1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
5from unittest.mock import patch
6import email.policy
7import email.message
8import re
9import threading
11from odoo.tests.common import BaseCase, SavepointCase, TransactionCase
12from odoo.tools import (
13    is_html_empty, html_sanitize, append_content_to_html, plaintext2html,
14    email_split,
15    misc, formataddr,
16    prepend_html_content,
19from . import test_mail_examples
22class TestSanitizer(BaseCase):
23    """ Test the html sanitizer that filters html to remove unwanted attributes """
25    def test_basic_sanitizer(self):
26        cases = [
27            ("yop", "<p>yop</p>"),  # simple
28            ("lala<p>yop</p>xxx", "<p>lala</p><p>yop</p>xxx"),  # trailing text
29            ("Merci à l'intérêt pour notre produit.nous vous contacterons bientôt. Merci",
30                u"<p>Merci à l'intérêt pour notre produit.nous vous contacterons bientôt. Merci</p>"),  # unicode
31        ]
32        for content, expected in cases:
33            html = html_sanitize(content)
34            self.assertEqual(html, expected, 'html_sanitize is broken')
36    def test_mako(self):
37        cases = [
38            ('''<p>Some text</p>
39<% set signup_url = object.get_signup_url() %>
40% if signup_url:
42    You can access this document and pay online via our Customer Portal:
43</p>''', '''<p>Some text</p>
44<% set signup_url = object.get_signup_url() %>
45% if signup_url:
47    You can access this document and pay online via our Customer Portal:
49        ]
50        for content, expected in cases:
51            html = html_sanitize(content, silent=False)
52            self.assertEqual(html, expected, 'html_sanitize: broken mako management')
54    def test_evil_malicious_code(self):
55        # taken from https://www.owasp.org/index.php/XSS_Filter_Evasion_Cheat_Sheet#Tests
56        cases = [
57            ("<IMG SRC=javascript:alert('XSS')>"),  # no quotes and semicolons
58            ("<IMG SRC=&#106;&#97;&#118;&#97;&#115;&#99;&#114;&#105;&#112;&#116;&#58;&#97;&#108;&#101;&#114;&#116;&#40;&#39;&#88;&#83;&#83;&#39;&#41;>"),  # UTF-8 Unicode encoding
59            ("<IMG SRC=&#x6A&#x61&#x76&#x61&#x73&#x63&#x72&#x69&#x70&#x74&#x3A&#x61&#x6C&#x65&#x72&#x74&#x28&#x27&#x58&#x53&#x53&#x27&#x29>"),  # hex encoding
60            ("<IMG SRC=\"jav&#x0D;ascript:alert('XSS');\">"),  # embedded carriage return
61            ("<IMG SRC=\"jav&#x0A;ascript:alert('XSS');\">"),  # embedded newline
62            ("<IMG SRC=\"jav   ascript:alert('XSS');\">"),  # embedded tab
63            ("<IMG SRC=\"jav&#x09;ascript:alert('XSS');\">"),  # embedded encoded tab
64            ("<IMG SRC=\" &#14;  javascript:alert('XSS');\">"),  # spaces and meta-characters
65            ("<IMG SRC=\"javascript:alert('XSS')\""),  # half-open html
66            ("<IMG \"\"\"><SCRIPT>alert(\"XSS\")</SCRIPT>\">"),  # malformed tag
67            ("<SCRIPT/XSS SRC=\"http://ha.ckers.org/xss.js\"></SCRIPT>"),  # non-alpha-non-digits
68            ("<SCRIPT/SRC=\"http://ha.ckers.org/xss.js\"></SCRIPT>"),  # non-alpha-non-digits
69            ("<<SCRIPT>alert(\"XSS\");//<</SCRIPT>"),  # extraneous open brackets
70            ("<SCRIPT SRC=http://ha.ckers.org/xss.js?< B >"),  # non-closing script tags
71            ("<INPUT TYPE=\"IMAGE\" SRC=\"javascript:alert('XSS');\">"),  # input image
72            ("<BODY BACKGROUND=\"javascript:alert('XSS')\">"),  # body image
73            ("<IMG DYNSRC=\"javascript:alert('XSS')\">"),  # img dynsrc
74            ("<IMG LOWSRC=\"javascript:alert('XSS')\">"),  # img lowsrc
75            ("<TABLE BACKGROUND=\"javascript:alert('XSS')\">"),  # table
76            ("<TABLE><TD BACKGROUND=\"javascript:alert('XSS')\">"),  # td
77            ("<DIV STYLE=\"background-image: url(javascript:alert('XSS'))\">"),  # div background
78            ("<DIV STYLE=\"background-image:\0075\0072\006C\0028'\006a\0061\0076\0061\0073\0063\0072\0069\0070\0074\003a\0061\006c\0065\0072\0074\0028.1027\0058.1053\0053\0027\0029'\0029\">"),  # div background with unicoded exploit
79            ("<DIV STYLE=\"background-image: url(&#1;javascript:alert('XSS'))\">"),  # div background + extra characters
80            ("<IMG SRC='vbscript:msgbox(\"XSS\")'>"),  # VBscrip in an image
81            ("<BODY ONLOAD=alert('XSS')>"),  # event handler
82            ("<BR SIZE=\"&{alert('XSS')}\>"),  # & javascript includes
83            ("<LINK REL=\"stylesheet\" HREF=\"javascript:alert('XSS');\">"),  # style sheet
84            ("<LINK REL=\"stylesheet\" HREF=\"http://ha.ckers.org/xss.css\">"),  # remote style sheet
85            ("<STYLE>@import'http://ha.ckers.org/xss.css';</STYLE>"),  # remote style sheet 2
86            ("<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Link\" Content=\"<http://ha.ckers.org/xss.css>; REL=stylesheet\">"),  # remote style sheet 3
87            ("<STYLE>BODY{-moz-binding:url(\"http://ha.ckers.org/xssmoz.xml#xss\")}</STYLE>"),  # remote style sheet 4
88            ("<IMG STYLE=\"xss:expr/*XSS*/ession(alert('XSS'))\">"),  # style attribute using a comment to break up expression
89        ]
90        for content in cases:
91            html = html_sanitize(content)
92            self.assertNotIn('javascript', html, 'html_sanitize did not remove a malicious javascript')
93            self.assertTrue('ha.ckers.org' not in html or 'http://ha.ckers.org/xss.css' in html, 'html_sanitize did not remove a malicious code in %s (%s)' % (content, html))
95        content = "<!--[if gte IE 4]><SCRIPT>alert('XSS');</SCRIPT><![endif]-->"  # down-level hidden block
96        self.assertEqual(html_sanitize(content, silent=False), '')
98    def test_html(self):
99        sanitized_html = html_sanitize(test_mail_examples.MISC_HTML_SOURCE)
100        for tag in ['<div', '<b', '<i', '<u', '<strike', '<li', '<blockquote', '<a href']:
101            self.assertIn(tag, sanitized_html, 'html_sanitize stripped too much of original html')
102        for attr in ['javascript']:
103            self.assertNotIn(attr, sanitized_html, 'html_sanitize did not remove enough unwanted attributes')
105    def test_sanitize_unescape_emails(self):
106        not_emails = [
107            '<blockquote cite="mid:CAEJSRZvWvud8c6Qp=wfNG6O1+wK3i_jb33qVrF7XyrgPNjnyUA@mail.gmail.com" type="cite">cat</blockquote>',
108            '<img alt="@github-login" class="avatar" src="/web/image/pi" height="36" width="36">']
109        for not_email in not_emails:
110            sanitized = html_sanitize(not_email)
111            left_part = not_email.split('>')[0]  # take only left part, as the sanitizer could add data information on node
112            self.assertNotIn(misc.html_escape(not_email), sanitized, 'html_sanitize stripped emails of original html')
113            self.assertIn(left_part, sanitized)
115    def test_style_parsing(self):
116        test_data = [
117            (
118                '<span style="position: fixed; top: 0px; left: 50px; width: 40%; height: 50%; background-color: red;">Coin coin </span>',
119                ['background-color:red', 'Coin coin'],
120                ['position', 'top', 'left']
121            ), (
122                """<div style='before: "Email Address; coincoin cheval: lapin";
123   font-size: 30px; max-width: 100%; after: "Not sure
125          this; means: anything ?#ùµ"
126    ; some-property: 2px; top: 3'>youplaboum</div>""",
127                ['font-size:30px', 'youplaboum'],
128                ['some-property', 'top', 'cheval']
129            ), (
130                '<span style="width">Coincoin</span>',
131                [],
132                ['width']
133            )
134        ]
136        for test, in_lst, out_lst in test_data:
137            new_html = html_sanitize(test, sanitize_attributes=False, sanitize_style=True, strip_style=False, strip_classes=False)
138            for text in in_lst:
139                self.assertIn(text, new_html)
140            for text in out_lst:
141                self.assertNotIn(text, new_html)
143        # style should not be sanitized if removed
144        new_html = html_sanitize(test_data[0][0], sanitize_attributes=False, strip_style=True, strip_classes=False)
145        self.assertEqual(new_html, u'<span>Coin coin </span>')
147    def test_style_class(self):
148        html = html_sanitize(test_mail_examples.REMOVE_CLASS, sanitize_attributes=True, sanitize_style=True, strip_classes=True)
149        for ext in test_mail_examples.REMOVE_CLASS_IN:
150            self.assertIn(ext, html)
151        for ext in test_mail_examples.REMOVE_CLASS_OUT:
152            self.assertNotIn(ext, html,)
154    def test_style_class_only(self):
155        html = html_sanitize(test_mail_examples.REMOVE_CLASS, sanitize_attributes=False, sanitize_style=True, strip_classes=True)
156        for ext in test_mail_examples.REMOVE_CLASS_IN:
157            self.assertIn(ext, html)
158        for ext in test_mail_examples.REMOVE_CLASS_OUT:
159            self.assertNotIn(ext, html,)
161    def test_edi_source(self):
162        html = html_sanitize(test_mail_examples.EDI_LIKE_HTML_SOURCE)
163        self.assertIn(
164            'font-family: \'Lucida Grande\', Ubuntu, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;', html,
165            'html_sanitize removed valid styling')
166        self.assertIn(
167            'src="https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_paynowCC_LG.gif"', html,
168            'html_sanitize removed valid img')
169        self.assertNotIn('</body></html>', html, 'html_sanitize did not remove extra closing tags')
171    def test_quote_blockquote(self):
172        html = html_sanitize(test_mail_examples.QUOTE_BLOCKQUOTE)
173        for ext in test_mail_examples.QUOTE_BLOCKQUOTE_IN:
174            self.assertIn(ext, html)
175        for ext in test_mail_examples.QUOTE_BLOCKQUOTE_OUT:
176            self.assertIn(u'<span data-o-mail-quote="1">%s' % misc.html_escape(ext), html)
178    def test_quote_thunderbird(self):
179        html = html_sanitize(test_mail_examples.QUOTE_THUNDERBIRD_1)
180        for ext in test_mail_examples.QUOTE_THUNDERBIRD_1_IN:
181            self.assertIn(ext, html)
182        for ext in test_mail_examples.QUOTE_THUNDERBIRD_1_OUT:
183            self.assertIn(u'<span data-o-mail-quote="1">%s</span>' % misc.html_escape(ext), html)
185    def test_quote_hotmail_html(self):
186        html = html_sanitize(test_mail_examples.QUOTE_HOTMAIL_HTML)
187        for ext in test_mail_examples.QUOTE_HOTMAIL_HTML_IN:
188            self.assertIn(ext, html)
189        for ext in test_mail_examples.QUOTE_HOTMAIL_HTML_OUT:
190            self.assertIn(ext, html)
192        html = html_sanitize(test_mail_examples.HOTMAIL_1)
193        for ext in test_mail_examples.HOTMAIL_1_IN:
194            self.assertIn(ext, html)
195        for ext in test_mail_examples.HOTMAIL_1_OUT:
196            self.assertIn(ext, html)
198    def test_quote_thunderbird_html(self):
199        html = html_sanitize(test_mail_examples.QUOTE_THUNDERBIRD_HTML)
200        for ext in test_mail_examples.QUOTE_THUNDERBIRD_HTML_IN:
201            self.assertIn(ext, html)
202        for ext in test_mail_examples.QUOTE_THUNDERBIRD_HTML_OUT:
203            self.assertIn(ext, html)
205    def test_quote_basic_text(self):
206        test_data = [
207            (
208                """This is Sparta!\n--\nAdministrator\n+9988776655""",
209                ['This is Sparta!'],
210                ['\n--\nAdministrator\n+9988776655']
211            ), (
212                """<p>This is Sparta!\n--\nAdministrator</p>""",
213                [],
214                ['\n--\nAdministrator']
215            ), (
216                """<p>This is Sparta!<br/>--<br>Administrator</p>""",
217                ['This is Sparta!'],
218                []
219            ), (
220                """This is Sparta!\n>Ah bon ?\nCertes\n> Chouette !\nClair""",
221                ['This is Sparta!', 'Certes', 'Clair'],
222                ['\n>Ah bon ?', '\n> Chouette !']
223            )
224        ]
225        for test, in_lst, out_lst in test_data:
226            new_html = html_sanitize(test)
227            for text in in_lst:
228                self.assertIn(text, new_html)
229            for text in out_lst:
230                self.assertIn(u'<span data-o-mail-quote="1">%s</span>' % misc.html_escape(text), new_html)
232    def test_quote_signature(self):
233        test_data = [
234            (
235                """<div>Hello<pre>--<br />Administrator</pre></div>""",
236                ["<pre data-o-mail-quote=\"1\">--", "<br data-o-mail-quote=\"1\">"],
237            )
238        ]
239        for test, in_lst in test_data:
240            new_html = html_sanitize(test)
241            for text in in_lst:
242                self.assertIn(text, new_html)
244    def test_quote_gmail(self):
245        html = html_sanitize(test_mail_examples.GMAIL_1)
246        for ext in test_mail_examples.GMAIL_1_IN:
247            self.assertIn(ext, html)
248        for ext in test_mail_examples.GMAIL_1_OUT:
249            self.assertIn(u'<span data-o-mail-quote="1">%s</span>' % misc.html_escape(ext), html)
251    def test_quote_text(self):
252        html = html_sanitize(test_mail_examples.TEXT_1)
253        for ext in test_mail_examples.TEXT_1_IN:
254            self.assertIn(ext, html)
255        for ext in test_mail_examples.TEXT_1_OUT:
256            self.assertIn(u'<span data-o-mail-quote="1">%s</span>' % misc.html_escape(ext), html)
258        html = html_sanitize(test_mail_examples.TEXT_2)
259        for ext in test_mail_examples.TEXT_2_IN:
260            self.assertIn(ext, html)
261        for ext in test_mail_examples.TEXT_2_OUT:
262            self.assertIn(u'<span data-o-mail-quote="1">%s</span>' % misc.html_escape(ext), html)
264    def test_quote_bugs(self):
265        html = html_sanitize(test_mail_examples.BUG1)
266        for ext in test_mail_examples.BUG_1_IN:
267            self.assertIn(ext, html)
268        for ext in test_mail_examples.BUG_1_OUT:
269            self.assertIn(u'<span data-o-mail-quote="1">%s</span>' % misc.html_escape(ext), html)
271    def test_misc(self):
272        # False / void should not crash
273        html = html_sanitize('')
274        self.assertEqual(html, '')
275        html = html_sanitize(False)
276        self.assertEqual(html, False)
278        # Message with xml and doctype tags don't crash
279        html = html_sanitize(u'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>\n<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"\n         "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">\n<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">\n <head>\n  <title>404 - Not Found</title>\n </head>\n <body>\n  <h1>404 - Not Found</h1>\n </body>\n</html>\n')
280        self.assertNotIn('encoding', html)
281        self.assertNotIn('<title>404 - Not Found</title>', html)
282        self.assertIn('<h1>404 - Not Found</h1>', html)
284    def test_cid_with_at(self):
285        img_tag = '<img src="@">'
286        sanitized = html_sanitize(img_tag, sanitize_tags=False, strip_classes=True)
287        self.assertEqual(img_tag, sanitized, "img with can have cid containing @ and shouldn't be escaped")
289    # ms office is currently not supported, have to find a way to support it
290    # def test_30_email_msoffice(self):
291    #     new_html = html_sanitize(test_mail_examples.MSOFFICE_1, remove=True)
292    #     for ext in test_mail_examples.MSOFFICE_1_IN:
293    #         self.assertIn(ext, new_html)
294    #     for ext in test_mail_examples.MSOFFICE_1_OUT:
295    #         self.assertNotIn(ext, new_html)
298class TestHtmlTools(BaseCase):
299    """ Test some of our generic utility functions about html """
301    def test_plaintext2html(self):
302        cases = [
303            ("First \nSecond \nThird\n \nParagraph\n\r--\nSignature paragraph", 'div',
304             "<div><p>First <br/>Second <br/>Third</p><p>Paragraph</p><p>--<br/>Signature paragraph</p></div>"),
305            ("First<p>It should be escaped</p>\nSignature", False,
306             "<p>First&lt;p&gt;It should be escaped&lt;/p&gt;<br/>Signature</p>")
307        ]
308        for content, container_tag, expected in cases:
309            html = plaintext2html(content, container_tag)
310            self.assertEqual(html, expected, 'plaintext2html is broken')
312    def test_append_to_html(self):
313        test_samples = [
314            ('<!DOCTYPE...><HTML encoding="blah">some <b>content</b></HtMl>', '--\nYours truly', True, True, False,
315             '<!DOCTYPE...><html encoding="blah">some <b>content</b>\n<pre>--\nYours truly</pre>\n</html>'),
316            ('<!DOCTYPE...><HTML encoding="blah">some <b>content</b></HtMl>', '--\nYours truly', True, False, False,
317             '<!DOCTYPE...><html encoding="blah">some <b>content</b>\n<p>--<br/>Yours truly</p>\n</html>'),
318            ('<html><body>some <b>content</b></body></html>', '--\nYours & <truly>', True, True, False,
319             '<html><body>some <b>content</b>\n<pre>--\nYours &amp; &lt;truly&gt;</pre>\n</body></html>'),
320            ('<html><body>some <b>content</b></body></html>', '<!DOCTYPE...>\n<html><body>\n<p>--</p>\n<p>Yours truly</p>\n</body>\n</html>', False, False, False,
321             '<html><body>some <b>content</b>\n\n\n<p>--</p>\n<p>Yours truly</p>\n\n\n</body></html>'),
322        ]
323        for html, content, plaintext_flag, preserve_flag, container_tag, expected in test_samples:
324            self.assertEqual(append_content_to_html(html, content, plaintext_flag, preserve_flag, container_tag), expected, 'append_content_to_html is broken')
326    def test_is_html_empty(self):
327        void_strings_samples = ['', False, ' ']
328        for content in void_strings_samples:
329            self.assertTrue(is_html_empty(content))
331        void_html_samples = ['<p><br></p>', '<p><br> </p>', '<p><br /></p >']
332        for content in void_html_samples:
333            self.assertTrue(is_html_empty(content), 'Failed with %s' % content)
335        valid_html_samples = ['<p><br>1</p>', '<p>1<br > </p>']
336        for content in valid_html_samples:
337            self.assertFalse(is_html_empty(content))
339    def test_prepend_html_content(self):
340        body = """
341            <html>
342                <body>
343                    <div>test</div>
344                </body>
345            </html>
346        """
348        content = "<span>content</span>"
350        result = prepend_html_content(body, content)
351        result = re.sub(r'[\s\t]', '', result)
352        self.assertEqual(result, "<html><body><span>content</span><div>test</div></body></html>")
354        body = "<div>test</div>"
355        content = "<span>content</span>"
357        result = prepend_html_content(body, content)
358        result = re.sub(r'[\s\t]', '', result)
359        self.assertEqual(result, "<span>content</span><div>test</div>")
361        body = """
362            <body>
363                <div>test</div>
364            </body>
365        """
367        result = prepend_html_content(body, content)
368        result = re.sub(r'[\s\t]', '', result)
369        self.assertEqual(result, "<body><span>content</span><div>test</div></body>")
371        body = """
372            <html>
373                <body>
374                    <div>test</div>
375                </body>
376            </html>
377        """
379        content = """
380            <html>
381                <body>
382                    <div>test</div>
383                </body>
384            </html>
385        """
386        result = prepend_html_content(body, content)
387        result = re.sub(r'[\s\t]', '', result)
388        self.assertEqual(result, "<html><body><div>test</div><div>test</div></body></html>")
391class TestEmailTools(BaseCase):
392    """ Test some of our generic utility functions for emails """
394    def test_email_split(self):
395        cases = [
396            ("John <12345@gmail.com>", ['12345@gmail.com']),  # regular form
397            ("d@x; 1@2", ['d@x', '1@2']),  # semi-colon + extra space
398            ("'(ss)' <123@gmail.com>, 'foo' <foo@bar>", ['123@gmail.com', 'foo@bar']),  # comma + single-quoting
399            ('"john@gmail.com"<johnny@gmail.com>', ['johnny@gmail.com']),  # double-quoting
400            ('"<jg>" <johnny@gmail.com>', ['johnny@gmail.com']),  # double-quoting with brackets
401        ]
402        for text, expected in cases:
403            self.assertEqual(email_split(text), expected, 'email_split is broken')
405    def test_email_formataddr(self):
406        email = 'joe@example.com'
407        email_idna = 'joe@examplé.com'
408        cases = [
409            # (name, address),          charsets            expected
410            (('', email),               ['ascii', 'utf-8'], 'joe@example.com'),
411            (('joe', email),            ['ascii', 'utf-8'], '"joe" <joe@example.com>'),
412            (('joe doe', email),        ['ascii', 'utf-8'], '"joe doe" <joe@example.com>'),
413            (('joe"doe', email),        ['ascii', 'utf-8'], '"joe\\"doe" <joe@example.com>'),
414            (('joé', email),            ['ascii'],          '=?utf-8?b?am/DqQ==?= <joe@example.com>'),
415            (('joé', email),            ['utf-8'],          '"joé" <joe@example.com>'),
416            (('', email_idna),          ['ascii'],          'joe@xn--exampl-gva.com'),
417            (('', email_idna),          ['utf-8'],          'joe@examplé.com'),
418            (('joé', email_idna),       ['ascii'],          '=?utf-8?b?am/DqQ==?= <joe@xn--exampl-gva.com>'),
419            (('joé', email_idna),       ['utf-8'],          '"joé" <joe@examplé.com>'),
420            (('', 'joé@example.com'),   ['ascii', 'utf-8'], 'joé@example.com'),
421        ]
423        for pair, charsets, expected in cases:
424            for charset in charsets:
425                with self.subTest(pair=pair, charset=charset):
426                    self.assertEqual(formataddr(pair, charset), expected)
429class EmailConfigCase(SavepointCase):
430    @patch.dict("odoo.tools.config.options", {"email_from": "settings@example.com"})
431    def test_default_email_from(self, *args):
432        """Email from setting is respected."""
433        # ICP setting is more important
434        ICP = self.env["ir.config_parameter"].sudo()
435        ICP.set_param("mail.catchall.domain", "example.org")
436        ICP.set_param("mail.default.from", "icp")
437        message = self.env["ir.mail_server"].build_email(
438            False, "recipient@example.com", "Subject",
439            "The body of an email",
440        )
441        self.assertEqual(message["From"], "icp@example.org")
442        # Without ICP, the config file/CLI setting is used
443        ICP.set_param("mail.default.from", False)
444        message = self.env["ir.mail_server"].build_email(
445            False, "recipient@example.com", "Subject",
446            "The body of an email",
447        )
448        self.assertEqual(message["From"], "settings@example.com")
450    def test_email_from_rewrite(self):
451        get_email_from = self.env['ir.mail_server']._get_email_from
452        set_param = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].set_param
454        # Standard case, no setting
455        set_param('mail.force.smtp.from', False)
456        set_param('mail.dynamic.smtp.from', False)
457        set_param('mail.catchall.domain', 'odoo.example.com')
459        email_from, return_path = get_email_from('admin@test.example.com')
460        self.assertEqual(email_from, 'admin@test.example.com')
461        self.assertFalse(return_path)
463        email_from, return_path = get_email_from('"Admin" <admin@test.example.com>')
464        self.assertEqual(email_from, '"Admin" <admin@test.example.com>')
465        self.assertFalse(return_path)
467        # We always force the email FROM
468        set_param('mail.force.smtp.from', 'email_force@domain.com')
469        set_param('mail.dynamic.smtp.from', False)
470        set_param('mail.catchall.domain', 'odoo.example.com')
472        email_from, return_path = get_email_from('admin@test.example.com')
473        self.assertEqual(email_from, '"admin@test.example.com" <email_force@domain.com>')
474        self.assertEqual(return_path, 'email_force@domain.com')
476        email_from, return_path = get_email_from('"Admin" <admin@test.example.com>')
477        self.assertEqual(email_from, '"Admin (admin@test.example.com)" <email_force@domain.com>')
478        self.assertEqual(return_path, 'email_force@domain.com')
480        # We always force the email FROM (notification email contains a name part)
481        set_param('mail.force.smtp.from', '"Your notification bot" <email_force@domain.com>')
482        set_param('mail.dynamic.smtp.from', False)
483        set_param('mail.catchall.domain', 'odoo.example.com')
485        email_from, return_path = get_email_from('"Admin" <admin@test.example.com>')
486        self.assertEqual(email_from, '"Admin (admin@test.example.com)" <email_force@domain.com>',
487                         msg='Should drop the name part of the forced email')
488        self.assertEqual(return_path, 'email_force@domain.com')
490        # We dynamically force the email FROM
491        set_param('mail.force.smtp.from', False)
492        set_param('mail.dynamic.smtp.from', 'notification@odoo.example.com')
493        set_param('mail.catchall.domain', 'odoo.example.com')
495        email_from, return_path = get_email_from('"Admin" <admin@test.example.com>')
496        self.assertEqual(email_from, '"Admin (admin@test.example.com)" <notification@odoo.example.com>',
497                         msg='Domain is not the same as the catchall domain, we should force the email FROM')
498        self.assertEqual(return_path, 'notification@odoo.example.com')
500        email_from, return_path = get_email_from('"Admin" <admin@odoo.example.com>')
501        self.assertEqual(email_from, '"Admin" <admin@odoo.example.com>',
502                         msg='Domain is the same as the catchall domain, we should not force the email FROM')
503        self.assertFalse(return_path)
505        # We dynamically force the email FROM (notification email contains a name part)
506        set_param('mail.force.smtp.from', False)
507        set_param('mail.dynamic.smtp.from', '"Your notification bot" <notification@odoo.example.com>')
508        set_param('mail.catchall.domain', 'odoo.example.com')
510        email_from, return_path = get_email_from('"Admin" <admin@test.example.com>')
511        self.assertEqual(email_from, '"Admin (admin@test.example.com)" <notification@odoo.example.com>',
512                         msg='Domain is not the same as the catchall domain, we should force the email FROM')
513        self.assertEqual(return_path, 'notification@odoo.example.com')
515        email_from, return_path = get_email_from('"Admin" <admin@odoo.example.com>')
516        self.assertEqual(email_from, '"Admin" <admin@odoo.example.com>',
517                         msg='Domain is the same as the catchall domain, we should not force the email FROM')
518        self.assertFalse(return_path)
521class TestEmailMessage(TransactionCase):
522    def test_as_string(self):
523        """Ensure all email sent are bpo-34424 and bpo-35805 free"""
525        message_truth = (
526            r'From: .+? <joe@example\.com>\r\n'
527            r'To: .+? <joe@example\.com>\r\n'
528            r'Message-Id: <[0-9a-z.-]+@[0-9a-z.-]+>\r\n'
529            r'References: (<[0-9a-z.-]+@[0-9a-z.-]+>\s*)+\r\n'
530            r'\r\n'
531        )
533        class FakeSMTP:
534            """SMTP stub"""
535            def __init__(this):
536                this.email_sent = False
538            # Python 3 before 3.7.4
539            def sendmail(this, smtp_from, smtp_to_list, message_str,
540                         mail_options=(), rcpt_options=()):
541                this.email_sent = True
542                self.assertRegex(message_str, message_truth)
544            # Python 3.7.4+
545            def send_message(this, message, smtp_from, smtp_to_list,
546                             mail_options=(), rcpt_options=()):
547                message_str = message.as_string()
548                this.email_sent = True
549                self.assertRegex(message_str, message_truth)
551        msg = email.message.EmailMessage(policy=email.policy.SMTP)
552        msg['From'] = '"Joé Doe" <joe@example.com>'
553        msg['To'] = '"Joé Doe" <joe@example.com>'
555        # Message-Id & References fields longer than 77 chars (bpo-35805)
556        msg['Message-Id'] = '<929227342217024.1596730490.324691772460938-example-30661-some.reference@test-123.example.com>'
557        msg['References'] = '<345227342212345.1596730777.324691772483620-example-30453-other.reference@test-123.example.com>'
559        smtp = FakeSMTP()
560        self.patch(threading.currentThread(), 'testing', False)
561        self.env['ir.mail_server'].send_email(msg, smtp_session=smtp)
562        self.assertTrue(smtp.email_sent)