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Name Date Size #Lines LOC



READMEH A D20-Dec-2020132 43

acst2qif.cfgH A D20-Dec-20204.1 KiB8877

acst2qif.pyH A D20-Dec-202011.8 KiB276195

find-devel-pkg.plH A D20-Dec-20204.8 KiB185118

fixup-pricepairs.plH A D20-Dec-20201.2 KiB4314

functions.mysqlH A D20-Dec-20203.6 KiB122112

fy-qif-history.plH A D20-Dec-20202.8 KiB9029

fy-qif.plH A D20-Dec-20202.8 KiB8326

getsplitpart.plH A D20-Dec-20202.8 KiB9250

kmm-safeH A D20-Dec-20201.2 KiB5027

kmt2txt-allH A D20-Dec-2020818 3622

kmt2txt.stylesheetH A D20-Dec-20202.9 KiB11297

mysqlcrypt.shH A D20-Dec-20203 KiB10070

splitup-kde-chunk-onlineH A D20-Dec-20202.5 KiB8950

xea2kmt-allH A D20-Dec-2020339 92


1This directory contains various tools around KMyMoney. They
2are not part of the installation and contained here for your