1name:                lucid
2version:             2.9.12
3x-revision:          1
4synopsis:            Clear to write, read and edit DSL for HTML
6  Clear to write, read and edit DSL for HTML.
7  .
8  * Names are consistent, and do not conflict with base or are keywords (all have suffix @_@)
9  .
10  * Same combinator can be used for attributes and elements (e.g. 'style_')
11  .
12  * For more, read <https://chrisdone.com/posts/lucid the blog post>
13  .
14  See the "Lucid" module for more documentation.
15homepage:            https://github.com/chrisdone/lucid
16license:             BSD3
17license-file:        LICENSE
18author:              Chris Done
19maintainer:          chrisdone@gmail.com, oleg.grenrus@iki.fi
20copyright:           2014-2017 Chris Done
21category:            Web
22build-type:          Simple
23cabal-version:       >=1.8
24extra-source-files:  README.md, CHANGELOG.md
25tested-with:         GHC==7.10.3,GHC==8.0.2,GHC==8.2.2,GHC==8.4.4,GHC==8.6.5,GHC==8.8.3,GHC==8.10.1
28  hs-source-dirs:    src/
29  ghc-options:       -Wall -O2
30  exposed-modules:   Lucid
31                     Lucid.Base
32                     Lucid.Html5
33                     Lucid.Bootstrap
35  -- GHC boot libraries
36  build-depends:     base                   >=4.8      && <4.15
37                   , bytestring             >=
38                   , containers             >=
39                   , transformers           >=
41  -- GHC boot libraries since 8.4.
42  build-depends:     mtl                    >=2.2
43                   , text                   >=
45  -- compat packages
46  if !impl(ghc >= 8.0)
47    build-depends:   semigroups            >=0.16.1
49  -- other dependencies
50  build-depends:     blaze-builder         >=
51                   , hashable              >=
52                   , mmorph                >=1.0.3
53                   , unordered-containers  >=
55test-suite test
56    type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
57    main-is: Main.hs
58    hs-source-dirs: test
59    other-modules: Example1
60    build-depends: base,
61                   lucid,
62                   HUnit,
63                   hspec,
64                   parsec,
65                   bifunctors,
66                   text,
67                   mtl
69benchmark bench
70  type:             exitcode-stdio-1.0
71  hs-source-dirs:   benchmarks
72  main-is:          Main.hs
73  other-modules:    HtmlBenchmarks
74  build-depends:    base,
75                    deepseq,
76                    criterion,
77                    blaze-builder,
78                    text,
79                    bytestring,
80                    lucid
81  ghc-options:      -O2
83benchmark bench-io
84  type:             exitcode-stdio-1.0
85  hs-source-dirs:   benchmarks
86  main-is:          IO.hs
87  build-depends:    base,
88                    criterion,
89                    transformers,
90                    text,
91                    lucid
92  ghc-options:      -O2