1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
4from odoo import models, fields, api, exceptions, _
5from odoo.tools import format_datetime
8class HrAttendance(models.Model):
9    _name = "hr.attendance"
10    _description = "Attendance"
11    _order = "check_in desc"
13    def _default_employee(self):
14        return self.env.user.employee_id
16    employee_id = fields.Many2one('hr.employee', string="Employee", default=_default_employee, required=True, ondelete='cascade', index=True)
17    department_id = fields.Many2one('hr.department', string="Department", related="employee_id.department_id",
18        readonly=True)
19    check_in = fields.Datetime(string="Check In", default=fields.Datetime.now, required=True)
20    check_out = fields.Datetime(string="Check Out")
21    worked_hours = fields.Float(string='Worked Hours', compute='_compute_worked_hours', store=True, readonly=True)
23    def name_get(self):
24        result = []
25        for attendance in self:
26            if not attendance.check_out:
27                result.append((attendance.id, _("%(empl_name)s from %(check_in)s") % {
28                    'empl_name': attendance.employee_id.name,
29                    'check_in': format_datetime(self.env, attendance.check_in, dt_format=False),
30                }))
31            else:
32                result.append((attendance.id, _("%(empl_name)s from %(check_in)s to %(check_out)s") % {
33                    'empl_name': attendance.employee_id.name,
34                    'check_in': format_datetime(self.env, attendance.check_in, dt_format=False),
35                    'check_out': format_datetime(self.env, attendance.check_out, dt_format=False),
36                }))
37        return result
39    @api.depends('check_in', 'check_out')
40    def _compute_worked_hours(self):
41        for attendance in self:
42            if attendance.check_out and attendance.check_in:
43                delta = attendance.check_out - attendance.check_in
44                attendance.worked_hours = delta.total_seconds() / 3600.0
45            else:
46                attendance.worked_hours = False
48    @api.constrains('check_in', 'check_out')
49    def _check_validity_check_in_check_out(self):
50        """ verifies if check_in is earlier than check_out. """
51        for attendance in self:
52            if attendance.check_in and attendance.check_out:
53                if attendance.check_out < attendance.check_in:
54                    raise exceptions.ValidationError(_('"Check Out" time cannot be earlier than "Check In" time.'))
56    @api.constrains('check_in', 'check_out', 'employee_id')
57    def _check_validity(self):
58        """ Verifies the validity of the attendance record compared to the others from the same employee.
59            For the same employee we must have :
60                * maximum 1 "open" attendance record (without check_out)
61                * no overlapping time slices with previous employee records
62        """
63        for attendance in self:
64            # we take the latest attendance before our check_in time and check it doesn't overlap with ours
65            last_attendance_before_check_in = self.env['hr.attendance'].search([
66                ('employee_id', '=', attendance.employee_id.id),
67                ('check_in', '<=', attendance.check_in),
68                ('id', '!=', attendance.id),
69            ], order='check_in desc', limit=1)
70            if last_attendance_before_check_in and last_attendance_before_check_in.check_out and last_attendance_before_check_in.check_out > attendance.check_in:
71                raise exceptions.ValidationError(_("Cannot create new attendance record for %(empl_name)s, the employee was already checked in on %(datetime)s") % {
72                    'empl_name': attendance.employee_id.name,
73                    'datetime': format_datetime(self.env, attendance.check_in, dt_format=False),
74                })
76            if not attendance.check_out:
77                # if our attendance is "open" (no check_out), we verify there is no other "open" attendance
78                no_check_out_attendances = self.env['hr.attendance'].search([
79                    ('employee_id', '=', attendance.employee_id.id),
80                    ('check_out', '=', False),
81                    ('id', '!=', attendance.id),
82                ], order='check_in desc', limit=1)
83                if no_check_out_attendances:
84                    raise exceptions.ValidationError(_("Cannot create new attendance record for %(empl_name)s, the employee hasn't checked out since %(datetime)s") % {
85                        'empl_name': attendance.employee_id.name,
86                        'datetime': format_datetime(self.env, no_check_out_attendances.check_in, dt_format=False),
87                    })
88            else:
89                # we verify that the latest attendance with check_in time before our check_out time
90                # is the same as the one before our check_in time computed before, otherwise it overlaps
91                last_attendance_before_check_out = self.env['hr.attendance'].search([
92                    ('employee_id', '=', attendance.employee_id.id),
93                    ('check_in', '<', attendance.check_out),
94                    ('id', '!=', attendance.id),
95                ], order='check_in desc', limit=1)
96                if last_attendance_before_check_out and last_attendance_before_check_in != last_attendance_before_check_out:
97                    raise exceptions.ValidationError(_("Cannot create new attendance record for %(empl_name)s, the employee was already checked in on %(datetime)s") % {
98                        'empl_name': attendance.employee_id.name,
99                        'datetime': format_datetime(self.env, last_attendance_before_check_out.check_in, dt_format=False),
100                    })
102    @api.returns('self', lambda value: value.id)
103    def copy(self):
104        raise exceptions.UserError(_('You cannot duplicate an attendance.'))