- NULL
72    switch(type,
74           ## empirical process of Recursive CUSUM model
76           "Rec-CUSUM" = {
77               w <- recresid(X, y)
78               sigma <- sdev(w) ## sqrt(var(w))
79               process <- cumsum(c(0,w))/(sigma*sqrt(n-k))
80               if(is.ts(data)) {
81                   if(NROW(data) == n) process <- ts(process, end = end(data), frequency = frequency(data))
82               } else {
83	         env <- environment(formula)
84                 if(missing(data)) data <- env
85                 orig.y <- eval(attr(mt, "variables")[[2]], data, env)
86                 if(is.ts(orig.y) && (NROW(orig.y) == n))
87                   process <- ts(process, end = end(orig.y),
88                                 frequency = frequency(orig.y))
89               }
90               retval$type.name <- "Recursive CUSUM test"
91               retval$lim.process <- "Brownian motion"
92           },
94           ## empirical process of OLS-based CUSUM model
96           "OLS-CUSUM" = {
97               fm <- lm.fit(X,y)
98               e <- fm$residuals
99               sigma <- sdev(e, df = fm$df.residual) ## sqrt(sum(e^2)/fm$df.residual)
100               process <- cumsum(c(0,e))/(sigma * sqrt(n))
101               if(is.ts(data)) {
102                   if(NROW(data) == n) process <- ts(process, end = end(data), frequency = frequency(data))
103               } else {
104	         env <- environment(formula)
105                 if(missing(data)) data <- env
106                 orig.y <- eval(attr(mt, "variables")[[2]], data, env)
107                 if(is.ts(orig.y) && (NROW(orig.y) == n))
108                   process <- ts(process, end = end(orig.y),
109                                 frequency = frequency(orig.y))
110               }
111               retval$type.name <- "OLS-based CUSUM test"
112               retval$lim.process <- "Brownian bridge"
113           },
115           ## empirical process of Recursive MOSUM model
117           "Rec-MOSUM" = {
118               w <- recresid(X, y)
119               nw <- n - k
120               nh <- floor(nw*h)
121               process <- rep(0, (nw-nh))
122               for(i in 0:(nw-nh))
123               {
124                   process[i+1] <- sum(w[(i+1):(i+nh)])
125               }
126               sigma <- sdev(w, df = nw - k) ## sqrt(var(w)*(nw-1)/(nw-k))
127               process <- process/(sigma * sqrt(nw))
128               if(is.ts(data)) {
129                   if(NROW(data) == n) process <- ts(process, end = time(data)[(n-floor(0.5 + nh/2))], frequency = frequency(data))
130               } else {
131	         env <- environment(formula)
132                 if(missing(data)) data <- env
133                 orig.y <- eval(attr(mt, "variables")[[2]], data, env)
134                 if(is.ts(orig.y) && (NROW(orig.y) == n)) {
135                   process <- ts(process, end = time(orig.y)[(n-floor(0.5 + nh/2))],
136                                 frequency = frequency(orig.y))
137                 } else {
138                   process <- ts(process, end = (n-floor(0.5 + nh/2))/n,
139                                 frequency = n)
140                 }
141	       }
142               retval$par <- h
143               retval$type.name <- "Recursive MOSUM test"
144               retval$lim.process <- "Brownian motion increments"
145           },
147           ## empirical process of OLS-based MOSUM model
149           "OLS-MOSUM" = {
150               fm <- lm.fit(X,y)
151               e <- fm$residuals
152               sigma <- sdev(e, df = fm$df.residual) ## sqrt(sum(e^2)/fm$df.residual)
153               nh <- floor(n*h)
154               process <- cumsum(c(0,e))
155               process <- process[-(1:nh)] - process[1:(n-nh+1)]
156	       process <- process/(sigma * sqrt(n))
157               if(is.ts(data)) {
158                   if(NROW(data) == n) process <- ts(process, end = time(data)[(n-floor(0.5 + nh/2))], frequency = frequency(data))
159               } else {
160	         env <- environment(formula)
161                 if(missing(data)) data <- env
162                 orig.y <- eval(attr(mt, "variables")[[2]], data, env)
163                 if(is.ts(orig.y) && (NROW(orig.y) == n)) {
164                   process <- ts(process, end = time(orig.y)[(n-floor(0.5 + nh/2))],
165                                 frequency = frequency(orig.y))
166                 } else {
167                   process <- ts(process, end = (n-floor(0.5 + nh/2))/n,
168                                 frequency = n)
169                 }
170	       }
171               retval$par <- h
172               retval$type.name <- "OLS-based MOSUM test"
173               retval$lim.process <- "Brownian bridge increments"
174           },
176           ## empirical process of recursive estimates fluctuation
178           "RE" = {
179               m.fit <- lmfit(X,y)
180               beta.hat <- m.fit$coefficients
181               sigma <- sdev(m.fit$residual, df = m.fit$df.residual) ## sqrt(sum(m.fit$residual^2)/m.fit$df.residual)
182               process <- matrix(rep(0,k*(n-k+1)), nrow=k)
183               Q12 <- if(is.null(vcov)) {
184	           root.matrix(crossprod(X))/(sigma * sqrt(n))
185	       } else {
186	           root.matrix(solve(vcov(m.fit)))/sqrt(n)
187	       }
188               if(rescale) {
189                   for(i in k:(n-1)) {
190		       mi.fit <- lmfit(as.matrix(X[1:i,]), y[1:i])
191		       if(!is.null(vcov)) warning("custom vcov not implemented yet if rescale = TRUE")
192                       Qi12 <- root.matrix(crossprod(X[1:i, ]))/(sigma * sqrt(i))
193                       process[,(i-k+1)] <- Qi12 %*% (mi.fit$coefficients - beta.hat)
194                   }
195               } else {
196                   for(i in k:(n-1)) {
197		       mi.fit <- lmfit(as.matrix(X[1:i,]), y[1:i])
198                       process[,(i-k+1)] <- Q12 %*% (mi.fit$coefficients - beta.hat)
199                   }
200               }
201               process <- t(cbind(0, process)) * matrix(rep((k - 1):n, k), ncol = k)/sqrt(n)
202               colnames(process) <- colnames(X)
203               if(is.ts(data)) {
204                   if(NROW(data) == n) process <- ts(process, end = end(data), frequency = frequency(data))
205               } else {
206	         env <- environment(formula)
207                 if(missing(data)) data <- env
208                 orig.y <- eval(attr(mt, "variables")[[2]], data, env)
209                 if(is.ts(orig.y) && (NROW(orig.y) == n)) {
210                   process <- ts(process, end = end(orig.y),
211                                 frequency = frequency(orig.y))
212                 }
213	       }
214               retval$Q12 <- Q12
215               retval$type.name <- "RE test (recursive estimates test)"
216               retval$lim.process <- "Brownian bridge"
217           },
219           ## empirical process of moving estimates fluctuation
221           "ME" = {
222               m.fit <- lmfit(X,y)
223               beta.hat <- m.fit$coefficients
224               sigma <- sdev(m.fit$residual, df = m.fit$df.residual) ## sqrt(sum(m.fit$residual^2)/m.fit$df.residual)
225               nh <- floor(n*h)
226               process <- matrix(rep(0,k*(n-nh+1)), nrow=k)
227               Q12 <- if(is.null(vcov)) {
228	           root.matrix(crossprod(X))/(sigma * sqrt(n))
229	       } else {
230	           root.matrix(solve(vcov(m.fit)))/sqrt(n)
231	       }
232               if(rescale) {
233                   for(i in 0:(n-nh)) {
234		       mi.fit <- lmfit(as.matrix(X[(i+1):(i+nh),]), y[(i+1):(i+nh)])
235                       Qnh12 <- if(is.null(vcov)) {
236		           root.matrix(crossprod(X[(i+1):(i+nh),]))/(sigma * sqrt(nh))
237		       } else {
238		           root.matrix(solve(vcov(mi.fit)))/sqrt(nh)
239		       }
240                       process[, i+1] <-  Qnh12 %*% (mi.fit$coefficients - beta.hat)
241                   }
242               } else {
243                   for(i in 0:(n-nh)) {
244		       mi.fit <- lmfit(as.matrix(X[(i+1):(i+nh),]), y[(i+1):(i+nh)])
245                       process[, i+1] <- Q12 %*% (mi.fit$coefficients - beta.hat)
246                   }
247               }
248               process <- nh * t(process)/sqrt(n)
249               colnames(process) <- colnames(X)
250               if(is.ts(data)) {
251                   if(NROW(data) == n) process <- ts(process, end = time(data)[(n-floor(0.5 + nh/2))], frequency = frequency(data))
252               } else {
253	         env <- environment(formula)
254                 if(missing(data)) data <- env
255                 orig.y <- eval(attr(mt, "variables")[[2]], data, env)
256                 if(is.ts(orig.y) && (NROW(orig.y) == n)) {
257                   process <- ts(process, end = time(orig.y)[(n-floor(0.5 + nh/2))],
258                                 frequency = frequency(orig.y))
259                 } else {
260                   process <- ts(process, end = (n-floor(0.5 + nh/2))/n,
261                                 frequency = n)
262                 }
263	       }
264               retval$par <- h
265               retval$Q12 <- Q12
266               retval$type.name <- "ME test (moving estimates test)"
267               retval$lim.process <- "Brownian bridge increments"
268           },
270           "Score-CUSUM" = {
271               fm <- lm.fit(X,y)
272               e <- as.vector(fm$residuals)
273               sigma2 <- sum(e^2)/n
274	       k <- k + 1
275               ## Q12 <- sqrt(sigma2) * root.matrix(crossprod(X))/sqrt(n)
276               ## Q12 <- rbind(cbind(Q12, 0), 0)
277               ## Q12[k,k] <- sqrt(2)*sigma2
279	       process <- cbind(X * e, e^2 - sigma2)/sqrt(n)
280	       Q12 <- root.matrix(crossprod(process))
281	       process <- rbind(0, process)
282               process <- apply(process, 2, cumsum)
283               process <- t(chol2inv(chol(Q12)) %*% t(process))
285	       colnames(process) <- c(names(coef(fm)), "(Variance)")
286               if(is.ts(data)) {
287                   if(NROW(data) == n) process <- ts(process, end = end(data), frequency = frequency(data))
288               } else {
289	         env <- environment(formula)
290                 if(missing(data)) data <- env
291                 orig.y <- eval(attr(mt, "variables")[[2]], data, env)
292                 if(is.ts(orig.y) && (NROW(orig.y) == n)) {
293                   process <- ts(process, end = end(orig.y),
294                                 frequency = frequency(orig.y))
295                 }
296	       }
297               retval$type.name <- "Score-based CUSUM test"
298               retval$lim.process <- "Brownian bridge"
299               retval$Q12 <- Q12
300           },
302           "Score-MOSUM" = {
303               fm <- lm.fit(X,y)
304               e <- as.vector(fm$residuals)
305               sigma2 <- sum(e^2)/n
306	       k <- k + 1
307	       nh <- floor(n*h)
308               ## Q12 <- sqrt(sigma2) * root.matrix(crossprod(X))/sqrt(n)
309               ## Q12 <- rbind(cbind(Q12, 0), 0)
310               ## Q12[k,k] <- sqrt(2)*sigma2
312	       process <- cbind(X * e, e^2 - sigma2)/sqrt(n)
313	       Q12 <- root.matrix(crossprod(process))
314	       process <- rbind(0, process)
315               process <- apply(process, 2, cumsum)
316               process <- process[-(1:nh),] - process[1:(n-nh+1),]
317	       process <- t(chol2inv(chol(Q12)) %*% t(process))
319	       colnames(process) <- c(names(coef(fm)), "(Variance)")
320               if(is.ts(data)) {
321                   if(NROW(data) == n) process <- ts(process, end = time(data)[(n-floor(0.5 + nh/2))], frequency = frequency(data))
322               } else {
323	         env <- environment(formula)
324                 if(missing(data)) data <- env
325                 orig.y <- eval(attr(mt, "variables")[[2]], data, env)
326                 if(is.ts(orig.y) && (NROW(orig.y) == n)) {
327                   process <- ts(process, end = time(orig.y)[(n-floor(0.5 + nh/2))],
328                                 frequency = frequency(orig.y))
329                 } else {
330                   process <- ts(process, end = (n-floor(0.5 + nh/2))/n,
331                                 frequency = n)
332                 }
333	       }
334               retval$par <- h
335               retval$type.name <- "Score-based MOSUM test"
336               retval$lim.process <- "Brownian bridge increments"
337               retval$Q12 <- Q12
338           })
341    if(!is.ts(process))
342        process <- ts(process, start = 0, frequency = (NROW(process)-1))
344    retval$process <- process
346    if(is.ts(data) & NROW(data) == n)
347        retval$datatsp <- tsp(data)
348    else if(!is.null(orig.y) && is.ts(orig.y) & NROW(orig.y) == n)
349        retval$datatsp <- tsp(orig.y)
350    else
351        retval$datatsp <- c(0, 1, n)
353    m.fit <- lm.fit(X,y)
354    retval$coefficients <- coefficients(m.fit)
355    retval$sigma <-  sqrt(sum(m.fit$residual^2)/m.fit$df.residual)
356    class(retval) <- c("efp")
357    return(retval)
361plot.efp <- function(x, alpha = 0.05, alt.boundary = FALSE, boundary = TRUE,
362                     functional = "max", main = NULL,  ylim = NULL,
363                     ylab = "Empirical fluctuation process", ...)
365    if(is.null(functional)) fun <- "max"
366      else fun <- match.arg(functional, c("max", "range", "maxL2", "meanL2"))
367    bound <- boundary(x, alpha = alpha, alt.boundary = alt.boundary, functional = fun)
368    pos <- FALSE
369    ave <- FALSE
371    if(is.null(main)){
372        if(alt.boundary & fun == "max" & (x$lim.process %in% c("Brownian motion", "Brownian bridge"))){
373            main <- paste(x$type.name, "with alternative boundaries")
374        }
375        else {
376            if(alt.boundary) warning("no alternative boundaries available")
377            if(fun == "meanL2")
378              main <- paste(x$type.name, "with mean L2 norm")
379	    else if(fun == "maxL2")
380	      main <- paste(x$type.name, "with max L2 norm")
381	    else
382	      main <- x$type.name
383        }
384    }
386    if(!is.null(functional) && x$lim.process %in% c("Brownian bridge", "Brownian bridge increments")) {
387      z <- as.matrix(x$process)
388      k <- ncol(z)
390      switch(functional,
391        "max" = {
392          if(k > 1) {
393            z <- apply(abs(z), 1, max)
394            pos <- TRUE
395          }
396        },
397        "range" = { stop("no plot available for range functional") },
398        "maxL2" = {
399	  if(x$lim.process == "Brownian bridge") {
400            z <- rowSums(z^2)
401	    pos <- TRUE
402	  } else {
403	    stop("no test/plot available for mean L2 functional")
404	  }
405        },
407        "meanL2" = {
408	  if(x$lim.process == "Brownian bridge") {
409            z <- rowSums(z^2)
410	    ave <- TRUE
411	    pos <- TRUE
412	  } else {
413	    stop("no test/plot available for mean L2 functional")
414	  }
415        })
416      z <- ts(as.vector(z), start = start(x$process), frequency = frequency(x$process))
417    } else {
418      z <- x$process
419    }
421    if(is.null(ylim)) {
422      ymax <- max(c(z, bound))
423      if(pos) ymin <- 0
424      else ymin <- min(c(z, -bound))
425      ylim <- c(ymin, ymax)
426    }
428    if(boundary)
429        panel <- function(y, ...) {
430            lines(y, ...)
431            lines(bound, col=2)
432            lines(-bound, col=2)
433            abline(0,0)
434        }
435    else
436        panel <- function(y, ...) {
437            lines(y, ...)
438            abline(0,0)
439        }
441    if(any(attr(z, "class") == "mts"))
442        plot(z, main = main, panel = panel, ...)
443    else {
444        plot(z, main = main, ylab = ylab, ylim = ylim, ...)
445        if(boundary) {
446            lines(bound, col=2)
447            if(!pos) lines(-bound, col=2)
448            if(ave) {
449              avez <- ts(rep(mean(z), length(bound)), start = start(bound), frequency = frequency(bound))
450              lines(avez, lty = 2)
451            }
452        }
453        abline(0,0)
454    }
457pvalue.efp <- function(x, lim.process, alt.boundary, functional = "max", h = NULL, k = NULL)
459  lim.process <- match.arg(lim.process,
460    c("Brownian motion", "Brownian bridge", "Brownian motion increments", "Brownian bridge increments"))
461  functional <- match.arg(functional, c("max", "range", "meanL2", "maxL2"))
463  switch(lim.process,
465  "Brownian motion" = {
466    if(functional == "max") {
467      if(alt.boundary)
468      {
469        pval <- c(1, 0.997, 0.99, 0.975, 0.949, 0.912, 0.864, 0.806, 0.739, 0.666,
470             0.589, 0.512, 0.437, 0.368, 0.307, 0.253, 0.205, 0.163, 0.129, 0.100,
471             0.077, 0.058, 0.043, 0.032, 0.024, 0.018, 0.012, 0.009, 0.006, 0.004,
472             0.003, 0.002, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001)
473        critval <- (10:44)/10
474        p <- approx(critval, pval, x, rule=2)$y
475      } else {
476        p <- ifelse(x < 0.3, 1 - 0.1465*x,
477        2*(1-pnorm(3*x) + exp(-4*(x^2))*(pnorm(x)+pnorm(5*x)-1)-exp(-16*(x^2))*(1-pnorm(x))))
478      }
479    } else {
480      stop("only max functional implemented for Brownian motion")
481    }
482    p <- 1 - (1-p)^k
483  },
485  "Brownian bridge" = {
486    switch(functional,
488    "max" = {
489      if(alt.boundary)
490      {
491        pval <- c(1, 1, 0.997, 0.99, 0.977, 0.954, 0.919, 0.871, 0.812, 0.743,
492          0.666, 0.585, 0.504, 0.426, 0.353, 0.288, 0.230, 0.182, 0.142, 0.109,
493          0.082, 0.062, 0.046, 0.034, 0.025, 0.017, 0.011, 0.008, 0.005, 0.004,
494          0.003, 0.002, 0.001, 0.001, 0.0001)
495        critval <- (12:46)/10
496        p <- approx(critval, pval, x, rule=2)$y
497        p <- 1 - (1-p)^k
498      } else {
499        p <- ifelse(x<0.1, 1,
500        {
501          summand <- function(a,b)
502          {
503            exp(-2*(a^2)*(b^2))*(-1)^a
504          }
505          p <- 0
506          for(i in 1:100) p <- p + summand(i,x)
507          1-(1+2*p)^k
508        })
509      }
510    },
512    "range" = {
513      p <- ifelse(x<0.4,1,
514      {
515        p <- 0
516        for(i in 1:10) p <- p + (4*i^2*x^2 - 1) * exp(-2*i^2*x^2)
517        1-(1-2*p)^k
518      })
519    },
521    "maxL2" = {
522      if(k > 25) {
523        warning("number of regressors > 25, critical values for 25 regressors used")
524        k <- 25
525      }
526      critval <- get("sc.maxL2")[as.character(k), ]
527      p <- approx(c(0, critval), c(1, 1-as.numeric(names(critval))), x, rule=2)$y
528    },
530    "meanL2" = {
531      if(k > 25) {
532        warning("number of regressors > 25, critical values for 25 regressors used")
533        k <- 25
534      }
535      critval <- get("sc.meanL2")[as.character(k), ]
536      p <- approx(c(0, critval), c(1, 1-as.numeric(names(critval))), x, rule=2)$y
537    })
538  },
540  "Brownian motion increments" = {
541    if(alt.boundary) stop("alternative boundaries for Brownian motion increments not available")
542    if(functional != "max") stop("only max functional for Brownian motion increments available")
544    crit.table <- cbind(c(3.2165, 2.9795, 2.8289, 2.7099, 2.6061, 2.5111, 2.4283, 2.3464, 2.2686, 2.2255),
545                        c(3.3185, 3.0894, 2.9479, 2.8303, 2.7325, 2.6418, 2.5609, 2.4840, 2.4083, 2.3668),
546                        c(3.4554, 3.2368, 3.1028, 2.9874, 2.8985, 2.8134, 2.7327, 2.6605, 2.5899, 2.5505),
547                        c(3.6622, 3.4681, 3.3382, 3.2351, 3.1531, 3.0728, 3.0043, 2.9333, 2.8743, 2.8334),
548                        c(3.8632, 3.6707, 3.5598, 3.4604, 3.3845, 3.3102, 3.2461, 3.1823, 3.1229, 3.0737),
549                        c(4.1009, 3.9397, 3.8143, 3.7337, 3.6626, 3.5907, 3.5333, 3.4895, 3.4123, 3.3912))
550    tablen <- dim(crit.table)[2]
551    tableh <- (1:10)*0.05
552    tablep <- c(0.2, 0.15, 0.1, 0.05, 0.025, 0.01)
554    ## crit.table gives Table 1 of Chu, Hornik, Kuan (1995)
555    ## but the corresponding test statistic is scaled differently
556    ## by a factor of sqrt(h).
557    crit.table <- crit.table * sqrt(tableh)
559    tableipl <- numeric(tablen)
560    for(i in (1:tablen)) tableipl[i] <- approx(tableh, crit.table[,i], h, rule = 2)$y
561    p <- approx(c(0,tableipl), c(1,tablep), x, rule = 2)$y
562    p <- 1 - (1-p)^k
563  },
565  "Brownian bridge increments" = {
566    if(k > 6) k <- 6
567    switch(functional,
568    "max" = {
569      crit.table <- get("sc.me")[(((k-1)*10+1):(k*10)), ]
570      tablen <- dim(crit.table)[2]
571      tableh <- (1:10)*0.05
572      tablep <- c(0.1, 0.05, 0.025, 0.01)
573      tableipl <- numeric(tablen)
574      for(i in (1:tablen)) tableipl[i] <- approx(tableh, crit.table[,i], h, rule = 2)$y
575      p <- approx(c(0,tableipl), c(1,tablep), x, rule = 2)$y
576    },
577    "range" = {
578      p <- ifelse(x<0.53,1,
579      {
580        p <- 0
581        for(i in 1:10) p <- p + (-1)^(i-1) * i * pnorm(-i*x)
582        1-(1-8*p)^k
583      })
584    })
585  })
587  return(p)
591print.efp <- function(x, ...)
593    cat("\nEmpirical Fluctuation Process:", x$type.name, "\n\n")
594    cat("Call: ")
595    print(x$call)
596    cat("\n")
599sctest <- function(x, ...)
601    UseMethod("sctest")
604sctest.formula <- function(formula, type = c("Rec-CUSUM", "OLS-CUSUM",
605  "Rec-MOSUM", "OLS-MOSUM", "RE", "ME", "fluctuation", "Score-CUSUM", "Nyblom-Hansen",
606  "Chow", "supF", "aveF", "expF"), h = 0.15, alt.boundary = FALSE, functional = c("max", "range",
607  "maxL2", "meanL2"), from = 0.15, to = NULL, point = 0.5, asymptotic = FALSE, data = list(), ...)
609  type <- match.arg(type)
610  if(type == "fluctuation") type <- "RE"
611  functional <- match.arg(functional)
612  dname <- paste(deparse(substitute(formula)))
614  if(type == "Nyblom-Hansen") {
615    type <- "Score-CUSUM"
616    functional <- "meanL2"
617  }
619  if(type == "Chow")
620  {
621    mf <- model.frame(formula, data = data)
622    y <- model.response(mf)
623    modelterms <- terms(formula, data = data)
624    X <- model.matrix(modelterms, data = data)
625    METHOD <- "Chow test"
626    k <- ncol(X)
627    n <- length(y)
629    ytsp <- NULL
630    if(is.ts(data)){
631        if(NROW(data) == n) {
632          ytime <- time(data)
633          ytsp <- tsp(data)
634	}
635    } else {
636        env <- environment(formula)
637        if(missing(data)) data <- env
638        orig.y <- eval(attr(modelterms, "variables")[[2]], data, env)
639        if(is.ts(orig.y) & NROW(orig.y) == n){
640            ytime <- time(orig.y)
641            ytsp <- tsp(orig.y)
642        }
643    }
645    ts.eps <- getOption("ts.eps")
647    if(length(point) > 1) {
648      if(!is.null(ytsp) && point[2] <= ytsp[3])
649        point <- which(abs(ytime-(point[1]+(point[2]-1)/ytsp[3])) < ts.eps)
650      else
651        stop(paste(sQuote("point"), "does not specify a valid potential change point"))
652    }
653    else {
654      if(point < 1)
655      {
656        point <- floor(point*n)
657      }
658    }
660    if(!((point>k) & (point<(n-k)))) stop("inadmissable change point")
661    e <- lm.fit(X,y)$residuals
662    u <- c(lm.fit(as.matrix(X[(1:point),]),y[1:point])$residuals,
663      lm.fit(as.matrix(X[((point+1):n),]),y[((point+1):n)])$residuals)
664    STATISTIC <- ((sum(e^2)-sum(u^2))/k)/((sum(u^2))/(n-2*k))
665    names(STATISTIC) <- "F"
666    if(asymptotic)
667    {
669      PVAL <- 1 - pchisq(STATISTIC, k)
670    }
671    else
672      PVAL <- 1 - pf(STATISTIC, k, (n-2*k))
673    RVAL <- list(statistic = STATISTIC, p.value = PVAL, method = METHOD, data.name = "formula")
674    class(RVAL) <- "htest"
675  }
676  else if(type %in% c("Rec-CUSUM", "OLS-CUSUM", "Rec-MOSUM", "OLS-MOSUM", "RE", "ME", "Score-CUSUM"))
677  {
678    process <- efp(formula, type = type, h = h, data = data, ...)
679    RVAL <- sctest(process, alt.boundary = alt.boundary, functional = functional)
680  }
681  else if(type %in% c("supF", "aveF", "expF"))
682  {
683    fs <- Fstats(formula, from = from, to = to, data=data, ...)
684    RVAL <- sctest(fs, type = type)
685  }
687  RVAL$data.name <- dname
688  return(RVAL)
691sctest.efp <- function(x, alt.boundary = FALSE, functional = c("max", "range", "maxL2", "meanL2"), ...)
693    h <- x$par
694    type <- x$type
695    lim.process <- x$lim.process
696    functional <- match.arg(functional)
697    dname <- paste(deparse(substitute(x)))
698    METHOD <- x$type.name
699    x <- as.matrix(x$process)
700    if(lim.process %in% c("Brownian motion", "Brownian bridge"))
701      x <- x[-1, , drop = FALSE]
702    n <- nrow(x)
703    k <- ncol(x)
705    if(alt.boundary) {
706      if(functional == "max" & lim.process %in% c("Brownian motion", "Brownian bridge")) {
707        trim <- max(round(n * 0.001, digits = 0), 1)
708        j <- 1:n/n
709        if(lim.process == "Brownian bridge") {
710          x <- x * 1/sqrt(j * (1-j))
711	  x <- x[(trim+1):(n-trim), , drop = FALSE]
712        } else {
713          x <- x * 1/sqrt(j)
714          x <- x[trim:n, , drop = FALSE]
715        }
716        METHOD <- paste(METHOD, "with alternative boundaries")
717      } else {
718        if(lim.process == "Brownian motion") {
719          j <- 1:n/n
720          x <- x * 1/(1 + 2*j)
721        }
722        warning(paste("no alternative boundaries for", lim.process, "with", functional, "functional"))
723      }
724    } else {
725      if(lim.process == "Brownian motion") {
726        j <- 1:n/n
727        x <- x * 1/(1 + 2*j)
728      }
729    }
732    switch(functional,
733      "max" = { STAT <- max(abs(x)) },
734      "range" = {
735        myrange <- function(y) diff(range(y))
736        STAT <- max(apply(x, 2, myrange))
737        METHOD <- paste(METHOD, "with range norm")
738      },
739      "maxL2" = {
740        STAT <- max(rowSums(x^2))
741        METHOD <- paste(METHOD, "with max L2 norm")
742      },
743      "meanL2" = {
744        STAT <- mean(rowSums(x^2))
745        METHOD <- paste(METHOD, "with mean L2 norm")
746      })
748    switch(type,
749      "Rec-CUSUM" = { names(STAT) <- "S" },
750      "OLS-CUSUM" = { names(STAT) <- "S0" },
751      "Rec-MOSUM" = { names(STAT) <- "M" },
752      "OLS-MOSUM" = { names(STAT) <- "M0" },
753      "RE" = { names(STAT) <- "RE" },
754      "ME" = { names(STAT) <- "ME" },
755      names(STAT) <- "f(efp)")
757    PVAL <- pvalue.efp(STAT, lim.process, alt.boundary, functional = functional, h = h, k = k)
758    RVAL <- list(statistic = STAT, p.value = PVAL, method = METHOD, data.name = dname)
759    class(RVAL) <- "htest"
760    return(RVAL)
763boundary <- function(x, ...)
765    UseMethod("boundary")
768boundary.efp <- function(x, alpha = 0.05, alt.boundary = FALSE, functional = "max", ...)
770    h <- x$par
771    type <- x$type
772    lim.process <- x$lim.process
773    functional <- match.arg(functional, c("max", "range", "maxL2", "meanL2"))
774    proc <- as.matrix(x$process)
775    n <- nrow(proc)
776    k <- ncol(proc)
778    bound <- uniroot(function(y) {pvalue.efp(y, lim.process, alt.boundary = alt.boundary,
779      functional = functional, h = h, k = k) - alpha}, c(0,20))$root
780    switch(lim.process,
781           "Brownian motion" = {
782	     if(functional == "max") {
783               if(alt.boundary)
784                   bound <- sqrt((0:(n-1))/(n-1))*bound
785               else
786                   bound <- bound + (2*bound*(0:(n-1))/(n-1))
787             } else {
788	       stop("only boundaries for Brownian motion with max functional available")
789	     }
790           },
791           "Brownian bridge" = {
792	     if(!(functional == "range")) {
793               if(alt.boundary & functional == "max")
794               {
795                   j <- (0:(n-1))/(n-1)
796                   bound <- sqrt(j*(1-j))*bound
797               }
798               else
799                   bound <- rep(bound,n)
800             } else {
801	       stop("no boundaries Brownian bridge with range functional available")
802	     }
803           },
804           "Brownian motion increments" = {
805	     if(functional == "max") {
806	       bound <- rep(bound, n)
807	     } else {
808               stop("only boundaries for Brownian motion increments with max functional available")
809	     }
810	     if(alt.boundary) warning("no alternative boundaries available for Brownian motion increments")
811	   },
812           "Brownian bridge increments" = {
813	     if(functional == "max") {
814	       bound <- rep(bound, n)
815	     } else {
816               stop("only boundaries for Brownian bridge increments with max functional available")
817	     }
818	     if(alt.boundary) warning("no alternative boundaries available for Brownian bridge increments")
819	   }
820    )
822    bound <- ts(bound, end = end(x$process), frequency = frequency(x$process))
823    return(bound)
826lines.efp <- function(x, functional = "max", ...)
828    if(is.null(functional)) stop("lines() cannot be added for `functional = NULL'")
829    else functional <- match.arg(functional, c("max", "range", "maxL2", "meanL2"))
831    if(x$lim.process %in% c("Brownian bridge", "Brownian bridge increments")) {
832      z <- as.matrix(x$process)
833      k <- ncol(z)
835      switch(functional,
836        "max" = {
837          if(k > 1) {
838            z <- apply(abs(z), 1, max)
839            pos <- TRUE
840          }
841        },
842        "range" = { stop("no plot available for range functional") },
843        "maxL2" = {
844	  if(x$lim.process == "Brownian bridge") {
845            z <- rowSums(z^2)
846	    pos <- TRUE
847	  } else {
848	    stop("no test/plot available for max L2 functional")
849	  }
850        },
851        "meanL2" = {
852	  if(x$lim.process == "Brownian bridge") {
853            z <- rowSums(z^2)
854	    ave <- TRUE
855	    pos <- TRUE
856	  } else {
857	    stop("no test/plot available for mean L2 functional")
858	  }
859        })
860      z <- ts(as.vector(z), start = start(x$process), frequency = frequency(x$process))
861    } else {
862      z <- x$process
863    }
865    lines(z, ...)