1<schemalist gettext-domain="@PROJECT_NAME@">
2  <schema id="org.gnucash.GnuCash.dialogs.commodities" path="/org/gnucash/GnuCash/dialogs/commodities/">
3    <key name="include-iso" type="b">
4      <default>false</default>
5      <summary>Show currencies in this dialog</summary>
6      <description>Show currencies in this dialog</description>
7    </key>
8    <key name="last-geometry" type="(iiii)">
9      <default>(-1,-1,-1,-1)</default>
10      <summary>Last window position and size</summary>
11      <description>This setting describes the size and position of the window when it was last closed.
12        The numbers are the X and Y coordinates of the top left corner of the window
13        followed by the width and height of the window.</description>
14    </key>
15  </schema>